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Date of Scene: 14 March 2021
Location: The Centinel Hotel - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Watch the worker bees raise a building in one week!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Christian Frost, Jovian Anderson, Ororo Munroe, Sally Pride, Viola Fiore, Jean Grey, Joan Wright, Rogue, Xi'An Coy Manh, Natasha Cranston

Emma Frost has posed:
    Friday the 12, doesn't have the same ring to it as the other one.

    Bushwick, other side of the river from Manhattan, sits in a bustling sprawl of urban activity, and little does the neighborhood know how much more active it's about to get.

    A broken down part of the neighborhood, with some battle scars has been elected by a certain Emma Frost, to become not only the site of her return into the big money stage, but she's also doing it in a way that will upset and shake foundations for the neighborhood, the city, the country, and the world, and even generations down the line. Or so she plans.

    "This is the spot." Emma says, standing across the street, looking at a hunk of rubble on the ground on the first day and she closes the door to her car behind her as she looks up at the nothingness, a vision only of what was, and what will be. She looks to her left and then to her right at the people already gathered on the proper side of the street with her vision also shared carefully and meticulously to those who have volunteered, Emma gives a nod and throws on a hard hat, that clashes with her light ivory suit, "Lets get to work." She says, stepping across the street and to the crowd.

Christian Frost has posed:
     Chris stepped out of the passenger side on the 12th, looking directly at the nothing. He had been clean for a good time now, he's evened out for the most part. "I see what ya mean. Blank slate, new opportunity." He was also in a white suit, less cream than Emma, but their fair skin was accentuated by the stark lack of color in their clothes. His blonde hair had grown back from the very short buzz he originally had, and styled cleanly into an undercut. "Let's do this thing, Em."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is a bit lost. He is a freak in a neighboorhood full of freaks so you'd think he'd fit in, but he wasn't born a mutant and wasn't ever under the impression he could understand what they have been through. He empathizes, and quietly donates to causes; hell he even got into quiet but angry arguments with people in Federal law enforcement about things like the sentinels. Hell, maybe he even changed a few minds but he isnt under any illusion that he 'belongs' here but community renewal is vital to what he sees as the future of the country; the 'right' way to fix a metropolitan area besides Gentrification and frankly, it sounds fairly cool. However, the real reason he is here is Vi asked him and he can either be awkward brooding and alone; awkward brooding and being hunted by methed out treasure hunters, or awkward brooding and with Viola so the latter seems the best course of action.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    It is a beautiful day, even if it wasn't supposed to be. The sun is shining brightly in the sky, offering natural light to the work ahead. A few white billowing clouds drift lazily by, on occasion offering thin shadows across the ground.

Ororo enjoyed all weather really, but on a day like today it was her gift to ensure the project plans didn't get rained out before it could even begin. New York in spring could sometimes be unpredictable, but not today. This was one of those places she could be free, be herself, that her oddities didn't stand out in the crowd, and it was important to her that this go well for others just like her.

Sally Pride has posed:
In a place like Mutant town it doesn't take long for a new spike in activity to be noticed. Fortunately, it being Mutant Town, she doesn't have to worry about looking out of place strolling over to check it out. Sally Pride pauses at the edge of the gathering, pulling down her aviator shades a bit to peer past the frame at the opposite side of the road. "Doesn't look like much at the moment, does it?" Her tail sways a few times, she's looking over the gathering as well as the lot they're all gawking at.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore had asked Jovian if he might be willing to go with her down into Bushwick. There was talk of a luxury hotel going up. For the young woman who works as an event planner, being familiar with all the different spaces available is a necessity.

That's what she alluded to with Jovian at least. In reality, Viola is a mutant though no one in her life knows that. Her reason for being here is the same as her trip to Washington DC to watch the protests. Ones that turned into an assassination at the hands of Mystique. She just wanted to see what it was really like for mutants, while she safely stays in her closet.

And so she stays a little closer to Jovian, her side practically against his as she stands off to the side. Not taking part in the cleaning, but just watching for now and trying to figure out who is who. "I think that's Emma Frost. CEO... or well I don't know if she still is. She had a company though, Frost International."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean Grey isn't here, strictly speaking, to build a hotel (at least as far as she's planning!). It's not that she has anything against the idea, of course: as new development in a Mutant neighborhood is very much in the vision of the great Charles Xavier, mutant advocate. One would just assume his protege and successor would be all behind the idea. But for those same reasons, she sort of has a day job in running the school. And that's without getting into her less public NOT a day job. So why, then, is she here?

Well, to check on Emma.

With Miss Frost's sudden departure from her position at Xaviers School for the Gifted, it's no surprise there might be some concern among her friends and former colleagues. All of this has led to a bit of a field trip of various members of the Xaviers staff. Their SUV is parked somewhere on the block, but they don't come right in to join the chaos. Instead, Jean and Rogue stroll over a few minutes later, each holding a Mootant Town Milkshakes brand... well, milkshake.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is dressed to work. Boots, hat, glasses, gloves... Well, pretty much everything's covered in some form of safety gear. And the cargo pants and tool belt helps her carry around anything she should need. Save for the bound booklet in hand containing copies of what was and what should be. There is a plan. And with the crew comprised of the *ahem* more specialized coworkers from Damage Control, They're more than capable of executing it quickly.

It's not entirely chaos. Like a Habitat for Humanity project, Meetings have been held. Plans have been shared and crews have been assigned their tasks. Any volunteers will be directed towards something suited to their talents and capabilities and those in the know will help monitor the work. Today's simple though. A look through. Demo what can't be saved. Restore what can. Reinforce. Easy peasy. With the building mostly at that point, it's more cleanup.

