2747/Picnic Date by the Lake

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Picnic Date by the Lake
Date of Scene: 02 August 2020
Location: Sweet Water Lake: Salem Center
Synopsis: Histories are told. Akwardness ensues.
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Carrie Kelley

Henry McCoy has posed:
Fresh air, sunshine and companionship was much needed. After the fantastic meeting with Bruce, there was palpable relief. He'd suggested a picnic, he knew of a wonderful park they could relax at. Plans were made, food arranged.

Henry arrived with a basket under one arm, a cooler in the other, and a blanket folded as well. He was happy as could be, enjoying the time outside and the time he was going to be able to spend with Carrie. He waited near the entrance, humming happily to himself.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Outside to enjoy the nice weather of the season was a good idea. And away from where any relatives might show up was a bonus as well. Carrie's not far behind Hank's arrival to the park where they'd agreed to meet. Wearing a loose sundress, sandals, and a pashmina she'd taken to having draped over her shoulders she approaches the easily spot mutant with a warm grin.

A wrapped box is tucked under one arm, while the other lifts a hand to brush her hair out of her face she greets, "Hey there, miss me?" teasingly. The hand swings down to rest against his elbow so she can lean in to press a quick kiss to his cheek in greeting. "This looks like a great place, Henry. Thanks for the suggestion... and thanks for dealing with meeting Bruce."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The sight of her brings a wide smile to his face. "Every day." He winks, returning the kiss to her cheek. "You look wonderful." He offers, nodding to her. He doesn't ask about the box, but it is clear he spotted it! "Shall we? I think I found a lovely place in the shade of one of the larger trees."

He motions to one of the large oaks - its canopy providing a dappled shade under. "Right about there, we can lay out the blanket and relax. I even checked for ants." He winks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley laughs at the suggestion of ants only to wrinkle her nose in a good natured grin. "I think I can handle a few ants in spite of their impressive strength. I'm bigger after all." Chuckling she adds, "Though not having to deal with them is nice as well. Looks like a great spot." The box is kept tucked beneath her arm without a word for now.

"So what goodies did you bring in that basket? ... I feel like I ought to be wearing a wolf mask while asking that," she adds in retrospect. "Though I think you'd be the safest Red Riding Hood ever."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He nods. "Comfort was my concern. Also, I do not know if you are allergic to ant bites, so better safe than sorry." He teases. "Not that I think you incapable of taking care of yourself." Henry comments, setting down the basket. "Some coldcut sandwiches, meats sliced from the deli. Chicken and turkey. Some carrots, celery and cauliflower, and some potato chips." A grin.

"Iced tea and sodas in the cooler, of course." A laugh at the mention of Red Riding Hood. "I don't think red goes well with the blue." He offers her a seat first. "Also, meeting Bruce was quite pleasant. He's a charming man."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"He can be... Just sometimes he's intimidating in spite of himself," Carrie points out only with a little laugh. "Usually when he's busy and has other things on his mind, but he rearely shows that to outsiders," she explains while stepping back to let the blanket be tossed out. "Sounds good to me. And thankfully I'm not allergic to ants, or bees, or anything. Though I do not do well under sunlight for long. That's what sunscreen is for." Which is probably why she has a particularily coconuty scent at the moment.

Once everything is lain out she holds out the box to Hank with a grin. "I got you a little something. It's no necklace but..." A little hint of color comes to her cheeks while she grins feeling nervous all over again just for giving a gift.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast grins. "I thought you may have changed your perfume." The man winks, motioning to the tree above. "Hence the tree. Fair skin requires a bit of forethought." He winks, slowly unpacking the picnic basket. Plates, napkins - even a couple plastic knives and forks. "What can I interest you in for a drink?"

His eyes go to the gift, a slight shyness to his posture. "You didn't have to..." He murmurs, taking the gift with a grin. He delicately opens the box, peering inside to inspect what it might contain.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smiles thankfully at the thoughtfulness with a nod of agreement. Carefully smooshing her skirt down with her hands she gives a little shrug. "No, I didn't have to. I wanted to." A slow grin spreads over her as she watches him opening the box. Inside is a bit of paper delicately wrapped around a neatly folded linen shirt. It's in an Indian style with a round and loose neckline, and decorated with golden thread in traditional designs. Even the sleeves are loose around the wrist to ensure freedom of movement as well as being pleasantly cool to wear.

"Not sure if it's your style... I thought it might be good for warmer weather. And the color is nice for you too," she adds with a littel chuckle before finally answering, "Iced tea for me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a look of genuine appreciation on his face, the man carefully taking the shirt out to inspect it. Fingers stroke over the fabric and the stitching, admiring the feel of the garment. "It is lovely." He beams, looking over to her. "I like it very much, thank you Carrie." Henry offers to her, leaning over to sneak in a kiss.

