2767/Karaoke Night!

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Karaoke Night!
Date of Scene: 03 August 2020
Location: The Sing Sing Karaoke Bar
Synopsis: The X crowd goes out for a night of karaoke, pizza and wings, and general camaraderie. Rogue admits to some knowledge of the Shrek franchise.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Henry McCoy, Rogue, Piotr Rasputin, Julio Richter, Alison Blaire, Rahne Sinclair

Warren Worthington has posed:
The Sing Sing Karaoke Bar normally has a bit of a crowd but this evening things are abit quieter and more subdued as Warren rented the place out for the night to let the folks from Xavier's have a good ol' time singing songs, eating and drinking. There's a few tables that have a variety of pizzas, wings, pretzels and chips. The bar is fully open for people to get whatever drinks they want as well, alcoholic or non-alcoholic.

Warren is dressed in a frilly white shirt, black leather pants and a pair of black boots. And he's sporting a healthy amount of guyliner. Taking the stage he clicks on the mic, "Hey everyone. We'll get started here in a few minutes but go ahead and get some food, get something to drink and just relax. Remember, it's 80s night and none of us know what we're going to be singing. So let loose and just go with the flow!"

He steps off the stage to go get a slice of pizza.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Wearing a nice golden colored shirt of Indian style, jeans and comfy wide sneakers, Hank grabs himself a couple of slices of pizza and finds a seat with any of the other familiar faces. A grin as he sees Warren dressed up like he's from the Rock of Ages cast. "Random songs... this should be delightful." The Beast snickers, munching on his pizza.

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue had first joined the X-Men earlier this year, she'd been issued a selection of uniforms for a variety of options from training in the Danger Room, to going out on Missions of different varieties, to even just working out in the X-Men's private gym. One of these suits had looked extremely retro to Rogue, and she'd gotten to admire a lot of the qualities of it, which she eventually had put into her more personalized and modern uniform...

But that old one still existed, and she's wearing it tonight, since this is themed for the 80s.

She'd also gone to get her hair done in town this afternoon...

But here she is, striding with her spandex-y retro styled suit on, her jacket on over it and her two-toned hair all poofed and spiked, partially held back around her forehead by a green headbanned that is tied off behind her head.


Rogue strides on into the sing-sing bar and diverts straight over to the bar when she hears drinks being talked out. She orders. "I would like one of your finest brews, good sir." She says, then flashing the tender a big grin with her red painted lips, and giving him some flirty eyes with her darkly painted eyeliner and lashes.

Once she has her drink she turns around to sit at it and lean against the bar on ehr right hip!

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr has no idea how to dress for the 80's, probably for the best as he is not exactly Mr. Fashion. So he sticks to his usual t-shirt and cargo shorts as he grabs a seat with the others and nods to Warren after grabbing a beer for himself. He then says to everybody else, "How is everyone doing? Good, da?" He then settles into his seat to watch the guaranteed fun and the fiasco that is bound to ensue.

Julio Richter has posed:
80s pop might be well outside Julio's remit, musically, but the outfit wasn't that tough to cobble together: he's got a pink tank top with one of those gradient sunsets and some palm trees, a pair of cutoff jeans, some bulky sneakers and, critically, a backward baseball cap and a giant pair of cheap wraparound shades. It's a little more early 90s than 80s, if we're being picky, but it is absolutely the sort of outfit that lands in the 80s of the popular imagination. He looks like the token Latino airbrushed on the cover of one of the era's math textbooks. Did he surf here on a flying calculator?

Despite the outfit, one might suspect that he's really only here for the food: he hovers by one of the tables, tucking into the wings with gusto. He seems to be sampling and even mixing the many different sauces, trying to find the perfect spice and flavor balance to bring Armageddon down upon some unsuspecting poultry.

Alison Blaire has posed:
There is probably little to no surprise to find that Alison Blaire is going to be there for karaoke night. It might be cheating, though? Maybe? The blonde makes her way in to Karaoke night dressed like she stepped right out of a 1980's music video. Blonde hair has been teased, curled, and strands of it dyed, her make-up is bright, one eye has a bright pink star carefully crafted around it, earrings are big bangles in plastic, and she's got on a spanex crop top in bright pink beneath an oversized leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up, tight leather pants, and low heeled ankle boots with silver chain fringe along one side.

Once she sweeps through the front door she stops, looks around, and blows a very large pink bubble that she pops before going towards the bar.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Grabbing a slice of Hawaiian pizza (because he's a monster like that), Warren moves around the room as he chews pizza and greets folks. He takes up a spot next to Rogue at the bar and grins. "Hey there, feel free to grab some pizza to go with your drink. Or pretzels! Beer and pretzels are awesome."