As the crew mills in. Making the initial introductions, the architect strolls amongst the rubble, giving an assessing look to what's left. What might have been moved. What will need immediate attention...

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    As the lazy clouds drift overhead, Ororo walks quietly up the street toward the gathering crowd. She wears a pair of jeans, with a black t-shirt and her feet are helpless encased in a pair of tan work boots. She may not be able to offer much more than the assurance of good weather, but she can always play gopher for things like food and beverages and help move things if needed. The concentration required for the weather was second nature at this point.
    Moving up and through the crowd, she notices familiar faces, so it is to them she goes, offering a nod to Jean.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is walking on Jean's right side, also holding a milkshake of her own. She's got a pair of designer aviator sunglasses on over her eyes, her brown and white hair is loose and flowing in the wind behind her shoulders. She'g ot her bomber jacket on, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and clipped with little leather straps so tye stay rolled up. Blue jeans and a green tanktop beneath the jacket, the girl is wearing gloves on her hands that are rolled down to her wrists in the moment.

Her sunglasses covered eyes look around as she raises the cup up to her lips to give a nice taste of the ice cream treat through its straw. She motions toward Emma when she sees her, not that Jean doesn't know precisely where the woman is on her own.

"This is... a thing, t'be sure." The southern girl says as they walk toward where Emma and her people are all gathered up.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh, Shan to her friends, Karma to a particular subset of society, stares into the vacant lot full of rubble. "Did the Hulk do this?" she asks, rhetorically.

Shan is wearing gardening jeans and a loose long-sleeved top as well as a floppy hat in case the sun gets too bright. It is at present hanging by a chin band around her neck. She does not look very "chic." She did bring along a sledgehammer, currently being held over her shoulder. This may be "chic." (She opted out of the milkshake.)

As they get near enough to the site to see the surrounding infrastructure and evidence of real workers, Shan's grip on the sledgehammer relaxes slightly. Perhaps now she is embarrassed that now she has to be responsible for this implement. "This is tres socialist of her," she comments, "if I understood the idea correctly. Unless the idea is to let you sublet."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore looks over to Jovian, and if he lets her she leans against him and slides an arm about his waist. She tells him in a near whisper, "I haven't spent too much time around here. I would be amenable to supporting a business here where I'm possible. I'm not quite sure how my clients would feel though. I'd probably have to feel people out. The things that Bushwick has gone through, some might be a little concerned about, say, coming here for a quinceanera or retirement party or the like."

She looks over at the people over at the vacant lot. "Have you known very many mutants?" she asks him.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma gives a nod to Joan, as the white dressed woman approaches the crew with a glance over her shoulder to her brother. "I'd almost ask you to hold your breath, till we're done, but it wont be /that/ fast, but it'll feel like it." Emma smirks as she finally finishes her approach to Joan and crew. "You will have extra help throughout the day and nights ahead. Food, water and lodging are provided as well for you and your crew, as well as the other volunteers, but you're the head of this dragon, you have control and knowledge, lead by example but don't over work yourselves." Emma gives a nod to Joan, and then excuses herself.

    Emma steps away from the crowd of crews and onto a truck with the Damage Control logo on the doors. "Bushwick." Emma starts, her voice booming and projected well, "This is for you, this is for your children, this is for their children. This is the first step in a greater journey. This, is."

    "Anyone that wants to help, compensation and other considerations will be made, and it is all perfectly safe, just step up and ask how to help."

    Emma climbs down, and steps past the group as she spies Jean and the other mutants from Xavier's and she gives a kindly wave. "Jean! Darling." Emma says with a smile to the red head and a look to the white haired girl too, "Anna, pleasure, and ..." Emma pauses as she looks to Xi'an and, can't remember the woman's name for the life of her. "I don't think we ever met."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson can loom with the best of them, so he is more than happy to be a body guard. False memories of being secret service that keep making him even sometimes actually SAY he is Secret Service rather than former US Marshal is weird enough but 'bodyguarding' feels as natural as a glove and its not the least disconcerting thing of late. As it is, some people are easier to guard than most. He does, however, read a lot of news, "You are right on both counts. It's a community project and kind of cool actually." He does briefly check his phone, frown and sends a tweet at something he considers outrageous but focuses the bulk of his attention on their surroundings on Vi.

"Yeah that is probably a good idea." He isnt rich but for the first time, he is cognizent that theoretically if this Nazca Cartel nonsense goes somewhere he could be which is just...insane. He shakes his head and enjoys NOT thinking about idiot gold bugs. "Supporting local economies like t his is a good thing."

Her last question throws him for a loop, and he thinks, "Not really. There were a few token members of the service that they pulled in to the Marshals" he ignores the desire to say "secret service" "But they were never given clearance. I tried making friends but they knew there was a glass ceiling and was....awkward...to say the least. I've met more in my shadowy..ier dealings as a bounty hunter, and some of them are cool. I've had a beer with them but that crowd hardly shares our inner feelings.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Of course, major construction projects need a great deal of materials, and when you want bulk materials shipped reliably, punctually, and - not a minor consideration at times - without a massive unnamed surcharge slapped onto the bill the moment the contractor hears the word 'mutant', well... That narrows things down a bit, and of the remainder, Cranston Multinational is the biggest name here in downtown New York.

    That said, it's a bit less common for the CEO herself to go out to oversee matters, but Natasha has been known to make exceptions for a completely new client.

