7286/Drinks and Gods at the Verdant
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Drinks and Gods at the Verdant | |
Date of Scene: | 09 August 2021 |
Location: | Verdant - Abandoned Warehouse |
Synopsis: | Sif and Vinnie meet up with Thea at her still-in-contruction club. Drinks are given out and they speak of recent events related to the Death Gods and the battle royale going on between them. |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Vintridr, Sif
- Thea Queen has posed:
The Verdant is quite different from what it was in the past. Now looking a lot more like a club than some rundown warehouse. Some tables have already been set up, the dance track, along with the bar. It's all very 'raw' still though, walls half-painted, tables still needing polish. But it's getting there!
Thea sent word to both Sif and Vinnie about meeting her here tonight. Casual clothing! So no need for battle attires or ..., whatever else. But Thea knows them. They know they will come with something she isn't expecting. The last few workers have already left when dusk comes and she finally walks to sit by the bar, rubbing at the back of her neck tiredly. Some alcohol bottles have already been set, a particular bottle of whiskey near the young Queen. It's sealed, but Thea is looking at it, down at the label and then she picking it up while she waits.
Troubling thoughts in her head.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr has spent enough time on this planet to know what is meant by 'casual' wear -- heck, she's seen multiple fashion trends come and go, some of which were missed less than others. She shows up in simple jeans and a tank top, with some armbands to de-emphasize her biceps, and easy sneakers.
She tilts her head when she sees Thea pondering the whiskey. "Something troubles you, Young Queen?" she asks as she walks further inside, taking a seat nearby and regarding the young woman levelly.
- Sif has posed:
Well, one thing she doesn't have to trouble herself about in her thoughts is Sif's clothing. Sif has learned her lesson from previous outings. She's wearing something that doesn't stand out at all!
Red low-riding jeans with a long white tee. By appearances nothing else beyond, naturally shoes (plain runners of some indiscriminate brand) and a shoulder bag of the "hold the world within" variety. (Literally once the enchantments are taken into account.)
Yep. Nobody's going to notice the nearly 2 metre tall brunette wearing tight red jeans and a tee and nothing else. That's how you blend in.
"Thea Queen it is gratifying to see you again!" she enthuses as she enters, hugging enthusiastically. "It is good to see that you have recovered from our little play." She glances over at Vintridr and says, proudly, as if she were the cause of it, "She accounted herself well in the closest I could arrange to a wilderness hunt. She has great potential!"
Then the smile falters a bit. Because of reasons. From Oblivion...
Shaking her head she regains her composure. "How are you my young friend?" she asks kindly. Not commenting on the alcohol. Very painstakingly not commenting on the alcohol. But looking at it. Then at Thea.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Thea nearly jumps when the duo comes in. Sneaky two-metre tall Asgardians! Either that or she was too deep in her thoughts. She smiles wide up at her friends, "Hello, Vin. And Sif.." though she eyes the latter when she speaks of the last training. Oh yes, she remembers the vinegar cider. Sour gaze showing how much she enjoyed it! But then there are hugs so all is fine.
"I was just trying to figure out what to offer you tonight. Whiskey's fine?" She is a smooth liar. But it's still lie. She was most likely thinking on drinking it. But offering it means she won't have to consider it anymore either, then taking stock of how they are dressed, "Nice treads. Smooth, not too subtle but it's something that can't be helped." a brief grin finally cropping up to her features. As for herself, she is dressed in dark jeans, a cropped top and sneakers. Casual! Even if it's all still designer clothing ... But she wears it like a comfy glove!
"But to speak the truth, I am worried about a few things. Come, sit." she gestures to the place, "It's almost done. When am I going to convince you to come working here, Vin?" she grinning before her expression turns a bit more serious.
"So .., how much do you two know about what's going on with Valhalla? The Death Gods.." direct to the subject!
- Vintridr has posed:
"Less than I'd like, more than I'm happy with," Vintridr replies, focusing on the important issue first. "I was present when one of them - Aztec, by the feel - attempted to harvest a city block or two in New York."
