2665/Luck of Mutants
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Luck of Mutants | |
Date of Scene: | 28 July 2020 |
Location: | Breakstone Lake |
Synopsis: | Domino and Lorna chat, and then Creed shows up. |
Cast of Characters: | Neena Thurman, Lorna Dane, Victor Creed
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Hot. As. Hell.
It's one of those days where the humidity is such that it's better to just not wear clothes because the moment one begins to sweat, they won't air-dry anyway. And this is up and away from the City!
There are few quiet places where the spotted merc can relax, knowing there isn't a target at her back; some upstart trying to take a shot at her to boost street cred is actually a 'thing' in her line. So, the best (and only) real place where she can go for a leisurely swim?
Breakstone Lake.
Black hair on a pale white background pops up in the middle of the lake, only to show later a knee, two knees and toes rising to the surface as Domino makes the grand attempt at a back float. She's got a black bikini on, and for a three count, she actually lies still before she takes a deep breath and flips up and backwards, effectively sending her diving-- backwards. The last bit of her, the pale legs and feet disappear beneath the surface again.. until her head pops up once more a little closer to the shore. She's not done, though..
A pile of black leather clothes sit at the base of a tree, in the shade, as well as a cooler of sandwiches and beer.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was heading back after having finished off a training set with Logan, a beer in hand as she walked back toward the Mansion grounds. She was sweaty, and down to a sports bra and pair of shorts. But having a cold beer and having chilled out with Logan for a while had helped.
The idle thought of jumping into the lake played out as she walked, and spotted what looked to be a picnic at first glance. A pause followed though as she recognized the jumpsuit of black leather and her green eyed gaze swung back to the splashes in the water close by. She blinked, coming along to the shore's edge as she stood there sipping at her beer. "Have you seriously been visiting just to use the lake this summer? Because I can respect that." She called.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Once again, the albino merc lies upon the surface, rolling briefly before spitting out some lake water as a 'plume' to show the level of ease and comfort she's got in the water in response to the hail. "Yeah, actually.. city sucks in the summer." There's a grin as she gets her feet under her, and she treads water with an even wave, her arms helping to keep her afloat. "What's the point of being a mutant if you can't use the place as a summer get-away?"
With that, Domino leans forward to do a quick breast stroke to get her feet on dirt, at the very least. She's loathe to come out quite yet.
"You look like you could use a quick swim. Unless you use the pool instead?" There's a flashed grin given, "But will all those furry guys, I'd end up picking fuzz off for the rest of the day."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna arched a brow, and took a few steps into the lake's water line, enough to leave her ankles wet at least. "I have to shower and go shopping for another dress. All these charity balls require me to look half way presentable." She drawled, and shrugged. "I'm attending the one tomorrow night for Mutant Town's restoration.. And hopefully I won't end up murdering any of Senator Kelly's supporters that show up." She pursed her lips together briefly, taking another sip of her beer.
"And the pool gets too warm. At least this lake is fed by a spring, so it's chilly by comparison." She glanced back to the white and back mutant lazing about in front of her.
"But seriously.. don't tell me you've been about because of Creed? I know he wants to locate the Genosha bottles. I am working on procuring them myself."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino lifts water-logged arms to pull her hair back and out of her face, giving that view of the stark contrasts to her face. The black against the pale certainly does lend credence to her moniker. "Don't murder him. That's pushing into my job. I gotta keep food on the table." Unless, of course, she raids the refrigerator again for a sandwich. Again.
"I'm willing to do it for a flat rate."
She lifts a shoulder for a shrug, "Still, devil you know. Maybe someone can work as a handler. Give him the right whispers."
Black brows arch on a white background, and she cants her head, a smirk rising with black lips. "Nah.. not because of Creed, actually. He's just a side-benefit." The large.. feral man a 'side benefit'? "I'm actually here because I got the invite. I'm a god's honest.. uh.." X-Man? No... not quite.
"I've got my own team here." That should do.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
The green haired woman sent Domino a dubious look over her can of beer in her grip. "I didn't say I'd murder him, just his supporters. They like to throw things my way like soda cans, and bottles." She shrugged, looking more than a little irritated with the subject. Senator Kelly and his like tended to bring out the worst in her.
"You mean asking someone that can transform and get involved around him without him knowing..?" She shook her head and bit back a sigh as the subject shifted to the topic of why Domino was even there. It was something that Logan had commented on before, so she figured it was good to get something figured out.
"Right..." The tone clearly meant that Lorna didn't believe Domino's explanation even a little bit and she took another sip of her beer. "You know there are kids here and this is supposed to be a school..?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino points to her nose with a pale, manicured finger and grins again. Shaking her head to get some of the water out of her ears, she holds up a finger and dunks herself once more to feel the cool of the water before rising again, and again, shakes her head, sending water spraying.
It's that last bit that causes her to cant her head, brows rising in askance, and her own mien shifts slightly. Her words come out low, though it's not a challenge, simply a statement. "My business here is my own s'far as that goes. I made it clear I know there's kids here, and what I do and what this school is is two different things. Believe it or not, Lorna, I remind other people who //teach// here that. So, make sure you preach to them, 'k?" Of course, she's not naming names. "You got 16 year old kids who are being taught it's okay to kill.. My book, that ain't right. I thought this was Xavier's." So..