    She's currently standing mostly incognito in the crowd, although a bit better dressed than many, and a light smile on her lips as if she knows at least something most people here don't yet...

Joan Wright has posed:
As Emma approaches, the architect pauses in her assessment to look over to the woman in white. She IS why this selection of the DC group is here after all. "We appreciate that. We have appointed several squad leaders to help with the direction of the volunteers after the first round is done." With Emma making her leave, Joan and co continue to prepare. Most of them lingering to the outskirts of the lot away from the rubble while Joan wanders towards the remains of the structure.

The architect is quiet. Ignoring the audience that is forming from the safe distance of across the street. Bringing a hand up to press upon the safety glasses, she glances over to her left, and then to her right. What will be the cornerstone of this project?

A smile forms, expression brightening as she looks over to a green skinned worker nearby and gives a nod.

The worker nods back and turns, picking up a bullhorn, "We're starting!" The crew shifts further away, giving as much room as possible for the tiny dot of architect in the center of the lot.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Well, she has plenty of space to work with, it looks like." Jean hadn't really known what to expect out of any of this until she saw it herself, and her arrival doesn't entirely change that fact, but the rubble-filled lot is still something to see. Plus, she's got her milkshake, and the day is young! She gravitates toward the rest of the Xaviers crowd even if some have elected not to join the MILKSHAKE CLUB, and she ends up making her way over toward Ororo as they all congregate for... whatever the plan is. "So do you know the details behind this, or- You know, let's see if we can't find Emma."

As it turns out, it's not hard. She's making a speech. And then Emma finds them!

"Well, look at you," Jean enthuses, as the woman in mostly white approaches, her attention on the stand-out item of safety gear atop her head. And since one of them is notably left out of the friendly greetings, she supplies: "This is Xi'an, she was- well, she's working at the school as our librarian now." She takes a sip from her straw, and lets her eyes roam the site behind. "So... is this what you're going to be doing, now? Running this place? Or is it just the first project on the menu?" She doesn't bring up what it's -instead- of her doing, but the subtext is there. "Quite a crowd, though, it's impressive. Everyone's just going to pitch in, do this by group effort?"

Christian Frost has posed:
     A flash of Orange around him, and Christian's suit is gone, replaced by a set of jeans and more...physical labor appropriate clothing is in its place. The astral construct gone and showing what was really on Christian's body.

  "Alright. Time to earn me an apartment." He claps his hands and rubs them together, joining Joan for a moment, waiting to see where he can be most useful.

  Luckily for him, he's not noticed the people from Xavier's. That wouldn't have ended well.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    A slight shrug of offered to Jean at the question asked and Ororo replies, "I have no idea what the details are. It is possible this is some sort of scam designed to take advantage of those in this community, or it could be a focusing central location for the community to grow."

She pauses as Emma moves up and past then, her eyes following the woman and white before she continues to speak quietly. "If it is the former, what is built can be taken down. If it is the later, I support the project fully."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride tilts her head as Emma makes her speech, then turns her head to follow the woman as she goes over to the truck and makes a proclimation to the district as a whole. Snickers a little when she notices the phrase printed on the truck. Huh. Well, if it's going to help out the outcasts that call 'Mutant Town' home...

The lioness shrugs and strolls into the group proper. "I'm more a mechanic than a construction worker, but I can at least pitch in on the physical labor if nothing else."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson tweets something on his phone, frowning and then sending a few quick texts before returning his attention to Viola, trying not to pay more attention to it than it deserves.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is jsut 'there' beside Jean with her covered eyes wandering around the crowds. She looks at Emma when the speech is being wrapped up and otherwise just enjoys her milkshake in silence.

Some of the youth of the community are gathered nearby and rolling around on skateboards, which does draw Rogue's attention. She offers a smile to them and a wave with a gloved hand when they look their way.

"I can lift some heavy things inta place, if it'll help." The Belle offers between straw pullss.

Joan Wright has posed:
The worker who shouted out that they were starting, comes over to Christian, "This way sir." He starts to lead him towards what the other construction workers have deemed safe, "What she's about to do is... better appreciated watching from afar than up close."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Shan regards Emma without comment for a moment after her question, before breaking into a politely amiable smile and shifting the sledgehammer round, resting the head on the ground so she can use it as a place to lean for a moment. "That's exactly right," she echoes Jean, even as her attention goes back to the open spaces.

A flash of orange! Her eyebrows lift at the sight of that trick of Christian's and she twists the sledgehammer up with careful ease to rest on her OTHER shoulder. Her attention also drifts back to the work site itself as she sees everyone moving away from... Her lips purse to the side. She takes one step back from the work site.

Back to Emma, she says, "I'd be glad to do anything to help." Her head tilts slightly at what Ororo says, and she speaks in a sort of more general way, "There is a third option, I suppose: commensal benefit. But I suppose that comes down on the second side, really." (She asks Rogue and Jean, "Do you know the person down there? Should we worry...?")

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore listens to the speech, pulling out her own phone and googling Emma Frost. Confirming that is she, and checking on the current state of her company. "Hmm. Yep, that's her," she says quietly.

She looks around the spot. "Well it's going to take... ah I don't know. I'd say months and months, but I don't know if the people here can put together a building faster than a normal construction crew," Viola tells Jovian. "I'd think so but then I guess not everyone's power is necessarily geared towards something like that."

The flash of orange diverts her eyes over to Christian, the young woman staring a bit at the display of a power.