"I think the style is quite dashing. I love the look, the style." A grin. "I'll feel up to dancing like I am in a Bollywood production." He teases, leaning into her.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finds herself grinning when he stares at the item, and moreso after the kiss. The slight tension that had filled her relaxes as she leans against him in turn with a warm laugh. "Oh no, musicals and dancing, what have I done." A gentle nudge of her elbow to his side is given though. She wasn't really afeared of such a thing after all. It was all in good fun.

"I'm glad you like it. I spent a whole day trying to find something I thought you might like. May have bought myself something or other too but I was out shopping for you," she affirms with another grin. The talk of shopping though is put aside for now as she reaches for the picnic basket.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry ohs, quirking a brow. "Yes? Dare I ask what you got for yourself?" He waggles said brows after that. "And yes, even Bruce is a fan of musicals. He praised my singing, if you recall." He snickers, leaning back a bit and helping sort through the sandwiches.

The small veggie tray is pulled out, set down on the blanket. "I cannot envsion you out shopping all day..." He chortles, eyes on her. Next to open is the cooler, the man grabbing himself an iced tea. "Anything to drink?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches down to grasp the edge of her pashmina to lift up and wiggle the soft fabric in his direction with a grin. "I couldn't take my eyes off it. It's simple yet so pretty," she points out glancing down to it with a little bit of a pleased look in her eyes before she glances back to him. Another chuckle with hands spreading in a helpless shrug. "It was an outdoor market. Lots of walking so it wasn't too bad," she admits sheepishly.

"Iced tea, please. I save soda for when I need to stay up all night." And Red Bulls. She really ought to buy stock in that company for as much as she drinks. "An yeah, Bruce is a sponsor of the arts. His mother was too." Here she pauses with a little bit of a frown. "I wouldn't bring that up to him though. They were at the theater when his parents were killed. It was a long time ago but some things never heal fully."

Clearing her throat she abruptly changes the subject, "So how are things going on your end? Nothing blowing up?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod. "You had it on for dinner." He comments. "I noticed it, it looks wonderful on you Carrie." Hank gives a charming smile. "You did, and do look amazing in it." He stretches a bit, offering her over a bottle of iced tea. He listens to the explanation of Bruce and the tragedy that occured. "That's... oh my. I, yes. I won't bring that up with him. Thank you for forewarming me." He says, quietly.

A slight shrug. "So far, nothing blowing up. I am certain it is only a matter of times, given my lifestyle." He snickers. "How about you? How has life been in Gotham lately?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods knowingly at the thanks for the information. "It's pretty common history in Gotham, but since you're not a native... Figured I'd give a heads up. I think that's why he ended up adopting so many of us though. He remembered what it was like being on his own." A wan grin is given as she reaches out to accept the bottle of tea.

"Not bad. One of my 'coworkers' is forming a new team. I might look in on it. The few I work with have been very out of touch lately. I think they're meeting tonight actually, but I can catch up with that later."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The blue furry man sighs. "I should have done a bit of research - it's not like he's a man without history. Especially being such a prominent man in the Gotham scene." A shake of his head. "Thank you, Carrie. I think you might have hit the nail on the head - I can imagine wanting to help others avoid being alone, if you've suffered it yourself." Sounds very familiar to the man, honestly.

Hank blinks. "I'm not keeping you from them, am I?" He sounds a touch worried at that. "I don't want to become an obstacle for your team." He says, quietly. "Or for you. More specifically for you." He assures, eyes on her. A bottle of water is retreived for himself.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles softly at that. A firm shake of her head is given as she grins to him warmly. "No, I wasn't invited to this meeting. Which I'll hit him over the head about later, but it's not important right now. I think he's trying to recruit some out of towners. Best they figure out what they're doing first. I've worked with him for years, so we already know how we operate."

A softer smile is given, and she reaches out to rest a hand on his arm with a light squeeze. "My parents are alive, but... far away. It's the one difference I have from my brothers." Here she pauses, a difficult expression creeping over her. For the moment she opts to reach out and snag one of the carrots off the veggie tray to crunch on with her eyes flitting up to glance around the area.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"So long as I am not keeping you from things, Carrie." The man muses, a slight smile on his face. "Was that the one... I met at the gas-station?" Meaning the exchange of dino-data. "And out of towners might be good - it gives you a new perspective on the city, as they'd see it with fresh eyes." Hank nods.

A hand moves to stroke at her's on his arm. "Far away..." He murmurs. He watches her, questions clearly filling his expression. A moment passes. "If you ever want to share, I am hear to listen - and help if you want." He says, not digging into that memory for now.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"No, one of the older ones," Carrie responds simply of the coworker. "Red Robin. He's just a bit younger than me. I just haven't had the urge to lead in a long time." Her smiles oftens some again as she looks back.

"I do want to share, though there's some parts that are hard to explain without giving away more than I have permission to give away. Though I suppose now is as good a time as any." A sip is taken of her drink, and she leans in a bit closer to Hank to rest against his side.

