644/Exploring the Kitchen Fridge
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Exploring the Kitchen Fridge | |
Date of Scene: | 20 March 2020 |
Location: | Kitchen |
Synopsis: | Pizza and chatting over various things. |
Cast of Characters: | Gabby Kinney, Lorna Dane, Bobby Drake, Pietro Maximoff, Rogue, Logan Howlett, Hope Summers, Ororo Munroe
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Someone somewhere had the brilliant idea of a pizza night at the mansion. Not 'we're gonna buy a ton of pizza' but 'we've provided you pizza toppings and plenty of personal size pizza crusts. Make your own! Which was just about enough of cooking that Gabby can manage so she's here currently eyeing the line of toppings precut and set out before turning to start hunting in the fridge for more creative toppings.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna came down, barefoot and wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and a simple white T-shirt. It would seem she had run out of all black clothes to wear for her mourning.. Which was expected, but a thing that happened regardless. She lingered at the edges, having come down for the first time actually around a meal time without avoiding others.
She frowned though at the notion of //making// a pizza. Her lips twisted and she made her way for the pantry instead, barefeet padding softly against the tiles of the floor.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake comes wandering in, having heard the call of pizza and happening to be home at the mansion tonight. He is dressed in a pair of faded jeans and blue socks, but no shoes, since he's wandering the house. His shirt is a plaid blue and green flannel over a dark green t-shirt. "Hey," he says with a grin, looking more like a student than a teacher. Which he sort of is. Both. "So, who's going to go for the weirdest topping combination?" Because when left to one's own devices, that is a thing.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It was not Pietro's intention to crash 'pizza night'. Truth be told, he hadn't the slightest clue about the brainchild of some teacher who was probably was trying to combine budgetary concerns with a half hearted attempt of self-inflicted home economics. Really, he was here to check up on his sister once more. It wasn't his fault that the person manning the gate freaked out at the sight of the Avenger and left the gate open. Nor was it his fault to find the door open. He just headed to the most likely place to find Lorna...and walks into the kitchen.
Nevermind the fact that the kitchen also happens to be the only place he knows how to get to.
As Pietro walks in, he certainly finds Lorna. Among others. Oh...fun. There is almost a consideration to leave, before someone notices.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue lands out in the grass of the back yard. She just drops out of the sky like she'd been up a mile high. With a loose 'super hero landing' she bounces right back up onto her booted feet and starts to walk toward the school. She hops over one of the stone walls and potted plants and lands on the stone patio outside of the kitchen. She walks right up to the kitchen's double glass doors and places her face up against them, then a second later she raises her hands to block out the light so she can peer inside at everyone inside. She's out there... peering at everyone now.
A second later, she lowers her hands and moves to open one of the doors and come inside. "Smells like yum in here." She says with a sassy southern flavor, her green eyes roaming over all the faces gathered.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan makes the trek from his cabin to the kitchen, moving across the grass and through the gardens with his usual grump look on his face. The stout groundskeeper and combat trainer has his meaty hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. He spots Rogue as she lands and moves in through the sliding glass door, and he steps in behind her a few moments later, closing it behind him.
He blinks at the gathering and his nostrils flare as he peers about.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney turns around from her rummaging in the fridge when Lorna enters, as well as Bobby, and the rest. A quick grin is flashed from the small girl as she hefts up a block of pepperjack cheese. Definitely not standard pizza toppings. "Lorna! I'm going to make a pizza! I've never cooked before but this seems easy enough." Indeed there were several individual sized pizza doughs laid out on various pans alongside several precut toppings. Pasta sauce, marinara, olives, mushrooms, pepperoni, sausage bits and many other notions. That didn't stop others from raiding the fridge like Gabby was to create her own little personal peice of heaven or hell depending how it turned out.
From behind the lingering Pietro another figure who looks like Gabby, albiet albino and older, clears her throat. "You're in my way," Bellona grouses of the Avenger she didn't recognize. "Either move or I'll move you." Well. At least she's as polite as ever. Recalling she IS supposed to be social and polite she adds a begrudging, "Please," at the end looking mildly put out to have to do so.
