7453/The New Transfer
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The New Transfer | |
Date of Scene: | 19 August 2021 |
Location: | Back Yard |
Synopsis: | A new teacher (Laxmi) and a new student (Jay Guthrie) meet some of the other residents of Xavier's: Lockheed, Hank, Gabby, Rahne, and Talia. |
Cast of Characters: | Jay Guthrie, Kitty Pryde, Laxmi Mallick, Henry McCoy, Talia Wagner, Gabby Kinney, Rahne Sinclair
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay sits at one of the tables beneath an umbrella, his wings folded delicately behind his back as he strums a few chords on a Yamaha FG800. He's wearing a pair of baggy army green pants, a black tank top, and some hiking boots. A deep resonate hum rolls around his chest, a solemn sound... almost like a dirge. He interrupts his playing momentarily to push away a messy red bang from his forehead.
His playing resuming, he keeps a slow tempo, as if he thinking about each individual strum. His brow knits together, his eyes grow distant. He looks textbook like someone beginning to disassociate. There's a sudden gasp, a blink of his green eyes, and then he scans his surroundings.
"How did Sam and Paige ever get used to... not being home. This is wild." He murmurs to himself.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
A student swings open the door from the kitchen out onto the patio. Though she doesn't go out herself, just holds the door open as a little purple dragon walks out.
Lockheed is moving with a noticeable limp. There are some bruises still visible on him, and one of his wings is bandaged over, keeping it secure to his body which explains why he is walking instead of flying.
He moves at a decent enough pace, even hobbled. The dragon steps down into the grass, and hearing the sounds of the guitar, begins walking over that way, head peering over at Jay.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
The sounds of the guitar seems to draw Laxmi in as well - the woman approaching in a brightly colored blouse of sari silk, which leaves her midriff bare, and a skirt in a complimentary and equally bright hue. The bangles at her wrist jangle faintly as she walks, approaching barefoot on the grass, pausing a short distance away to listen without interrupting.
The noticeable approach of an injured, purple- that cannot possibly be a dragon can it? - quickly catches her eyes, and she stares at Lockheed as she listens, her mouth going slightly agape.
At the gasp, her gaze goes to Jay, half-expecting that he'd be staring at the dragon as well. He doesn't seem to be, however. "Might I ask where home is?" she asks politely, offering a friendly smile of greeting.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay tilts his head and admires the little dragon. "Oh wow.. Look at you."
He offers a slight smile then frowns as he notices the limp. "Looks like you are having a rough time of it, huh? Well, I bet the other guy looks much worse."
Almost as by instinct, he resumes playing the guitar conjuring the familiar tune of 'Puff the Magic Dragon'. His gaze shifts toward Laxmi at her question. He's hesitant at first, a little slow on the draw with his answer. He almost whispers, "Kentucky, ma'am."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed continues towards the pair of humans, the gasp of surprise taken in stride. He pauses and peers around the backyard, this way and that, before continuing on. It takes him a little while but eventually he draws near to Jay and Laxmi.
The warm sun beats down, and Lockheed settles into the grass away from the umbrella's shade to let it keep him warm. He curls up, the one hurt leg moving carefully. At Jay's comment the little dragon rests his head on his front paws, yellow eyes peering.
The other guy does look much worse, at that. Even apart from the green skin and pointy ears, the sight of Lockheed being shot by the alien was enough that both Kitty and Rogue lost their restraint in the fight.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I'll admit I haven't been to Kentucky yet. What is it like?" Laxmi asks politely, with an encouraging smile. "I've been raised all my life in New York City,, so... I'm sure we had very different childhoods."
She can't help but let out a quiet laugh at his choice of songs, though, and begins to sing along to it - her tone rich with warmth, and just the right hint of vibrato. "Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autmn mists in the land of Honalee. Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff - and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail, Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail. Noble Kings and Princes would bow when'er they came, and pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name."
As she sings, she moves closer to the purple dragon, her gaze curious and baffled. Can it possibly be real? She crouches near him with a look of wonder in her eyes as she sings to the unusual beast.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
"Just take it easy fella." Jay relays to Lockheed, trying to play it cool, but by the attention of his gaze, he's fascinated by the little dragon. His fingers dance expertly over the strings of his guitar. After one particular strum, his eyes narrow. He reaches up to a tuning key, then hums, strums, and turns until he has the guitar back in tune. The playing of 'Puff' then resumes.
"It's.. uh.. quiet. Even with nine siblings, its pretty quiet. At least in the Guthrie Farmhouse." He turns from Lockheed and examines Laxmi for a moment, taking her in for the first time.
"New York City... Wow, I couldn't even imagine. I can only handle a half day of the city before I feel exhausted." He smiles lightly at Laxmi as she begins to sing. He listens carefully then joins her in the chorus with a straight tone, and then continues the song.
"A little dragon lives forever, but not so little boys.
Painted wings and giant's rings make way for other toys.
One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff, the mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar."
