5995/Knocking on Doors
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Knocking on Doors | |
Date of Scene: | 21 April 2021 |
Location: | Mo's Office |
Synopsis: | Colette visits Mo to discuss promotions, alien birds, and dumbas... sorry, the Order of St Dumas. |
Cast of Characters: | Colette O'Connail, Morrigan MacIntyre
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Things have been returning to some semblance of normal after the latest incident and Happy Harbor, and the wounded school principal is back, if only part-time at the moment. There has been a steady stream of visitors checking up on Mo's condition. The latest to come knocking is the the teaching assistant, Colette.
"Hey Doctor MacIntyre" she says by way of greeting as she comes in. "Glad to see you back on your feet so soon." There's a little trepidation as to how exactly she's going to be received -- it was dark, and Colette's hoping that due to having been shot, Mo wouldn't have noticed the shield of blackness that momentarily appeared between her and her assailant's gun before Colette tackled him from behind. There's no hint of that trepidation on her face though. She tilts her head a little, studing the principal. "Are you feeling okay? If there's anything I can do... putting in a few extra hours to help cover things or whatever... just ask."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's been pretty quiet post shooting incident and then having to save a gala from magically animated bad guys. Plus there was dodging the Hulk. But that's all in a days work for some. But that means she's had little time for actual rest. The office is welcoming though even if the mood around the school has been a sad one since Tyler and others were pulled by their parents.
The sunglass wearing Doctor looks up when she hears Colette though and there is a smile, "Ah, Miss O'Connail, thank you and please, come in." she motions her into the office. "I'm as well as can be expected for the moment. Doctor Pym is working on something to get my healing normal again." she admits. "And I appreciate all that you're doing already. Not going to ask anyone to give up more of their free time." she states as she straightens a bit. Her left arm is tightly bound in a sling so that it doesn't bother her. "Have a seat, what can I do for you today?" she asks her.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette smiles at Mo and takes the offered seat. "Mainly I came to check up on you," she says. "But..." The 'but' shoes itself in the folder she's carrying, which she puts down on the desk in front of her and opens up, taking out a sheet of paper.
"No rush for this, but when you're ready I need an assessment letter from you for my Teacher's Prep course." She slides the paper over - a letter from Metropolis University, where Colette has been studying for her preliminary teacher's qualifications, asking for a work placement assessment.
Colette pulls out a couple more sheets of paper and pushes them over. "Longer term... well there's my certificates of completion for EAS, and an my application for a Transitional A teaching certificate. This is my second year as a TA -- next year I'll be eligible to apply to teach under a transitional certificate. I was hoping, when you're feeling up with it, we could talk about the possibility of me applying for a full-time role here."
She leans back in her chair, giving a slight shrug. "I know it might be considered ah... a little early on my career path. But I think I'm doing a decent job here, I can easily complete a course certification over the summer, and... well. This is what I want to do."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile at the but, "Hey, I'm glad to talk about stuff while I'm down. I need to make sure folks around here are taken care of as well." she admits to that. She straightens in her chair and reaches out to gather up the papers. "I can get that letter typed up and out either later today or tomorrow. So that's no problem." she smiles to that.
She listens to her and there is a gentle nod, "I think that's going to be a pretty short conversation. We'd love to have you as a full-time teacher when you're ready for things." she tells her. "You've been with us since we've opened and the kids like you and trust you." she explains. "And you know what we have to go through sometimes. I'd much rather have you in here as we progress with things." she nods to this.
"So we'll get all the paperwork and things like that handled. Are you wanting to teach in the area that you've been assisting in or are you wanting to set out on your own class?" she asks her with a smile as she leans back in her chair.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"English and literature is my strong point," Colette says with a wide smile. "And the subject of my degree. If you've got room for me there, the the coursework certification would be a breeze. Honestly though I'll take what I'm given and work towards where I want to be if that's necessary, I understand the importance of getting a foot in the door."
"And uh..." Colette glances briefly towards the window. "How's Tyler doing? I understand his guardians have removed him from the school, which strikes me as a bad idea. There aren't many places he can go where he'll be better guarded against the Order of Whatever. Maybe something could be done about them more directly... as you know, I'm pretty friendly with some of the Titans. I could pass things on to them, if you wanted."
She looks back with a grin. "Speaking of which, Kian sends his regards. He has fond memories of Happy Harbor and of /Mórikan q'miríth/ as he calls you. Now that the school doesn't have to be quite so secretive about things I wonder if it might make sense to offer him the opportunity to attend the occasional class here, to help with acclimitization."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens quietly as she takes a sip of water from her glass. She waits till Colette is finished and gives an enthusiastic nod of her head, "English and Literature is a place we've been meaning to shore up and with you already knowing the ropes here it would be easiest to just put you in as a teacher and give you a pay raise and all that it entails." she explains.