When Logan enters Gabby glances his way with a sudden look of guilt. "Oh. Uh. Logan. I might have accidentally kind of gouged up the coffee table in the rec room with a knife."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna glanced up as various people trickled into the kitchen, the pantry door swinging open under her direction as she grabbed a box of cookies and bag of chips for food instead of the pizza bits. "Oh hey.." She muttered at the various people about. Her figure twisting about just in time to spot Gabby giving Pietro a snappish comment, and she lofted her eyebrows upward. "Oi, Gabby, be nice. That's my brother." She called, and huffed a breath, shaking her head as she made her way to the fridge next to grab a can of soda. Really good life choices there for the Queen of Genosha to be making.
"Also hi, Pietro. Twice in a week? Are you that concerned about me?" She teased.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake does in fact start raiding the cabinets and the fridge. He takes his dough and instead of sauce, he spreads a bit of olive oil on top before adding the cheese. Then there's some poking about for mushrooms, and sausage. He's apparently not going for the weirdest topping competition, himself. He sprinkles some oregano on as well before he pops his pizza in to cook with whatever other ones are going in. "Man, it smells so good." He sighs, and then turns to look at some of the new faces he doesn't recognize. "Hey," he says to Pietro, "Come on in and grab some pizza." He offers a hand to both he and Lorna, "I'm Bobby, nice to meet you both."
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue, once inside, glances back to Logan and grins at him faintly before she points to Gabby and says to him. "Found her. There she is!" She proclaims, since the last time she and Logan talked he said he'd been looking for her. Once that silliness is out of the way though, Rogue raises her hands up to take her jacket off and place the leather bomber garment onto a hook by the door. She sweeps her hair back behind her shoulders with gloved hands and adjusts the long sleeved baseball tshirt of green and yellow around her waist a bit. Her booted feet carry her toward the foodstuffs and she sweeps nimbly between people in the kitchen to try to eyeball which one she'll set in to making for herself. "This looks /so good/ who ever had this idea needs to be Student'a the month around here, or... Teacher'a the month."
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Someone just told Pietro to move or he would be moved? That was probably not the wisest decision ever. However, considering the room is quickly filling with people he rather not anger, Pietro steps aside. At least, this time.
With Lorna calling out, there does appear to be a *slight* loosening of tension. Not much, but it is a start. "Well, Wanda thought it would be a good idea. She thought the last time did help. Said something about seeing more smiles than recent memory." Of course, Wanda didn't actually state if it helped Lorna or Pietro. "She said I should visit more often."
There is a sidestep as Bobby offers greeting and pizza. The expression on Pietro's face is hard to read...but there is a sense of confusion. Just what is he supposed to do here now?
- Hope Summers has posed:
Did someone say food? Or open a pantry? Or a refrigerator? Sometimes it seems like that's enough to summon Hope from wherever she's been hiding out. For once it must be at the school, because she's in pajama pants and a tank top, barefoot. Outside of the usual baggy layers, it's obvious why she's summoned by food: she's all skin, bones, scars, and wiry muscles. None of which she's the least bit self-conscious about.
"What smells so good?" she asks as she comes into the kitchen, peering around the people in search of the food.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"You have a brother!?" The surprised gasp of learning this comes from Lorna's *other* side, away from where Pietro and Bellona were having their little, uh, conflict? Interaction? Gabby stands beside Lorna at the pantry holding her own raw pizza dough on a plate already filled with some items. "That's so cool! Why didn't you tell me!?"
Before anything can be said any way she darts forward sliding her pizza back on the counter in passing. Then she's ducking under Bobby's outstretched hand toward Pietro. The smaller girl is grinning brightly, and in spite of his apparent reluctance she attempts to give him a quick hug. You know, if he doesn't zoom out of the way. "Hi! I'm Gabby! And miss grumpy pants there is my sister, Bellona," she explains both for his benefit and the others like Lorna, too. "Do you want a pizza too? We can make them together!"
Bellona stands there arms crossed over her chest looking mildly annoyed even if Gabby's antics earn a small smile. Her red-eyed gaze shifts around everyone before she awkwardly offers, "Hello." With that done she stalks over to the counter to stare at the arrangement of pizza dough and toppings with a glance at Bobby's to see how it's done.
- Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo comes up short when she enters the kitchen and blinks owlishly at the rather large gathering taking place. "Did I miss a dinner party?" she inquires with a bemused tone. There are certainly more than a few of the regular evening crowd about, and she sweeps a curious eye over the impromptu pizza making party before sweeping around the periphery of the island to edge towards the cupboards, clearly intent on refilling the modest and empty bottle of honey in her hand.