Jay is perhaps too good at singing the emotion of loss, the song is clearly an outlit.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed doesn't show any signs of distress as Laxmi moves closer. His head lifts from where he had it resting on his front legs, looking over at her with eyes that are solid yellow, lacking any visible pupils.
If he understands the meaning of the song, the little dragon doesn't give any visible sign. Though he does have a less energetic and happy demeanor than normal. Whether it's from the injuries which he's still recovering from, or worry over his girl being off in space without him, is anyone's guess.
Seriously, how can she possibly be safe without Lockheed there?
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Stepping out from the mansion, is Henry. He's got on a polo and some khaki cargo shorts, barefoot for now. It's still nice out, after all. He pauses just outside the door, eyes scanning the yard. Spotting Jay, Laxmi and Lockheed, he offers a wave as he starts over in that direction.
"Afternoon." He offers, cheerily enough. A look to Lockheed and he kneels down near the dragon. "How are you holding up, Lockheed? Bandages holding?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
As Jay begins to sing, Laxmi flawlessly slips into harmonies for the song, flashing the boy an encouraging smile, before returning her attention to the strange beast in front of them. The song is, it seems, getting to a part which - unknown to the singers - may ring a little too true for him at the moment.
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain.
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave.
Reaching out cautiously as she sings - her harmonies echoing the sorrow and loneliness that Jay puts into his own singing - she gently attempts to run her fingers along the ridge above Lockheed's eyes, her gaze still locked on the little creature as she and Jay singing the chorus once more before finishing the song.
"Lockheed is this little fellow's name? What a wonder he is. I never knew that- well, that such a creature could be real. I thought it was all legends and stories..." But here is was. "...is he a baby? Or is this how large he will get?" Dragons were supposed to be huge, after all!
Her attention shifts back to Jay as she adds, "Nine siblings? And I thought four was a lot! Still. There must be so much love in a family that large."
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay falls into humming the tune as he sets his guitar aside. He rises from his chair and slowly approaches the little dragon. There's an enchanting quality to the pure notes that resonate from his chest. A little serenade to soothe the tiny beast. Kneeling, he'll attempt to run his fingers along the top of the dragon's head in a gentle pet. However, Laxmi had the same idea, so abruptly he retracts his hand.
Noticing the large blue figure approaching, his eyes widen only briefly in alarm as he rises. Quickly, he remembers where he is. Chewing briefly on his lip, he expresses some guilt over his reaction with a wince.
Laxmi's question offers him an escape from his own cringe. He nods to her. "Yea, lot of love in the Guthrie house for sure. Though.. I guess Xavier's might as well be a second home for the family. I'm the third to come to the school."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
The dragon must understand English, because at the question from Henry McCoy, Lockheed turns his head back to the bandage, poking it softly with his snout. Some of his skeleton in his wings were fractured, but the little dragon is a quick healer, even if Triage was not able to fully heal his unusual physiology.
He turns back towards the humans, accepting the petting. His skin is warm, and has more the feeling of a mammal's skin than that of a reptile or lizard. A lone, tiny little puff of smoke comes out as he exhales, and then leans his head into the petting.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a grin from Henry at the dragon's reaction, nodding. "I know. Soon enough you'll be flying again." The man offers, giving a scritch under his chin. A look to Laxmi then Jay, offering a wave. "I know I've met Miss Laxmi, but I don't recall having met you." He offers, extending a hand to the other man.
"Dr. Henry McCoy, resident teacher and mentor. And doctor, though hopefully not needed in the future." A wry grin. "Pleasure to meet you, and to see Miss Laxmi again."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Doctor McCoy," Laxmi greets the man, pressing her hands together to offer him a more traditional greeting. "Namaste." This also has the benefit of keeping her hands away from inadvertant contact. The same gesture is offered to Jay, as well. "Namaste. I'm Laxmi, as he says. Laxmi Mallick. I've been brought on to help with Performing Arts instruction, actually," she remarks brightly, without mentioning anything about, 'and bolster staff numbers.' After all, other than seeing some signs of damage around the school - she's a little unclear on the recent goings on at Xavier's.
Towards Sam she adds, "Many of your siblings are similarly gifted, then? That must make like interesting. I was the only one in my family to develop any mutant talents."
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay rises and carefully backs away, the wing nearest to Laxmi folding to avoid buffeting her and the small dragon. Gaze flowing to the extended hand, he steps forward toward McCoy and offers him a firm handshake. He feigns friendliness though there is some degree of lingering nervousness.
"Nice to meet you, Dr. McCoy. Jay Guthrie, sir. You probably know my older sis and brother, Paige and Sam?" He nods to Laxmi. "And likewise nice to meet you, Miss Laxmi. I have a feeling I'm in one of your classes. You have a wonderful voice."
He releases the hand and backs up to his chair, the guitar nearby. Settling down on the chair edge carefully leave room for his wings, he adds, "I just transferred in for this school year. Really.. uh.. glad to be here."
