49/Happy Harbor: Meet and Greet

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Happy Harbor: Meet and Greet
Date of Scene: 07 March 2020
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: No one gets murdered at the first meet and greet. Someone does get punched though!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Xiomara Rojas, Sebastian Winters, Alton Schmidt, Christine Lake, Bart Allen, Roy Harper, Colette O'Connail, Andi Benton, AJ Strong, Samuel Morgan, Tony Stark

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The school has been getting up and running. So there's bound to be some kinks in the system behind the scenes and things. Morrigan's not pulled all of her hair out though, so that's a good sign already. The Central Plaza of the campus. The area is decorated in the schools colors and there are tables of refreshments and snacks that are set up. They feed people well at the school!

Morrigan's standing in the middle of the plaza talking to her assistant, Duncan. She's dressed in a dark purple dress that's accented by a silver belt and black heels. Her ID for the school is dangling from her wrist as it's usually clipped to a hair tie when she gets frustrated with it.

"If everyone wants to come on in. Get something to eat and drink. This is going to be fairly painless this evening. Just a few announcements and a chance to meet others that you might not have." she smiles to that.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    This is all terribly new to Xiomara. The idea of going to a school- she's never even set foot in a school before. Furthermore, that she's got to wear this image inducer? It a lot for her to handle.

    It took some time to get her look right- slightly tanned skin, but otherwise exactly the same as she normally looks. Belly shirt, pink leather pants, and punk-esque jacket. She's trying to do right by Morrigan- who seems like a nice enough lady. She's also trying to be true to herself- it's a balancing act.

    Still, she enters- free food is always a good motivator for someone who is basically homeless, so, it's towards the food and drinks she goes.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters walks in just a moment late just as Doctor MacIntyre began to speak but somehow he manges to walk with in such confidence that it hardly disturbs anything. Currently he is wearing the school uniform. Yeah he's using again... not drugs or anything major, just his powers at their lowest level giving him good feelings and a little boost in his confidence. Freshly re-tailored to fit him perfectly, then cleaned pressed and overstartched. He runs a finger through the space between the colar and his tie trying to loosen it even though it wont be comfortable until its been laundered again. He makes his way over to the table with the food and drinks and gets himself a little bit of everything.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
As is typically the case, when he's NOT forced into a uniform...Alton's got on pretty tailored stuff. Like, Men's Warehouse tailored clothes. He's gonna like the way he looks, they garuntee it. He ate off campus, not wishing to test his stomach against what food they're serving today, and takes a seat. He's one of those guys that insists on grabbing the end of the row seat and makes everyone else sit in the middle. The easier to get away from all such speeches when speeches are done.

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine is mingling with the other students; smiling, laughing, meeting new people. She's dressed in a pair of 'distressed' skinny jeans, an ivory top with spaghetti straps, a tan sweater/jacket, and black calf-high booties. She's taking mental notes of the people she meets, watching people as she wanders the area. When Dr. MacIntyre speaks, she pays attention, then goes back to the mingling.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is one of the first people on the scene. He's wearing a nice pair of black jeans with white Jordans for the lowers and for the upper, a simple red longsleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. And of course...a bag of chips.

Super Speed = Super Metabolism.

So, While Bart is munching on chips, he goes to greet someone he knows! "Hey Sebastian! Seb. The S-W. Winter-Is-Coming! How's it going man, same old same old or are you feeling the mode?" He talks -fast-, but its understandable at least. But then again, Bart's always been hyper.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper has found himself a spot to sit on one of the concrete benches and has a drink in one hand, sipping it idly while he watches people come and go around him. He seems comfortable enough in a pair of worn jeans, dark green chucks, and a sweater that's blue and green striped. A dark blue jacket covers it, looking a bit on the worn side, likely from plenty of abuse and close scrapes. He seems casually comfortable as he waits for the speech to begin. There's a glance around at the other students, an up-nod of greeting to those he knows.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Back to school. It's kind of a shock for Colette to be walking the halls of a highschool again - it's not long at all since she had escaped the clutches of school life. Somehow life as a university student seems so much more /adult/. Here she is though, an undergraduate TA, getting some experience at the other side of the coin. She's even seen the inside of the staff room. It's far less exciting in reality than it ever was in imagination.

    Colette had been roped into helping to decorate the room in school colors. There should be students doing that of course, but this is the life of a TA. No glamor, lots of dogsbody work. Fetch this, duplicate that, hang some bunting. With the event starting, it's time to relax and she retreats to the food table to get something to eat. It's also a good spot for people-watching - as the students rush the table, she takes the opportunity to run her eyes over them all, trying to see who's who.

Andi Benton has posed:
Everything has been worked out for Andi to transfer to the school in Happy Harbor. As an incoming senior, she doesn't have that much longer left before graduation, but having the last few months of school turned upside down by going to a new place can be trouble for some people. For her, that remains to be seen. Though her father is nowhere to be found, she as one of the new girls has actually turned up. Maybe she was threatened with grounding if she didn't?

Andi is in her purples and blacks, wearing a tattered purple, sleeveless dress over a black one-piece with equally tattered sleeves that end at the elbows, leggings disappearing into purple Chuck Taylors. The piercings? Check. The sullen attitude? Oh yeah. Plus, a plate with a few bits of food she's starting to nibble on already while moving off to one side.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ Strong decides to come the normal way, for now. He doesn't really make much of an entrance either, his clothes are almost blandly simple. Not forced into the school uniform at the moment he wears a pair of jeans and a dark blue hoodie proudly displaying the NY Yankees logo across the back. His hands are shoved into the pocket on the front of the hoodie, but at least the hood is down this time.

His eyes land on the crowd, giving them a dubious stare. He's just not used to the amount of people all gathered in one place, and scoots over towards the refreshment table where he can at least linger without feeling too awkward about anything. Oh look! Soda. He grabs one of those and begins scanning for a place to set himself to listen to the speech.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A few days ago, a uniform was issued to one Morgan, Samuel A. To the teenager's surprise, it didn't come in the typical quartermaster size of either 'too big' or 'too small', or the usually ubiquitous 'one size fits nobody'. Someone had taken the trouble of making sure this thing actually /fit/. And so, tonight, given that this is a formal occasion akin to a parade or a review, Sam has come dressed in full uniform, with that exact thing in mind.

