6206/Hunting for the Cult Part I - The Gala
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Hunting for the Cult Part I - The Gala | |
Date of Scene: | 13 May 2021 |
Location: | Gala in Starling City |
Synopsis: | Thea, Vin and Sif go to a gala to get more info on the cult under the Verdant. They perhaps get more than what they were looking for when Sif convinces two of the 'cultists' to go with her to their 'special' place. And while Vin provides a distraction Thea slips into the gala to look for info...
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Vintridr, Sif
- Thea Queen has posed:
It hadn't taken long for Thea to return to those tunnels underneath her club after Vin Felicity and her had been roaming about sometime earlier. They had found cultists at the time, but in a way it seemed they hadn't been there for them. But for someone else.. Perhaps the mutants that had been living in the sprawling tunnels underneath it. Something that was confirmed during that second visit. There were traces of blood even if no traces of the mutants.
Something had come for them. But now it was time to discover who, or where they had been taken.
Thea had put her contacts to work, both on high and low places and eventually reached this gala. One where magnate Al-Fidr, an Egyptian national, was hosting a gala for the finest of Starling City. And Thea was, technically, one of those. Courtesy of her family name! Open way to the Queen!
Yet she wouldn't go without some backup. It had been harsh enough before when they fought those cultists. So perhaps against her better judgement she sends in a message to both Sif and Vin on a group she had set on whatsapp for them!
<<Hey girls, ready to go put those dresses we bought to work? I have a gala to go, related to those cultists I spoke with you about. Come to Starling.>>
And with the details, like the day, hour and place to be at it was a matter of waiting.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr raises her eyebrow as she reads the missive. Such clever inventions, these Midgard tinkerers make, which they then use to share endless images of small cats with everyone who's listening.
She makes a note of the time and location, then sends a swift acknowledgement back, with a query as to whether discretion was called for. Upon receiving confirmation, she acknowledges and goes to get ready.
Make-up is another one of those clever inventions. Tattoos and war paint to signify your accomplishments was something she was already familiar with, but she sheer range and breadth of variety they made, for anything from simple aesthetics to covering up blemishes - or disguise oneself without being obvious that is what one is doing. A bit of blush, accentuating certain parts, softening a sharp edge here, rounding out the chin a bit with the right shades, using subtle differences to look like almost someone else.
She's been Vinnie for quite some time now. Perhaps it's time to start being Vintridr again.
It takes longer than she'd anticipated, but when she looks back into the mirror again all those light touches that made her look less than what she truly was are gone, replaced by carefully chosen lipstick and eyeshadow calling attention to a mix of facial features that has never called Midgard 'home'.
She completes the ensemble with the flowing black silk dress Thea had insisted she try, the inner layer slit high up one leg to allow for much greater freedom of movement than the outer layer suggests, the hem sweeping low enough to disguise the fact that she wears flats rather than heels underneath, and a half-cape that covers her arms and shoulders and conceals her tattoos until she moves.
As such, when she steps out of the cab she persuaded Sif to share, she gets a great deal of attention - although possibly not as much as the one who she accompanies. She pauses at the entrance, subtly looking around for Thea.
- Sif has posed:
"Oh, what fun! A gala in Midgard! I wonder how well that will turn out!?"
Sif already has the gown she wants to wow them with in mind. That white number that just makes her look like she's dressed in clouds, slashed by feather-shaped blades. It suits her vanity but can easily be fought in as well with a single tear up the left side to free her legs up to the hips.
And of course the other side lets her strap daggers to her leg in ways that aren't visible until she does free up for fighting.
As she was about to arrange for a glorious entrance via Bifrost, Vintridr calls to arrange the taxi. She's really turning into a serious problem for grandiloquence, that one! Pity she's such a good comrade-at-arms. Can't send her away...
Oh well.
It's time for the gala and time to show off. And if it helps the young Queen while she's at it, even better!
- Thea Queen has posed:
<<Discreetly, discreetly!>> Had been the immediate reply. Note to self: Always make sure to write that little word when talking with Asgardians. One never knows...! And Thea didn't really want them to just come in through winged horse or something of the sort.. Who knows what would happen with her cunningly laid plans of infiltrating the party, find out what they were up to, all without raising suspicion?