He shrugs at the question, "Yea.. there seems to be something hereditary about it. Though not really a rhyme or reason about what the gift will be. Not sure what was so special about Dad or Mom. I figure with me being the third, we'll be keeping a close eye on the others. As if poor Ma didn't have enough to worry about."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
There is a blip, like honestly the single most unimpressive but functional teleport out further in the lawn.
Notably it doesn't set off any alarms and TJ gives a nondiscript dude a quick hug and steps away towards the mansion as he blips back out again.
She does slow seeing a group of peeps gathered on the grass and veers over that way. It isn't the first time since being stabbed in the kitchen she has been back, but it hasn't been a bunch of times since the Shi'ar attack. "Sup students."
Her tail casually swaying behind her as she walks up, in her leather pants and punky outfit.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
While the mansion was undergoing what repairs it needed Gabby had made the excuse to go out to Gotham to visit with Laura. It was a good enough reason to get to hang around the older clone as well as avoid getting in the way here. Plus, with school coming up, it was the closest she got to a vacation-vacation. Back now, she's exploring to see how well things were fixed when she comes around the side of the mansion toward the backyard hearing some voices. A quick grin comes over her as she waves to both familiar, and unfamiliar, faces alike. "Hey! Did I miss a party or something?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well - you're quite talented yourself, I'd venture," Laxmi offers with an encouraging smile. "If you intend to pursue any of your talents as an elective then, yes. We'll be seeing a fair bit of one another. I rather look foward to it, Mister Guthrie."
Her attention is soon claimed by Gabby's approach as she adds, "No party - though you have missed out on the vocal and instrumental talents of Mister Guthrie, here. I have the feeling we'll have more opportunities to enjoy his gifts, however."
For the moment, she doesn't seem to notice the approach of the lithe, blue-furred individual coming from behind her.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay turns his head and assesses the newcomers with his green gaze. Reaching up to draw away a messy red bang, he rises in his chair once more before offering a polite wave.
At Laxmi's commentary he snatches his acoustic guitar off the ground and begins playing away some of his welling anxiety. Fingertips dancing across the strings, he strums out the opening to 'Crazy Train'.
He nods to both Talia and Gabby, "That's Jay Guthrie.. Not to be confused with Sam or Paige."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"Hey Gabby!" is the chipper greeting to other young woman.
Talia wiggles three blue fingers at Jay with his greeting. "Jay Guthrie, angelic mutant healer. Sam and Paige's little bro. Etc. Redacted. Very hard to mistake for anyone else to be honest." a bright white sharp toothed smile as she continues the approach.
"Talia Josephine Wagner-Lensher, but people call me TJ or Talia if you want to be more formal."
She plops down by Lockheed and coos at the bandaged dragon. Then she studies Laxmi. "You.. are harder to place." she tilts her head studying the Indian mutant.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The shake to Jay's hand is firm and friendly. "Ah! A pleasure. Yes, Paige and Sam were excellent students of mine." He grins, nodding to the other man. A chuckle. "Glad to have you aboard, so to speak. Do mind the mess, won't you?" The mansion, of course, is in rebuild status.
A wave to Talia as she arrives, then to Gabby.
"Lockheed is on the mend, thankfully. He's a tough little bugger."
A return of the bow and "Namaste," is offered to Laxmi.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney fishes into her pocket upon seeing Lockheed only to pull out a pack of peanut M&Ms that she offers out to the wounded fellow. It wasn't meat but he sometimes liked other treats, too! "Glad to see you're okay. That bug lady I fought was kind of a pain in the rear," she adds with a rolling shrug of her shoulders. It's then that she catches up mentally to the conversation with a quick shake of her head to chase off any distractions. "Hi Jay, nice to meet you! Seems like you Guthries have as big a family as we do. I mean. Kind of do?" She has to think that one over. Details. Hank is granted a smile along with Talia. Laxmi likewise earns a squint. "Seen you around but don't think I ever introduced myself. So. Since he's new too," she adds glancing back to Jay. "I'm Gabby Kinney."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Ah - namaste, Ms. Wagner-Lensher, Miss Kinney," Laxmi offers, pressing her hands together as she studies first one, and then the other young woman. Apparently she had her own way of being 'more formal.' "I'm Laxmi Mallick," she introduces herself with a smile. "If you can't place me - it's completely understandable. I'm quite new to the school. I've been brought on as a Performing Arts instructor for the new school year. I look forward to tutoring such talented young people." She nods towards Jay as he begins to play music again and - while she still very much would like to pet the strange little dragon, it seems he has all the attention he could possibly want. Rising to her feet instead, she takes a step back.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay's eyes widen a bit with the level of confidence Talia displays regarding his identity. "Uh okay.. I didn't know I had a reputation already."
His wings extend as he gazes over his shoulder. "Angelic... Yea, I've heard that one before. But healer? Only of myself, ma'am. If only it worked on others..."