The Valkyrior sighs unhappily. "... It was there that I realized that something appears to be interfering with the pathways to the afterlife. Not just Valhalla -- all of the places where mortals go when their time on this world is done. At first I thought it was the death god himself, but it persisted even after he was brought down."
She looks back up, glowering with uncommon anger. "Something is preventing me from carrying out my most sacred duty, and this is /not acceptable/."
She deflates again after her outburst. "Yet despite my best efforts I've been unable to learn why the pathways are blocked, or who might be responsible. It's... Frustrating."
- Sif has posed:
Sif just gestures to Vin. "What I know I know from Vintridr. The younger Prince is not available for consultation ? and I have not had opportunity to seek out the Lady Freya for her counsel."
She glances over at Vin with some concern in her eyes. "I have trained as Valkyrior but never been among their ranks. I hold the title as an honorary, for training with, then training over them. I do not know the pain Vin is feeling over this, but it must be deep."
An arm snakes around Vin's shoulder supportively. "But I will help resolve this so your holy station and calling is restored."
- Thea Queen has posed:
With none of them apparently refusing it Thea then gets to opening the whiskey bottle, producing a couple of glass cups and pouring each a serving, glass then offered to each. "Aztec? I see. And you mean the God was struck down?" she asks curiously up at Vin, a brow arching. Attention then goes to Sif and she nods at her. "You recall when we met, Uppsala in Sweden. That ws one of the events too. Hela was there, but the event was about Morana, one of the Gods." a frown. "Apparently the Death Gods are involved in some kind of battle for power, each trying to steal each other's. And they are doing so by using their cultists to do their bidding, which normally involves lots of killing to fuel their own hordes and powers." she explains, shaking her head a bit to herself.
"I was tracking a few groups and found them at the Eurovision show too. Did you see it in the news? Well, that arrow that struck the lead singer was mine..." she exhales softly. "She's a cultist. They escaped, but I am still tracking them down. But there's a bigger problem here. There *is* someone behind all this as I just can't believe the Gods simply decided to start fighting each other out of a whim."
"And I believe Hela knows more of what's happening. So ..., does any of you has any way to reach to her?" Gaze going to one, then the other.
- Sif has posed:
"I had a way to reach her," Sif says bluntly, cutting off Vin's response. "Unfortunately it seems that path is closed, so killing me is no longer an option. She is not welcome in Court, so that avenue is closed me. All that remains is ... unfortunately ... a perilous journey through Niflheim into Hel."
Her eyes bore into Thea's.
"It is not a journey that any whose mind is hale would seek for themselves. Is your mind hale, Thea Queen?"
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr tilts her head, then looks at Sif. "... Another possibility crosses my mind, Lady Sif. Have you spoken to your brother lately? Perhaps he has Seen something that could tell us more of what is going on..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Is that a challenge? Thea's gaze meets Sif's and she furrows her brows in thought. A trip through dangerous lands and all the way to Hel? She has had her own personal hells in the past, what's a real one compared to all the imaginary ones we create in our minds? Maybe a lot. But she'd leave being afraid to those with a hale mind. "If this would help in solving this I'd certainly accompany you to Hel and back." she states.
Clearly not hale!
"Besides, we all need a bit of craziness to do the right thing. I mean, I go out at night dressed in tight leather and a bow. That is saying a lot."
Vin's alternative suggestion does sound a lot .., safer. So she grins. "Is this the part in which I will finally meet your handsome brother, Sif?" she is teasing. Maybe. "I have heard so much of him ...."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr chuckles, some of the weight seeming to lift from her shoulders. "Most heroes had a touch of madness to them. Sane people did not, as a rule, go out challenging gods and monsters alike for glory or honor or simply because it was the right thing to do."