    Purple blazer over a white shirt, with a collar so crisp that you could shave with it. A silver and purple striped tie in a proper Windsor knot disappears under the blazer and is not seen again. Completing the uniform is a pair of black trousers with a crease fore and aft that appear to defy the laws of physics by remaining in perfect shape as he walks, and a pair of black boots that shine with a mirror polish. Even his companion dog, Bear, is wearing a purple and silver doggy sweater underneath his mandatory hi-vis vest, with a short silver and purple leash clipped to his purple and black collar.

    But of course, a school gathering means a crowd... Sam stays at the fringes, slightly aloof and as friendly as he can be under the circumstances.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony promised to attend the little event, and, to his credit, he actually turned up. So did several men in dark glasses and suits with earpieces who keep out the way and alertly watch the proceedings. The guards give Tony a decent amount of distance, to the point where the casual observer would think he was just here on his own. He stands near one of the refreshment tables, picking at the contents thoughtfully. In the other hand he holds his phone, flicking through the device's contents idly with a thumb.

He's gone without the armor for this particular appearance, even though he seems to have been wearing it in public a lot lately. Instead he wears a black blazer over a black t-shirt with an image of the Iron Man helmet in subdued gold linework at the chest. Beneath that are a pair of dark jeans and a pair of black and white Chuck Taylors. The small reactor in the middle of his chest glows eerily blue through the shirt he wears.

Christine Lake has posed:
Looking over to the side, Christine sees a student she knows, so she heads over to Sam. "Hey, Sam." She smiles at him, knowing that crowds aren't his thing. Hopefully, having a friendly face nearby with help him out. "You doing okay?" she asks with concern. Then, she notices something, or someone, missing. "Where's Bear at? Are you trying to do this solo?"

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters grins at Bart's... uniqueness and nods as he takes a good long draw from his cup of soda. It's not beer, such a shame, but its better than nothing. He lowers his glass in what must have felt like forever to Bart and says, "I'm doing fine. Everything is feeling the... um mode, so no crash here." he says still getting the hang of his unique slang as he parrots it back to him.

Sebastian runs a finger through his collar, it's just too damn tight... though perhaps because it was fitted when he wasn't using his powers when his parents were present... they insisted on it even though he felt soooo much better when he was. He's now sporting about 20 pounds of more muscle and is more fit than he ever has been in his life. So of course it feels good. ~Danger~ a unheard voice whispers into his ear but he ignores it. ~Power... hunger~. He gives the mental command for it to shut up and for once it goes quiet for him. Off to a good start!

Sebastian of course reccognizes Tony Stark immediately and feels a twinge of guilt at being forced to attend all of those Lex2020 rallies with his parents. If he had a vote he'd go for the man in the room, and not that bald headed blowhard with his creepy missiles for mankind bs. He's just glad he attended Tony's first announcement party... now that had beer... and was a real blast. Turning and trying not to stare at Tony he spots Samuel and gives him a wave.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan spots Crush and there's a wave to their newest arrival. Then she's giving nods to those that she knows and has met before, "I think we're all getting food, we might have a few stragglers, which is fine." she tells everyone.

"For those that haven't had a chance to meet me in person, I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre. I'm the head of the school. Hopefully they won't fire me over Spring Break." she muses. She's Irish to boot. That accent is easy to catch.

"We've got a few things coming up. Since it's warming up, we'll be getting back into sports activities and things of that nature. Our coach is not here, so I'll let him talk to people that involves at another time." she admits. "Spring Break is coming up in two weeks. So that'll be fun. We'll be scheduling a science fair for the student populace. Hopefully we can get Doctor Stark to help judge that." she grins as she gives a nod to Tony.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    One thing that Xiomara didn't change- largely because she hadn't even thought of it, is her teeth. Tony might see a flash of fang when the particularly tall high-schooler passes once her plate has been properly filled- and she tosses some little snack into her mouth. Her nose twitches as she passes.

    Her eyes turn towards Morrigan. She did remember to change the eye color, at least. Amber. It's a natural color for a human, at least. She lifts her head towards the good Doctor.

    Clearly, she's not exactly in her most comfortable surroundings- eyes darting as she looks at all these other teens. She steps away from the table and goes to find a seat to listen and watch.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Sebastian gets a wave in return, a friendly one at that, and Sam even has a smile for Christine when she approaches. But then he looks panicked for a moment and looks down, where Bear is supposed to be... The Shepherd looks up at him with a curious look, and the teen calms down. Whew. "This is not the time to fly solo, I'm afraid." Especially not because of the spooks in the room. And certainly because of the presence of a man who, until a few months ago, was pretty high up on his priority target list. It's hard not to remember the plans and contingencies that he worked so hard on, despite his change of career and change of... well, everything.

    Still with that pleasant smile, he waves Christine over to the refreshments table, starting to walk that way himself. Towards Tony. He just wants something to eat... it just so happens that Actual Tony Actual Stark is standing there as well.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Sports? Nope. Science Fair? Nope. Spring Break? Bring it on," Andi muses to herself, not so quietly that nobody in the immediate vicinity can't hear. Her eyes do go wider as /the/ Tony Stark arrives with his protection, leading to a soft, "Damn." What's /he/ doing here? She must not be up on all the faculty. Or is he campaigning?

She's kind of paused with some finger food an inch from her mouth, looking between Tony and Morrigan. That's the one her father met with about enrollment. Now, she takes a look around at other students.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles then a moment as Sebastian speaks. He laughs though. "No, no, man. Its always better to crash the mode. Truuuuust me." He smirks just a little bit before he looks around. "Soooooooo." Bart says to Sebastian. "How you enjoying the classes so far? So far so great? Or is it just kinda bleh?"

He does look over at Morrigan as she gives the entry to her speech. "WOO! SCIENCE!" yells out Bart, trying to be supportive, comlpetely unknowing that it could be seen as rude.

He looks over at Roy as he finds a spot on a concrete bench. "Ooooo he looks cool. Plus he looks so cool! I should go say hi to that guy before he sulks all night long, whattyathink?" he asks Sebastian. Upon noticing Samuel, he gives him a wave in greeting.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ finally settles for dropping down on a bench next to the most passingly familiar face. Roy. Though he keeps glancing over towards Stark, trying to not look like he's staring and probably failing miserably. "It's Stark." He says to Roy as he settles in with his soda, as if that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that hadn't spent the last ten years in a coma.