Christian Frost has posed:
     Christian lets himself be ushered wherever, before long. "Oh? I didn't...ok." He comments before standing to watch. "What's she gonna do anyways?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma smirks as the crowd is pushed away from the project and turns towards Jean and the other x-men, "Oh, yeah, you were the one doing the free book return. Yeah, those books are gone, by the way." Emma winks before looking towards Rogue, "Certainly you can help, but seriously, you need to watch this." Emma says as she steps away from the x-men, "Find me later and I'll give you all the scoop."

    Emma steps away from the project and waits, standing near her car on the other side of the street, leaning against the curved car as she crosses her arms beneath her chest to watch the show.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson seems...not convinced to any particular timeline. With super powered individuals at this point he just doesnt assume anything. And he sees a slew of them here, so it could be 5 minutes and instant hotel like microwave popcorn or a timed event sphere forcefield with a black hole nanite construction taking 10000 subjective years to build the PERFECT hotel but take months at the same time. When nothing is off the table, why worry about who sets it?

"I read a lot of dossiers, some of them still classified and not all powers are like mine; stealth and combat. There are also people who can do good if they bother. Most DON'T sadly," he shrugs and smiles.

Jovian doesnt seem to be nonplussed by the wardrobe change. He should be. A year ago, he would have been and deep down that disturbs him more than making potential spends on money he does not have and probably shouldnt.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Oh, I can't imagine it's a /scam/. Not with all of this-" And Jean gestures toward the gathered crowds, and ultimately back near themselves. "Seems like a little too much publicity, hmm? Besides, she knows I'd kill her." And while she offers that in an 'ominous' deadpan, it's pretty clearly not too serious. Jean isn't really the sort to threaten people, and she looks more curious about the whole thing than suspicious. "Actually, I wanted to ask if you needed-" But Emma is soon gone! They'll have to talk later.

"I have no idea," she asides among their little group, as regards whatever big show is about to happen. "But we should be safe back here." Rogue should be, anyway, she's nearly indestructible! Jean, Ororo and Xi'an are not, so she does pause and focus momentarily, just in case she needs to draw up some telekinetic defenses on short notice. But otherwise, she mostly just sips her milkshake and... watches!

Sally Pride has posed:
Everyone else seems to be stepping away from the one woman to give them room, so Sally does the same. She can only presume what's going to happen, but she's seen enough people do 'unusual' things to not doubt the warnings to give space.

Joan Wright has posed:
"You'll see soon enough sir." The worker states with a chuckle. "Can't miss it."

Joan glances up, watching and waiting for the appropriate distance to be taken before she looks back to the rubble. Fingers loosen and waggle for a few seconds as she takes a slow breath. THree fingers on her right hand curl inwards, tips lightly brushing the palm while her thumb and pointer finger remain extended. Aimed to the ground.

"Alright." Joan murmurs, "Let's put it together." The finger gun sways in a circle still pointed downwards but as she does so several pieces of debri start lifting slightly in anticipation. She slings her hand forward, pointing to the section of building she was looking at earlier. Call to action heard the pieces that were anticipating sling forward to their destination. some pieces seemingly gliding around her in orbit, before joining their bretheren. A section of framework starts to appear .

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over to Xi'an's question but she leaves that to be answered by the redhead. Instead, the Belle just glances back and does step back to the 'safe spot' as she floats up off of the ground, her leather worker boots hovering a few inches off the pavement while she settles down on top of a newspaper vendor and just crosses her legs at the knee. Her back straight, her milkshake in her lap and the straw being pushed up and down to make a little plastic lid squeaky noise, Rogue just observes the actions of Joan's building powers.

Sally Pride has posed:
A low whistle comes from Sally. "That's useful." She takes off her sunglasses and tucks them into a pocket. Don't want to get them broke or anything once they get to actually working.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "Woah, holy shit." Was pretty much all Christian could say as the structure started to build itself with the help of Joan. "This...is gonna be fun."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha stands well back, her eyebrows raising in surprise as bricks, mortar and concrete start moving on their own. She glances around until she notices Joan's expression of concentration, then smiles. Impressive. Very impressive indeed...

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson actually claps at the display and he doesnt do that often. It's not a show and he inherently understands this, but the sheer utility of a super power doubly helping a disavanted community and doing so in a way to show what the world could be if people simply made different choices.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore's hand tightens on Jovian's side as she watches what is happening. "Wait it's..." she says, words just trailing off. "I guess... they do have powers that help with construction," she says finally. Turning her head to look at Jovian and giving a soft, amazed laugh before looking back.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
"How brazen a confession," Shan says to Emma, but this is a brief aside because the revelation of Joan's power. Shan is shocked, startled, astonished perhaps, as she says, "Look at THAT--" with widened eyes.

What more is there to say? Inwardly Shan speculates on the exact nature of what is happening. But it is brief. It takes long minutes before she is accustomed enough to the wonder to remark to Rogue, "Now I *really* feel like a horse's ass to carry this stupid hammer with me."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma applauds as the I-beams and metal framework begins to right itself through the rubble "Helluva stawt!" Emma shouts, her Boston accent really coming through when she raises her voice to be heard above the crowds and cheering and celebrations of a strong start. "Lets get to work everyone!" Emma says in a more even tone as the safe space barrier collapses and the workers flood into the site to get things moving.

    Emma turns to face Jean and the others with a motion over her shoulder with her thumb, "Anna, go ahead and get in there, I know you just want to move heavy shit, go have fun kiddo." Emma then turns to Jean and Xi'an, "While we talk the adult stuff I'm sure you're curious about." Emma says and motions for the two to join her in her car to talk.

