6515/Milkshakes, everyone loves them!

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Milkshakes, everyone loves them!
Date of Scene: 10 June 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Lydia and Sam sign up for the Neighborhood Watch - after Lydia chastises Mystique for, you know, terrorism.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Samuel Guthrie, Lydia Dietrich

Raven Darkholme has posed:
In Bushwick, Mutant Town, Mystique doesn't bother to conceal herself. She walks into the world with her scaled, cobalt skin and white bodysuit with thigh high boots proudly. Some may recognize her, others may not, perhaps even calls to the police because she's there, but she doesn't seem to give it much thought.

Today was about milkshakes, and her desire to share in good fortune with anyone and everyone of the neighborhood. Free milkshake and small fries to anyone who came by Mootant Town Milkshakes, compliments of Mystique and the Brotherhood.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Just make sure you ask before posting them on any businesses," Clarice remarks - as she hands out the last of the flyers spreading the news about the 'Bushwick Neighborhood Watch.' She even has her armband on (it was amazing how quickly you could get things produced) as she glances around, smiling with satisfaction to see flyers already showing in multiple shop windows. Letting out a satisfied sigh, she turns and makes her way into the ice cream shop herself, a broad smile on her face. "So! Milk shakes and fries, right?" she asks in an eager tone.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking along the road looking about. Sam has been doing the neighborhood watch before neighborhood watches were cool. Mind you he is wearing a police Academy tee, and jeans. Sam is known in the area, as he helps out with more than just trouble, and lets folks know he plans on requesting this district to help folks here.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia is no stranger to Mutant Town. Some would call it slumming because of her parent's wealth, but she likes to think of it as giving back to her community. After all, she's a visible mutant too and has had her share of troubles, so she spends her time here volunteering for food banks, clinics and other charities in which she can help.

Unlike Mystique, she can't hide who she is. The bioluminescent green aura of ectoplasmic mist that constantly surrounds her makes her stick out like a glow in the dark thumb. Today she's dressed for summer. A white summer dress with yellow floral print adorns her body, comfortable looking sandals adorn her feet and a big floppy sun hat adorns her head. She's got her unruly brown held back into a loose braid that hangs down to her shoulders, though curly strands have already come loose and poke out every which way.

She's heard about the new Neighborhood Watch and has been rather curious about it so when people have told her that they were handing out flyers, she decided to go check them out. She walks up to Mystique with a pleasant smile and asks, "So I hear you're giving out milkshakes and fries?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique wears an armband as well. It matches the one Clarice has, but whether it is real or a part of her, unknown. She is near the front of the milkshake shop, the sort of eye catching mutant that can't be missed when she isn't concealing herself.

"That's right, free shakes and fries to everyone who wants one," she replies to both Lydia and Clarice. "Promoting community wellness, friendship and announcing the new Neighborhood watch program. A partnership between the X-Men and the Brotherhood to improve and protect Bushwick."

She lets her amber eyes search the area, for one moment settling on the Police academy t-shirt wearing male, then they move on. "Everyone it welcome, pick a flavor and the crews will get it made for you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Chocolate peanut butter with oreo crumbles," Clarice says immediately - leaning back against the shop's counter as she waits for the order to be filled, a relaxed smile on her features. Trying to work out a rota that balanced the teams and took into account both powers and personalities between the X-Men and Brotherhood? It had been a nightmare. But she thinks she got it figured out well enough. ...now it's just a matter of waiting to see if she was right.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is one of those mentioned X-men and while he may not be on costume he does offer a nod in greeting to both Clarice, and Mystique as he walks over to the milks shake place "Ladies." He offers in greeting as he does look over the menu.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I'll take a strawberry one, then," Lydia concludes after a moment of debate. She holds her hands behind her back and rocks on her heels, enjoying the sunshine out today. "So tell me about the new Watch? I figure you might as well get your pitch in since I'm taking you up on your generous offer of a free milkshake." Sam gets a nod and a smile.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Although she is clearly out of her element... come on, this is Mystique, isn't she a terrorist and murderer? What is she doing serving milk shakes.... yet here she is, doing just that. Anyone who passes by is offered one, and a small bag of fries. Nothing goes better than fries dipped in a milk shake. For her part she is passing the requests through a headset, like the ones worn in drive threw windows, to the kitchen inside. They had decided it a batter idea to set up tables and a canopy outside then allow the rush of people inside, that would be a nightmare.