At that moment the Karaoke DJ calls out a name. "First up! Dr. Henry McCoy! Tonight he's going to be belting out the classic Michael Jackson song: THRILLER! So get ready to get your dance on ladies and gents, and give a rousing round of applause for the Doctor of Thrills!"

As the call is going out, Warren orders his own drink, then turns and looks at the stage. "Ohhh, this is going to be good!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man was munching on pizza - but then he's announced as being up first. And singing Michael Jackson! So be it! Hank sets down his slice for now, getting to his feet and starting towards the stage. "Quite the pick there, Warren." He shakes his head, climbing up onto the rickety stage with care. Once he's sure it won't collapse, he taps on the mic with a claw to ensure it's live.

A nod, and the music starts - the oh-so-familiar begining of Thriller. After the creaking open of the door and the footsteps, Hank gives his best wolfman howl. Then it's off to the races with the song.

"It's close to midnight,
Something evil's lurking in the dark,
Under the moonlight,
You see a sight that almost stops your heart..."

He even does the dance, without missing a beat on those vocals!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's leaning on her right elbow on to the edge of the bar and sipping at her drink, when Piotr announces himself. She looks over to him and gives him a grin and a nod. "Heya, Shiny." She says with a playful grin. "Got them pipes ready t'belt out?" She asks then.

Dazzler's arrival draws her attention as well though, how could it not, she's the star after all. Rogue raises her gloved finger sup to her lips, and soon to follow is a nice loud wolf-whistle for Dazz, followed by a smile. "You're gonna put us all t'shame here, darlin'." The southern girl tells the big time singer.

"Lookin' sharp too." She tells her, once more taking a sip of her drink for when Warren approaches. "All in due time. Gotta drink first, then chase it with food later, once ya get the hungers on..."

When Hank's name is called up, Rogue's green gaze watches him as he proceeds on up there. He definitely gets some supportive shouts from her, prior to his diving right in. "Moonwalk!" Rogue shots up to the good Doctor!

Alison Blaire has posed:
There's a quick whistle for Hank when he gets called up, and Ali lifts her hands to cheer, but she doesn't stop her approach to the bar. Once there she flashes a smile at those already there, "Hey."

Then she glances at the bartender, "Martini, please. Extra dirty." With the order placed, she turns her attention to Rogue, shaking her head, "I'll hold back, I don't want to put anyone to shame."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Not sure if I'll be singing tonight," Piotr notes to Rogue, "But I am happy to be here and have good time!" He smiles and watches as Hank takes the stage and gives an applause in support of his friend. He looks to Rogue again and says, "Do you plan on singing?"

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio keeps chowing down, but bobs his head amiably to the beat as the song kicks into gear. The song's familiar, of course, but he wouldn't know whether Hank was getting the dance right or not except by watching other people's reactions.

During one of the Vincent Price sections, he finally settles on a sauce combo and gathers a plate of wings, rather than continuing to graze at the buffet itself like he was raised in a barn. He makes his way over to the bar himself, ordering a Shock Top because the label looks kind of 80s, and then takes a seat to continue his one-man chicken wing genocide.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Did someone say moonwalk?" Warren asks, as if Rogue wasn't near him. Drink in hand, the winged mutant does his best moonwalk right in front of Rogue and Alison, offering both ladies a winning smile. "I can't wait to show you both what sort of dance moves I have in store, especially you, you beautiful lady, you." He leans over and gives Ali a peck on the cheek.

Then he turns around, shakes his hips and shouts out, "SING IT HANK!" before looking at Piotr and pointing to the pizza. "Have some pizza. And wings!" Pointing again at Julio who has done just that. "And maybe you should sing, it will be fun! I'm going to sing and my shower singing skills are awful!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Someone was a huge MJ fan, apparently. Hank does the whole dance - seemingly from memory! It helps to have the natural dexterity he has, of course. While his voice doesn't rival Ali's, he's definitely got some chops! It's a long song, thankfully whittled down by being the karaoke version. Soon enough, the song is over and Henry gives a bow.

Hopping down off the stage, he chuckles. "You'd best be singing too, Warren." He offers to the man, clapping him on the back in a friendly fashion.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Everyone give it up to Doctor THRILLS!" The DJ calls out as Hank finishes up his song. "Up next I hear that we have the Sweetest Southern Belle, the ROGUE ONE. Get it? Star Wars reference guys. Anyway, give her a big cheer for the classic Bonnie Tyler song, 'Holding Out for a Hero!'"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does sample a pretzel though, and chases /that/ with a sip of her drink. She then grins at Dazzler as Warren moves to give her a peck on the cheek after his fancy moonwalking. "Don't hold back, Sugah. I'm all for a free show!" She's just teasing of course though. At Piotor, Rogue upnods to him. "I'm on the list, anyhow. Hopin' I don't get something weird... though, I mean it was the 80s, right? What wasn't weird?" She smirks at that.

