2853/Behind The Mask

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Behind The Mask
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: 2D - Terry's Apartment
Synopsis: The question of a superhero's costume is one to be taken seriously. Mostly.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Gar Logan

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Late afternoon on a Sunday. Terry's day off from both Planet and Tower. For all intents and purposes, a day to spend it in leasurely past-times.

<<It's here! It's here! Meet me at my place! It's here!>>

That's all the text Gar got from Terry, and any requests to expand were met with a teasing encouragement to just get there already.

Back home, Terry was waiting with an excited look, and freshly heated offering of cookies. One did not derail Gar Logan's weekend without proper compensation.

Gar Logan has posed:
Text were exchanged, and Gar didn't take too long in getting there. Curiosity was certainly present, but he tried not to ask too many questions. After all, it only delayed him in flying over.

Once he arrived at the apartment, the scent of cookies brought a grin to his face. "Oh, for me? You shouldn't have!" He only grabs a couple before rummaging around in the fridge, distraction in his words and tone. "But I'm guessing that's not what you wanted to show me, is it?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
From just behind Gar, Terry answers, the grin evident in his voice, "Well, I usually take any excuse to have you over." He takes advantage of Gar's rummaging to grab himself a soda, "But this is an extra special excuse. You know how I've just been wearing whatever for missions and whatnot, to the point that Donna has threatened to dub me Hoodiecat?"

He leans back against the counter and winks at Gar, taking a sip from his soda and trying clearly to look casual and cool in his tank top and jeans. But he's also clearly too excited to pull off the full 'cool' thing.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Yeah, and that isn't really marketable beyond a few memes," Gar answers. If he had a tail right now, it'd probably be swishing with anticipation of tasty noms from the Rectangular Box of Cold Things. He doesn't, so it will have to be imagined.

He adds, "Not that memes can't be good. Just think about the one with Johnny Cash in the bushes, eating cake. But..what, then?" He comes up with a soda as well, guzzling it without hesitation. "Underoos?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry grins, "Remember Wally told me of a guy he knew who made his outfits? Well, I contacted him. We had a few brainstorming sessions and, next thing you know, he's calling me with a design /and/ a prototype. You wanna see it?" he finishes his soda and sets the can down on the counter, "I want your total and honest opinion on it. The only thing we haven't figured out is footwear yet. But everthing else is pretty much in place."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan scoffs, "Yeah, I do. I haven't had a new one in a while, myself. Costumes are kind of a special thing. They say a lot about the person in it. Do I want to see yours? What do you think? Unless it really is just Underoos and you're hiding it underneath that, go on, shoo. Go get changed."

He grabs another cookie and asides, stage voice, "Of course, Underoos would say a lot about you, too."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, hush. You'd love it for me to go crime-fighting in underoos, wouldn't you?" Terry calls as he heads over to the bedroom, leaving Gar in the kitchen. A few seconds later, Gar will hear the muffled sounds of a transformation, and a few minutes later, it is the Cheshire Cat who comes through the doorway.

"Okay, get your green butt over here and tell me what you think!"

The costume, such as it is, is nowhere near as bulky or as armored as some heroes might wear. It's clearly a design that favors speed- essentially a form-fitting acrobat's singlet with a triangle-shaped front and back. The singlet itself is separated into two sections, with the upper body designed with an appealing teal color, interrupted only by the black-and-white grin logo that is splashed across the cat's broad chest, and the white high-neck that is a deviation from a singlet's usual v-neck. At his waist, a white V-shaped strip of color simulates a ceinture, and separates the upper body from the briefs, which are black. His legs are bare, showing that one leg is colored red, and his other one is salmon-colored. He is barefoot.

"Well, what do you think? We're still looking into footwear. The claws make it difficult... makes it painful."

He spreads his arms and does a slow turn, showing that the back of the uniform has a slot for the tail to come out.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Actually, I wouldn't. It'd be too distracting, and not very safe. Most of our costumes have some protection from things like knives or bullets, and are even resistant to fire," Gar explains, ticking off a few things on his fingers before Terry disappears.

During that time, a few more cookies magically disappear through sleight of hand-to-mouth, performed in 'normal speed' as if to show how the trick is performed.

Nom nom.