Of course that having invited the Asgardians in might just put the subtlety aside. But details!
It's not as if they'd need to be ninjas, is there?
The young Queen is dressed in a rather elegant, dark-red dress tonight, sleeveless, clinging to her form, on one side it being open and showing a bit of slender leg when she moves. She spots the duo when they arrive. And in such different colors too. The dark of Vin with all that white from Sif. She grins a little and makes her way close. "Hey, glad you could make it." she taking a moment to inspect their dresses. "You two look ravishing. Great." She gestures towards the entrance. "So, this party is being held by someone I -believe- may be in with that cult I spoke to you about. A lot of coincidences, sleazy businesses that I have been hearing about..., but our objective will be to find out where they may be sending those mutants they captured."
She goes over to take each of the Asgardian's arms on her own to start bringing them in. "Now let's go. It's still a party though, so feel free to have fun too!" a pause, "Though I am guessing you two might have more fun doing the infiltration.."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr lets Thea take her right arm with an indulgent smile. "And I'm sure the opportunity to show off in that lovely red dress was absolutely not a factor in your planning?" she asks, teasing slightly, then lowers her voice as the trio starts moving.
"... Given that you asked for discretion I take it your plan is not for either of us to charge up to him and physically threaten him until he tells us what his connection to this cult is. Is there aught else we should try to keep an eye on?" she asks.
- Sif has posed:
"Young Thea!" Sif's greeting is as effusive as it is physical. Bone-crushing gentle hug. Kiss on each cheek. "That outfit suits you perfectly!" she enthuses. "So much more colourful than what Vintridr chose. I'm thinking that my Valkyrior here is ready for infiltration, not dancing up a storm."
Winking at Vintridr with a mischievous grin, she continues, "I am, of course, ready to sweep our host off his feet and have him ready to tell me anything for just another ten minutes' dalliance with me."
She doesn't mention the daggers. Probably impolitic, given the seeming squeamishness of Midgarders.
"So, you must tell me what the local dances are like. I'm a quick study, so I'm sure I can muddle through..."
Disaster. Brewing.
- Thea Queen has posed:
There we go with the hug. Bone-crushing of course. "Careful with the ...." then the kisses, "Dress..." then a glance to Vin, "Black suits her well actually. Very goth." a bit of a nudge on the valkyrie's side as she is leading the two of them inside, eyes then shifting to Sif with a chuckle. "So you are ready to sweep him off the floor, are you?" a grin, then she pauses. "Wait, I hope not literally ready to do so..."
"Just to emphasize, it wouldn't be good to create a ..., scene while in there. The man has connections here, and internationally. The objective is mostly to figure out if they are smuggling mutants, and to where.."
Her eyes go to the front of the business building they are going into, "Luckily for us they are hosting the party on their office branch here in Starling so ..., I was hoping infiltration."
Of course that who knows how those things will go when Asgardians are in the mix!
"Wait .., you don't know our usual dances..?" Oh dear. "I mean, most people just move their hips and hold their partners in inappropriate places. You should be .., fine..-ish?" doubt.
To Vin she grins, "I have no idea what you are talking about on showing off on a red dress. I am fully innocent of your accusations." a wink.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr chuckles at Thea. "Somehow I doubt you've been innocent for a single day since the moment you were old enough to understand the concept," she murmurs. "Nevertheless, you look excellent. My compliments."
She nods at Thea's instructions to Sif. "Best to keep an eye out, and watch how others move, then adjust your own to match. It's just a different form of battle, if you think about it."
Then the smile fades and the Valkyrie's mask of professionalism takes its place. "Understood. You're on point for this; let us know what aught to look for," she tells the young woman.
No pressure or anything...
- Sif has posed:
Pressure. What pressure? It's a courtly function. Sif swims in those. Breathes them. Eats them. And takes home the prize. (Well, she would in Asgard. Here she'd be too concerned about breakability. Mortals are so easily squished!)
