5153/A birthday date

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A birthday date
Date of Scene: 13 February 2021
Location: Salam center
Synopsis: And 21 was a good one.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's party at the mansion happened earlier than he expected. But he had at least part of the evening set aside for Allegra, maybe with others a bit later in the evening but a bit of time together for his birthday. So, Sam has put away his other gifts, but decided to pick her up in the big one. This brings Sam waiting at the train station for her. The large Ford F-450 white crewcab with all the bells and whistles parked nearby. He has a jacket as he is waiting on the platform for her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    When Allegra stepped off the train, she was carrying a lovely little gift bag with a little heart balloon attached to it. Her hair was pulled back in an elegant bun, and she was wearing a warm jacket over trousers -- after all, it gets cold in New York State, and she wanted to be able to *not* perish of pneumonia by the time she reached Sam. She was humming as she goes, testing out different music as she walks, earbuds in, looking for the brown station wagon she was far more familiar with -- she almost walks by Sam entirely, but pauses a moment. She pulls her earbuds out, and looks the car over.

    "Goodness gracious, what is *that?" she questions out loud.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and steps up to her, and takes her in his arms and gives her a soft kiss in greeting "Hey hon, I think Berto got tired of me having to work on the Avalanche all the time. This is my birthday present from him and Paige. He had her help him pick out one for me." He rubs a hand through his hair "Got a few other things but yea this is the big one."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra looks at the truck, and then looks at the happy party balloon bag she's carrying as Sam kisses her, her head tilting back for a moment as she gives just a small smile, her free, gloved hand drawing up to rub warm wool against his ear. She takes a deep breath, and looking to the bag again she draws her dark eyes up to Sam, and sheepishly holds it out.

    "Well... it appears that Berto got the better gift. A more practical one, anyway."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "Ah don't know about that, the expensive one Ah will admit and a good one yea, but money aint everything. The fact he actually talked to Paige to make sure getting something I would like and he did not just go get some sports car, is what means the most about it." He admits. He offers her a smile and takes the bag, to open it and look inside to see what Allegra has gotten him.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I'm honestly surprised if there was any doubt you'd prefer a truck over a sports car. Far more practical... not to mention 'you'." she gives a wry smile to Sam as she wrapps her arms around herself.

    Sam would find in the bag, a box! The box is black and fancy looking, clamshell-style box. Inside there would be a watch. Its face was done up in stainless steel, with a black leather wristband with a particular, large-scale pattern. The face was a blue hue, with a minute and second sub-face in the watch itself. It's German, weighty, and even feels expensive.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will pull open the bag, lifting the box out of it, He offers the bag to Allegra so he can open the box. Opening it, he whistles softly looking it over before gently taking it out of the box, and says "It is gorgeous hon." He tells her. He will push his sleeve up trying to put the watch on a bit awkwardly, obviously more used to cheap flex bands.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The dark-haired girl gives a smile, and she sets the bag down, pulling one glove off with her teeth as she helps Sam apply the watch. The band's stiff.

    "It's supposed to be a dive watch, so it withstands a lot of pressure. Say -- going through buildings and the like." she murmurs around her glove, and once it is secure she straightens up a moment, her cheeks red.

    "So.... you're welcome."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and pulls her close to him, and kisses her softly "Thank you." He tells her after he breaks the long kiss." He looks down at her smiling "Ah love it hon." He keeps her close for a moment, and then says "You ate yet, or up for going to get something to eat?" He asks her holding her a moment longer he will then guide her to the truck door offering her a hand up.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Oh? Are we going to Harry's?" the girl asks as she gives a mirthful, rueful grin to Sam. "I'm paying, no arguments. It's your birthday, you deserve to be spoilt a little. I should have taken you to New York to one of the Hellfire Club's restaurants."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will smile and once she is in he will move back getting the bag before he moves to climb into the drivers seat. "Well I did promise Harry my first legal drink would be at his place." He tells her, as he sets the bag in the back making sure the balloon does not block his sight." He looks over to her, and says "Your with me ah am already spoilt." He tells her. "Harrys works for food too, I did buy myself something." He says and starting the car, the radio starts and a recording of one of her preformances can be heard.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra pauses a moment as the car turns on, and the radio starts in. A recording of her, performing.

    The performer quiets a moment, and appears to shrink a little, her eyes going wide.

