6720/It Is For A Good Cause
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It Is For A Good Cause | |
Date of Scene: | 27 June 2021 |
Location: | Bushwick <Mutant Town> |
Synopsis: | A Mutant Town fire station holds a BBQ fundraiser to buy new equipment. |
Cast of Characters: | Kitty Pryde, Rien D'Arqueness, Lydia Dietrich, Laxmi Mallick, Yukio, Dyani Zitkala, James Proudstar, Jubilation Lee, Henry McCoy
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
The smell of food cooking on a grill drifts through the air, accompanied by festive music that is turned up just loud enough to help draw attention, without drowning out conversation. A number of firemen have set up a super long grill on the driveway of their fire station. It's a long one, easily four or five times the surface area of a large backyard grill. Perfect for cooking at the kind of charitable events that firemen frequently help with.
Though this particular cookout is to help raise money for some new equipment for the firehouse. The funding from the city not quite covering all of their needs to replace some important gear. So the neighborhood has turned out, humans, and mutants, and mutants who look like humans, wandering up to buy plates of food. One of the firemen is doing face painting for the kids, and they have one of the fire hydrants cracked to provide a spray of water to help cool off anyone wanting to step beneath it.
A car pulls up and parks just down the street, Kitty Pryde stepping out. "So I know one of the firemen. His sister is a mutant who I met awhile back," she explains. "And figured it was a good cause to come support," she says. Kitty gets a box from the backseat, with a cake inside. It's from a bakery, as she wouldn't want to subject them to her cooking.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien climbs out of the car's passenger side, nodding to Kitty's words. "I have not really visited this place yet, my duties normally don't involve other mutants all that often. I tend to be in less populated places most of the time."
She walks alongside the younger woman as they approach the station, slipping earplugs into her ears as they approach. She sniffs the air for a moment before remarking, "They seem to have the food just about ready."
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has just gotten off patrolling with the Watch, and has decided to check out the barbeque. She'd been smelling it all day and by the time she was done patrolling she was ravenous. Today she's dressed in white shorts and sandals, and a matching white linen blouse to help stave off the heat. As always, the misty green glowing haze of her ectoplasm surrounds her.
She walks up to the line of people who are waiting for their turn at getting some food from the grill and patiently waits her turn. One of the good things about being in Bushwick is that people don't bat an eye at her. They just accept her for what she is.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
An easy-going smile is flashed over to Rien. "There are a lot of good people here. Life can be kind of hard. I mean it was hard enough to start with, the area has a bit of economic depression. There've been some incidents. The thing with the alien completely taking the area even, and... yeah. I figure they can use all the support people can give," Kitty says as she carries the cake over to one of the tables.
"Here, it's a chocolate cake with a layer of raspberry filling," she tells the fireman who moves over to take it from her.
"Great, thanks bring it..." he says, trailing off to invite a name in response.
"Kitty," the brunette tells him. "I know Bobby's sister. And this is Rien," she says, turning to smile to Rien.
"Great, Kitty and Rien. Nice to meet you both. Thanks for coming out, and for supplying this," he says. "Jump in line and get some food!" Kitty nods to him, looking to Rien to see if that sound good, and then moving over behind Lydia in line.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
It was probably that very glow that attracts Laxmi's attention as the dusky-skinned woman approaches the barbeque - drawn in, perhaps, by the smell of food, and the music - and the familiar sight of someone she's met before. "Namaste!" she greets Lydia in a warm voice - pressing her hands together. "We meet again. Such a pleasure, and such a lovely day, isn't it?" She asks - gesturing to the small celebration seeming to take place around them. Her smile goes next to Kitty and Rien - as the pair also approach, a friendly expression always seeming to be present on her features.
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio was told about the BBQ going on in Mutant Town, and never having been to an American BBQ was all excited to see it, so the awesome staff at Xavier's arranged for transportation for her. With Kitty Pryde on sight, there was no concern for the student, and so she steps out in her full Japanese flair splendor, what with that gorgeous haori she's wearing. She remains at a safe distance, taking in the looks and smells first, eyes growing big at these new sights.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
The two women behind her in line get a soft smile and a "Hello!" from Lydia. She tucks a strand of her curly brown hair back behind an ear. "This sure smells great. I've been smelling it all day and I can't wait to get some of it in me."
Laxmi grabs her attention and her smile widens. "Shalom!" she responds, waving her over to stand in line with her. "It is! I've been enjoying the sun while out on patrol. Fortunately it's been a quiet day."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods to Kitty, "Food is always a good thing, and this is for a good cause too." She lines up behind Laxmi, nodding with a slight smile to the woman. "Hi there. You from around here?"
She pulls some money from a pouch at her waist, ready to contribute to the cause here. To Kitty she remarks, "Good of you to bring something down to help them, do you do this sort of thing often?"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Where there is food and picnics, there are bees, and several are buzzing around the area. Anyone paying any attention to these usually considered, annoying bugs, might notice there is a pattern to the flight. Food, people's faces, what people are doing, the bees actually seem to be watching them.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glances around and spots the newly arrived Asian teen. "Yukio," Kitty says, lifting a hand to wave over towards her, first as a hello, and then as an invitation to come join them.
She looks back towards the food, replying to Lydia, "Oh, doesn't it ever?" Kitty draws in the scent of the grilled food. There is just about anything one could hope for, from hotdogs and hamburgers, to chicken, ribs and shishkabobs. A plate of grilled vegetables has a beautiful char to them. All sorts of side dishes that express the multiple ethnicities amongst the firemen are set out.
Kitty drops some money in the donation jar as she turns back to Rien. "A fair amount if I'm honest," she says with a soft self-deprecating chuckle. "Nice to be able to help people and give back, you know?" she says. Her voice lowers as she says, "And people here have it pretty hard sometimes."
- Yukio has posed:
After having had a moment to study the sight, and observe the people about, Yukio picks on the fact there's little ceremony involved, and the entire affair is quite casual, almost like a less festive matsuri. She starts to approach the group slowly, her movement very subtle, almost stealthy-like, as if she doesn't want to get noticed as she approaches. But every moment anyone looks her way, she appears closer, despite never having given the impression of moving. Like a certain famous ninja cat gif.
Eventually she's spot by Kitty, which leads her to stop still, before offering Kitty a respectful bow. "Sensei Puraido," she greets softly, and cautiously approaches at Kitty's gesture to further approach.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Shalom!" Laxmi repeats in kind - her expression going thoughtful for a moment before deciding - no. It's //not// Shabbat right now. What was a thing - right? "I always seem to run into you after your patrols." Well. All of twice.
Her attention turns to Rien as she adds, "Yes - I live in apartments near here. It's a... colorful neighborhood," she says politely. "But I do enjoy it." she adds her own money to the jar - and starts filling a plate with vegetables, adding one of the skewers, and an ear of fresh corn.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar walks up as part of a large group, 12 or so random mutants. Some obviously indentifiable as mutant, some more subtle, most young. they are dressed casually, most in jeans and tee shirts, showing wear, well worn shoes or sneakers. Their clothes show all the signs of being vintage or second hand. Jim approaches the table handling the money and pulls out a small wad of bills, shaking his head with a smile and motioning for the group to go in. "You guys did well, this one's on me." He counts them off and settles with the cashier, dropping the test in that self same donation jar. He follows his charges into the BBQ, and makes a plate, rather restrained by James standards but he's leading by example. The group moves through the food serving area at a slow graze.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Mmm, don't I know it," Lydia responds, adding her own donation to the jar. "I'm lucky to have lived a privileged life, so I do what I can to give back to the community." She steps up when it's her turn in line and grabs a hamburger and a shish kabob. Instead of holding the plate in her hands, a glowing green pseudopod reaches out and holds it for her, and another grabs her drink, leaving her hands free.
