7421/Help, Doctor!

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Help, Doctor!
Date of Scene: 18 August 2021
Location: Medical Wing
Synopsis: Doctor McCoy's work in medical is interrupted by Rahne collapsing at his feet! Changes are brewing!
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Henry McCoy

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There are many things which can get a person's heart racing in this place. To the little Scot, simply seeing things put back into place after a disaster will almost make her cry. She'd come by, after returning from her little walkabout, and so many things had fallen.

Rahne Sinclair didn't need permission to come into her home. She came in, touching the walls and snacking on energy bars, her stomach having become the primary issue in life of late. But she knew that the school had people; she could hear Dr McCoy around somewhere, doing sciencey things.

"Doctor?" she called out, peeking into the medical wing. She always loved watching him work. He's just...well, he's so darn NICE. And he never had an issue with her being fuzzy.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's always work to be done! Henry was tending to any number of little issues - cuts, abrasions, sprains. Everyone was pitching in to help rebuild, and sometimes owies happen. So there he was, wearing his white doctor's coat over his polo, doing a quick inventory of everything. As Rahne arrives, he grins widely. A genuine smile to the small Scot.

"Rahne! Lovely to see you up and about." A nod to her, the clipboard set down for now. "How have you been feeling? Mending up well?" He asks, knowing she was under his care and Moira's. He was fairly certain everything should be well on the route to recovery.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne comes up and leans up on her toes, and puts her hands on the Doctor's arm so she can kiss him on the cheek. Fond of the guy, she really does appreciate him. Always has.

She beams, then backs down and takes another bite of the bar in her hand. "Eatin' all th' time, nae sure why," she says, shrugging. "Maybe a growth spurt. A' twenty." She sounds like she doesn't really believe it either, but shrugs. If it's about her, she'll always try to ignore it.

"Can ah help?" she asks, glancing around. "Can sit with folks who be hurt." She blinks a few times, then looks at the energy bar in her hand. Then she turns and puts it into the trash, looking like it tastes horrid.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He grins at the greeting, a slight blush of embarassment at the cheek-kiss. She's given a one-armed hug, gently. "I think I'm mostly done, but if you like I'll gladly take some help doing the inventory?" Henry responds. A glance to her, trying to judge her height - or any obvious changes to her weight. Growth spurts happen, and as mutants - they don't stick to any particular time frame.

"Eating all the time... hrm. You're not feeling tired or sluggish, are you? No odd pains or aches?" He taps the exam table, if she wants. "You look as I left you, with decidedly less bandages." He teases. "Does your healing factor normally make you eat more?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks identical to the last time she was standing, save that she has less bandages as previously noted by the Doctor. She seems healthy, she seems fairly strong. She seems like she's making odd faces.

"Nae, thes be new, ah dinnae ken it," she says, making like she's smelled something disgusting. "Am nae hungry all th' sudden," she adds. "Es wierd."

Then she drops like a stone, her eyes rolling up in her head, not coming even close to making it to the exam table. If caught or not, she just passes out without much of a warning.

Something's definitely up.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry was born with his mutant agility and strength - it's only been amplified by his secondary and tertiary mutation events. As her eyes roll up, he's already in motion. She's caught long before she hits the ground, scooped up and laid onto a hospital bed nearby. "Rahne..." He calls to her, laying her on her back before quickly checking for a pulse. He can hear it already, but it's reflex as the medical specialist around the mansion.

A blood pressure cuff is affixed, the man checking her blood pressure with one hand while he readies a few syringes with the other. "Fortune favors you, in finding your way here first." He murmurs to no one in particular. "Rahne... come on, wake up." He says, moving to place a pillow under her feet once the other implements are ready.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
If she'd opened her eyes that quickly, the story wouldn't be as interesting! The tests for the Glasgow coma scale show her to be firmly unresponsive. Opening her eyes shows no response, nor does she answer to words. She twitches against his hands a moment, then settles into calmness.

Luckily her breathing returns quickly, because the blood pressure test showed a spike which settles after a minute. Chest, breathing strongly but irregularly. Heart rate starting to settle down.

What the actual f*** just happened to the girl?

Henry McCoy has posed:
Well, as he mentioned - it's good that she's here. A shake of his head, hoping this isn't further ongoing trauma from her injuries previous, he starts affixing the scanning nodules. Nothing gluey or low-tech, this is a simple sensor placed on her forehead. The scanner he'd been gifted by Carol had finally been sorted out - a high-tech medical scanner. The screen above the bed comes to life, reading off vitals, brain-wave patterns, everything and then some.

He taps the screen on one side, dialing Moira as he looks over the data. "Odd... these readings don't match your previous readings, Rahne." He speaks to her, concious or not. "Very strange."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne's body says that it agrees with this assessment. There are electrical charges running all up and down her nervous system that don't belong there, and signs of muscle growth. Her brain is also highly active for a person in an apparent coma, but largely in the Cerebellum and brainstem.

It shows all the signs of a person undergoing a physical mutation. But Rahne already DID that, didn't she?

Her blood scan appears on the scanner, and the instant result is 'indeterminate result'. Which is so not helpful. Then it offers, 'DNA 0.46% shift from recorded.'

Henry McCoy has posed:
This earns a bit of a frown from Henry - if only for the trouble it is causing the girl. Mutations happen, and continue to evolve - he's proof of that. But the strain on this young woman was certainly unappreciated. "Changing, Rahne. You're changing." He comments. "Nothing looks harmful, but your mutation is changing." He says, as if she were perfectly awake. "Your body is likely processing the change, though without testing it will be difficult to know for certain /what/ is changing."