Licking his lips as Vorpal returns, that could be mistaken for another reason other than just finishing off the cookies. "Well, look at you, and that," he grins, gesturing toward the getup. "Is that just the prototype, or what? I definitely get that 'cheshire' feeling from the grin. I didn't know you were into showing off your legs that much, but I guess having fur makes you want a little less instead of more, huh?" The deal with the tail gets a nod, then he's considering the feet. "You could do something like ankle wraps or sleeves for a little extra coverage, and leave your toes and heels free."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry crosses his arms and smirks, leaning on the door frame. "Har har. I'm not a show-off, but we did try one getup that had the full legs down to the ankles... and I thought I was going to go crazy. You have /not/ known hell until you grow fur and then encase your legs in tight trousers, holy hell."

A little self-consciously, he glances down at his legs and says "... do they look okay?"

The suggestion of the wraps gives him pause, and he hmms. "Could be... so... do you see any part of it hanging weird or wrinkling, or...?" he looks over at Gar, looking somewhat dubitative, "Maybe it's not a good idea to have a costume..."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan waves it off with a hand. "Dude, I know what it's like whenever I turn into a cute but shaggy dog or cat this time of year. It can leave a guy panting before long. So I get that part of it. Still, it looks like you're kinda doing the whole 'tuck a shirt into my underwear' thing and that might work for a gymnast, but you?"

He approaches to level a finger a bit down a thigh, on the side. "Maybe I'd extend it to about here, kind of like an actual wrestling singlet that isn't out of the 1980s Soviet Union. And what about your legs? They're different colors."

Then he steps back and looks everything over, front to back. Maybe the question was intended to get him doing that, maybe not. "I think it's pretty good otherwise, but if you're gonna be a Titan, you gotta have a costume. It's just what we all do."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry hrms, hands on hips. He puffs his chest outwards and says "You know what? I think it looks fine just like that. Wonder Woman walks around with bare legs and nobody's telling her to change her outfit. If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me." He raises an eyebrow and smirks, "Or is the real reason is that you'd prefer to cover my legs so as not to distract you in combat?"

He reaches over and bops Gar's nose, "And yeah, my legs are different colors, you've /seen/ how the stripes resolve, doofus." He looks down at his legs again, and hrmphs. "I /am/ an acrobat, so I think this works. In fact, I'm more convinced now than when I first got it."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan scoffs. "She's Wonder Woman. She can wear whatever she wants and look amazing doing it. You're you, and..okay, that makes it sound like I'm saying you wouldn't look amazing too, so..forget I said anything before I stick my foot in my mouth any more."

He avoids the talk of distraction by saying, "Oh, look. Those cookies aren't eating themselves, are they?" after the tapping of his nose.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Garfield Mark Anthony and Cleopatra Logan," Terry says sternly, but with an undertone of playfulness as he invokes Gar's full name and adds some, "Are you telling me I don't have the legs to pull it off?"

He interposes himself between Gar and the cookie plate, leaning against the table and grinning, "Is that what you're saying? Because I'm suddenly a little hard of hearing and I need you to clarify what it was that you said."

He reaches over and ruffles Gar's hair, winking at him.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan raises both eyebrows. "What did you just call me?" he asks, caught off-guard by the expanded play on part of his name.

"I dunno! You've got...legs!" he answers, sounding as if he's struggling to find the right words to put together as he spreads his arms wide, leading straight into the mussing of his hair. In his case, it ends up looking /better/ rather than worse.

"I'm thinking we should try to figure out what else would go with it. A bell?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry leans forward, narrowing his eyes slightly, though he continues to stroke Gar's hair, "Careful now, Gar. I might decide that a muzzle is the perfect accessory for /your/ costume. Then Raven might actually like me," he jokes, and then leans forward to peck the green teen on the cheek, "Alright, are you suggesting we go on a shopping spree for accessories? Is that what we're doing?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan's chin dips slightly lower. The hair thing /does/ feel pretty good, truth be told. There's just something about another person doing that, and...ahem.

"I'd like to see you try that," he challenges, a little snort following. "It'd take a lot more than that for her to like you!"

Kiss to the cheek stolen, it leaves him to squint at Vorpal, eyes dipping toward the tail to watch it in motion for a few seconds. "We cooouuullllld do something like that."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"That could be arranged," Terry quips, wagging his eyebrows, and then he turns around, "Alright then, if we're going out, let me change into something that screams 'shopper' and not 'superhero' and we can be on our way." He pauses at the doorway to his bedroom and points to the kitchen, "There's pudding pops in the freezer."

He walks to his room, humming as he reaches for the tab hidden in the back of the costume's neck, to change out of it.

"Time to get back into the hoodie!" he says, closing the door behind him.