5293/In the Infirmary

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In the Infirmary
Date of Scene: 21 February 2021
Location: Medical Lab
Synopsis: Sam and Beast come to visit Kassandra in the infirmary, and her powers are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Kassandra Pagonis, Samuel Guthrie, Henry McCoy

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     It's been almost a week since Kassandra's rescue from a warehouse, and her tenure in the X-men's medical bay is still ongoing until she's cleared to leave. The medical staff has been doing their best to keep her healthy, making sure she's hydrated and fed, vaccinated against just about anything that a normal person might run into, and working her off some fairly nasty benzodiazepines that were used to keep her docile. It took her three days to even regain conciousness, and, after that, several more days before she was coherent enough to talk. The name on the door of the room is simple, Pagonis, Kassandra, with any other pertinent information on the chart below. The interesting thing is the simple yellow warning on the door. "Remain behind yellow lines unless Patient is awake. Potential psychic ability."

     Inside the room, Kassandra is awake, her eyes bandaged, black...something...seeming to seep into the bandages, now dried. She's sitting up in the bed, dressed in a simple set of hospital scrubs - not the ass to the wind gown that's normally there - listening to the news on low.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has drawn food duty today, and part of that is bringing food to the patients. It may not be the most appealing food, as they are probably still keeping her on things that are not to hard for her stomach. He will come up to the doorway and the warning and will softly rap on the door "You awake?" He will ask softly as he looks into the room.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Wearing his labcoat, Henry was heading into medical to make the rounds. He's got a clipboard in hand, reading over some of the test results. A pause as he hears Sam, grinning over at the man's polite demeanor. He waits outside the room, polite as well. "Miss Pagonis, how are you feeling? Up for some company?" He asks, adding his voice to the request from Sam.

He flips through the lab results as he waits, humming a jaunty tune - likely something from Hamilton.

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     From the bed, Kassandara looks over at the door when it opens, pushing herself up a little, the blankets around her waist, keeping her warm. "Yeah just...listening to the news. I was hoping that the doctors'd let me get these bandages off but..." She shrugs, reaching over to pull the table-thing that goes across the bed in front of her with a little bit of a fumble. "They went through three sets of sheets already when I was asleep, so they thought it best I keep them on until I talk to someone else."

     The medical chart is simple, indicating malnutrition, addiciton (waning) and a substantial mutation that would be interesting to explore. And this note. "When asleep, subject projects images unconciously. More research required when subject is healthy and able to assent to such testing."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods and says "Well the Doc here, is a pretty good fellow, and can rock a good musical." He offers with a smile to Hank. He will take the food over to the girl, and says "Need me to show you where your silverware is and the different food? Can help feed you if you need it, or if you got it is cool too." He offers, not really sure how much help she needs.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Once they are given the okay from Kassandra, Henry enters the room. "Hello Miss Pagonis, I'm Dr. Henry McCoy." He smiles, whether or not she can see him. "We can get the bandages off, we'll have some towels nearby. Will that work for the time being?" The man asks, his tone friendly and warm.

He grins over to Sam, shaking his head. "Flattery will get you a gold star, Sam." A wry chuckle.

"How are you feelng, Miss Pagonis? Feeling rested? Tired? Hungry?" A smile, the man stepping closer. "I'm going to remove the bandages now - so don't be alarmed."

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     She sits quietly, patiently, as the pair approach. Sam's comment about Henry gets a small chuckle. The ability for a doctor to be good in musicals does get a little bit of a smirk but, at the clinking of the tray against the table, Kassandra shakes her head. "No, I think I can get it. Despite these, I've got a pretty good idea of what's around me. Not as good as, say, a bat, but better than someone who just closes their eyes and randomly reaches for things." She sniffs, then smiles. "Salsbury Steak night? Awesome."