"I was kind of hoping to get to see the armor up close." He adds after a moment, sounding a little dejected. "You think he'd sign an autograph?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton kinda shakes his head. Tony Stark is running for president and here at the same time....even though practically nobody here can vote. Well, maybe parents can vote, but is that really why Tony's here? So he can influence kids to make their parents vote for him? Well, his parents are in Germany, so 'nein' on that one. Spring Break, though? Oh, he has plans for that. Alton can actually get to Cancun with the rest of the Spring Break types...and that promises to be lots of fun.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper glances over toward the refreshment table and notices AJ there. He lifts his soda in a bit of a salute to the other teen when he notices him and nods toward the bench that he's sitting on, a silent invitation to join him. He's listening as Morrigan speaks, though, and he glances toward her at the mention of sports, but then the coach isn't there. Spring Break and the Science Fair are met with a sort of vague interest.

The presence of Tony Stark, however, seems to catch his interest as he studies the man, never having seen him in person before. And so he studies the guy openly for several long moments. "Yeah, it is," he says to AJ with a grin. "Never seen him in person before." Then he grins at AJ and shrugs, "Maybe. Can't hurt to ask. Worst he can say is no, right? I'll go with you if you want."

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters makes a shrugging gesture to Bart's questions, "Its... school." like that explains everything both good and bad. He then looks back towards Tony's direction as Bart asks if he should approach him. "Hey why don't we both? Besides I've got something neat to tell him if his campain people haven't." he says grinning as he remembers a thought he had when he was at the rival campaign announcement. "Lets go over now before he gets called away on important business."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine blinks as she looks down to see Bear looking up. "Oh, geez...Sorry! I totally spazed there..." How she missed the dog, she has no idea. But, she accompanies Sam to the refreshments table. Taking a glass of punch to drink, she blinks at the sight of *THE* Tony Stark amonsts them. "Holy cow...what the heck is Tony Stark doing here?" she whispers to Sam. Does he have something to do with the school, she wonders.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette eyes Tony Stark briefly as he approaches the refreshments table, a little surprised that he's letting his security guys hang back. She considers him speculatively for a few moments, her mind going back to what Captain Marvel had told her about him a little while ago, but doesn't approach him to inflict upon him the harangue she might have, largely because she figures that everyone else is likely to want to do that. Instead she watches the crowd, observing the reactions his presence elicits.

    It's a sea of faces. Too many faces for any one to particularly stand out to her, though Bart's pro-science whooping raises an eyebrow. Colette puts that face on her mental watch-list.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I try not to advertise the 'doctor' bit," Tony calls over towards Mo, mouth half-full of snacks that he quickly swallows and loud enough for all to hear, "Too many weirdos in my line of work that use it. Doctor Doom. Doctor Strange. Doctor Druid. You know, if my last name was 'doom' I'd probably change it." A pause. "Maybe."

"This is good," Stark says as a polite suggestion to Samuel when he approaches the table, gesturing to some miniature pastries wrapped around meat of some sort, "I think they're mini beef wellingtons."

Then, his little plate sufficiently loaded up with party food, he turns back towards Mo and listens attentively. By 'listens attentively', he flicks through his phone, eats snacks, and occasionally checks the time.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ actually looks scandalized for a moment, he may not dress it but he grew up with certain ideas in place. "I can't just walk up to him and ask.. No, there's rules. Like you have to get a proper introduction and.." His eyes shift towards one of the black suited individuals. They may be hanging back, but they're there, and no doubt watching anyone that even gets within six feet of the billionaire. "I don't want to be tackled by security. I bet I'd end up a smear on the ground faster than you could sneeze."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Arghgle! For a moment, it seems as if Sam's brain short circuits. That was Tony Stark. Actually talking to him. Granted, about finger food, but... words. Spoken. In his direction. He'd rehearsed a meeting like this in his mind for well over a year now, and this? This is not how that went in any of his mental permutations. In the end, he can only say the first thing that pops into his mind. Which ends up, quite frankly, a bit weird.

    "I... thought you'd be using Thorium, or Palladium." Because Sam, the Technopath, finds it very hard to ignore that mini fusion reactor mere feet away from him. Realising afterwards what he has said, he hurriedly fills up a plate with a random selection and looks over to Christine with an expression that just simply screams 'help me!'

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart nodnodnods in quick fashion. Yep, he nodded three times in a row. Unimportant, but nonetheless Bart seems to scratch the back of his head. "I was more meaning that dude." He points at Roy over yonder, but he shrugs. "But sure! Meeting the rich guy could be pretty crash." Even though Bart doesn't really glorify rich people, or many superheroes for that manner, Tony is seriously in the history books!

So, Bart nods to Sebastian for a moment before he leads the charge!


ITS TORTURE! Nonetheless, he walks with him right on over....while he's also eating out of his bag of chips. munch munch munch.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters walks up to Tony though Bart is a few steps ahead of him. Guy needs to slow down, he thinks. Even is casual stride is practically a jog. "Hey, Mister Stark, nice to meet you. I was at your campaign announcement... awesome by the way, cant go wrong with beer and t-shirts." he grins, "My parents dragged me over to your rival's announcement too. Your campaign guys probably pointed it out... but just in case noone has... Got one thing to say about that... the last group to use the Rising Sun as a motif in their campain... bombed Pearl Harbor." he grins cheekily. "Good one eh? You should toootally use that in your next debate."

Sebastian spots Samuel's discomfort and hopes his attempt to get Tony's attention on him helps his friend out.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Are you fuckin' kidding me?" Roy asks AJ, one eyebrow raised. "Watch." He gets up then and scouts around and finds a program of some of the school's activities, then pulls a sharpie out of his back pocket. Why does he carry around a sharpie? Don't ask. He then takes said program and sharpie and holds them clearly presented before him in his hands and walks right on up toward Tony along with the others heading in that direction. He hangs back a bit while others greet him first and when there's an opening he holds both out and asks "Hey, would you mind signing an autograph for my friend AJ over there?" He nods in AJ's direction. "He's too polite to ask without some kind of formal introduction.. but I'm not."

