7775/The Idol: Tracking the Cultists
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The Idol: Tracking the Cultists | |
Date of Scene: | 10 September 2021 |
Location: | Cairo, Egypt |
Synopsis: | 2 Asgardians, a mage and an archer follow a lead on the cultists they have been pursuing in Cairo and end up at an encampment where they have the relic they are after. The Khushu Idol. |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Sif, Vintridr, Abcde Prescelta
- Thea Queen has posed:
Uneasy truce had been found with the sand mages and Khrad, a mysterious mage who was also after the Idol to presumably destroy it. They have been keeping their distance somewhat but trickles of information come from time to time, mostly through Abcde who they appear to have been more in communication with.
Faati and his wife, Miriam, have taken the 'action' that happened on their household notably well. Noone was kicked out! Always a plus. A couple of days have gone by without too big of a success in finding tracks relating to the cultists. They know they aren't exactly in Cairo, but on the outskirts. Maybe in the desert? But too big of an area to cover without knowing a more approximate location.
That is until Thea comes in mid-morning with that kind of triumphant smile on her lips that tells she has something to go with. "I think I got something..." she singsongs.
"Turns out one of Faati's old contacts knows about the mark. And in fact, he knows where at least one is most Friday mornings." a beat, ".. Today."
"At the Khan el-khalili, also known as the biggest bazaar in Cairo."
- Sif has posed:
Waiting is the life of the warrior, and any warrior not adapted to it left the life soon (often by the spear or arrow or sword). Sif took the time waiting to:
1. Repair torn clothing.
2. Maintain equipment.
3. Seek out trinkets and toys in the local souq to give the children.
4. Assist in any repairs of the household, cutting costs for things like backhoes or the ilk.
For a noble of the Court, it's a bit unsettling to see how grounded she can be for those who don't know of that little dichotomy in her life.
Oh, and, of course,
5. Spar with Vintridr using naked weapons, heedless of wounds given or taken. Thrice daily.
Of course time weighs on the mind and Thea's news is met with a beatific smile. "I presume we shall accost and capture?"
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr takes the waiting time with all the aplomb of the old, old, old warrior she is underneath her apparent youth: maintaining her gear, helping out in the household in as much as the sometimes complex rules governing hospitality permit, sparring with Sif to keep her edge, with Thea to help the Young Queen train and undersand the capabilities of her forces better -- and, when asked, very gently, with some of the more awestruck of Faati's children, teaching them the basics.
Still, when the news of progress arrives she is not unhappy -- they'd come here for a specific reason and time is of the essence.
She shakes her head at Sif. "Trail them until they lead us to the ones we seek, or until we're certain he'll lead us no further, then accost and capture," she counters. "I do not doubt your ability to draw information from even the most stubborn of foes, Lady Sif, but with fanatics, this may take entirely more time than we have..."
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
Abcde is not so sure about the Khrad person. Even the snek cultists aren't so sure about him. This was news she brought back to the team. In fact, it was Khrad who originally approached them to warn them about the idol. A little too convenient, they think, and had told Abcde. It's good to know despite their actions and intentions they aren't taking everything a stranger like Khrad says at face value.
Abcde has also spent a bunch of time doing purificatioon rituals in Faati's courtyard. When asked about it, she mentioned something about 'paradox' and all the magic she used on their first day in Egypt. The temperature of Egypt is getting to her a little bit. West Virginia isn't this kind of climate, not by a long shot. Neither is New York or Starling City.
"Oh thank heck that's a lead at least. Despite that being the biggest market in Egypt. I'll get the detector thingy set up. Important safety tip - if we do find them, I have potions we all need to take before we engage them in battle. Just look how badly we did against Slitherin..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Training? Damn right that Thea *will* have been part of it. Well, maybe not when they are brandishing those naked weapons. But she will be *watching* at least even as the priority has been the search so far. But she had proposed that they trained her so..., no better time than the present! And so she does. Sword mostly as that seems to be the Asgardians specialty!
As for the kids? Oh yes, they will enjoy the 'training', squeals of laughter heard from time to time as they do it. Because for them? It's all a game. So quick that kids can forget they almost died a few days back. Not that Miriam forgets, keeping an 'hawk eye' on that 'training'. Ready to intervene if needed. Deadly with a rolling pin she is.
Thea smiles at the gang, looking somewhat eager to go 'get them', a nod towards Vin. "That sounds like the more sensible approach. Follow them, maybe without alerting them." a shrug. "Or get them on the run. Either would work. I will trust your abilities to track them." a look between Vin and Abcde.
But then her attention goes to Abcde, "Did you just say 'thank heck'? That's the cutest thing I have heard this week." a grin to the mage, "How long will those potions last?"
With time being of the essence she is already finishing the prep to go to Faati's truck, now all dressed up in the Red Arrow costume. Bow and sword prepared!
- Sif has posed:
Sif sighs indulgently. OK, petulantly. Still. She sighs.
