6147/Blending in.
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Blending in. | |
Date of Scene: | 06 May 2021 |
Location: | Downtown Manhattan |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Sif, Vintridr, Thea Queen
- Sif has posed:
And so it begins. With a glowing runestone found in the coffee shop (for Vinnie) and the club (for Thea). Touching it causes runes to flow out of the stone and into the air, spelling out words. Vinnie can read them, naturally, being of Asgard. Thea, however, surprisingly, finds herself able to as well. Despite clearly being not English and, indeed, not in her language.
Magic is annoying.
The runes spell out an invitation to "purchase the finest clothing the coin of a noblewoman from afar can buy".
Short version: clothes shopping.
The destination given, Lower Manhattan's shopping district.
- Vintridr has posed:
And here Vin had been hoping for a quiet morning of making coffee and studiously ignoring her colleagues' gradually increasing attempts at obliquely asking questions about recent events she has no intention of answering. She sighs, pockets the runestone and informs her boss she'll be taking an impromptu day off for personal matters, then leaves and heads for the subway station.
Not, perhaps, the flashiest form of travel, but at least she'll get there on time and without potentially causing an incident...
- Thea Queen has posed:
Lower Manhattan shopping spree?! Count this girl in! And being her own boss means she doesn't have to offer anyone a justification! She just has to hope the workers won't break the club down for one afternoon. All will be fine, right? Right?!
But no time to think on that! Was time to get fabulous and get moving. And fabulous is what they get when Thea comes walking down the street, fashionably so in her designer pants, sleeveless crop top and amazingly large sunglasses.
Yet now she has to actually pinpoint where Sif and Vinnie may be. But how hard will it be to spot two Asgardians down here? She lifts her sunglasses and peeks around while she walks. "I will have to introduce them to the concept of smart phones I see..." she mutters to herself, letting out a sigh.
- Sif has posed:
Vinnie, of course, has no troubles spotting Sif. It's the light armour, red leather underlay, white leather straps skirting her waist, the long red cape with the ermine trim, the tall red boots that go up to and just over the knee, and the battle sword at her waist that likely gives her away.
"Vintridr!" she calls out, upon spotting the Valkyrie from afar--her vision is legendarily almost as good as her brother's, and it shows. "How nice of you to come!" The Valkyrie is granted a good warrior's clutch and pat. "This is a wonderous place!" she enthuses. "Say what you like about their bad taste in building design, the sheer variety in their wares is delightful! I could spend years in this place and not see everything!"
And it looks like she's planning on it...
Thea's own arrival is also noted with a pleased smile. "I am SO looking forward to her aptotheisis, sister-at-arms. She is wasted with the mortals!" Thea, too, gets the warrior's clutch (gentle version, so she manages to survive with minimal bruising of bones). "Thea, how wonderful to see you. So, between the two of you I should be able to get clothing suited to me that won't make me look like an outsider, right?"
As opposed to, you know, battle gear. Like she's wearing now.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin's outfit, in contrast, is a great deal less eye-catching for all that it's almost equally unconventional in its own way - side-laced leather pants and a white tank top underneath a leather jacket, with slim sunglasses and fingerless gloves completing the ensemble - but until Sif called her out she got no more or fewer curious looks than other pedestrians.
She chuckles. "When it comes to looking less like an obvious outsider, a change of clothes would be the least of changes." A gesture with her free arm, taking in the various people walking the streets - businessmen in staid suits, but also punks and hippies and a dozen different styles ranging from subdued to clashingly loud. "These people are no strangers to unconventional looks; what draws all eyes to you is your bearing..."
Thea gets a brief but kind smile. "Well met again, young Queen. I trust all is well in Starling?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
Look at all that leather! It's not as if Thea is innocent of it with her leather pants. But ..., there's normally a limit! Or is there?! The warrior clasp is returned, the pain hidden well beneath a wide smile, "Hello, Sif. Vinnie." sunglasses back on her eyes and she looks up at the sky with a mmmmm. "Lovely day for a shopping spree, ladies." yes, clearly the young Queen is in her TURF, "Now, where should we go first?" she muses. "Pantsuits? Casual..., evening gowns.." she looks at Sif, then at Vinnie in a thoughtful manner, a fingertip on her chin. "Maybe a bit of all, yes."
She gestures for them to start moving down the sidewalk to take a look at the various shops. Lots of choice too! "Though let me tell you there are venues in which those leathers would be rather welcome." she informs them. "Even if ..., most of what we have here protect nothing vital..." more like leaving everything in sight! Though she does sound amused when saying that.