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine sees Sam sputter and falter in front of Tony Stark, and slides up next to him. Hopefully, her presence will help him calm down. "He's just a little flustered at meeting you, Mr. Stark," she explains with a smile. "Massive tech guy. Great with computers, not so much with people." She starts loading up some of the beef pastries on a plate. "It's really amazing to meet you, sir," she adds in. "I didn't know you were associated with our school."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile as people start looking to Tony and there's a smile, "He's probably taking a break from all of the meetings and things." she admits. Then there's a bit of a look around, "One more thing before we get to engrossed in things, I have an open door policy. So if you experience a problem or need to talk to someone, please come and see me. We're trying to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in speaking with staff, teachers and we'll have guest teachers and guest lecturers as well. For example Doctor Stark is one of our Guest Teachers." she smiles to that. Then without further comment she hands the mic over to Duncan.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton's focus centers upon Sebastian as he's among a few trying to get a moment with Tony. That's one of the people from the diner. Even if she can't catch all the words, just the way he's talking and smiling leaves her to roll her eyes, barely glancing toward whoever may happen to be nearby as she says, "God, could his nose be any more brown?" Even if she's in awe of /the/ Tony Stark being here, she'll be damned if she lets anyone else know. It's all about keeping up a front, a look of disinterest, and she's had years of practice already. A cola is grabbed so she can start chugging it. "Hope nobody gets maced."

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ's eyes go wide as Roy just kind of.. ambles up. Oh god! He follows after as if that might mitigate some of the issue. Or maybe he's thinking something else. Maybe grabbing Roy by the arm and hopping away before.. Nope, too late. He blushes as the other teen just asks, ASKS!, for an autograph. Though as Roy points him out he really has nothing else to do but lift a hand and wave at Tony Stark. He opens his mouth to say something but what comes out is just sort of a sound. that might be a hello. The kid is practically star-struck.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
     Colette's intention to avoid harangues is seriously challenged when she hears Sebastian's comments on the rising sun symbol. "Maybe it's a knowing acknowedgement that we're basically aping Meiji Japan's approach to awakening to a larger, more technologically advanced universe," she says to him. At least the comment isn't aimed directly at Tony. No, she's going to be good and not attempt to engage him in political debate.

Tony Stark has posed:
"No, I'm pretty sure it's beef," Stark answers Sam casually, lifting up one of the little snacks to get a closer look at it, "Palladium's generally a pretty bad cooking ingredient all round. Expensive. Carcinogenic. Y'know."

As people begin to gravitate towards him, Tony does the semi-courteous thing and drops his phone into the pocket of his jeans. Now he's got a free hand for hand shaking which he immediately drops into his pocket as well.

"Oh, I don't know," he says to Sebastian with a shrug of his shoulders, "Lex has got some good points. A billionaire tech genius should win the election. Just, you know, not him." He clears his throat a little, hand moving from his pocket to tug preeningly on the lapel of his blazer.

"Right," Tony speaks up, pointing at Mo, "As well as pouring a not insignificant amount of funding into our little operation here, I'll be doing some guest lectures. Mainly on how to carve that little 's' with the six vertical lines into your desks. Do they still do that?"

When Roy approaches, Stark turns his head and looks him over critically. A moment later he looks over his shoulder, gazing AJ's direction and then gesturing towards him: "I don't sign stuff." But rather than just dismiss it, he steps out of the gathering throng and stands alongside AJ. His phone is fished from his pocket and he angles it in such a way as to capture the pair of them in frame for a selfie: "Say 'Luthor keeps Nair in business!'" Click.

The photo taken; he tilts the screen to look at it. He tilts it to let AJ get a look as well and apply criticism of his own.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Of course, at this point, everyone's paying attention to Tony, and nobody's paying much attention to anything or anyone else. Alton was a little worried about going over to Tony...who knows how much magnetic shielding he has...but, an Avenger must certainly be protected from accidents, right? Well, fine, it should be okay. Probably. "So, uh...President Stark, huh? Has a nice ring to it. I didn't like Luthor's speech much. Does this mean you'll bring more fun to America?"

Roy Harper has posed:
"See?" Roy says, not at all put off by the refusal, and simply tucks the sharpie away and folds up the program to shove it into his back pocket. "Worst he could say is no." He gives an up-nod of thanks to Tony and a grin. "Thanks, Mr. Stark," he says, for taking a selfie with the star-struck AJ. That seems to entertain him way more than the autograph would have, anyway. His job here done, he wanders back over to his spot on the concrete bench and reclaims it, taking another swig of his soda.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters smirks and lets everyone crowd around Tony, friend rescued, and job well done even if it isn't by him. He lets the crowd move in front of him as he backs off confidently and returns to the food table for another round of chips.

Sebastian then moves back over to where he was standing earlier. Now by himself he just watches everything and everyone around him appraisingly. He begins to wonder which ones are the 'special' students and which ones are normals. He begins to make a few guesses and is surprised at how many he keeps coming up with. But this school is mostly normals right? He dismisses his count as being full of confirmation bias and just stands there casually watching the entire room gravitate and orbit around Tony's magnetic presence.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ manages to unbunch and actually laugh at the joke about Lex's chromedome. Which does certainly help with the picture because he doesn't look like he just swallowed a frog the size of his head anymore. He does repeat the line to, laughing a bit more as he says it, He does quickly pull out his own phone though to snap his own selfie with the tech-genius, because this is even better than an autograph.&r&rHe doesn't say thanks, instead he settles for a, "You'll win." Not even a good luck, just a statement in confidence in the Avenger. "Luthor is too.." He just wrinkles his nose, and shakes his head, not having the right word. "I look forward to your lessons."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to Tony and lifts her bottle of water in a toast to the man. She doesn't go over to crowd him. She looks for those students that are on the edges of things. "How is everyone doing? Ready for a break in a few weeks?" she asks with a smile.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yeah, beef..." Whew. Sam breathes with relief when Christine and Sebastian step in for him. Nice. Blew that one. Although, of course, he also has to debate just one, tiny, single point. "It's likely not politic to attack the Rising Sun as a symbol at the moment, considering Japan is an important strategic ally against any aggression from China and Russia. Aside from being our only gateway into the China Sea, without access to Japanese ports the Pacific Fleet would have to refuel, rearm and refit entirely at Diego Garcia, which would add a time penalty to any deployment. It would likely be better to criticise the use of the symbol, in this context, and possibly allude to the reality that the Meiji Restoration was perhaps not just notable for its technological revolution and its embracing of foreign cultures, but also for the disarmament of the populace and a rise of repressive tactics. Is that truly the future America wants right now?"

    A minor, minor point...

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara is far more interested in her meal than Tony. She's just sitting, eating, and looking around with quiet curiosity. "Lights are too bright." she mumbles to herself, as she more or less finishes her 'meal' in record time. She sets the plate aside, not even bothering to find a trashcan for it.