"As far as Genosha? It's my home too. You think I trust those others to actually //care// what happens to us?"
Now, Domino starts a walk from the water in Lorna's direction. "I'm a mutant, Lorna. I believe that we got a right to exist. I don't think anyone should have a copy of our genetics to 'turn us off' like we're some sort of freak." Says the albino born in a petri dish to a green-haired princess.
"I'm on //our// side."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, "I was referring to the cooler that's likely filled with beers unattended and the woods being filled with kids trying to make out and be sneaky about things." Her voice dry and unbothered by Domino's anger. She sipped her own drink.
"And I don't teach here. I don't approve of what the Professor does with training secret teams to go out and fight and possibly die on behalf of his dreams. My father wasn't innocent on that account either.." She muttered, "But they are mutants and they have to learn to defend themselves one way or another. Because as we both know the world doesn't care if they're kids." She arched a brow upward.
"And I agree. Our own people should be the ones with Genosha's bottles. My family is in there. I am working on it. Trust me when I say that, please. I have managed to keep our people alive for the past six months and intact. I can get Genosha's bottles returned and restored. But I am attempting to do so in a way that is safest for everyone. I won't risk their lives."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino's mien shifts immediately to a lopsided grin, and she raises a hand to scratch at wet hair. "Oh." There's a chuckle and she takes a step past towards the cooler. "They know better than to steal from me." It's only couple of steps before she reaches the cool plastic, and with a *creak* it opens and she reaches in to offer a toss of a sandwich in the other woman's direction.
"See, I approve. Finally, he's figuring out that peace and love and harmony don't work if the other side doesn't care. It's like..." Domino takes a sandwich for herself and opens the foil to take a bite. "India. During the war. They were massacred by the thousands by the Germans when they did their peaceful protests because the Germans didn't have a conscience. They got their freedom from England because the English did." She shrugs. "When you're considered an animal, all the peace, love and stuff doesn't work. Gotta bite 'em."
Now, she takes a bite of her sandwich and chews slowly before swallowing. "I was there to free the bottles," Domino reminds. "Right now, I don't trust anything unless I know where they are too. I don't have t'touch 'em. But when I can't get a straight answer as to where they are, after I risked everything for 'em?" Lady luck is an amazing thing. "I helped put 'em into the Limbo basket only because I had no way of carrying them. That wasn't 'giving them' away to anyone. Frankly, I'm kinda pissed that they're not back at the mansion, far as I know." As far as she's concerned, the mansion is a bastion.. minus a Sentinel or three, mind.
"But," and she smiles tightly, "That's for you. I got other work to do."
Another bite of the sandwich is taken, and she closes the cooler up and gathers up her leathers, the hints of firearms peeking through.
"I'll see you in Genosha."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged once more as Domino's demeanor shifted. "If they're willing to try to risk Logan catching them, or getting fake ID's to Harry's..." She waved a hand, "Teenagers are stupid." Shifted on the lake's bank, waiting as Domino climbed out of the water toward her gear again and she caught the sandwich tossed in her direction with a murmured thanks.
"I have my own issues from reading Ghandi's arguments on women, but that's neither here nor there." She added on the subject of India and its freedoms. A glance follows as she inspected the sandwich and took a bite after figuring out what it was.
"The Teen Titans have the bottles. All of them. I made my demands, ended up storming out of a meeting.. and got lectured by a kid for my trouble. But I think I made my point. We'll see." She murmured, "I'm giving them a bit to realize things before I storm the castle sort to speak." A bite and she fell silent, and switched to her drink.
"It's not ideal, I am aware." She paused and considered Domino. "Be careful of swimming around Genosha for a bit, yeah? I've got a few defensive things setup that would make it not such a good time for people."
- Victor Creed has posed:
"Titans, huh?" comes a masculine, low voice from the treeline. It's not a voice of someone more familiar to the Mansion area, but someone that definitely causes more of a stir when he makes his presence known.
Victor saunters into full view as if he did this all the time, moving to the cooler to kick it open with the edge of a booted toe. His eyes are on the women, even while selecting a beer from Domino's stash.
"That sounds .... /doable/."
Victor looks more directly at Lorna. "By the way, you smell like shit." It isn't aggressive, so much as amused and mildly disgusted. "Or Logan. One or the other."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino barks a laugh, easily agreeing with the other mutant. "Add hormones with gifts? I don't know how the Professor does it." She remembers when she was a teenager; how it seems so many years and experiences ago, making her the woman, the merc, the killer she is.
"Pfft," is a quick response regarding Gandhi, however. "Remember the time. And the country. Can't look at it all through our eyes. S'problem with history. It happened back then." Domino is carrying her cooler, and looks to be stepping away further, towards the trees and her parked car. (Maybe it's on the grass...?)
She stops in her tracks, however, blue eyes widening, and then narrowing to slivers in what might feel like anger, or real annoyance. This is a woman who wears emotions on her sleeve- hello open book. Except when gambling!