"So, tell me what catches your fancy and then we will go to tryouts." She walks with a bit of a sway to her hips now, letting that full rich-girl-on-a-shopping-spree vibe come to the fore.
- Sif has posed:
"I shall," Sif says quickly, "require clothing for day-to-day wear when I wish to look like someone of Midgard going about her business. Something revealing of form, but not of flesh, as I note most of the feminine garments used for day to day work appear to cover all flesh."
That's one finger ticked off.
"Evening activities will require different wear, of course. I saw some women out and about standing near corners in ... some neighbourhood whose name escapes me. They tended to wear next to nothing. There were also younglings going in and out of places that had the most outlandish noises coming from them. They also tended to wear next to nothing, but in a different style. I'm unclear as to which is correct for me, but something for that."
She means hookers and clubbers respectively, probably. That's two fingers ticked off.
"Formal wear I have aplenty, but it is for Court and it would not suit here. What would someone like me wear to formal events like greeting potentates or attending theatre? Something like that."
That's three fingers ticked off.
"Intimate wear garments for when playing with guests in my room."
That's four fingers ticked off.
"And finally, 'native's choice'. And Vintridr for this I count you a native for your deep knowledge of the realm. What have I not thought of. The two of you know better than I do the variety of sumtuary in this realm. Pick something that I miss..."
She stops talking, head turning, then craning as the walk past a shop. The display is filled with studded black leather. "Warrior's garb? Here? We must go there!"
She means "The Gimp Stop".
Probably want to keep her away from that.
- Vintridr has posed:
Valkyrior bear unexpected difficulty with equanimity. Therefore, Vin does not sigh. That exhalation was just a trick of your hearing, not a sigh.
"Lady Sif, you hear but you do not listen. What sets you apart from those of Midgard, far more than your garb, is your bearing. Even were you to wear the female equivalent of that -" she points at a passing businessman in a sharp but drab business suit, "- no one who sees you walk or even stand for more than a scant few seconds would know you for anything but what you are: one born noble, one who wields power as easy as she breathes. If you truly wish to go unnoticed, you will need to learn how to walk like a commoner..."
She turns her head to follow Sif's pointing finger and manages to suppress a wince. "That.. Is not a shop that caters to warriors. Midgard does not regard war and battle as we do."
- Thea Queen has posed:
In Thea's defense she doesn't even appear to blink when Sif starts going through the various aspects she needs to have sorted out. Which pretty means screams as: "So what we need to do is an intervention!" read: A full on overhaul of Sif's wardrobe. Ah, yes. She was born to this. "Just ..., that part of wearing next to nothing .., we will have to work on that more carefully." because even if some may deserve it she doesn't want people to die from wolf-whistling at Sif. Which *would* happen if she goes dressed as the women she is describing.
When Sif stops near the 'Gimp Stop' it's when she nears to wrap one arm under Sif's to /try/ and set her on a different way. "No no. That's what I was telling you about those venues where leather is welcome. We will leave that for a different occasion." she advises.
A nod to Vin, "As the saying goes, clothing does not make the monk. BUT..., it helps in getting them to blend in.." she does appear to doubt very much about Sif walking like a commoner, "And Vin is right about that shop." a grin, ".. Let's just say that's more to battles of the bedroom, if you know what I mean." she lifting her sunglasses to wink before moving on.
"Here." She says, gesturing to an elegant shop featuring an assortment of jeans, tops, jackets. All the needed for usual day-to-day! If you are rich as heck, because it's all designer clothing. "Lets start with something simple.."
She opens the door to get in, promptly getting approached by a woman. "How can I help you today?" the woman blinking as she takes in the two tall Asgardians. Well, that's not an usual sight!
- Sif has posed:
"Battles of the bedroom? You doubt my prowess in that field?!" Sif's back goes up. "I who can take any man she chooses and make him hers?"
She seems mortally wounded at the thought that this is even in question. Wounded pride oozes from her as she's dragged into a shop.
Her mood improves quickly upon entering the shop, however. The approaching woman is appraised for utility and then, with a nod, she says, "You may serve us." She looks around at the shop's wares, questioningly. "What form of clothing do you recommend, Vintridr and Thea?" She pauses, looks at the servant girl (for that is how she's classified her). "And your input would be tolerated as well," she says kindly.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin lays a hand on Sif's shoulder and gives the shopkeeper a polite and hopefully reassuring smile. "Good afternoon. My friend is somewhat new to the area and would like a few outfits that are perhaps a bit less conspicuous than what she's currently wearing."