    "I didn't even know there was a break coming." Xiomara answers to Morrigan. She's taken her tests- the rest of this year is Individual Education Plan. Her education has some fairly massive holes in it, after all. "So. What sorta sports were you talkin' about?" she asks then, "Like.. they got teams or somethin?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles at Tony being an upstanding person. He turns his attention then to Morrigan as she starts asking questions of the students. "Excited beyond measure! Its so crash to know that I'll have time to actually...hahah, crash out. See what I did there?" He points at his temple like he just said something super smart.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton qualifies as one of those 'fringe' students, in more ways than one. Her grades from the last place she attended would be on the record for the faculty here, showing obvious signs of an underachiever who did the bare minimum to pass, but also someone with the capability to do much better. "Yeah, this is about as exciting as PE," she remarks, shifting her attention toward an exit. She showed up, fulfilled her obligation. No reason she /has/ to stick around, is there? Her attention passes Xiomara and Morrigan, halting on the /tall/ girl for a few seconds.

Christine Lake has posed:
Okay, Sam is talking and no longer has a short-circuiting brain. Christine counts this as a Good Thing. She listens to him say all that information, then blinks in confusion as most of it just goes over her head. She laughs, perhaps a bit nnervously, and says. "Ummm...Arizona has a rising sun motiff on the State Flag..." Yeah, that's all she's got to contribute. So, she just stays to the side and sips her punch.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Yeah, Spring Break is a regular holiday. We'll get you something to do if you want, Crush?" Morrigan asks her. The red head is a few inches shorter than Xiomara, but she's used to this! She gives a look to Andi and a wave, "Hey there." she smiles to her. Then there's a laugh at what Bart says, "Yeah. I caught that. Lay off the soda." she muses.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "The Meiji restoration sought to enter Japan into a race that had already started, and imitate the front of the field," Colette says to Sam. "Never going to win that way. You need to do something different if you want any chance of reaching the head of the pack."

    Colette retreats from the conversation a little, letting the students keep up their presidential candidate harassing duties. She returns her attention to the crowd, scanning faces and looking out to see who's keeping to themselves. Andi's beeline for the exit gets her attention, but she's just taking mental notes for now.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
     Earrings in a ladder down each ear. Pink leather pants that look like they've been through the ringer. A couple of spikes on a pair of bracers. Her head mostly shaved except for that center stripe- this particular *tall* young woman looks pure 70's punk. From her black lips to the pink-laced Doc Martens on her feet. The bomber's jacket with custom pink zipper and trim only adds to it- the arms cut off to a quarter sleeve.

    "Eh. I'll just do what I usually do, Doc." she says over to Morrigan- smiling a bit as she's called Crush. "I got a few matches coming up anyways. It'll be nice to lay back and relax between 'em." Speaking, of course, of her penchant for kicking the crud out of people in cage matches.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "All of which are good arguments to segue around the symbology, without offending an important geopolitical partner." Sam agrees with Colette. "I mean, honestly, most of LexTech is a poor copy of Stark tech any way, so I suppose it makes sense he'd advertise being mediocre." Yup, he's comfortable again, and glancing over to Christine with a warm smile. The pastry salute? Possibly not the most classy, but it's what he had to hand.

    "So who else is in the science fair? I'm going to have to scavenge for components, and I don't want to get into anyone else's way."

Tony Stark has posed:
"My party platform is broad and substantial," Tony tells Alton with a solemn sort of nod, "Though I have to say, I met enough of my dad's politician friends to know that the last thing you want is to be campaigned at. What I'll tell you, though, is that I'm looking at the future. I'm not looking to make people like me comfortable, I want to put us all on the cutting edge."

Sam's comment about LexTech is heard and zeroed in on, the billionaire lowering his phone to point a finger at the young man: "Yes. Exactly. I like this kid."

That said, Stark continues to mingle amongst the little mob and make conversation. On the periphery his guards look particularly agitated, but a few pointed stares keep them from trying to intercede.

Andi Benton has posed:
For the first time since stepping in here, Andi actually looks curious about something, or someone. It's Xiomara and her very punk attire and general look. A ghost of a smile barely comes and goes before she's even realized it. The way out is given a few more seconds left alone. To Morrigan, she merely waves a hand in brief fashion.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Hmmmm. That's fair. "Well...as far as I can see, the world's going to win no matter what happens, Mr. Stark. Either you're president, and you get to change the world dramatically...or you're Iron Man, and you get to keep saving the day. ...What's it like being able to save lives at the drop of a hat? To know there'd be less people on the planet if it weren't for you personally stepping in?" Alton seems to want to know about heroing now.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look up to the pink clad spike wearing Xio and there's a soft sigh, "Maybe we should see about getting you into wrestling. Just to give you something else to do." she smiles to that. "I'm glad you came though. It's a big step to decide to see how things go." she nods to that. Then there's a smile at the talk of science fair things. She is also checking to see if Tony is mobbed by students. Then back to Xio, "Think you've got a fan over there." she stage whispers.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters shakes his head in Sam's direction, "Nah man, all yours. I'm out of the science fair unless you want detailed diagrams on soil density and the exhumation process for artifacts.". Sebastian though keeps his distance from the crowd around Tony now just glad he isn't the center of attention like that. Confidence only carries you so far because you have to have the ego to support it. ~Power~ (Oh come on, shut it already!)Oo. He thinks at his artifacts. Though he has a sudden urge to travel to the steps of North Eastern Russia... but why he doesn't know. He shrugs the sensation off and goes back to sipping his drink.

Christine Lake has posed:
Well, that's a switch. Christine is still standing next to Sam, ready to jump in if he needs a freindly face. But...she's looking a bit lost. All the science and history and tactics talk is really outside of her knowledge. And so, she ends up just standing there, wanting to make sure her friend is okay, but looking a little lost in the crowd.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ shifts to the side of the crowd as talk goes to science, which usually goes right over his head. He can idolize a tech-genius and not understand a lick of what makes anything work. But he does feel the need to sit down, that idol-worship wooziess going to his knees. He plops back down on the bench next to Roy, half his attention still on the crowd milling around the presidential candidate.

"I can't believe you did that." AJ says over his shoulder to Roy, even as he's setting his phone wallpaper to his new favorite selfie ever. "Thank you."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah. You just want a big-ass gold trophy in your trophy case, Doc." Xiomara replies with a wicked little grin. "Might as well ask me to join the drama club." Playful.

