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B&E | |
Date of Scene: | 28 May 2021 |
Location: | The Weisinger (Apartments) - North Valley |
Synopsis: | Vin, Sif and Thea go to investigate Al-Fidr's last known whereabouts but instead of finding more answers about this they instead get more questions. Questions that may need the help of the arcane. |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Sif, Vintridr
- Thea Queen has posed:
Investigations had led them to stop the smuggling ring going on. Mutants being kidnapped from Starling and brought to .., Egypt? Some loose ends were still ..., loose though. Al-Fidr, the one apparently behind this. Or maybe just the visible one. It meant they had to look further, seek more clues, more information. Time was of the essence too, because Thea was certain the man wouldn't be hanging around for long once he knew about what had happened.
So she had signaled her usual suspects. The Asgardians! Because who doesn't like having the company of some heavy weights with them. Besides, they were good fun! When not murderizing .... Then they were simply terrible. But also rather alluring.
Thea currently waits up on the top of a building adjacent to the weisinger apartments. High end apartments, and a particular one had been rented by Al-Fidr in his stay here. So it was time to investigate, seek some clues. Do the work. Just like her brother had taught her.
She was dressed in the dark and red leathers that mark her as a vigilante, the hood up, one knee against the edge while she surveyed the street, sword and bow on her back and an occasional look at her phone. "I really do hope Lady Sif remembered she needs to charge that new phone up..."
- Sif has posed:
"She remembered indeed," Sif says as she flies in out of the darkness, a fraction of a second before landing.
And she's dressed ... what the!? It's like someone sewed together two catsuits that were slashed at a rakish angle: blood red and cream white. She does look the part of a costumed vigilante now, so that's a plus. But she's a costumed vigilante with a pair of axes. And a dagger. And red sunglasses. At night.
She needs a fashion consultant. Stat.
"I received your messages and am here, ready to be stealthy and to seek out the information you seek," she says in a conversational voice. Not actually loud as such, but probably inappropriate for people about to go in to someone else's apartment unbidden. "Whom do my axes smite?"
It's nice to be able to have something to teach her for a change instead of the other way around, isn't it?
- Thea Queen has posed:
"No no..., oh no no no..." Thea murmurs as she takes note of the magnificence that is Sif's costumed outfit. A grimace shows too. "Sunglasses...? An harlequin suit?" because that's what she thinks right after! Not that she is in Gotham much, but it does remind her of some of the old Harley Quinn outfits! "You look great, Lady Sif!" she pipes up. Is she lying? Well, there's some truth to it because Sif does indeed look great in that tight outfit.
Maybe she is learning with Loki... Scary.
"Yet if there is one thing that I love is no capes." Edna Queen?
Still, she is happy about her friend's presence, one hand on the ledge and she pushing herself up to her feet, "We are going into Al-Fidr's place." she points across to the building in front, "He is sleeping most likely." or at least she hoped so.
"So, we go in, look for info. Interrogate him." a beat, ".. and lets leave him alive for the police in the end." for some reason she thought it'd be good to put in that last part!
But in the end she can't help herself. "We need to get rid of those sunglasses."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr manages to suppress a wince. Lady Sif's reputation for subtlety was always renowned for its utter absence. Of course, back home this was rarely an issue -- subtlety and discretion aren't considered great virtues to Asgard -- but perhaps Midgard's recent trend of venerating brightly costumed vigilantes will work in her favour.
... Note to self, talk to Sif about a code name. Deniability is good, diplomatic incidents are bad.
For herself, Vin is clad fairly sedately -- Sleek cargo pants, a jacket with a hood and a great many pockets, and fingerless gloves to complete the ensemble.
"That sounds straightforward enough," she agrees with Thea's assessment. "Do you know if he's got any guards with him at the moment?"
- Sif has posed:
"The glasses stay." Sif says. Then, in a show of giving in. "And he will remain alive to speak to your watchmen."
There. That's a fair trade.
"How shall we gain ingress? I could leap and go through the window..."
She pauses and thinks, frowning...
"...but this would not suit your scouting intent, would it? Is there a better way in?"
Nodding to Vin's question she adds, "And must the guards remain alive too, or may they be dispatched efficiently?"
OK, not quite learning yet.