    Monday the 15th. Clear as ever, thank you Ororo.

    Sun is beginning to set and Emma is semi acting the foreman, but she knows better, she knows to let the people she's hired to do a job to do it. She knows what she wants, she's made sure to explain what she wants to those who can do it, and as such, she's going to let them do it.

    The white queen stands with a cup of coffee in her hand as she looks up at the frame finished, construct, the elevators on the inside the most easily recognized part, especially higher up where the walls still aren't in, but lower to the ground, it's looking more and more like a hotel that she knows it can be. Heavy construction on top and more and more masonry and spackle and drywall work as well as the tile work on the bottom floors. "It's coming along." She says to no one in particular.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is wearing his original costume, which, lets be honest....sucked and was basically a track suit and a motorcycle helmet with a mirrored visor but when you're hiding from psychopaths trying to cash you in for half a billion dollars AND want to help a good cause in a low key way why not kill two birds with one stone and move rocks from point A to point B for a good cause? One advantage of everything in the local being weird; one little bit of extra weird doesn't hurt.

That, and he can keep an eye out in case any of the idiots who were twittering like they were tough guys try and do anything.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "Very impressive, miss Frost," Natasha comments as she sidles up beside the blonde businesswoman. "I must admit, when I saw the exact schedule your people negotiated for I was a bit skeptical as to how you intended to process that much material that quickly. I don't suppose that young woman is looking for a job? Because if so I can recommend at least three different construction companies whose foremen would cheerfully duel each other to the death to be the one to hire her..."

Joan Wright has posed:
After the helluva start, Joan's usage of her powers has dwindled to near nothing. They recovered what they could of the old structure but now it was time for the other specialists to shine. But that doesn't mean her usefulness has run out. Nope. She has plenty of non-powered skills and knowledge built up to do her actual job as an architect. Which currently consists of checking on the work already done.

She stands at a makeshift table, looking over the blueprints that have been made up.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride had started with just helping with general moving rubble, carrying supports around, so on and so forth. Putting her mutant lion strength and stamina to use.

Her attention shifted though when they got room cleared towards the elevators. She was one of the first to climb in and see what she could do about the machinery that operates them. Sure, they weren't a car, or a plane, but as far as she's concerned a motor is a motor and she was going to see what she could do about it. Not everyone here can fly (at least she doesn't think so) so having a working lift would definitely help out getting to work on the upper floors.

Jean Grey has posed:
Once Joan begins the process with all the flying debris, Jean watches with curiousity, although she keeps her reaction somewhat subdued, in part with the aid of her drink-sipping. Nothing to see here, just enjoyin' our milkshakes! Well, she does have some thoughts to share. LITERALLY: <"Some kind of telekinesis of her own, maybe? Or it could be magic."> Because they're in vaguely-public, Jean uses the super version of her 'indoor voice', her thoughts echoing amongst her small gathering of teamates. And then, finally, they reach out to one last person. The boss herself: <"We need to talk about this, hmm?">

Which may be the signal for them to head off to Emma's car.


Apparently, the conversation went well. Less were the concerns about potential scams and exploitation of free mutant labor, but more along practical lines: like the fact that people who work day jobs like Jean and all the other teachers can't just skip out randomly for a week, nor can the students miss classes. But with some scheduling efforts, she's put something together: a community service project, with time allotted on a fixed schedule.

All of which means, the next time they gather on the worksite, it's with a VAN from the school rather than the prior vehicle, full of a handful of volunteers. For the rest of the week, they'll be able to come on shifts, alternating days as necessary, so no one is totally missing out. In general, there are some rules about public power displays, but there's a lot you can manage with just a little super-strength, let alone invisible telekinesis. Plus, there are some at the school that are more public advocates, or just more public.

"So, you gonna show them how it's done?" This is Jean asking Rogue, as they arrive for the day's work!

Rogue has posed:
On Friday, Rogue had watched Joan's display of power and commented on it in French, muttering under her breath how impressive it was. Her eyes had glanced to Xian and she'd grinned at her. "Keep it. Hammers always come in use in crime riddled cities like this. Maybe you'll find someone t'beat t'death with it if nothin' else."

But, that day was gone now, as days go.


Rogue is in tshirt and ripped blue jeans, worker boots and gloves on her hands as she arrives with Jean and the others once again. "I mean... I'll do my damndest. But I wanna be careful too. Lotsa folks around here can get smooshed if I drop something in the wrong place, ya know?"

Either way though, the Belle does wear a hardhat too, because it's just sends a good signal, even if her head is harder than the hat itself. Rogue will go on to be one of the 'fliers' who start picking up massive amounts of heavy materials and flying them up through open windows to the workers inside, from the top of the building downward.

Rogue is just zipping and soaring all over the place like a good worker bee.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Monday. Ororo can attend to keep the weather in check, one day with her classes postponed won't hurt anything, but it is likely only the one day. Someone has to keep track of the students who stayed at the school after all.

Christian Frost has posed:
     Christian had followed up behind Natasha and Emma, a coffee of his own in his hand. "Jeez, Emms, tree days and this is what we've got to show for it? Good shit." He comments while sipping. "So, guess those people from Xavier's aren't as..." he raises his hand, thumb and index finger curled up to where just a TEENY TINY point of light could be seen on the other side. "as I thought."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Without breaking her attention away from the building, Emma addresses Natasha with a smirk, "I wouldn't have found her if she didn't already. Girl's got herself a government contract. UN too. She's set for life as it is. This project however, she'll be a legend." Emma then lifts her cup up to her mouth to take another sip.