She chuckles at Laxmi. "I have a lot of free time on my hands so when I'm not looking for work or writing I come here to patrol." A stray bee buzzes at her curiously, and Lydia doesn't so much swat it, but gently nudges it out of her face.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Taking a plate, Rien collects a hamburger and some grilled veggies, then moves to a table set with condiments and add things like lettuce and tomato to it. Once it is properly built, she takes a bite and returns to the conversation.
"I am new to the area, so don't know much about it. What are these patrols you speak of?" She waves a bee away from her burger absently before taking another bite.
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio looks curiously at Laxmi as she speaks words in an entirely foreign language, unless of course it was English she was unfamiliar with. It was very possible, but the sounds were so different. "Sha-rom?" She tests the sounds, squinting a bit, and then looks around, "someone name? Preased to meet."
When she spots James putting some money in the donation jar, she takes out a couple of dollar bills from her allowance, and proceeds to add it to the jar, offering a polite bow right after.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
You get a bee, and you get a bee, and YOU get a bee. They seem to be interested in the people, that much is obvious, but they are also interested in the food and any sweet beverages that might be sitting around.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Shalom - it means hello," Laxmi supplies for the thick-accented youth. "Umm - for people of... Jewish ancestry, I believe?" She looks to Lydia for confirmation, before turning her attention to Yukio. "But my own family is Hindu - and we say 'Namaste,'" she offers in a warm tone - before joining Rien at one of the tables.
"Oh, I don't know very much about the patrols - I'm not involved in them myself. But I do believe it involves the X-Men, and the Brotherhood of Mutants, and many of the locals - trying to keep the streets safer here. Which can only be a good thing." She waves her hand over her plate - trying to keep a bee away from the pineapple on her veggie skewer.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia turns to Yukio and nods. "Shalom. It's Hebrew. It means... peace, wellness, wholeness. That kind of thing. It's a way of saying 'hello'" She nods to Laxmi indicating that she got it right.
"It's usually pretty quiet," Lydia adds. "But sometimes you get a human slumming it looking for trouble that you have to gently remind them that mutants are people too. Rarely do things escalate to the point where violence is used." Her distaste for violence is strong in her voice.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde waves a bee away from her as it buzzes near her face, though not paying it attention other than the shooing. "Yes, it's Hebrew," she concurs as she gets a burger and some bbq chicken on her plate, then loads up some veggies and potato salad.
A glance is given towards Laxmi's mention of the two groups, but no reaction other than that. Just perhaps surprised to hear mentioned the group little-known publicly. She makes a mental note to double check the programs monitoring for mention of the X-men on social media.
"There are always a few yahoos who like to give people around here a hard time," she does say to Rien quietly though. She gestures to Yukio. "Do you know two know each other?" she asks of Rien. "Rien, Yukio," she says to introduce them if not.
- Yukio has posed:
Yukio gasps as she realizes her mistake, and covering her mouth with the palm of her hand, whispers, "sorry, sorry, hero, you too." When Laxmi follows with a 'namaste', Yukio's eyes light up, "namaste I know! Yes!" She looks quite pleased to feel knowledgeable.
When Lydia elaborates on Laxmi's explanation, further approved by Kitty, Yukio smiles, "bery purofound 'he-ro' I rike it!"
Looking over at Rien, Yukio offers a bow, "preased to meet."
- Yukio has posed:
A moment's hesitation, and Yukio adds to Rien, "your hair...so pretty!"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The garbage cans are of course a perfect place for the bees to collect tasty, tasty, yum-yums, and there are quite a few buzzing around them. Even with the shooing away, the bees seem to come back to hover near food and faces, as if torn between staring at people or getting food.
All this normal bee activity, so many people, it might be entirely missed as from some where above, two bees appear, flying in unison and carrying a single dollar to the jar. They drop it in and fly off.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien D'Arqueness nods "Just like for my people, it would be Bonjour" she adds to the conversation between Yukio and Laxmi, "Just all different language ways of saying Konnichiwa, really." She has a slight French accent, but pronounces the Japanese word perfectly.
When Kitty introduces them, she smiles at Yukio and shakes her head, "We don't, no." Switching to Japanese, she says, <<It's an honor to meet you, Yukio-san, and thank you. Your haori is quite lovely.>>
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I didn't know it meant all of that," Laxmi remarks in a thoughtful tone - before she begins nibbling at her food, taking small bites and eating slowly. "If you don't know the area well - you should be sure to stop in at Mootant Milkshakes. It really is one of the most popular establishments in the neighborhood," she remarks encouragingly. "Though - who will have room for more dessert after a feast like this?"
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and makes conversation with some locals, shepherding the group. jim,one to rarely miss things, does notice the bees donation but does little more than quirk an eyebrow. Not the oddest thing he's seen even today in t his neighborhood. The group finds a table rougjly a third of the group drifting away joining others, meeting family and friends.
- Yukio has posed:
"Ah! Konnichiwa!" Yukio seems mighty pleased when a variant of her own language is introduced, and immediately, it earns Rien another bow, and a wide smile, "puronounshiation, bery good! Just rike Japanese!"
But then Rien further surprises her by fully speaking the language, <<Heee! I knew you could speak it! Pronounciation too good for a coincidence, you're truly skilled too! Thank you, I got it from my grandfather, it is very important to me. It embodies spring, example I am to bloom to my adulthood and excel, like I was taught.>> It's notable how she speaks at a much faster pace, and with more confidence, when speaking her native tongue. But she's already improved a great deal since arriving at Xavier's.
- Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Oh God," Lydia groans, "Mootant Milkshakes is soo good." She starts peeling the chunks of meat and veggies off the kabob and delicately pops an onion into her mouth. "Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to have one after all of this."
Movement catches the corner of her eye, and when she looks she sees the two bees carrying a dollar bill. "Hunh," she says aloud. "You don't see that every day."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde misses the unusual delivery of the dollar bill as she's talking to people. Her plate is loaded up with food, and Kitty gets a glass of lemonade to go with it and then moves over to take a seat where some tables and chairs, and even a few picnic tables, have been brought out for people to use.
Once her food and drink are settled, Kitty takes a moment to smile as she looks around the area, a pair of sunglasses shielding her from the bright sun. Kids are over playing in the spray of water from the fire hydrant, under the watchful eye of one of the firemen.
"This is fun," she says with a smile. "Glad you were able to come, Rien," she says to the woman she's just met a little bit ago. "Yukio, have you made it to many barbeques before?" she asks, before switching to Japanese to say, <It's a little different, the food, from Japan. But delicious!>
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde spots another familiar face once she's seated. She raises a hand once she thinks she's caught the eye of James Proudstar looking her way, smiling and waving over to him.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Huh what?" Laxmi asks curiously - but following Lydia's gaze, all she sees it the donation jar, people getting food, and a few bees. Oh well.
She turns a curious eye towards the conversation in Japanese her expression thoughtful as she tries to guess what they group might be discussing. She doesn't seem to be having much luck with it, however.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods to Kitty, "I'm glad I could too, it's nice to learn more about a place like this. I've found myself in the area a good deal lately, so finding out more about it is a good thing." She replies to Yukio in English, "Very nice, and you're welcome. You're doing pretty well with English, I'm sure you'll be comfortable speaking it soon. And Kitty is right, the food is good, even if it's different from Japanese food."
