6641/Lego Master Builders
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Lego Master Builders | |
Date of Scene: | 20 June 2021 |
Location: | Lego Metropolis City Football Stadium |
Synopsis: | The heroes win and are LEGO MASTER BUILDERS, but then....INSANITY! |
Cast of Characters: | Cliff Steele, Joan Wright, Kate Bishop, Terry O'Neil, Colette O'Connail |
Tinyplot: | Sailing the Zeitgiest Sea |
- Cliff Steele has posed:
It simply wasn't fair. One minute, the heroes had retrieved the Brazier, and then a giant hand came down and suddenly everyone woke up. Several nights later in the waking world, everyone awoke in a crowded stadium full of thousands of cheering legos.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaand the Heroes have arrived. Welcome inhabitants of Lego Metropolis. This is LEGOOOOOOOOO MAAAAAAAAAAASTER BUILDERS. Both teams will create a building and then walk away as it explode for coolness. There are three rounds for each team, whoever wins, gets the prize!" The voice seems to come from everywhere and nowhere.
Cliff, showing up as a dreamer, seems extremely confused to be here and says, "What the fuck?"
The villains team seems to consist of Lego Riddler, Lego Manta, Lego Grodd and Lego Lex. "Heroes. GO. FIRST!"
- Joan Wright has posed:
LEGO Joan blinks as she finds herself in the stadium. Her ... outfit looks a lot like the attire she wears to a construction site along with the painted on pockets of the cargo paints. The yellow of her head starts to look a little orange as she notes the large amount of people looking their way. Eep.
While the color of her paint may have changed, she does end up hearing the rules. Building with LEGOs? As a competition?
The face turns back to yellow as she starts jumping stiffly into the air, legs and arms swinging back and forth. "WOOH!" SIGN HER U-
Oh she's already signed up.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Lego Kate meanwhile rubs her lego face with her lego hands.
"I really should have told Rae I needed help instead of Vorpal. Rae would have just devoured the entire dream realm or destroyed the stupid Brazier or .... something. Something with closure. Finality. I mean... yes sure.. maybe finality for everyone's dreams for all time but...." she just mopes there for a moment. "But no, now that there is a chance that Vorpal may die here... I am S-O-L..."
The lego shoulders just slump a bit.
"Okay. So uh... building buildings ... with chaos logic.... Vorpal?" she looks around at this point for her teammate assuming he is sucked in as well by default at this point. He is loving this shit.
He owes her.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Cheshire lego cat lowers the blueprints he has been staring at for the last couple of seconds, and then bites down on his little lego pipe. "Oh darlings, it's going to be simply amazing. Absolutely dahling."
He lays the blueprints down. Which, of corse, are printed on a little plastic sheet, not soft at all. "I call this, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Late For Dinner. Three parts dali, one part Escher, and six eights Schopenhauer."
It's a building. Of sorts. If M. C. Escher had started building one of his impossible staircases and then decided to go on a bender with Dali, and then decided to copy a bit of Georgia O'Keefe, this would be the result. It's a building at its core, but there are a lot of parts. A lot of parts that precariously reach to the sky and go nowhere, that recurse into itself like the handles of some sort of basket one goes to hell in, or that simply bulges out in all of its lego glory. It looks like it would explode like a pinata full of tentacles.
"What say you?"
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"You ask 'what the fuck' as if you hadn't been here before," Colette says to Cliff, because she's there too. It's not like she walked up or anything, nor was there any particular warning before she was standing by Cliff's elbows and heckling. She's just there. Such is the nature of dreams. "If this wasn't some kind of fucked up nonsense, then asking 'what the fuck' would be appropriate."
Colette passes Cliff a bottle of lego beer, because of course she has already started taking advantage of the generally malleable nature of local reality for reasons of boozing. "I'm not a hero," she objects. "I'm not in the Titans..." she gestures towards Terry and Kate with her own lego beer. "Or Doom Patrol. Or..." she eyes Joan, who she has never met outside the dream world and knows nothing about, including what she looks like in non-lego form. "Or whatever. So I probably shouldn't be on this team. Maybe I should join the other team. They look amusing. I bet Lego joker has just the sort of sick and twisted imagination that works well in a place like this."