    Emma turns as the van approaches with the newest shipment of Xavierites, and smirks, no ill will towards the bulk of the staff, or the children especially, as Emma lifts her cup in greeting to those climbing out. Then with a turn of her head towards Christian, "They're not as hardasses as you might think." Emma says honestly.

     "This is going well." Emma notes as she stalks around the site, looking to find those on the outskirts of the site.

     Finding Jovian and a few others acting as security for the project, Emma gives a kindly nod as she approaches, taking her white hard hat off her head and hooking it under her elbow, "Any unsavory types showing up of late?" She asks, flagging down a hot dog vendor rolling by to buy a snack for Jovian as she speaks with the man.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
There are limits to what this miraculous power can do, Shan thinks as the boundary fades somewhat. She breathes out. If that woman, Joan, was able to simply will a hotel into existence, even if it were piece by piece... well, what were the rest of them here for? Exhibition?

But then they move into the car, whereupon Shan leaves her sledgehammer on the curb.


Shan comes back with the van. She is wearing a T-shirt and significantly fancier slacks at this point, not least since the sunny weather makes it possible to not freeze your biscuits off despite March still in the process of emerging. She also has a tablet with her. She seems to be... supervising.

Mysterious forces prevent OSHA violations on the part of the Xavier volunteers. This may be more important than usual.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson was trying to be low key, but, lets be honest, when you look like Dimestore Batman or Cosplay Daft Punk with a hand painted bolo on the side of a helmet, even in Mutant town you're going to stand out. So keeping an eye out for miscreants by moving rocks with other people 'helping' is about as subtle as a flying bathtub.

Also? When a project is run by a telepath, its not EXACTLY like you're not going to be seen. He puts his hand behind his head, unsure she is actually talking to him but then speaks on a 1980's over synthesized voice "er....well, no. I have a few friends in the local NYPD keeping an eye out for the idiots but frankly I think most went home after the event that drew them to New York. If there are Friends of Humanity lurking about, they're more subtle than I am.

Sally Pride has posed:
Eventually Sally climbs up from the maintenance access space beneath the elevators, some dirt and grease smudged across her face and her tanktop. She didn't bother wearing the leather jacket today, it'd get too hot and too dirty. "Hey, that construction crew got any portable generators? Until this place is on a proper power grid, at least." She didn't know the majority of people getting involved but that didn't really matter, this was the good for the town in general.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "See, you say that. But my experience says otherwise." Christian quips towards Emma. The man has indeed had more than a couple days of good hard work, it's still not for him, but hesitant got his eye on the prize.

  "Good job, guy." He comments towards Jovian. "Honest. Some folk ain't gonna like this thing. I'm not gonna keep any possibility from happening quite yet. But y'know. Having peeps here to hold the haters at bay, it's a good thing."

Jean Grey has posed:
In Scott's absence, Jean has to be the one to lay down the rules. That said, being that it's a volunteer effort, an 'extra credit' sort of thing, most of the students are here because they want to be... although a few have come in lieu of detention. WORK RELEASE! There are a good number of visible mutants among them, too, students who may also be former Mutant Town residents themselves and the most eager to participate.

Jean wears her own hard hat, along with jeans (no puns please!) that are significantly less ripped than Rogue's, and a plaid shirt. From the side of the worksite, she helps funnel the student volunteers to the correct places, and generally coordinates and supervises. Does she help out personally? Well, you'd never know, now would you? There may be some more things floating around on their own accord around the site, but you can't prove she did it!

There is a mid-day work break FOR MORE MILKSHAKES.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Here, eat something, keep in touch with the rest of the security teams." Emma says, handing off the hotdog with all the fixings before she turns back and heads back to the project. Work never ends when you're doing a week straight of work.

    Finding Christian and Joan, as well as greeting the x-ers as she passes them, Emma stops and passes off the torch of the day to Christian as he heads the overnight crews in her stead. "We gotta be on pace for completion friday?" Emma asks, looking more towards Joan than Christian in this.

Rogue has posed:
With her lunch time milkshake in hand, and her acquired lunch meal as well, Rogue spends the mid day up on the roof of the new building, with two construction workers on either sides of her also enjoying their lunch with the young mutant flier. Naturally they're both super muscley and hot and Rogue is flirting with them shamelessly, while they are right back at her too!

Because it's a given, right?

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Although the day has remained sunny, with just a little over cast to help maintain the natural order of the weather, Ororo has also been lending a hand where she can. Bottles of water getting passed out, keeping an eye on anyone who looks like they might want to start something with the workers, and generally keeping busy where she can. Too look at her, she's not the most obvious of mutant, but if you catch her eyes there is a slight glow from time to time as she checks on the weather and looks over those assembled for signs of hostility.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson lifts his 'visor' and nods, "Er...thanks." He is still extremely self concious at having been noticed but enjoys the hotdog. As long as no one is throwing rocks at him or calling him poser, he keeps doing what he has been. Well...and enjoys the hotdog.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "Ah well," Natasha does not appear to be too broken up at the loss. "She's certainly earning her keep. The rest of the materiel will be supplied on schedule, you can rely on that."

    She smiles. "But for now, I'm fairly sure my secretary has other things requiring my attention at the office. Have a good day."

    And with that, the dark-haired woman turns and vanishes into the crowd.

Joan Wright has posed:
As Emma asks about being ready for Friday, Joan looks away from the blueprints to the building owner. "I am cautiously optimistic." Joan replies, "Currently we're ahead of schedule but delays are a given for any construction job. There's power, some final frame work. Plus inspections. And also there's the matter of the next shipment of flooring coming in on time."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Shan has a peanut butter milkshake for lunch. It's food once it has peanut butter in it!