To emphasize her statement, she takes another bite of her burger. Noting Laxmi's look, she says, "We were basically just complimenting each other and the food, sorry. I know it's no fun when people start going on in a language you don't speak."
- Yukio has posed:
When she catches the most peculiar sight of bees leaving money in the tip jar, Yukio looks a bit dumbfonded, staring at the tip jar, and not entirely sure she just saw what she saw.
It's Kitty's words that win her focus back, as she shakes her head and holds one finger aloft, "this, first time! Bery speciaru."
Again her eyes light up as yet another person speaks her language, <<wow! So many people speak Japanese, this is wonderful! Grandfather didn't tell me about that, I thought only Logan-san could speak it. You are also very proficient. Definitely different, of course, but it smells delicious...what should I try? I defer to your wisdom!>>
- Yukio has posed:
"Yes!" Yukio agrees with Rien, "good teachers," she notes and points at Kitty with a warm smile.
Hearing the exchange between Rien and Laxmi, Yukio offers a bow to Laxmi, "I not mean Laxmi not underusutando. Underusutando?"
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty takes a bite of her burger, sighing with the kind of contentment that you hear when someone found something to eat that exactly hit the spot for her. "Well, burgers hard to mess up. Especially since you get to top them yourself," she says to Yukio. "And this is a good one too. Grilling always makes them taste better."
A bit of mustard on the corner of her lips is wiped away with a napking. "I spent some time in Japan with Logan. Though had learned it already before that," she says. Kitty leaves out the Professor having implanted the knowledge into her head on one of the X-men's earlier missions. Those kind of details, not meant for saying in public.
Kitty motions towards James Proudstar. "That's James over there. Another friend," she comments to Rien before turning her attention to Laxmi as well and giving her a friendly smile.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - it's not as if my own family hasn't done it to people, at times," Laxmi remarks with good grace. "There aren't many who understand Hindu around here. It's fine. I understand what a relief it can be to find someone who understands your native tongue." Though she seems to be a perfectly native speaker of English.
"I'm Laxmi - by the way," she offers to those sitting with her. Laxmi Mallick. It's so wonderful to see the neighborhood come together like this for a good cause - isn't it?" She smiles at the others - and continues nibbling slowly at her food.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Bees continue to buzz about the area, no stinging, even if one gets swatted people are not getting stung. The bees just seem interested in the food and of course buzzing into people's faces as if looking at them.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien chuckles, "Well, Logan seems to be quite popular around here, good to know. Does he still put up the 'I'm a tough loner' wall? I've been trying to catch up with him for a couple months now, but he's always off somewhere when I have the time to stop by."
She collects some potato salad on her plate and digs in a bit, replying to Laxmi, "Rien D'Arqueness, pleasure to meet you. And yes, it's always good to see people support a good cause." Glancing over as Kitty points out James, she raises an eyebrow, "He's a big one, isn't he?"
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar makes eye contact with Kitty and nods returning the wave nonchalantly. It seems almost like he's trying not to be noticed but of course he is. A tall gaunt figure in a hoodie sitting next to Jim looks over towards kitty and there is an exvited exchange, well, the gaunt figure is excited Jim is trying to calm him down. Jim sighsand nods, then standsand moves nonchalantly through the crowd. He approaches Kitty apologetically followed by the tallgaunt figure who has pulled back yheir hood revealing a bird like face and feather hair. "Hey Kate, sorry to interrupt, but my friend Beak, here, really wanted to meet you. He got us that info for the Ibiza... situation? Yeah, he's a huge fan. Apparently-"
At this point Beak can barely restrain himself, "WOW! It's like you, really you! sitting here eatting barbecue! I cannot." He offers to shake Kiity's hand, "I am a huge fan. I have been foliwing you since you wrote your name in the Gibson!" Beak continues geeking out over Kitty talking about sone her hacker exploits. Jim is embarassed and mildly amused in turns. though he does his best to keepthis from being a total scene, keeping Beak to an inside voice, mostly. Jim smiles to Rien, "Yes, I am."
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Coming through! ... Move it or lose it! ... Hot soup, hot soup, here! ... I've got food poisoning, let me through! ... My water just broke! This isn't waiting!"
A voice, young, female, and carefree can be heard shouting above the noise floor of the crowd. There are throngs of people to avoid and dodge, but that doesn't stop Jubilation Lee from skating through the crowds on the wheels of her Heely sneakers. It's not long before she emerges, sliding quickly out of the crowd with a large, cardboard sign. From the look of it, it's hand made -- large, bubble letters done with bright, annoying colors -- and meant to be used to draw attention to the fundraiser:
Jubes leans the sign against a streetlamp and faces the words towards the sidewalks. She grins at her handiwork and then turns around. The smile fades as she stares at James and Kitty. "Oh, uh... " she begins, blinking her eyes from behind her Ray Bans. "...Would you believe that my chaperone is parking the car?" She gives a big grin, hoping it will help sell the idea that she's not, in fact, in the city on her own.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft chuckle at Rien's comment about James. "Quite big," she agrees. "And yet he doesn't even play in the NBA." She grins and then takes another bite of her burger, savoring it. "The sweet onions make such a difference," she says once her mouth isn't full of delicious greasy cheeseburger.
The lemonade is given a sip before Kitty replies to Laxmi, "Nice to meet you, Laxmi. I'm Kitty. This is Rien. And Yukio." Kitty takes another, smaller sip and then sets her glass back down.
Another bee buzzes over near Kitty's face. She gently shoes it away. "I'm not a flower, no nectar for you," she comments idly. "Must be a hive somewhere near, been a few of them around. Hope it's not in someone's wall," she comments. "Had a friend who didn't know she had a hive in her walls until it started leaking honey."
Kitty looks up as James comes over with the younger man. His reaction to her causes Kitty a moment's surprise, but then she chuckles warmly and tells Beak, "Thanks for the help on that. Appreciate it. And, we can keep the other stuff on the downlow." The last part was a whisper, she grins at him and gives a quick wink.
The arrival of Jubilee causes Kitty to grin, and then cover her face with her palm. "You're old enough to be out on your own," Kitty tells the Asian student simply enough. Though then adds in a joking tone, "Whether you have the good sense to? Still up in the air."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - it is absolutely a pleasure to meet all of you," Laxmi offers - her attention going to Beak as the boy gushes at Kitty. Confuses curiosity shows on her features as she looks between the two - before she finally asks uncertainly, "Am I unwittingly in the presence of some sort of celebrity? I'm sorry - perhaps my understanding of popular culture is rather incomplete," she remarks - while her gaze is briefly stolen by Jubilee's zooming and zig-zagging form.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien D'Arqueness looks to Laxmi and shrugs, "Beats me, I just met her a couple hours ago." Listening to the gushing, however, she picks up that it's a computer thing and ahs, "Sounds more like hacker fame than actual celebrity. Still an accomplishment and impressive skill, but you're not dealing with a movie star or anything." She grins at Kitty as she says this.
Looking up at James, she shakes her head, "No argument from down here. Still, just means I can sneak under your line if sight if needed." She takes a drink of soda, then looks around, "This is turning into quite the event."