She gives Kate what might be, were it less lego-y, a comforting pat on the shoulder. "S-O-L? You were going to say S-O-L-D, weren't you." She watches in bemusement as Vorpal displays his blueprints for the Unbearable Riff on Czech Literature. "I can understand that, Hawk. I'd probably be sold on the idea of him being doomed to die in some unmentionably nonsensical dreamworld if I was on a team with him too."
She takes a swig of her lego beer and tosses the bottle behind her where it smashes into its component glassy bricks, before picking up another from her stash on the ground of the stadium beside her.
"Terry, you've /prepared/ for this? Like... planning? Thinking things through, coming up with ideas ahead of time? Are you ill?"
- Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele takes the lego beer, "Well, ok I grant you that this is fucked up but I was having a normal dream. I vaguely remember getting the crap kicked out of me and I'm asleep or in a coma somewhere, so it was more a 'what the fuck' going to the dreamlands than a 'what the fuck this fucking shit again?'" He sips the beer, "Not bad. Wait, I can TASTE this. This is AWESOME. Do a steak!"
He looks at the surrealistic building and scratches his head, "I think this is Metropolis Vorp, not the Madlands. What is it? And who is gonna walk away from it? Does anyone have a pair of sunglasses?"
The villains watch, impatient but knowing they need to wait for the heroes to take their turn.
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to Kate with the :o face of shock. "Don't speak of such things! These are my kind of people!" That's right. Mostly square. Reaching to her side, she pulls out a flat rectangular smooth piece out of nowhere. "I got blue prints too. We could combine them to make this REALLY epic! Since... I don't think we have to worry about this being to code or anything." Sure enough on the flat piece there is what looks to be a picture of the Taj Mahal up front and Hogwarts in the back with the Millennium Falcon replacing one of the capstones. "What if we used clear LEGOs to make your building float as a centerpiece to this?"
- Kate Bishop has posed:
"These. Are. Not. People." she gestures at the builders in the audience all over there now. "These are dreams from people."
There is a deep suffering sigh.
Lego Kate reaches up and pulls the lego-Hawkeye sunglasses down. "I have the Sunglasses covered. Don't fear." she fingerguns at Cliff.
She looks over at Colette "You're on our team. Also. I can't argue with your logic about Rae right now...."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"You know, Hawkeye, that really hurts!" Vorpal says, clamp hands on his square hips. "... I guess we're even from when I was a dick!" but Colette gets A Look. In his Lego persona, it looks something like B0. "I swear. Between you and Hawk, people would think I'm the worst hero that ever heroed. I'm done! You build your stinking building by yourselves!"
And then he steps through a Rabbit Hole and vanishes.
Ten seconds later, he emerges out of one again. "Gotcha. Just kidding." Turning to Joan, he nods "I love the idea! Let's put the Falcon on a stable orbit, too- if we have time, we could put little asteroids for it to be doing the Kessel run! Alright, let's get to work, builders!" he claps his hands together, purple light sparking between them.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Fine!" Colette says. "You guys build some ridiculous buildings, I'll get working on the sungla... okay, apparently Hawkeye has that covered. You got enough for everyone, Hawk? 'Cos if we're supposed to walk away from it, clearly we all need sunglasses. "
Colette studies the two sets of blueprints, lego features betraying little. "Taj Mahal and Hogwarts. All wrapped up in a staircase that probably leads up your own ass if you try scaling it. With a space ship. I dunno. I mean aren't there actually lego kits for all this stuff? It seems to me like you aren't gonna win this contest by constructing something that looks like you just bought a few kits from Walmart and jammed them together haphazardly. What do we get if we win, by the way? Is there like a prize or something? Do we get a trophy?"
"I mean... we could just build our own trophy and walk away from the contest instead of the exploding building, right? Or just get wrecked on lego beer. This stuff is actually pretty good."
- Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele is confused as all out git, but look...angry. He yells up at the hand, "This is unfair! We had the brazier, who are you to take it!"
"Team heroes is stalling for time, walk now or forfeit your turn!"
"Fuck you fucker!" He looks at Kate.
The villains are grinning widely, hoping the heroes forfeit the round and a small green clock is ticking.
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan lowers the blueprint as Terry vanishes, the head rotating around for a few moments. :( But when Terry returns, the head almost owls to look to her. Body turning soon after before. "You got me there." The mentioning of adding asteroids if they have time almost gets a clap in response but she can't quite get the hands to touch.