"Clarice, I think you're up," she offers with a smile, then tells the kitchen strawberry. The shakes come out clearly labeled what they are, to be handed over to people with their bag of fries. "I can assure you however, that this is not about trying to take over the neighborhood, this is about protecting it, the rest I will leave to Clarice here to explain."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - we've heard complains about ridiculous slow emergency response times in the neighborhood - and we're run into a few problems we've helped with already. Some issues with Kick, a mutant whose powers had gotten out of control, a mutant who was preying on his own kind to steal their powers... None of these are things your average police patrolman is trained or equipped to handle," Clarice says seriously. "So we approached the X-Men, and they agreed that we could work together to help get this Neighborhood Watch off the ground. Hopefully, with time, we can help train the citizens of this neighborhood to know everything they need to keep their community safe - and be available if more serious situations arise. We just want everyone here to feel, and //be// safe and secure." All the while, she wears a reassuring smile - with some of her enthusiasm leaking through.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "With time hopefully we will have more local folks in the area wanting to be part of the force and helping to take care of it as well. Ah'll admit to many of the officers who work the beat are doing it cause they have to not cause they want to.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
When Clarice explains the situation, Lydia gets flashbacks for when The Friends of Humanity car bombed a school charity event. (Never knowing it was a set up from the Brotherhood.) "Yeah," She says, her hand goes to her stomach to feel the scar that she acquired when she caught some shrapnel. Anybody who payed attention to the news on that day would recognize Lydia from being carted off in an ambulance.

She scowls thoughtfully at the three, and says, "I don't know how much use I'd be. I've had one first aid training back in high school, and nothing, really, when it comes to self defense. I can wander around but when an emergency happens..." she just shrugs.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another milkshake is passed to someone standing nearby, and then Sam is offered his with a bag of fries.

"The police can't handle Mutants, we realize this, but we also know that most mutants would never be allowed on the force, so... we have to do it ourselves. Clarice has the authority of the Brotherhood in this matter, to work with the community and the local police department."

She glances to Lydia, "You don't have to be a combatant to be a part, your presence alone would go a long way to showing everyone we are serious about protecting. If something happened that led to a fight, there's no reason you couldn't be the one to leave and call in other's from the program to help out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's not that we don't appreciate the civilian authorities," Clarice remarks to Sam. "We just don't think it's fair to throw their lives away on things they would be unprepared to deal with. We have to do what we can to look after ourselves." Then shifting her attention back to Lydia she adds, "I'm trying to arrange matters so there are always people who are combat trained and experienced on patrol at all times - so they will be able to respond. Balancing the teams is a bit of a challenge - but we'll iron it out. And the more eyes we have out there, the sooner they can respond to trouble. But we still be offering some hand-to-hand combat classes, to aid in self-defense preparedness, and we encourage as many people as possible to avail themselves of it." As her own milkshake arrives, she eagerly accepts it - and scoops at the thick treat with a spoon. "Man - I love this place."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie actually had not ordered anything yet, he was still considering what he wanted. "Well, you know you can put me on the list, and yea known mutants on the force maybe a bit hard to get, part of why I aint telling them till have been on the force for a bit, and then if they fire me it looks much worse.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's scowl pulls down into a deeper frown. "But the Brotherhood...." she says hesitantly. "They assassinated Curtis More during Senator Kelly's rally. I was there...." Her words trail off as she suddenly recognizes Mystique. "It was you! What was it you'd said? 'IF you stand with us, we'll respect you, if you stand behind us, we'll protect you.. if you stand in front of us, we'll get rid of you,' or something like that."

She rubs the bridge of her nose, "I feel like I should... I dunno. Call the police or something. It's /bizarre/ seeing an assassin out here giving out milkshakes and french fries. I don't know what to do," she admits to herself.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes a slow, deep breath and nods, "Yes, that was me." She knew this would come up with someone, some where, at some point. "That was also three months ago. You're welcome to call the police," she looks over at Sam, "Oh look, they're here... would you like to take me in?"

She looks back to Lydia. "I regret my actions that day. I acted in anger and vengeance, my heart was dark, and I was in a dark place. I have spent my life fighting for Mutant freedom and equality, long before any of you were born I have fought. We have always been the freaks, shoved aside, tortured, tormented, punished for being born different. Are we better than human?" She shrugs slightly. "Some would say we are, some would say we're not. I have lost so many friends to the government tests, illegal labs..."