    "Hrm?" Xiomara looks over towards Andi. She looks over the other young woman's look. Her clothes. Her attitude. "Uh.. What up?" she wonders then towards the other 'punk'. "Diggin' the purple." she says in regards to Andi's hair.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    The agitation of Tony's guards is something Colette finds secretly amusing. She wonders how often he's like this. Probably a lot. Must be a hard job guarding him. A little voice in her head wonders whether it would be more interesting to see how they reacted if a bolt of dark energy were to suddenly strike him from out of the milling crowd, or if it would be more interestingly chaotic if they were eliminated one at a time in a similarly surreptitious fashion, but fortunately it's not a particularly loud voice. She has a louder voice that's rather nicer.

    Noticing the lost look on Christine's face, she leans across and says in a conspiratorial whisper, "Boys and their toys." She rolls her eyes in an exaggerated fashion and flashes the girl a grin. "Just let it go in one ear and out the other, they'll get bored of it eventually. "

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton shoots Morrigan a look at the comment that gets Xiomara noticing her. "Whatever." All the same, she raises a brow at the exotic-looking girl. "Uh, you know. Just..happy to be here or something. And, nice pants. And spikes. Looking sharp." The sound of her working a tongue stud against her teeth might be heard.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper grins over at AJ when he comes back and sits down, shrugging his shoulders. "Was nothin', man. And hey, you got a pic. That's pretty sweet." He leans over so that he can take a look at it and gives a nod of approval. "Fortune favors the bold, man. Sometimes you just gotta go for it and see what happens." He contemplates the food now that the majority of the snackers have been past the table. "Gonna grab a plate. Be right back." And off he goes, filling up a plate to brimming with a bit of almost everything before he returns to the bench. "I have no idea what all of this is." But that doesn't stop him from digging into it and offering the plate toward AJ in case he wants anything. There's certainly enough.

Christine Lake has posed:
Christine looks over to Colette as the young woman addresses her. She smiles and shrugs, motioning to Sam. "Well, the fact that he's here in a big crowd...that's a big step for him. So, I don't mind the conversation being a bit beyond me." She holds out her hand, still with smiling in a friendly way. "Hi, I'm Christine Lake. One of the students, but I guess that's kind of obvious, huh?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Happy to be here. Yeah. You and me both." Xiomara offers, "Everyone calls me Crush." An introduction! Things are moving forward.

    "Yeah. It's hard to get pink leather, but I know a guy who does leatherwork outside of Chicago." she explains, "I did some uh.. work for him and he made me a couple of pairs of pants." By work, she means she broke a particularly unpleasant man's legs.

    "So.. Uh.. I'm not really sure what to says to people in schools. I ain't never been to school before." she admits, flashing her teeth. Her canines appear to be sharpened. "Kinda weird, right? Like all these rules and shit? Ain't really sure how to deal with it all. Used to just sorta doin' my own thing."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan flashes a smile, overly sharp canines showing for a moment, "I'm going to head off to see if others need things." she tells Xio. Then she stops, "Oh..." she pulls a small package out of her bag and hands it to her, "The phone I told you about. Most of it's already set up." she tells her. Then she's moving off to speak with her assistant quietly.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Of the people here, Sam probably identifies most with the guards currently keeping an eye out for Tony. He's never actually been in that situation but he knows what they're likely thinking. He can also hear radio chatter and phones and so many things from so many people all talking and bleeping and dumping data. With a fixed smile, he continues the conversation about the science fair for a bit and then walks slowly away from the table. Bear, that ever clever Shepherd, is clearing a path by insistently bonking his head head against anyone who might be in the way until they move. It might not be the Red Sea, and Sam might not be Moses, but a path has been cleared nevertheless.

    Just to have something to be seen doing, he gets out his phone and stares blankly at the screen. Data is being dumped to the device, random thoughts and impressions that end up in a note file for later dissection. The other advantage of being a technopath is that you can actually carry a spare brain in your pocket.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Captain Rogers is probably the better guy to answer that," Tony tells Alton in regards to the superhero question, "He'd give you an answer that made you feel patriotic and inspired. One thing I learned in business is to not get into a field I don't think I can dominate - inspirational speeches are not my forte."

The mini beef wellingtons finished, Tony puts his plate back down and strides towards Morrigan. His guards move a little, shifting in their positions to keep a close eye on him. One of them even mutters something into his sleeve. To Tony's credit, he waits patiently while Mo is in discussion with her assistant. He draws out of his own phone, flicking through the contents that are projected holographically into the air before him.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Andi," the other punky-looking one answers. "Wish I could say I didn't have to go to school. Just a few more months, thankfully."

The attire Xiomara's in gets another look and she remarks, "Sounds like a good deal. That looks like quality to me." She isn't /close/ by but she's within conversational range, which is something.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up when Tony is closing in and there's a smile to Duncan, she gives him a 'wait a second' gesture. "Doctor Stark." she smiles. "Thank you for coming tonight. I know you are incredibly busy." she admits to that.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette takes Christine's hand with a broad smile. "Colette O'Connail. I'm a TA. Which is probably slightly less obvious." She does look a bit too old to be a student and a bit too young to be a teacher, so it does make sense. "English. So if you need help with anything there, feel free to look me up. But it also means you're welcome to come to me if you've got any concerns about... whatever. Particularly if you don't want to go to an actual teacher. So long as you haven't actually set fire to the school /on purpose/ I won't rat you out." Her smile gives way to a broad grin.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ happily accepts some of the food off of Roy's plate, in exchange identifying some of the more obscure canapes for his friend. "Those are mini-quiches, look like ham and cheese. Those might be.." He plucks a cracker off the plate and pops it in his mouth with a nod. "Yup! Liver pate. And that's some sort of stuffed date thing.. I think." He takes one anyway and pops it in his mouth with a grin. "Dad always has stuffed date things at his parties, I think he's addicted to them."

His eyes are still darting between Stark and the other students, and then there's a holographic cellphone?! "Oh man, I need me one of those. I have no idea what I need it for, but I need it."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    The hispanic looking punk takes the package. "Oh, yeah.. Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it." she offers lifting the package. "Ain't never had a phone before."
    Xiomara shrugs, "Eh. There ain't a lot to do when you ain't go no-where to go. Might be nice to go somewhere everyday and sees people and shit." At least she's got a decent enough attitude. "Otherwise I just sit and work out at home. I mean, it ain't bad to listen to the music and get pumped, but it sorta gets borin' day after day... but I ain't never stayed in one place long enough to try school. Always been homeschooled."

