3594/Meeting Decent People starring Tony and Leslie
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Meeting Decent People starring Tony and Leslie | |
Date of Scene: | 27 September 2020 |
Location: | Tony's Training Grounds |
Synopsis: | Ellie meets Tony again, this time with Leslie, for some joint training |
Cast of Characters: | Tony Masters, Negasonic, Leslie Willis
- Tony Masters has posed:
Somehow Tony Masters, AKA Taskmaster, ended up with two cute teenage girls taking lessons from him. Both with wildly different powersets, but startlingly similar personalities. Even if they're technically on different sides of the law. So, when he needed to schedule lessons with both in a close period of time, he decided to put them together. Right now the six something brown-haired trainer is waiting in the training room. Finishing up his warmups while the two of them arrive, dressed in casual workout clothes. He hasn't actually told Ellie yet that he's Taskmaster. Though, when she shows up and there's a very noticeably blue haired girl there with them, she might begin to suspect something is up.
- Negasonic has posed:
Ellie has weirdly enough bumped into Tony while sulking around the John Lennon memorial, Strawberry Fields, in Central Park. It somehow, against all the odds, formed something of a structure that could be contrued as a friendship or sort. Or rather mentorship perhaps...? Either way, it was enough to get Ellie to meet up with Tony now and again, for some imparting of wisdom, or lessons, or what have you.
She shows up as she always does, her goth styled getup, black leathers, multitudes of piercings, her shorn hairstyle. Spiked studs adornments....and she sees Tony, next to a very striking Livewire, and she stops in her tracks. Simply staring. After a moment's silence, she quips, "am I being recruited to a web show?"
- Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie's dressed in her civilian garb, which is to say she's tossed a leather jacket over her usual costume, of -course- it's practically dripping with spikes and other little metallic highlights. Tactical focuses for electricity? Of course not. They just -look cool-. She's perched so she can let her legs dangle, heels of her boots clicking together. She's focused on her phone shaking her head and laughing, "Hah! Look at this nerd! He believes that conspiracy about them faking the moon landing!" There's a brief pause, "Like, he actually thinks -space is real-. What a rube."
She perks up at Ellie's appearance, eyebrows lifting slightly, bright eyes darting over her in open appraisal, her shoulders hunching up just a touch, "...Oh god, I hope not again. Oh sure, they -tell- you the pay's good, and then you gotta file your own taxes and stuff. It's a scam, man."
- Tony Masters has posed:
At the question from the snarky girl in leather, Tony's lips twitch upwards a bit. He wouldn't have expected to end up friends with a sixteen year old goth mutant. But there you have it. "You're pretty, El. But you're a bit young for a web show. Maybe when you're older." He gestures at the blue-haired, white-skinned girl standing nearby. "This is Leslie. You two have a few things in common. Mostly a tendency to spend all your times tapping away at your phones. I'm teaching you both. And so far you're pretty similar in terms of ability in hand to hand, even though Leslie has had slightly more training. So I thought you would make good sparring partners for one another." He considers the paler electricity girl as she talks, then sighs. "Leslie... you need to stop going to those conspiracy sites. They're going to rot your brain. Anyway, this is Ellie. You both have powers. I don't actually know what hers are. You both need to learn to fight without them. Try not to cut each other to shreds with your sarcasm, alright?"
- Negasonic has posed:
"I'd also hate to have to come up with content to entertain judgemental entitled assholes online," Ellie adds to Leslie's list of reasons not to run your own webshow. She takes another look at Leslie, before reaching out for her phone, expertly swiping about before holding it up, looking from her phone screen to Livewire, before eventually quipping, "Leslie Willis? I thought that was you...I did dig your stuff, you're funny."
She snorts as Tony suggests she's too young for a web show, "seriously? I just had my birthday like last week, I'm not -that- young!" She does, however, looks quite pleased to be noted for her sarcasm, "it is pretty sharp, isn't it? Bet you it could get classified as WMD!"
- Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie narrows her eyes, her own phone brought up, scrolled, eyes darting up and down, before she flashes her phone around to show Ellie her own profile and grins wide, "Oh hey! Awesome! You're totally wicked too."
Leslie pffts and eyes Tony like she's about to call him 'old man', it's totally the twenty first century, sixteen is the new thirty five, and thirty five is the new 'OMG who let you out of your tomb, mummy?'
She huffs and rolls her eyes, "Oh c'mon, 'conspiracy sites rot your brain' 'Namor's actually an atlantean and not just a guy who escaped the secret government lab at Seaworld'. Riiiiiight." She turns her focus to Ellie and grins crookedly, sighing and hopping from her perch to land smoothly, which is pretty impressive with those heels. "I'm pretty sure he's just tired of me totally punching him. I bet he just wants a break from our -total awesomeness-."