- Thea Queen has posed:
It's not a fair trade! Fashion trumps all! But fine.., Thea can play the game for now. Even if the 'look' she gives Sif is one that says they aren't done yet. Oh yes, there would be ANOTHER dress-up session. This time talking about vigilante outfits, pros and cons! Some intensive course on how to vigilante...
Not that she isn't bordering edgy with her black and red outfit. But in her defense it was mostly scavenged out of ANOTHER sidekick vigilante. A story for another time...
"Through the window would not be good, no." even if it would be faster, and most likely catch them by surprise. Whoever would be in there.
A pause. "Lets try and keep everyone alive on this one. You have no idea the juggle I had to do to keep those bodies we took care of at the warehouse not bring heat on us.." she mutters. A look to Vin as if asking for help, then a faint smile. "I am expecting some guard response on the 20th floor. It's where is room is. As for how to go in. Either through the front door, staff." she points down at a back door in the back alley of the place. "Or go in through a nearby floor and make our way up. Which one would you prefer?" she appears to leave the choice to the Asgardians. Maybe it's all part of her teachings on subtleness!
- Sif has posed:
"If I were a hunter," Sif says, "given my time spent among them on the marches, I would say that one entrance should be used as a form of scouting. The one who looks most like a normal person of Midgard could go there, pretending to be drunk and disoriented and from that we could establish at least some of the defences."
She spreads her arms wide. "That is obviously me."
Continuing, she then adds, "The other two would go the other way and with these scrying devices you've placed in our ears we can communicate our findings from the front to the rear and vice versa, thus aiding the pair's entrance. Once the assault begins we can place defensive forces in a pincer while the young Queen interrogates."
She looks at Thea expectantly. "Does this sound correct?"
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin raises an eyebrow at Sif's declaration, giving the woman a flat stare for a moment, then pointedly pulls her hood down and unzips her jacket to let it hang open, revealing a white T-shirt underneath, slips both gloves off and stuffs them into a pocket, and quickly reties her ponytail to fall over one shoulder.
A slight shoulder slump takes a few inches off her perceived size, and she takes out her phone to glance at it before looking around herself with some confusion -- a typical mortal woman, going out for the evening and clearly having misread the instructions and gotten herself lost.
"Something a bit more subtle is probably called for, Lady Sif."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"It does, and I concur.." This about the separate form of entry. A grin starts to form up on Thea's expression. "Similar to how we went with the two nice guards." a look to Vin, then back to Sif. "Though we can do the switcheroo." because yes... Clothing choices! There's a lesson to be learned in the middle of all this.
"Considering praticality I'd say sending Vin in through the front door, keep us posted on what's up. Make her way up if she can." She says in a thoughtful manner, "Then we go in, try to keep things quiet if we can. If not it will be fight time."
Then as an aside to Sif, "It's a very sexy outfit. Have you shown it to Loki already?" she asks with a little elbow poking out at the Goddess of War. She is so brazenly fierce!
Moving to the edge of the building she looks over and nods at Vin. "Alright, go in. We will wait and then proceed on." she tells the valkyrie.
She brings out a curious device out of her belt. Some kind of climbing device? She hooks it to her arm. Tech-looking, the end being a climbing hook of some sort.
- Sif has posed:
Sif looks a little miffed at being gainsaid ... until she see's Vin's act.
"Very well, you have the advantage over me."
Simply not carrying axes at the waist would be enough to have an advantage, even if the rest of the costuming was a Barney the Dinosaur suit...
"So Vintridr shall enter by front and Thea Queen and I shall enter from the rear in stealth."
Thea gets a curious glance. "No, the younger Prince has been in other realms doing his little tasks here and there. I have not seen him ... almost since moving in."
The device gets a curious glance, then a slight snort. She'll just jump.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin accepts the compliment with a gracious nod and a smile, then she turns to Thea. "I'll keep the channel open; hopefully the porter is feeling helpful; if not, I'll improvise."
A slightly fiercer smile at that last word; hopefully Vin's idea of improvisation is a little less unsubtle than Sif's.
She turns and heads for the fire escape, quickly and surprisingly quietly making her way to ground level...
