675/Meeting of the Minds pt2
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Meeting of the Minds pt2 | |
Date of Scene: | 21 March 2020 |
Location: | Riri's Lab, Stark Tower. |
Synopsis: | Shuri visits Riri's lab, they talk tech, and Riri gets a potential invite to the Embassy. |
Cast of Characters: | Riri Williams, Shuri
- Riri Williams has posed:
A few days after their encounter on the street, a letter addressed to Shuri would show up at the Wakandan embassy informing her that the security checks had been passed, and she was cleared to be issued a SI visitor's pass. The letter went on to list the hours when she could pick it up, and to contact the email of one r.williams@starkindustries.net to coordinate times and dates.
- Shuri has posed:
It doesn't take long till Shuri sends a response to Riri with a date and time that she has picked from among those available. Soon after that she is then getting into a vehicle to go out and meet Riri. She makes sure to pack a few extra special things for this trip.
- Riri Williams has posed:
In the lobby of Stark Tower, after checking in and going through security, Shuri would find Riri leaning against a pillar, totally immersed in something on her phone. She's wearing casual clothes like last time, a Captain Marvel tank top, black jeans, bulky goggles pushed up onto her forehead, and a smear of some unidentified industrial fluid on her cheek.
- Shuri has posed:
Looking at Riri, Shuri smiles while carry a bag over one shoulder, "Hello, Riri." She calls out as she approaches, "It is good to see you again and I'm glad that I was able to come work with you." She pats the bag on her shoulder and looks to Riri, "I brought a little of my own things in order to potentially help." And kinda show off. She's currently dressed a little more casually to try and blend in, hair still done up like she likes but she's wearing a black top with a pair of simple loose slacks and a pair of sneakers. Strangely, when she walks she makes virtually no noise at all.
- Riri Williams has posed:
Riri's a bit startled at Shuri's approach, nearly fumbling her phone before shoving it into a pocket. "Oh. Hey. Glad you could make it, the lab's this way. And I bet it's some pretty cool stuff." Riri leads the way to the elevator and taps her badge, sending them on their way up.
Located on an inner area of one of the mid-level floors, behind a very secure armored door, Riri's lab is an engineer's dream. The walls are lined with various fabrication machines and racks of equipment. A few work tables are scattered with assorted projects in progress. A cot is tucked into one corner, fairly close to a computer desk with a high end triple monitor setup, along with the all important coffee machine and drinks fridge. Opposite are three large displayscases set into the wall to hold armors, with the leftmost labeled Prototype/Mark I. None of them are occupied at the moment, however. The Ironheart Mk I stands in a test stand in the center of the room, cables running into open access ports. Inside, Riri spreads her arms in a gesture that encompasses the lab. "So, uh... What do you think?"
- Shuri has posed:
As she walks in, she looks around before she considers briefly and nods, "Very nice. Could use a little color." She nods her head and smiles at Riri, "Some art or something. You should perhaps let yourself get creative at some point." She nods her haed, "Spray paint a wall or something. Otherwise, lots of good stuff here." She nods again before she sets her bag down on a free space and leans on the table, "So, what did you want to show me?"
- Riri Williams has posed:
"...I don't really do art? LIke... My tech... I guess that's my art." Riri retrieves another pair of the same goggles she has, handing them over. "AR goggles. I don't rate a holotable yet, but I can work on my armor HUD as a side benefit. I've got the armor itself..." She gestures over towards the Mark I, which resembles the bastard offspring of a Gunddam and Iron Man, "And I've got designs for the Mark II. That's only in virtual, though. Entirely new chassis."
- Shuri has posed:
A look over at the goggles and she looks to Riri with a grin before she simply taps a bead on her wrist. A moment later she is holding up the goggles as a beam of light scans the goggles from the beads. She sets the goggles down and taps a stud on her ear that extends a visor over her eyes and she grins, "There, thanks." She winks and then looks over at the Mark I and then back at Riri, "I see. Well, what was your plan?"
