4884/News for the Big brother
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News for the Big brother | |
Date of Scene: | 26 January 2021 |
Location: | Sam's Room |
Synopsis: | And Paige shares her good news. |
Cast of Characters: | Samuel Guthrie, Paige Guthrie
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is in his room, he worked the birthday party last night, and ended up the DD for folks, so he did not get in till late. He has been up for a while, but is taking it easy doing a little bit of studying in a chair feet up relaxing.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
There's a knocking outside the door from Paige as she waits. Dressed in a pair of worn bluejeans and a simple t-shirt under a hoodie, she looks relaxed and casual. She has a piece of paper in her hand that's folded up neatly from a recent print job.
"Sammy! Yah' in there and are yah' decent?"
Her voice holds that hint of twang in the back of her throat. She tries to cover it up most of the time in public, but when it comes to her brother, there's no fooling him.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles and calls out "Yea, Ah am decent, come on in." He calls back to her. HE will sit up straighter sitting the book he was studying down on the table, heading over to a mini fridge, and pulls himself out a cheerwine, and holds one up to offer to Paige when she comes in.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
Nudging the door open, Paige strides inside, giving it a hip checked close on her way in. "Hey there. Whatcha up to?" She asks as she gives a glance around. "Ah' see you ain't snuck Alexis in here." Reaching out to take the drink, she ambles over to flop on the edge of his bed, taking a sip from the glass. She gives the piece of paper in her hand a wiggle in his direction. "Ah' got something."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and smirks "Not tonight at least." He teases back to his sister. He will reach for the piece of paper to see what she is wavig around "Rogue seemed to like the present, but did not try it yet last night. A friend of hers brought her some asguardian booze.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Well, ya'll can't compete with /Asgardian/ booze. Someone is always trying ta' one-up." Paige says with a grin. "That right there is mah acceptance letter into the X-Men training program by Mister Summers. He and ah' had a talk about what mah' goals are and ah told 'em it's what ah' wanna be an X-Man just like mah' big brother, except you know.. better." She says with an amused grin.
"He was talking 'bout me going to Harvard or MIT since ah'm sorta top of th' class and all, but ah' told him that mah' dream is savin' lives and not sitting in ah' cube all day. So, he said ah'm in and he'll start getting me involved in team stuff and working out. Ya'know, just like how you did."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms a bit listening to it, and does smile, but frowns a bit as she talks about not going to Harvard. "Well sorry you can only do part of it, Ah mean you might be an X-man, but better than me? Na, not going to happen." He jokes with her. He then looks at her a bit more serious. "You should take some college classes still."
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ah will. Ah' told Mister Summers ah' plan on taking classes at one of the better universities locally online or part time if ah' gotta. Ah don't think ah' should give up th' education aspect. Ah' know ah' got colleges all over throwing money my way, and it's flattering. It really is." Paige says as she gives him a smile. "Ah' got accepted ta' about five of them that ah' applied for so far, a few with a full ride if yah' can believe it. Ah' know mom would be so proud. It's just that ah' feel in mah' heart, ah'd rather use these gifts for good, to help people, rather than sit in a cube all day looking at a computer, or whatever. Mister Summers said it's just as important to have mutants in those fields as well and ah' agree with him, but you think ah'd be able to sit still? Hardly."
Paige takes another sip of her drink, giving a hum happily around the lip of her glass. "Mister Worthington gave me his card and told me that ah' could work part time with him doing administrative stuff for some cash that ah' can put into a stock plan. He's gonna help me build an aggressive portfolio, that way ah'd be able ta' make some money and save it. So, when ah' do wanna go to college, ah' can at least help pay for it even the scholarships go away."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Us both turning down scholarships, well at least yours is for a happier reason," He having to have given his up to go to work, before coming here. "And here I was thinking about letting you have my car to deliver pizza's now that I am working at Harry's" He grins "The biggest problem with delivering pizzas around here to many come here and seems fellow students tip students worse than other drivers.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
There's a grin on Paige's face. "That's kinda lazy also. Ah' was thinking of getting a job at Harry's with you. Be a waitress or something, but Mister Worthington gave me a pretty good offer. I like him. He's really nice. He gave Jubilee five hundred bucks for her talent show she's putting on as a prize to th' winner."
