7201/Friendly Milkshakes

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Friendly Milkshakes
Date of Scene: 03 August 2021
Location: Mootant Town Milkshakes
Synopsis: Hank and Clarice meet over milkshakes. They talk of coping with their crazy lives, the importance of friends and family, and the Men in Black.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is currently seated at the bar - with what's left of her chocolate peanut butter and brownie bits shake in front of her. She's poking at it with her spoon, a frown on her features in the wake of Remy's departure, as her thoughts have managed to turn to some of her darker memories, and she finds banishing them as challenging as ever. Periodically, though, she does takes a scoop of her shake, which honestly has begun to melt to the point where she could eat it with her straw, instead.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Ambling in, looking a bit more rested, is Henry. He glances about, stretching as he enters the milkshake establishment. Upon spotting Clarice, the big man grins - nodding over to her. "Mind company?" He asks, as he heads towards the counter to place his order. She did invite him, after all!

At the counter, he orders a cookie dough and peanut butter shake, rubbing his hands together happily in anticipation.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Cookie dough and peanut butter. It's quietly noted, as Clarice shakes herself from her thoughts and greets Hank with a friendly smile. "Of course not," she answers. "I'd welcome the company." She tries slurping form her straw - letting out a satisfied sound before she adds, "She's still sleeping a lot. I can't guarantee she'll be awake when we head up," she offers. "But from the little I talked to her - she seems alright. Understand who she is, who I am, where she is... seems to remember what happened, too. Kinda wish she didn't..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The shake is soon offered over to Henry, so he can join Clarice at the table. "Indeed. It will take some time, to get over those events. But she will heal - mind, spirit and body. Rahne is strong, stronger than many give her credit for." The man smiles, taking a seat. "Still, I would love to have been able to lessen the night terrors from what she suffered."

Once settled, he looks to Clarice with a smile. "How are you doing, Clarice? You've spent so much energy in keeping an eye on Rahne, that you might need a day or two of rest yourself."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No rest for the weary - not with everything that's going on right now," Clarice answers stolidly. "After we get these alien assholes away from our planet, yeah? Maybe then I'll take a break." She gives Hank a small, tight smile. "I'm feeling loads better now that she's awake, though. Now that we know that- well. That she's still herself in there. You know?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slurp from his shake, before Henry gives her a nod. "You need rest. You can rest while we're planning on this Alien issue." He comments. Of course, he's juggling that, Rahne and disturbing news about goings on with some of the other students. But do as he says, not as he does!

"People with lives such as ours, really need to make time for ourselves and rest."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm here, aren't I?" Clarice answers. "Enjoying a shake. Meeting with... a friend." Even if she still finds that idea a bit surprising. She's sure why herself, though. "And I made a little extra time to rest, today." She gives Hank a wry smile as she explains, "After she woke up, when she went back to sleep I- well, I guess I was so relieved, I just fell asleep. For almost three hours."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin from the Beast, another sip from his shake. "You are. I am just doing my part as a friend to ensure you stay healthy." A wink to Clarice. "It's what we do, after all." A grin. "I imagined you might. The relief would have triggered your body to take action to make sure you rested. Kind of like all the adrenaline and such draining, to allow your other bodily needs to be heard again.:

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well, I didn't know I might," Clarice remarks in a wry tone. "And I'd slept horribly. Mystique and I got in a bit of a debate last night. She, umm... is thinking? Or was thinking? Of side lining me for this fight. She didn't think my head was in it. I'm not even sure if she was wrong, but- I mean, I could have managed. But it was just one more thing keeping me from sleeping," she remarks in a wry tone, before enjoying another sip of her shake.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry listens, working slowly on his delicious shake. There's a nod to her, the man finishing his current bit of it. "Well, I can see her concerns. You were, are, terribly concerned about Rahne. It might distract you or cause you difficulty in other scenarios." A cant of his head. "Have you spoken to her since then? Since she suggested it?" A smirk. "I can prescribe something to help you sleep, of course."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We've been pretty busy," Clarice answers. "But we're going to have a check-in in..." she pulls out her phone to glance at the time. "Well, in a little bit. To go over how the temporary changes with the watch are going over, and I think so she can decide if I'm 'fit for active duty' - as it were." She stirs her shake with her spoon as she adds, "I can't bear the thought of being side-lined when the fate of our entire world," hell, the fate of the entire universe, apparently, "might be on the line. I can't let this shit get to me."
    She takes another sip of her shake before asking, "What're the pros and cons - of taking something for sleep? I mean - I assume there's two sides to this coin."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile. "A very wise man once said," Henry clears his throat and offers over his best Tommy Lee Jones impression, "There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!" The man grins after that.

"In our extraordinary lives, Clarice, we are aware of so many things - so many things that will terrify anyone. We just need to know others, and know our friends will take care of it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Who said that?" Clarice asks in bafflement. MIB was not yet on her 'watchlist' - so the quote goes completely over her head. What's an Arquillian? Or a Corillian? Is there a plague? She hopes not. She lets out a sigh before adding, "And I know - I know there are //so many// out there willing to fight like hell for this planet. But there's loss, and pain, and heartache in this life. And if I let it sideline me - if any of us do - who'll fight then?" she asks. "We have to pick ourselves up and carry on."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry nods, saying very seriously. "Agent K." He smiles. "And yes, you are right. But we also need to turn our focus towards the good things in this world, this universe. We need to recognize and appreciate them so we do not simply slog through battle after battle, Clarice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Agent K?" Clarice repeats without comprehension. Agent of what? SHIELD? "I know there are good things in this world. I have friends. I have Mister Creed - and Mystique." She takes a sip of her shake before offering quietly, and a bit uncertainly, "I wouldn't let this get back to Remy, or Rogue, I think, but she said- she mentioned that she thinks of me as family. That little revelation caught me a little off guard."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's an arch of Henry's brow. "She did? Well, that would explain her concern for you, Clarice." The man smiles. "And for Mystique to say such a thing, is no light matter." He murmurs. "I won't tell anyone - that is something for you and her, not anyone's business." The man smiles. "We all find our family over time, whether by blood or by deed."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I have no blood family left," Clarice answers quietly. "I have Mister Creed. And- well, Dyani now, I suppose. And it seems, Mystique." She pokes at her shake before adding, "I know there's plenty in Xavier's lot that think I'm just being manipulated by her, though. Rogue and Remy especially. They'd just see this as more proof, I'm sure." She takes another sip of her shake before adding, "I know she was like that before - but I really don't think she is anymore."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A slight shrug from Henry. "I cannot say, second hand. Sometimes I can tell body language, but Mystique is an expert at covering hers." A smile. "Believe as you will believe. I will always look for the hopeful truth that she has changed."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She has," Clarice confirms with fierce confidence. "The way things went with Rogue - she regrets it. It changed her. But I know that'll be hard for Rogue to believe."
    "They're all ready, Clarice," the mutant behind the counter remarks, pointing to a large package of milkshakes they'd prepared for her to bring up to the Asteroid.
    "Great. Thanks. And how many of them did you charge to Remy?"
    "Just the one!" the man replies with a laugh.
    Picking up the package, she turns back to Hank. "Shall we head up? See if Rahne's awake? Maybe she'll even get a chance to enjoy one of these, huh?" she suggests with a smile.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He finishes up his shake, dabbing at his lips with a napkin after. "Let's. I need to make sure she's responding well, all that jazz." He chuckles. "And we can raid a library or video site to introduce you to the wonders of Men in Black." He winks.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "What's Men in Black?" Clarice asks in bafflement, as she opens the portal - and the pair step through.