5150/AAR Capitol Hill Riot

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AAR Capitol Hill Riot
Date of Scene: 13 February 2021
Location: Mission Center
Synopsis: A brief meeting about the Capitol Hill riot ends with a few plans outlined
Cast of Characters: Scott Summers, Paige Guthrie, Samuel Guthrie, Warren Worthington, Jean Grey

Scott Summers has posed:
A few days have passed since the protests for the latest anti-mutant bill ended up in a riot and several dead. Enough time for shock to go away and some information gathering to be done. Which is a good moment to ask the one X-Men in site. Which happened to have been an X-Men for about a week at the time of the riot.

It is probably Paige's first time at the Mission Center, which is a pretty cool place with the hologram of Capitol Hill covering the usually dull grey metal table. "Please, sit down. Let's see if we can get some insights from here. Thanks for joining us, Warren. Your input is much appreciated."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Heading into the mission room in her 'uniform' which consists of snug red and gold material, along with her fashionable 'X' belt, Paige takes a seat and slowly glances around with wide blue eyes. "Wow." She breathes out. "This is really official like." She places her hands in front of her, steepling her fingers together in front of her.

She gives a glance over to the others in the room before her attention once more trails back to Scott. She straightens herself up, taking in a deep breath. All business.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is quiet in his seat. He is watching the gathering. He gives Paige a nod, trying to reassure her, but does not stand or anything. This is her first time here, and he does not want to ruin it by big brothering it for her.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren nods to Scott as he takes a position leaning up against the wall, folding his arms over his chest for a brief second before moving to take a seat as Scott requests. "Sure, Scott. I'm going to assume this has something to do with what happened the other day at the capitol judging by what is on the table?"

Warren takes a seat at the table, not dressed in any uniform of any sort. Fact is it looks like he just came from a workout, dressed in some board shorts and a a-frame shirt with modifications for his wings. He gives the Guthries a nod, "Hey Paige. Sam...happy birthday, remind me to give you your gift sometime after this."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Yes. Paige was there," confirms Scott. "Along with Quire and a couple students." But Paige is the only one of the four that is in the main team. "For all we know, it might have all been orchestrated by Mystique so she could murder a political target. Maybe we will find out now."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Nodding her head as she listens, Paige continues to sit straight backed and observant. "So, do you want me ta' kinda go into all th' details of what happened that day?" She asks as she clears her throat. "Ah' was writing up ah' document for all of yah'll. Ah' figured you all would want th' details and the time stamps of what happened that night." She presses her lips thinly together.

Giving a quick smile to Warren and Sam, she lifts her hand upwards to give a quick wiggle of her fingers.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "A report on what you saw, would be a good thing. The more we know of what happened, the more we know how to respond. It is better to get what you saw from you, than others, so we don't end up getting the wrong information. You know how things can get changed from telling to telling, like the telephone game. So best to get as close to sources as we can.

Jean Grey has posed:
It's definitely been a bit of a hectic couple of days after the protests and resulting chaos, busy enough that Jean isn't there before everyone else, waiting with briefings and hot chocolate. Nope, she shows up a minute or two AFTER the meeting starts. Hardly a big deal, unless you happen to have a reputation for perfection, however unrealistic that is, to uphold. When she arrives, she hastens straight across the room and around the table to find a spot near Scott, offering a quickly murmured "Sorry," as she settles in.

"We'll need to debrief everyone, but yes, just start with whatever happened from your perspective," she offers Paige, once she's found her place.

Scott Summers has posed:
"I agree, Samuel," comments Scott. "Generally I try to write my reports the second I get something to write with, so I don't forget anything. But a few hours later I tend to remember more details. Adrenaline often blurs the memory."

He points to the map display. "We have news reports and a few videos now. Hopefully Paige's report will help clarify the events. Go ahead, please."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Well, Noriko, Jubilee and ah' took ah' trip down to the Capitol so that we could see the speech and see what they were planning ta' do about this bill they're proposing to pass. When we got there, there was just hundreds of people there, maybe thousands. Ah' don't think we was expecting that. So, while Curtis Moore took the stage and started talking, it seemed that the rally was split down two sides. Had all the anti-mutants on one side and fenced off, then you had all the mutants and pro-mutants on the other."