    "I like'm. They can takes a beatin'." Crush says about her pants, "Though I've hadta fix'em up once or twice after a scrape here or there."

    Being a half-alien powerhouse is hard on clothes.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Busy?" Tony looks sceptically at Mo, waving a hand, "Running for president's actually remarkably mellow. I'm one coconut drink away from laying on the beach and listening to Jimmy Buffett."

His phone is turned off, tucked away in his blazer breast pocket, and then he takes a long look around: "You're doing a great job. I knew it'd work, but I didn't expect it to come together this well. Have you divided them all up into houses yet? I'm assuming you're Dumbledore in this whole equation?"

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters finds himself free and clear of any conversations, or having to gang up on anyone for an autograph or whatever. He makes a pass at the end of the food table and finds the wastebasket there for his plate and glass before moving casually towards the doorway out. He doesnt leave just yet, but he lingers near it so that he can slip out quietly without notice or anyone missing him. He's been to so many 'functions' as a kid that he knows the ins and outs of them. First you make a show of being present, confident, welcoming... then you find the biggest name in the room... make an ass of yourself, break away and then leave. Thats how you do it! You avoid a lot of innane smalltalk and yet make an impression all at the same time. The only reason he hasnt slipped out yet is because Doctor MacIntyre may have more business for the students and so he sticks around at the fringes.

Christine Lake has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind," Christine tells Colette. "Having people to talk to is...good." Speaking of people to talk to, she glances over at Sam, smiling that he's sort of going off on his own. Not feeling as obligated to stand by him every moment, Christine tells Colette,"Umm...If you excuse me, I'd like to talk to Dr. MacIntyre while she's free?" She gives Colette a little wave, then heads over to the Doctor.

"Ummm...Dr. MacIntyre," Christine says a little hesitantly. "I was wondering if you had time to talk? Or...maybe in your office tomorrow. If you have time."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton is, dare she admit it, feeling a little bond here. Nobody else in the room seems half as cool to her as Xiomara. Not even potential President Stark and his cadre of fans. "Hell yeah, music is great to just chill out with. You got a favorite band? I've been into Skull and Death Rock lately. Fucking hardcore." A shoulder rolls in a shrug. "I'd find ways to keep busy. I got a part-time job at a music shop close to home."

Catching herself, she clears her throat. Can't start babbling, but she perhaps hasn't met many people with such a distinct appearance. "Anyway, I was just on my way out. I'm sure I'll see you around this dump." Even if it's a pretty fancy place.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Talk to Captain Rogers, Tony said. But Captain Rogers...is it even possible to find that man? I mean, he supposes he could go to Avengers Mansion and ask to talk to him, but then, wouldn't there be bazillions of people doing that?

Alton follows Tony toward Morrigan one last time.

"...How am I supposed to talk to Captain Rogers? He's...not easy to find." Apparently he took that idea seriously. "Can you send him here or something?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper eyes the various canapes that AJ points out, pushing the liver covered crackers in his direction. "That's all you, buddy." Then he grabs a stuffed date thing and shoves that in his mouth. "These are alright. I'm good with these.. and ham and cheese." The mini quiches also get his stamp of approval. Then he idly looks around at the other students milling about and asks, "So, who do you know here? Anybody?" He doesn't see any familiar faces, himself. "The only one I've met is Saoirse, I think."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Did you just Dumbledore me?" Morrigan laughs at Tony. "I'm more...well...Minerva really." she smiles. "And thank you. I'm glad things are looking to be going well." she dips her head to that. Then there's a look to Christine and there's a smile, "What can I help with?" she asks her.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Hunh. I usually just bribe my way into CBGBs and hear whatever is playin' there." Crush says over to Andi. "Ain't sure I got a favorite band, mebbe Bikini Kill, X-Ray Spex, or Joan Jett and The Blackhearts. I just sorta listen to whatever the hell I'm feelin'. Don't really matter what typea music, as long as it's gotta a good sound." Her speech is lazy, very much so of the street.

    "Aight. See you around, Andi. We're goin' to the same school and shit, so, probably be hard to miss one another."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There are things which you can't help but overhearing. Sam turns, slowly, towards Alton when he asks that question. Captain America? Here?! He'd have to find a good excuse to be on the other side of the state, just to be safe. Trying to talk to Tony was an absolute disaster, but being in the same room or even the same building as the man he had once sworn an oath to kill on sight? Nope. Not ready for that.

    And oh no, there's Christine, heading towards... oh dear. Now Sam is on the move again, approaching the new huddle, because he has a good idea of what Christine is going to want to talk about. Which brings him in range of Tony's tech again. Argh.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony turns slightly when he hears Alton approach, brow furrowing. He holds up a finger to Morrigan, asking for 'one moment' as he turns to face the student and takes on a momentarily pained expression.

"It's a figure of speech, kid," Tony explains, "I mean, maybe we'll work something out but, like you said, he's a busy guy. Just watch this space for now, huh? By which I mean wait not, you know, stand there and watch this exact space." He's had experience with the overly literal, it would seem.

He turns back to speak to Morrigan only to find her engaged in another conversation. An irritated look crosses his features for a moment but is quickly repressed as he moves on, making a subtle (or as subtle as Tony Stark can be) line towards the exit. His guards fall in at a respectful distance.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Hell yeah," Andi replies, even giving the devil horns before she dips. Can't act /too/ cool for school, but suddenly she's not 100% pessimistic about things working out here. Just 99% now. At least there's someone there who might get her.

Sebastian Winters has posed:
Sebastian Winters edges his way towards the exit. Just a little bit.... pause.... a bit more... pause. Then he finds himself out of the mix all together.

Sebastian takes a big long breath, he gives a nod to the two guys in suits wearing ear-loops and makes his way out of the building. Fortunately for him noone notices or really cares that he ditched the rest of the shindig but that whole thing was just another kind of 'mixer' which is exactly why he hated being around his parents these days because thats all they do anymore rather than field work. It's like they totally sold out and the whole mess strikes him as kind of sad.