"I've danced with the pleasure elves and cat elves both of Alfheim, Vintridr," she says haughtily. Overwrought hauteur, in fact, complete with a very showy elevation of her nose and a sniff that would not be out of place in someone with the worst conceivable nasal infection. "I think I know how to adapt." Vin then gets a wink. "But seriously," she says, her voice more conversational, "I've had to adapt to strange entertainments with alacrity before. I will do it again. It's always a fun challenge."
Her face goes a bit wistful. "Pity I didn't think to bring Prince Loki with us. He's quite good in dances and he and I move wonderfully together."
No, she's not thinking through what she's just said.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Listening to the duo Thea first makes her best doe-eyed look at Vin. She? Not innocent? Well, she certainly is! "Thank you.." she eventually says though. About the look. "You two will knock them all out with those dresses and looks though.." which might be just what she needs too! Sneaky Hobbit Thea sneaking in while the big Asgardians do what they do best.
"Take this." She says, offering a pair of earcomms to the two. Rather high-tech. And very easy to hide apparently. "Put them on your ear. We will be able to stay in touch if we get separated." even if she was hoping not.
"And while you will *have* to tell me about those pleasure elves sometime it's time to get in.."
She leads them to the entrance of the gala where more people are already gathering. And of course that they do get looks. Specially the tall asgardians. Not the usual types seen during these things! There are smiles, even roaming eyes. Clearly they are appreciated!
Thea slides right over to the entrance where a couple of bodyguards await to screen people inside. "Thea Queen." she announces with all the bearing of a ..., Queen. Chin lifted too! As the man goes to do the screening for metal objects she sniffs. "Really?" a pause. A whisper from the other. They are allowed in.
She exhales in relief when they go past. "Well, that's one hurdle done.."
Inside the lobby has been turned into the reception, people moving about, drinks in hand, a soft music in the air. The dance floor appears empty for now. Is the party just starting? Or perhaps just no takers as of yet.
With commenting about Loki she speaks almost without thinking. "He's a great dancer.." then catches herself. "I mean, like in Sweden.." she smiles modestly.
- Vintridr has posed:
"The Trickster knows his way around a social gala, yes," Vintridr agrees as she fits the comm into her ear. Clever, clever Midgardians.. "A mission like this would definitely suit his talents, were he here..."
She chuckles at Thea's comment. "Although not in the physical sense, one hopes - at least, not until it becomes needful to do so."
"... Those are an /entirely/ different kind of dance, Lady Sif, and not at all appropriate for this venue," she points out, although with enough of a wistful look in her eyes that even Thea can hear the unspoken '... unfortunately'.
As they pass the bodyguards she gives them a friendly, almost indulgent smile before continuing on.
- Sif has posed:
The bodyguards get a smile, a gentle touch on the shoulder, a friendly laugh, eyes twinkling, and a generous glimpse of her cleavage as she bends over from said laugh. "There," she muttered into the comms as she walked away, hips catching attention with the flounces and the shoulders in counterpoint. "They'll now underestimate me. Fools."
The one that looks like he might be the most observant gets the special treatment. Sif pauses in her retreat and looks over her shoulder, Betty Boop-like, and smiles a shy smile at him. Just to ensure his eyes would be on her the evening long, not on Thea.
Sometimes discretion involves a complete LACK of subtlety.
"Where is the mead?" she asks afterwards, continuing her eye-catching ways. "I think I'm going to need fortification to keep this up all night."
- Thea Queen has posed:
With the bodyguard-obstacle now past (even if they do oggle at the Asgardians for a little while longer), specially after that special 'treatment', Thea takes in the room with her eyes, the people inside. Some she appears to know with a bit of a smile sent towards them, or just a nod. Still, her focus goes to the Asgardians, "They don't have mead. But how about a nice martini, or wine, mmm?" she quirking a brow up at the Goddess, then over to Vin, stage-whispering. "She is so focused on mead.." then a little grin.
"There are other drinks too. Midgard is known for their .., imagination on those." And with the names too. But Thea won't go into *those*. Or how would Sif react to being told she was drinking a Bloody Mary?
"Our host is over there." She nods her head subtly towards a small group of people, Al-Fidr in the middle. A tall man with a small moustache and beard, features a touch darker and denoting him as a foreigner. He is laughing at something someone said.