"If we are going to follow, I presume this means not in full combat gear and wearing this ... fragile ... clothing?" She glances once again at Vintridr's instant-switch device. "I will have to take one of those from the armory in future operations on Midgard, I see."
Since the operation has to be low key, she chooses to wear just the less showy weapons: axes instead of her sword. And certainly no spear and shield. Those get packed and tossed into the back of the truck in that trick leather bag that is far smaller on the outside than the items inside it.
"Had I thought of it in advance, I would have petitioned the Lady Freya for some healing runestones. Another item to remember for future measures."
She, naturally, does not enter the vehicle, choosing instead to undergo a 'light run' for energizing purposes.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr actually has made some attempt to blend in with the local color in as much as that's possible for a six feet tall woman of apparent Scandinavian descent -- but between the sun hat, the shades, and the slightly overpriced-looking camera dangling from her neck she can probably easily pass as yet another tourist.
"Preparation is half the battle won," she quotes to Sif. "Do you have a more detailed description of our quarry?" she then asks Thea, while looking expectantly at Abcde for her explanation of what these potions will do.
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
A small smile as Thea has a go at her language, "That's just how we speak in West Virginia." She shrugs her shoulders and raises her eyebrows as her grin grows, "Can't nothing be done to help it I'm afraid. Afflicted for life." She points to herself with a thumb.
"The potions last a good two hours," she says before wandering off to the room she's staying in to rifle through her stuff. She comes back with something most peculiar on. A leather shoulder holster. On the one side it fits her wand underneath her arm and on the other, a leather bandoleer of potions. Hanging from her neck is a silver necklace with a vail containing a curious black liquid - Thea has seen it before, the stuff she used to track the corrupted dark energy left behind by the idol.
She's still wrapping her head in a scarf and doing up her hoodie as she comes back out. Once the hoodie is done up her equipment is hidden well. The headscarf is just to be polite in this foreign country - but also to keep the heat and sand off of her hair. It's not just fashion, it's also sensible.
"The potions primarily make it next to impossible for someone to target you with a spell. Whether it be from your emotions, your heat signature, your scent. There are many ways mages target you such that they themselves don't even have to aim. Both of you felt Khrad do that to you when he stopped you moving. While that's going on, I will be displacing the battlefield exactly one foot to the left. So, if you want to hit your opponent, aim to the right one foot. This should give us the advantage over whatever mage we come up against."
"Healing runestones?" She perks up at that. A wildly different kind of magic, or perhaps just alien technology she couldn't possibly comprehend. She holds out her hand and her broom flies over to it, much to the delight of the kids watching the adults gather for their mission. "I'm good to go." She heads out to get in the truck.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Ah, yes. The healing runestones. Thea is quite fond of those. For REASONS. So she smiles faintly at Sif when they are mentioned even as she gets into the truck, a tunic over her more inconspicuous, vigilante outfit. The hood is down at least so her face can be seen. But it does seem she will be getting to full-on Red Arrow when they get there. "Running again?" a beat, "Nothing like a little sweaty scent to get a morning going, mmm?" is she teasing the Goddess of War? Well, yes. Living dangerously and all that! But at least she winks at her friend, perhaps to save herself from getting ran to the ground.
It's Faati that answers Vin's question. "We will meet with the guy I know, he will point us to him and then we can go from there.", a pause, "Or rather YOU can go from there. I don't want to get involved. Well, more than I am at least! I got kids to feed and all that..."
As they start gathering inside the truck, some to run, others to actually ride INSIDE the truck Thea taps on the outside of the door. "Alright, lets get to it. I will be taking the high ground atop buildings to check for our quarry while you pursue within the market itself. Sounds good?" a look to Abcde, "We will be counting on that tracking device you got for their corruption too."
The drive begins, the truck laboriously making it's way into Cairo and nearing their destination. It's almost as if they are entering a different world once they are closer to the bazaar. So many people talking that it turns almost like a droning sound in the air. A city within a city, alleyways, people going back and forth, tourists or not. And of course, lots and lots of street stores selling the most varied kind of objects. Thea looks at it all with avidly. Oh how she wants to stop and just indulge in spending the whole day here! "Ugh .., I could spend a whole month here just travelling all these little streets." maybe she will in the future!
- Sif has posed:
After the light, refreshing run that doesn't even cause her to break a sweat, Sif feigns cool appraisal of the massive souq, but underneath it all, her hawklike eyes are picking out items of interest for their return, should it happen to come this way. Trinkets for children. Household items for their host and hostess. Weapons for ... well, guess. Such interesting curved blade designs...
"I can see and hear farther than all of you, so I will stick in the background, keeping my eyes and ears on the target once acquired, or listening to your guidance should an interception be required." She smiles wickedly. "If you summon me for aid, ensure there is a clear path. My arrival will be precipitous and I would not like to have to go through building walls nor atop vehicles to avoid overrunning people."