She takes another deep breath then offers her hands to Lydia, like you would to be handcuffed. "I admit I was wrong to kill Curtis More, I admit I was tormented and callous and broken... do you want to take me in now?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Because three months ago was such a long time. Clarice helps herself to another spoonful of her milkshake. "These doubts, these concerns... They're not without warrent," she agrees with Lydia. "But that's also why we went to the X-Men, and partnered with them. The Brotherhood is changing its ways. We intend to defend this neighborhood for its peoples - with the minimum of necessary force and violence, and our teams will be instructed to follow those rules. We won't tolerate murder. I understand, though, if you are unable to trust us quite yet. I hope we can prove ourselves to you, and the others here in Bushwick."
    Looking towards Sam she adds, "We're happy to have you. I'm glad we have such proactive members of our community - breaking new ground for our people."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Lydia and says "Some folks I respect and trust, are giving her a chance to turn over a new leaf and prove herself. Ah will admit, the lady here and Ah have seen things on different view points, and probably will again, just hopefully not as extremely. If your worried about it you could call folks, or you could join up, to keep an eye on her to see if she is being honest.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia suspiciously eyes Mystique, then slides her gaze over to Sam when Mystique mentions him, and then turns it back to the outstretched hands. "Oh for the love of...." she breathes out, flinging her hands helplessly in the air. "What am I supposed to do, drag you to the police station?" She folds her arms across her chest and just kind of glares at Sam. "So she says she's sorry and hands out milkshakes and it's all okay?"

"She killed a man. Who knows how many other she killed? She started a riot which injured /hundreds/. Humans /and/ mutants alike! And your trusted folks think the best way to deal with this is to give her /community service/? This is..." Lydia rubs her face as she tries to encapsulate her feelings, "insane."

She takes a deep breath to reign her anger in and lets it out slowly, puffing her cheeks. "It's not for me to judge," she says, more to herself than anybody else. "I don't know."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes her hand back and looks to Clarice, "Perhaps I should leave. You might have better luck without me here. I knew my past would be an issue in the end, that's why I put you in charge, and you're doing a great job of it."

She glances to Lydia for a moment, then looks to Sam, "Thank you for giving me a chance. I figure if Charles and Jean can trust me just enough to prove myself, then I have a real chance at redemption."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I do appreciate your open mind," Clarice says to Sam with an appreciative smile, though her expression sobers as she looks towards Lydia, "though I also understand your skepticism. Your concerns are valid ones. She has killed. I have as well - it's a tool I use when it's necessary to save lives. It is insane - but unfortunately the world doesn't always allow us any other choice. And //that// is what the Brotherhood is trying to change. We have committed acts of terrorism in the past - it's not something we ever intend to do again. But it will take time to prove to the world we are different."
    Her gaze shifts towards Mystique - something flickering briefly over her expression as the woman speaks of redemption. A brief quirk of a smile. "I'll see you at home," she promises.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "Hey only killing Ah've ever done is hunting for food back home, but will be honest with you. Either of these two ladies holding the prisoner somewhere is going to be almost impossible. Ah don't think community service will atone her of all she has done, but have to start some where, and we gotta hope folks can change for the better don't we?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia lets out a sigh at Sam's words. "Yes. You're right. I have to believe that redemption is possible, and you do have to start somewhere." Her eyes flick between Mystique and Clarice, a thought coming to her. She dismisses it with a shake of the head.

"Look, I'm sorry," she says to Mystique. "Everybody deserves a second chance. If not here? Where? If not now? When? This movement is more than just one person." She turns to Clarice and says, "You're obviously in charge. Where do I sign up?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will get himself a butter pecan shake, and does not worry about the fries." He nods to the three ladies, and says "Well, I need to head on out, told Miss Aggy, I would come and help her move her old couch out before the new one gets there and only got about 45 minutes before it gets there. He steps away and with a roar blasts off intot he air and down the road.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods to Sam, "Take care of yourself, I hope to get a chance to work with you." She looks back to Lydia and bows her head, "And thank you. I know that isn't an easy decision for you to make, but I am grateful."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Right here," Clarice replies - offering over a clipboard she has brought for just such a purpose, smiling broadly at Lydia decides to give them a chance. She seems utterly unaware of the woman's thoughts - thankfully. We don't need to see Clarice snort milkshake out her nose today. "Thank you for giving us a chance to prove ourselves," she adds in a warm voice - before taking another scoop of her milkshake. "I swear - I would keep this place open by //myself// if I had to." Does she get paid enough to do that?
    ...probably not.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia takes the clipboard and pen, and starts filling out the fields. "There we go," she says putting the pen back into the clipboard and handing it back to Clarice. That's when her milkshake finally arrives. She takes it gratefully, and pops the straw in taking a sip of the shake. "My God." She says, eyes wide. "These are good."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique leaves Clarice to continue talking to Lydia, stepping away to help someone else get their milk shake. She doesn't want to make Lydia any more uncomfortable than she already is. Passing out a few more bags of fries as well, she glances back to Clarice with a smile, then slips around the table.