"They did.. what?" The merc in a bathing suit turns around to fully face Lorna, and she sets her cooler down. "What?" That's more a statement of, 'When am I going to storm the castle?' than anything else, honestly.
Victor's approach and appearance as he kicks HER cooler open to grab a sandwich is met with, "Hey.. get your own damned.." Beer.
Okay, she'll share.
His pronouncement, however, echoed Domino's own consideration, after a fashion. Still, the albino merc is more than happy to lend her own voice, "Could do.." is offered thoughtfully. "Little skill, little luck.."
It's that other bit? Domino finishes her own sandwich finally and crumples the foil up before tossing it back into the cooler. "Ever the charmer."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged at Domino once, stepping out of the shallows of the lake's gentle waves. She wore a sports bra and pair of shorts, she'd been training with Logan previously, and the sweat still clung to her skin. It was hot outside, and she'd been at it for a while. A sandwich and beer each hand. She was clearly, not prepared to deal with Creed's sudden appearance.
And her spine went ridgid at his stepping out of the tree line toward them. Her lips twisted into a scowl and her eyes narrowed, "You aren't welcomed here. I thought Clarice made that much clear." Logan was going to be //pissed//. "I told her to tell you that I would meet you elsewhere." Her lips pursed into a thin line.
- Victor Creed has posed:
"Made what clear?" Victor asks. He doesn't close on them, he stays near the cooler for the moment, flicking the top off of his beer (it falls somewhere in the dirt and grass: Victor doesn't much care about littering). It doesn't appear to be that he's directly sassing her with the question. "No bannings from the forest that /I/ am aware of," Creed adds, with an edge of amusement at the idea. Clearly, no signs were posted.
"Eh, haven't seen Clarice lately. You want to meet with me, then? First I'm hearin' of it is right now. Didn't come for you." Creed is relatively mellow at the moment, seemingly, though he has an air of being alert, watchful, not complacent.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It's as clear as a neon sign as Lorna stiffens at the large man's appearance. Oddly enough (or not so much), the merc is more theatrically annoyed with the grabbing of a beer than anything else. What else is she going to drink on the way 'home'?
"You owe me, Creed." is murmured.
Still, the back and forth is obviously not for her, and Domino makes something of a show to take back her cooler, but not before she grudgingly takes another can out. "Last one." Now, the albino merc starts to make her way back to the woods towards her car with something of a backhanded wave. "See you around."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's lips pursed into a thin line as she ditched the sandwich on the shore's edge, her can of beer crumbling in the magnetic sphere of power that lit up her hands. "If she didn't inform you well enough to stay out of these woods, and the surrounding area about the school.. then allow me to help make it simple for you." She bit out.
"Stay. Away. From the school and its grounds." She ignored Domino at the moment, her issue being entirely with Creed now. Her voice grinding in short, and irritated bursts.
"Otherwise we're going to have issues." Her jaw clenched together as she glared at Sabertooth, and she was definitely going to have to speak with Clarice again. It would seem somewhere Victor's purpose had either been lost... or the man was lying.
- Victor Creed has posed:
"So lacerating the students when they go into town is fine?" Creed shows his teeth, a deep growling laugh under it. His jokes tend to fall a little weirdly, because whether or not it is a JOKE is muddled. Hard to find it funny when a well known sociopathic serial murderer jokes about death. It's just not funny at some point.
"Issues? Sounds like my kind of fun. If you're attempting to drive me off, you're going about it wrong," Victor 'advises'. He drinks his beer, amber eyes bright at her. "I'm not here to hunt the children, momma bear. Boring prey. Your kids even /see/ me out here, I'm not doin my job." An elusive smirk flutters in, then becomes wider.
"I'm gonna free Magneto. You got a better way of doin' it than I do, works for me. I'm not an /idea/ man. I'm muscle. You need that...? Clarice or Domino can contact me." Victor moves to head after Domino, though should Lorna want him to stay, there's opportunity to call the monster back over, most likely...
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna knew that Gabby and Laura wouldn't necessarily listen to Logan's advice when it came to staying away from Victor's scent if they came across it again. Knew that there was a chance of more issues coming from it all if and when that happened. She didn't want to see what might happen. Not after she'd seen Logan and Victor's feral brawl in the woods before. It had been on another level from what the reports had suggested Sabertooth could do.
Her shoulders rolled back, her chin lifting a she leveled another glare at Creed. "I do have a better way of doing it. And I will be getting Genosha's bottles back in hand and safe. Go to a bar and get shit faced or whatever it is you do to relax. Because if you go against, and my father is freed later, I will be doing everything in my power to ruin your day."
- Victor Creed has posed:
"Aw, I was having such /good/ days, too," snickers Victor. He also gives her a cold little stare. It isn't offended exactly, it's analytic, a predator calculating how to pounce to get the mouse. "I kind of wonder what you think I'd /do/ with the cities if I got them. I'd bring you in on fixin' them. Just so we're /clear/." Victor rolls the edge of his tongue against his teeth, before he does go after Domino. "I'm not your enemy. ... Today."