- Thea Queen has posed:
With Vin on the way down to go through the front door Thea glances down the fire escape a moment to watch her go before eyeing the edge of the other building. She points. "Lets go. Top of the building and see if we find a way down?" she extends her arm forward, from that device on her wrist a thin rope attached to that hook shooting and latching on the side of the building at an angle.
"I will race you there.." she challenges the Goddess of War. Maybe a bad idea to make it a competition with Sif, but hey Thea is like that! She throws herself down the building with wild abandon, jerking her wrist as the mechanism tosses her side way so she doesn't just splat against the building and starts to pull up at a speed to bring her up to the top of the building!
And she looks practiced in doing those kind of maneuvers!
Nearing the front of the building there doesn't seem to be any security on the outside, the door opening to receive Vin and a bored-looking guard sitting on the other side of a reception table, looking at monitors. He squints and looks up when Vin walks in.
"Hello, are you a resident? Can I help you?" he asks.
Elevators are just beyond, a man standing next to them. This one tall and broad and looking like a bodyguard of sorts. Other than that there's only the standard fare. Cameras and that's pretty much it. Expected out of a building where VIPs may be residing!
- Sif has posed:
When Thea reaches the other side, a hand is present to help her up if she chooses to imbibe, the Lady of Asgard standing, booted foot on the rise at the edge, grinning down at her. A pair of bootprints that dug into the roof's tarring illustrate how she got across and why it was so quick.
"It would have been faster, Thea Queen, had you just let me carry you across, but I must say your little toy there does make for a spectacular appearance. I thought, however, that the point was not to be seen, so, appearance shouldn't really matter?"
- Vintridr has posed:
One of the downsides of these clever new things is that it takes a lot more work to convincingly pretend you're lost, but Vin has always been good at improvising. "Uh, no, but I'm kinda..." she trails off, her usual accent and diction discarded in favour of significantly less confident -- and younger -- mannerisms, and holds up her phone, showing a map and walking instructions that even at a glance don't really resemble the local streets much.
"I'm kind of new in town but I heard there was this really good club downtown but these stupid maps aren't making any sense and I've been walking for hours now..."
If someone takes a closer look at the directions the error becomes obvious: There is more than one club with that name, and she'd selected the wrong one, and set 'the nearest rail station' as her starting point -- which the app interpreted as 'nearest to the destination' rather than the one nearest to her. Typical mistake by a non-techie, especially one that - judging by the slight slur and sway - has already had a few fortifying drinks before she set out...
- Thea Queen has posed:
A little hmph comes out of the young Queen when that hand is extended down to her. "Cheater..." she mutters but it's said in a good natured manner, she then lifting her arm up to clasp it with Sif's and with her help she hops back up to the roof, a jerk on the mechanism and the hook returning back to her wrist. Fancy climbing tools! And pricey....
Wonder who's funding her...
"I am no princess in distress to be carried." She grinning at Sif. "And appearance doesn't matter to *us*, it will matter to Vin down there though." she states when the other woman is going through to the entrance.
"But depends on the approach too, suppose it could had just had been scouting it out without engaging with talking."
She points to a closed door atop the roof. High tech, armored door. Just to stop goons from going in through the roof and threaten the nice and peaceful people of the building! "Lets start working on that ..." she says. The door looks mightily breakable for an Asgardian though.
"A club downtown?" The guard frowns a bit but lets out a yawn. Well at least it's different from boringly looking at monitors all the time! He leans up to cast a glance at the phone. "Uh...." he ain't exactly a techie.. "Can I have a look at that..?" he asks.
Meanwhile the man by the elevators looks towards Vin thoughtfully.
- Sif has posed:
Sif immediately starts working on the door. And stops almost immediately afterward when, after jamming her fingers in the joint between the door and its frame, she gives it one sharp tug, enough to snap the bolts without yanking the whole door out of its frame.
"Is this worked well enough?" she asks with exaggerated courtesy. "It seems now to open."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin holds out the phone gratefully if a bit unsteadily. "This city is like, way too big, how do you guys find everywhere you need to be?" she adds, trying not to lay it on too thick -- presumably, at least /some/ of his bodyguards have actually smelled a honey trap before...