She tilts her head. "As you can see, it's likely that some of it will require custom fitting, but money won't be an object," she finishes, adding the magic words that can snap almost any shop owner or sales representative out of nearly any kind of shock or stupor.
"For casual wear... I think some wide jeans and a few loose shirts may be best. Something that will leave her limbs free to move. Wouldn't you agree, Thea?"
- Sif has posed:
"These women are my advisors," Sif helpfully pipes up. "Whatever they recommend is what I desire. Money is, however, an object." She produces a purse from the back of her wide white belt, a pouch of crimson suede, and spills out coins. Quickly counting, she shows the contents of her hand. "There are fifteen gold wheels in here, along with assorted lesser coin. If the price goes beyond this, I shall have to repair to my estates to bring more substantial coin."
One gold wheel would almost be enough to buy the shop and all of its stock. Almost.
"Will this be sufficient for the moment? Or shall I acquire more funds?" Sif looks between the three women querulously.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin really should have expected this but perhaps she's gone a bit /too/ native. Nonetheless, she reacts quickly and scoops the coins back into the pouch, hopefully before the saleswoman has a coronary. "Perhaps it would be best if we charge everything to my bank card for now," she says to the saleswoman, then turns to Sif. "If you truly feel it necessary you can reimburse me afterwards; for now, however, please don't concern you as to the price -- if nothing else, your winnings from the other day would easily cover everything this place has in stock..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Oh no, I am certain all men fall to your Asgardian wiles." A wink from Thea from over those sunglasses. Is she teasing the Goddess of War? Would she be that bold?! .... Yes. But she laughs afterwards and then they are in. She grins at the now-dubbed servant girl and whispers quietly at her, "They are from out of town.." which usually implies they are from the country! Oh Gosh!
The suggestion from Vin about those wide jeans is met with a nod from Thea and she starts walking around the room, seeking. "She will want to see these, these ...." she is pointing out various types of jeans, wide, tighter. " .... Oooo, and these. I love this color.." red colored jeans! She continues to walk around, picking out stuff from the racks, along with various shirts, tops, unders.
The 'servant-girl' just smiles nervously, "Yes, ummm, we usually take more traditional money.." she nods at Vin when she speaks of a bank account. That's something she knows! But then she is getting a MOUNTAIN of clothing from Thea. "We will try those!"
Thea then points to the changing booths. "Now go try those on, o Goddess."
- Sif has posed:
This is something Sif can get behind. It's not well-known at court, where she affects the cold demeanour of a warrior, nor among the soldiers, where she affects the ... is there an echo here? But deep down, there is something almost childishly girly in the Goddess of War. It explains why she has so many battle outfits: all practical (she's not suicidally stupid), but each slightly different in emphasis in looks. She has more battle kits than most but the wealthiest of the courtesans have in gowns.
And now she has an excuse to let loose that inner fashion victim! She's blending in!
Outfit after outfit slips over her frame, being divided into three piles: Futhark yes, Hel no, and ... let me think about it.
In the process some patterns develop. Red is favoured, as is white. Silver accents are favoured over gold. And every outfit that's in the F-yes pile has leather in it somewhere, even if it's only a broad leather belt in low-riding jeans or the like.
Oh. And she likes showing off her physique. There's more than a little vanity there.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin looks over Thea's selections, offering her own comments regarding cut or color, and removing a few and replacing them with a larger size better suited to Sif's build. She also quickly and efficiently helps the saleswoman replace and remove the outfits that fall in the 'No' pile. "How about yourself, Thea? Do you see aught here that catches your fancy?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
"I dooo.." A grin given back to Vin when she asks but then lets out a laugh. "Though let's get Lady Sif into her dressings first. I can always come back later! And besides, this is an intervention." and that implies full focus from the young Queen! No diversions like starting picking stuff for herself... The mountain of clothes would turn into the Everest....
Yet of course that she chooses a 'throne' to sit and wait while Sif goes through all those choices, calling in Vin to join in. A shake of her head at some, a nod at others. A wrinkle of her nose at those jeans that show way too much skin.
"See, that'd go more to the 'night huntress' pile." Though she noting that choice of colors, "It's good to have a style, so going to red and whites. Well..., it's appropriate. Don't fall in the trap of everything being that color though." she murmurs. "Variety is the name of the game!" so versed she is!
- Sif has posed:
"Of course. Red. Blood red. Ochre. Burnt ochre. Sanguine. Burgundy. Wine. I have a wide spectrum of colours I choose from!" Sif says with a faux scolding tongue, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "And of course creams, whites, beiges, and other such. I don't understand what you are implying, Vintridr!"