She taps her foot against the ground, causing her knee to bounce a bit with pent up energy. "Maybe ah' can work mah way up the chain there and do some computer stuff for 'em. That'd be fun ah'm sure."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Hey now, I delivered them for a couple years." He calls back to her. "I could see you being all computery, should I order you some horn rim glasses, to look all smarty and such." He jokes with her. "Seriously though sis congratz " He leans in to give her a hug,
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Mah readin' classes is fine. They make me look astute." Paige says as she leans in to return the hug. "Thanks. Ah' was worried yah'd get all protective and tell me not ta' join, or that you'd go down and have a talkin' to to Mister Summers. Ah' assured him ah' could take you in a fight." She grins at him wryly.
" So, whatcha got planned this week? Anything exciting or just the same ol'? Oh. I also got asked out by a boy. Ya'know that Drake Riley kid? Kinda got zap powers."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well lets be honest, if Ah thought Ah could talk ya out of it Ah might try but I know for a fact your as hard headed as Ah am, and Ah fly head first into walls." He jokes a bit. "Thinking about getting a place closer to the campus where Alexis and Ah can crash instead of heading back into New York when we want to stay together. Drake Riley hmmms. " He looks over to the suit of armor and the gun cabniet.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
There's an amused snort from Paige. "You don't gotta get a gun out. Seeing how you can fly through walls and what not, ah'm pretty sure being an X-Man is scary enough." Her eyes roll upwards. "Sides, he seems like ah' an okay guy, but it's not like ah'm feeling sparks or anything. He wants ta' go to a movie with me and do dinner after. Ah' told him ah'd go. Doesn't mean anything. Ah'm way too picky and focused on everything else ta' get wrapped up in a boy. Boys are just distractions from yah' goals."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit at this and says "You know I would try to defend us guys, but considering how many sisters, Ah got you included, I think your totally right." He tells her. "Seriously though I trust ya just so he knows, he hurts ya there is a whole lot of empty mine shafts back home.
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, ah' know. Ah'm sure yah'd take enjoyment in that, huh?" Paige says with a grin. "Ah' didn't get all protective when you and Alexis started shacking up." She points out to him. "Kinda not fair if yah' ask me. Maybe ah' wanted t'get out Pa's shotgun and give it a few loud clicks. Maybe polish it on mah lap. Get all growly in th' throat."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "More the older brother's job than the younger sister, plus her dad did enough o the threatening when she jumped out the window to me/"
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
There is a roll of Paige's eyes. "Well, ah'm not hooking up with no boy anyways. Not until ah'm an X-Man at least, or .. if he's exceptional. Ah' got a high standard after all." She lifts a hand up to rub at the edge of her nose to work away an itch. "Jubilee is having a talent show. Guess ah'll just solve Rupik Cubes or something since ah'm good at 'em. Doubt anyone is gonna wanna see me wrestle a chicken."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "We could put on a square dance display am sure that would go over well. " He offers, but smiles and says "Maybe read some poetry or something?"
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Wow, readin'. That's a real 'talent' for us poor Southern folk." Paige says as her eyes rolls upwards. "It's all good. Ah'm not expecting ta' win anything, or even place. Figure ah'd spin a few cubes and match em' up real fast, take a bow and then go back t' studying. Maybe th' kid with eight arms can juggle chainsaws or somethin'. That'd be a real hoot."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Welll if your wanting to prove how smart you are, you could turn into other elements and do a mr wizard type show. If ya don don't make yourself to explosive.""
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ah' think this is a non-power kinda talent show. Otherwise ah'd just rip my head off a few times ta' show off new hair styles." Paige grins. "And mah powers ain't exactly popular, seeing how it freaks almost everyone out. No one wants ta' see that. That and th' whole pile of skin afterwards that looks like a deflated version of me isn't really neat. I did make a kid cry th' other day when they saw it. Was uncomfortable."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie reaches over to rub his hand on her shoulder "Well you know your not sad or anything." He offers trying to reassure her. "I am sure what ever you decide to do you will be great at kiddo."
- Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ah mean, ah' think mah powers are kinda cool and unique. Ah ain't ashamed of it any." Paige laughs as she gives him a playful jab in the ribs. "It's definitely something that is out there. Can't say ah've ever seen it before in any other shape shifters here at th' school or even in th' databases. Everyone else can just metamorph into whatever they like. I get the weirdo power."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well, maybe thats cause your a Guthrie, Ah mean, aint seen anyone who blasts like me either, we got flyers yer but not really many o- sonic boom types."