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride climbs the rest of the way out of the access pit, and accepts one of the water bottles being passed out. "Thanks, miss." She gives Ororo a nod, and quickly uncaps the bottle to take a long drink from it. Just because heat and sweat isn't going to bother her much doesn't mean she doesn't respect the importance of staying hydrated while working hard.

Christian Frost has posed:
     "Who do I need to call and light a fire under their ass to get that flooring here? I don't care if I gotta grease a mafia palm, we need the project on time." Christian asserts, before looking back to Emma. "You don't think...he wouldn't. Right?" Meaning Winston using his shipping company to tie up their deliveries. "I mean, he's fucked up, but he's not that petty right?" There's little hope there. But if Christian has to do drastic things, he's gonna do his part to keep things going.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    The area saw some rain in the middle of the week, but come Thursday the rain cleared and the sun returned... as did Ororo, this time with a milkshake.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I've been assured that's all in order, if things go sour, give me a call." Emma says towards Joan before she backs off and finds her way back to her Porsche. With a look to Christian, she gives him the number and name of Natasha Cranston, who's made such promises in person. "Good luck and great work today, I'll see you all in the morning." Emma says as she heads off to get herself some beauty sleep for the interview she's planned on having tomorrow afternoon.

    Thursday the 18th. It's another cool day in the project. The whole building itself is nearly complete, by Thusday it's mostly work on the top floor, and getting the parking lots painted as well as the landscapping and carpetting in. It's been a non-stop project, though everyone has had chances to pause, eat, rest and relax during their own off hours, there's simply enough workers trying to keep the work going non-stop.

    Emma steps up to the building and looks up at her magnum opus and can't help but flash a smile at the mirror like windows on the side she's standing against. "No time to slow down now, only a few more hours to go!" Emma says and gives a pat on the back of a large man who's muscles are rippled and dripping sweat as he moves past the mastermind of the project.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is in his own normal, more 'serious' costume at this point and surveying from a building across the street. He can't dedicate the time he was at this point given the moving parts around the city that he's working with SHIELD (....how did THAT happen?) to track down Nazca cartel but he hates leaving a job unfinished and does spot one idiot approaching that he taps one of the unmarked cars to deal with.

Sally Pride has posed:
It took a little longer than she had anticipated it would, but in the end Sally did manage to get the motors for the elevators running. They would probably need some proper professional work still but it at least made getting to the top floors easier. And a little easier on the flying people, though that southern belle doesn't seem to have gotten too wore out by flying and carrying things.

After that it was just back to helping where she could, mostly with the other electrical and technical work, since her cat-like agility allowed her to climb up into places others couldn't get to and find spots teh wiring needed to routed, or find pipes that needed replacing.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is in a good mood, humming a happy tune as she goes over the plans and the accompanying portfolio. The flooring did come in on time! And with that they are still on schedule. Several of the completed rooms have been cleared for painting already. So at the very least some should be dry in time for staging when those folks get here. Yippie Skippie!

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Shan comes back on Thursday. (She is secretly studying library science and the post of librarian at a small school does not actually require 40 hours a week regularly. Shh.) This time she is wearing a loose peasant tunic, and this is the day of the triumphant return of the sledgehammer!

Mostly because she is joining in the beating of rubble and metal into smaller, or differently shaped, portions thereof.

Shan asks Joan a question during a break, near the watering station. "How long have you been doing this?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson briefly starts tracking the viral increases in milk shakes, wondering if there is some kind of supervillain plot to drug the mutants but tastes one and realizes they're just good and resumes keeping an eye out for idiots.....casually noming a hotdog.

Rogue has posed:
At some point during the construction, Jean is intercepted on the ground level by a woman in a yellow leather jacket with a Press Pass around her neck. She's got a microphone with a 'Channel Six' logo on the side of it just under the puffy foam part for your mouth to talk at.

The reporter starts to ask Jean a series of questions about the construction project here, trying to pry the Headmistress' brain for the detes on this project. Once she gets the basics down though, the young reporter looks up at the building and makes a mental note to get a interview with the boss of the whole thing.

She'll thank Jean and separate from her, walking back to the C6 News Van where a tall man stands with a camera recording the ambitious project from back where the Press is allowed to do such a thing.

Joan Wright has posed:
During her break, Joan hears a voice directed in her general direction. Glancing over to see it was indeed a question directed at her, she smiles to Shan. "I started at Damage control last year. But I've been doing construction since I was old enough for Habitat for Humanity. So... ten years counting that."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson almost gets exposed as who and what he is when he spots someone about to get crushed by a lot of equipment but...given the area he is in, this is prevented by the mutant who levitates the falling items gently to the ground wheras the mutant he shoved out of the way says "thanks" but is more thankful to the levitator. Jovian is very glad to go back on top the building across the street.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
"Oh wow," Shan says to Joan, eyes widening. "Have you always been able to --" She indicates the air with her index finger, gesturing vaguely towards where, JUST FOUR OR SO DAYS AGO, Joan got the party started. ("I'm Shan; we should get dinner sometime!")

Emma Frost has posed:
    Friday the 19th! The Final Day.

    The building is done with a large figure installed before the entrance of the circular entry way. A large ribbon with specialty fabric is covering the large statue and Emma herself has been intstrumental in getting this installed with her own crew working on the base and bringing in the obscured figure. The name of the hotel above the front doors and the large lighted version near the very top has yet to be lit in the dark.