- Thea Queen has posed:
Thea was already reaching out to her belt to get some pins to work the door and ... There it goes. Door obstacle surpassed! She looks up at catsuit Sif, then to the door, then back. Lips pressed to a line. "Yes, clearly it was unlocked already, mmm?" a bit of a grin at the other woman. "No alarm on it at least, or not one that we noticed.."
A pause as she asks downstairs to Vin, "Did you note any changes downstairs?" the guard is still looking at the phone, trying to figure out exactly where Vin wants to go to. It's like advanced maths .. He never excelled. But if he tries *real* hard some solution will reach him. Or maybe he will score the woman's phone number. Win-win! As for the bodyguard he looks away from Vin, almost as if he was receiving some kind of communication. He taps the button on the elevator, a 'ding' and the doors opening, the man walking in.
Meanwhile Thea makes her way in with Sif, asking. "So, how did you come to the idea of getting that outfit together?" she asks. "And do you have a codename already?" codenames are important!
The stairs lead down to a corridor. Empty for now. Lush too and no doors here just yet. Sif will be able to catch the sound of steps moving around. A pair, most likely two guards some ways ahead but still out of sight.
- Sif has posed:
"Two guards coming this way," Sif says quietly, stepping out of the line of sight and closing the door Hooking her hand across the frame and thumb holding the door in place she makes the door far more solidly closed than it would be even with its intact bolts. "Let them test the door, find it locked, and then go away. They will think that whatever alarmed them was a misapprehension and go away. Then we can enter."
Her other hand hefts one of her axes, spinning it around idly as if it were a child's toy in her hand, albeit a child's toy that could trivially sever an arm or leg. "And if I'm wrong, we have some fun before we go in."
- Vintridr has posed:
Thankfully for this guy's dating chances, the answer appears pretty simple: The listed destination is 'Midnight Stars Club, Balt -- Baltimore -- rather than Midnight Stars Club, Starling City. Probably an easy fix!
As the guy tries to fix Vin's phone, she starts squirming from one foot to the other, the classic body language of someone who has had a few too many drinks since the last time she emptied her bladder and is trying not to be too obvious about the increasing discomfort...
- Thea Queen has posed:
Fun. Right. Thea knows what fun Sif is looking for considering how she is playing with that axe. But she also knows she doesn't need to remind the Lady on the 'no killing' part! Things had already gotten out of hand back at the warehouse. No need to have it happen again..
The idea to put the door back in, and 'lock' it up is a good one. It will most likely pass a cursory inspection. And it's not as if that corridor is that lit up.
Thea's expertise here though is spelunking. Stealth. She gestured silently for Sif to follow her, footsteps swift as she goes for a door. A test. It's open. She slides in and hopefully Sif does the same. Inside they will find themselves to be in a janitorial area.
Footsteps are heard going past and towards the area where the door is...
The guard near Vin ahahs! He found it! "You are looking for a place in Baltimore! But this is Starling. I mean, you know that but ..." he looks at her again. "You are a bit out of your way and ..." he notices the squirming. A sigh. "Go ahead.." she hands the phone back, just a brief hesitation, perhaps waiting to see if she will give him her number!
Thea looks at Sif, waiting a few seconds and then opens the door. "Let's go." she whispers, moving down the corridor to where the door to Al-Fidr's apartment is.
A test on the lock, it's open. She quirks a brow up at Sif but then moves to go in...
- Sif has posed:
For a change Sif follows Thea's lead, trusting her huntress friend in dealing with the needs of stealth. Taking the other side of the doorframe, axe at the ready should something come out that isn't desired (which means, basically, anything) she readies to be artillery to Thea's spotter.
"This is quite tense!" she murmurs to Thea. "A lot of fun, truly. Thanks for inviting me."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin shoots the man a grateful look as she takes the phone back, then scoots toward where he indicates the bathrooms are. Once inside and certain that she's safely out of sight and earshot of any security, she takes a breath.
"One guard at the entrance, currently on his way up in the elevator after he was alerted to something. I'll join you upstairs when I can."
With that, the gloves go back on, the jacket is zipped up, and Vin heads to the stairwell while keeping away from the cameras. Hopefully the porter won't need the keycard she'd pickpocketed until she has a chance to leave it on the floor somewhere...