    "S-Sam, you didn't have to -- I mean, I could sing for you, play for you, any time you like. Why on *earth* would you buy one of my Pro-HUMANA performances?!" she squeaks, embarrassed.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her, and says "I want to be able to hear you now and then hon." He looks over to her and says "Plus I found it at the used record store, so not like the money goes to your dad or anything. He does pull out the CD case, and shows her. It has most of the picture cut away so just the picture of her is taped in the front with the track listing. "I did consider keeping the original case but will admit, might give some the wrong idea."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, no, you're right, it might have. THough in all honesty depending on the release..." she trails off a moment, and then rubs the back of her neck before she looks at her face on the CD case, and she brushes her fingers over it.

    "... God, this was three years ago that this was recorded. An entire lifetime ago."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "You know we can get you a new one out if ya want hon. I mean, if we have to we could do a small batch release to get your name back out there, or might be able to get a larger release, now that Allison is back in town, she might be able to tell us some one to go to that is mutant friendly if your wanting to make that statement as you come back into the public."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I told you, we have to find a lawyer that will let me get my name back. Or else I have to do the 'artist formerly known as Allegra Caradenza', and Allegra Caradenza is already a long name." Allegra replies with a little grin as she looks to Sam. "Could release some solo music under Alexis Carr."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Yea, I have been trying to get an appointment with Miss Walters, but seems she has a busy appointment calendar." He does lean over and says "Well I love ya no matter what name ya use hon." He drives on towards Harry's and shows her some of the neat extras, like heated seats.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Heated seats?

    You might never get Allegra out of them. She seems to melt into the heat, happily sitting as her rear end gets toasty like a marshmallow.

    "Going to admit, heated seats are an ah-maze-ing luxury!" she grins from the passenger seat.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles and nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea, I would have loved to have these back home going to school during the winter. He looks over to her and says "I am going to have to get used to the size of her though been a while since I drove a pick up anywhere near regularly. He drives along and says "So, now just gotta teach you to drive her." He teases

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I will never be able to drive this monster truck, Sam! My feet don't even reach the pedals, you'd have to tie wooden blocks to them!" Allegra protests with a laugh, bouncing a little in the seat before she turns a suggestive look to Sam. "Seems like it's a pretty comfortable truck, though -- back seat and everything."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins at her, and says "Yup, nice and roomy, think the back seat is heated too" He grins over to her. He will look over, and says "Want to wait to hit Harrys to a bit later in the evening?" He asks her

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well, that depends, I'd hate to come between a man and his first beer." Allegra teases lightly, her lips pursing as she smooths out her trousers a moment.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "First legal beer, Ah had my first beer, when Ah was still back home. Me and some friends got into their dad's cooler, and got some beer and shine. "Aint nothing like getting sobered up like Pa did it. Then having to do chores while hung over. Ah still think Pa somehow saved up all the loudest chores for me."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "That's right... alcohol culture is very different over here than where I get mine from." Allegra replies thoughtfully. "In Italy, we all have wine with dinner. Occasionally Papa would let me have a nip of some of the sweet brandies or fruit liquors, especially iced. But I've never considered getting... you know. 'Smashed'." Allegra purses her lips.

    "... that would probably be bad, in my case."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods and says "Well it depends, Ah think you might be ok as long as ya did not get pissed off about something, you seem to have a pretty good handle on your powers almost all the time, aint felt the room temp raise around you when you did not intend it to in a while.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Yes... well... that has had some to do with the amount of time I've spent in the Hellfire club. Being around quite a few very intimidating people does make one aware of where you stand with powers... Mr. Wilson was indeed intimidating." she frowns "... as was Mr. Fisk. Quite a few gentlemen and ladies in that club are somewhat terrifying."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit to this and says "There are some people there that Ah don't trust, but Ah trust your judgement hon, mind you if you ever need me, just call and if I need to will come in blasting or a tux which ever ya need."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I appreciate it, Sam, but navigating the Hellfire Club requires a... delicate touch. Matter of fact, I have been engaged to perform at their Mardi Gras on Tuesday. In spite of the fact that I'm not of age, Mr. Shaw has provided me an exception to attend. That may well jump start my career."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods and says "Well thats why Ah said blasting or a tux." He offers her with a smile. So will I be able to be there for your playing or at least get a recording of it? He asks her "And how many there know your a mutant now?

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well. Ordinarily one must be a member to be where I'm performing, but I can see if I can get you in as my guest. As for *that* particular bit of knowledge..." she trails off a moment, quietly, and replies: "Only Emma knew. No one else knows about me being a mutant. I'd prefer to keep it that way." she remarks quietly.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Probably a good thing that way if someone tries something you have an ace up your sleeve to get out of it if needed." He ends up pulling up to park as a bit of a make out spot over looking the lake, "I figure we can eat in a bit." He offers.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Oh, well, if you're not *that* hungry..." Allegra gives a small smile, and she looks out over the lake.

    "... it is a nice night, even if it's cold."