6163/Here's the story of a man named Logan...
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Here's the story of a man named Logan... | |
Date of Scene: | 09 May 2021 |
Location: | Harry's Hideaway (Bar) |
Synopsis: | ...That's the way we became the Logan Bunch! |
Cast of Characters: | Rien D'Arqueness, Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett, Jimmy Hudson
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
With the strange faux soldiers pursuing Gabby vanquished and their leader being dealt with by other heroes, Rien and Gabby have decided to make a quick exit rather than dealing with the inevitable annoying questions like 'why don't you exist on paper?' and 'you really don't look over 77 years old...'
The ride up the Bronx River Parkway on Rien's motorcycle could be called harrowing by some, exciting by others as Rien doesn't seem to hold speed limits in very high regard as she weaves through the traffic. It's not like an accident would have any lasting consequences anyway.
Eventually the Bronx River Parkway gives way to White Plains and the rest of Westchester county. After awhile the familiar streets of Salem Center come into view and the bike rolls to a halt in front of Harry's Hideaway.
"Rest stop." Rien tells Gabby, "So, where is this school of yours? I can take you there after we get some food." She asks as she gets off the bike.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney didn't seem to mind the ride overly much. Sure, she hung on, but she balanced well on every turn and curve so that she wasn't being an issue as extra weight on the back of the motorcycle for Rien. There weren't even any screams of 'Oh god we're going to die!' when things got a bit harrowing. All in all she was the perfect passenger even if she did half-twist around on occasion to make sure they weren't being followed. When they come upon familiar roads her tension eases just a bit though not enough to remain less vigilant than before. There's the occasional murmer of 'Frog' or 'Deer' or 'puppy!' or the like as they pass and she spots them.
"Oh, Harry's, I know this place," Gabby states matter-of-fact when they come up for this pit stop. "Food isn't great but Harry's a good guy and has some good root beer on tap." I mean. It wasn't often you could order a pint of rootbeer so she rather enjoys such an indulgence now and then. Swinging off the bike to her feet a few quick smacks to her thighs are given to dust off any poor unfortunate bugs that bit the dust on the ride. "It's not far from here, actually. I can get there on my own from here, actually, it's just a few miles run."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien takes a moment to stretch before walking towards Harry's, "If that's what you want." She doesn't seem terribly inclined to force the issue and starts walking towards the bar. "Either way, I will buy you lunch if you want it." She calls back behind her before pushing open the doors and heading inside.
Once within she takes a quick glance around, though none of the individuals she met the last time she was here seem to be present, so she makes her way over to the bar and slides on to one of the stools. "Whatever's on tap." She tells Harry. "And..." she glances back to the door to see if Gabby follows.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney follows after without hesitation; there was no way she was turning down a free meal. Food was food. Priorities. Being in a gun fight tended to make one rather hungry after all. Leaving Rien's motorcycle behind she follows the tall blonde (compared to her) into Harry's only to grin at the familiar sight of the place. It was always good to be home in some manner or another. Rien's leading question of what she'll have earns a more serious expression.
"I'll have the usual, Harry," she intones as she moves to hop up onto a bar stool and wiggle in closer to the edge of the bar. Harry merely rolls his eyes at her, but he does grab two pint glasses to fill from the tap. One with actual beer which he slides over to Rien. The other? Rootbeer, much to Gabby's delight as she wraps her hands around it to pull it close for a long sip. "Perfect! Great way to end a day, with a nice cold one."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Although his entrances usually leave a lot to be desired, with blood, screams, decapitations, etc, this time Logan opens the door, ruffles his collar as though making sure no rain was left to ruin the leather jacket, and meanders inside. Well, meanders may not have been the right choice, but who's askin'?
Looking around the bar, Logan grunts, shakes his head, and saddles up to the bar. One look was enough to tell the barkeep what exactly he wanted. His usual. Beer. Best on the house. The canadian stuff, brought in just for Logan.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Sitting at the bar waiting for the drinks to be poured, a hint of amusement plays across Rien's features at Gabby's super serious bar regular drink order. She's only been here one other time herself.
"Haven't found him yet?" Harry asks the muscular French blonde as he sets the draft pint in front of her.
Rien just shakes her head as she fishes out a silver cigarette case full of hand rolled cigarettes. Apparently she doesn't have any qualms about smoking around children. "Not yet," She tells Harry, bringing one of the cigarretes to her lips. They don't smell like normal cigarettes though, even unlit they have arromatic herbal scent.
She is just fishing out a silver zippo lighter, when she stops and sniffs at the air, once, twice, before her head turns to look at the entrance, because there entering is a man she hasn't seen in 77 years.