Her dress sports a bold pattern reminiscent of Mayan hieroglyphs; dark ochre against a dun background. A matching stole wraps twice around her neck and trails down her back, the dress leaving her collarbone and arms bare. White hair's put up in a complex crown of braided cornrows and glittering gold discs dangle from Ororo's ears. Were it not for the rather plain leather sandles she's wearing, it almost looks like something she'd wear to a gala.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake withdraws his hand when Pietro sidesteps, not seeming offended. He just slips his hands back into his pockets and takes a step back away from he and Lorna, giving them their space, and letting Gabby slide right on in between him and them. "Hey," he says to Bellona in greeting, and then edges out of the way entirely to find a place to stand off to one side while his pizza cooks, just observing the others in the room.
"Heya," he says to Ororo when she comes in, "No, you're just in time for the dinner party."
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Oh, right. One is supposed to shake hands in greeting. Right. As Pietro sidesteps, he finds himself vunerable to the hug from Gabby. It was perfect timing....so conveniently aligned that not even the quickest of reflexes could have saved Pietro from the hug attempt. He just stands there, giving Lorna a bit of side-eye, his expression and predictament most likely a source of amusement for the younger sister.
"Hmm, hello, Gabby." Pietro manages to get a greeting out as he wills himself to remain still. "I did not need any pizza. I was just visiting Lorna." Cool, calm speech. He certainly doesn't sound out of sorts, despite what appearances state otherwise.
There might be another glance to Lorna. One that might be a silent plea of help. Help that surely will take her time because she is most likely amused by the exchange.
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue gathers up some fixings for herself and she puts the pizza into the oven while the others are talking. She glances over to watch Storm enter and she smiles at her. "I love your dress." She tells the teacher before she turners back to the over and sets the timer for what she sees on the settings to be the likely right one. With that done though, the Belle knows her place and tries to slip away from being near by the others, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable as she moves to the bench beside the kitchen table and the coat rack. She leans back on the bench, puts one foot up on it and reaches up over her head to feel around inside her jacket's pocket as it hangs from the wall... searching for her... phone. Got it! She pulls the device out and flips it on to check her messages.
- Hope Summers has posed:
"What is it?" Hope asks Bobby as she moves closer to the counter and the supplies gathered there, belatedly marking the actual people in the room. "Hey Gabby," she greets even as Pietro gets accosted. Apparently the Gabby-hugs are normal enough not to occasion comment. But there are other familiar faces in the room...and a few less familiar.
There's a quick, small smile for Lorna, reassuring. And a nod for Ororo and Rogue. Bellona gets space - she's got that same thing that Laura has that says probably best not to push there. Besides, there are literal piles of food on the counter. Not even waiting for an answer, she takes a slice of pepperoni to taste.
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna looked increasingly unable to function as the kitchen, which was quite large, quickly became filled up with more people. She glanced briefly toward Ororo, offering a nod. Her green eyed gaze swung to consider Bobby, feeling like she should've already known the young man. Oh well, too many people in the school for her to keep track of anyways.
"Uhm hey.. I'm Lorna." She waved, biting her lower lip and turning her gaze back to Pietro. She smirked, and shook her head. "You should give him something to eat now rather than later." She teased, and finally moved over to offer the box of cookies she'd swiped to her brother.
A nod and smile was offered to Hope in greeting as she spotted the redhead.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Squeeeeeze. Pietro gets a good solid hug. "I'm glad you're around to help Lorna out she tries to be tough but she really has a lot going on and I'm sure you do too I'm sorry about your dad." Gabby rambles. She often does, but at least it comes with her releasing Pietro from that hug that he seemed so uncertain about. Still grinning in spite of the scars on her cheeks crinkling from doing so, she adds, "Oh, cookies are good too! I'll give you some of my pizza if you want later," she assures as she *FINALLY* releases the poor mutant. There were far more things to gain her attention now.
"I Hope! It's pizza and lots of toppings and--" She's caught off guard. Ororo's presence has her staring openly with her mouth lightly agape at the sight of the African woman. Finally she blurts out: "Oh my gosh your outfit is so pretty! I love it!"
