543/Green, White, and Orange

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Green, White, and Orange
Date of Scene: 15 March 2020
Location: O'Shaughnessy's Restaurant -- Queens
Synopsis: Miss Martian and Crush come for a bit of a meal and meet Koriand'r of Tamaran!
Cast of Characters: Koriand'r, Xiomara Rojas, M'gann M'orzz

Koriand'r has posed:
    Sunday night at an Irish resteraunt. It was busy, as one might expect. And Starfire was wearing her green dress - as she always did when going out to someplace like this. It just about shimmered, and had a deep v-cut in the front, of course, although she was going a little light on it being too risque.

    The dress went down to her hips, and flared out into a skirt that reached down to her mid-thigh, and she wore black shorts beneath it, which... wasn't too obvious. You would never know when you would have to superhero, after all.

    There was a band at this resteraunt at this time of night, and Kori sat there, listening to the folk music with her forever smile bright upon her features, a plate of... well... two plates of fish and chips beside her as the amazonian alien picks at the same, pushing chips into her mouth.

    A social night, perhaps. Kori seemed to be getting a fair amount of attention, although at the moment, the would-be suitors have been chased away, and she was mostly being left alone, her ankle bobbing to the music as it plays.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush is dressed like herself- the image inducer left off as she steps into the Irish Restaurant- she and M'gann had been out doing 'hero' stuff. It been a quiet day, really. "You ever had Irish food before?" she wonders back to Meg as she holds the door for her fellow heroine.

    Crush is dressed primarily in leather- pink pants, belly shirt, leather jacket. "There's some really good food from them, the Irish, I mean. I ain't never been to this place, though. Hope they got good stuff." she says, "Anyways, it's on me. I still got that cash burnin' a hole in my pocket."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     The patrol had so far been uneventful, and a dinner break was entirely appropriate. Flying/jumping around to find crime is hungry work, after all. M'gann trails in after Crush, gratefully taking the door and letting it close behind her. "No, I haven't. ...I haven't had a lot of Earth food, yet. So many different cultures." Her gaze falls on the display advertising shakes, and she squees. "Oooh! They have green shakes! We should get one of those too!" ...Her feet may be /very/ slightly off the floor now. And her gaze drifts to the firey redhead in the shockingly green dress for a moment, head tilting slightly to the side. ...Huh. Well her brain doesn't feel human... She shouldn't intrude though.

Koriand'r has posed:
    In terms of telepathy, Koriand'r was probably very loud, in her own way. Positive, optimistic thoughts - certainly there was sadness if one were to intrude too much, but nonetheless.

    It would take her a moment to recognize that the two had come into the place. One expected superheroes to be an uncommon sight for the average person, but still, the average person probably stared a bit at the novelty of them. Kori had to deal with that, herself, but she was generally easygoing.

    She was in the middle of taking a bite of fried codfish when she noticed one of the people at the bar openly gaping at the newcomers, turning her brilliantly green eyes that way. Up comes her hand, not quite staring like others, but waving herself. "Hello, friends!" she calls across the busy pub.

    Which might put more attention on them, it was a mystery.

    "Welcome! Please enjoy and partake of the fish and chips here, they are most pleasing to the tongue!" she says. She lifts one of her massacred plates of fish and chips to provide a helpful illustration.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush looks over towards someone who's giving her the 'eye'. She looks a bit too much like a particularly famous Czarnian to not be noticed. She clearly doesn't fit in- and a certainly element is afraid of her simply by the fact she is what she is.

    "Uh... Hello." Crush offers to the brilliantly colored woman, "I was hopin' they had Irish Breakfast, to be perfectly honest." she states over to Kori- looking to M'gann. Then back to Starfire. "Fish and Chips sound nice, too... but after today, I sorta want the Full Breakfast."

    Food is an important subject.

    Still, Crush walks loser to the other Alien in the room- more curious than anything else. She seemed quite friendly, after all.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I think I'll get the fish and chips, though. /And/ a shake!" M'gann grins and ollows Crush over towards Kori. "Hello! I'm M'gann M'orzz, and my hero name is Miss Martian. Do you come here often?" Food is indeed important, but friends are important too. Especially ones she can talk to about what it's like to be non-human in a planet full of them.

Koriand'r has posed:
    Setting one of her plates of fish and chips down, Kori plucks another piece of codfish up, placing it upon her lips, a smile springing up around it as she surveils the two people who were walking closer to her. "They have all sorts of wonderous foods you could enjoy," she says. "And I do not work here, either," she says.

    With the look the bartender gives her after that statement, and the small smile he gives, it seems she had a job if she wanted it.

    "You can try some of these if you would like! And look! They give free mustard with it! It is a small feast!" she just about gushes, setting the plate back down again. Food was an important subject to Kori as well, although a little less so. "I am certain they have enough to make a Full Breakfast for you, unless they only have enough leftover for a half breakfast," she says, kinda playfully. "But I come here a bit, a sunday every month, if I can manage it," she says. "Will you both sit with me, and tell me of the day that requires you to have a Full Breakfast?" she says.

