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Date of Scene: 13 April 2021
Location: Morningside Heights
Synopsis: It's not always about you
Cast of Characters: James Proudstar, Samuel Guthrie

James Proudstar has posed:
t's a warm summer afternoon and when James dropped by Sam's room looking fr company on a mission of very little importance but high personal interest and the promise of some of the best Chinese in the city, well, a pact was made and after riding in the pickup Rob bought him and finding parking the two men have acquired ample little boxes of tasty noodles and are wondering the streets around Columbia, investigating housing options for James come fall. The big man sighs and runs his hands through his hair, "I think I blocked it out... I mean I just got SO MAD. When I got the letter. I mean NOW I'm hella grateful but in the moment this white man, offering me money for my pain, a trust!" he shakes his head, "That was what really set me off. It's all kind of embarassing now. But the trust covers education and expenses, which is how I can afford an apartment. Apparently Chuck has tremendous amounts of insurance on all of us." There's a bit of gallow's humor to this last. James covered the basics on the ride down, he's been accepted into the MSW program at Columbia starting in the fall, but will starts some classes in the summer.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the other man and nods a bit to this and says "Well, to be honest it is a bit reassuring to know Ma, and the little ones would be taken care of." He walks along eating and talking as they do. So what kind of place ya looking for Fancy Apartment, fixer upper, I mean lets be honest as many times as the mansion gets blown up, Ah think we all could build our own houses.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and stops for a second glancing over at Sam with mirth, "Big." He grins and takes a big bite of noodles, "Yeah, true, that is reassuring. I mean I don't even know who I would leave mine to, I mean who do I have, Yana?" James shrugs, "Nothing too expensive, I mean it looks like a lot but I'm being told how quickly it will go, yeah, a fixer upper, would be good, just high ceilings. You think the blocks get cheaper a little further from the school?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Probably, heck to be honest, might do best to ask around and find the worse neighborhood around and look there, not like anyone is going to mug you, and if they do, well the neighborhood would be a bit safer after that I would think." He grins at the other man.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar laughs and shakes his head, "True dat." He offers his fist for a pound, "Be the safest neighborhood in town before long. So, how are you and Alexis doing?" he looks around as if trying to identify something, "Which way is your place? They let you keep you room in the mansion?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, if they need it they would let me know." He hmms and says "Alexis is being a bit worried about us but I think it is more worries about her back ground coming up again. I have to remind her her past is not what is important to me, she is."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods solemnly, "That makes sense, yeah... "James chuckles, and gives Sam a sidelong glance, "You ever tell her the story of how /we/ met? I mean... you're a pretty forgiving sort." James nods, "Keep the lines of communication open, "Hey, weird relationship question. Does she knock in the mansion? Or does she just walk in?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I think she is to the point she just comes on in, with the school being there it helps." He admits "Well aint told her that one, but you ever heard how I first met Berto, and the rest of the gang?""

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar laughs and nods, "Yeah, I think Dani and Rahne tried to make me feel better, though you were working for the bad guys and I kind of a force unto myself... I will say you can take a punch man, my fist ached for /days/" James pauses and frowns, "So, if she started to knock that'd be weird, right?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well I aint sure, I take it you saw her knocking on the door recently?" He asks the man as they walk. His brow raised in curiousity, maybe a little concern as well."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar blinks and shakes his head, "No, no, not Alexis, I... " James stops and sits down on off those stone stairs in front of a brownstone, "It's someone else, someone... complicated?" James meets your gaze full on, "I- Illyana and I have been together for about 9 months. If I dies in the next five minutes it means the curse was real." He might be kidding. "Now, I, it. I think it might be over."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Illy, is a bit of a hard one to figure out at times." He admits to the other man "She has been coming in and started to knock recently? Ah would say talk to her, and see if you can figure it out, but with Illy, Ah am sure it is easier said than done."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar gives Sam wry smile, and a bit of a chuckles, "I really was expecting more of a reaction... Yeah, she usually ports in, mostly in the middle of the night, but She recently she hasn't been coming directly to my room anymore, she's been around but... not as available. Then a few days ago, she knocked, like a guest... not like a roommate" James shrugs, "I know there's a lot going on and she only lets me in on what she wants to. She is adorably paranoid, except when it's hugely frustrating. That's why we haven't said anything, powers of darkness and what not would see it as a weakness. I am after all only human, if in a mutant-ish sort of way. Something big is coming due and ... I have no idea what to do, how to help. If she even wants my help."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to him, and says "There have been times, were Illy was looking for a hot guy in the past, mostly said when we were younger, but I think there are times, when she wants to be normal, and then times, when she feels she has to put on the front. Maybe she feels like eyes from limbo trying to catch her in something.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar listens and frowns, nodding, "Yeah, and me getting my ego squelched is making her life harder. I am so dumb, and your pretty quick there KFC, I always thought Dani was the brains." James laughs, "I owe you a beer, but, did you say I was hot?"