3982/Stroling through the park one day...

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Stroling through the park one day...
Date of Scene: 30 October 2020
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: A chance meeting and coffee!
Cast of Characters: Johanna Mitchell, Henry McCoy

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    It's a bright, breezy Autumn afternoon, however, the brightness is in some effect a superficial thing. It shines, for sure. Only a few clouds mist the sky. But seemingly, it denies its warmth, kissing the earth in only a periphery manner in the same way Victorians lightly kiss the air against cheeks rather than the cheek itself. The trees hold onto their yellowing leaves jealously, reluctant to let even one be snatched away with the greedy, whistling wind, and among the winding paths for Washington Park, people come to and fro, intermingling, mixing, then eventually drifting apart.
    Johanna is on a bench with her legs crossed. The stupid git has once again forgotten to bring a coat out with her. And so she is doing that awkward self-hug thing, where her arms wrap around herself in desperate bid to hold her heat against herself. Someone needs to tell her that it's no longer tank-top weather. Though perhaps the wind is whispering that in her ear at the moment? From neck to arms her dark flesh is goosed, and occasionally her foot gives an uncomfortable bob.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The cold never bothered him anyway, as the song says. With all his muscle mass, it was hard to get too cold save for in the furthest temperature extremes. It helps to have that thick blue fur, as well! He'd been focused on keeping his instincts at bay - running off the energy and the anxiousness he'd been experiencing lately. Not everything was roses in Henry's life nowadays.

Several laps in, he had been running at a rather brisk pace through the park, doing circuits of the lovely area. His latest lap brings him by the bench, the man pausing for a moment to look over to the woman shivering. "Er... miss, did you have a coat?" The man wonder, looking over to her with a smile.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna couldn't have been here long. Not if he was doing circuits of the area. Not that Henry is expected to remember every face he sees on the circuit he's running, but it's just one of those things. Call it situational awareness. It's easy to pick apart 'new features' from what's been there before. And this dark-skinned martial artist has 'newness' spread all over her, and it's not just because of her poor clothing choice.
    She must have been focused on something far and away from the moment. She doesn't even realize that a large shadow has spilled over her, until the man--beast?--attached to the shadow begins to speak. Her eyes still downcast toward the concrete she starts to respond, already with a rueful grin starting to part her lips as though she's fully aware of how irresponsible she's been, "Oh, I have one, I just didn't think that--AH!"
    Yup. That's the moment. That's the moment that her eyes had drifted up toward the nearly six foot tall mutant. And as reflexive as it is to kick one's leg at a tap against their knee, Johanna's first instinct to being startled is to SNAP up right onto her feet, hands poised like blades in front of herself with her feet in proper stance for some ass-kicking--a posture that quickly staggers, and then fully adjusts as she finds her throat with the webbing between forefinger and thumb. "Oh my God," she breathes, swinging her eyes up and down Henry to take full canvas of him, and then she starts to laugh at herself! "I... I -recognize- you I think... You're not...?" Her brow furrows.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It's quite possible they had missed one another in his jogging - it's not a tiny park. Either way, he's all smiles - until she hops up and assumes her fighting stance. He hops back, just to be clear of an onrush of attacks. The expression on his face isn't one of anger, just surprise. Once she relaxes a bit, he offers a nod and an extended hand to shake. "Likely... Doctor Henry McCoy." The man offers over, a sheepish grin.

"Sorry to have startled you - that certainly wasn't my intent. Just wanted to check on you - you looked a bit cold." A chuckle. "Perhaps the sudden jump got your blood flowing?"

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna's hand slides into Beast's palm, and while she's never considered herself a particularly dainty or delicate woman, the difference in their hand size as they shake hands is more than enough to make her experience that small, small feeling. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come at you like that!" She grins, her teeth white between her nude lips as she offers him a mirthful smile in apology. "Doctor Henry McCoy? It's nice to meet you. I'm Johanna Mitchell."
    "I mean, let's be fair, a kitten could creep up on me I'd scream like a little girl," she spills easily, assuming a more comfortable posture as she retracts from the handshake. Both of her hands stuff deep into her pockets so that it looks like she's hiding oranges in them there khakis, before she nods enthusiastically to his suggestion. "Like, majorly." There's a pause. "Sorry, my mind is reeling. I forgot how easy it is to run into people you just... That you've seen and know about but never have interacted with before. Especially in this city."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The shake is firm, but not overpowering in any way. "No apology necessary - I understand instincts and reflexes all too well." Henry offers with a chuckle. "It's not a bad response, honestly. Defending oneself is a fantastic response, honestly. Especially since you defended, and didn't immediately strike." A nod of approval.

If he weren't covered in fur, she'd see him blushing. As it is, his body language suggests such - his foot scuffing on the path. "I'm just a doctor trying to do right by the people he shares genetics with." The man winks. "What has you out and about without a coat? Did I interrupt a workout?"

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "You interrupted a brooding," Johanna admits. "A deep serious one, I might add," though her tone suggests anything but. Content to be in conversation with this Henry McCoy, she steps forward a few steps, shortening the space between them by about a foot. She keeps her hands in her pockets, and occasionally, the breeze whistles by them, shoving her hair into her face (which she doesn't seem to mind--her hair isn't that long, anyways!) "It's more that I just forgot and I was too stubborn when I got out the door to turn back and grab it. Of course, now I'm full of regrets. But what's life without a few, eh?"
    Her lips twist, and she puffs air up at her bangs to at least get them out of her eyes without having to use her hands to do so. "Anyways, I was just sitting here thinking about... Things. Stuff and things. Getting a job mostly. I've been away for a bit. Want to walk with me? I was thinking about going and grabbing a coffee."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast chuckles, catching the sarcasm as she presents it. "I am certain - you were contemplating your navel." He teases back. "Well, stubborn behavior has it's place - though I don't think it's prudent to ignore the onset of hypothermia." Henry grins.

"Stuff and things - sounds like a lot of things running through your mind." He admits. "And yes, I'll walk with you. Coffee seems like a good plan."