Bellona simply groans slightly as she reaches out for a bit of cheese to pop into her own mouth. "Gabby has a thing about 'fashion.' Weirdo." Her eyes skim over toward Rogue only to have an eyebrow raise at the sight of the other woman with oddly colored hair. Maybe it was the skunk stripe.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Pietro does wait until Gabby detaches herself from his person before he partakes of any cookies. Partaking, in this case, is a blur of motion as the box is opened, two cookies extracted, the box is closed and returned to Lorna all in a moment. And....strangely enough, Pietro didn't seem to mind the rambling. But, then again, he was able to follow along easily. He pops a cookie into his mouth, then leans over to Lorna in a murmur. "Does she do that often?" Referring to the hug, rambling, and overall bubbly-ness of Gabby. "She seems to have you pegged." The sympathy is noted and passed. It seems that Pietro is okay with it, at least for this night.
- Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo flashes a grateful smile at the overabundance of praise for her dress, and flicks a hand down at the loose material near her hip to make it dance in the air. "That is very nice of you to say," Ororo tells Gabby sincerely. Bellona's grumbling objection is met with an equally tolerant expression. "I cannot say I have a thing for fashion. But I like pretty patterns and I enjoy sewing. It is a good way to keep your fingers busy and distract the mind," she explains to the sour-faced sister.
Hope and Lorna are both flashed a favouring expression and Ororo passes by Rogue, close enough to wriggle fingers at her in lieu of a proper handsqueeze in greeeting. "Does anyone know where the honey went?" she inquires after peering in the larder. "I thought I had a quart of it left over from the last hive harvest before the frosts came."
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged helplessly as Gabby spoke and Pietro finally escaped her embrace. She flashed her older brother a small smile. "She's been following me about on and off now. Made sure I ate something when I was having a bad day." She murmured, and shrugged as she tucked the now open box of cookies under her arm. Gabby definitely had her pegged.
"Want to get out of here and grab something to eat someplace else? It's kinda getting too crowded for me to think straight." She asked, hitching an eyebrow upward. Even as she offered Ororo a smile.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
"Pizza," Bobby confirms to Hope when she moves closer to look at the ingredients. He opens his mouth to say something else, but then seems to think better of it. Instead he just nods towards the dough and the various toppings and asks, "Do you want to put one together? There's a bunch of stuff, and you can always poke around in the fridge if you want something different on it."
He seems a little bit distracted, perhaps, lost in some thought or another of his own, because he's only half paying attention to the people and the conversations around him. Maybe he's just hungry, since his stomach rumbles and he puts one hand over it as though to make it stop. "I hope it's cooked soon, or I might just start eating toppings out of the bowls." He doesn't seem actually serious about that.
- Hope Summers has posed:
"Oh!" Hope's brows rise as she looks over the toppings and the dough, putting it together in her mind. "Huh. So that's how it works." It's not that she hasn't run across pizza at all in her trips to the city, it's just that it's still unfamiliar enough that the whole putting it together process is new. "Yeah, sure, I'm definitely hungry," she answers Bobby with a flash of a grin, sidling up to the counter.
"Are you not supposed to eat toppings out of the bowls?" she asks, even as she picks up a slice of pepper and promptly chomps down on it. "Oops." Somehow, it doesn't sound like she means that.
- Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Yes" is the answer given to Lorna's question as the white-haired older brother finished the second cookie. No second guessing. No delay. It is certainly apparent that Pietro doesn't do large crowds. At least, not willingly. "It is a little too crowded for me as well."
At least Pietro is being civil. The cool exterior doesn't defrost for anyone, with the expection of Lorna....and only then a fraction. He does offer to take her anywhere she would want to go. Which, considering the method he got to the school, should prove to be an interesting and exciting journey. Chances are he isn't being all that serious.
- Rogue has posed:
With one foot up on the bench, Rogue scrolls through her phone with a finger swipe and then raises said hand up to sweep it through the white bangs of her SKUNK STRIPED HAIR. When Storm passes her by and wiggles fingers at her, she looks over and up at her and offers a sly grin. "It's over the soda boxes in the cabinet." She tells Ororo before looking to Lorna and Pietro. She /eyes/ Lorna, as she has done since the two have met. Staring at the green haired woman with a /stern look/ for some reason, who knows.
Either way her phone beeps and she looks back down at it. Jubilee sent a picture of herself holding her manager at Burger Joint in a headlock. This grins a light laugh and a grin out of her as she taps a message back to her. <Don't put Steve in the frier, pls>
- Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna certainly hadn't told on Rogue's hijinks in the Danger Room, not to Scott or Jean, though she totally so could have. So the look was beyond her, she shook her head, and glanced back to her brother. "Sushi? There's a good place we can hit up." She murmured, sliding out of the way of chaos and the alike to head out of the kitchen with a distracted wave behind her. She might have set the cookies and chips down on her way out too.