- Thea Queen has posed:
The ruse for Vin works. Because the guard is a softie! And so she is free to go spelunk as well... Up the stairs, which can most likely climb as fast as the elevator takes to go up. Pfff, Asgardian physiology eh?!
Thea opens the door and walks in. It's dark inside, rather dark. And the open door does make the young one feel as if not all is right. Too easy or ..., something else? But they did get in!
A look up to Sif, "We are almost done ..., we only need to look around a bit, see what we can find and maybe Al-Fid--" she stops.
Was that movement in the room? Sif's senses will be able to pick it up a lot better than Thea's. Someone is in there. Large. And now running towards the duo..
Thea jumps to the side, rolling on the floor. "Watch out!"
And that leaves Sif to decide whether to take that charge head on or dodge.
This doesn't seem like the normal type of grunt though... Not at all.
As for Vin, she will be able to get up there almost at the same time as the elevator does, hearing the 'ding' and that security officer starting to walk out to go check with the others what's going on with that door!
- Sif has posed:
Big. Coming toward the duo. The axes are in Sif's hand before she even has a thought.
It's called 'training'. Look it up.
Spinning in her hands, the axes move in a blur that make them look like a pair of bucklers.
And then she had her thought.
~Right. The mortal doesn't want deaths.~
That thought arrived just in time for her to twist the axes before sending them in a dual combo blow, striking the incoming mortal with the flats of two battle axes, judging the force to have the oncoming attacker stop dead, not go flying back.
It's easier to keep them in weapons range that way, after all...
"Thea Queen, perhaps you should consider remaining out of its grasp."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Considering!" And doing it too. At least for now! Thea rolls on the floor, a snap of her wrist to have her bow ready, arrow ready in one smooth motion. She doesn't shoot though as some recognition goes through her eyes. "Wait ..."
Hesitation can be costly in the middle of battle. But thankfully Sif is the type to be able to take that kind of charge head-on due to training and Asgardian physiology. This man though? He is clearly not human, strength way above one, and those quills on his skin are sort of a teltale this might just be a mutant. Still, the strength applied by Sif is enough to stop him, but just barely so. A killing blow would had most likely taken him out considering he was rushing in headfirst, telling of not having a lot of training to go with his strength. But as they are now close by he lifts his arms to try and wrap Lady Sif in a vise.
"This is one of the mutants that used to live underground by the Verdant.." She informs Sif. A frown as she puts the sharp arrow away and takes a rubber-headed one, sending it flying towards the mutant.
It hits him on the head but it only appears to infuriate him further, the man hissing and applying himself more to trying to 'crack' Sif.
The man steps out of the elevator near Vin, looking up and down the corridor and then calling on the radio for the men checking on the armored door. Something isn't right!
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin takes less than a moment to assess the situation - that's all she'll allow herself - but seeing him reach for his radio decides the issue. Regardless of his culpability in the actual case, if he makes that call things will become significantly more complicated very quickly -- and the first rule of scouting missions is "Uncomplicate things".
A quick glance to check camera angles, pulling the hood down over her head just in case, two quick and uncannily quiet steps to get in range, one sleeper hold to keep him away from his radio, two fingers pressing on his larynx to keep him from calling out, and one thumb on the carotid artery until the lack of blood to the brain sends him into unconsciousness...
- Sif has posed:
Well, this 'non-lethal' restriction is cramping her style, but Sif will improvise. He wants to hug? Let's hug!
Most of his quills bend away from her skin; the few that penetrate cause minor bleeding at best. His much-vaunted (undoubtedly) strength would face a problem if Sif were to resist, but she doesn't. She lets herself get caught up in the hug, calmly waiting for her time as he squeezes in an attempt to squeeze the life out of her.
Then, when everything's positioned right, and he thinks she's in his embrace permanently, she strikes.
Forehead. Meet Jaw.
With stunning force Sif hits his jaw, amply powerful to take out teeth, dislocate his jaw on one side, and generally cause an enormous amount of pain. This isn't to say that he doesn't get in a shot of his own. One of his teeth penetrates her forhead and causes a stream of blood to flow down the right side of her face, pushed aside by her eyebrow there, as nature intended.