She slings her bag over one shoulder and manages somehow to look like a tourist herself.
An uptight tourist with commanding gaze and ramrod straight back, but a tourist nonethe... Never mind. She's not even fooling herself. She looks like a female Dr. Livingstone.
- Vintridr has posed:
"... Lady Sif," Vintridr objects with only the faintest hints of a sigh. "I have mentioned this before. No one who knows you questions your courage, your honor, or your skill, and your talents are the stuff of legend... But subtlety is not among them. We shall likely need your sword arm sooner rather than later, but until then -- leave this to the experts?"
As they progress through the souq she occasionally pauses, buying an extra set of sunglasses here, a lovely hairpin there, a few shawls of different colors and an extra bag, some bluetooth earbuds...
"Following someone who may expect pursuit is an art form. Take to the roofs with the Young Queen and make sure you don't lose track of me..."
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
A hand cups around the vial of black stuff hanging from her neck by silver chain. She nods to Thea, "It'll work.. but I'd be surprised if the idol is at the market. The market would be tearing itself apart by now. They must have put it somewhere more isolated, somewhere the violence won't be as noticed. Like the bad neighbourhood in your city was."
Her eyes light up with interest as she sees the giant marketplace. "Hooo yes. Looking forward to this shindig." She hops out of the car and moves along with the group to find this person woh can point them to the suspected cultist, "Still, if they have been near the idol, I should get a couple of lil' bubbles going, a bit of heat too. I'll notice it for sure. We'll know we're on the right track."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Lady Vin does have a point..." About subtlety! And ouch, is it a gang up on 'poor' Sif?! Still, there's a little smirk on the young Arrow's lips as she says that, the cowl being brought up to cover her head, the mask being put in place. Comms are distributed of course so they can keep in contact. "Put those on your ear." see? The young Queen can be useful too! One is also given to Faati and then it's time to go! "You will have to try to keep up if you are coming with me to the roof, Lady Sif.." and with practiced motions she makes her way up there. Thankfully it's low roofs, no high buildings, and mostly connected to one another, so no need to go around jumping either. Convenient.
As the group progresses through the market they fully immerse themselves in the throng of it. All the sounds coming from everywhere, the exotic look, the confusion of people back and forth. They have truly entered a new 'world'.
Faati walks along with Abcde and Vin, pointing here and there to some wares, smiling at a merchant or another. He clearly knows a few. But it's a particular one he goes for. After some talk the merchant says the men with the marks should be about soon.
Which will just leave them with enough time to do a few last hour buys if they want. And get into position! Though it certainly doesn't seem like it will take long as Abcde starts noting a first few bubbles popping up on her magic detector.
- Sif has posed:
Sif's face at "keep up" is a straight-up "really?" look. Incredulous facial expression paired with a single raised eyebrow. (The left.) She waits until Thea is almost at the top before leaping up to the roof, turning to extend a hand down to offer help for the last bit of Thea's climb.
"I shall attempt to keep up," she says dryly, face deadpan.
There may be no need to go jumping, but ... at least to get up it will start with jumping.
As the group progresses, Sif keeps up with Thea easily, neither complaining nor showing off (aside from the original leap). When they find the target shop, she selects an ambush site that gives her a commanding view of as many means of egress as possible and simply waits, crouching unmoving while the rest make whatever purchases they might wish, looking for all the world like someone's discarded mannequin. One of those hyperrealistic ones.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin nods as she fits the comm into her ear, then puts one of the bluetooth earbuds she'd just purchased in the other and slips one of the scarves she'd bought around one shoulder before tapping the little commbud.
<< Comms check, >> she murmurs under her breath. << Let me know when you're in position. >>
With that, she steps away from the group, her entire body language shifting subtly as she blends into the crowd of natives and tourists, looking for interesting things to buy...
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
The chance to see this market? so worth the trip to the hot city of Cairo. She's already sweating like any white human tends to do in this kind of climate. The comms go on to her ear, hidden by the head scarf she's wearing. The merchant seems like a nice enough person. Certainly willing to do the right thing by alerting them to these cult members.
Abcde takes a bit of time to shop around, buying some brightly covered scarves and jewellery. She can't afford the time to get some henna done though. She can feel the warmth on her chest and her hand grips the vial. Lifting it up, those little bubbles are starting to appear like tiny eruptions from a tar pit.
<< Heads up, we definitely have afflicted incoming. Doubtful it'll be the mage behind it - don't drink the potions just yet. >> If they're just muscle for the cult - mutant or no - they're better off not wasting the carefully constructed potion Abcde made.
She walks next door to a carpet shop and stands there, taking note of the patterns and stroking her fingers of the fabrics that make them up. It's giving her a good view of the merchant's shop while looking like a regular market patron.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Taking the hand to go up onto that rooftop Thea lets out a brief chuckle, "Thank you." followed by a wink. But then it's game face on. They have cultists to track down. Thea hops from roof to roof as they move. Lots of practice too due to all the Starling shenanigans she gets up to, eventually moving to find a perch near the unmoving 'Sif-mannequin', crouching down, only her hooded head seen.