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
The Old Enough To Be In The City Jubilee mock eyerolls and slumps forward at the waist. "You're /right/ ... I'm so /old/ now! I gotta get one of those adjustable beds they sell on TV." She suddenly stands tall again and brings a hand conspiratorially up to her chin. "Would that fit in the dorms?" she wonders aloud, as though the thought was seriously earning some consideration. A pink bubble forms at her lips and then eventually pops once the surface tension of the bubblegum breaks. The wad of gum dangles from Jubilation's mouth, just hanging helplessly while she ducks away from one of the bees. "Go sting James, not me!" she whines in the middle of pulling the gum back into her mouth.
Jubilee pushes off with her foot and begins to skate in the direction of the long grill that has been set up in the driveway. Laxmi's brief gaze is given a friendly 'peace' sign from a hand frozen in place while Jubilee skates past. Once Jubilation reaches the grill, her skating continues, though now each fire fighter is given a personal critique as she passes.
"You call that a hot dog?" "Yeah, show 'em who's boss!" "Come on, come on, people are hungry!"
When Jubes gets to the end, she turns around and starts to skate back to Kitty, James, and anyone else who might be familiar. "I truly admire your progressive views on fire! I mean, on any other day, you'd be fighting it, but... today, you're cooking your food with it!" Once she's returned to the others, Jubes comes to a halt and adjusts her sunglasses so she can peer over them. After squinting a little at Kitty and Beak, Jubilation tilts her head towards Laxmi's question. She shrugs and turns back towards the fire fighters. "I hope they raise enough money to get a Dalmatian," she admits.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
The firefighter looks up from the grill to look Jubilation Lee in the eye. "To fight it right, you have to love it a little," he says.
Then goes back to flipping the burgers.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Although the bee does not follow Jubli's request to sting James, it does fly off when shooed away. There are other faces to look at, and more food to be gathered.
- James Proudstar has posed:
Beak blinks at Laxmi, "celebrity? Haw, no, the girl is leet." Then he holds up his hands, "Right, oh, right. just so overwhelmed, When Savage here said he knew you, I didnt even believe him. But here you are! Sorry, I am just overwhelmed. Wow, I'm going to go sit down. Wow, oh, thanks I was just glad to be on the team, y'know?"
"Okay," James corrals Beak and smiles good naturdely at Kitty, "Enough fanboying. Thank you." he says to Kitty. James nods to the rest. "Nice meeting you all." James smirks, "Yeah, because so few have tried." Jim nods considering, "He's not wrong." He heads back towards the table with Beak in tow.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"The team," Laxmi repeats. "...a hacking team?" She looks between the two, then shrugs her shoulders. "Well. I suppose it's simply one of those things. There are many dancers, singers, and musicians within the Hindu community that I would be utterly delighted to meet - but I imagine would mean very little to any of you."
She pulls more of the veggies off her skewer as she adds to the new arrivals, "I'm Laxmi - a pleasure to meet you." She includes Jubilee in this - giving the girl a brightly, friendly smile.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Fundraiser? Firefighters? Food? Henry is so there. He's dressed casually, a comfy t-shirt depicting Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue along with a pair of cargo shorts. Wide sandals allow his feet to breathe, toes to wiggle. He arrives after a fair bit, taking a leisurely route to get to the place. A wave to onlookers, firefighters and friends alike. "Afternoon! What's the going rate on a burger and hotdog combo?" He grins, nodding to whomever might be running the show.
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Because we're not dancers, singers, or musicians?" Jubes replies to Laxmi, grinning back -- perhaps a subtle hint that she's being obtuse on purpose. She shrugs her shoulders and then pushes off with her Heely sneakers again. "Whatever happened to the stubborn bees?" she wonders, letting out a pretend sigh, as though she's pining for the way things were in the distant, whimsical past. Jubes shifts her weight from one hip to the other, allowing the girl to gain speed.
Hank and his Albert Einstein shirt earn a thumbs up. "Woah, look at that. Is that your dad, Hank?" she wonders, skating a couple of loops around Hank before heading back towards the grills.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A single little bee flies over to look at the newest arrival, getting in very close, then there is another, and another, soon Hank has about ten bees buzzing around him just looking at him.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"You could very well become one," Laxmi suggests. "It's never too late to learn." In fact - she starts to sing - her voice sweet, and pure, and clear - and somehow carrying over the pop music that is being piped in. Her fingers, wrists, and arms move in what are clearly precise, practiced movements, miming shielding her form from the wind, as her head turns one way, and then another. As she does, the faint image of transluscent, sparkling fall leaves begins to flutter around around her - falling through the table, and the food, to disappear. The little impromptu performance lasts only a minute or so before she lets her voice peter out, and her hands lower once more.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry looks to Jubilee as she comments on his shirt. A glance down, and a grin. "A bit too far back in time. I'm not quite that old, Jubilee." The man grins, nodding to the young woman. "How are you doing today?" He's not going to correct her on the person's identity - not yet. He moves to get into line, smiling as the aroma of cooking meat reaches him.
The bees are noticed, but not bothered. No need to aggitate nature's pollenators!
- Jubilation Lee has posed:
"I play the ukulele," Jubilee explains -- parting words to Laxmi's suggestion. Jubes skates through the fluttering, translucent leaves on her way to the grills. She swats at them with her hand, her skin passing right through them. There's a squint from the girl, a quick look around, but it's not long before she continues towards the line in front of the grill. With a paper plate in hand, Jubilee bounces up and down on the balls of her feet now that the wheels of her Heely sneakers have retracted. "We're gonna 'burg mad hard, today, Hank!" Jubes exclaims, shifting her weight from side to side as she waits behind McCoy in a mutual quest for food.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien D'Arqueness takes notice of Hank.. really, it's hard not to, but it's the same type of notice James got for being large.. just someone who stands out a bit. Continuing to chow down on her burger and potato salad, she looks over when Laxmi sings, her attention turning to the young woman, then applauds quietly when she finishes, "That was lovely. The leaves were a nice touch, is that something you do with your abilities, I guess?"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
From some where above in one of the apartment buildings, a window opens and Dyani just leaps out. She /must/ see this new Mutant for herself. No need to panic, after the jumps her wings catch air and start fluttering behind her like crazy as she descends down to the ground. The moment her feet are on the ground, all the bees come flying over to land on her in various places, but her eyes are on Hank.
She lurks at the edges of the crowd, already knowing she's likely in trouble for leaving, but she really, really, REALLY needs to meet that blue furry Mutant.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Then I should love to hear you play!" Laxmi calls after Jubilee with a bright smile - seemingly completely sincere in that wish. She takes a sip from a glass of water before confirming Rien's suspicions with a nod of her head. "It's tied to my movements - I can't seem to do it at all if I hold still. But it's fine - I use it to ehance my dancing, mostly. It just adds another facet onto my practicing. A little extra challenge is always welc- ...ome."
She'd missed the bees despositing money in the tin - but she does see the girl who leaps out of a window. "Oh, thank goodness," she breathes - as Dyani takes to the sky. If she hadn't been able to fly - well. She didn't really want to think about that.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
"Burg mad? Is that a new thing the youth are saying?" He grins, offering over a large sum for a donation - and for a hotdog and burger! There's no staring for Henry - he's just out enjoying the day and a good cause. It's a lovely day, it's a great time.
Once he has a full plate, he moves to the side - thanking the heroic firefighters. Those guys save lives!
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien looks up as Laxmi explains about her special effects, nodding and replying, "It enhances your performance very nicely." She then follows the girl's gaze to the figure launching itself from a window. "Well, that's a bit unusual, though I suppose in a place called Mutant Town, a few people who can fly should be expected."