"So. Plan. If we can find a way to get a distraction running I can attempt to go into those doors there." further into the place. "And see if I can find his office here. Maybe I will find -something-.." she murmurs.
She looks at the others, perhaps checking whether they agree or prefer to do something different!
- Vintridr has posed:
"It's unlikely that anything served here will be remotely as strong as mead," Vin replies to Sif, then looks where Thea is indicating and studies the man.
"... If it's a distraction you want we can certainly provide, but it will likely be extremely noisy and you'd have to continue entirely on your own," she points out. "I take it you're hoping for something a bit more subtle than that?"
She tilts her head, considering. "You neglected to mention; do you recall what the purpose of this gala was, and what his role in organizing it is?"
- Sif has posed:
"Distractions are easy," Sif says, looking amused. "Especially in here where Vintridr and I stand out so much. Point me at a married man to be predatory with so his wife causes a scene and I'll have your distraction in less time than it takes to count ten. That's usually the kind of thing people at gatherings like these..." She gives a bit of a superior sniff. "...live for anyway. And I can scale up the drama from her just shouting while I ignore her and play with her man to her attempting to physically attack me."
She glances over at Vin. "And naturally if you want the distraction to escalate into violence, we can arrange for Vintridr and I to work on the same man so that one gets offended, attacks the other, and carnage--metaphorically speaking, of course--ensues. Torn dresses, ideally in salacious ways. Broken furnishings. Perhaps even a little bit of light bloodflow. A bit of overacting with tears and such as people try to intervene and separate us and we might even be able to turn it into a broader brawl."
Her eyes fall on Thea again with an amused glint. "Then, of course, there's the full bloodshed option. I'm well armed for it, as is, I suspect Vintridr. So it all depends upon you, Thea Queen. What do you need from us?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
"He's the host." Thea says back to Vin with a small nod. "The purpose I imagine is to simply get more connections around. He hasn't been in the city for that long so he's trying to establish a position of respect here in Starling.." another frown coming to the young Queen's expression. Clearly she is not pleased with these sorts here in the city.
As they then get into the distractions Thea looks thoughtful. That first proposal seems fine enough actually and she grins. "Well, that's easy. There's Robert there..." a pause, "Or rather, Mr. Sloan. His wife is a hag of the worst sort." she also had been one of those who had dated her brother eons ago. So Thea hated her.. Naturally.
She points a finger to where a couple is, an older gent with noticeably younger wife, all makeup and flairs in her dress.
As for the rest. "Ummm, no need for violence I'd say.. Just, you know. Enough to call attention but not.." and she points to Sif's thigh. "No brandishing knives, or bloodshed. We don't want to turn this into the red wedding!" Ugh, GoT references...
"But I am sure you two can improvise as needed." A grin on young Thea's expression. "And actually .., I think I am the one needing a drink.." she sighs and goes off to look for one while waiting for the Asgardian dynamic duo to get into action!
- Vintridr has posed:
"Peace, lady Sif," Vin counsels. "We've time, and I'd prefer to know the lay of the land a bit better before we charge in."
She smiles. "Besides; for a distraction to be convincing, one needs to lay proper groundwork. Go have a few drinks. Be visible. Be generally flirtatious before you set your sights on one 'lucky' mortal..."
She then turns to Thea. "If you can stomach it, speak to our gracious host at least briefly to thank him for his kind invitation. He seems to like to think he's clever; he may let something slip if he believes you can't possibly understand what he truly hints at..."
"... As for myself, I've a mind to listen to whispers; people like him tend to say the most interesting things when they believe no one of import can overhear them..."
With that, she walks off in the general direction of the drinks table, well outside of /mortal/ earshot of Al-Fidr, takes a glass to sip, and looks out over the crowds and does not look at all like she's concentrating on her hearing...
- Sif has posed:
Sif chuckles at Vin's counsel, smiling maliciously. "So you're saying you couldn't stand up in battle against me?" Eyes twinkling she goes a different directon: to the bar, ordering, and this is a direct quote, 'whatever you have that is strongest'. While the bartender mixes she teasingly reaches out to push the tail end of the bottle up, flirtatiously grinning at him when he looks up at her.