    "I am Koriand'r, of Tamaran, but I am called Starfire by most of the people here," she says, her smile forever bright.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush looks to Megan again a moment, then back to Koriand'r. "Alright." she says as she joins the tall, orange alien at her table. She and Kori are about the same height- although, in many ways, Crush is not quite so 'well built'. She cuts a leaner figure and silhouette. "From Tamaran, huh?" she looks over to Megan, "You ever hear of a place called Tamaran?" she wonders, "Me, I'm from.. uh. Space? But like Space over New Mexico, I guess. I dunno know much about space." she admits.

    "Megan probably knows more than me." She waves her hand to a waiter or waitress as they come close, "Me and Megan will be on our own check. I want the Full Irish with extra meat- all of it extra." she says, "And like.. you got a carafe full of coffee? Gimme one of them, too. Hot. Black. Don't need no milk or sugar or nothin."

    She then looks over to Megan to have her give her order.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "I'm from Mars. Like my hero name suggests. I don't really know a lot about other star systems, though. ...I know a lot about this one! M'gann slips into the booth next to Crush, tucking her cape behind her. "I'll have a large fish and chips, and a large Limerick shake, please!" Once the server has retreated again, she continues. "I've only been on Earth for a few weeks, now. They've been exciting ones!"

Koriand'r has posed:
    A GASP from Starfire, her hands coming up to her mouth. "I have only been here a short time as well," she says, her hands pulled from her front to fold in front of herself. "Mars is the... fifth planet from the sun here?" she says. "There is not much life there," she says. "Unless it is all underground! Or perhaps you scrambled my scanners," she says with a wryness.

    "The shake is good, but the mustard is the better drink. I will have to recommend it first!" she says.

    Her eyes return to Crush. Yes, they were about the same height, but Crush was well built in other ways. "Over New Mexico? That is a state here, yes? In America on Earth?" she asks, her eyes wide as she keeps them upon Crush, her head dipping forward just a bit to watch her.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Uh.. Fourth." Crush says, perhaps surprisingly. However, when one's girlfriend is from Mars, it makes sense to learn a little bit about her planet. "Yeah. Out west. New Mexico." she says to Starfire, next, as she sits back when her coffee arrives. She pours herself a glass and just drinks it hot, black, and bitter. "Mm. Coffee is okay."

    "Mustard as a drink? Can't say I've drank a lot of mustard. Usually use it as a condiment myself, but you do you." she offers to Kori- no judgement there. She just prefers a good coffee.

    "So what's like Tamaran like? What made you come here?" she wonders over to Kori as she sips her coffee.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "Fourth, yeah..." M'gann's face falls a little, the teen leaning against Crush's side. "There was a plague a few thousand years ago that practically wiped out the species. Martian Manhunter was the only one to escape the planet, and I survived because before the disaster a team of scientists built a bunker and stocked it with cryo-frozen embryoes. Turns out even Martian tech starts to fail after seven thousand years with limited maintenance, and there was only enough power to thaw and raise one. and I was that one." Oh hey, shake. This recieves a long sip and elicits a somewhat weak smile. "I'm guessing it's either a biology or differeing taste buds thing, Crush."

Koriand'r has posed:
    Kori pauses a moment, pressing her lips together at the question of her heritage. But it was good that Xiomara knew of M'gann's own heritage, she was correct in noting that it was most appropriate to know where your girlfriend lived before!

    Koriand'r sips from her small jar of mustard, giving a smile.

    Although her face falls when M'gann says what she does, empathy rich upon her features as she reaches out a hand to touch M'gann's hand, saying with an earnestness. "I am most sorry to hear about the fate of your people," she says. "On Tamaran, there is a similar problem - we have been conquered by an alien force, and I was held as a prisoner, as I was royalty there. But I have escaped, here, unto Earth," she says. A squeeze of M'gann's hand, before she straightens up again.

    "And I am most pleased to have found friends, and a new life here," she adds. "I hope that you may do the same," she says, smiling gently. She managed to console and answer Xiomara's question in one fell swoop. Score!

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Well. That sucks." Crush replies over to Kori. "I mean, your planet bein' like.. must be hard." she says shaking her head, "Sorry." she continues nodding, "Sounds like you got some good attitude about it, at least."

    The food comes before long- a huge plate of meat and breakfast foods placed in front of Xiomara- she just grins, refilling her coffee. "Fantastic." she says, eyeing her meal greedily.

    "I don't know nothin' about Czarnian, cept all of the Czarnians are dead. Except one."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann gives Kori a greatful smile at the reassuring touch, taking another sip. "I've definitely made friends here. I go to school, and I've got Crush..." She leans a little into the taller girl's side, grinning happily. And then food has arrived, Two large strips of haddock on a bed of fries, home-made tartar sauce... M'gann digs in like she's famished, eyes lidding in pleasure as she savors the tastes.