But she gets the message and relaxes the colour selections somewhat, gathering up blues and purples and even the occasional earth tone.
Just not many.
"Would these do for payment?" Sif asks, then, as the final selections are made, pulling out a thick roll of fifties and twenties. Next to the 15 other rolls of just 50s. Which couldn't possibly fit in the small purse she's got tied at her waist. "Or should we use your 'card'?"
- Vintridr has posed:
"It will likely save a great deal of time and hassle if we use my card for now," Vintridr replies, deciding wisely to explain Midgard economics and the concept of credit cards some other time, then nods to Thea.
"We'll return for you some other time, then," she promises. "As for myself, I'm not currently in need of new casual wear at least. If you've made your selection, let us check them out and be on our way." She signals the slightly-hovering shop assistant over to come and collect the sets they've chosen and ring them up.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"That's a wide a spectrum as these hips of mine.." Thea grumps in complaint, resting her hands on said NARROW hips. But then she laughs, because she knows how this will go next, "And don't you dare saying I have wide, childbearing hips and that I should go find a man or something!" she blows some hair out of the front of her face, shaking her head. Though she *is* appeased with the new colors that Sif brings up. She even eyes a certain pink-colored tee for Sif which she slips under the others for her to try out. As for Vin ..., she also needs a break from all that black, so she also gets a nice cropped top to go. Immaculate white colored! "Oh no no, you can't go without taking something with you, Vin. It's tradition during shopping sprees.." then adding in a more serious tone, "... To go against it is to invoke bad luck." is she for real?
As they go around flaunting money, then checking on who gets to use the 'card' she smiles at the employee. "They are new in town.." she justifies with a grave nod.
- Sif has posed:
Thus was the first passle of packages purchased in the Lady Sif's new wardrobe, soon to be featured in a Loki-tormenting scene later.
"I quite liked those 'yoga' pants," she bubbles as the trio head out. "So comfortable!" And her vanity caused her to get a pair one size smaller than the one recommended... "Now, what is next on the scheduled purchase? I should like something that Midgarders would consider appropriate courtly garb for feasts and celebrations. Do they wear gowns here? And does the local sumtuary permit silk?"
She pauses, frowning and scratching her head. "Would local sumtuary even apply to me. I rather think not. So ignore sumtuary."
"Whatever we choose, however, must permit for concealed weaponry. There have to be folds and flounces."
- Vintridr has posed:
"Hardly," Vin chuckles. "Who you choose to lie with, be it he, she or they, is your decision and yours alone. Neither Sif nor I claims the right to stand as your parent to demand to have a say in that choice."
She grins for a moment. "Of course, if you do have someone in mind and would like us to ritually threaten them a bit as a warning to treat you as you deserve, we'll be glad to help."
... Because being dangled upside down over a cliff by a Valkyrie explaining why you shouldn't make Thea cry is a /great/ way to keep a boyfriend.
She takes the crop top with reasonable grace, going so far as to change out of her shirt and wear it under her open vest as the party continues to the next destination.
"Unfortunately, for most up-scale celebrations and feasts the dress code for women is... Depressingly limited," she admits to Sif. "Evening gowns and cocktail dresses, and neither of those are terribly good to fight in I'm afraid..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Silk is not only permitted but required." Thea the sage replies with a raised finger, "Yet as with everything, all should be taken in moderation. Silk, leather..., mmmm satin." a beat, "The occasional velvet. All has a place depending on the venue and the theme of the party. And what you wish to convey." so many rules!
"And while all *that* is important the same is true for lingerie. For we can only be beautiful if we are comfortable while dressing such.. But lingerie will come later!" She informs the group in that 'fish in the water' kind of way of hers amidst this environment.
As they go past various store fronts, and again past the 'Gimp Stop' which Thea purposefully ignores she points to one on the other side of the street.
"Ah, yes. There." Designer clothes by rather famous tailors. She 'drags' the other two there so they can have a look. Gorgeous gowns are on display, some even outrageous on how much skin they show, or others in how little.
She laughs at Vin suggesting they help her with her boyfriends. "Oh, I think I am okay. No need for any kinds of rituals!" besides, she is on a only-Thea time at the moment, so not even a boyfriend for proper threats!
"As someone who *has* went to parties having to .., bring a weapon or two I can perhaps help." A look to the two of them. "No swords though, small thin blades at *best*..." then she arching her eyebrows teasingly. ".. Though certain lingerie *can* also help with it.."