- Riri Williams has posed:
"Ooooh. Fancy." Riri pulls her own goggles down, and taps a few virtual controls in the air. A blue wireframe of the Mark II design shimmers into the air a few feet away from them, slowly rotating. "The reason the Mark I's so bulky is because I had a limited budget and was basically working with whatever components and parts I could scavenge that other people weren't using. With the budget here, I can... optimize the design a lot. Slim things down, make the whole thing lighter and more maneuverable. Still keeping the clamshell opening though, I don't want to be locked in unless I have robot arms. And I can get the power I need out of a smaller reactor..." Tapping the chestplate, the whole suit expands into an exploded diagram, a hovering constellation of parts. "What do you think?"
- Shuri has posed:
A smile and she then watches what Riri is doing, she considers the design before it explodes out into various part sand she looks over the various parts. She approaches the power source and looks at it carefully before she nods slowly and states, "I do think it is a good idea so far. What materials were you going to use in the armor. Also, what were you going to use for internal padding?" She asks and looks over at Riri, "Be bad if you were to be turned into putty the first time something heavy hits you."
- Riri Williams has posed:
"Probably the same gold-titanium alloy that Tony Stark uses. Aerospace grade, combats high altitude icing. I had to make do with an anti-icing doped paint on the Mark I, which gets scratched up in fights so I need to do a total re-spray after any damage. Power source is a smaller and more efficient arc reactor now that I don't need to use palladium extracted from catalytic converters. As for the padding... same impact gel cushion system that SI's been using for a while now and is in the Mark I. I don't really get out without any bruises, but I haven't broken anything or got a concussion yet." Riri rubs the back of her neck a little sheepishly. "I'm still on a budget. Not unlimited resources like Mr. Stark gets.
- Shuri has posed:
A hmm and she considers as she looks at Riri and hten she looks back at the Mark II. She debates the thing for a moment before saying, "What is your budget?" She asks and looks over at Riri and steps up closer to look at the inner components from another angle, "I have various ideas and options that could further reinforce you on the inside." She nods her head, "But I'd need ot talk to my brother before simply giving away Wakandan technology."
- Riri Williams has posed:
"All the data's on a spreadsheet on my computer." Riri nods over to the desk. "And yeah, makes sense. I can't just give /you/ the specifics on Stark Tech either." She grins a bit, slipping her arm into the virtual Mark II's glove. The armor itself reassembles around her, leaving her framed in glowing lines.
- Shuri has posed:
A smirk comes to Shuri's lips and then she laughs, "I am not sure I am entirely interested in all the specifics on Stark Tech." She shrugs and then grins over at Riri, "I did, after all, build my brother's suit. That and I'm...working on my own." She nods her head a little before shrugging and then looking back at the hologram.
- Riri Williams has posed:
"...True. You kind of win here." Riri shrinks a little, shoulders hunching. No matter how good she thinks she is... there's someone better. "Plus I have to figure out how to miniaturize everything. I'm still working on ways to shrink down some of the systems. Especially the micro missiles. Not sure how mucH Ic an make those and still assemble them with what I've got here.
- Shuri has posed:
A laugh and Shuri shakes her head, "It is not a contest when it comes to your life and being a hero, Riri." She states as she walks up and lightly tries to pat her on the shoulder, "It is about what is best. As for missiles, why not try shifting the initial thrust components into the armor rather than into the missile?"
- Riri Williams has posed:
Riri flinches a little at the shoulder pat, but doesn't move /too/ much. "It's part of the design. They're micro repulsors, basically. Limited guidance on their own, although a lot smarter with the armor to guide them. Adjustable speed, yield ranging from just the kinetic impact all the way up to something that might take out a building. And that can be focused down too. "Not sure if I can get them much smaller than my pinky. I mean, I could probably just have fewer of them. Cut the storage a bit, make the launchers pop-up instead of just under angled panels like in the Mark I..."