"Just the way I like it," she purrs loudly enough to be overheard by anybody within an approximately three metre radius. Leaving the question open of WHAT she likes given that the same hand that kicked an extra little bit of booze into the drink is now slithering up the arm of the now-befuddled bartender.
~Dude, is she hitting on you!?~ ~Yeah, I think she is!~
Then she empties her glass and holds it out to be refilled again, leaning ever so slightly as she does so.
In the mean time, while she's acting the drunken floozy, her own senses are hard at work listening for the sounds of metal under jackets. Looking for suspicious bulges ... and not the ones you're thinking of so get that though right out of your head! ... and generally identifying the partygoers who are likely to get "frisky" should things go pear-shaped and Action Girl be required.
Once she has her second drink, she sashays her way back to the bodyguard she'd eyelocked with earlier, keeping his attention on her and playing up her sexual kitten persona.
"My, your job sounds so exciting. Are you a soldier? A real warrior?"
OK, her come-ons need a bit of work. Baby steps.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Thea finally gets to the bar, and after some mingling she finally gets the 'strong' drink she was needing. Orange juice. Yea, she's a rebel. She downs it though, maybe wishing there was an alcohol there and then lets out a sigh when she hears Sif's request for the strongest drink in the house. A look to her OJ, then to Sif. Another sigh. But Sif is already WORKING, so Thea takes the hint and starts edging away ...
As both Vin and Sif explore it's more what they see than what they hear that comes to note. Specifically on a couple of men, who indeed do seem to have bulges under their clothes (Of the metallic kind!). And while bulges can be all kinds of interesting it's on the wrists that they will note a small tattoo. One that Vin can recognize as having been present on some of those that attacked them underground. They mostly appear to be security in the place.
Thea mingles a little, even heard talking with the host over by the small group. A soft chuckle is given at some compliment and she lifts one hand to refuse a drink offered to her.
The man looks at Sif, a touch confused a moment, "I am a warrior, of course." then momentary confusion gone he lifts his chest a bit, "Why? Do you need some protection tonight? Maybe I can provide." sounds like this security guy's comebacks need a bit of work too.
- Vintridr has posed:
For all intents and purposes, Vin is engrossed in the bubbly she's drinking, holding the glass up to the light to catch the sparkle - and not at all murmuring into her comm.
"It would seem that our gracious host has outsourced security for this venue to his fellow cultists," she comments as she takes another sip. "... Including the gentleman you're flirting with, Lady Sif. Keep him talking - I'm interested in seeing who'll react when they notice he's allowing himself to be distracted from his posting. I'll see if I can hook one myself..."
Vin's method of flirtation is almost diametrically opposite from Sif's: a tall, lovely woman sitting by herself at the bar, with just a hint of interesting tattoos visible underneath her dress as she moves to draw attention, looking vaguely distracted and possibly vulnerable, it's only a matter of time before some man screws his courage to the sticking point and makes an approach...
- Sif has posed:
"Oh, me? No!" Sif laughs and rests herself against her target, checking him over for weapons, muscle tone, stance, all while letting him get an eyeful (and a handful down below if he's brave enough). "People like me! Who would want to hurt me?" She giggles like an airhead, resting her forehead against the guy's shoulder. "It's just that ... well ... I see people doing your job all the time and I'm always fascinated. How do you get a job like this? Is there a school you go to? Were you in the army? Do you have some secret master in the mountains who teach you the secret way of the warrior?"
She raises her head to look guilelessly (and slightly drunkenly) at the man. "But I'm keeping you from your work," she says, eyes wide. "I'm so sorry. How selfish of me! I should probably leave you alone, shouldn't I?"
She's not making a move.
Well, not away. Against. Just a hint. Letting him feel more of her body heat. While she assesses his reactions.
"My, you're strong aren't you?" That's for the benefit of the other two since she can't talk openly. "Where do you work out?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
Thea eventually dislodges herself from the host, moving over and murmuring into comms, "Alright, I am ready to go. Could use the distraction now.." she settles herself next to the doorway that leads further into the place, continuing to nurse on her orange juice.