Shaking his head, he clears away an invasive thought. Looking toward the Mansion, he hums about the cause of whatever damage was and is being repaired. Ultimately, he dismisses the question with a comment of "I guess its probably pretty common, yea? Bunch of folks like us are liable to break a few windows... and if not us, the jerks who cast stones."
Giving Gabby a side glance, he nods to her. "Total of nine of us. I'm the third oldest.. Which means one of the benefits of me coming to the school is someone -else- is now the babysitter.. Not that I ever minded all that much."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
There is an mmm from TJ "You don't have one yet... I mean more than I imagine Sam has talked about you or Paige. You're just a constant. Also yeah but I mean healing factors are rad... wish I had one.. or could fly."
Talia smiles at the giving of treats to small dragons. "The squad in the kitchen caught me off guard... took a vibro knife to my stomach before I took them all out." yup alone after being stabbed. The kids in the kitchen all saved.
"Ended up in medbay on that one .. hurt shockingly bad." well not sure why having your guts sliced and diced and juiliened is shocking but yeah hurt.
Those yellow eyes squint at Laxmi. "Laxmi... music..." then they widen "LAX.. oh uh..." she blinks. "It's... good to see you're alive."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast has stepped back, if only to allow Lockheed to feel less cramped or stifled. "Healing factor, very nice. And the wings... I do long to fly one day." He chuckles. "Ororo used to take me flying every once and a while." A chuckle. "Rogue has airlifted me a few more." The man shakes his head. "I'm generally too heavy for most folks to lift easily."
A look to Talia, nodding. "You're all tended to, then? No need for further medical attention?" He guesses. He'd been here and there, helping at the asteroid with Rahne, as well as here at the Mansion. Truth be told, he looked a bit tired.
A grin at Laxmi's explanation. "I look forward to seeing our students find an art that suits them, and hearing the results. Perhaps in the talent shows?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I don't know if I have any kind of talent like that, but sounds fun!" Gabby has to admit with a grin toward Laxmi before her attention shifts around a few times to keep up. "Oh," she adds gesturing toward Talia. "She's from like an alternate timeline we get that a lot. Some of my best friends are from the future!" Pleased with that, she nods reassuringly toward Henry. Since he'd stepped away from Lockheed she does as well to give the poor guy some space. Not everyone liked crowding and he could get cranky at times. But then she's staring openly at Jay. "Wow. I'm the tenth of a batch of clones so I mean I guess that's just as big as your family but you're not a clone so..." There's a breif pause before she blurts out, "Your parents must really love having sex!"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Bug lady... stabbed in the gut... Laxmi looks between Talia and Gabby, bafflement and concern on her features. "Whatever happened here?" she asks - just before she's brought up short by Talia's statement. She stares at the young woman, her right hand lifting partway to her chest. "I- whatever do you mean?" she asks. "Are you- do you have some sort of precognitive gift?" Had she seen the future already?
If so - how distant of a future? Goodness.
She tries to gather herself as she adds, "Well - ummm - if you enjoy music you're more than welcome to enroll, regardless of current skill levels. I'd love to have you as well."
Alternate realities? People from the future? She was so distracted by all of these strange thoughts that the comment about 'sex' actually manages to break through her composure and earn a brief snort of laughter.
Oh dear.
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay gives TJ a classical teenage look of confusion and skepticism. First at her further elaboration of him and then second her 'war story' about the kitchen. At the mention of being stabbed, he rubs a spot on his chest. "Yea, not a fun experience... no matter who is doing the stabbing or the intention behind it."
Giving Dr. McCoy a once over, he tucks his hand under his chin and hums, "I.. bet I can fly with you for at least a short distance. Definitely wouldn't be a leisurely glide."
Jay blinks as he is assaulted with the concepts of alternate timelines and human cloning. Already mentally stunned, the 'Your parents must really love having sex' is the final strike of the combo. He closes his eyes and winces. His large red wings wrap around him protectively, from within the red feather sanctuary, his muffled voice responds, "Ooookay.. Well that was a whole lot of new things."
Coughing from within his cocoon, "Probably no more then others... just big on family and not big on condoms."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"I'm all patched up Hank, healer up top got me sorted out pretty well. It was super tender though for a while and I had to drink my meals while everything settled back into proper place." a smile. "Definitely would love a healing factor... just uh.. not Wade's."
"The Guthrie clan is a big'un" she notes with amusement. "Which is the same all over really.."
Her attention drifts to Laxmi. "Uh not a precog and not from the future exactly. Well a bit but not the way you are thinking." she considers. Well no harm here. "The brood invasion problem, you were a kid in the timeline I am thinking of. Died here at the school. Very good talent show though." she trails off. "You're not a constant but your illusions are fantastic. No need to worry here as an adult teacher I'm sure!" chipper ending there.
That counts for something right.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a bit of an apologetic look to both Laxmi and Jay. "Times are never dull here, at Xavier's." Henry comments. "It is the nature of our being, I supposed - to draw in conflict. Often to our school, alas. But Charles has good insurance." A laugh, the man shrugging a bit to the others.