"Alright! Let's do this!" :D She sort of echos the sentiment before she runs over to a pile of building supplies, starting to toss the needed pieces for the base of the project in the direction of the building platform. Be it sheer luck or the fact they're dreaming, the pieces start landing on the grid, connecting together. As Colette starts to criticize the blue prints, the pieces start to stop flowing. The builder looks over at Colette. :( "...But I like the Millennium Falcon... That's one of the most complex builds out there."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
"I for one want a lego beer. Maybe a lego hot dog. For all this trauma." she digs in a lego pocket and offers Colette a pair of lego Hawkeye sunglasses. "I gotcha fam."
She blinks at the announcer voice. "Oh crap.. that was fast. I still want a lego beer..." she clears her throat and steps to offer Cliff sunglasses "Sorry! getting the sunglasses for th dramatic walk away... about to walk away...."
She hisses at Colette "Knock it off." then to Terry and Joan "Move those bricks.. hustle it!"
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"The maestri approach the podium!" Vorpal says, and proceeds to hustle. As he approaches the materials, he selects his own, separate from Joan's so as not to interfere with her. "Don't worry about Colette, she's just cranky because even in lego form, her roots are showing! Let's get this show on the road!"
He waves his hands and zaps his building supplies and animates them with his chaos magic, sending them flying in order to connect according to plan.
A little chorus pops out of nowhere, providing some musical accompaniment to the building: The immortal music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A canon in B flat major ( K. 231).
~Leck mich im Arsch!
Goethe, Goethe!
Goetz von Berlichingen! Zweiter Akt
Die Szene kennt ihr ja!
Rufen wir nur ganz summarisch:
Hier wird Mozart literarisch!~
It is so beautiful.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette takes the lego glasses from Kate and gestures towards her stack of lego beer bottles. "Help yourself," she says. She slips on the lego sunglasses and watches as Joan and Terry get to work. It seems to be slow going, and Colette's disappointed nobody seems to be listening to her perfectly /valid/ protest about pre-designed lego sets, just because they happen to be keen on Millennium Falcons. Maybe she should help. Could she help? Chaos magic and throwing bricks, however precisely, doesn't seem to be a very fast way of building.
Colette closes her eyes, to try something. This is a dream. Dreams don't need to follow conventional building methods, or even conventionally unconventional ones, right? Colette's pretty sure of that. After all, she's dreamed a lot. There are a few beings in the universe who have spent more time dreaming than her, but they are extremely rare. Few beings have lived a fraction as long as she has, after all. After the first billion years or so, you kind of get used to dreams. Dreams are, after all, basically just your imagination when it's not concentrating.
Colette keeps her eyes closed and concentrates. Is it a daydream if it's inside a dream? She dreams of the air filling with a flock of multi-hued legos that rise up and swarm, darting this way and that as the swirl in a maelstrom of assembly, a kind of reverse-tornado that builds instead of destroys. At first it is mostly the reddish-brown bricks that accumulate in a central pile, but increasingly green, brown and blues flit inwards and click themselves into place. She dreams of the structure climbing higher and higher, four parallel columns reaching up, a distinct echo of the Sagrada Familia until the gathering accretions of bricks make the structure less familiar.
Less familiar, that is, to anyone who has not seen the Temple of the Voice on Mars, which is probably everyone currently dreaming here. She dreams of the towers growing high, reaching up over the highest tier of the stadium, the architecture almost absent of straight lines despite the brick construction. The building is something designed to stand out but at the same time blend in; it is monumental, but the broad outlines resemble the lava-mounds where Syria Planum meets Noctis Labyrinthus in the Tharsis region. From a distance of a few miles it might be mistaken for a particularly odd part of a range of shield-volcanos, but at closer range the surface decoration is more obvious. It's something like four vast termite mounds decorated with abstract neo-gothic patterning that spirals up each of the four main pillars in swirls of alternating greens and blues. A pair of bridges span the gaps between the outer pillars, while the space between the inner two pillars is filled with a circular construction that contains a fractal-like pattern of triangles that get smaller and smaller towards the center.