<<We are in position. Northern building to where you two are>> comes Thea's response to Vin, eyes continuing to track the market. Not an easy thing to do considering how there's just so many people here.
From one of the streets a few men come out, distinct in the way they seem to be dressed in suits instead of the more usual vestments here. Shaved heads. One of them seems a bit worse for wear though, as if he had been beaten up recently. Bandages around a side of the head, one arm on a sling. Sif and Vin may even recognize that one from being one of the cultists that was pursuing them when they arrived in Cairo.
They close in and start looking over the wares while the merchant regards the injured one. "Ow, what happened to you? All okay?" the response. "Yea, yea. All's good. You should see the other guy..." such a liar! But he looks around briefly. Does he stop his gaze on either Abcde or Vin? But they seem well disguised.
The merchant then rubs his hands and brings a couple of bags from under a table. "The usual then?"
- Sif has posed:
The 'mannequin' still doesn't move--her capacity for stillness is almost spooky--but there's a distinct air of interest nonetheless as the targets' arrival is noted.
<<Targets noted. Ready for trailing or ambushing as needed.>> The goddess' voice comes clearly over the comms despite her lips not visibly moving. Someone has apparently taught her to subvocalize.
<<Vintridr, if you are spotted, keep the witch alive. She is our most valuable battlefield asset.>>
Surely Abcde is feeling warm fuzzies at being called a 'valuable battlefield asset', right?
- Vintridr has posed:
Ironically, the Vintridr negotiates animatedly with a vendor selling lovely hand mirrors, holding one up to the sun to study her own reflection - and catch a glimpse of the people around her without appearing to look.
<< I see them, >> she murmurs. >> North edge of the market, two alleys down from the northwestern corner. >>
She lowers the mirror with a smile for the merchant, engaging in a brief barter over the price before slipping it into her bag. << Worry not, I'll keep her safe.>>
She pulls the floppy sun hat she'd bought earlier out of her bag and puts it on, letting the wide brim shade her eyes from the sun - and differ her face and general outline even further from the warrioress who inflicted those injuries, before offering Abcde a cheerful tourist smile that looks surprisingly genuine. "Let's see what else there is to buy here, shall we?"
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
<< Those are definitely our guys >> she says as they come in to view. What was the merchant selling them exactly? she'll have to ask him. A little smile twitches at her lips as the young witch is classified as valuable by the Asgardian Goddess of War.
<< You can call me VBA for short >> she says jokingly as she moves over to inspect another carpet so it looks like she's still shopping rather than spying on the cultists. These people think far too highly of her magical skills though. The preparation was entirely due to the Sorcerer Supreme's suggestions after all.
"My thoughts exactly.." she replies as Vin joins her. As their targets move away she approaches the merchant and says, "Thank you. But I need to know.. what is 'the usual' they just bought off of you?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
<<Look at that head starting to inflate with all the praise>> Thea jokes on comms, peering over the edge again and speaking up, <<But Sif is right, you are the one that knows how their magic works>>
The men are indeed moving again, starting to head towards one of the exits, <<Got it. They are on the move again now, circling to the northwestern exit. Going to relocate>> and then she is up to her feet again, "Time to move, lets try to keep ahead of them, Lady Sif."
With a running start Thea makes her way to another rooftop, taking a shortcut to get ahead to where she *expects* them to be going to. And so far they seem to have been able to keep out of sight from them. Go Team Stealth!
Abcde's question does make the merchant frown though. Clearly not a question he was expecting! Which may imply what was traded wasn't very legal, "That's my business." he says in rough english, gesturing with his hands for Abcde to move along. So rude...
The pursuit both on the ground and the buildings leads them out, where an open back truck is, some tarps on the back of it. One of the men starts to get into the driver's seat. <I got an idea, can you provide a distraction?> she asks. <Going to try and hide inside the truck>
- Sif has posed:
The transition from mannequin to fluid motion is effected without delay. Surprisingly quiet, given her reputation, Sif follows along with Thea before taking a different building side from her to keep a different angle on the same target.
<<One distraction is presently being delivered.>>
A long-bladed throwing shiv is slipped from her boot as she looks ahead of the vehicle for a target.
A rickety balcony, filled with junk and detritus: old baskets, wicker chairs and the like, is held up by simple beams. Taking out the farthest beam...
The knife flies through the air silently like a bat slices through the night with the speed of a bullet. It slips past the closest beam and carves deep into the farthest, so deep that the wood crackles and shakes at the impact, making a sound that could just as easily be a beam breaking under load at a flaw point.
The beam gives, the balcony twists atop it, before it slowly and elegantly dumps all of its contents on the street before the truck.
