4546/That Doesn't Go In The Microwave

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That Doesn't Go In The Microwave
Date of Scene: 30 December 2020
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Nobody call attention to where it used to be.
Cast of Characters: Douglas Ramsey, Warren Worthington

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Egh... ew." Doug says, as he grabs a paper towel and wraps it around his black and gold right hand. The microwave is covered in... something. It's indefinable what that something is, except that it's organic. It's coming out the seams in the door and the vents in the side.
    He pulls the latch, and there's a sticky sound as the door finally gives way and opens, and the organic stuff pulls away in long, gooey strings - "What the...!?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
All he wanted was a coffee, but as par for the course in this place nothing is ever as simple as just being able to fulfill a basic need. Warren stops short as soon as he enters the kitchen, his large angelic wing furling out slightly to his sides as the ruffle, "What in the is right..." exclaims the older mutant, lifting a hand to his nose to try not smelling whatever odor might come from that concoction in the microwave. "DO I need to call hazmat? Or Hank?...Which in retrospect might be one in the same? What in the world did you put in there?"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "*I* was just trying to warm up my bagel." Doug says, gesturing to a lonely looking everything bagel, now gone sadly cold. He's dressed in slacks and a white shirt and a tie, and he has a lanyard around his neck that says KORD with a little picture of him and 'Doug' on it. "Oh, oh, ew ew ew, did it move, I think it moved--" He turns his head away, narrowing blue eyes. "...Good morning, Warren. How are YOU today?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Glancing from the bagel to the microwave and back Warren passes Doug a sidelong glance. "You're telling me that was just in there?! You didn't put it in there?" The X-Man steps a little closer to the microwave and stares at the thing, trying to make heads or tails about what it might be, and if it has any semblance of life to it at all. "Well, whatever it is I wouldn't smear it on your bagel. Something tells me that might be a bad idea."

Warren makes his way over to a hidden utility closet, pops it open and grabs a broom. "Whatever it is, we should probably try and clean it up.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "...I don't get this house sometimes." Doug says, as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks at the broom, and says, "Orrrrrrrrrrr... and hear me out here," He says, looking back at the microwave, "We could NOT do that - and then leave - and let someone else find it, hopefully not Ororo. And deny knowing anything about it."
    He shrugs his shoulders. "No? No good? Damn." He rolls up his sleeves, and begins to rummage under the sink, looking for cleaning supplies.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington snorts, "Do you really think that would work, Ramsey? In a house full of people that can read minds, or see the future, or any other ability that manifests around here? Hell, the fact is Charles probably already knows you found it, wherever he is. Jean too. They are just waiting to see if we make the right decision."

That being said, Warren takes the end of the broomstick and pokes the glop with it, to see if there is any type of reaction other than it just being a pile of glop. "I'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to remove the whole microwave and just buy a damned new one."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Some of it gets on the end of the broom handle. Doug pauses, and rubs his chin. "Or maybe they already saw it and left it for someone else to clean up." He says, before he looks over at Warren, and back. "...I'll pick one up after work today." He reaches up and unplugs the microwave, before he grabs a trash bag and holds it open. "I guess... just... slide it in?"
    He adds, "Also, how've you been? I uh. I'd say I've been hard at work working for Mr. Kord, but honestly I get all my work done in about an hour, have most of my daily tasks automated, and spend the rest of the day pretending to work."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Seeing the goop on the end doesn't rear up and try and attack the broomstick, or burn through it like some form of acid, or anything else of the sort Warren takes a plastic sandwich bag and places it over the tip where the goop was to save a sample for Hank. "Nah, I'll have one delivered. I'm pretty sure I can afford it better than you can."