As the flying girl joins the edge of the crowd, Rien shifts slightly to keep an eye on her.. someone with a sense for dramatic entrances is worth keeping track of.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
There is no question that this girl is a Mutant. Dyani is human looking and extremely slender in build. She can't be older than 15 years old, though by the looks of her she may be even younger. Her insanely bright green hair is cut short and spikey and matches the iridescent colors of blues and greens running through the large dragon-fly wings on her back. Most often they are folded behind her and hang down her back like a cape, but when they extend out to the sides they are nearly four feet to either side of her. Two small antennae stick up through her hair from the top most part of her forehead, moving of their own accord. Her eyes are larger than normal human eyes, and are the jet black compound eyes of an insect. Her clothing is plain, having had to be modified for the wings. A black tank top with a slit in the back, a pair of loose fitting leggings over her legs and a pair of knee high leather boots laced in place on her feet. Although not exactly clothing, most often this girl will have bees walking on her some place.
Slowly, very slowly she starts inching her way toward where Hank is sitting. If anyone gets too close to her, the bees all start buzzing angrily, a warning not to touch her perhaps? Finally, after a steady yet achingly long inching, she makes it to just out of Hank's reach.
"We are Stinger," she says nervously, edged with cheerful. "We like you, will you hurt us if we come closer?"
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar eats his barbecue and watches Hank, casually. There's a flurry of activity from others but James raises a hand, letting Hank take the lead. he doesn't even pause eatting chewing on a drumstick.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Thank you," Laxmi replies - flashing Rien a broad smile. "I hope you'll be able to come see a full performance - I'll be at Club Sion, some evenings. We're still working out the details of how often..." But it was nice to have semi-regular work performing - rather than just relying on waiting tables for money. She takes a few more nibbles of her skewer - her gaze following the unusual flying girl for a moment as she approaches the blue furred man.
"Honestly - I love Bushwick," she remarks after a moment - flashing those at her table a bright smile. Despite its problems.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a wave to James as he sees the wave from the other man, a nod of recognition from Hank. As the young woman arrives, he turns to address her - his posture friendly and open. "My dear girl, I would only hurt those who wish to hurt me or my friends." He offers, a winning smile on his face. "I am Henry McCoy, though some call me Beast." A chuckle and a shrug. "Are you eating today?" The bees about her are noted, though no comment needed.
"And it is a pleasure to meet you, of course."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Another step closer, "We have eaten, and given a donation, we like firemen, they saved our friends farm once." She looks around quickly, though really the bees are looking around in every direction already. "But we are not friend, though we do not wish to hurt you... you are just very pretty." She looks like she is about to reach toward Hank then yanks her own hand back. "And furry. We like you. We are not supposed to be out, but when we saw you, we needed to meet you. We do not know many mutants like us."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien watches the little bug girl approach Hank, raising an eyebrow when she refers to herself as 'we'. Just to be safe, she mutters a few words under her breath and gestures at Dyani, releasing a small spell that would detect any demonic influences. It comes up clean so she relaxes a little and continues her conversation.
"I'd like that, I was in Sion the other night for it's re-opening. It's a pretty nice place, so performing there should be good for you" she replies to Laxmi.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I do hope so. I don't know Ms. Braddock well - but she seems to be a simply lovely individual, and I certainly approve of what she's trying to do with the club." Her gaze shifts to the unusual pair conversing nearby - then back to those at her own table. "It was such a shame, though - all that hate and biggotry putting a pall on what should have been simply a lovely evening for everyone involved." She shakes her head sadly at that.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast's head cants to the side as the young girl reaches and withdraws. A smile and he shifts the plate into his left hand, offering over his right arm to her. "Feel free. And not supposed to be out? Are you on house arrest?" He teases, his tone clearly indicating such. "Thank you for the compliment, Stinger. Those irridescent wings are fantastic. Quite spectacular and beautiful." He nods to the girl.
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and gives Henry an encouraging nod. His voice is pitched low a stage whisper at best, "Aww, she said you.'re pretty, get in there Hank." Pitched with skill trained over years to be heard across the room by Hank and those similarly blessed. Hank's reaction seems to be spreading, his calm is infectious as people around them take there seats and go back to eating. Not even the weirdest thing this week really.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The arm is offered, that's all it took, and now Dyani is right there, petting his arm like you would pet a cat. "So soft," she breaths out contentedly. "Do you get... oxy... oxy.. good feelings from being petted?" She asks, apparently perfectly content now.
She looks around at the others, now that she has Hank's arm to pet, she will take a moment to look at the others. Her head turns and tilts, almost like she is trying to get people into view with one or two of the eyes in the compound eyes. "We are in a safe house because Hydra used us as a puppet for their evil ways and Clarice freed us." James being huge makes this a little more challenging, she looks up, and up, and up some more and nearly falls backwards in her attempt to get a look at him.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
A man is jogging from the apartment complex the girl had just jumped out of - a man with inky black eyes, and a 'She-ra and the Princesses of Power' t-shirt on. There's no shame in his game. "Stinger, darling, you're- You're not supposed to- Aww, hell, Clarice is gonna have my head, darling. You haven't seen the looks she gives folks when she gets mad. And she can //do stuff// with that blinking of hers - you know?"
Laxmi, meanwhile, continues to simply nibble at her meal while chatting with Rien - a friendly smile on her features as her gaze periodically wanders to others partaking in the BBQ.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien starts paying a little more attention to the situation over by Hank.. it's a bit unusual, and that catches her attention. "Just a sec, Laxmi, I need to see what's going on over there."
The approaching man also gets her attention, as his words indicate the small girl was being kept inside, possibly against her will. Her eyes narrow a little as he speaks, then Dyani's own explanation gets her nodding in understanding. She'd used safe houses before herself.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin from Henry, the big man nodding. "Yes, it does feel nice. Brushing and all, too." A chuckle. "It's part of me, so it feels good to be doted upon." A look to James, shaking his head with a grin. "You are as bad as Jubilee." He teases the other man. Looking back to Stinger, he frowns. "Hydra... of course. Those monsters have no morals and we'd be better off with them gone." A nod. "Sorry you had to go through that, Stinger."
A smile to the fellow who ran out in concern. "Clarice? I am sure she'll understand, she knows me. And I'll make sure to remove any Hydra threat that might come this way."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani looks crest fallen when Citadel appears, she thought she'd have longer. Holding up Hank's arm like some sort of prize she whines, "But we are petting! We want to visit, please? Just a little longer, then we will go back inside and not tell Clarice."
She looks at Hank for a moment, then her head tilts almost all the way to the side. "You know Clarice? She is part of our hive, she saved us. We are being safe because Hydra may want us back. We only remember some of what happened, it comes in dreams." Her head finally straightens again and her head turns toward Citadel.
"If Mister Hank talks to Clarice, may we stay a little longer?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Citadel looks between the teen, and the blue-furred man, an uncertain look on his features. "...Beast. Right?" he asks. Would that be alright? "Look. You're the one explaining this to her. If he leaves, though, we go back in. Deal?" He looks for agreement from the pair, before fishing out his phone - and pulling up Clarice's number, tossing it to Hank. "I don't get paid enough," he complains - though his gaze starts to veer towards the BBQ foods on offering. I mean - as long as he's here...