Koriand'r has posed:
    Aliens tended to have really terrible backstories, Kori was finding. Her smile takes its time in returning, her eyes flickering between the two other aliens. "It is most difficult," she says earnestly. "But I am finding that I am not alone in this," she says, straightening up again, and finding one of her plates to draw in front of herself.

    So she starts to munch.

    "You do not know of other Czarnians?" she says, tilting her head to the side. "I know of your people," she adds. "Perhaps we can meet and we can chat about it, if you feel the need sometime," she says. Now that smile was back. And probably pleasant conversation for some time, at least.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "I know there's one left and he's a genocidal freak." Crush replies simply, "And then there's me." she shrugs, "So, that's all I really need to know about Czarnians. Can't really lose somethin' I never had to begin with." she continues, "It ain't like Lobo comes here often, though, so." she shrugs quietly, "Better the rest of them Czarnians stay away from here, too."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "So you're saying we should start a support group? 'My species is threatened and the humans don't get it?' I'm just hoping that I don't have to read any of that old science fiction in literature. Humans are obsessed with martians killing them." M'gann's nose wrinkles in irritation and she takes another bite of deliciousness.

Koriand'r has posed:
    "Yes, uhm. He is... unusual," says Koriand'r diplomatically, her eyes going upwards as she skates by the awkward moment with a bite of fish. "But I am happy that you are not a genocidal maniac, this is required to have a good time here on Earth," she says.

    "Or you will be opposed most ferociously," she says, her eyes turning from Crush towards M'gann again.

    "Maybe not a support group, but maybe a friend group?" she says. "Perhaps it will be like a facebook group that we meet up in person for instead! And eat food, and fight crime," she says. A pause, and she blinks at the last thing M'gann says, before she leans forward to whisper. "Are they?" she says. "You seem very sweet, I know not how they could think this of you!"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "M'gann would never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it." Crush states, "She's very nice." she assures her fellow alien. She continues to tuck into her meal, though- enjoying what can only be called a very hardy breakfast.

    "I guess a friend group would be okay.." Crush doesn't sound particularly excited about the idea, the tone of her voice with an uncertain lilt to it. She looks to Megan, to see her reaction.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "It could be nice for people who are into it. I know not everyone's really social." INcluding a certain girlfriend, who gets a reassuring hand squeeze under the table from M'gann. "I'm not sure exactly when Martian Manhunter arrived on Earth, but he was not acting publically as a Martian for a long time. War of the Worlds was over a hundred years ago. ...The musical version did have some catchy songs, though..." Okay, it might be a bit of a guilty pleasure of the redhead's. "But I'd totally fight crime with you sometime!"

Koriand'r has posed:
    "I do enjoy fighting the crime," says Star, her smile growing so wide her nose crinkles. Perhaps locking onto the fact that Crush wasn't precisely social, Star glances her way. It was like blood in the water to her. "Perhaps we can start now! As in, this is the first meeting of this group, and we will meet... here, next week, at a similar time," she says, nodding her head as if that settled that.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "I guess that be okay. . I mean, to go out and fight crime or whatever." Crush says, squeezing M'gann's hand in return under the table. It's nice.

    "I like showing people they can't pick on others. That someone stronger might come along." And there are very few stronger than Crush.

    "I think I'd rather just eat breakfast for now." Well, closer to dinner. "You should try this black pudding, Meg." she says pointing at the sausage there, "It's really salty, but good."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann tilts her ehad to one side, looking down at it. "I'll try a bite." When one makes iets way to her plate she chews, face contorting into a few... interesting expressions. "I think it may be an acquired taste. Or some human foods are just strange. I'll stick to my fish and chips I think, Crush." She smiles, again leaning in to rest her head on the taller girl's shoulder. ...Hang on, does this count as a date?

Koriand'r has posed:
    And so, Kori makes a little more small talk, before she finishes her fish and chips as if she is famished, standing up afterwards. "It was great to meet you both!" she says, brushing a crumb or two from her green dress. One last fry. Yes. Chomp.

    "But here, I will give you the number of my cellular device, and any time you wish, you can contact me!" she says, sounding like this was just the best thing in the world. She scribbles that down, and slides that across the table to the pair. "It was most pleasant to meet you both!" And after pleasantries were done, she was off!

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush watches M'gann as her face twists. She laughs quietly- a bit of a giggle, really. "Oh my god, you are so cute." she says, shaking her head as she tries to stifle her laughter in a big drink of coffee. She kisses M'gann's head when it rests on her shoulder. "I guess, kinda?" she says over to Meg quietly, watching Starfire stand up.
    "It was nice to meet you, Koriand'r. I guess we'll meet up again soon and do some crime fighting." She waves as Kori heads off.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann blushes at the compliment, looking up again as Kori leaves. "It was nice to meet you too!" She waves with a fry, before popping it into her mouth. "Well... She was nice. Kind of... intense, though. So much energy. And you're not half bad yourself, you know."