    Everyone involved in the project has been requested to be at the front of the hotel for the unveiling of the statue and the official opening.

    Emma has Joan come up front and center, as well as making sure everyone that was involved gets a pair of the gilded scissors to commemorate the event. More than just a silly white t-shirt, a true momento and a meaningful thank you to all invested.

    The last leaves of the bushes are trimmed and the trees are perfectly planted. The paint is dried, and the power is on. There's but one thing left.

    "Welcome everyone to the first shining beacon in Bushwick made by mutants, for mutants. See our acomplishments and know, this is the start." Emma declares as she begins to cut the ribbon.

    The sheet covering the large 20 foot statue falls from the top unveiling the crystal-like figure and it flows along the carving showing off the winged humanoid. The details are nearly impossible to see directly because of the material it's cut from, if one didn't know better it would be called diamond, but that's impossible for a diamond to be so large and so crafted. The winged figure stands guard before the hotel, and the name too then is revealed for all, "Centinel. A reclimation of the name of those that once expected to tower over us, now guarding over mutant kind with acceptance and ability. Welcome!"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo arrives on Friday to offer another beautiful day for the grand opening. Today is less work and more play, so she is wearing a pair of black leggings with a long tunic shirt over it and a light jacket. No shoes, she hates shoes.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride eyes the gilded scissors in her hand. Huh. A momento that's actually useful. That earns a few points as they're tucked away for safekeeping. A pierced ear perks a bit as the name is finally revealed along with the statue. The name.. well she knows enough of various events to get it. The statue is impressive, enough to get a whistle out of her. That is how you make a lasting impression.

Though the by mutants, for mutants message is certainly going to leave one too. Regardless of what 'kind' of mutant they are.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is of course ther eon Friday too when the building ceremony opening is held.

She's got her bomber jacket back on, her brown and white hair is nicely styled in large curls that hang down over her shoulders, with the white bangs framing her face. She wears a tshirt under the jacket with a Scooby Gang logo on the chest, and her jeans are even more worn down than they were when this week started. So many holes in the denim now over her thighs and knees... like she's daring people! Don't do it!

When the statue is revealed, Rogue applauds happily and whistles with her thumb and forefinger in the corner of her lips. Super loud whistler...

Christian Frost has posed:
     Christian's suit had matched Emma's garb. Now that work clothes were not required, he was able to dress as he liked, which was much more ostentatious than normal. As the Centinel is unveiled, he can't help but clap and whistle as well.

  He approaches his sister and smiles wide, bringing two glasses of exquisite champagne to toast the occasion. "Congratulations Emma, wicked good work." As always, he would support her in her endeavors. "To the Centinel."

Jean Grey has posed:
Friday is the end of the week! Which means they can get the whole bunch out, even the students, after their classes end in the afternoon. So it's all hands! They might have even needed another van.

Given that it's a grand opening and not more construction, Jean comes a little more dressed up, although it's really not much (no sense challenging Emma on THAT front), no more than the sort of professional wear one would expect of someone who runs a fancy private school. Skirt, blouse and jacket, nylons and heels; very business lady-esque. Which... is nothing at all like Rogue and her swiss-cheese pants, and casts a curious contrast when the two of them stand side by side.

When the statue's sheet is dramatically drawn away, rather than the hootin' 'n hollerin' (and whistlin'!), she lifts her hands for a round of applause.

"Not a bad choice for the name." She tilts her head back, trying to get a good look up. "Emma, you didn't happen to use anyone we know as a model, now did you?" It looks kind of like a certain X-man!

Joan Wright has posed:
The lack of major construction has led to Joan trading the cargo pants in for dress pants and her work shirt for a nice blouse. When they were initially asked to line up, she had chosen a spot over towards the side. but it appears Emma had different plans in mind. Moving over to position she's rather quiet for the whole dedication, looking to the scissors she was given. Hmm. Could be useful the next time someone breaks into the of- No. That would DEFINITELY backfire on her. But they're pretty.

Her eyes move upwards, looking to the sculpture that is unveiled. Not the material Joan would have chosen due to positioning and potential wear and tear but- She's also not the one paying for that so that's alright. It's still a very nice building.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Shan dressed up, somewhat, for this occasion, resolving the conflict of 'do I wear pants or let my leg hang out' in favor of the latter. Dark-blue, tulip skirt, clean-pressed. Appropriate for a formal but not lethally formal occasion. At Emma's words, Shan seems amiably pleased. Cheerful! Enthusiastic, even. She's about to raise a hand to join in the cheer when Emma drops the name, which significantly rocks her groove, possibly to the entertainment of adjacent students who may yet pay for it.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson tries to be low key this time by dressing as...a human. A regular boring human and this time it is working as no one gives him a second thought in the crowd and he claps with everyone else at theunveiling but inwardly cringes at the name

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma turns to see her brother and smiles, taking the crystal from his hand and holding it up before her and towards Christian. "To the Centinel, and to the future." Emma says, pausing a moment to come up with her own words before moving her glass forward to tink off Christian's. With a lift to her red painted lips, Emma takes a soft sip before smiling to Christian and stealing a hug in an unusual show of emotion.

    She clears her throat as she lets go to recenter herself as the corporate hard ass once again before turning to deal with anyone else. "Model, I couldn't possibly fathom what you mean Jean darling. I was aiming more for the 'Spirit of Ecstacy'." Emma says with a knowing wink towards Jean before lifting her drink once more to take another pull. "I couldn't thank you enough for the help, but you do know how important this can be for mutants all over the world, not just here."