Feeling a hunger for something he cannot describe or even knows what it is he makes his way to his car. It is time for another run into the hills to see if he can find more Algonquian artifacts.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ Strong shrugs and takes the liver covered crackers without even a blink. That's just normal food to him apparently, actually, it looks like he enjoys the things the weirdo. The question has him tilting his head and looking around at various classmates. "I mean, I know some of them because we're in classes together, but I don't really know any of them if that's what you mean." He crosses his legs under him. "Passingly familiar faces." He says with a smirk and another pop of some food item into his mouth.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette sees Christine off with a nod and a wave before interjecting an answer of her own to Alton. "Easy. Just become a supervillain and threaten to blow up Mount Rushmore. No way could he resist."

    Not likely. Alton obviously sees himself as a Griffindor. Sam's a Ravenclaw, Christine? Probably Hufflepuff. Tony may have been making a joke, but Colette is already dividing the students up. It seems like a good way to get a handle on a large number of students in a short space of time. She /will/ be docking house points later.

    Drifting through the crowd, Colette spots a five pointer, but she hasn't decided which house Andi belongs in yet. Instead she gives Andi a tap on the shoulders and a very quietly whispered "Mind the fucking language while you're on the dump of a campus, okay?"

Roy Harper has posed:
"Alright," Roy says when AJ says that they're mostly passingly familiar faces. "Welp, we're going to make it a point to bother some of them, then. We're all in this together, may as well start making acquaintances. But doing it in the middle of a giant crowd is kinda rough. Better to corner'm in small groups where it's harder to escape." He flashes a grin as though he was planting a hunting trip rather than getting acquainted with his fellow classmates. "You in?"

Christine Lake has posed:
"During office hours would probably be better," Christine says, realizing that there's probably no way to have a private conversation around here. "So...Monday? Or tomorrow, if you're available. Nothing pressing. I just had some questions." With Sam starting to approach, Christine breaks off the conversation with the headmistress. "Whichever is best for you. Thanks."

Once she finishes with Morigan, Christine moves to Sam, smiling. She sees the concerend look on his face, and gives a smile to try and reassure him that everything is okay. "So...you doing okay?" she asks him. "You don't look all that stressed out."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton almost makes it out before the tap, causing her to freeze for a moment and look back at the person chiding her, even if it's kept under wraps. This just /screams/ for a solid 'Whatever,' but instead of that her eyes merely flash with a hint of defiance before she checks herself. "Right." Then, she's gone. Time to go home and blast some music.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to Christine, "Alright. If it's something to do with sports or something you'll need to see Mister Thompson or one of the other coaches." she lets her know. Then she's giving a look after Tony. Was he irritated? Damn.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
Alton actually seems disappointed by that one...he'd hoped Tony would throw the other Avengers at the school the way he'd stopped by himself. But then, the others aren't running for president are they?

But then, Colette shows up. And Alton had to chuckle. "...You're right, for sure, but being the bad guy isn't my cup of tea." Pause. "TA, huh? Well, English IS my second language, so there's that. There might be some of the finer points I'll be missing." He has a German accent, to possibly give it away.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara's eyes are drawn to a corner of the plaza, behind a tree. She's already frowning- she can hear *something* happening behind that tree that clearly doesn't please her.

    She calmly sets her phone down on a bench. It's probably safe here. She then gives a nod over to Andi before walking across the courtyard, and behind the tree. There's the sound of a *POP* a fist striking flesh.

    When she emerges from behind that particularly broad oak, she's got some senior kid's shirt wrapped in a fist as she pushes him back. His lip is busted, bleeding. Some nerdy freshman just watching on as this VERY tall girl came out of nowhere, wearing spikes and leather- an intimidating girl to be sure.

    Crush is speaking softly, but not whispering. "You got an issue with kids who liketa read and shit? What business is it of yours if he likes to read mangu or whatever the fuck it is..." she growls. Judging by the anger the girl is displaying she is *not* fond of bullies. "You ever touch him or talks to him again like that and I'mma kick the shit outta you...You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?"

    Goodness. Someone is quite aggressive! The half-Czarnian really can't help that, though... it's in her blood.

    That young man looks scared shitless, though. He's clearly not used to getting popped in the face by an angry girl.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ looks around at the crowd of students then back over to Roy. Curious more than intimidated or worried by the plan. "Sure, I mean, probably wouldn't hurt to get to know a few more people." He smirks and pops the last cracker in his mouth, washing it down with a gulp of soda. "You wanna go hit up Big Belly and get some, you know, actual food? I'm starving and these crackers are just not doing the trick."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh shit." Morrigan hisses as she sees Crush manhandling some kid. While he probably deserved it, she wasn't expecting an actual beat down tonight. The woman hurries aross the plaza, "Miss Rojas...release him and let me handle it from here, please." she asks. She doesn't interject herself. She wasn't going to be making big hand moves and stuff at the moment. "I think he's got the point for now." she looks between the two.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Could be worse, nobody here is..." actively trying to kill me. Those are the words that nearly pass Sam's lips, but he has enough presence of mind to change that to a more neutral "... actively being unpleasant. That helps a lot." And it clearly helps that the spooks are leaving. Not that they worried him, but they reminded him of... things he'd rather not be reminded of.

    It's hard to miss the altercation, but it's in hand. So he turns away from it and watches Tony leave, then turning towards Christine again. "Thanks for the rescue."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Xiomara looks over to Morrigan. Then she looks at the would-be bully. She releases his shirt- but 'fakes' him out with a little thrust of her body in his direction. He quickly jumps back, covering his face. "Yeah.. that's what I thought. Yer lucky I like the Doc." she offers as she turns over to look at the nerdy kid. "Yer fine, go on. Go reads your mangus or whatever." she says to him as she walks back towards her phone, picks it up, and heads for the door.

Christine Lake has posed:
"What else are friends for?" Christine asks Sam with a smile. She also watches the altercation, but stays out of it with Dr. MacIntyre already intervining. "So, you and Bear going to be okay? I'm thinking of satying here and doing some more meet & greet. And I know that's not a big thing for you." She cocks her head a bit, and says, "I'll be fine. And careful."

Roy Harper has posed:
"Yes," Roy says, looking relieved, "Let's go get a burger, and fries, at least two fries." He grins at AJ then and abandons his empty plate and cup in a trash receptacle before heading out.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Thank you, Miss Rojas." Morrigan gives Crush a thankful look. Then the redhead is leading the injured kid off to go talk to the school nurse. It was an eventful night!

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I'm thinking I might make a discreet exit. Catch an earlier ferry home. Give Bear some play time in the park." Play?! Despite being on the clock, the shepherd perks right up, wagging his tail when Sam's hand reaches to pet him between the ears. "Talk to you tomorrow about the project?"