She keeps dreaming. Black, red, white, brown and green bricks continue to swirl, forming up a construction that rests atop the Martian temple. The base of it appears to be stone, as if some small island were floating in the sky. In the middle of that small island, the white bricks form into a shape resembling a Greek-style temple, slender white columns filling the space and holding up a peristyle roof. Over the top of the white temple, she dreams a larger structure in pallid green, a building in vaguely humanoid but headless shape, legs planted in the ground, the window-filled torso bent over the white temple, a singular arm reaching down from the shoulders to support it. She dreams another arm, similarly pallid, reaches up from the ground to grasp the first around the upper, an external staircase spiraling up the arm and leading towards a great doorway in the elbow. A final flourish of red bricks swarm up to decorate the exterior of the body in rivulets resembling blood, and finish with a waterfall of blood spouting from where the giant body's head ought to be.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
If it's unlikely that anyone has seen the Temple of the Voice on Mars before, it's even less likely that anyone has seen this before. The original it is loosely based on was constructed by the long-forgotten Empire of Tears, and crumbled to dust three billion years ago.
"Did it work?" Colette says, cracking open one eye to see if her dream-within-a-dream construction method applies itself to the wider dreaming world.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
The clock is running down quickly, the heroes are putting together some AMAZING things and Cliff starts to stir up the crowd, "HEROES! HEROES! HEROES!" And as he does the cheer is slowly echoed and gets louder and louder as the tension mounts. The massive and impressive constructions are BARELY finished as Kate literally has seconds to do her walk as Cliff, seeing what is going to happen interposes himself between Joan and Terry (knowing Colette can take care of herself) as the entire massive construction EXPLODES giving Kate just a few seconds to do her walk of AWESOME as Cliff is encompanssed by the explosion and 'vanishes'
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to Terry, still a bit :( but gives a nod, turning back to the pile o' LEGOs. The back shifts back as she takes a 'deep' breath.
She starts moving again, tossing tht LEGOs back with an arching flair to the throws. White, gold, off white, grey, and blue pieces storm across the board, forming the walls and outer spires of the Taj Mahal / Hogwarts mix up. Up to the front of the building, there is a notable gap where one of the capstones would go while the centermost one has clear legos forming around it, providing an unseen from a distance base for what Terry is working on.
She soon shifts brick colors, as light grey pieces start flying over towards the front gap, taking on a mostly circular form.
Physics does not appear to be a thing here.
The Falcon eventually shows up in appearance.
When the explosion occurs, the pieces flying towards Joan orbit around her before flinging back to where the building once stood. She walks away from that spot before the pieces fling back out the way they were going last.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate is making sure to keep half an eye on the clock. She adjusts her purple lego sunglasses and taps her foot waiting and listening to the cheering. "OF course we are being overly dramatic about it for the crowd."
She probably should have one of those lego beers, snagging one and sipping it as she worries and waits. She is channeling her inner Raven really.
She pivots and starts to walk away for the explosions, the empty lego beer tossed over her shoulder with a devil may care attitude.
No she also does not look back just keeps on walking.
You never look back at the explosion.
She may actually be looking for the exit the way she keeps walking.... she will probably stop .. maybe.. depending on the announcer.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal is so cool, he doesn't even need to be visible for the walkaway. Once the explosion happens, he Rabbit Holes next to Kate, sunglasses on, and starts walking.
And then he vanishes, so that it is a pair of sunglasses walking away from the explosion. What is cooler than that?
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
The expanding sphere of of bricks flies through the air towards Colette, who sips her beer with an apparent lack of concern as they hurl towards her. She turns around to stare at the group of lego villains where they stand waiting their turn.
Colette takes another sip of her beer. At the last moment a wall of blackness fills the air immediately behind her, and lego bricks crash into it and around it, bouncing wildly. She takes another sip of her beer, still staring. The tsunami of bricks washes against the wall, pouring around it. She keeps staring.
Eventually the flood of bricks slows to a trickle. Colette finishes her beer, and drops the bottle, which smashes into glassy bricks at her feet. She raises her arms and throws a finger with both hands at at the lego villains, then strolls off to join the others .
- Cliff Steele has posed:
The crowd goes WILD as the camera focuses on Kate, walking away in slow motion with the same music that Terry was playing playing in the background and the villains all frown. Lego Lex howls, "Building! Not a fucking neighborhood! That's cheating."
The invisible hand in the sky says, after the crowd holds their lego breath, "I will allow it!"
The crowd goes wild again.
The villains frown as Lego Lex focuses his will and suddenly there is a Hall of Justice, immaculately crafter with tiny shrubbery and stickers complete with 'dummy' justice leage as Black Manta walks away from it slowly, taking off his sunglasses with another black visor under that. The crowd cheers, but ultimately it is not even a contest.
The scoreboard says, "Round 1- Heroes!"