What a crazy, random happenstance! And it's sure going to be a lot of work to clear a path through it. It will probably take a few pairs of hands, in fact, to do it in a reasonable amount of time...
- Vintridr has posed:
n briefly lays a reassuring hand on Abcde's shoulder. "Peace; one does not lightly demand a merchant to betray his customers' trust," she points out.
The truck complicates matters, but only somewhat - subtly shadowing a moving vehicle is hard to do on foot, but obtaining a car of her own will not be that much of a problem.
When Sif deploys her 'distraction' she turns to look - as most people do, hearing the noise. << Well done, >> she murmurs into the comm, then lets the natural motion of the crowd draw her and Abcde toward the source of the commotion.
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
"Hmph," is her reply to the man not wanting to explain what it was he just sold them. She'll figure it out - one way or another. Hopefully it won't bite them on the butt in the mean time. She nods to Vintridr and says, "You're right."
She heads after the people they're meant to be following. Still amidst the masses she watches the balcony tumble down and chuckles to herself. "I'm sure Faati will help us tail them," she suggests to Vintridr. Though perhaps the pair of Asgardians will decide to go by foot again. Either way she's not walking or jogging.. or running. Not in this heat and not at those speeds.
"If they notice us things might get exciting again," she says but with a tone of 'exciting isn't good' in her voice. She has the feeling Sif would relish the excitement though.
- Thea Queen has posed:
There is indeed a commotion, followed by lots of shouting. From the men that are getting in the truck that now have their way blocked. From the owner of that particular house that is now accusing those guys in the truck from being responsible. All back and forth. And shouting. And people coming to watch. And they are still very close to the market so one can bet there is a lot of people here.
<<Perfect>> A grin over to Sif, followed by a, "Wish me luck..." she throws herself down to the ground, landing not too far from the truck and sliding closer...
The men, in the meantime, have moved on to start moving the various junk that dropped down, still cursing at the house owner because who keeps so much junk in such a precarious balcony!?
A head peers over the side of the truck, now against it, a glance about to make sure she isn't being seen and she nimbly jumps over and onto the truck. All that training sneaking away from her brother is working! And now that she is atop the truck? She rolls under a tarp to remain out of sight. <<I am in>> she tells the others quietly. <<I will keep an eye out for where weare going so you can track us more easily. Better get Faati's truck>> even if she knows how the Asgardians like to run!
Though she also hopes that Abcde can actually track *her*.
- Sif has posed:
Sif watches from her sheltered locale with amusement. There's something satisfying about causing chaos and carnage out of scale with the stimulus. One knife. One chaotic crowd. One spy slipped into place. Fond memories of her early years as a shieldmaiden flood her head, and a genuinely fond smile forms on her lips.
Her eyes, however, are on the forms of the people clearing the path in the mess.
Her targets.
<<Ready to follow.>>
Not that there was any doubt.
- Vintridr has posed:
<<Understood,>> Vintridr replies, turning away from the departing truck. << Lady Sif, please keep eyes on them while we retrieve Faati's truck. >>
She nods at Abcde. "Let's go."
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
Abcde nods in response to Vintridr, "On our way.." She tilts her head in the direction to go and starts weaving her way through the crowd back to Faati. "Faati, it's time to go. Thea is hiding in their truck.. so.. we need to not lose them. Or get spotted following them." She smiles, no pressure Faati. Then again if it comes to it Vin can run and Abcde can fly.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Now that Thea is finally all tucked in under those tarps she can take a moment to assess and .... ugh, what's *that* smell? Don't people wash their trucks?! "Ugh, it's like something died under here. What do these guys do? Carry dead animals around..?" her expression then going pale at the thought of what *else* they may be carrying. "Ah shit .." she whispers into comms.
The shouting is continuing for a bit, which may give them enough time to prepare for pursuit, be it through Faati, who widens his eyes when Abcde announces Thea is with the cultists, "Oh no, this doesn't sound like it's a safe move..." and he starts elbowing past the rest of the voyeurs on scene to haste their way back to the truck. Of course that it may take just a wee bit, even if they are nearing that exit Faati's truck is in.
Eventually the way *is* cleared of debris. After a lot of shouting of course. Rude gestures. The usual. Some of the men climb to the back of the truck, the others on the front and the engine starts up again, ready to go on their way!
- Sif has posed:
Sif watches with amusement as her little knife toss causes intense chaos that permits Thea to slip in. Upon Thea's complaint she stifles a laugh. <<Unless it's worse,>> she says sympathetically, <<than the insides of an ice wyrm, you won't be getting any sympathy from me.>> OK, maybe not so sympathetically, but certainly delivered with wicked humour.
Seeing that the truck is approaching time to move, she melts back out of sight and moves forward across the building top along the course the truck must follow, appearing at the end to watch its arrival at the next intersection, prepared to follow whichever direction it chooses.
<<I'm in position to keep pursuit,>> she reports as the truck starts, revs, and gets ready to go.