A laugh to Talia, nodding. "I am sure it suits Wade, keeps him going for all his troubles." A shrug. "I have a bit of a healing factor as well, though nothing near as dramatic."
A look to Gabby, then to Jay. "I suppose that's one thing to take away from someone having a large family." A smirk.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks at the way Jay wraps himself up in his wings. A small 'oops' expression crosses her face since she'd apparently embarassed him, and she shrugs helplessly. "Well... yeah. We were attacked by some not-nice aliens--There's some nice ones around--but anyway yeah. Uh. Well. Welcome anyway?" Sheepishly she glances up rubbing at her neck, then shrugs. "I should head in and grab a shower." With that offered out she does just that. Apparently she wasn't one for long good byes.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Oh dear - Mister Guthrie..." Laxmi forces herself out of her own discomfort and confusion as she studies the teen, a concerned frown on her features. "I think perhaps, Miss Kinney, everyone would feel a little more comfortable if some topics were avoided in such public discussions," she remarks helpfully. "But perhaps- oh." The young woman is excusing herself, and Laxmi can only hope she didn't inadvertantly contribute to driving her away. She flashes Hank a wry smile.
Her gaze is soon back on Talia as she adds a quiet, "I... see." She doesn't really, and that much is clear. "In another reality, you met - or heard about? - a version of myself who died as a student here, during an... invasion? What's 'the brood'? Or am I better off not knowing?"
- Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay unfurls his wings with a flourish, grabs his Yamaha from beside his chair, and then abruptly takes to the air. Wings carrying him quickly into the sky with a few powerful beats, he responds, "Thanks for the welcome.. Good to know that the family is established in.. other realities?. This uh.. has been a little overwhelming. I'm going to go find somewhere to collect my thoughts."
After going some attitude, he takes a circuit around the mansion and eventually perches himself on a pitch in the roof. Resuming his playing, he occasionally graces the backyard with background music.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There's a dog in the doorway.
No, there's not. It's too large to be one of those. It's a wolf. There's a wolf in the doorway. The wolf...has a collar. And is not growling, or rampaging. It is still a wolf.
The wolf has amber-gold eyes. It seems calm, it's just kinda...there.
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"Well at least we didn't have to go through all this shock at a critical point like a Shi'ar invasion I guess..." she muses as Jay has to go recollect himself.
"I mean.. the whole other dimension things is pretty major news these days and also aliens..."
She gives Lax a look like an AITA Reddit thread personified.
"Uh Brood.. aliens.. horrible... in this timeline though extinct-ish though so no fear."
Her attention bounces to Rahne incoming "Hey pupstar!"
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Wolfsbane opens her mouth and lets her tongue wag out. The doggie smile is so obvious, and she gets off of her haunches and wanders into the room. No issues, she sniffs at Talia's arm a moment.
Then she seems to peek at the new lady.
Sniffing about to begin. To be fair, she 's a fairly large reddish wolf, so one might be forgiven if they were a bit scared.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
A wave is offered to Gabby, then Jay - the two departing teens. "Take care, see you both about the campus." He calls after them, turning to face both Laxmi and Talia nod. "Gabby has a way of knifing through the subtlties to get answers to her questions... or make observations. I suppose that comes from her family." A wry grin.
"Indeed Talia... then again, we never do find the right time for new shocks, honestly." A smirk. "In danger, or in peace time - they tend to be bracing regardless." A cant of his head. "Extinct... good to hear. Brood. I should ask Carol if she knows of them."
As Rahne-wolf appears, he grins - offering a wave in greeting.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"It's a lot..." Laxmi remarks. "I mean, I certainly hope that such a fate won't- well. Anyways, we shall see, won't we?" She smiles a bit wryly, before her attention is drawn to the large, red colored dog. Wolf? "Pupstar? Is he- she? yours?" she asks in a curious tone. "Is it an irish wolf hound? I've never seen one in person..." She holds out a hand towards the canid for it to sniff before, if allowed, scratching at Rahne's neck and shoulders. "What a beautiful creature."
She doesn't seem at all intimidated. I mean - there's a dragon in the grass. And alternate reality child version of herself was killed in an alien invasion. If Hank and Talia accept the large dog creature as perfectly safe, who is she to argue? It's not the weirdest thing standing on the lawn.
- Talia Wagner has posed:
To Hank TJ mmms "Well probably never good to wish extinction on anyone.... but I think most people would be okay with this case." she thinks about it. "I'm sure Captain Marvel has more intel than I do... but man I despise the Brood..."
TJ looks Rahne over when Laxmi asks her question. "She and oh no, not a wolf hound just an Irish Wolf." amusement clear in her eyes. "As for her being mine, well she is old enough that it wouldn't be scandal all over... but she may die if I asked her out even if she is definitely cute enough all around."
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The wolf sniffs. Then when scratched it tries to sniff Laxmi's elbow. Managing it with a bit of finagling, it doesn't argue against scritching. Why would it? This is home.