Her eyes go back up to the stage to see Hank giving it his all. She whistles loudly for him again, appreciatively toward his efforts up there in delivering the best damn Beastly Thriller he can give!

Her drink is raised, she cheers for him as he finishes up, and then lowers it back down to her side. Her eyes glance over to Julio and she smiles at him. "I like your style t'night, Mistah."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Oooh, you're going to really show us, are you?" Ali replies with a laugh, giving him a return kiss on the cheek before she leans herself against the bar to listen to Hank's singing. And watch his dancing.

Applauds all around, for both the man performing, and Rogue when she gets called up, "Whooo!" She cheers right along with others, then she reaches out to snag Warren's arm to pull him over.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr raises a brow to Warren, "Perhaps after this," he lifts his beer and claps for Hank when the doctor finishes his song, "Oh, and what song will you be singing?" He asks Rogue, but it seems that is answered, "Oh? Do not think I have heard this one, or really most of them, likely." The joy of growing up in Russia.

"When will you sing?" Piotr asks Warren and chuckles, "No doubt you have some mischief in mind?" He also gives Alison a nod, "Alison, good to see you again."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the process of sipping on her beer (yeah she's only 19 and she got a beer, haha, suck it adults!) when her name is called. The song choice make her eyes go huge... she knows of that singer, but the lyrics to the tune don't entirely jump in to her head. 'Come on Carol, you knew this one, surely...'

She starts to get vague ideas of it, and it's beat....
A smile is summoned up and she makes for the stage, with a skip in her step, her yellow long boots carrying her in a bouncy-fashiong up the stairs, but she just bypasses them and easily jump (floats) up to the edge of the stage, then starts toward the mic, her wedge-heeled boots making her taller than she naturally is.

She takes the mic and smiles out at everyone, leans in to the mic and speaks up. "Lets do this..."

When the music starts, Rogue's eyes glance to the screens that show the lyrics coming up in a certain amount of seconds. "Oh, this was in Shrek, I remember now." Oh god, her memories of this song are rooted in SHREK 2!

The beat is jazzy, fast, a little corny and hokey, but Rogue starts to mvve her body to the tune's beast, working her hips a little with each passing second as the song builds.

She's got her eyes off to the side as the lyrics start, and then she turns to look out at everyone and take hold of the mic in her leather gloved hand. She sings, husky voice, Southern Belle edge to her tone!

"Where have all the good men gone. And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?" As she sings, she uses her non-mic holding hand to accentuate the words, throwing it up, down, out, and gliding it back up her side as she builds for the next lines! "Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?" She closes her eyes and lowers her head to dive herself into the lyrics. "Late at night I toss and I turn... and I dream of what I need1"

She flinger sher head back up, her white bangs flipping up into the mess of poofy 80s styled hair! "I need a hero!" She sing good and loud into the music piping into the room! "I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night! He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast! And he's gotta be fresh from the fight!"

Julio Richter has posed:
At Rogue's compliment, Julio laughs from his barstool, then turns and lifts his shades to check out her outfit in turn. "Same to you, chica," he says with a grin, "You look like you should be in a hair metal video. But I guess you'll get your chance soon, right?"

Sooner than he expected, in fact, as it turns out she's next in the queue to sing. He drops the sunglasses back into place, then slides his heaping plate of wings toward the rest of the group and offers, "I brought enough to share, if anyone wants some."

Then he focuses on the stage, laughing and clapping for her performance. It really does have a hair metal vibe. He doesn't know the song at all, so her Shrek 2 reference is better than he could have managed.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Piotr. You've got to sing for us, too." Alison points out with a quick shake of her head, not entirely willing to let anyone get away without adding their name to the list. Then she turns her attention towards the stage to listen to Rogue's performance.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren nods to Piotr, "Yes, I will be singing, and I always have mischief in mind. Always." He waggles his brows, then leans into Alison's return kiss. "Do you like my guyliner? I put it on just for you. I like it though, it makes me feel like I'm David Tennant's character in Fright Night. All cool and mysterious." He waves a hand in front of his face and grins. "Oh, and my butt looks cute in these leather pants, even if they ride up a bit in other areas." He finishes off his drink and wraps an arm around Alison as Rogue moves up to start singing.

"Oh damn, this should be -good-." He can't help but laugh at the mention of Shrek. He sways a little with the music. "Damn, she really has a voice. Maybe you can have her be a back-up singer in one of your songs Ali."

He looks over at Julio then. "Hey Julio, nervous about getting up on stage later?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Digging in as he returns to his seat, the wing offering from Julio is accepted with a happy nod. He's always hungry, that Beast. He glances up when it is Rogue's turn up to the mic. After the introduction, he gives a hoot of approval.