- Joan Wright has posed:
Joan finally figures out how to clap. Pulling out the 'blue prints again' She shows the group another plan. Cinderella Castle, a roller coaster that wraps around with a space shuttle riding the track.
Joan gets to work on her portion With practice, and Colette showing how things are done around here, the construction is much quicker this time.
The explosion is spectacular, and a double bonus as the building errupts, Un errupts, and errupts once again.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate sighs.
Okay two more rounds of this it seems.
She doesn't walk out of the stadium, eventually returning back to the starting area.
"The lego beer is surprisingly good." she comments over to Colette.
Which is the only reason she returned. She picks up another beer and cracks it open with the tip of a lego arrow. Don't think too hard about it. It works somehow.
"So this one is more disney meets six flags?" she asks as she watches at least Joan's portion be built.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry admires Joan's handiwork with gusto, and then is struck by inspiration on what a complimentary addition will be. He begins to work at a frenzied pace...
And the first thing that is completed is a building in 60s Space Age retro style... with its front a rather faithful rendition of Lex Luthor's head in silver and grey bricks, with great detail and attention paid to his bald pate by virtue of adding all the reflective bricks to it. And then, he adds tracks to the rollercoaster so that the rocket will shunt off the track. He makes some calculations on the fly and adds a few curlicues where and there to the track, so that the rocket takes a little time to complete the track, and just a second before the explosion triggers, the rocket reaches the front of that chrome dome, thus making it look like the explosion is the result of the ensuing collision.
"What do you know?" Vorpal says, during his 'walking away' pose, "Lex /does/ have one of the brightest minds!"
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"I've had worse fucking beers. It's not bad at all, is it?" Colette agrees with Kate. She stands besides the archer, drinking a beer of her own, and watching as Vorpal and Joan get to work. Apparently she isn't planning to do another ridiculously over-the-top construction this time.
"So, ya think that we could somehow repurpose the brazier to transport things out of the dream world? Because if so we could grab it and then use it to take a few crates of the lego beer out into the real world. I mean it's not like beer is in short supply in the real world, but lego beer? I think people would be impressed. We should totally do it."
Colette still isn't sure what the brazier is actually for. She wasn't paying attention. Smells like hero business, best leave that for the heroes to worry about. She sips her beer.
"So what happened to Robot Guy?" she asks Kate. "Did he wake up or something? I don't see him around. Maybe the sound of the explosion woke him up. Why are we doing this again? I mean this building contest thing. I think I missed the explanation of it."
She raises her lego sunglasses to her lego forehead, and looks critically at the Cinderella castle. Just before it explodes, she adds a little flourish - a set of lego statues standing just at the front, perfectly positioned to take the maximum impact of the explosion. At first glance it's Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. At second glance, it's Lego Manta with mouse ears, lego Riddler with mouse ears and polkadot bow, lego Lex with a sailor cap and beak (and no pants - fortunately lego constructions come pre-pixellated), and lego Joker with ridiculous buck-teeth and a tall green hat.
There's just enough time for people to get that second glance at the statues, and for Colette to flick the glasses back down over her eyes, before the explosion starts. Colette nudges Kate and gestures with her head towards where the pile of lego beer bottles sits some way behind them. Colette and Kate turn from the explosion and power-walk towards the beer, both adjusting their sunglasses in perfect synchronization as legos explode behind them.
Somehow, and it's not clear how they manage it but this is after all the Dream world, they manage to walk away in slow motion.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
The crowd likes making fun of Lex, though their expectations have been built sky high by the previous buildings so while the crowd cheers, they cheer politely, but THEN they do the walk and THIS, in tandem impresses the crowd a great deal and they all go wild. There is a very loud cheer.
Riddler looks pensive, and calls the villains into a huddle, and suddenly Lex, Grodd and Manta all WALK away from...what is Riddler building? The legos all swirl at once as his organized mind swirls and swirls and suddenly...
It's LEGO BATMAN with a giant KICK ME sigh on it. It's got windows for eyes and a door where his mouth should be but its definitely a giant tower of Batman and the crowd goes WILD as they laugh at the stoic and highly annoyed Lego Batman, "That doesnt look like me AT ALL!"
Having learned from the heroes, all three villains walk away removing sunglasses at the same time and eat a lollipop as they do. BOOM! Fireworks are added to the explosion. Several in the crowd say, "That's cheating!!!"