As the poor thing reels back, Sif steps out of his former grip and cocks her head. "Round two?" she asks. "Or will you surrender before I'm forced to genuinely hurt you?"
Damn this non-lethal thing. She will be having words with Thea about it later...
- Thea Queen has posed:
Now that they are up close and personal Sif can see the man's expression. Or the lack of it. For someone with that kind of strength, and involved in battle, there seems to be a vacant look residing where instead there should be fury, or battle effort. But no, it's as if whoever was supposed to 'reside' up there is taking vacations, eyes glazed and expression simply .., away.
Letting herself be embraced by Mr. Quills could be a dangerous affair in other circumstances, the kind of strength that could break bones if allowed to continue for much longer. But in this case most he can get is making a few rips on that poor vigilante outfit Sif is wearing, along with a cut here and there. Nothing that will last.
What will last though is that forehead to the jaw. It hits just right, making the man finally grunt and step back. The embrace is released, the man stumbling...
"Wh-where.., what?" a momentary release, confusion. But soon enough those eyes harden. They glaze over and he goes back to attacking Sif. Round two! Bring it on!
A couple of arrows land on the man's back in quick succession, penetrating skin. Curious tips too. Some liquid visible inside? To be injected? What's true is that the man stumbles and when he approaches Sif for that round two he is wobbly and .., almost out..
"Those should be enough to take out an elephant.." Thea mutters. And yes, she went with the cheap shots again. Shooting the man from behind with tranquilizers!
The man on the radio is caught by Vin, gasping in surprise and letting the radio fall to the ground. He tries to struggle but not a lot he can do against it eventually breathing turning more regular, the man being out. Yet with those senses Vin can feel there's an altercation going on inside one of the rooms on this floor, just two doors ahead. Most likely where Sif and Thea are in.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin listens to the noises as she quickly manhandles the body somewhere concealed, relieving him of his keycard as well in the process. Melee, two active combatants, impacts entirely too loud for regular human strength, and the fact that they continue implies that both parties are capable of /taking/ that kind of abuse and keep going, so likewise superhuman resistance. Probable conclusion: Lady Sif found someone to play with.
<Alert suppressed for now, > she murmurs into her own comm, then heads toward the source of the noise as quickly and quietly as possible.
- Sif has posed:
Sif knows well that look. This man is ensorcelled! And with that, the call for non-lethality is now understood.
"Young Queen, do not worry over this one. I will confine him. Find the one who has ensorcelled him and bent his will!"
She then enters into round two, in a glorious dance of ... whirling ... confusion?
She looks more like a bullfighter now, the way she's dealing with him. No longer wanting to hurt him unless absolutely necessary, her axes go back to her belt and she fights unarmed, enticing the man into a charge and dancing out of his way, only to pull him in a different direction. Occasionally, when he gets too close, she supplements his movement so he hits a wall head-first and slows down before she starts the pattern again.
"Find the one who has his soul!" she calls out for emphasis.
- Thea Queen has posed:
The man .., wobbles. Bullfighting indeed, but it's the kind of bullfighting of when the bull has been hit way too many times and is dragging it's body along the battlefield. Luckily *this* particular bull hasn't been stabbed repeatedly. Just the sedatives, along with that hard strike to his jaw. Most likely broken too. He still tries to get Sif but she can easily dance out of the way...
<< We are inside room 15 >> Thea says on comms to Vin. Which is the one she detected as having the fight going on. << Sif is fighting off someone, but she has it under control. He seems to be ..., ensorcelled? >> she hopes Vin will understand what that means! Magic isn't exactly Thea's strength.
But she can look for people, and she does, starting to look around the apartment. But the more she looks the more it seems there's noone else living in here. A frown as she goes to kitchen, then bedroom. Emptied.
"Whoever was living here has left.." she tells over her shoulder to Sif. "Could he have been left as a trap?" she wrinkles her nose. Leaving someone as a lamb to the slaughter and with the hopes of taking out whoever got in here? Despicable.
"We may have to knock him out and leave with him. Maybe we can find someone who can bring him out of that .., state?" She suggests.
- Vintridr has posed:
<Presumably, mind control,> Vin replies as she picks up the pace. < We'll try to save him if we can,> She rounds the corner just as she finishes and launches herself into the fray with all the precision of someone who knows /exactly/ how her ally will fight and respond to her presence, picking her moment to leap at his back and grab him.