As Rogue relates it to Shrek, he blinks. "Footloose, Rogue! FOOTLOOSE!" Regardless, he's dancing in his seat as he enjoys the evening.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The door to the bar opens. Which...is nothing new. People are coming and going all the time. And...this is someone coming in. But, what is different is who, exactly, walks in. Somewhat lacking in the height department, it is more the shock of close-cropped red hair that draws attention. The person that mess of ginger belongs to Rahne Sinclair....and her entrance is as quiet as she can make it.

Rahne doesn't walk for the bar at all. Instead, she turns to one of the tables to sit. She doesn't seem to be in any hurry to go anywhere else. Perhaps she came to listen....

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is continuing her rendition of this classic Shrek 2 song, swinging herself from one side of the stage to the other, trying to move with the music as best as she can as she just makes this up on the fly. Adding in a lot of swaying, flirtatious body movements and toying with her own mess of a mane of hair atop her head.

As she spins back to the center of the stage, she has her back to the audience, her head tilted back so that her white and dark hair tips back toward the bottom edge of her leather jacket. "Somewhere after midnight, in mah wildest fantasy, somewhere just beyond mah reach, there's someone reachin' back for me..." She starts to turn to her right and looking out at those gathered with her eyes in a hungry stare. "Racing on the thunder and risin' with the heat, it's gonna take a Superman t'sweep me off my feet...!"

The southern gal raises up in to the air, floating up off of the stage with her left leg bent up at the knee and her right leg extended down toe-toward the stage floor, her head leaned back again as she draws out the lyrics....

Then drops back on to the stage and faces everyone! "I need a hero! I'm holdin' out for a hero 'til the mornin' light!"

She saunters back and forth, continuing on in the song up to it's very end, swaying her hips and just enjoying herself... as she is one to do.

"I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night!"

She finishes her lyrics and just lets the music fade out as she returns the mic, takes a bow and then skips to the staircase to jump off of the stage!

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren continues to watch Rogue kill it on the stage, nodding and swaying as lyric after lyric is sung. "I really have my work cut out for me." He murmurs to Alison as the song continues. When it's all said and done, he releases his hold on Ali and gives Rogue a huge cheer, clapping his hands together and letting out a few whistles. "You killed it Rogue! That was -awesome-."

As he continues to cheer the DJ gets on the mic. "I told everyone that would be a killer set, was I right or was I right? Give her a hand everyone!" A pause for applause. "Next up, everyone give it up for the one, the only Alison Blaire! What will she be singing? That classic Belinda Carlisle song that tells us that Heaven is a Place on Earth."

Julio Richter has posed:
When Warren zeroed in on Julio's nervous look, the Latino mutant did, in fact, have a bit of a fixed, tense expression. Of course, what was actually making him look flustered was Warren's own unabashed narration of his pants situation. Obviously the sensible (and not at all noticeable) reaction there was to pick a point on the farthest wall and just stare at it from behind his shades, as though trying for a secondary mutation in the laser-eyes department.

Addressing him directly snaps him out of it; the mini-drumstick he had stopped halfway to his mouth drops back to the plate, and he protests, "No! No, why would I feel -- what? Pshhh. No tengo miedo, I'm fine! I sing, like" -- he waves a hand dismissively, nearly knocking over his beer -- "like /great/."

He leaves the wings in Hank's care for the moment, a little too busy being super cool and smooth to worry about eating, and applauds wildly for Rogue's finale. Perfect timing with the distraction there, sugah.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"I do not know enough songs here," Piotr says a little quietly to Alison, "Besides, my accent is a bit strong for most of it." He nods and then looks to Warren, "Indeed, you always cause trouble." He then looks to the stage and applauds for Rogue as she utterly demolishes the song. Turning again to Alison, Piotr says, "Have fun!" Trying to be genuinely supportive.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Your butt looks fabulous in those pants...did you use baby powder before you put them on? It helps."

Alison might be speaking from experience on this one, being known to have maybe worn a pair or two of leather pants before tonight herself. The martini is picked up and she takes a careful sip from it before letting herself sway to the music, holding up one hand.

Those who have been to many concerts might be familiar with holding a lighter up in the air to request more, but Dazzler lacks a lighter. Instead she simply holds up one finger, and uses the sounds around her to create her own little light to hold up. Then she gets called, "Oh! My turn."

Then she drops her hand, giving Warren a quick kiss before she heads up towards the stage, grabbing the mic and giving those out there in the audience a bright smile, "Hello, New York!" It might have been a long time since she's performed in a small bar setting, but does that ever really get forgotten?

As the music kicks in she starts to sway to it, waiting for her cue to begin singing, "Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? Ooh, heaven is a place on earth...They say in heaven, love comes first. We'll make heaven a place on earth, ooh, heaven is a place on earth."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue settles back in at the bar after her song and she slips on to a stool right next to those pretzels and her barely touched glass of beer that she'd left behind. She grins big at everyone as she reaches for a pretzel and tips it into her mouth. Her eyes go around at the others present now, she spies Rahne and offers them a wave at their table, then looks forward as Alison heads toward the stange.