"Nevermind," Rien asides to Harry, "Found him."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is mid soda slurp when Logan walks in. Her eyes swivel doorward as she'd already been hypervigilant in case they were followed by any stragglers that the others she'd met had perhaps let slip away. It's a relief to see Logan even if he was grumpy at times. A grin forms (as well as a rootbeer stache) before she puts her pint of rootbeer down with a little clink of glass to bartop.
Quickly swiping her foamy stache away with the back of her hand she's just about to greet Logan when Harry and Rien's conversation fills her awareness. There's that stiffness again, momentarily, before she shrugs it off. Rien had displayed claws during that fight. The suspicion was already planted in her mind that there was some connection between the attractive blonde and Logan. So with all care cast to the wind she calls out a cheery greeting of, "Hi dad! I mean Logan. Sir. Um. Drink? Oh yeah I think I might have found someone that you might know maybe kind of?"
Gabby spins on her barstool around to gesture with a grand, sweeping reveal of waving arms as if she were showing off a magic trick to introduce Rien. "Ta da?" She hopes.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan unzips his jacket, and sits on the barstool. His back, pointed with bravado at the door, was almost anticipating a ninja, mutant, alien, or something stabbing it. As the very large mug of beer was pushed towards Logan, he grunts, nods, and pushes a hundred towards Harry. "Thanks. Keep 'em comin'."
Logan takes a moment. This was the best time of his day. He closes his eyes, and waits. Lifting the mug to his lips, he takes a deep pull, letting the flavours wash over his mutant enhanced senses. It was almost a feeling of ecstasy as he drinks, sighs, and burps. "Ahhhh."
Then. *SNIFF*. "Sigh...." A pause as he hears Gabby call him "Dad". At least it wasn't "Granpa". "Hey kid. What are you doing here?" Then, the real reason he had sighed which was punctuated by the graceful "Ta Da?". "Rien. Long time. Shouldn't you be dead?" His look to Harry was obvious. The hundred might not be enough.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien glances at Gabby and then back at Logan as the 'Dad' exchange occurs, before removing the cigarette from her mouth again and taking a long drink of her pint. After which she just reaches over and ruffles Gabby's hair.
"Dead? It will take a lot more than Nazis to kill me. There were ...circumstances. You are looking well father." Far better than he was looking in the 2000's in her original timeline anyway.
"I see, you've been busy." A faint smile in Gabby's direction, "Tell me, how many siblings do I have now?" She asks curiously before draining the rest of the pint. "Keep them coming 'Arry" The H swallowed by her original French accent bleeding through.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just grins in a guilty but not at all ashamed manner when Logan greets her. Apparently pleased that he did indeed know her she drops her arms to her lap with a little excited wriggle in her seat. This was always a fun part. Meeting new people was great but new family was better. Her head ducks just a little bit when she's ruffled by Rien though she doesn't grumble. Even if her hair DOES get messed up a bit.
"I've got two sisters still alive," she informs Rien at the question of how many kids. "Plus there's... well that's a secret for now I guess," she rambles with excitement. Oh, right. What was she doing here? There's a slight hint of gunpowder residue from her that might hint at something.
"Oh some guys that used to mess with me showed up and tried to get me but Rien and some others helped out so Rien was giving me a ride back aaand here we are. I didn't kill anyone," she adds, with the addendum of, "Or maim them. Wanted to. But I didn't."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan turns around on his barstool, leaving the beer behind him. Looking at both women, he takes a moment to take everything in. This was not a rendezvous that he ever expected to have today, of all days. All's he wanted was a few beers and watch the game while forgetting everything he could forget. That was kind of his trademark.
"Healthy livin'." Logan grunts back his response to "looking well". His eyes narrow at Rien, but her "smell" was right. "A few. Ah've lost count." Logan frowns at Gabby as she talks about sisters. "Probably hundreds by now." It was hard to tell if he was joking or serious. Probably joking.
"Good Gabby. Killing is messy. We always want to. I kind of feel like that right now."
Logan looks back at Rien. "What are you doing here?" Blunt, to the point. That hasn't changed.
- Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy walks into the bar with a bag or two in hand. He's wearing shorts, a tank top and sandals, which show a certain amount of sand on them. Between the logos on the bags and the sand, it looks like he's spent the day in the city, possibly with a side trip to the beach. Spotting Gabby at a table with a couple people he doesn't know, he waves to her but starts to head to the bar, pausing to look at her again when he hears what she's talking about. His path takes him over to the table she's at, and the first thing out of his mouth is, "You ok? What happened?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien starts in on her next beer, "Yes, Gabby showed remarkable restraint really." Rien agrees with Gabby's accounting of what happened, "And a couple self-righteous individuals obsessed with their own importance handled things while we ducked out." A shrug. Ducking out was always easier than sticking around to answer questions.