Paige starts and tries to keep the details concise, but in a logical manner as she offers up a brief smile to Jean before looking back towards Scott. "During his speech, suddenly a number of .. ah .. lightning smoke bombs .. kinda just started going off in the anti-mutant side. Of course, it caused everyone to panic, then they started rushing over towards us in an attempt to fight. While that was happening, a couple of men from their side pulled guns and started firing into the crowds of mutants. Ah' gave the order for us ta' assume defensive positions Alpha Five and go back ta' back and start to clear a way back towards the cars. We just wanted to get out of there. Next we know, Nori peeled off ta' get to a wounded mutant that just got shot point blank. When she did, the crowd turned on her because they saw her using her powers and immediately thought that 'she' was the one who started it all .. which she didn't."

"When she went to grab the boy off the ground, one of the men came up on her with a gun and put it to her head. He was gonna execute her point blank. Ah' took off running ta' try and tackle the guy. At the time ah' was in a titanium form, and we had a new friend with us by the name of Lydia who was protecting us with a .. uh .. psionic telekinetic shield that looks like green .. goop. Ah'll talk more 'bout her later."

"Ah' was not gonna make it on time to tackle th' guy. Ah had to have been a few seconds too late. Next thing ah' knew, Jubilee was screaming as loud as she could. She was terrified and freaked out. The man just 'exploded' in front of me. He hit the ground smoking like one of Sam's barbecues. Jubilee then started to freak out and pretty much lost her mind. Ah' really don't think she knew what happened, or knew she could do that. She just popped. Ah' ordered Nori ta' grab her and get the hell out and ah'd handle th' hurt mutant. Nori picked her up and blurred out, while Lydia and I got the mutant to the car and took him to the hospital while Quentin cleared a path for us with is powers. He happened to be there as well to .. uh .. show his support for mutant rights."

Rubbing the back of her neck, she clears her throat. "During th' skirmish, Curtis Moore was killed on stage. Ah' didn't see it happen. Ah' just heard security yelling over radios and running all about. Ah' wasn't worried about that at th' time, just trying ta' get Lydia and myself out of there alive."

As she leans back in the chair, she gives a nod of her head towards Scott.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and says "Ok,, so Jubes freaked out at someone she cares so much was in danger. Not surprising but one of the things we do try to train to be prepared for. The problem there, doubt Jubes realized hos much she cares for Nori. A warning should have been enough for Nori to zip out of there, but in a fight not trained fully, sometimes the best action is not your first reaction." He says of the situation. He looks to Paige, and asks "You get the wounded person tot he hospital? Were you able to connect back up with Quinten?"

Jean Grey has posed:
For the majority of Paige's lengthy report, Jean sits and listens without interruption, offering just a gentle smile as encouragement. "Thank you Paige. That was quite comprehensive. And it all sounds in-line with the comm chatter from that night," she remarks, pausing to touch one of the screens before her on the main table, presumably pulling up some of those communications or whatever information was recorded. "Noriko contacted the school immediately afterward, requesting assistance for the main group, although she was able to bring back Jubilee on her own. I don't think we had everyone's respective positions at the time, since you'd all gotten a bit separated, but fortunately no one was left unaccounted for."

After a moment looking down at whatever screen, she lifts her gaze, again toward Paige. "You all handled it very well, given the extreme circumstances."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott hrms. "So no one saw Mystique. Unless Quire did," muses Scott. Beat. "Oh. Yes. Jean is right. You did good." He glances at the holomap, considering Paige's position and Curtis Moore's. But they weren't there to protect the politician. In fact, they were there in private business. "It also concerns me this might trigger the same events we prevented a few years ago, when we stopped Kelly's assassination. We need to talk with Rachel."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Shaking her head, Paige says, "Ah' didn't see Mystique, no. It was so chaotic. Like ah' said, hundreds of people all at once in a skirmish. It was like a warzone. Ah'll admit, ah' was scared, but ah' was determined ta' get us out of there safely." She gives a lick of her lips. "Oh! Lydia by the way is an educator. Has a teaching degree in English and can't find a job." She digs her phone out and reaches for a pad of paper and a pen. She scribbles her contact information down and slides it over to Jean. "She'd love ta' talk to you by the way, Miss Grey. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have made it out. Her shield powers are really strong."