Alison gets a nice "Wooooo!" From the southerner, who holds her gloved hands up to her face to help focus the praising gesture. "I love this song!" She adds as the professional singer starts to belt it out!

Warren Worthington has posed:
If Warren is bothered or concerned about Julio's flustration, he doesn't say or do anything but reach over and gently pat the younger man on the shoulder. "You'll be fine, and it will be fun! You'll see." He offers a quick grin and then looks at Alison with a concerned expression. "Oh damn, was I supposed to powder up?" He blinks a few times and shakes his head. "I'll just have to suffer through it I guess."

He sits down on a stool at the bar and watches Ali head up to the stage. "Dazzle us Ali!" He calls out, then he blows her a kiss and grins as he watches her perform, nodding along to the song as his attention is focused on Ali.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Chafing, Warren. It's a thing!" Henry calls over, finishing off his pizza and working on some wings. A grin to Rogue, giving her a shoulder bump. "You did amazing. Really well done!" He offers over, nodding to her. "Are you doing more than one?"

Then it's Ali on stage, and Hank gives a round of applause before she even starts. He sways with the music, quite enjoying 80s night.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
With green eyes focused upon the stage, Rahne's intentions do become rather clear. She is most definitely there to listen to the music. It is rather apparent, as she really has no other intention. But....maybe, just maybe, she would be inclined to join some friends, as she catches the wave from Rogue. And, well, it is more enjoyable to be with a group....

And so, just as Alison starts, Rahne slides out of her seat and makes her way over to the other table. Pulling up on the left side of Julio, the Scot remains standing as she offers her greetings. "Heya..." Lady of many words, that Rahne...

Julio Richter has posed:
Of course, Alison actually 'sings great' -- even better than Rogue, for all the Southern belle's enthusiasm and showmanship -- which makes Julio's choice of cover story less than ideal. So he just focuses on the actual talents present, clapping Rogue on the shoulder when she returns, telling her, "That was great!" -- and then cheering for Alison.

Warren gets a look after that, although it doesn't really translate through Julio's big, goofy shades. Julio can be kind of a dope, sometimes, but even he knows that 'it'll be fun, you'll see' from Warren is a dangerous, dangerous statement.

As Rahne, arrives, though, the Latino waves to her, then slides his heaping plate of wings toward her. "Hungry?" he asks with a sympathetic smile. She seemed to take their recent experiences in Limbo especially rough, and he would like to do what he can to make it known her contributions were appreciated.

Alison Blaire has posed:
There's no dazzling. Because that really would be cheating, honestly. At least, of the light-bright variety of dazzling, singing she can't seem to avoid. That just happens when she sings.

"When I feel alone, I reach for you, and you bring me home. When I'm lost at sea I hear your voice, and it carries me." She starts to fully dance to the song. Very 1980s style, bobbing her head and making sure that her very fluffy hair joins in the party with the very slight head bobbing going on. Feet kicking out as she dances ala Molly Ringwald and them in Breakfast Club. "Ooh, heaven is a place on earth...Ooh, heaven is a place on earth."

As the song comes to an end she hits that last note and holds it for a moment before moving to put the mic up, "Thank you!" And then she's bouncing off the stage back towards the bar.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is grinning over at Hank when he speaks to her, and asks her if she'll do another. This gets a shrug of her shoulders inside that leather jacket over top of them. "No idea! Probably depends on how long we're here and how much I can sneak outta the bar tender." She replies with a sinister grin for him. "It's fun though. 'Lean inta discomfort' is what I was told. Meanin', if it feels awkward, ya need ta just let go and dive in deeper... I think anyway."

Rogue picks up the pretzel bowl and offers it to Rahen when she joins them, even wiggling it a little enticing the other to have a salty windy dried bread treat! At Julio, Rogue grins at him. "Why thank ya, Mistah."

She looks up to Alison again then, and cheers her on as the song rolls on to it's finale. "That's even better than the actual song!" She praises the Dazzling One.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Chafing -does- suck, Hank, but... a bit of discomfort -is- worth it. I've learned my lesson and next time I'll be far more prepared." He grins over at Hank and then looks back to the song, nodding as Alison finishes up. When she's done he begins cheering, very loudly. "You rock Ali! YOU ROCK!" He throws up the horns.

The DJ gets on the mic once again, "Was that not DAZZLING folks? Give it up for -the- Alison Blaire everyone." A pause. "Alright, coming up next we are in for quite an exciting few minutes. Prepare for the aftershocks of one Julio Richter rocking out to Dead or Alive's 'You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)'."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods at that. "Learning that with Carrie." He offers, sheepishly. "Lean into discomfort, yeah..." He thinks on that, giving another round of applause for Ali as she finishes up. "I don't know how we can follow her..." A laugh, winking to Ali and Warren. "You brought in a ringer!" He calls over with a smirk.