After a moment longer, she sobers up again. "That said -- I would prefer to leave that as a last resort, especially until we know more -- charging off into danger without knowing what we'll face is one thing; charging off without knowing we're even heading in the right direction is another. The former can be bravery; the latter is rarely more than folly."
- Sif has posed:
"I had been leaving my darling brother out of things."
~Oh really?~ ~That had better not have been something they heard!~ ~Worry not, sister. I would not embarrass you.~
"But this is ... too big a battle to leave to adventure. We need his vision. We need to see what he sees. From this can we draw up our battle plans. A daring enterprise by stealth? Supplication to the horned queen, asking her assistance?" Sif shudders at even the notion. "Or do we go to war against Niflheim? Go to war alongside Niflheim against a greater foe?"
The whiskey occupies Sif's attention for a while.
"I will speak to my brother."
~I'm listening now.~ ~Hush! We will speak properly when none can overhear. I have other things to ask of you.~ ~That's certainly new. You asking favours of me.~ ~...Is it such horror to aid your sister?~ ~...~
"I will take note of what he sees, and equally as important what he doesn't. From there I will hold a council of war. The three of us. Perhaps others. Fandral. The Crown Prince if he is not otherwise engaged. The younger Prince, similar constraints. Perhaps..." She can barely pronounce the following words. And bitterness fills her mouth as she says them. "...even the 'lady' Jane."
Yeah. No love lost there.
"The Lady Freya if she is not in her meditations. And all the armies of Asgard that are mine to command should this prove a threat to the Nine Realms."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Actually, there is someone else..." It had almost slipped her mind but Thea seems to recall it now. Call it a rather troubling last few days! Which was noticeable on her features. She continues, " ... when there was a meeting of some .., magicians to discuss what they knew about this issue there was a Valkyrie there. I could not see her face, and she was simply called the Valkyrie." she informs the other two. "Was wearing a helmet, had burning wings.." she looks at each for recognition. "Does it ring a bell to any of you?"
"She seemed to know more about what was going on but she seemed bound to not speak by something. Perhaps a promise. Or maybe speaking the name of the one behind this all would bring their attention to us. Still, it would be someone to consult with too. Unfortunately she disappeared before I could inquire more on who she was, and how to meet with her."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr frowns. "That's... Odd," she replies. "Valkyrior are a group, not a singular -- it would be like calling any one member of your military 'The Soldier'. Unless she were somehow extremely renowned as such..."
She shrugs. "In all my time among the Choosers of the Slain I've only heard spoken of one who might have had claim to that title, and the woman you describe is not her. Perhaps she was simply addressed by her station rather than her name, and you misheard?"
- Sif has posed:
"Or there is another granted the name, Vintridr. The Valkyrior have been without their captain for a very long time. Perhaps one has been elevated to Valkyrie. Or perhaps a mortal has been granted the blessing as the previous one had."
Sif ponders darkly.
"What can you tell me about this one, Thea Queen? I do not like new pieces arranging themselves on my board. I will have more questions of Heimdal."
"These are disturbing times. Even portents and omens. Paths of death ... lost. Passage of mortal spirits interfered with. This bodes ill."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"I also wonder what it may imply to that search we have been doing for those who were using dark magics to control those mutants a few weeks back." Thea murmurs, looking worried. "Which actually, I may have a location for us to look into, in Cairo. I have a contact there.." it's her brother's contact, but that's details. "So you two better get your desert clothing ready for our trip. I will let you guys know when all is ready."
As the two then speak about the Valkyrie she nods slowly, "You two are the experts. I could had misheard but ..., not sure. The only thing I saw her do was teleport, which I am not sure all the Valkyries can do?" she still didn't know much about them! "Other than this .., she was dressed in regal armor in various colors, including her hair. Purple and blue. I have spoken of the wings which were fiery." she ponders a moment, "But the helmet kept most of her face obscured. Just chin and burning eyes visible."
More whiskey is poured to the other two. As for herself? She fetches some juice. Clearly this talk has steered her thoughts away from going back to drinking.