As she leans back, she gives another smile at the praise, but it's not long lasting. "I don't blame Jubilee for what happened. Her and Nori are .. roommates and best friends afterall. If it was Sam in that position, ah' don't think that .. ah'd do anything different. If someone had a gun to my brother's head, or Jay's or Melody." She gives a slight shake of her head.

"I talked to Jubilee this morning. She is a real mess about this. Like.. breaking down and sobbing mess. She still has no clue how it happened or why. Far as she knows, she can only make cute lights popping around. But, trauma has it's way with people." Her voice trails off as her thoughts grow a bit louder for a moment.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit to this and wil not press the point of what the two girls are. "Some peoples powers do change somewhat as they age. Ah mean look at Dani or Berto. "Both of their powers evolved since we first started here." He comments on this "With the video going around I would say none got a look at Jube doing it though. The one we will need to watch against retaliation on will be Nori."

Jean Grey has posed:
"You very well could have seen Mystique and never realized it," Jean points out, even if it's a bit of explaining the obvious. "The fact is that with her, if you see her, it's probably because she wants you to. Not that there aren't other ways to uncover her, but in a crowd like that- well, it's pretty ideal conditions for her to hide. Even locating her telepathically would be difficult, with so many people experiencing such extreme emotions." Then a nod. "But Scott's right. There are some familiar themes here. And from what we know of Rachel's timeline, we should take the larger situation very seriously- I'd hardly call myself an expert in this stuff, but all those proverbs about history repeating itself probably have some grain of truth to them. It could be that many paths lead to a similar end."

A somewhat grim thought, as mutant relations go. She frowns a bit, pondering it- or maybe it and everything else, as there's a lot to deal with here. But the worried look doesn't linger too longer, breaking as Paige provides a distraction in the form of the woman's information. "Sounds like we owe her some thanks, at the very least."

After taking it, she draws a steadying sort of breath. "I've already scheduled all of you, everyone who was there for the incident, for some mandatory counseling and evaluations. Obviously it wasn't Jubilee's fault, or any of yours. But dealing with this sort of thing- well, it's probably the hardest thing to learn- or teach, for that matter."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Jubilee is actually an Alpha class mutant like us," explains Scott, leaning forward with a frown. "Her powers are no small matter, as she is potentially as deadly as Havok. That is one of the reasons she is here. Perhaps we should step up her training," he glances to Jean. It is her decision, of course.

"We also need to investigate this Howard Scubb person. He was armed and willing to commit murder in public. It might be a lunatic, but it might also be part of an anti-mutant group. Right now he is being hailed as a martyr and I don't want it to stand." He sighs, <<could you activate X-Force for this issue, Jean. Or I can talk with Magik>> he -thinks- on the redhead's direction.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"She and ah' talked earlier and ah' mentioned that. Ah' told her that her powers are probably capped only because she hasn't pushed herself. Ya'know.. no reason to go big and boomy if you live in a cushy place like this surrounded by heroes. She has never pushed herself." Paige says as she rubs the back of her neck. "And she is /really/ scared to do that, but .. ah'm hoping she'll warm up to the idea."

"By the way, she wants to take all th' proceeds from the upcoming dance and donate it to Howard Scubb. Ya'know.. like a secret Santa.. he has a lot of hospital bills and she feels extremely guilty about it. As much as ah'd like ta'.. uh.. break his jaw.. you know.. for being a racist bigot who put a gun to a kid's head, ah' can't fault her for wanting to help. Xavier would, right? He has a family .."

At the mention of counseling, she gives a nod of her head, wringing her hands together. "Ahl'right. Ah' got some stuff ah' would like to talk about also. Ah'm kinda going through a thing right now too. Think it'd help a lot."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Xavier would want to help but he would also want to see if we could find a way to work on changing his and his families minds. It is going to be a hard sell, and even harder now, but we can hope. Has anyone checked to see how far back and how deep his anti mutant actions go?""