After all, she could snag her brother to go out for food instead.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bellona finishes up her pizza. It's simple enough. A bit of that olive oil Bobby had used, some garlic, cheese... Some of that green stuff which was likely bell pepper. It would be suitable. Thankfully there were a few post-it notes written by whoever had placed all this out indicating that each individual 'pie' should only be cooked for 10-12 minutes. With that info she slides her own into the oven apparently feeling some satisfaction at having done so because she actually cracks half a smile. "Gabby's always been the hyper one. We didn't mind. Passed the time in the labs." Oh, wait. Does everyone know that? It doesn't matter much to her it seems.
For her part Gabby returns to her abandoned pizza to start piling more things on it as well in a bit of a rush to throw it into the oven, too. "You sew? You *made that*?" The awe in her voice is obvious as she regards the outfit that Ororo is wearing. "Can I sew too?" It's more a self-question as she searches her memories for something similar. "Is it like giving someone stitches? I can do that." A pause, and then she's grabbed her shirt by the neck and is pulling it away from her chest to half-pull off the shirt she's wearing to get a better look at the stitches to see if they *are* indeed similar.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
"Well, it's supposed to go on the pizza but," Bobby laughs as Hope reaches over and grabs a pepper out of the bowl. He nods toward the dough and toppings and points out "There's a couple of red sauces there, the usual pizza and marinara. I did mine with olive oil." He seems content to focus on helping Hope with pizza assembly for the time being as he waits for his own to cook, leaning against a bit of counter where he won't be in the way of the assembly line.
There's a glance over in Gabby's direction when she mentions giving someone stitches. "It's.. a little like that, when you hand stitch, but you can also use a machine and it's a little faster and easier." He grins. "I tried to learn once in school. Wasn't any good at it though."
- Hope Summers has posed:
"I bet the fabric complains less," Hope winks over at Gabby. "Probably moves less too." She takes in Bobby's explanation as well, nodding to him. "What's the difference in the red sauces?" She reaches for some dough first, poking at it to try to make it flat while she looks over all the available toppings. And of course, in the meantime, continues to pick at them.
How else is she going to know what they'll taste like together on a pizza?
- Ororo Munroe has posed:
"It's not terribly different," Ororo agrees, and when Gabby shows off her stitches she nods once with a judicious appraisal. "You do seem to have some talent for it," she acknowledges. When bobby chimes in, she flashes a smile at the blonde man. "But as Bobby said, it does make it easier to use a sewing machine. And the fabric generally isn't bleeding unless you've slipped your thimble off," she jokes in her rich voice.
Ororo flicks Rogue's leg two or three times with a fingernail to coax her out of the way and steps past the SKUNK-HAIRED MUTANT to fetch down the bottles from the upper cabinet. "Pietro must be hiding it again," she mutters, with an affectionate and insincere protest. Few others can easily reach into those upper cabinets, after all.
The honey's set soaking in a dishpan of hot water to make it easier to decant, and Ororo reaches past Bellona towards the bell pepper. "May I?" she inquires politely, pausing to get permission before taking one.
- Bobby Drake has posed:
"Um, the pizza sauce is a little less thick and chunky than the marinara," Bobby says, though could he tell her what the difference in the ingredients are? Nope. He smiles a little helplessly. "Could take a little spoon of each and try it and decide which one you like better. I like the pizza sauce in pizza and the marinara for mozzarella sticks, myself," he says as he studies the two sauces. His own finally finishes baking with whatever batch it had gone in with and he grabs it on a plate. He doesn't need to give it any time to cool though. He waves a chilled hand over it and cools it just enough to not be scalding, but still be gooey as he grabs a slice and bites into it with a sigh of contentment.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly as she readjusts her shirt with a little tug. While she might be a bit lacking on social graces she knew better than to not be totally dressed around people. It always upset them. "That might be fun to try sometime, then," she reasons with a quick grin at the thought. "I'll add it to my list of stuff I want to try. Bellona says I'm not allowed to try 'base jumping' yet anyway."
The older sister glances over with a firm nod of agreement. "You get too distracted and wouldn't pull the chute in time."
- Hope Summers has posed:
"An excellent plan," Hope nods to Bobby, snagging another piece of pepper for the purpose of dipping it into the sauce for a taste test. Chewing thoughtfully, she tips her head up toward the ceiling in consideration. "Pizza sauce," she decides, then proceeds to carefully spread it over the dough.