- Tony Masters has posed:
"Well. I figure you'd probably make one of those edgy shows that don't have a lot of followers, but the ones they do have are really loyal due to you not bullshiting." Tony stretches, then adds, "Young enough, hon. Young enough." He watches the pair of them start to interact, that smile still on his face. "Right, right. Your birthday. That was last week, wasn't it." He steps closer to the younger of the two teens, flourishing with one hand. Suddenly, a box is just in it. It's a black box, black ribbon. Narrow and longish. "Here, I picked this up for you."
If the short gothgirl opens it, she'll find a finely tooled leather sheath, again black, holding a black and silver handled knife with a roughly eigh inch blade. It's not that small, but small enough to theoretically be hidden. Especially on somebody who regularly wears heavy leather outfits. "You're both picking up unarmed combat at a decent pace. Even if you have a long, long way to go. But, you should learn to use a weapon as well. Since Livewire heres powers are flashy, and I suspect yours will be too, something that's not feels like the best fit. Something quiet, that's good at close in work when you need to be discrete. So. Knives."
- Negasonic has posed:
"There are secret government labs at Seaworld?" Ellie looks surprised and intrigued at the same time, as she considers Leslie's words, "wow." She then takes a more serious tone, quipping to Leslie, "Tony is legit, he showed me, and to be honest, he'd kick my ass in a fight. At least in a fair fight."
She grins at Tony's musing over a potential show she might do, nodding along, "I could see that...true. People like people who aren't scared to say the truth." She does seem genuinely surprised when Tony makes a box appear in his hand, "I didn't know you also did stage magic, damn that was slick, didn't see anything at all." She tentatively reaches to take the box, "dig the color, good choice," but once she sees what's in it, she whistles, "wow, this is amazing! I never had a knife before, thanks Tony!" She then turns to Leslie, curiously, "you know how to use a blade?"
- Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie shrugs lightly, "There's gotta be. I mean, who's gonna actually pay to go see fish?" And then her eyes are widening at that knife, "Oh, wow, that's pretty cool looking." She flashes a grin and perks her eyebrows up, "I mean, a knife's kinda classic right? And yeah, I guess it's probably a good plan to have some tricks no one would expect. If you've got powers and can throw a punch, someone's -really- not gonna see a knife coming."
She hums and chews her lower lip, "I mean, I guess I -probably- shouldn't use a knife... what with how the police keep -misinterpreting- my actions, I'm pretty sure having a weapon is like, a whole new -thing- for the lawyers to argue over..."
- Negasonic has posed:
"Good point," Ellie agrees, shrugging as well, before putting the knife in the pocket of her jacket. "plus I can finally say: imma stab a bitch," she grins widely, "and totally mean it." She takes more interest in Leslie as she discusses misinterpertation of actions, "so like, what kind of stuff did you get in trouble for before?"
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony smiles thinly. "Leslie knows what I can do. I've given her a pounding a time or two." At the question from Negasonic to Livewire, he answers for the latter. "No, she doesn't." She's never told him or anything like that. He somehow just knows. "Well. Carrying a knife is legal... as long as it's under a certain length. This one isn't. But I suspect you wouldn't care that much about that, Ellie." He gives the petite bomb a wink. Then he suddenly gives his hands a clap. "But anyway. You two are here for a reason. Lose the jackets. Take your stances. Right there." He points to a spot on the mat, then moves to take his place opposite it. He adds, "Oh, and...no. There's no secret goverment labs at Seaworld." He sighs a little. Kids.
- Leslie Willis has posed:
Leslie sighs and rolls her eyes, "Oh, they got all... like, upset about me being at a museum." Sure, it was after hours. And she was trying to -take- one of the exhibits. But it was totally for a good cause! ...Okay, yeah, it was some weird New God thing she got swept up in. But still.
And then she's shrugging her jacket off, bouncing on the balls of her feet a little and tilting her head, "Wait... are we just like.. going to spar here? Sure, I guess, whatever... I mean, it's not like two girls punching each other doesn't happen -all- the time around town."
- Negasonic has posed:
"I remember how fast you move, Tony, I don't doubt your skills," Ellie says sheepishly, hating to admit he totally could have decked her if he wanted to.
She then removes her jacket, and takes on a fighting stance, basic, but it looks like she's been training after all. "Sounds lame, they need to chill about museum visits." She snickers at Leslie's words, "get it on camera, and we can make mad money online..."
- Tony Masters has posed:
Tony just looks at Leslie. "Whether you're male or female doesn't matter when you're fighting. Surviving does." He shifts his gaze between them, studying each of their stances. Moving over, he makes minute adjustments to each, then nods. "You're both developing your fundamentals nicely. Good to see." He thinks, then smiles. "That is a good idea though. Alright. Turn towards one another. I'm not going to give you any direction at first. I just want you to take what you've learned so far, and try and attack one another. No maiming." He raises a brow at Ellie's comment about filming the fight. "What you do on your own time is your business, kid." He leans over, and casually reaches out to smack Leslie on the rump with one hand, the crack quite loud in the room. "Go."