There's a wave cast over towards Rahne as she's spotted. And as Julio is called up, he gives an encouraging hoot.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
A laugh, an honest-to-goodness laugh, escapes from Rahne's throat as not one, but two people start offering her food. "So, all Ah had tae do was walk over and get fed? Ah should have came out sooner then." And...there it is. A Rahne smile. "though...no thanks. Mebbe later, though. Ah'm not hungry."

Though, Julio gets a look as the DJ calls out his name to sing the next number. "Ah didn't know you sang?" It is phrased as a question, but she doesn't expect an answer. Instead, she just shoos Julio up towards the stage as she flashes a grin over to the returning Alison.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"A ringer!?" Ali scoffs at Hank, laughing at him before she retrieves her martini glass, returning to Warren's side, "You're going to be very uncomfortable if you forgot to use the powder."

Then she glances in Rogue's direction, "You did amazing as well! I didn't know you could sing like that."

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio hears his name, and glances up at the stage with an anxious, toothy grimace. The expression stays in place as the band and song name are displayed, except now his eyes are roving around the group blankly. He has absolutely /no/ idea what this song is. Still, he's good with vibrations, right? He can figure out the key and kind of wing it!

He hops off his barstool and makes his way up to the stage with that hopeful thought at the forefront of his mind, even taking the mic stand with a bit of braggadocio. Then the song begins with a voice going "ROCKETS ROCKETS ROCKETS ROCKETS" over wholly unhelpful silence, and the poor kid actually gapes in dismay. Even when the actual song begins, it's just a punchy bassline and a forest of wild, synthesized chirping. Basically terrified, he watches the countdown to when his singing is supposed to start.

"Yeah! ...I... I get to -- mierda -- your name? Your number, baby....eeeeeeee." His rhythm is completely off and he's just stabbing for notes as wildly as the synth accompaniment.

It isn't until the song finally ramps up into the chorus and the clearer staccato chord stabs hit that he gets any sense of the harmonies he's dealing with. "...You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round..." he manages, basically in time and key, and then it's back to the unintelligible chaos of the verse.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at Rahne and takes the pretzels back. "They go great with a drink, Pretty Voice." She tells the Wolfsbane with the lovely foreign flavored accent. Her eyes go up to Alison then and she gives her a grin too. "I stopped by one'a them Broadway Disney shows earlier, absorbed me one'a their lead singers." Her right hand comes up to wiggle her gloved fingers. Then she laughs softly. "I'm just fuckin' around, I wouldn't ever do that. I just sing in the shower a lot, or when I'm doin' my... whatevers, any time I got music on? I dunno." Rogue glances to Hank again and smiles at him before she nods to Warren. "Nice pants, Leather Butt." She finally noticed them.

When Julio gets to the main part of the song, Rogue lifts her hands up in balled-up fists, and dances back and forth on the stool to the lyrics, cheering for him!

Warren Worthington has posed:
"A ringer? Moi? Hank, how could I try and get something like this going without bringing the woman I love to accompany me?" Warren gives Hank a little wink as he slips an arm around Ali's waist. When Julio's name is called, he gives a cheer. "You got this Julio!" A slight wince when the younger mutant struggles with the first part of the song but still he cheers and offers his encouragement.

Rogue's 'leather butt' comment causes him to laugh and shake his head. "Hey, if I'm going to be belting out some awesome 80s song, I wanted to go all out, you know? I just want everyone to have a good time, even if it's a little at my expense." His voice goes a little quieter. "I just like spending time with all my friends, you guys are the best."

Julio Richter has posed:
After the torturous first verse and chorus, the DJ takes mercy on Julio and fades over to a version of the song that has a vocal guide track. Julio immediately latches on to the lifeline, and his singing does improve a lot. He's got a strong grasp of pitch and a solid baritone, when he actually knows what he's supposed to be singing. By the second chorus he thinks he's actually got it. The fool!

Because that's when those big ridiculous 'I want your looooooove-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uuuuuuuhves' start. From his wide-eyed face, it's clear that for the entire length of the first swooping melisma, Julio simply can't understand why a songwriter would make that choice. Still, he does understand one thing: how karaoke works. You don't sit there dithering about /sounding good/ or /looking cool/.

In this particular case, you run forward and skid on your knees to the edge of the stage, cutting loose with a grandiose, sweeping, and insanely loud, "I want your looooooove! Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-UUUUUUUUUUUHVE!!"