- Vintridr has posed:
<< Pray it's only dead animals they've transported in that, >> comes Vin's wry reply as she helps clear Faati's way to his van, sparing only the briefest glances at the rooftops -- if Lady Sif said she's in a position to follow, she can be relied upon to be in position. << For now, try to remain quiet and avoid detection. We have eyes on you and will not leave you alone.>>
She looks at Faati as the man sits behind the wheel. "Please forgive my impertinence; there was no good moment to ask this without being rude prior, but how good are you at following a driver who does not wish to be followed and should not realize he's being followed?"
To Sif, she replies, << Understood. Keep eyes on them and be ready to call out location should we need it. >>
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
Abcde doesn't help. Instead, she quote Star Wars, << And I thought they smelt bad... on the outside >> she grins at Faati who clearly gets the reference, even if he is worried about Thea's bold and potentially stupid move. She nods to Vin's question to Faati though. It's a darn good question.
"Worst case scenario, I have a small cutting of Thea's hair. Don't tell her. I can use it to track her if we lose her." She looks a touch slyly to Vin as she explains this. Her eyes going to her backpack just briefly.
"The less magic we can use to find their base of operations the better. We want the element of surprise on our side after all. If they under estimate our preparedness then we have a good shot of taking them out." Because they're going up against a mage who uses human sacrifice as a way to level up.
- Thea Queen has posed:
<< Ice wyrms, pffftt. Humble bragging much?" Though at least her tone is one of amusement, which means Thea most likely forgot about the smell, and it's implications on what it may be for a while at least. << And going quiet now...>> because it's right in the moment that the cultists climb up onto the truck and settle in. One even bumps against her some but doesn't seem to notice there's a body under. She's skinny and small anyway!
Faati looks at Vin like a deer under headlights, which pretty much seems to answer the question on how practiced he is about that! "Do you want to drive instead? I am good with it!" and most likely relieved too if any of them takes the chance for it. Still, they will need to get going soon in order to keep up with the truck!
Sif can see the truck starting to make way out of the buzz-buzz that is Cairo's center, turning to a more open road and beginning to head out to one of the exits of the city. Towards the desert.
- Sif has posed:
Duly reporting the direction the truck is taking, using dense combat command language that only Vin can likely follow without help, Sif takes to pursuit, using her impressive eyesight and hearing together to keep the truck's location in awareness even while maneouvring along the rooftops mostly out of sight.
Oh, and her sense of smell. Because Thea is right. Something in that truck reeks. "I'm beginning to pity the mortal," she mutters to herself as a zephyr carries a particularly pungent scent her way.
Once the exit is made clear, Sif ranges further afield and lets out all stops, racing along the rooftops out of sight, heedless of any barriers that might be in the way (poor chicken coop!) (laundry line) (grow shack filled with suspicious herbs), to reach the exit in question ahead of the truck to catch it should it make a sharp change of direction after departing the city limits.
<<I'm... *bam* on my... *slam* *cluckclucksquaaaaaaa!* way to the... *crash* city's edge!>> she reports as she runs.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr offers a reassuring smile, which would probably work better on people who haven't seen her tear through giant sword-wielding snakes half-naked with a howl on her lips and murder in her eyes. "It used to be... something of a specialty of mine. I've tried to keep my skills sharp," she replies as she slides behind the wheel and pulls out into traffic as soon as Abcde finds a seat.
<< Lady Sif's qualities and virtues are rightly mentioned in song and tale, >> she comments drily to Thea's last response. << Humility has rarely been marked among them. >>
She turns a corner a bit more tightly than Faati would probably have preferred in order to get onto the street Sif described, scanning the traffic ahead for the truck.
"I'll have to be a bit more careful than usual," she comments for Faati's benefit - giving an ally a quick tutorial in How To Properly Shadow is never a wasted effort - "We didn't have time to change the van's profile since the last time they might have seen it, and we can't swap it out while we're driving at all. The trick isn't just to keep following them, but to not look like that's what we're doing..."
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
Abcde is a little surprised when Vin takes the wheel. She keeps her mouth shut though, even when they take that corner a little too close for her liking too. She's scheduled to learn offensive and defensive driving on a SHIELD course but having not done it yet, she grips her seat a little tighter than usual.
"Huh. So you're like the Asgardian version of a spy?" She wonders, because the only other people she knows who does this sort of thing are all SHIELD agents. Melinda May in particular.
"Did I just hear a chicken on comms?" She blinks << Are those chickens okay? >> she asks with a touch of amusement. << We're on the move, not too far behind. Vin is worried they might make the vehicle >>
- Thea Queen has posed:
My chickens! A sandal can be seen by Sif flying by her head as she crashes through the area, followed by some rather colorful comments about her dear mother. In a not very endearing way. Don't you just love having Allspeak so you can understand every insult?! But with more or less chaos wrought in her wake Sif is able to follow the truck, even if now it's getting more out of the populated areas and towards an highway. Another turn and the truck is now entering it, which means speeding up too!
