2566/Woodland Training Sessions
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Woodland Training Sessions | |
Date of Scene: | 22 July 2020 |
Location: | Wilderness Campsites |
Synopsis: | Logan and Lorna pause in training to have a chat during a water break. |
Cast of Characters: | Lorna Dane, Logan Howlett
- Lorna Dane has posed:
It was warm outside, and with the promise that the afternoon might yet get hotter still. Which was why the morning training session had been a relatively good idea. The problem being that now as it climbed toward afternoon, it was getting hot enough that Lorna needed a break. She was sweating, and breathing hard from the training session. Which had been more than her simple 'this is what I know' attempts. She sat down on the ground after another go, and reached up to sweep the hair that had escaped her ponytail and wipe the sweat from her brow.
"Right. I need a breather." She murmured, and shifted to stretch her arm out, floating the metal water bottle to her grip and popping it open with another flick of her wrist.
A glance was spared for the clearing around them, the leaves on the trees made a great deal of shade against the sunlight streaming in from above, with dappled flickers cutting through her and there.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Wolverine barely has a sheen to his skin from the training. He removes the sparring pads from his hands and returns to the carved log he's been gradually making a better bench out from. He squints at Lorna and hums deeply, the sound almost like a growl. "Yea, this is doin' you some good. Think you'll be surprised that'll even help your powers. We aren't just workin' on technique. Reflexes and fightin' intuition have room for improvement."
He watches the fall and rise of her chest, listens to her heartbeat, and takes a quick sniff to gauge where she is in terms of exhaustion. "Always good to push your limit in terms of fatigue too. Once we brush up some of your skills, gonna half to work you out real hard then fight. That's the real test. Doin' this when you hurt and are tired."
He pauses then compliments, "Good effort though... I can tell you are takin' this seriously."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Loran laughed as she lowered the water bottle from her lips. "You don't have to try to sell me on why training is a good idea Logan. Just because I've spent the past few years playing Princess and schmoozing with foreign dignitaries doesn't mean I value the it any less." Her voice still filled with amusement. "It's been rare I ever got to any breaking points or limits with my powers, now that I think of it.." She took another sip of her water, before closing it up and exhaling a breath.
She wasn't at the point that she wouldn't be able to keep going, but did need a breather and some water. "And the physical toll getting to those limits or pushing past them? It's been bad. So maybe you're right and it'll be a benefit there too."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Eh, I'm tryin' to get better at bein' positive and motivatin'. Might want to try bein' a teacher one of these days instead of just the guy cuttin' the rose bushes." He nods to her, "I remember when you joined up before. I'd only been runnin' with this crew a few years then. Never really questioned your ability t'kick butt with your powers. Glad the 'princess' routine didn' make you soft."
He looks up toward the sky and muses, "Figurin' out ways to push those limits safely isn't easy but worthwhile. One the reasons I disappear every now and then. Don't want to hurt anyone if I fail."
"So... I help y'get even better hopefully, then what? Any new insights on how you think your renion with 'dear ole' dad' is gonna go?" He raises an eyebrow as he locks gaze with her.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly, "I had scheduled training with my powers back when I first arrived in Genosha, and it was a bit of a war zone when everything first came down. There were more pitched battles and fights with the fleeing Magistrates than I'd seen before." She mused, and took another sip of her water bottle.
"I think you'd be a good teacher. At least you'd be able to keep the kids in line." She added the last bit with a bit of the same dry humor that had been in her voice as before. Regarding his comment about how to get to those limits 'safely' earned a raise of her eyebrows.
"I can level a city block if I'm outside the Danger Room and try to use my powers to their limits. I can't really practice in the world beyond so easily..." She trailed off, thoughtful at his comment about her father and what might happen. She shook her head, her amusement fading from her expression as she glanced down.
"Not really. I suppose I should ask Wanda and Pietro, but.." Another shrug. "I don't want to pester them with what might be. They're Avengers and have plenty going on as it is. If he's a threat they'll step in.. but.. I hate going to them with issues that might be nothing."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan guffaws, "Ha. Yea, some of those kids need more tough love. Scott's not easy, but.. There's more that can be done."