Rien turns to Logan and reaches to give him a hug, eerily reminiscent of their first surprise meeting on a World War II battlefield in France after some sort of crazy mystical. "Because the reasons I had to stay away are gone now and you're my father." She smiles at him.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I promised Zelda I wouldn't." This is said with all seriousness from the often flighty teen. Gabby was very serious about this. In spite of her cheeriness, she too often felt that little tug of anger that seemed so persistent in this family. For the most part. With Jimmy's arrival she doesn't have to stay serious for very long though.
The seat she had is abandoned to stand up from her chair and fling her arms around Jimmy in a hug. "Hey I was just thinking about you! I found another sister--" she pauses though, stepping away from Jimmy to just *gape* at Rien moving to hug Logan. Fists clasp together beneath her chin as she practically trembles with contained excitement. In a rushed whisper she gushes out, "Omigod are we going to do a group hug? *Can we do a group hug!?* I've never done that!"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan frowns. Raises his right hand. Moves around on his bar stool. Picks up his newly replenished beer, and drinks it in about 4 seconds. "Plunk." Putting the mug down just long enough for Harry to fill out, he repeats the movements, and then "plunk" puts it back on the bar, to be filled again.
This time Logan wipes his mouth with the back of his left hand, picks the mug up, turns back to the three people in the bar besides himself, and sighs. Loudly. "Damn Healing Factor." That was all he said.
First, Logan looks at Jimmy. Blinks. Almost says something, then looks at Gabby. "She helped you?" Logan thumbs towards Rien. Then looks at her as she gives him a hug. "........". The expression was priceless. Kind of like right before someone throws up. Violently. "No group hugs!" Logan says vehemently. Maybe a bit weaker than you'd expect.
- Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy hugs Gabby when she comes over to him with a "Heya little sis, you sure you're ok?" Her words about finding another sister make him look to Rien, and blink as she goes to hug Logan. He's read the file and seen the man's picture, so he knows who Logan is, and has a general idea what he's not all that huggy.
"Ok, so... family gathering, looks like." He moves over near Logan and nods, "Hey there, been meaning to look you up. Um.. little awkward, but we're probably pretty closely related. I won't hug you though, if that's ok. Buy you another beer?" He nods to Rien whenever she takes note of him with a quiet, "Hi, nice to meet you." He introduces himself to both of them, "I'm Jimmy, been teaching at the school for a month or two now."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
For Logan the at times fierce, at times reserved Rien has a genuine smile even when she releases him from the hug, before she turns to watch Gabby and the newly arrived Jimmy as their conversation reaches her, "Hundreds indeed." There is a mix of surprise and amusement as she glances between Logan and Jimmy now.
"I seem to have just come at the wrong time last time." She says to Harry with a smirk as he sets down another pint, "I wonder how many more will be showing up?" She turns her smile upon Jimmy as she sets down another empty mug, damn healing factor indeed. "Hello brother, I am Rien D'Arqueness."
Though splitting her attention a bit she says to Logan, "I hear you are the groundskeeper for a school now?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds her breath in antici---pation. Which is let out with a little pout and puff of air blowing her bangs out of her face again at Logan's response. She doesn't close in on the man to make it more complicated than it already was at least. "Worth a shot," she reasons with a rolling shrug. Quick to recover she instead tips her head back to grin up at the worried Jimmy.
"I'm fine, really. I've been through way worse than those bozos, and I had plenty of help. I don't think they'll be trying again given a couple of capes were handing them over to the police." It's here she pauses to offer Jimmy a consoling pat on the arm. "I might be the youngest, but I've been through some stuff. I get better quick." More than just a healing factor there.
Given everyone is talking of drinks she chimes up with, "I'll take one too, Harry!" Also worth a shot. If not she still has her pint of rootbeer that he'd already poured her.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Nice to meet you kid." Logan says to Jimmy as all the arms extricate themselves from him and the hug. "Sure. I will never turn down a beer. Pull up a stool and we can talk." Logan looks over his shoulder at Rien, shrugs at the Groundskeeper comment, and says, "I take out the trash."
Looking at Rien and Gabby, Logan adds. "You both as well. Have a seat." His eyes look right into Gabby's. "Let's have a drink and catch up. Sounds like you all have a story to tell." Logan looks at Harry and nods, holding up one finger signifying "one" for Gabby. What was this feeling? Family is family.
"If anyone else shows up, I'm leaving."
- Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy grabs a barstool and gestures for Harry to refill Logan's mug, gettin g his wallet out to pay for drinks. At Logan's order for Gabby, he just shrugs, realizing the girl probably can't be affected by the alcohol any more than any of the rest of them. Ordering himself a beer as well, he raises his mug in a small toast. "Family."
He chuckles at Logan's mention of stories, "Well, I'd say the girls have the more interesting one. About the best I can claim for my day is playing beach volleyball with Scott."