Vin gets some attention, though perhaps not from who she'd be wanting to. Instead it's the man that Thea pointed out earlier. Robert Sloan. He sits down, smiles at the Asgardian with perhaps a touch of sleaziness just after looking around. Is he checking if his wife is about? Maybe. But then he speaks up. "Such a shame for a lady like you to be out here all by yourself. Maybe I can offer you a drink, mmm?" he taps on the counter, not waiting for an answer.
The man that Sif is 'working' on looks a bit ..., is it surprised? He isn't used to it working! Or maybe it's just that Sif is too drunk by now. Yes, that must be it. Not that he gets grabby. Incredible restraint, but he does keep her up if it seems as if she might be falling. Noticeably there's just that faintest traces of an accent on the man.
"You make a lot of questions." he notes, "And yes, I was in army, back at my country." he chuckles. "But the private sector pays a lot better." and maybe that's not all that's better considering those wide, bordering fanatic eyes that Sif can note considering how close she is now. And with Sif not moving away he keeps her close. "Maybe I can show you how strong later on when this party is over? We have a place..."
The other guard chimes in, "You are not supposed to bring anyone there." the man then sighing, "Fine, an hotel."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr recognizes him immediately - both from Thea's earlier indication and because she's dealt with sleazeballs like him well before his grandparents were born. But he'll do nicely for what she has in mind. She drums her fingers against her temple briefly, as someone lost in thought is wont to do, knowing that Sif will recognize the drum pattern as the signal for 'about to cause a distraction', then looks up at Sloane with a slightly vapid expression that suggests she's drunk significantly more than she actually did.
"I make a policy of never turning down a free drink," she replies, the flirtatious smile disguising the fact that she's carefully watching his body language for the moment when he'll reach to pick up the glass and offer it to her.
This will need to look natural, so timing is everything. Watch for the smile, watch for when his attention shifts from you to the glass to pick it up, move just enough, wait for his attention to shift away from the glass back to you, shift just as he tries to correct for the change, and hope the dry-cleaners are as good as they claim to be because this was a really nice dress...
- Sif has posed:
Well, isn't that interesting. They have a place. The eventual target seems to have started on Vin, so Sif leaves her to that work and she takes over the recon job. The benefit of cross-training and command training: flexibility in assignment management.
"Oh, that's too bad!" she pouts playfully at the guy. "A secret place sounds like it would be so much fun to see, but a hostel is fine too. As long as the bath is private..." Her mouth couldn't melt butter at this rate. She then leans in and whispers into the man's ear so only he (and her two companions) can hear: "Would he be fun to take with us to the hotel?"
After all, when questioning, it's often good to have two targets to compare the answers of...
She peeks over the shoulder of "her" guard at the other one, smiling shyly. Then she whispers again, letting the man see her lips move. "Sometimes I enjoy having two playmates..."
Ugh. That shower will be a blessing after this conversation. And the blood from the questioning.
"Would it be OK if both of you took me to your special place?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
The ruse works. The drink is upturned and gets all over Vin's dress. A shame! And it looked such a nice one too... But maybe there's still hope for it. It's a motion that isn't unnoticed by a certain 'hag' who approaches and starts berating Sloan, then Vin. Yes, there are certain accusations in those words. At least she never goes as low as to call Vin something unpleasant, they are upper-crust afterall! So it's all, "Couldn't take your eyes off her breasts, was it? I see how it is!" and so poor Sloan gets a drink on his face..
It brings a laugh out of a few people nearby, also some of the security near those doors steps out to approach and check on what's going on..
It's right what Thea needed, the sneaky one slipping closer to the door, opening it and disappearing inside. "Alright, I am going to see what I can find with Overwatch's help." Overwatch?
The two men exchange looks between themselves. Well.. They may be into some rather dangerous business. But an opportunity like this ..? "Maybe we can make an exception..." one says, then the other. "I concur.." and opening the collar on their button-up shirts a bit so as to .., let out a bit of that steam accumulating they say. "It shouldn't take long for guests to stop arriving and then .., we could go."
Which is just enough for Thea to get the info she will need! (Hopefully) and for Vin to get that dress cleaned up some.