The Invisible hand says, "I'll allow it."
The scoreboard says, "Heroes-1 Villains-1"
- Joan Wright has posed:
The moment the group is given the all clear for round 3, Joan flips the blueprint up once more, this time showing a mockup of bigben with a bit of the face broken in by a crashed blimp. Upon the clock hands, a LEGO mouse is fighting a LEGO Rat.
For the explosion the mouse and rat join Joan in the walk away. Where they got LEGO shades is a mystery. The rodents spin, crossing their front paws as they lean against Joan who crosses her own arms, tilting her head as she gives a smirk and tugging down her glasses to look over them.
It's a bit over the top perhaps. But hey, it's a dream. No one's going to remember her doing this, right?
Easy Cheesy.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks over at the villains build, sipping her beer still.
"I still need a hot dog...." she complains "Or maybe popcorn.. cracker jacks..."
She sighs.
Then she turns to Joan and Vorpal. "Okay. Go Big. Like. Fucking Wonderland meets Metropolis. Meets making fun of someone hilariously uptight..." she points "Maybe Gandalf.. I don't know. But prove you are like.. intense and wild and make them ROAR."
Honestly it isn't her best peptalk or inspiring speech, but by god she is trying for the first time in this contest.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal vanishes during his building period. Where could he be? WHERE COULD HE BE?
It finally becomes clear what he is doing when Joan's building explodes. It all goes up in kablooey--- except for the face of Big Ben. A cunning release mechanism propelled the face of the clock, sending it flying through the air and landing on the ground with a *thud*
Revealing a full-fledged Mad Hatter Tea Party going on on the other side of the clock's face, which is rather fitting due to the fact that the Hatter was condemned to eternal Teatime after offending time. The lego diorama spins on its center faster and faster as the tea services serve, the teacups turn, and at the very center the Dormouse pops in and out of the enormous tea-kettle at the center of the table, looking redder and redder and redder in the face until-
Vorpal fades into view to join the walkers. "A very merry unbirthday to all!"
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
It's time to get meta.
Colette's contribution for stage three is a castle, sitting next to Big Ben. It's not a conventional castle though. Brown bricks give much of it a wooden-looking appearance, while gray bricks make up more metallic parts, from ramparts to crane-like structures, to something vaguely resembling wings that may be part of some huge bellows structure. It's a peculiar, globular construction, the main bulk of the keep appearing rather face-like, with a kind of drawbridge in the shape of a jaw opening wide to make the mouth the entrance to the castle. Two telescopes protrude a short way from the front of the keep above the entrance, giving the asppearance of eyes. Slender towers sprout from the top, each a smoke stack, and domes of metallic gray surmount the castle, sporting pairs of what appear to be canon. Several small buildings in whitewashed plaster construction cling to the sides of the rotund castle like barnacles, and a trio of metal legs support the entiure construction, which shakes and judders slightly. After a few moments settling, the castle starts to walk around Big Ben.
Colette has produced a replica of Howl's Moving Castle, straight from the Studio Ghibli movie. Why is this meta?
This is meta, because when the exploding starts, a giant pair of sunglasses lower over the 'face' of the castle, and the building starts to /walk away from its own explosion/.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
The Crowd. GOES. WILD!!!!
It is Patently OBVIOUS that the villains are going to do nothing to top this until they huddle again and Lex and Riddler snicker as Lego Grodd, the telepathic gorilla patently STEALS Kate's idea and they build this giant shaped hand building made of transparent legos and all four of them start to walk away.
The crowd is confused at first but then Lex points up and the CROWD. GOES. BANANAS...
The villains are literally chortling at the irreverance and then suddenly Dream Cliff reappears...literally right on top of them. "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!" its a mess. He knocks Grodd and Riddler and Manta over like bowling pins and everyone is swearing and there is nothing cool about it.
Lex stutters a moment, shaking his head, "THATS CHEATING!" But the crowd laughs none the less and the 'cool' factor of the villains is decidely lessened.
"ROUND 3 goes, to the Heroes..." the hand comes down out of the sky and many lego citizens fail their sanity checks and go nuts, spiral and x's over their eyes as DOES NOT COMPUTE, while in a basement an old man chuckles, this is it...his final hour...the ritual in question, BEGINS!
He places the tiny brazier at the feet of the heroes and then he says, "FIGHT!"
(Pause for Finale of Part....2!!!!)