Wolfsbane sits, then headtilts at Henry with a doggie grin. It apparently doesn't mind being called Irish either, though it turns and starts to look around for something to gnaw on. Marrow is delicious!
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast arches a brow, grinning. "Scottish." He grins, offering a wink to Talia. "Hopefully, she's feeling better. She had a bit of a rough spot of things the other day, and has been resting a while." He chuckles as she begins looking for the good snacks.
"Miss Laxmi, this is Rahne Sinclair. One of our former students here."
"Rahne, this is Laxmi Malick, a new teacher here." He offers, making introductions. So odd, wolf to person.
Perhaps one day I'll pick your brain about the Brood, Talia."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Talia's comments are baffling. Ask her out - on a date? But it's a //dog//! Laxmi's scratching starts to slow - until Hank's words cause her eyes to widen, and her hand to pull away abruptly. "Wait. ...she's a //person//? Another mutant?" It certainly isn't the fact that she's a mutant that alarms Laxmi - but something seems to as she abruptly takes a step back from Rahne, and presses her palms together. "I... uhh... Namaste, Miss Sinclair. Such a pleasure. I do beg your pardon, I- Oh gracious. I didn't realize you were a person, Miss, I thought-"
Oh how //embarrassing//!
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"I mean.. Dr. McCoy there are a lot of things I know that I should be a tiny bit careful with in case it hasn't happened yet. I don't want to make it worse... or cause some sort of cascade. I am more cautious than you'd think. This one tho probably safe to discuss at some point."
Okay Laxmi's reaction causes the blue skin yellow eyed mutant no end of amusement. "Yeah she has wolf powers."
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I be a werewolf," says the small redhead who's suddenly standing where the wolf just was. She isn't looking like anything important. Short. Short hair. No makeup. Cross on her chest. "Et be an honour, miss Laxmi."
Yep. random wolf vanishes, random redhead appears. Same tone as the wolf's fur.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause from Henry at Laxmi's reaction. A blink, snap of his fingers, and apologetic nod of his head. "Sorry, I hadn't thought of that custom. Forgive me?" He added two and two and got four! A grin to Rahne. "More than a werewolf, Rahne." He assures. "How are you feeling?"
A nod then to Talia. "Well, I'd be loathe to cause a paradox or any such problem. But if it's safe, color me curious?"
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"And you as well, Miss Sinclair," Laxmi replies. "I'm sorry, I- in my faith, my culture's tradition, part of showing respect to one another is- well. Physical contact is considered taboo, especially in public, I'd I'd known I'd-" She never would have scratched at her shoulders like that, that was for certain. "I'm so sorry. But it really is very nice to meet you."
She smiles at Henry next - starting to regain her composure as she adds, "There's nothing to forgive. It isn't your custom, so there's no reason you ought to remember it for me."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
TJ grins when Rahne turns back and notes "A wonderful were wolf." she leans back a bit watching Rahne. "Should get drinks up top in the bar sometime." the devilish seeming blue tail flicks on the grass behind her.
Then she looks to Laxmi "Oh... didn't realize that either. Rule one around here. Almost nothing is as it seems. You do illusions you should know that." a friendly smile though.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Ah be alright, Dr McCoy. Rested up, maybe can work out a bit." She gives him a thumbs-up then pauses. The comment from Talia makes her smile. Then ...about the taboo, her face falls.
"Ah. Um." She is so darn eloquent, isn't she? "When ah be a wolf, ah be almost all th' way a wolf, if it helps atall. Ah be more...innocent, then."
But she drops the argument then, not wanting to make things worse.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
"Had I recognized your behavior previously, Laxmi, I would have commented sooner." He offers, politely. "You had no idea, about Rahne." A wry grin. "Some customs don't necessarily mesh well with the unusual lifestyles we live - I think some errors are expected in the long run, on everyone's part." A slight shrug.
A look to Talia. "Perhaps, let her rest a bit before a night at the bar?" He chuckles. "Make sure she's feeling one hundred percent."
"When you're up for it, Rahne - we can do some testing in the Danger Room."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"I- well, I still would prefer not to. I don't want you to feel at all at fault, however - sometimes there is no one at fault," Laxmi answers with a warm smile - already more herself after her moment of embarrassment. "We're taught that each of us contain a spark of the divine - a fragment of the divine whole. And to touch something divine? Well. It's rather presumptuous."
Her attention shifts to Talia next as she asks uncertainly, "What do you mean 'up top?'" Her gaze goes up to the low tower coming out of the top of the mansion. Was there a bar in the top of the mansion for the faculty and alumnae? Wasn't that a risk with so many students around?
"You haven't been feeling well?" she asks Rahne. "I am sorry to hear that. Nothing too serious, I hope."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
Another flash of white teeth then TJ is sticking her tongue out at Hank. "Fine fine.. Doctors orders. I mean technically I am on a don't drink too much for a bit longer orders too because of the amount if newly grown and healed tissue in my stomach..."