A slow, deep breath is drawn... and let out in a quiet start to her story.

"I'm not from this dimension or timeline. My world was... older. Just as troubled but perhaps they had mostly given up. I started as Robin under Batman *there*, when I was thirteen. I saved up my lunch money to buy the costume. I started patrolling. Then I ran into him one night and helped him. He took me in. My parents were... absent. A bit unaware of what was going on around them. That's all, though," she adds with a chuckle.

"During a rescue of a scientist there was an explosion. He tried to save me by pushing me into a chamber he'd been working on... I don't know it's reason, but after the explosion I ended up in this world's Gotham. Hurt, disoriented. I was fifteen a the time."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There is no judgement or disbelief on Henry's face as she explains, the man listening intently. His arm goes around her when she leans in, supporting and comforting. "Another dimension..." He murmurs, the math and scientific ramifications running through his head. A wince as she mentions the city having all but given up. "I'm glad you ... are here." He admits.

"I feel a bit selfish for that, though. I mean, family is important." He has high thoughts on such things. "But it appears you've made quite the family here." A teasing wink. "Should I fear for oddities in your physiology?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
That earns a quick laugh from Carrie as she can only shrug. "None that I'm aware of. Believe me, I had a ton of tests run on me when I came here. Both to prove I wasn't making things up, and then to ensure that my presence here wasn't going to tear holes in space-time or something." A hint of a smile comes, though it's also sad. "Yeah. I'm lucky. The Batman here kept in contact with me, and after Bruce took me in... Well. Eventually I knew I'd go back to helping. But it was nice to have somewhere to belong, too." Glancing up at him she nods a single time.

"I think I was perhaps brought here because... well. I looked it up. My parents had a miscarriage here so I wasn't born. There was a void to fill. It... it's very odd having them here but they aren't MY parents."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a soft oh to that. "Balance is important across dimensions, and time." He whispers. "Do you keep up with them? Help them out at all?" He wonders, keeping close to her as they chat about such delicate things. "You've got a great mindset on things, Carrie. I am very much infatuated with you." A blush.

There's a wry grin, mischevious. "I mean, here I was hoping I'd be able to help test." Cheeky Beast!

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I keep track but they don't know about me. Every now and then if they are having money issues they've suddenly won a raffle they forgot they entered," Carrie explains with a wry grin. "But I've never told them. I'm not someone they knew and knowing my own parents they wouldn't take the news well to begin with. They were very much anti-oddity types."

Tipping her head back up toward him she grins with a blush at the very suggestion. "Oh, well, I suppose I am due for some retesting. ... And I very much like you as well, Henry. You're... really amazing yourself, you know."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He nods. "That seems like the right thing. You are their daughter, guardian angel." He says, with a gentle smile. "You are an exceptional young woman on all fronts." Hank says, his voice genuine with admiration. He nudges her as they chat.

He blinks as she returns with the volley of flirting. "Er... well, I am certainly willing to offer an impartial perspective on testing." He's blushing furiously, she knows him well enough to recognize that.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches up to brush her fingers over his cheek with her own blush in place. She can't help but grin though. "You started it," she teases quietly before leaning in to steal a kiss. It lingers a bit longer than his earlier stolen one. It's not until a breeze ruffles through the branches of the tree that she pulls away with a little awkward clearing of her throat. Right, they were in public. Mostly.

"So, ah, yes. Testing."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Those moments in the kiss are etched in his mind - the man letting go of the world for that kiss. Once they've parted lips, he chuckles softly. "When you are ready, Carrie. I am... I am not one to rush. And yes, I did start it. I enjoy your blushes. They are quite beautiful, the rose showing in your cheeks." The Beast purrs.

"I mean... if... we..." Yeah, he's certainly tongue tied. "When we are ready." Another nod.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley bites down on her lower lip at his stammered remarks. Her blush was still there, quite evident and feeling as if it might stay around for quite awhile. Again she grins, and reaches out to squeeze his arm once more. "Henry, I almost dragged you off the other night but it didn't seem appropriate after meeting Bruce," she admits with a little cough. "But I figure out in the open is probably not a good place, either even if it is beautiful out here."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Blink. Slow blink. Henry is at a loss for words, clearly. He keeps close to her, nodding after a good long moment. "I... yes?" He chuckles, shaking his head. Hank looks into her eyes, looking for certainty. "I... yes. Out here would be bad." He murmurs, quietly. "Perhaps we should have a date, then? And arrange a suitable place for rest after?" He's trying to add a bit of logic - he's clearly out of his depth in this.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reddens further only to find herself ducking her head. There's no lie in her gaze, but .. it was newish to her too. "When things happen," she points out, "It'll happen. I'm not... I mean we don't have to plan it..." Again she finds herself uncertain of what to say. "But, ah... Yes."