The rest of the song is more mess: Julio just starts jumping around like an idiot and stumbling a little on the faster rhythms. You can say this for him: he's committed, at least.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There would have been a comment about the Pretty Voice appellation, but the commentary is cut short as Julio starts to sing. Or, at least, attempt to sing? Rahne may not necessarily be familiar with most songs of the 80's...but she is pretty sure that this particular song does not go like this. Rahne's cheeks flush red, as she actually feels embarrassment for Julio? Or, at least, it is an empathic reaction...one that not even Rahne expected, as she shifts to quickly cover her mouth

To fight back the giggles. Especially as he slides across the stage.

"Oh, Ah didn't expect anything like this." Rahne actually lets a giggle slide out. "Ah mean, Ah don't know what on Earth this song is...but looks like Ah'm not the only one, either."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Enthusiasm counts, man! Hank is cheering on Julio as he throws his all into it! There's no failure, save the failure of not trying. Giving it your all goes a long way for Henry. He nods to Rogue as she explains her singing regime, the man grinning a bit and enjoying the show.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"You're killing it Julio!" Warren calls out as he watches him jump around and give it his all. "I wish I would've thought to record this for Bobby. Oh well, Bobby will just have to come along next time." Because there totally has to be a next time givens ome of the performances already. He turns slightly and waves for the bartender to fill up his drink.

"Hey." He says to the rest of the group. "If I dive off the stage will you guys let me crowd surf for a bit? Only kidding!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is sipping her drink and watching Julio sing. When she settles it down again she's laughing softly at what the guy is doing up on stage. "I think he's /really/ leanin' inta discomfort!" She says over the sound of the music and singing!

With a glance to the others, Rogue's eyes fall on Warren. "You sure you want me gettin' that close?" She asks with a little laugh. "I might walk outta here the one with the Wings."

Another glance is given to Rahne, and the Belle asks her. "You gonna get up there and give it a go?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rogue is answered with a shrug of the shoulders from the redhead. "Ah dunno. Ah haven't done anything like that before." 'That' in this case is the stage antics of her friend Julio, as Rahne tilts her head in that direction. "Ah mean, mebbe? Ah don't know a lot of these songs though." It is a little older for her. But hey, Rahne hasn't left....so there is hope yet!

Julio Richter has posed:
Leaning into discomfort, indeed! As the song finally concludes, Julio doesn't quite dive off of the stage, but he makes his way out of the spotlight quickly. He's pretty sure he wore out his welcome on that one. He rubs the back of his neck as he takes his seat back sheepishly and immediately goes for his beer.

After a generous few seconds of guzzling, he sets the bottle back down and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, then leans toward Warren and says, "You made up that song with a casio and a broken sequencer, didn't you?" He squints at him, and Alison too, and the expression is just exaggerated enough to make it clear that he's kidding.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Of course." Ali replies, even if she really won't be able to keep Warren up if he stage dives, she's here to be the supportive girlfriend either way. Then she leans in Rogue's direction, soto-whispering, "You would look fantastic with wings."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren gestures to the table with wings. "There's plenty of wings for you to walk out with over there, Rogue. Garlic parm are delicious, you should definitely try them." When Julio comes off the stage, he reaches over and slaps him on the shoulder. "I did not make that song up, it's real, and you're fantastic."

DJ Karaoke: "Well that was an -interesting- performance, but now let's see what the Winged Wonder himself, Warren Worthington can do with Tiffany's 'I Think We're Alone Now'."

He grins as his name is called. "Alison, don't encourage her!" He then hops off his stool and makes his way to the stage, taking the mic in hand and striking up a pose, one leg in front of the other, making sure to make those leather pants work for him. He brings a hand up and undoes a few buttons of his white frilly shirt to show some chest and then as the music begins he starts to nod.

He starts to sing, his voice low with the first few lyrics:

"Children behave, that's what they say
When we're together
And watch how you play
They don't understand and so we're"

His voice starts to pick up a little steam.

"Running just as fast as we can
Holdin' on to one another's hand
Tryin' to get away into the night"

Then he wraps his wings around himself as he continues.

"And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground
And then you say"

His wings let him go and then he starts to bounce on his feet as his voice climbs to belt out the chorus. A hand shoots out and points at Alison and then points at himself.

"I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at Rahne's reply and nods two quick times to her. "Not knowin' the song is completely okay, it's just somethin' t'do t'make ya get up and try something new. Which is the kinda memories ya hold onta for forever." She pops a pretzel in her mouth and takes a sip of her drink. With a full mouth, she adds. "Or somethin'."

When Julio comes off stage, he's met with applause from Rogue, though she's still got her gloves on, so it's kind of those unsatisfying sort've claps that only gloves can yield. Still, she powers through it!

"Wooo, that was gold. We really shoulda been recordin' all'a this." She states with abig grin.

At Alison's whisper, she smiles at her. "I would /rock/ that look. Like one'a them Victoria's Secret models! Struttin' around, doin' the super serious stares while only wearin' underwear for some god damn reason." A laugh escapes her then and there.

When Warren starts his song, she shuts up though to listen to him!