Faati wiggles out of the way for Vinnie to settle down and points to the clutch. "You need to give it a little love before---" pause as Vin seems to have it handled. Ah well! And here he was thinking americans couldn't drive manual shift! But joke's on him as he doesn't know of Vin's Asgardian ties! Or didn't until Abcde speaks, "Asgardian?" he asks at Abcde with a blink.
Through Sif's indications on comms and following some shortcuts pointed out by Faati (along with Vin's impeccable driving) it means that they are starting to get onto that same highway.
As for Thea? Radio silence. But one can imagine she might very well be smirking at all the chicken sounds heard on comms, along with the rest!
- Sif has posed:
Sif hits the ground just ahead of where the truck is about to hit the highway then takes to it, ducking behind a dune and lying flat as it zips past in front of her.
<<Eyes on villains,>> she reports. <<They are now reaching speeds that will be a little tiresome to match in a run.>> Meaning she could only keep up the pace a few hours instead of all week. <<And the chickens are surprised, but hale. And now free.>>
Once the vehicle passes, Sif gets to her feet and matches speed from a long distance to their right, parkouring her way past obstacles, keeping high leaps to a minimum (ideally none) and instead relying on long, flat-trajectoried jumps and rolls to sneak her past obstacles.
<<You can relax the pressure if you fear being spotted. I'm well outside a mortal's easy sight range and keeping them in sight.>>
Later there will be plenty of Instagram and YouTube videos of a grim-faced woman running like a maniac and leaping, sliding, and slithering over, under, and through obstacles. But for now, it's strictly on the Q.T.
- Vintridr has posed:
<< I have them, >> Vintridr replies, her eyes narrowing slightly as she spots the truck, accelerating just enough to pass one car, then slipping back into traffic. She shrugs at Abcde's question "... 'spy' is such a loaded word," she replies. "Any military force needs its scouts, to know the lay of the land and to keep track of their foes, preferably without said foes knowing about them."
She glances briefly in the rear view mirror, then decelerates to let a sizeable car pass in front of her before she takes the next corner.
"Wind-reader. Cloud-rider. Way-finder. Those are the names I earned," she muses with an almost fond, faraway smile. "None so grand or renowned as Lady Sif's many titles and conquests, perhaps, but battle-earned and battle-tested none the less."
Faati's question gets a raised eyebrow. Apparently Thea hadn't quite finished introductions. "Despite assumptions, Lady Sif and I are not mutants -- we never were human in the first place. We hail of distant Asgard, a world beyond normal reach of human ken. In more ancient times, we traveled to this world much more freely; the Vikings of the north thought us gods because of our power, and worshipped us as such. Dig deep enough into their mythology, you might even find mention of some of Lady Sif's accomplishments."
Nostalgia and history lessons alike are interrupted by Sif's response. << Understood. We're about to reach the highway; keep track when and where they pull off of it, >> she replies, putting on a bit more speed herself as she turns the van onto the highway.
She gives Faati another brief smile. "Your vehicle handles well. Old she may be, but well maintained and well loved. I'll do my best to give her the care she deserves and keep her whole."
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
Abcde puts a hand over her mouth. Damn it. She spilled the beans on that one. Faati's look and question make that clear. "My bad Vin, sorry.." She grimaces a touch. She side whispers to him after Vin has finished explaining who they are and where they fit in to Earth mythology, "They're pretty awesome eh?"
"Those names are all awesome Vin. Way-finder.. that must mean the ocean yes. Wind-reader, must mean the land and.. cloud-rider, i presume means flying up in the air somehow." She raises an eyebrow, "I have zero titles.. unless you count Witch. Which is more of a vocation than a title. Or.. I suppose Friend is a good title right? I have that with plenty of people. Author? Hm, also true, but also a job title or perhaps a hat I wear."
- Thea Queen has posed:
So far it all seems that they are being able to pursue without being detected, both running or through Faati's truck. Old but sturdy truck! With just the little hiccups from time to time that tells of being in it's endlife. But nothing is eternal. Faati listens to the explanation with a nod, then a grunt. "I know Thor." because of course he knows -that- one. "He was in Cairo once, I -almost- saw him. He left a big wreck behind him too.."
Faati then points, "They are exiting the highway. Eh. It's pretty much open fields that way." but just in case he pulls out a map from the glove compartment, opening it so he can look at it with Abcde. He points. "See? There's nothing here, just desert, a tourist here and there maybe.." but Abcde may just start feeling a certain tug in the way of magic in the area. They are starting to enter a zone influenced by .., something. Very subtle, but being focused on the pursuit means she is able to detect faint traces towards where they are going. Faati offers a faint grin, "Well, if we go by the kids you are a true magician of power." a wink. They still weren't sure how Abcde took those coins out of their ears.