Once the broom is bagged, the Angel sets it aside and grabs one of the large trash bags, opening it up for Doug to maneuver the microwave into, "Things are good. That sounds about right in the life of corporate work, so you must be fitting in nicely," Warren snorts. "He treating you well? I don't know much about Ted, other than what is in the public eye. I don't think we have ever met. Me, well being a CEO is about as on par with what you do, except throw in signing a bunch of paperwork and going to endless meetings that could all be solved in an email or a phone call. It's a glamorous life, let me tell you."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Well I think I could swing a microwave, he pays me really well." Doug says, as he catches the microwave and then sets it on the floor with only a small clatter, and ties the bag shut. "Yeah, I can watch Mr. Kord visibly shrivel whenever he has to meet with his board. It's kind of hilarious, to be honest, the guy's a certified genius but I'm amazed he hasn't built a robot duplicate of himself to go to meetings yet."
    "...Also, hypothetical question. Say you were asked to house-sit by someone who was going out of town for the weekend. How big of a party would you throw?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren shifts his eyes from the goo on the broom to Doug, "That all depends. Hypothetically is this person my boss? Does this person have a penthouse apartment that has all sorts of things in it that can be broken or are otherwise irreplaceable? Do you trust your friends enough not to break anything? I mean, if I were going away and I had someone watching my place I would expect them to have someone over and would prep accordingly...because the answer is as large as you can."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "...What if, hypothetically, it's Hank Pym's house?" Doug says, a smirk curving one corner of his mouth. He sprays some 409 on the end of the broom handle, *fft fft* and begins to clean it with a paper towel.
    "...Purely hypothetically."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington hrms, wings ruffling out to fluff a bit as he glances over to Doug, "I think...that could have some horrific ramifications if guests stumbled on things they weren't supposed to find. But I would also have to assume he wouldn't be so naïve and stupid to have things out and about for a housesitter to stumble across and mess with...so...party at your own risk? Just remember that he literally has potential spies everywhere. Or does he do that anymore? Someone else wears that suit now right? In any case, I would just go with be careful, and keep it small."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Well, you know, I figured if I was going to do something I *shouldn't* - ... let myself be irresponsible, you know? That if I was going to do that, hypothetically, I might as well ask the school's most legendary party animal how it's done." Doug gives a faint grin. "I'm starting to think about what I ought to do with my life, see... and I've never really acted out? I mean I've had my moments but - yeah." He smirks, and then carefully hefts the microwave in both hands, "I thought it might be fun."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington chuckles as Doug says that Warren has a reputation for being a party animal. "Well, best piece of advice I will give you is don't get caught doing something you wouldn't mind getting caught doing. Sure, you might get in trouble for something, but if you can't take the punishment don't do the crime, but yes, I agree. Now would be the time to have some fun, Doug. It only gets to be more of a chore the more responsibilities you have."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug nods, once, and then he juggles the microwave as he reaches up to clap Warren on the shoulder with one hand. "I always felt like you and I had some things in common, Warren. Feeling like outsiders in our class. Unorthodox talents. Great hair. *Phenomenal* taste in women. I really respect you, and what you think." He grins, "...Which is why I asked. We'll see what happens. Can you get the kitchen door for me? I'll leave this out to get taken down to the trash bin."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington arches a brow at that, "Well, thanks!" replies Warren as he moves over to get the door for Doug, "Just be careful, as I said you have to think about the repercussions and be prepped to take them. I know sometimes it seems I don't think about it, and I will be honest...sometimes I don't. I've never been one to really take my own advice." Warren laughs. "But usually my issues fall solely on me. As for the microwave, I got it. No need to worry yourself over it.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug trundles the microwave out the door. "...Stubborn insistence on doing things ourselves..." He says, as he bends at the knees and sets the microwave down outside along with the rest of the stuff to go down to the curb. He stands up and brushes his hands off. "I don't know why this is crossing my mind," He admits. "New year, new me? Maybe. But, I appreciate the advice. I really do."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington chuckles again, "It's never a bad time to reinvent yourself, Doug. Be who you want to be, and if that is different than who you currently are so be it. Nobody but you can tell you who to be. They can certainly try, but ultimately it is your decision. Nobody else can make it for you...unless they are controlling your mind like a puppet at the time, but that doesn't really count."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "I rotate what language I think in," Doug admits, "Just in case there's a telepath around. Right now, I'm thinking in Sindarin." Nerd. "...Speaking of. I'm throwing a party at Hank Pym's house. Consider yourself invited." Surprise. "...Bring solo cups?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Hell, I'll cater the damned thing if you want. With an open bar," comments Warren with shake of his head and a laugh, "But sure, I'll bring red solo cups. You going to invite your boss? If you do, do you think he will show?"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "...Invite Mr. Kord?" Doug says, tapping his chin. "Well I mean I COULD to be polite but he's a busy guy. Maybe it'd start some sort of gigantic scientist feud." He snaps his fingers, and says, "Well, I'll inquire about it and get back to you. I don't know if we need it catered, but the open bar might be kind of cool. Do you think you could get Dirty Honey to play it?" Doug raises his eyebrows, "Or would that be a bridge too far?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I can always make inquiries. I can't promise anything though. Let me have my people call their people, and maybe you will have surprise guests," Warren says with a shrug. "Never know, stranger things have happened." The Angel grins that pearly white smile of his, "So, who all do you plan on inviting to this thing, Doug?"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug looks up at Warren, and then says, "*I* am inviting a few friends for a small party. But one of them is Boom-Boom." Doug says, with a bit of a sly bastard air.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren arches a brow and chuckles, "Annnnd who is she going to invite. That is the real question isn't it? Well, I'm glad I won't have to deal with the damages or the cleanup."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug gives a bit of a shrug. "I deserve the chance to misbehave." He says, brightly. "Just this one time. Consider yourself invited. Whoever you invite - well, I guess I have no control over that, do I?" He says, with a bright grin. It's not Doug's fault things got out of hand. Doug's a good boy. Doug would *never*...

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Don't we all," agrees Warren with a grin, reaching over and placing a hand on Doug's shoulder. "Don't we all. What fun is life if we don't get the chance to let loose every once in a while. Something Scott needs to learn sometime. You should invite him..I would love to see how that went down."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug smirks, and then adds, "...I can't imagine that ending well for anybody. But who knows? If rumor reaches his ear maybe he'll show up." He puts his hands on his hip, and then says, "If all goes well, it'll top that time we ruined Wimbledon. But right now, I have to get to work. ...See you there."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington lifts his hand in a wave. "Alright, Doug. Well Mr. Kord I said hello. Maybe sometimes he and I can collaborate on something. Take care of yourself, and I will look forward to the party. Let me know the deets and I will get the open bar arranged for you."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug tips a lazy salute. "Will do!" He says, as he trots off down the walk. A moment later, he texts Warren the Good Hair Llama meme, with a note that says 'Spirit Animal' underneath it. There's still some goo in the kitchen where the Microwave used to be, though. And Doug forgot his bagel.