Laxmi nods to Rien - watching the other woman move towards the slowly growing group nearby. She remains where she is, however, with hear nearly finished meal, and glass of water."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Quick thinking, Henry transfers the food to his left foot, catching the phone with his left hand. "Clarice? It's Henry..." A smile. "Yes, I am out at the fundraiser for the firefighters, and ran into Citadel and Stinger. Stinger was wondering if she might be allowed to visit with me while I was here." A nod as there's a reply. "Of course. As if she were my little sister - I'll protect her." Another nod. "Yes, I'll make sure Citadel checks in once we get her back to the house." The Beast grins to Stinger. "All right, thank you. Talk to you later." The phone is then tossed back to Citadel, the plate transferred back up to his hand.
All without dislodging Stinger.
"All settled."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani goes right back to petting, "Your little sister? Does that make you hive?" She asks with a smile, over joyed that she gets to stay and pet Hank more. "Go eat, Citadel, just remember to put money in the jar."
Once again she tries to look up at James, this time managing to catch the right angle to actually see him and says, "You are very large. That is very scary."
- James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar shrugs nonchalantly, "My size is actually the least scary thing about me. Come on, people, show's over." James gathers his group and heads out.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods as the situation is worked out, then glances at her watch. "Merde." She looks over to Laxmi and gives the young woman a wave, "I have to meet with someone, but it was very nice meeting and talking with you." She disposes of her plate and utensils, then waves to the group in general and heads for the street. As she walks, she makes a few gestures and vanishes in a silent flash of light.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Yeah. Okay, sure, I think I got some money on me..." Citadel puts his phone away, and starts patting his pockets - before coming out with his wallet, and some money. He puts the cash in - and comes back after a short time with a burger - with plenty of fixings - but also a grilled peach and a piece of barbeque chicken for Dyani - which he pushes wordlessly towards the girl, before digging in.
Laxmi waves farewell to Rien, adding a cheerful, "Have a lovely day!" She finishes off her own meal - depositing the disposible dishes in the trash before moving to join the others. "Did I see you at Sion's the other night?" she asks Hank in a friendly voice - before taking a seat at the table beside them. "I'm Laxmi Mallick," she offers - including Hank, Citadel, and Stinger in the introduction.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani is very busy petting, both hands in use. One to hold the arm, the other to do all the petting because oh man is this the best thing EVER. No, she doesn't think of Hank as a pet, or an animal, he is a mutant like her... one who can't hide what he is, like her. That makes him special in her many eyes, way too many eyes.
When the food is pushed at her, she finally lets go of Hank's arm because, food, and takes a seat. The chicken she will munch on, the peach... now that just plain gets COVERED in bees. The BBQ sauce on the chicken also gets a few bees, but she apparently know how to eat around them.
"Thank you Citadel," she offers, then looks to Laxmi as she says, "Hello, we are Stinger."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
People depart - Henry waves to James and Rien as they each make their own exit. A shrug to Dyani, the man chuckling. "I am ... hive if that is your choice. Only you can make that choice, though. Just understand that I'll protect you regardless." He explains. The petting, is quite fine by Beast.
A nod to Laxmi. "Pleasure to meet you, Laxmi. I am Henry McCoy, or Beast if you prefer. Or Hank." A chuckle. "Even Doctor works, honestly. Yes, I was at Sion - Betsy is a friend of mine and I wanted to make sure I attended her success."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Stinger - a pleasure. And aren't your wings just the loveliest thing I've seen today?" Laxmi offers with a warm smile, as she watches the girl stroking Hank's arm. For someone with a Hindu upbringing - such close contact in public was scandalous. But - then again - she had been raised in America, which definitely did not follow traditional Hindu values.
"It was good of you to support her. Sion is such a beautiful place, and what Ms. Braddock is trying to achieve there is so wonderful - don't you think?" she asks.
Citadel for his part offers little more than a grunt before digging eagerly into his burger. If only they'd had fries, too! Oh well.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani squees in utter delight! "Mister Hank is hive!" Then drops what she is eating and hugs him. Sorry, BBQ sauce on the t-shirt from her hands. "We cannot protect you, but we welcome you to our hive. Clarice is hive too."
No she looks to Laxmi while attached, literally attached, to Hank and her wings flutter. "Yo...you find them pretty?" She sounds soooo surprised, like how could that be possible surprised.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank grins, accepting the hug, BBQ stains and all. "It is appreciated, Stinger." He smiles, giving her a one-armed hug in return. "And just keep safe, that's all I will ask of you. No need to worry after protecting me." A sage nod. "Your wings are beautiful."
Looking to Laxmi, he grins. "Betsy is advancing the betterment of our people, and humanity." He nods. "It is a fantastic goal, one I endorse with every fiber of my being." He looks proud for his friend's success. "Yes, the club is amazing. I am just sad I had to dash off so quickly."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - come back another night. You can catch one of my performances if you do," Laxmi suggests - flashing the man a warm smile, before returning her attention to the girl with her delicate-seeming wings. "Of course I do - the way they catch the light? That shimmer that they have? They're stunning, and anyone who says differently is jealous, or has no appreciation for the beauty of our world." She smiles encouragingly at the girl, both of her hands resting neatly in her lap.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani stays attached for Hank for a little but longer, and the whole time she is the bees are enjoying her chicken. Finally she lets go and sits back down. When she picks up the chicken is still has bees all over it, but the closer it gets to her taking a bite, they start taking off and flying off. "Mutants... and humans?" She asks, looking between Laxmi and Hank. "Betterer for both? Don't humans already have all the good? We are confused by this."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause at that, smiling to Laxmi. "Of course! I'd love to hear you perform, and even get out and dance a bit." The man chuckles. Looking to Dyani, Henry smiles. "They have what they have, we have what we do. We will be richer for their support, and vice versa. Everyone will benefit for both sides to come to an understanding of one another, and know that the only way forward is together."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I think that's a beautiful way of looking at things, Hank," Laxmi replies, her smile broadening for a moment. "And, honestly, it is for moments like this, and conversations like this, that I love living here in Bushwick and wouldn't have it any other way. I've always been encouraged to hide my gifts - but I think that's a mistake. I think the more visible we make ourselves, the more that people realize mutants are their friends, and neighbors, and loved ones - the easier this will become."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
There is a blink, the first indication of Dyani even having eyelids, then another. "Benefit for both sides to come to an understanding for one another," she repeats slowly. "What about those who want to hurt us? Like Hydra? Do we just forgive them for stealing two years of our life and making us forget how to control some of our abilities?" She genuinely looks interested in this answer as she looks between Laxmi and Hank, as if she really doesn't know the answer at all.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Never one to assume, Henry smiles to Laxmi. "I have to keep hope. There are people with ugly thoughts on either side." He comments, looking to both. "But those are really the minority, in my experience. They are just, unfortunately, usually very charismatic and loud." The man says, with a tinge of regret. "Those who would hurt us, are on their own side. I do not fault all humans for the fear or hatred these vagabonds show. Just as I hope they do not fault us for those mutants who are misguided and hateful."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"They stole two years of your life?" Laxmi asks - sounding concerned, and confused. The girl looked so young - what monster hurts a child? "If they broke the law, then they deserve to face the consequences for that. They should be tried, and jailed. I shouldn't matter if they wronged a human, or a mutant. We're all //people,// and the laws and rights of this nation apply to us all," she answers firmly.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani seems confused still, playing with the piece of chicken while trying to wrap her head around all the words. "We could not go to school after we changed, humans would not let us. We lived with our human mother and human father, and they loved us and took care of us, but we could not go places because humans did not like us. Then Hydra came and took us from our human parents, and we were there for two years. We do not remember it being that long, but it was. We are still trying to remember. I cannot forgive them for doing that to our human parents."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Another hug is given to Stinger. "No one asks you to forgive Hydra, no one. If you do, that is a choice you must make on your own. I am certainly not one to forgive what they've done to friends, mutants and humans alike." He assures. "I too have been a captive. I was experimented upon, and changed. All by a mutant." A slight frown. "Evil is not exclusive to either race, remember." A smile. "But alas, I should get back home." A business card is offered to each. "If either of you need anything, do let me know?"
- Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod to Citadel. "I think Miss Stinger should be seen home?" Henry grins. "If you'd be so kind as to direct me, I'll be glad to make sure she gets there."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Kidnapping is against the law. There's no need to forgive someone who's wronged you in such a way - they should pay for their crimes. Anyone involved should be punished by the criminal justice system. But the boy working at the burger joint didn't wrong you. Or the banker living down the street. Those are the people we should be getting along with, I think."
As the business card is offered to Laxmi, she accepts it with both hands and studies it dutifully, before putting it away. "I thank you," she says simply. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Hank. I hope I see you at the club."
"Right. Yeah. Sure!" Citadel says hurriedly - downing the last bite of his burger - before gesturing to Stinger and Beast to both accompany him.
Showing an X-Man to the safe house. //Great//.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Finishes her chicken, but leaves the peach for the bees as she stands up. "It was nice meeting you Miss Laxmi, we like you. You are smart and pretty. I am staying up there," she points to an open window. "You can come visit us, but I think Citadel should take us home from here now. It isn't safe if everyone knows where it is, right Citadel?" Yep, the little insect girl got in in one.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani almost skips along with Citadel, "Don't worry, we will explain to Clarice. We are just so /bored/ all the time. If we could play the video games with you, we would."
She looks back to Laxmi and offers a smile, "He is afraid of Clarice, she can be mean in protecting us."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - it is good to have someone who looks out for you, but- mean?" Laxmi asks uncertainly. She walks alongside the pair - the relatively hulking figure of Citadel, and the far more diminuative form of Dyani - wondering if this was a wise and safe decision - and if the child wasn't being mislead or manipulated in some way. "But these people are helping you?" she asks.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani turns around, offering her hand to Laxmi, "Yes, they take very good care of us. Clarice found us and removed the collar that they were using to control us, and since then she has taken very good care of me. She went to see our human parents and took them a video of us, then gave us a phone to talk to them on. She is going to bring my parents to visit us when it is safe, when she is certain Hydra is not still looking for us. Citadel has been with us every day since we got here, he had to be very bored and would likely prefer to be doing other things, but he has stayed with us and taken care of us."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I apologize," Laxmi says regretfully - as Dyani holds her hand out towards her. "My culture teaches that one should only engage in physical contact with ones own family." And in private, at that. She smiles apologetically at the girl as she keeps her hands folded in front of herself - rather than take the offered hand.
"It's good you have people looking after you - you must miss your family terribly."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani stops walking to look at Laxmi, she has to take that moment to make sure she heard her correctly and apparently walking and thinking were difficult. "You cannot touch people?" She asks, making sure that was the gist of the whole thing. "Because culture. What is culture? Like tribe?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Laxmi takes a step or two past Dyani before she stops - looking back at the girl with a hint of amusement showing on her features. "Like tribe? Yes, I suppose. Something like that. My family - at least my parents - are from Northern India. We are Hindu, and there are certain behavioral expectations and beliefs which we follow. We believe that it is important to respect our elders, to maintain our purity, and to live joyously. We believe that within each person is something divine - and worthy of respect - and that how we live in this life, determines how we will be born in the next life. I'm sure you don't want to hear about all of that, though..." She says with a wry smile.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The stare from the huge compound eyes is real, very real. Dyani seems to be trying very hard to understand what Laxmi said and slowly, that understanding seems to creep in. "Oh, oh! Like giving back to Mother Earth for Her protecting and proving for us!" How that connects and makes her understand is anyone's guess, but it seems to do the trick.
She skips back Laxmi now and into the apartment. While she is heading straight to her room, Citadel is heading straight to the Play Station, which is what he had been doing when he noticed Dyani was gone.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"...sure," Laxmi agrees in a puzzled voice. No, she doesn't see the connection. But the kid is happy, and that's good enough for her. She glances around at the apartment - watching Citadel settle in with his game, and follows Dyani to her room - to be greeted by the hive, and bees, and flowers. "Oh. This is a different, umm, form of decorating than I'm accustomed to. Very... organic?" she proposes.
The sheer number of bees in the space is a little offputting - and she lingers near the door.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani starts gathering the bees up. Laxmi watches as she just sort of waves her hand and the bees come flying to it, then her hand goes by the box and they fly into it. No words, just the gesture and the room is down to only a few here and there. "They ate well, now they can be safe inside their box. We like flowers, and plants, and the bees are part of the hive, so it is... well ours. Is that better though, for you? Less of the hive out and about?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Uhh... yes. Thank you," Laxmi replies as she enter the room finally, looking to the chair before she sits on it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you- well. I've just, admitedly, never been that comfortable with insects. I hope that isn't offensive, somehow."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani pats the chair then jumps onto the bed and sits down. "We understand. Some people are very scared of bees, others ignore them, it is each person being who they are. We are not offended, but maybe you can learn more about them?" She offers a huge smiles and holds out her hand, a single bee landing on it.
"She is a worker, her only job is to gather pollen and food for the queen of the hive, and to make honey with. By doing this, she pollinates the flowers of plants which allows them to fruit and make the food we eat."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I would like to learn more," Laxmi agrees readily, before listening to Dyani's explination of the worker bee. "I know bees are important. And - to be honest - they are alive, and they also have the spark of divine within themselves. It is why we should respect and honor all living things." She looks curious before asking, "I know there are workers, and the queen bee - are there other kinds?"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani pets the little bee on her finger, both here own and the worker's antenna moving before the bee flies off. "In honey bee hives there are workers, drones and the queen. In come other hives there are soldiers, workers, drones and a queen. There is always a queen, the hive cannot function and will not survive without her."
She scoots back to the edge of the bed, trying to keep the number of bees on her and near Laxmi to a minimum. "Workers are always female, drones are always male. In the hives with soldiers, they are female as well, but none of those female may produce eggs. Only the queen can, and that is why she is spoiled, and taken care of, her entire life is pampered and laying eggs, and her will keeps the hive in order."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Laxmi nods her head towards the box on the dresser. "Is there a queen in there?" she asks. "Or are you yourself... the 'queen' for this hive?" There's an uncertainty on her features - and something cautious as well. The question //feels// offensive. But Dyani is being so open on the subject...
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A soft giggle escapes the younger mutant, "They are our hive, yes, but we do not call ourself a queen. I suppose we are like the queen in that we keep the order for them, but some of them return to their real queens and their original hives. Others never go back, they have settled in to being part of my hive." She looks around for a moment, then her antenna wiggle and a bee flies out from behind Laxmi and over to her.
"They make honey in there though," she adds now that Laxmi is safely unbeed again. "Clarice got them that box so they could make honey for us, and for her, I think she likes honey."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - who doesn't like honey?" Laxmi answers - giving the girl a smile. "A little sweetness brightens any day. And honey is supposed to be remarkably healthy for you - isn't it?" she asks in a curious tone. Her gaze goes to the bee that flies past her - then back to the child on the bed.