Alison Blaire has posed:
There is a finger, and Alison is begging Rogue to hold that thought, because she's got a thought from that.

Then she turns her attention towards Warren, a fond smile passing over her lips when he starts to sing. The wing-hug gets a woooo, a quiet one, but that's something none of the rest of them can do, that is for sure.

Unless Rogue steals the wings for a little while.

Julio Richter has posed:
"Oh, lo entiendo ahora," Julio says, watching the stage suspiciously. He sits back, crosses his arms, and nods, as though confirming a suspicion. "Alison isn't the ringer -- I am. Put Julio on stage to massacre some drunk robot song, then follow up with your sexy pants and your big fluffy wings and pretty voice and your romantic song."

He grabs a wing, dunks it in sauce, and starts eating his feelings of mock betrayal. "Oldest trick in the karaoke book. Next time, Warren, I'll..." He trails off and tries to think of something he can actually do to get him back. "Sing better?" That doesn't sound very realistic.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren moves from one side of the stage to the other, gesturing towards people as he continues the song.

"Look at the way
We gotta hide what we're doin'
'Cause what would they say
If they ever knew and so we're"

He once again bounces on his feet and gradually moves to the back of the stage.

"Running just as fast as we can
Holdin' on to one another's hand
Tryin' to get away into the night"

Then he holds an arm out and moves it in a slow and sweeping gesture that encompasses the whole of the room.

"And then you put your arms around me
And we tumble to the ground
And then you say"

With a burst of movement, he pushes himself forward and slides down onto his knees to the very front of the stage, his voice getting louder once more.

"I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound"

As he belts out the final chorus, he begins to shimmy a little while on his knees, giving himself that extra bit of movement, even as his eyes meet Alison's. He winks.

"I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
The beating of our hearts is the only sound

With the song over, he lets out a long breath and gets to his feet. Putting the microphone down, he makes his way to the others, "Man, performing isn't easy. Not as easy as you make it look, Ali. You're amazing."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Julio gets a smile as he discovers, belatedly, that Warren just might have set him up. Rahne actually pats him on the shoulder, lightly, before she asks. "So, hmm...did Warren pick that song for ye? Because, if so, then ye discovered his nefarious plan a wee bit too late." A giggle is heard as the ginger glances up to the stage, watching Warren. "It would be like Feathers tae do that, though. But...all in fun, right?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just enjoying her drink, watching the 'show' and smiling at the display of it all. "Why do I feel like this performance is gonna be the one that's stuck in my head for all'a eternity?" She asks those within ear-shot. A quick glance is sent over to Julio and Rogue suddenly produces a napskin to hand to him. "Here, just incase the clear fluid starts t'leak outta the corner'a your mouth." She teases him. She does start to eye those 'wings' though that Warren was talking about, as she's already one beer down and starting to get that 'food need' feeling.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Overhearing Julio's comment about Warren being the ringer gets a laugh from Alison, and she glances over towards him, "He's terrible, isn't he?" Not the singing, or the performing. Or the sexy pants, fluffy wings and pretty voice. But clearly "terrible" in the very best of ways by actually being good at that. "I taught him everything he knows."

Usually it is others that are fangirling for her, but she fully takes the time to turn that around on Warren, screaming and jumping. Like some teenager outside a concert, waiting for their favorite band to walk out. "Oh my god, so amazing! You're the best!!" She bolts for him when he starts to head back in their direction so that she can finish this entire fangirling by mobbing him. Party of one.

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio nods as Rahne outlines the whole rotten scheme, turning to give her a smile at the reassuring shoulder-pat, if a bit of a rueful one. "He picked everyone's songs," he confirms, shaking his head with a sort of grudging respect. Then, to Alison: "He is terrible, and I am a fool."

He gives a little sigh and then agrees with Rahne, "You're right, though. It's just karaoke. And, I'll be fair: it was a pretty good move."

When Rogue starts teasing, he just shakes his head and laughs. "It's the feathers," he tells her, quirking one eyebrow with a teasing smile as he takes the napkin. "I'm imagining dunking him in buffalo sauce. You'd be drooling, too."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren IS the worst. It's true.

He gets mobbed by Ali and he starts laughing at her compliments. "Oh I am not, but I did some practice moves while you were out doing other things. Had to throw a surprise or two in my dance routine to see what sort of reactions it'd get." He leans in and kisses her, though keeps it brief so he can move them towards the rest of the group.

"Buffalo sauce Julio? Nay sir, nay. Ranch is where it's at." He flashes a quick grin and then addresses the group. "I want to thank you all for coming out tonight, this has been a lot of fun and a great way to blow off some steam before everything at Xavier's gets going. I've loved every minute of it, you all are really the best people a guy could ask to hang out with." With his feelings expressed, settles down for another drink and a bite of food before going to home.