5379/Bookstore Connection (name pending)

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Bookstore Connection (name pending)
Date of Scene: 28 February 2021
Location: Mother's Basement Books, NYC
Synopsis: Lydia meets Sam and Christian at a bookstore, and meets her first fan!
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Samuel Guthrie, Christian Frost

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Mother's Basement Books is one of those bookstores whose small storefront belies the rather cavernous interior. True to it's name the majority of the shop can be found in the basement, and with books lining the shelves and walls from floor to ceiling giving it a catacombs like feel. The store is known for its somewhat eclectic selection of books, carrying lesser known titles from a wide variety of topics.

Lydia is a frequent patron of the store, and is currently perusing the romance titles, looking for something to spark her interest. Her ever present bioluminescent green mists surround her, bathing the aisle with a soft green glow.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had let it be known around the school, he was heading into New York to pick something up, and if anyone wanted a ride, they were welcome to come with him. Sam is out shopping today, but no not for anything fancy, he pulls up to a parking spot for the book store. At least the truck is nice, a brand new Ford F-150 with all the bells and whistles.

Christian Frost has posed:
     Christian was one of the ones that had been interested in going into the city. Of course, it had to be for frivolous things. But five days sober, and this is what he has resorted to, alcohol and shopping. Though the man going into the city wasn't too bad on the eyes.

  "Oh, books! I always loved reading Tennyson." He admitted before entering the store, the smell, old paper and a million other scents, it was unmistakable.

  "Do you like to read?" He asked, before entering.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Aha!" Lydia cries, finding exactly what she was looking for. She pulls the book off the shelf and trots back towards the front of the store, stopping when she sees that there are other people having come in. Freddie, the bookstore cat, seems to have taken notice of the newcomers as well and twines his way through the feet of Sam in way of greeting.

"Oh, hello!" Lydia says to the pair, grinning from ear to ear. "You want to see something cool?" She doesn't know who these people are but she can't help but show off the treasure she found. She holds up the paperback she's got, so that they can read the cover. It has what could only be called a hunk of a man, shirtless, ripped and colored grey and stony, with a woman wilting in his arms. The title of the book is 'Stone's Heart' and the author is listed as Lydia Dietrich. She taps her name, "That's me! They finally published a hard copy of my book!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie squats down to pet the cat as it comes over, and replies "Oh yea, Asimov, Anthoney, Butcher. " He names just a quick few and says "I am a sci-fi Fantasy guy." He admits. He looks up at the woman, and seeing the name raises a brow a bit "Your Lydia Dietrich, the teacher?" He will ask her as seems he has heard of her perhaps.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "Oh, yeah? Smarts and a dreamy accent. The girls must line up for you!" Where Emma may have said that with some daggers, Christian offered it modestly, truthfully. "Oooh! Look at you! Published and everything!"

  Christian takes a look at the cover and holds a hand to his chest. "Oh my goooood, I'll take three of those fellas on the cover please."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's eyebrows lift nearly into her hairline when Sam mentions her teaching credentials. "Yes. Well. I am when I have a job, which I don't. Yet." She tilts her head. "If you happen to know a place that's hiring that's not afraid of hiring an obvious mutant please tell me." She tries not to sound desperate.

She grins at Christian, "Sadly, it's a het romance. I've tried to write some gay romance, but it never really clicked with me. The next book is going to have lesbian vampires in it."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie blushes a bit and rubs the back of his neck, and says "Ah don't know about lining, up, but Ah got my girl, and Ah think Ah am lucky, you may have met her Allegra?" He offers to Christian, and then to Lydia, he says "Ah might know a place or two, my sister was telling me about running into you the other week. Blonde about ya tall" He holds his hand out "Looks sorta like me but cute, and if ya tell her Ah said it will deny every word." He smiles joking about the last it seems.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "Well then, I'll take one, signed. Unless the author minds signing a book." Christian offers with a wink. "Congrats, squirrelfriend! A real published author!" With that, Christian starts to browse the store, Mainly interested in what hidden treasures he could find inside the store. He could've heard lightly humming to Tina Turner as he browsed.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks at Sam thoughtfully, trying to place a face. Eventually the connection is made and she snaps and points at him. "Paige! She was at the rally when it all went to hell. I hope she's doing well."

To Christian she nods, and lets go of the book, letting it just *hang* there in her ectoplasmic mists while she digs around in her purse for a pen. Finding one, she plucks the book back from the mists, and flips it open to the first page. She looks up, "I'm sorry. What was your name again?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, she is doing ok, she had to head back home to help out with some things, but she told me about you, and that you seemed a decent person." He holds out a hand in greeting "Ah'm Sam, and this is Christian." He offers in introduction.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "EBay." Christian says, poking his head out of the stacks. Before giving a playful wink. "It's Christian. And I'll just have to settle for imagining I am the ingenue in your story, it'll serve the same purpose. Since everyone I meet is either straight or taken it seems!" He dips back in the stacks at that point, enjoying perusing the books for something he enjoyed.

  "I feel so emotional babaaay." Hmmm hmmmm hmmm.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia takes Sam's hand in her own. When Sam's hand contacts the mist it feels cool and tingly, like mint. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She turns to the book and scribbles in it, 'To Christian: May you find your own hunky gargoyle' and then signs her name.

She hands it over to Christian her head bobbing. "I know what you mean," she says dryly.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and looks over and wonders if he should introduce Christian to Julio, but what is a thing for later. "So, where did you go to school if you don't mind me asking."

Christian Frost has posed:
     "Ooh! First edition!" Christian offers from behind the stacks, before approaching with a pile of four books for himself. He had managed to find a First edition of The Silence of the Lambs along with something for Sam, a leatherbound edition of The End of Eternity. "A gift for you, mister hunka-hunka." was he hitting on Sam, maybe, but he was mostly paying a compliment.

  "Ooh, thank you madam!" He says towards Lydia, looking at the inscription. "Ooh, if only I could find one."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I went to NYU, and got my English degree there," Lydia answers. She shrugs, "I finished that up last year. I've been looking for a job ever since. I've got a few books out, but the royalties on them isn't enough to pay the bills, but they do help."

She nods to Christian, "Yeah. If only I could find a damsel in distress of my own."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods a bit. He pulls out his phone, and says "Give me your number, and I will pass it on to a few people I know might be able to help." He looks over to Christian and the books, and says "Thanks, you don't have to but Ah appreciate it." He offers on the gift.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia obligingly give Sam her number. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." To Christian she gives him a grin. "I hope you enjoy the book. The sequel is on Kindle and Nook and is print on demand, if you end up liking it." And with that done, she turns to and starts humming jauntily to herself as she leaves the store.