Having to fight someone whose mind isn't their own is tricky because you can't rely on pain or injuries as a deterrent; most holds and locks practiced in Midgard martial arts assume that the victim is unwilling to accept a dislocated joint or broken limb as the price for getting out of it. Fortunately for the man, the two women he's fighting /do/ have experience subduing berserks or mind-control victims, although he'll definitely need medical care afterwards...
- Thea Queen has posed:
As the mutant charges in against Sif some nice holes are made in the wall. A bit loud too. Which may just be attracting attention out of the men checking on the door. So whatever they do they will have to be fast with it.
"Alright." Thea replies with a firm nod. Mind control, she will take the Asgardians word for it. "We should take him with us then." she makes her way over to one of the windows. Penthouse. A long drop down when Thea looks but it's not as if it will be any hard to jump to the nearby building to the asgardians, or for her to use her various instruments to go over too.
A look back as the fight continues..,. but considering it's now two one one with Vin having joined the fray it means the man won't really be lasting long if they want to take him out.
- Sif has posed:
Sif is concentrating on her foe; it being so much harder to fight when you don't want to hurt the other side doing its best to kill you. Vin's arrival coincides with her best move under the circumstances.
First step, faceplant him again against a wall. As he struggles to extricate she leaps in. Taking the hit from the quills she grabs him from behind and pins his elbows to his body in a bear hug, as simulated by a 30-ton press. Goal: to squeeze him hard enough that he loses breath and passes out. Without killing him.
Damned constraints!
Wincing as several of the barbs manage to penetrate her skin, she picks the man up to prevent him any leverage, turning him away from the wall so he's suspended in air except for her bear hug. Let him rage.
Seeing Vintridr she gives a little pained look and coughs out, "Some assistance to control this one without injury?"
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr nods, already on her way. With Sif grappling the man to hold him in place, it's a relatively simple matter to reach out and take him by the throat, then apply pressure to his carotid arteries until he passes out.
No matter how crazed the berserker, when the brain stops receiving oxygen it will start shutting down.
"Rest, warrior," she whispers to him as she sees his vision start to fade. "Your battle is done."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Quilly doesn't seem to complain, both when he is held up from behind, struggling weakly, nor when the other Asgardian approaches and presses on his neck. There is a momentary hiss of pain right in the end before consciousness fades him and he exhales slowly, going limp in Sif's arms..
Thea furrows her brows worriedly at seeing those quills on Sif. "Are you okay, Lady Sif?" Some regret on her expression at pulling the Asgardians to this. They were hurt! Or at least one of them...
Of course that if she had been spelunking over here alone she most likely would had been done for against such a strong opponent. Or at least having had to run like hell. Details!
Steps are being heard on the outside of the door, approaching, perhaps at the commotion. But Thea doesn't lose her stride, she runs to the entrance, digging into her quiver and shooting an arrow out into the corridor, smoke starting to fill it up.. Soon enough coughs are being heard on the other side. A momentary distraction.
"Lets go! And bring him if you can, please." She tells the 'gang', making way to the window, opening it and then shooting another arrow to the adjacent building. One with a grappling hook which she takes to start rappeling down to the other side!
No, the jump doesn't seem that hard to be done by the Asgardians. But the option to rappel is still there if they still want.
- Sif has posed:
Since she already has been quilled, Sif might as well be the one to carry him across. With a pained expression on her face she heads to the window, kicking out the sill to give herself some more headroom and then jumping the distance, landing in a reversed stance so that she slides across the rooftop on the other side to prevent her charge from being damaged by the impact.
The other building? It's going to need some maintenance before the next rainfall as Sif's boots carve into the waterproofing.
"We must ask this being, when we are far from here, and if it is sane, what it thinks happened," she opines as she waits for Vin.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Lady Sif will be fine," Vin reassures Thea. "It takes much more than that to slow her down. I'll explain the cause of her ire when we're somewhere a bit more secure. Now go - I'll be right behind."
She holds her position until both Sif and Thea are safely across, then jumps herself, tucking into a quick roll at the landing and coming up on one knee. "I presume you have a safe house we can take him to?" she asks.