Next it's time for cheese and an assortment of meats and veggies best described as 'everything.' Because she can't let food go uneaten. "What's the honey for?" she asks Ororo as she goes to put her pizza in the oven.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
When Ororo steps over toward the pile of toppings and asks for a pepper, Bellona glances at the other woman with a simple nod. A half step is taken back by the albino to give further room to reach them. "Go ahead. They're not mine."
- Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Sometimes I like a spot of honey in my tea," Ororo explains to Hope, and tasks herself with refilling her modest little personal jar. It's even shaped like a honey bear, though it's long been emptied and reused; evidence remains in the form of tacky white honeycomb crystals suspended in the amber substance. "Not everyone takes teatime, but you're always welcome to join me if you need someplace quiet to think and a warm cuppa in your hands," Ororo says with a maternal encouragement. She smiles thanks at Bellona's permission and plucks up one of the peppers, happy to crunch on it like a pickle.
"Gabby, if you want to learn to sew, I'm happy to teach you. It's not very difficult," she assures the girl. "And it's... Bellona, isn't it? You might find it relaxing. I know it always puts my mind in a quiet place when I am feeling distressed over minor things."
- Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake grins when Hope tries out the sauces and comes to the pizza sauce conclusion. "So, when you're done," he tells her. You just use that paddle there to put it on the stone that's in the oven with the other ones, and then you just wait til it's baked and melty, and you're good to go." He takes another bite of his own, but his phone starts buzzing and he shifts the plate to one hand while he pulls his phone out with the other. There's a slight frown at the screen and then he mumbles around the bite he tries to quickly swallow, "Gotta run. Was good to see you all." And with that, he heads out, taking his plate with him.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Bellona nods when Ororo gets her name right. She stands there arms crossed over her chest a moment considering the offer quietly. But then she shakes her head. "Thank you. But I don't belong here. It just puts everyone else in jeopardy that I am here. Besides, there are other things I ought to be doing. I just had to heal my ankle first."
Gabby, the usually cheery one, remains quiet at this. Her pizza is slid into the oven and then she withdraws the one Bellona had put in to place on the counter without using an oven mit. Or anything. "Let it cool first or you'll burn yourself," she offers simply as she lowers her own hand to smack against her leg. "I'd like to learn, yeah."
- Hope Summers has posed:
"I'm pretty sure that shelter for people who put everyone around themselves in danger is, like, the mission statement of this place," Hope notes to Bellona as she slides her own pizza into the oven. "Luckily, most people around here have powers and are at least kind of trained to use them, so that's something."
- Ororo Munroe has posed:
"That is true of all of us," Ororo reassures Bellona. "That is why this place exists. We all must weather the storm; we might as well do it together. If you are going to be a hazard to others, then be a hazard among those who can best care for themselves." She nods at Hope, grateful for the other woman's interjection.
"At the risk of ruining your fun, I might suggest something else: perhaps it is us who are all in danger, and you are the one who is here to protect the rest of us?" A silvery brow lifts at Bellona. The question clearly doesn't merit a response, it's meant as a koan for meditation.
"I hope everyone enjoys their pizza. Good night, ladies," she bids them, and wraps her hands carefully around the honey jar. With a warm smile for all three mutants-- Bellona incldued-- Ororo excuses herself with a tilt of her head and sweeps from the room regal as a queen.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney watches as Ororo leaves, and then looks to Hope flashing her a smile of thanks for also trying to help. It's Bellona that pipes up though. "That's the problem. I don't have powers. I only know how to kill." With that she takes her pizza and stalks off herself leaving Gabby to kind of stare after.
Turning her attention over to Hope she shrugs helplessly. "Thanks. She means well, I just... She's used to taking care of me and not being taken care of. Zelda usually would calm her down." Letting out a puff of breath she shrugs again. "Guess that's me doing that now." A bit of pepper is taken since that's what everyone's been munching on and she pops it into her mouth. "Eww."
- Hope Summers has posed:
"Hey, I didn't have powers for most of my life," Hope shrugs. "Get me out of range of other mutants and I still don't have powers. That's what guns are for." Luckily, she doesn't say that last part until after Ororo has left. "It's cool though. I get it. I don't know what to do with myself without a mission. Or worse, when you've got one but something's keeping you from going about it." At Gabby's complaint over the pepper, she grins, leaning back against the oven with her arms crossed. "It's not //that// bad."