Jean Grey has posed:
"After she has a healthy psych evaluation, that seems like a next good step," Jean agrees, as Jubilee's abilities and training fall under discussion. "Assuming it's what she wants to do with them. The primary thing we teach is how to control our unique abilities. Learning to actively use them, to use them to fight no less, even for the most worthy cause? That's a serious decision, and one that every student is going to have to make for themselves at some point. That's an important line for us." Between Xaviers and the Brotherhood, no doubt, though she doesn't quite put it to works.

The matter of the donation causes her mouth to scrunch a little to one side in thought. "It's a student-run event, so I'm comfortable with the proceeds being used how the organizers like. And if she wants to offer forgiveness, without expecting it to be returned? Well, that's a very kind gesture." Yet Scott's concern with the man seems to weigh on her as well. "Do we know how the authorities are handling it yes? Personally, I'm more concerned with his connections- one angry man acting out is sad, but ultimately unavoidable. But that kind of radicalization often goes deeper than that." rShe spreads her hands. "We can't do too much with how the public reacts, although we can fight back in that arena too. Maybe have Warren work on finding some PR firms willing to work our side of the cause?"

As for the little mental conversation? << I think the X-Men in general should be active on this, as we want to be handling it on all fronts, and not looking to escalate. But for some covert intelligence, X-Force might be appropriate. >>

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott leans back on the chair, giving the map-table a last glance. "I don't think we can do much more about the event. Maybe talk with Quire. He might have some further insights," he sounds sceptical because although Quentin Quire has strong opinions, they are usually irrelevant.

<<The X-Men shouldn't be seen picking fights with anti-mutant parties or anyone else,>> he comments to Jean. "I think we should still investigate the anti-mutant actors in the scene, if discreetly, using indirect means and the networks. Discrediting Scubb and that video won't convince anyone that hates mutants, but will marginalize the radicals from most level headed Americans, which I believe will be useful in the long run." Besides that, "ah, and find Mystique and put her in jail," which actually is MUCH harder.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ah' don't have any other information about the guy or .. what happened. Ah haven't done any follow up outside of getting ahold of ya'll." Paige says as she rubs the top of her nose. "But if you want, ah' can always get on th' computer and have a go at it. See what ah' can find. But Miss Pryde is probably better suited for something like that if you need a blackhatter."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "If need to be looked into it, Ah might be able to head down that way and ask around. Ah hate to make it sound stereotypical but Ah probably would sound like Ah fit in more, and might be able to see if Allegra heard her dad mention any folks in that area to find an in.

Jean Grey has posed:
"That's alright. The incident itself has come and gone, and there may not be much more we can really learn about what happened, at least directly." Jean again turns her attention to whatever reports she pulled up earlier, looking at the screen in front of her. "Beside interviewing anyone we haven't yet." Which perhaps covers Quentin. "Why don't you work with Kitty on that? We don't really have any kind of standard game plan to follow here, but I'm sure there will be a lot of interesting internet chatter to follow up on, legitimately or otherwise."

"Easier said than done," she offer Scott in a mildly resigned tone, speaking of Mystique. "But otherwise, I think that's probably the best way to go about it. We have people with different areas of public influence and expertise, so we can come at it from a variety of angles. And possibly speak to some of our friends and allies, on the political side; I had an interesting call earlier." Though she leaves it mysterious who that was! << I don't mean to send them out like counterprotestors or riot police,>> she also thinks back at Scott, with just a little bit of annoyance to her mental 'tone.' << But this is a big issue, and X-Force's roster is small and narrow in focus. Everyone is going to want to pitch in, and the more this grows, the more it's unavoidable. We'll put them on the counter-terrosim angle. Laura probably has some useful skills for that. >>

And she continues smoothly on in the actual 'out loud' talk-y world: "Paige, I think that's all we need from you, thank you again for the all the details."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Keep working in the written report, please," adds Scott, looking at the young blonde. "For the X-Men records." Her first. "Otherwise I concur with Jean. I think we can adjourn the meeting. Thank you all for coming."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Nodding her head, Paige rises upwards and smooths down the fabric of her uniform a bit, then offers up a half-smile. "Thanks for listening. Ya'll have a good night." She says, then walks past Sam to give him a pat on the shoulder as she goes. "Come on, cornfed." She says with a grin.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Scott, to see if he is needed for anything else. If not he will stand to follow Paige, "Give me a minute kiddo, will meet ya up in the kitchen?" He offers her.