- Shuri has posed:
Noting the flinch, Shuri pulls her hand back and doesn't say anything for now. Either way she looks over the armor as she walks around before considering, "You could make the shoulder plates slightly larger going over the shoulder blades. It'd not only allow for more protection to a vital spot on your body but also offer more space within which to house things." She shrugs slightly, "Another alternative is to place them at the hips rather than the shoulders or arms and fire them from there."
- Riri Williams has posed:
"...Could work. They don't need to launch directly forward, after all. Just have to make sure I don't mess up the aerodynamic control surfaces any. The hips also have the countermeasure dispensers, though. ...Argh. Being small is not an advantage now." Riri pushes her goggles up onto her forehead again, rubbing at her eyes. "...Enough about my stuff though. What'd you want to show me?"
- Shuri has posed:
A grin and she shakes her head, "It is not an overnight project." She states simply enough, "Do not get frurstrated, Riri." She then walks over to the bag and then carefully she pulls up her shirt. She slides it off to reveal a sort of tube top with her shoulders exposed. She then opens up the bag and slides something over her shoulders, "I have two things. Have you noticed first that I have made no noise since I have arrived here while walking?"
- Riri Williams has posed:
"...Well, it kind of is. I sleep here half the time." Riri nods towards the cot. Tepping around the worktable, she tries to catch a glimpse of whatever's coming out of the bag. "I'm guessing you upgraded your sneakers?"
- Shuri has posed:
A small grin and she nods, "Yes, they prevent virtually all noise." She gestures, "Now they are true sneakers." She then shifts what she put on her shoulders and it appears like jsut a pair of simple straps. She gestures to them, "Simple, yes?" She asks and then she idly taps the beads on her wrist and up comes a small screen. She gives it two taps and suddenly, just like the visors, a pair of wings coalesces behinds her back. SHe flexes them out with a shift of her shoulders and then looks to Riri with a questioning look, "So?"
- Riri Williams has posed:
"...How'd you do that?" Riri walks around Shuri, staring intently at the wings. "...No way they could be folding or fit inside, Hard light? Force fields? ...Nanotech?" The last one's honestly a shot in the dark, but with what she's seeing here she wouldn't be surprised.
- Shuri has posed:
A bright smile and she flexes them a little before giving them a solid flap and lifting into the air a moment before landing, "Hardlight and nanotech." She states as she looks back at Riri, "It's a bit of both and allows for me to create hard wings that can handle my weight and provide a small amount of thrust as well." She gestures, "Go ahead, if you wish, you can touch them."
- Riri Williams has posed:
Riri nods slowly, reaching out and running her hands along one panel. "...That's amazing. I'd never even thought of something like that. My armor just flies on a lifting body design. S'why pretty much every external plate is mounted on actuators. The whole suit's the wing. ...Can't deny this isn't cool looking, though."
- Shuri has posed:
A nod and she looks over at Riri, "I have tried them, they do work. I have yet to integrate them into anything but I have enjoyed them." SHe steps away and then gestures and they sink back into her shoulders before she looks over at Riri, "The nanobots create the hardlight which then they can climb out on and create more hardlight and so on." She chuckles and then she looks over at Riri, "I hope I can maybe help you look into such things in a future design. I thought it might get your mind thinking about things other than just parts."
- Riri Williams has posed:
"A self reinforcing design. That's... How're you powering it all? I don't think I can get an arc reactor much smaller than a couple of hockey pucks." Riri indeed seems to have been inspired, and is looking into the middle distance, gears turning in her head.
- Shuri has posed:
A laugh, "That will be...for another time. That's one of those secrets of Wakanda but I can tell you one thing. The initial power boost is small and what keeps it running is not the initial power source. Each panel on the wing was able to absorb light." She nods her head, "So, it not only self-reinforces but also self-charges. There's more to it but I cannot say that just yet."
- Riri Williams has posed:
Riri's mouth opens and closes a few times. That's.... Then if she... But that'd mean... Yep, hopelessly nerd sniped. "Yeah... I understand. We've both got secrets. I can't tell you how arc reactors work." And if it's self sustaining... and might even /charge/ off of incoming energy attacks...