- Sif has posed:
For the evening gowns and such, Sif has a strong leaning toward not exposing so much skin, even while showing off her formidable figure and all its assets. "I find that even the most jaded aged noble cannot resist that which he cannot see. Many a tongue has slipped while drooling and picturing what lies beneath," she says with a wink. "I accomplish more with hints of treasures than just opening the chest has ever managed."
And naturally she tests each one for concealment, pulling out a thin bejeweled dagger sheath for test fits, finding ways to place weapons for minimum visibility while still having access.
The shop attendant is having a very difficult time with all this as he witnesses the weaponry in among the lace and satin. 'About to have a nervous breakdown' levels of difficult time.
"Now Vintridr, you must purchase something. And I think I found the perfect thing." The gown she holds up is the variety that flares at the hip in multiple layers that fold back in on each other in complicated patterns. "You could hide a short sword in this," Sif says, chuckling. "And nobody would be the wiser. And note..." She shows the point where the skirting attaches to the bodice. "...this could be torn off in one swift motion should it come to needing action. The skirting could be wrapped as an impromptu main gauche shield, or as a tool for wrapping or strangulation or immobilizing a foe, and of course the sword you've hidden would just slice. I insist you purchase this."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin chuckles, then glances quickly around the store, checking angles of vision and location of security cameras, then half-turns toward Sif to obscure the only one of the latter covering this area.
"That, at least, is not an issue," she replies as her hand reaches toward where her sword would be sheathedif she wore it on her hip... And then, suddenly, it is as she draws it out of a shimmer of rainbow light. She holds it for a moment, then moves to resheath it, letting it vanish the same way it came.
"... I am /never/ without a weapon. But if my Lady insists..." She takes the gown and vanishes into the changing room, emerging a minute later with wide, sweeping strides that cause the folds to move and billow around her legs as she walks, head held high and haughty as as an upper-class lady out and about town -- although the tattoos on her bare shoulders detract just a bit from the image.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Thea does a small intervention on the shop attendant by whispering, "My aunts..." she tells him with a small, dreary nod, "... They are a bit eccentric. You know, european.." that certainly explains it!
Though with the choice of dresses well in hand Thea can't help but grin. She helps where she can, a nudge towards a certain dress that is more appropriate or another, and certainly doing her part in checking for those places to hide a good knife. She is an inventive little thing!
"And you can cut it here..., which won't show. Getting a little more space for the dagger." she explains. "Just no dancing!"
She looks at the choice of dress for Vin and nods approvingly. So stylish and elegant! It's when Sif starts talking about the various options for strangulation et al that she gestures. "Shouldn't talk so loudly about that in here..!" she states, smiling nervously back at the attendant who appears to be going to faint at any moment now. She chuckles at him, "They like to play like that." yes, that's what it is. A joke...
It's perhaps a good thing the attendant went for a glass of water when Vin brandishes her sword! It gets Thea to go wide-eyed. "That's handy..."
And with Vin then going to try on the dress she gives it a critical eye. "Mmmm, very good. I think we could even get you to rock a scarf..." she looks around, hummming a little to herself, fetching a nice silk one and moving to set it on Vin almost as if she was dressing up a doll. Which they are!
"Perfect, wouldn't you say, Sif?"
- Sif has posed:
"I would, yes. And those tattoos on the shoulder would make people take note that she has depths beyond the vapid nothingness of a typical court lady." Whoah. Pretty harsh assessment of her fellow nobles, that is! "They're marks of honour and pride. Marks of a holy calling. They would and should catch more eyes than even my little scars."
She casts a critical glance over the outfit. "The bustiere has to be tightened a bit nearer the bottom, and loosened a little at the top," she decides. "To give a more eye-catching motion in dance. Remember that men..." She winks and grins naughtily. "...and some women, they are easily distracted by hints of the unseen, and nothing hints better than motion beneath concealing fabric. The courtly dance is a battlefield unlike any you've ever been on, but it can be approached as if it were battle. You have to think tactically."
She nods. "It's decided. She will have that gown, I will have all these. You, Thea Queen, what will you buy?" This is full-on Lady Sif mode. No brooking of disagreement. "And once we have the gowns, we must shift our thinking from the tactical to the strategic. Intimate apparel."
- Vintridr has posed:
"No scarves," Vin replies drily. "I have a medical condition that makes me allergic to anything that wraps around my neck that can be grabbed and yanked."
Shehe smirks at Sif. "I /have/ been on Midgard long enough to know how to turn heads when I want to, you know -- but those are stories for later times and more pleasant environs."
She nods and heads back into the change room to swap into her leathers for now. "You'll also need an overcoat, for those occasions where emerging on the red carpet is not an option for one reason or other..."