She looks unrepetent though.
"Once we are healed tho."
Yup unrepetent.
"Oh up top.. uh...." she looks sketchy for a moment. Is it a secret. She thinks it might be a secet.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"M' religion says somethin' similar," Rahne says, politeness insisting that she answer the newcomer first. "An we dinnae know yet, tha' be part o why Dr McCoy wants tae test." She nods, then she turns to Henry.
And...nods. Once. Simple, she seems like a quiet girl. This tiny thing has graduated. Yes.
"Can ah come when ye do?" That's to Talia.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod to Talia and Rahne. "Just, rest first. Please." He grins, returning the tongue-out gesture to Talia. "Last thing I want is more problems to doctor up. As much as I like caring for my friends, I would rather it be in a general sense instead of as a doctor." A nod.
Looking to Laxmi. "The asteroid. Our... relation with the Brotherhood has changed. I'm acting as a bit of a liason to the other team. They have an asteroid with a living space on it."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Oh - gracious. And you can come and go from an asteroid in orbit?" Laxmi asks in a curious tone, looking from Hank, to Rahne, to Talia. And apparently all three of them go there on occasion? "That does sound exciting, I will admit. I mean - the view alone must be..." She shakes her head slightly. She smiles at Rahne as the young woman excuses herself, then glances to where the dragon has seemingly dozed off in the sun before she adds, "I suppose I might as well ask at this point - you were talking to that little fellow there. Is... he? considered a pet, an animal? Or is he a person as well?"
- Talia Wagner has posed:
TJ smiles to Rahne "Yeah of course, I'll make sure to find you before I call for a pickup."
Which is when the wolf girl makes an exit, at least for now.
She looks back to Hank and Laxmi. "Oh.. I wasn't sure it was much of a secret or not these days .. .or maybe it just is these circles is ok. I wouldn't go posting it on the net all over. Yeah the brotherhood has an asteroid base. My room is fantastic.... and yes the view from the central atrium and garden... " she makes the chef kiss gesture "Mmmuah"
There is a look to the dragon. "Lockheed.. he is sentient and amazing. Alien actually. Kitty's friend. He understands us."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
That's a good question. "He's a friend. Not human, or mutant. A friend of Kitty's, a guardian to her after a fashion." The man muses, looking to the snoozing Lockheed. "I would not consider him a pet... or an animal. He's quite intelligent." A look to Laxmi. "I do not know if he's from another dimension, another planet, or some other origin." A slight shrug.
As Talia makes mention, he grins. "Yes, that's right. Alien." He nods, looking sheepish. "I... it's been a week." A slight chuckle. "Overworked, I suppose. The views are breathtaking, yes." He agrees. "And the garden is quite impressive."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"A sentient alien dragon friend," Laxmi repeats - utterly baffled by this news. Did this fall within the purview of the taboo, then? Or not? How strange. "I wonder if the tales of dragons come from dinosaur bones after all? Or a creature such as he. Or a combination of the two?" she muses thoughtfully, before her attention is drawn back to the matter of the Asteroid.
"They have a garden on an asteroid, orbiting the planet?" she asks. "...are all of my conversations at this school going to be this shocking and baffling?" she asks - letting out a laugh. Goodnes. "It //must// be a sight to behold!"
- Talia Wagner has posed:
TJ fishes out her phone and thumbs through some screens and then passes it to Laxmi "Hit play, I took that in the garden atrium."
It is a video of the garden and view through the transparent dome.
"Also yes. Yes many of the conversations around here are like this... also dinosaurs very real. Like there is still an island full of them alive. .. Dragons though are probably either from faerie or aliens... fucking makluans.."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Looking once more to the dragon, Henry bends down and scoops up the snoozing draconic friend. "The Savage Land." He nods to Talia. "Though, Sauron is generally a pest there." A shake of his head. "I promise, Laxmi, that your world will be opened to staggering things - beautiful, terrible and awe-inspiring." Henry smiles. "We are blessed to have interesting times, in both good and bad."
"Now, if you two will excuse me - I'm going to tuck him in to rest. He's a bit worried over Kitty, and still mending. Look forward to chatting with you two later." A wave to the ladies, and he makes his way back into the manor.
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well. I'm both excited and intimidated, I suppose," Laxmi remarks, shaking her head slightly at the thought. Goodness. She watches the man stride away with the little dragon in tow - before returning her attention to the phone in her hands. Hitting play, her eyes widen and she lets out a quiet, "My goodness..." She watches the video play out with an awed expression on her features. She would so love to go there. What would her family even say to something like that? "And there's- dinosaurs are real? And alive?" How can that even possibly be?
"And you've traveled to different realities? The things you must have seen..." she remarks, as she offers the phone back.