There is a thoughtful nod, he laces his hands together and rests his chin on his knuckles, leaning forward from the log. "Gotta admit, that's a scale I struggle understandin'. Glad I don't have that responsibility. I'm bad enough as I am. But maybe there's different limits then just 'boom'. Y'know.. like precision, number of things y'manipulation, speed. Doin' it blindfolded. Doin' it while drunk. Practicin' while sleep deprived."
He unlaces his hand and rubs the back of his neck, "I didn't help me make friends but.. I use to t'take all the fights I could. Even the dumb ones, never know what you will learn that you can use in the bad ones."
His brow knits for a moment, he grunts. "Hey.. um.. if I'm gettin' too much into your business, just let me know. I made the offer... cause.. Noone should have to face Magneto alone, and having bones of metal.. this about what I can do to help."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, "I have actually, I'm pretty good at manipulating intricate fields and can fuse metal to the fibers in my clothes. I can fry one cell phone out of a crowd of them. My control has always been pretty refined.. The difference between my father and I being well.. he's had about a century worth of practice using higher levels of power than I normally use. He's better at not losing control when using vast amounts of electromagnetic power. I'm... less so." She grimaced and bit back a sigh as she turned her focus to the ground in front of her. She concentrated, her hand stretching out and the dirt shook slightly as a few tiny particles of iron came flying out of the earth to twirl between her hands.
A green eyed gaze turned back to Logan and she arched a brow upward at his comment about getting 'too into her business'. She smiled, and shook her head. "You're fine. I appreciate it. You don't tiptoe around me like others that are worried about my mental state. I know everyone here means well, and they support me.. But it can get to be a bit much."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
His eyebrow raises, and he stares at her. "Well... if there's one thing I really understand, its bein' unstable, Lorna. Got a lot of experience climbing out of that hole, and well.. tipetoe'ing doesn't do any good. You gotta face your demons. Get acclimated to 'em. Accept 'em, channel 'em."
He smirks, "And I don't exactly tiptoe around anythin' do I? Glad you are appreciatin' it. Instead of speculatin' about your powers, we'll just keep doin' this and maybe I'll try programin' the danger room sometime, with some unique Logan inspired scenarios."
Watching the tiny motes of iron twirl, he reaches over to a tin mug and drinks a mouthful of lukewarm water.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once back as he raised an eyebrow in her direction. "I think I scared them a bit much with my instability and being in charge of a nation. The same fears that most people have 'will I turn out to be a second Magneto'? Am I going to go off the deep end and start slaughtering humans or try to take over the world?" She tilted her head, "That's always been a sticking point, even before I went through the genocide on Genosha caused by the Sentinels." She was able to say this evenly, and without even a hitch in her voice. That it simply //was//. Which to be fair was an improvement to how she'd been months ago.
An exhalation of breath followed as she let the little iron pebbles fall back to the ground, her powers falling away from them in an idle way.
"You'll sit down and program a whole scenario? Scott will be happy to hear that."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan offers Lorna a smile and nods, "Guess they'd feel the same way if I was at the helm of somethin' important like that." He chuckles lowly, "You know, you are probably carryin' the burden of people like me and your father. X-men have a long history of dealin' with instability, and once you came around, I bet I'd left them all pretty damn gun-shy. Sorry about that."
He grunts and looks away, "Ain't doin' it for Scott, but yea... X-men and students alike need to able to deal with my kind of tactics, cause I ain't the only one usin' them."
He stands and sniffs, gazing in the direction of the lake. "Maybe we take a hike back to the lake.. If you get over-heated again, I'll just dunk ya, and we can keep goin'."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Another shrug caused her shoulders to rise and fall as she dusted off her hands and considered his words. "I don't know if it's because of you, but I do know that my father's actions have earned more than a few judgements sent my way. More than Pietro or Wanda, I have his powers. It's impossible to not see those ties between us." She'd also gone to Magneto in Genosha, while the twins had left to join the Avengers.
"I'm in favor for the lake breeze, less so for the dunking me into it." She shot back, but got up after gathering her water bottle in her grip.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"You've been with us long enough, Lorna.. That any X-men should know better. Yea, you went to him... and that hurt. But seems pretty clear to me that you are about helpin' people the best way y'can. I'll admit, I never see Magneto the way you do. Just can't get past his faults, but doesn't mean I'll project 'em on to you."
He starts heading toward the lake, "Fine. No dunkin', though we might practice on the shore. Not my fault if you fall in."