"I think they are some of the best shakes in the world," she offers. "I'll see you at home Clarice, good luck with recruitment."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm a Mootant Milkshakes loyalist - and I could easily visit any milkshake shop in the world that I chose." Really - there's no need to be coy about your mutant ability when there's film footage of you creating portals for Magneto all over the internet. The clipboard is accepted back - and handed off to another resident of Bushwick as free milkshakes continue to be distributed. The Brotherhood will be racking up quite a bill, today.
    She gives a nod to Mystique, before looking back to Lydia. "I don't believe I said - I'm Clarice, by the way. So what is it that you do when you're not busy standing up for your community?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia laughs at the question of her employment. "I'm unemployed. If I /did/ have a job it would be as an English Teacher but I haven't gotten a job yet. Nobody will come out and say it's because I glow green, but we all know that's what it is." She takes a long pull of her milkshake, savoring the flavor. "I also do a bit of writing on the side. I've even got a couple of books published." She shakes her head, "Nothing that will earn me a living though."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out an exasperated sound. "Yes - that's exactly what it is. Well. Perhaps if we can establish a High School here in Bushwick?" she suggests. "Or - have you considered Happy Harbor?" she asks curiously - before immediately adding, "That's probably a dumb question. You've probably had dozens of well-meaning people ask you that before..." She offers an apologetic smile.
    "What sort of books are they?" Her own shake has gotten runny enough that she stops using her spoon - and starts going at it with the straw instead. Mmm.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia sort of blushes and hides behind taking another sip of her milkshake. She just /knew/ this question was going to get asked. "Lesbian paranormal romance." She shrugs, "It's a niche thing but there's a market for it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh," Clarice answers, taking another sip of her milkshake. "Well, you know, as long as people are enjoying it - then good for you. It gives people a break from their lives. Right?" She gives the woman a smile - though there's something hesitant in it as she does so.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's admission of the nature of her writing has somehow made Clarice uncomfortable, and Lydia can't seem to figure out why. "It does, I'd imagine. I love a good book myself." She shrugs. "People always seem to come down on romance novels, but there are really a lot of good ones out there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure there are," Clarice agrees - still with a hint of discomfort. "I just don't have much time for reading, myself," she claims, before trying to hide her discomfort with another long sip from her straw. Mmhmm, nothing wrong here.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"So... uh..." Lydia says desperately trying to come up with a change of topic so Clarice can stop being so dang uncomfortable around her. "What do you do? For a living I mean. Besides recruiting." Again she hides behind a sip of milkshake.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I... I work for the Brotherhood," Clarice answers. She thought that was obvious. Maybe the woman doesn't watch the news...? "I do anything I can to ensure our kind are given the opportunity to grow up free of fear and oppression. I also serve the Genoshan royal family, and Queen Lorna," she adds. "Sometimes as a guard. But these days, I'm mostly bringing in relief supplies to help with the rebuilding, and ensure the remaining people of Genosha have the things they need."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
It's only when Clarice mentions that being a royal guard to Queen Lorna does Lydia finally make the connection of who Clarice is. "Oh. OH! You're the one with the portals!" She then smacks herself in the forehead realizing just how normie that sounds. "Sorry. I just... you don't expect to see somebody... like you... anyway." She can't help but blush furiously as her mouth keeps going. "GOSH doesn't this milkshake taste good hunh?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I am, in fact, the one with the portals," Clarice confirms - amusement tugging at her lips. "And it does tend to keep me pretty busy. It seems like there's always something else that needs doing - something more I could do to help." She gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Which is why it's so gratifying to see people here wanting to do their part, as well." The clipboard is making the rounds - thankfully. Clarice will have quite a list of mutants to contact later.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
All this drinking her milkshake to hide her embarrassment has left Lydia without much milkshake left. She quickly finishes it off, slurping up the dregs until she makes sure that she's gotten it all. She giggles a bit at her own uncouth manners. "Okay," she announces, "That was good. I'm definitely coming back here." Now that her information has been got, and her milkshake has been drunk it's time for her to go.

"I guess I'll be hearing from one of your associates," she says. "I'm going to head on home, then." With that, she tosses the empty cup away, puts a hand to old down her floppy hat, and a pair of emerald wings sprout from her shoulders and lifts her up in the sky.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Take care of- ...yourself. Okay, that was pretty neat," Clarice remarks - her gaze directed upwards as the woman takes off.
    But moments later, her attention is drawn to someone else with questions, and so she continues to explain the Neighborhood Watch program - and how everyone can help. She's going to be tired by the time she gets home...