3338/Pizza Parlor Parlez Vous

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Pizza Parlor Parlez Vous
Date of Scene: 12 September 2020
Location: Ami's Pizza
Synopsis: Alex, Slips, and Negasonic meet randomly in a pizza parlor and discussion of what proper pizza should be is had.
Cast of Characters: Slips, Alex Summers, Negasonic

Slips has posed:
It's still a little too early to get all the hipsters rolling in from any bars.  The night is young!  The pizza is hot!  And it's too late for the family crowd!  None of this stops that delicious delicious smell from wafting up and out into the streets to draw in unsuspecting victims of cheeese piiies.

White streaks down the back fire escape and Slips pulls a white mask away from her face after dropping into the shadow.  The mask melts away in the cover of shadow.  Where Slips dropped witha. sack, she rises with a backpack, white.  Where she was long and thin, curves have found her.  She lifts a pair of airpods to her ears as she slips around the side of the building to the front.

Slips straightens out her collar as she looks back over her shoulder into the pizzaria.  A lick of her lips and a push of her cap backwards, she pivots and steps inside to get in line with any of the other salivating patrons.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex, meanwhile, just had a night off, where he was free of any obligations and his girlfriend was sadly off doing work herself, meaning that he was responsible for his own food. And, since he hadn't had a chance to go out in a while, he figured he'd try a new pizza place in Brooklyn he hadn't been to yet. Thus, he's here, and so is a mediumn sausage and pepperoni with onion and green pepper with his name on it, along with a cola glass nearby as he munches away. As Slips enters he glances over curiously to her.

Slips has posed:
It's not busy enough to keep Slips in Alex's vicinity for long.  She sliiides away, coming back with a medium box.  She sits down across from Alex.  "Watch my pizza for me.  Forgot my drink."  She pops back up and leaves the stranger with the mysterious pizza, kind of infringing upon his space if we're going to be somewhat accurate about placement.

Soda fizzes after the plastic cup lands on the table.  "Thanks.  Who are you?"  Sluuuuuuurp her straw.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex raises a brow at this, but just shrugs it off. "Sure, no problem." It's not like it's really putting him out. Though he totally sneaks a peek at said pizza, just out of curiosity. He figures that's fair for guarding it until she gets back anyway. After getting a look he closes the box up again and leans back, snagging another piece of his own pizza. "Alex." he says with a faint smile. "You?"

Slips has posed:
The pizza reveals itself to be cheese.  Extra cheese.

Alex gets to business on the pizza like some back alley hack.  She flips the box open with a CLACK and scoop up a slice onto her flimsy excuse for a plate.  "Arya, or, Ari?  Whichever floats whatever."  Clearly imminent pizza is more crucial than precise communication.

Ari partakes as if the whole exercise were a sigh of relief.  "Mmm."  Chew, chew.  "You weren't going to meet anyone were you?" she suddendly asos with little alarm.

Negasonic has posed:
It was probably a bit too late for Ellie to be out in Brooklyn, but that's part of being a young rebel, you don't give as many fucks as a goodie two shoes might when it comes to curfew, along with some other rules. Or maybe she simply missed a subway, because that does happen. Whatever the case, she saw Ami's Pizza across the street, and she happened to have some pocket money. Score.

Despite her rather jarring looks, Ellie walks into the pizza place like it's no big deal that she's there, walking casually up to the register as she calls out, "a plain slice and a can of coke," fishing for some dollar bills in her pockets before placing it on the counter.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Nice to meetcha. Nah, I'm on my own, my girl's off doing business stuff tonight, so I figured I'd check out a new pizza place." Alex says easily, leaning back as he munches on his slice. As Ellie enters he glances at her, nodding idly in greeting as she walks in. Well, at least he's not the only people hanging out here tonight.

Slips has posed:
Too late, too early.  Time's all relative.  Ari slouches back with that slice and watches Ellie navigate her way to sustenance, losing focus soon as she munches on her own pizza with a contented zombified look.  Cheese is powerful.  Cheese is almighty!  This is all happening while Alex is explaining himself further.

There really aren't many seats available, so Ari lifts a pizzaless hand when Ellie, if Ellie, turns her gaze their way.  "What's the verdict?"

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie returns Alex's nod, with the slightest of gestures, because when you're really cool you don't truly notice anyone. Maybe. Some Chinese Sage must have said that at some point in history.

When she's served her slice and coke, Ellie deftly slips the coke can into the pocket of her jacket, before professionally folding her pizza New York style and takes a bite. Mouth still full as she munches, she answers Ari's question, "worth every dollar," and seeing she paid two, it could either be a compliment or not. Either way, she's eating it.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Well, they know to dice up veggies instead of just hacking off big chunks and tossing them on the pizza." Alex says bemusedly, shrugging. "Seems solid? Good crust. Not too thin." Says the Midwestern guy. He nods to Ellie. "Yeah, worth the price. And they actually do 10 inch, so don't have to lug a pizza box around for leftovers."

Slips has posed:
"Hey, take a load off.  There's room," Ari calls out to Ellie with a small smirk that she doesn't explain...only turns on Alex after three parts to his review.  "If the cheese is getting into my mouth, it's good pizza.  And the secret to not having to lug a pizza box around is to just never have any leftovers to begin with," she declares casually as she digs into the second piece of a medium pizza that has barely taken damage.

Lounging back in her chair as if it had any comfort, Arya arches a brow to Alex.  "Sounds like you know of some joints to compare it to?"  Arya grabs one of the napkins and pulls out a pen.  Mark idly mark.

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie looks at Alex, but offers no input of her own about the methods of slicing veggies and such. It's a pizza, it works, she's eating it.

What Ellie wasn't about to do, is refuse an invitation to one of the few tables in the place, so she walks on over towards Ari and Alex and slips in next to them. There's a thumb up at Ari's direction, as her assessment of pizza is not far off from Ellie's own. "Pretty much," she agrees, before taking another bite. Shifting her eyes to Alex, she asks, "so how do you know her?" Eyes back to Slips, "or you know him?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Can anyone really know another?" Alex says meditatedly. "Which is to say, fuck no, we just met when she sat down, so I know both of you about the same. I'm Alex though." he says, taking another bite of his pizza, then washing it down with a drink from his soda. "And sure, pizza's pizza....though I've had some really crappy pizza." he says with a frown.

Slips has posed:
"I know jack-all people so nope. Never seen him before in my life. He'll guard your pizza though even if you've never met him. I don't against how much. Proceed with caution." Arya finishes up her first piece and carefully slides herself a second slice. "I'm here as long as I ha-" A two dollar watch sounds off on Arya's wrist and she gives herself time to get up to her feet. "Either of you like cheese? And more cheese? Shit. I'll be back." But will she? One moment she's there, the next she quickly disappears in the jumble of new patrons coming in.