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"It's a place called the Savage Lands... it is intense. Antartica. Human tribes. Homo-magi tribe. Animal people tribes.... a furry's wet dream. Also dinosaurs. Sauron... a pain in the ass mutant pterodacyl ... Karl Lykos... life force absorbtion. He loves messing around down there trying to conquer it. Mind control powers too... in some worlds he is with the brotherhood. Doesn't seem to be here though or at least not right now.
She takes her phone back. "Uh.. I have seen too many things yes. Almost none of them good at all." a wan smile. "I traveled with a team called the eXiles... we were fixing realities that were collapsing and broken to stop a cascade of multiversal failure... I got stranded here on a jump."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"In Antartica? It must be freezing there, then? How do they survive?" Laxmia asks in puzzlement as she ponders this strange land and what sounds like the many dangers it must include. Oh... odd.
But it's the next comment that earns the bulk of her attention. "That must have been trying. And this reality was going to collapse? To - what? Cease to exist?" she asks in bafflement. "The entire universe? Then you've saved billions upon billions upon billions of lives," she says with some awe.
"...but this isn't your world?"
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"I guess you could look at it that way.... " she has a quiet thoughtful sort of tone. "It was hundreds of dimensions we saved .. every couple of days we would get dumped into a new one. I guess there is ... far as I know about ten trillion lives in the galaxy so if you want I guess we saved ... countless."
Yeah she is very quiet staring at the grass.
"Oh.. no this isn't my world. We were told if we saved enough to stop the multiversal collapse... we would get to go home. Something went wrong after we killed the vampire avengers and baron blood.. some sort of chaos magic. I got dumped here and without the Tallus ... maybe they can't find me."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
'Vampire Avengers.' There's a phrase you don't want to here. ...ever. "How long has it been?" Laxmi asks with concern and sympathy - her hands folded in front of herself. She's seen what a comfort it can be to others - holding someone's hand, or touching their arm - and if she was being completely honest, there was a part of her that regreted her inability to offer that to Talia.
"I mean... I suppose they could still find you? But I'm not convinced how reassuring the uncetainty that must leave, would really be. I'm so sorry. I do hope you find your way home, though."
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"How long has it been.... since I was snatched out of my home or since I ended up here?" she considers "uh... 4 years since I lost my home. Eight months here so far though. Right about New Years..."
She plucks a blade of grass.
"Eight months is so far beyond the longest I've been somewhere other than home... but time is very subjective... I am not without hope but I made the call months ago to establish the best life I can here at this point."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"...I see," Laxmi answers, with sympathy lacing her voice. "Well. I'd like to think our reality is not that awful - but I suppose you'd be the better judge. I do hope you have been able to find a place here. When I perform puja, though, I'll remember you in my prayers. Who's to say if the Gods of this reality have the power to answer such requests - but if not they, then who?" She smiles at Talia encouragingly as she adds, "And if there's anything I can do lighten your burden on your journey... That is what we are all here to do for one another. Yes?"
- Talia Wagner has posed:
There are some thoughts Talia has about the gods of realities.
Probably best she doesn't voice them in the face of kindness and sympathy.
"Thank you Laxmi. Also for the record... this reality is better than almost all the ones I visited."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"It sounds as if this school exists in - well, at least some of the worlds you've visited." At least one other, it seems. ...had it been Talia's own reality where she had died? "You must know much more about it than I do. I'm only just getting to know Xavier, the other staff here, the students... "But everyone's tried to make me welcome," Laxmi remarks with warmth. "I suppose that may in part account for your presence here?"
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"I don't think I saved this reality by staying here.. but who knows I've seen stranger things." a smile.
She eases up to her feet and offers you her hand freely given to help you up.
"I grew up in Xaviers, but he died when I was really little and my dad and Logan ran the school in his legacy. But yes the school it is a constant.... focal point... it is most places and usually the people are kind."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
Laxmi responds to the offered hand with a simple shake of her head, climbing to her feet on her own. No offense was meant - and she can only imagine after her dramatic reason to the wolf-girl earlier, Talia would rememer the why of it. "I'm sorry to hear something unfortunate befell Professor Xavier in your reality. He seems to be a good man, especially to gather such good people around him. I don't believe I've met a 'Logan' yet. And your father...?" she asks uncertainly. "Are they here?" And what must that be like for her? What a strange idea.
- Talia Wagner has posed:
"Oh yeah they are all here... Jean.. Kate.. Logan... Kurt... my mom is an avenger here like home.. Scarlet Witch. Also yeah.. is is very strange."
A soft smile "they are all kind though and Kurt and Wanda actually seem to enjoy having me in their lives." she glances towards the manor.
"I should go collect a wolf lass and head up."
- Laxmi Mallick has posed:
"Well. Enjoy your trip up to the Asteroid, then. Wave down at me once you're there - I'll be here waving back up," Laxmi offers with an amused smile.
"And do apologize again to Miss Sinclair for me. I hope she doesn't think- well. I hope she knows my reaction had nothing to do with //her,//" she clarifies in an amused tone.
Pressing her hands together once more she adds, "Namaste, Ms. Wagner-Lensher."