"So you can fly - and control the bees? It's remarks the gifts people seem to have. They're so different."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani tilts her head all the way to the right as she looks at Laxmi, then slowly all the way to the left, getting a good view of her in the different light. "Yes. We can also swarm, see and hear through the bees, and summon them and sometimes... people react to us like they are bees and they want to protect us, but I made sure that wasn't what was happening with Clarice. It is a very strange thing, they get very protective. It happened to my human father's friend. He came to the farm to visit and fix my human father's truck, he waved to us while we were playing and flying, and we waved back and the next thing we knew, he was trying to get us to go into the house where it was safe. Got very persistent. We later figured out /we/ had done it to him by accident."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"...I see," Laxmi remarks - seeming a bit put-off. The girl appeared sweet, and kind, and well intentioned. But was it a little off-putting to learn she could affect the behavior of people around her like that?
"And that is not happening to Citadel either, I hope?" she asks gently as she watches the girl.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani shakes her head, "No. We can tell when it happens, and throw cold water in faces to make it stop. It is the only way we know to make sure it stops. We are trying to learn to keep it controlled and not happening, but... we lost two years, and some of our control because of it."
She suddenly frowns, "You are worried we will do it to you... We're sorry, we can't stop it if it does. You can leave, we will not stop you. We understand."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"A little," Laxmi admits, "But that reflects more on my own imperfections than anything else," she reassures the girl. "This ability of yours - is it something that would happen when you first meet someone? Or does it somehow develop over time?" she asks uncertainly.
"Perhaps I shouldn't be concerned at all - since we've already been talking for quite some while."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
On that she has to consider, tilting her head slightly as she does. Her wings flutter a little as she thinks /very/ hard on this questions, searching her memory for every time she remembers it having happened.
"Yes, always upon meeting someone the first time," she finally says reassuringly. "If it did not happen, it will not happen. It did happen to my human father's friend again, but not to anyone else upon second or third meetings. You are safe."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"That is good then," Laxmi agrees with some relief - smiling at the girl. "And really - since it's not on purpose, you couldn't really be held at fault, can you? It doesn't sound like something you would want happening, anyways. I wouldn't want to live my life trapped in a room - forced to do nothing. How dull could life get?"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani giggles, "It is what we are doing right now, for our protection. But Clarice is going to bring out human parents soon." She wiggles with happiness. "Cold water always snaps them out of it, my human father hosed his friend down. While it was amusing to us to see it happen, the result of how it happened was not amusing at all. What can you do?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"And then your parents will bring you home? To your... tribe?" Laxmi surmises. It was the word the girl had used, after all. "You must be excited to see them. Family is so important in my life - I couldn't imagine being without them for long."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani slowly shakes her head, "No. We cannot go back. Hydra knows where they are, and may come looking for me again." She sighs softly, wings fluttering a little. "We cannot go to school at home with them, we cannot go to town or be around people, because we make them uncomfortable and the school does not want us there. Clarice says there is a school here that we may get to go to, because we have not been to one since we were ten years old."
She shifts a little, flicking at a loose thread on her pants. "We miss our human parents, but for us the last two years are just pieces of memories, we did not even know it had been that long. They miss us more because every day of those past years they did not know what happened to us, but they also want what is best for us. Our human mother has told us on the phone we should consider the school, our human father has flat out said if they will accept us, we are to go there."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"...I see." Laxmi's voice is quiet - and filled with concern, and sympathy. "Oh... It's no wonder you're so angry at these people, for the hurt they've inflicted on you and your family. Their karma will suffer for their actions, and they will pay for it in their next life. Perhaps that is little comfort to you now, but..." She sighs and shakes her head.
"Well - a school will be nice. And perhaps your parents can visit you there?"
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani scoots closer, this idea of them suffering in the next life got her attention. "There is another life?" She asks, canting her head sideways. "No, you said next life... you mean after they die they come back?" For a moment she considers that. "They can come back as a slug? That would be punishment alright, slugs have no real use at all." She seems to like that idea, even if she's thinking on how quickly Clarice can send them all to hell to come back as those slugs.
"Our human parents will come visit us when they can, we know they will. We would very much like to go to school with other mutants, we have not been around them at all, that we can remember. There were others with Hydra, we want to free them all, but we are trying to remember where we were held."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Laxmi smiles at Dyani - giving a nod of her head in confirmation. "Well - different people believe different things. But I was taught to believe that - yes, if you are cruel in this life, if you do not respect that divine spark inside other beings around you - you will be reborn as a slug. Or a fish, or a worm, or... just about anything. But if you are kind, and do what you can to help others - you improve your position with each rebirth, until you reach a state of perfection and become part of the divine whole once more, as we were all meant to be."
Her smile goes sad at the mention of other mutants. "I hope the others can be freed to go to this school with you."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
She bounces on the bed with a laugh, "We like this thinking! Good in this life and we move up in the divine, bad and we become a slug!" It may not be exact, but it certainly seems to cheer her up about the Hydra guys. "We are certain all those of Hydra will be slugs and worms. They cannot move closer to divine. My people believe that we are all part of the divine, the gift of life and spirit from the Great Mother, which is the planet. We believe that when you die, the energy that forms your soul returns to the Great Mother and She sends that energy back out to be born into anything living. Trees, birds, bees... slugs," she giggles again. "So maybe it is not so different."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"It doesn't sound so different," Laxmi agrees with a smile. "So it must be true. I'm sure the Great Mother will not have mercy after such cruelty. Do your beliefs also encourage you to treat all living things with respect - due to the spark within them?" she asks in a curious tone - trying to determine just how far the similarities went.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani nods adamantly, "Yes, very much so. You only harm those who would harm you, and then you try not to kill, but if you do, know that you did in self defense of yourself and those you love." She says this as if it is a practiced speech. "My human father taught me this, when he taught me how to hunt. You only kill what you need, he said. Never more. Take only what is required, and give back to the land."
She smiles brightly, again scooting closer so that she is right by Laxmi now, but still on the bed. "Great Mother gave us an order to live by, but that does not mean we rule the fish or the deer, nor have the right to decide if they deserve life. Only take what is needed, never more."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"There are people of my faith who have similar beliefs and practices," Laxmi remarks. "And those like my own family who take it further. If the spark of the divine is in each animal, then what right have we to snuff that out? How can we practice true compassion, while being complicit in such violence on other animals? So my family and I do not eat meat."
She seems about to say more when her cellphone chimes - and she picks it up with an apologetic look. "It's a message from my brother. It seems I must go - but it's been a pleasure, Stinger. I hope you are able to go to this school, soon."
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala stands up as Laxmi does and nods, "May we have your number?" She grabs a pad from the dresser and offers it over to Laxmi. "Then, can we call to talk? We very much like talking to you, you are like our friend Hasina, except prettier and calmer."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Of course, Stinger," Laxmi replies with the same warmth she's carried throughout the conversation. Rather than taking the pad, though, she removes a business card - offering this over to Dyani. "I think this will suffice?" It lists her name and number - as well various skills. Sarod and Kathak Dance lessons and performance. Bachelor of Music: Vocals from Juilliard.
"And goodluck with the school. I'm sure you will make many friends there - you're such a bright presence," she encourages, before turning to go.
- Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani accepts the card and almost immediately a bee lands on it. The young mutant's head tilts slowly, as she looks at the card through the bee. Smaller print, bee eyes were better.
"Laxmi Mallick," she repeats then giggles cause she read it, but she said the last name all sort of wrong. "Thank you for visiting with us! We will tell you if we make it into the school."