- Thea Queen has posed:
When the two Asgardians are across, along with Quill-boy, Thea reaches to the rappel line she set up, flicking a button and the rope being pulled at speed back to the device. So the guards don't pursue them! She takes the arrow, back into the quiver and she takes stock of the others, nodding as they are all safe and sound. For some reason she feels responsible...
Still, she can at least crack a joke or another to bring some levity to what they just saw. "It reminds me we might need to get you some code names so I don't have to go around calling you by your names." she states.
Because there isn't much of a point in having a vigilante suit but then being called Lady Sif! Or Vintridr!
The question about the safe house is replied with, "I do." a gesture for them to continue over, she moving to a fire escape to start moving down and away.
It was time to get into one of her safehouses. Or well.., they are sorta her brother's. But details! They don't need to know that.
- Sif has posed:
Stoically Sif carries along her personal, oversized hedgehog, ignoring the occasional new puncture with little more than pressed lips. "I think my code name should be Pincushion," she grumbles as she follows along behind Thea. "Why couldn't it have been one that's on fire instead?" Those typically get doused, after all, by unconsciousness...
Since she has the burden of a breakable mortal, Sif doesn't take the express route down like she usually takes, instead clumping down behind Thea on the fire escape.
"Or maybe one of those that uses water as a weapon. Those are always fun as they try to drown you and get pummeled into submission. They don't keep jabbing holes into you or your outfit after unconsciousness either, which is a trait I find very attractive at the moment."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr chuckles at Sif's gripes as she takes up the rear. "Armour can be a source of convenience as well as protection," she points out. "Perhaps a point to consider on the next iteration of your outfit design; the one you're currently wearing probably won't be salvageable..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Pincushion makes Thea titter. Sif can be prickly from time to time! As every Goddess of War should. "It's not a bad one.." she admits, but makes sure to move quickly ahead so she doesn't get probie-slapped in the back of her head.
Once they are down on ground level it's time to travel though. Road trip! Or in this case a trip to the Glades in an SUV she had around for the escape. Always thinking ahead!
Hol' up...
"Wait .., what do you mean with finding an outfit full of holes attractive, Lady Sif? Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?" she teases while driving on the SUV, eyes still lit up after the excitement of the fight they just went through. "And I agree with Vinnie. We need to iterate that outfit of yours. Which will most likely involve burning the previous one." a sagely nod.
The trip does continue though and eventually they reach the place she meant to lead them to. A secure house, on a basement. Very non-descript with some food, a couple of beds and just enough to be livable for a few days. The man is set on one of the beds and they can note on one of his wrists that marking of before they had found on those men that had attacked them in the past. A forced inductee?
"I feel we will need some kind of help for this." She says. "Someone that knows of magic or .., what can be affecting him. We stumbled into something that's not my usual .., bread and butter."
- Sif has posed:
"The younger Prince is one of the greatest magus' of the Realms, but he has been absent these past weeks. When next I see him, however, I can ask him for assistance if we have not found another in that time," Sif muses aloud.
She turns to face Thea. "I know, Thea Queen, that you do not wish our work to become blood-stained, but this magus must die for what he has done. He must die ideally after being vanquished. After being tried. After being doomed to execution with a damned soul guaranteeing his stay in the darkest reaches of Niffelheim until the days of Ragnarok."
Her face is dark and ugly at this. Determined. "I must insist."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"I hope we are not calling for a hammer to kill an ant..." Thea says about getting Loki to help in this. She had, after all, seen his magic at work back in Sweden! But then she finds herself nodding. "Still, if you can talk to him of this. Please." she says quietly, drawing back the hood on her head to release her hair.
Quilly is mumbling in his sleep, whatever is going on there in his mind is conflictuous. "I might have to find some chains to keep him down until some solution is found..." she ponders...
When Sif then speaks about what must be done she presses her lips to a thin line, thoughtful. "It's easier to kill than showing mercy. That's what my ..., I mean the Green Arrow says." a small frown coming to her expression, eyes continuing to watch the mutant on the bed. What's true is that she is not her brother though so she nods even if she doesn't verbally answer.
"I will reach out for my contacts. You two reach for yours and we will figure the next step. Keep those phones charged ladies."