A sample of her blood is taken, quickly and professionally.

Still, he waits to see if Moira will answer - the time difference means it's fairly late in Scotland. Scientists keep weird hours, though. He keeps studying the data, making certain no drugs are present or tampering has taken place.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I'm here, Henry,"

She's on the other end, looking through the video call. "It wasn't supposed to put her out. Such an inexact science. I'm sending you data." She's professional. She's updating files.

She apparently had the gall to stimulate Rahne's dna while she was healing her.

"Don't blame me, Henry. She was hurt worse than you know."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a low growl from the Beast at that. "When she is clear, you and I are going to have a long talk about the morality and ethics of what you've done." His eyes scan over the data, going over each line intently. DNA is his forte, after all. "What did you expect would happen, Moira?" His own fingers, three as they may be, are tapping out on a separate screen as he crunches numbers and runs simulations.

"How long ago did this treatment you applied take place? I need everything, no missing information." He says, staving of the anger for the moment in order to think clearly and help Rahne.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne. Who is showing signs of returning consciousness, slowly. Who is beginning to stabilize, as mutants do. Who seems to look pretty much the same, overall. Inside, not so much. Her nervous system is tweaked in ways which are impossible to predict. Her brain is acting oddly.

The truly strange part is that this is her human form. If these readings had existed in her hybrid form, the'd be 'normal'. There are significant overlap points which did not previously exist.

"Henry. ...sending data," the doctor says. Then she pauses.

"She was badly hurt, Henry. I didn't heal her, I had to regrow her. The stimulation was needed, or her brain would never have recovered." There's emotion there. Not regret. Compassion.

"If it matters now, I am sorry."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod and a gruff harumph from Henry. It's not that he doesn't understand the impulse, just the action. The focus of the scan is now turned over to keep an eye on her neural behavior and nervous system. He scratches at his chin, hrming as the data is sent back to Moira. "Her system is behaving as if she were in her hybrid wolf form, Moira." He comments.

"I know just how badly she was hurt. I was on scene and recovered her, Moira." A sigh. "We will talk, after. Right now, she seems to be stabilizing."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She hangs up after a while, giving information as needed. The tests show that Rahne is ...-probably- alright, though the way she collapsed was certainly dramatic!

She seems to move, then to groan. The scanner shows returning consciousness, and Rahne begins to...whine.

"Hurts," she mumbles. Which is likely true. Her entire body is spontaneously mutating. It's often uncomfortable.

Henry McCoy has posed:
As the call ends, he sighs. Science is... so treacherous. A look to Rahne as she starts to stir, the man nodding. "Yes, it will." He comments, resting a hand on hers. "You fainted, Rahne. It looks like your body is going through a change. Not a growth spurt, as we thought - but a secondary mutation." He says, quietly. "It happens for some of us, myself included." He'll make Moira explain the why.

"You're not in danger, you're not ill. Everything is pointing that you're changing, though. Your body and neurological readings are showing similarities to your hybrid form. Aside from the aches and pain, do you notice anything different?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne shifts, mumbling. She lifts her hand, covering her eyes. Then she nods. "It fair stinks in here," she says, softly. "An' ye be louder."

She peers, trying to see Henry, then seems to relax a bit. "Es jus' th' nose an ears. Ah cannee see through walls or anythin'." She seems to grin, a little. Hey, she made a joke!

But she tries to reach out, offering her hand.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A wry grin. "Can you normally hear and smell better when in hybrid?" He whispers, not wanting to overwhelm her newly heightened senses. Lord knows, it happened to him! Her hand is taken, his furry one there to comfort. "Your nervous system is processing differently. We'll need to see what happens over the next few days. You're not on lockdown or bedrest, unless you want to take a day to relax." He chuckles.

"Should I let anyone know where you are? Moira knows." He offers over.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She yawns, interrupting her response. It would be no surprise if she were tired. The body always takes its toll. "Sure," she answers. "But much more nor this," she explains. "Es like," she starts, then pauses to think.

"Well, more but less nor that form." The scan, still active, suggests that she's not finished with whatever changes are occurring. It might be an idea to monitor her for a short while.

Sleepily, she says, "Es okay. Nobody es lookin' tae hear from me for a bit," as if she still thinks, after all this time, that she's a no-one.

Given that it seems she may be developing into a stronger mutant, that status is seriously in question.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry gives her a nod. "Rest and be comfortable, Rahne. You're still changing. We'll keep an eye on you, to make sure everything is safe." A smile to her. "Would you like a blanket?" He asks, grabbing one just in case.

"And I would wager Clarice is looking for you, as are your friends." He offers. "I know some would like to see you."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah would like..a hug," Rahne says. But she's falling asleep, and the blanket is likely more useful. If she becomes unconscious, this time it's just a good long rest. And when she wakes she'll feel refreshed and ready to take on the Goldcloaks and Littlefin...wait.

Wrong story.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A hug is certainly something he can offer. She's given a gentle one, even as she drifts off. A blanket is pulled over her, nice and soft. "Rest up, Rahne. We'll talk more tomorrow, all right." Of course, he does flip out a phone to send off a text to Clarice. - Rahne is resting, going through some changes. Everything is all right. Come see her when you get a chance, tomorrow. At the mansion. -