     Her attention swivels to Dr. McCoy, looking right at him despite the bandages over her eyes. "I've mostly got a handle on it now so...yeah. Tell the night staff I'm really sorry about the sheets and freaking them out." She sounds a little embarassed at that, curling up a little in the bed. The offer to lose the bandages? Oh yes, please. She remains still, letting him do whatever he needs to do.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will pull up on a chair and says "Are you ok if I stay and give the Doctor a hand if he needs it? I am not a doctor or anything but a second pair of hands are usually a good thing to have around for a doctor I believe."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Carefully, the bandages are removed - disposed of in a nearby sharps container. "Any discomfort when this happens?" He motions to the bandages. A genuine smile follows. "Nothing to fret over, sheets are easily replacable. We run into all sorts of unique situations here, I am sure you'll find." Henry comments, stepping back as to not crowd the young woman. He's not showing any concern for the yellow tape, not at the moment.

"Sam is most certainly a good person." A wink to the other man. "I think we're all relieved you're doing better. You had a bit of a go at it, with the malnutrition and the chemicals that were affecting you."

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     The bandages come off easily, the gauze pads over her eyes sticking a little but easily removed with a little saline and, after a moment, she's blinking at the light of the room, focusing first on Sam and then on the furry blue Beast that's standing right there with the remnants of her bandages in his hands. "I'm okay if you stay. It's been an interesting week, as you might expect. Lots of me being here in the room, people standing on the other side of the line most of the time." She sighs, leaning back to look up at the light above the bed, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. "Where am I? I mean, it's a hospital, I know that much, but no-one really says anything more than 'the doctor will tell you later' so..." She sits up and looks to Beast. "What's going on? Where am I?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Yes, bed sheets are much cheaper than the stuff I wrecked when I first got here." He offers with a smile. He does find a place to sit and lets Hank fill her in as the ranking mutant in the room.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast thinks on how to proceed. "Well, I suppose it's obvious it's not a normal hospital - or a hospital at all." He starts, providing her with a damp washcloth to help clean her eyes as needed. "I don't suppose you were aware when we found you - but we rescued you from a situation where your gifts were being used without your consent." A slight scowl at that.

"The X-Men were investigating a situation regarding a drug being distributed." He nods to Kassandra. "Those same people had you captive and sedated, using your gifts to trick others. Once we determined this, we were able to rescue you and get you on the road to being healthy." A nod. "So, the short of it is, you're in our facility. You are free to leave, if you feel up to it - but we'd much rather speak with you more and learn about you and your gift. Perhaps offer some assistance in learning to control it."

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     Kassandra takes the cloth and wipes her face with both hands, paying special attention around her eyes and cheeks where the tears have stained her skin, a little scrubbing gets it clean, however, the white cloth folded neatly and set aside on the tray, out of the way but easily in range to be grabbed if necessary. She shakes her head. "I don't remember much since I was picked up in South Carolina, to be honest. I know they say hitchhiking is a dangerous thing...well...proof is sitting right before you." She takes a bite of the salsbury steak, chewing thoughtfully before speaking again. "I remember...a party in a warehouse?" She sounds a little wary about sharing that bit of information. "And the drug...did you ever find out what it did or where it came from?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the girl, and says "There are some decent folk in the Carolinas, but just like any place else some folks out there who just care about themselves and what they can get for themselves. But now your with the good guys, and we will halp ya any way we can."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Indeed - a party in a warehouse." Henry smiles. "The ruffians were taken care of, and the police informed. As to the drug, we're still looking into the composition. I believe we're still investigationg the full source - I think the person in charge there was not in charge of the whole operation, unfortunately." He says, tapping a claw on the chart. "I'm glad we could get you free - and definitely avoid hitch-hiking." A wry grin.

"Do you mind some questions about your gifts, Miss Pagonis?"

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     "Kassandra. Or Kassie, if you please. Miss Pagonis is my mother. And ask away. I don't know a lot but I can give you ideas of what's going on." She starts to eat quietly, waiting to hear what questions might come. At least here seems to be safe.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head and says "We take care of folk around here, and we do help those who wish to learn to control and use their powers. We try our best to teach each person the best ways to control abilities, and find out how much or how little they want to use them.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry moves over to pull over a stool to sit on, settling in comfortably. "Can you explain what you understand of your gifts? I am guessing the tears manifiest when your gifts are active?" He wonders, nodding to her. "And of course, take your time - don't rush your meal." A smile. "You need to make sure your stomach can manage the reintroduction of solid foods."