"I've not been able to speak with Tyler since his guardians pulled him while I was in the hospital. I was hoping to work towards adopting him which is the sadder part of all of this." she frowns. "But...we couldn't have known that the Order was going to do what they did. And I think we'd all protect the students and the school again if they made the mistake of returning." she states. "Tyler's guardians have let me know via emails that if anything should come up that they will reach out to us. So I hope they stick to that." she frowns. "If the Titans want to see about helping with them I'm fine with that. At this point I'm going to talk to some SHIELD folks and see if we can get a freelancer to look into them as well." she nods to that.
Then she smiles brightly, "I do miss Kian. One of the reasons why we wanted to make the school public was due to situations like his, so I'd love to reach out or if you would like to I'd be happy to have him back for classes or visits." she admits.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette gives a sharp nod of her head. "I'll let him know. I'm due to deliver a new set of lessons to him soon. His English has come on very well, you'll be glad to know. And I've been making significant strides in xenolinguistics. Teaching an alien to speak English is not something there's a whole lot of reference material to fall back on." She smirks slightly. "It has been fascinating, really. I should probably write a paper."
"Do you know if the police got anything useful out of the Order members we captured?" She leans forwards a little, folding her hands in her lap. "If there's any information you have about them... well I'd be happy to pass it on to some people. Better to make sure we don't get any more visits from them in future than have to deal with them once they get here. Though I suppose with Tyler no longer at the school they don't have much call to come to Happy Harbor. Still, I'd feel better if they were dealt with for once and for all."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan smiles at the progress that Colette and Kian have been making, "Honestly I think it's good for a lot of us if we start learning more languages. I cheat a lot and use magic with some, but I don't do it for earth based foreign languages." she admits. "Actually a paper is something that would get you a lot of good publicity for Masters or even Doctorate programs if you are wanting to go that far with things school wise. So it's not a bad plan to have in the back of the brain." she grins to that.
Then she sobers at the talk of the Order of Saint Dumas. "I was going to see about going and talking to one of them once they are processed to the jail. They won't let us in the hospital given all of the weirdness that might come up." she admits. Plus no one wanted a suddenly dead man to deal with. "But I can gather the information that we have on them so far and send it to you to distribute. Might be a long trip to Malta or Rome involved." she muses. "And no, they don't have much reason to come back here unless they hold grudges." she agrees. "I managed to talk Declan and Delia's parents out of removing them. They seemed to understand once I explained what was going on." she sighs softly. "But I don't think we'll lose anyone else thankfully." she smiles to that.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette gives an insouciant shrug and half-smile. "Rome's lovely and I've always meant to get around to visiting Malta. Caravaggio spent a couple of years there and left some paintings behind. Yes, any information you get, please do forwards it to me and I'll see it gets in the hands of some people who could be quite... effective about discouraging these wierdos."
"It would be strange and tactically unwise of them to come back here because of a grudge," she says, settling back in her chair. "They're fortunate as that so many of them managed to escape. They were retreating carrying their wounded, and neither Shazam nor Vivian had entered the fray at that point. Unless they're very stupid or have some other reason to come here, I'd imagine they'll stay away."
"Yes, a paper is very much in mind," Colette agrees. "I've had to innovate a bit in terms of preceptual techniques. So much of what we take for granted in language instruction relies on an assumption of cultural familiarity. I've had to search for more abstract ways to express ideas. I suspect Kian could benefit from taking a few classes - maths, particularly. As far as I can make out he's actually a rather advanced mathematician, but he has trouble grasping Terrestrial mathematics. Part of it is the number of fingers. He's used to thinking in base eight, not base ten. A larger part is simply the language of mathematics, though."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft laugh, "I've never been to either place. Apparently my doctor likes me not being out in the sun for so long, but I need to just up medication." she shrugs. "So we'll see where we might end up." she nods to that.
"And oh boy, it would be completely stupid of them to come back here. I won't leave people alive a third time." she states in a calm tone. Third time is a charm...or a curse in this instance.
She then listens to Colette talk about her paper and Kian and there is a smile, "I think it will be a help to all to be honest. "And maybe getting him some math with J'onn will be a good thing." she nods. Then her phone starts ringing and she sighs at that, "I will need to take this, but let me see you out first Miss O'Connail, it was good to see you again and I appreciate all that you do for the school." she tells her in a quiet and honest tone.