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     The first few days were all IV feeding, with liquids the day after that. Migrating to solid food has happened within the last day or so, her system getting used to the fiber and calories that it had been starved of for so long. The bathroom will be interesting tonight, she thinks, as she eats her green beans, listening to Henry as he settles down next to her. "Yes. When I use my ability, my eyes turn black and I start leaking these inky tears that kind of get everywhere. After I ran away from home I found some ski goggles and stuffed them with kleenex nightly so I could sleep without ruining my clothes." She scoops up the last bit of steak, dabs it in the potato, and takes a bite, letting out a soft, satisfied sigh. "And my ability is....interesting, to say the least."

     Kassandra pushes herself up, her legs going under her, cross-legged, beneath the blanket, the bed propping her up. "As near as I can tell, my abilility lets me show people things that happened in the past, based on location or an object. I guess the guys who snatched me figured out how to make some money using it." She idly rubs some residue of the tape that was holding objects to her palms with the opposite thumb.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "So, your somehow using your powers unintentionally while you sleep/ that explains the whole make sure your awake before coming into the room." He hmms and listens more.

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     "Yeah." Cassandra says to Sam. "Think of it like a muscle. I can tense it pretty good and keep my power from happening when I'm awake, but when i'm tired, sometimes I let go and it just...happens. y'know?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor listens, jotting down a few quick notes. "When you are awake, you can control these visions you provide to other people?" Henry wonders. "Do you have any prior information on the objects you project information from, or are they new to you?" He wonders, scratching at his chin. "I wonder if your REM sleep causes the gift to activate. Or if it is as you say, that your mind relaxes and allows the gift to run its own course."

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     "No clue on the second part, sorry." Kassandra says, pushing her plate aside, turning to look to Henry as she finishes off her bread roll. Girl's got an appetite, it seems. "On the first part..." She lets out a breath as she thinks how to describe it, taking up the fork. "Take this, for instance. You hand me this fork and I can do....my thing...whatever it is...and I can see what events this fork went through. Not just the dishwasher, but various meals going back. The more time I have to spend with something, the further back I can go. You and Sam, there?" She nods towards the blonde inside the yellow line. "If I was doing my thing, you'd see what happened with this item overlaid over reality. Sights, sounds, smells, touches....you name it. A seashell would show a beach or something like that. And I can do it in locations too. Probably why there's the line."

     And, in fact, on the chart it said as much. Inside the line looked normal, but going past it? You're in the past watching some medical thing that happened in the room, or lose sight of the patient at all. Probably explains why all of the devices monitoring her are set up outside the yellow line, with really long IV lines and wireless EKG sensors working.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and looks over to Beast. They have a few people about whose powers are always on and seems those are the ones who end up having the most trouble controlling them.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry looks to the line, then back to Kassandra. "I see. But while awake, you're in control for the most part? I imagine some starts or scares can trigger the gift - that's not uncommon for mutants." He says, with a grin. "An interesting gift. Does it only work on places or things? Or have you tried with people?" He asks, jotting more notes down.

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     "It doesn't work on living things. I tried seeing what it would do to a living thing once and it...it didn't go well for me. There was just to much information coming too quickly to make sense of it all. Like someone was projecting a film of the events I was looking at over the events I was looking at, which was projecting a film over the events I was looking at, ad nauseum." She frowns. "And I use that term literally in the correct way. I ended up puking all over that poor kitten." She sighs and shakes her head. "Give me a shirt or something."

     Back to the subject at hand. "When I'm awake, yes. Get me drunk or frighten me and yeah, you might get a surprise. It's how I got outed, after all, in the first place."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will head out of the room and come back with sweat pants and a t-shirt as well as a pair shows andsocks. Not realizing what she ment he got her a change of clothes.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Another nod from the doctor. "It's... like you say, a reflexive thing with our gifts. We react with them, when we get a start." A gentle smile, watching as Sam returns with a change of clothes. He sits back, letting her handle the offered clothing as she chooses. "If you need to change into those, please let us know and we'll step out of the room." He offers.

Kassandra Pagonis has posed:
     Kassandra takes the offered clothing, not realizing that what she said was taken literally. "Thanks, Sam. I'll get into these after a shower or something." She hefts them and sets them on her table to be gotten later.