As they turn off the highway and towards the more empty desert there isn't much in terms of hiding places to pursue, but distance can be used for Sif to keep out of sight, even if with all the sand it might be harder to keep up the pace! It all depends on how far those Asgardian bodies go!
<<For fucks sake, they just got Cardi B on the radio..>> Is Thea's muffled voice heard along with rather loud music in the air. Someone's getting tortured indeed!
- Sif has posed:
To the rest Sif sounds like a machine still. Vintridr's ears, however, detect the subtle signs of heat, dry and dusty air, and sand beneath her booted feet beginning to take their toll. Still she doggedly runs alongside the truck, varying her speed and path enough that if the dust she kicks up is spotted it will be assumed a sequence of dust devils, hardly a rare sight in the Egyptian desert.
<<Titles are important,>> she says between hard breaths. <<When you age a thousand years. They are your legacy. Your reputation. And a reminder to those who may have forgotten who you truly are.>>
Thumping feet hit the sand as she speaks, giving a cadence to what's beginning to sound like a recitatif.
<<That is also,>> she continues, <<why the 'boasting' you think you hear. It is all an inevitable part of living so long.>>
A grunt escapes her lips as she leaps sideways to avoid a dune that sprung up in her vision as she ran the thread between.
<<Vintridr's titles are not as abundant as mine because mine come from people currying favour with my house. Do not underestimate her. She is no 'spy'. She is what your modern armies call 'special forces'. As deadly as I, but favouring stealth.>>
Then something amazing. She tells a joke.
<<Don't worry about Cardi B, Thea Queen. Thirteen songs later it will be Cardi O and I've heard that's good for you mortals.>>
It's not a very good joke.
- Vintridr has posed:
"As she says," Vin replies to Abcde. "Battle-titles, epithets as you might call them, speak of specific accomplishments or attributes; ways you've distinguished yourself, for good or ill. There is a story behind each one, told by skalds of old during a kenning or by battle comrades around the campfire. For instance, I once foiled an ambush by a Svartalfar force by the springs of Hvergelmir -- their mages had rendered them invisible to escape detection, but I noticed the change they wrought in the winds to keep us from scenting them. Hence, 'Wind-Reader'."
She pauses for a moment as she decelerates slightly yet again, letting a car pass and widening the distance slightly. "A title such as 'Witch' might be more ambiguous - it can be either a mark of respect for the skills inherent in that title, or a mark of disdain, that that particular title is all you're worth knowing for, for good or ill, or even neither, simply a formal acknowledgement of your status,or a neutral appelation for someone who has not yet had opportunity to earn a title of their own -- 'Way-Finder' is closer to my rank and designation than a reference to a battle feat, for instance. They are... Safer, in a way, than names or battle-titles. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you how to name a thing is to know a thing and -- or why that's not a power to use lightly."
"As for the Lady Sif," she continues in response to that worthy's comment, "Some titles may have been given her as flattery, but the truth is that she, like a very rare and renowned few, has gained so much acclaim that she is beyond the need for titles. She is Lady Sif, and that name tells enough to any who hears it."
She smiles again at Faati. "The Odinson's might is as far beyond mine as mine is beyond yours," she admits. "To witness him in battle makes it easy to believe that he was once worshiped as a god -- still is, in some circles." She frowns slightly. "I do apologize for the damage; I'm not sure if the Embassy has already arranged for reparations, but they should..."
Thea's complaint breaks the possibly awkward silence that follows, and Vin smirks just a bit. << I have faith that your stalwart heart will endure this trial with courage and aplomb, Young Queen, >> she replies.
- Abcde Prescelta has posed:
It's unmistakable, even as people are chatting around her and Faati is opening a map for her to look at. Her eyes wander over it but she's not taking in any words or any details. Her eyes scan out over the horizon.. desert is what she sees.
In a slightly more ominous voice she says, "We're close." She takes the darkness detector out of her blouse and holds it up, little bubbles starting to form in the thick black tar-like liquid inside the small vial. "Don't get caught now. I can feel it in my bones. This thing is ..."
She peers at Faati and then smiles a moment as he mentions how the kids see her. "Sleight of hand.." She reaches over and grabs her backpack and opens it up, reaching in to take out her notebook. Flicking through pages she gets to a sketch of the Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange, then turns the page to some spell work she constructed on the flight over to Egypt.
A shiver runs down her spine, "It's evil. They must have sacrificed a lot of souls to it already." She starts to get cold feet and says, "May be we should turn back. Just leave this country now before it's too late.. let the big guns handle it. I'll make a phone call to the Sorcerer Supreme.. he can deal with it I'm sure. Problem solved."
Her eyes snap back to Vin and the chatter in her ear from Sif about titles. "If any of you get spotted.. I'm talking to you Thea. Drink that potion I gave you immediately. Please tell me you still have it." She clenches and unclenches her hands a few times, clearly a touch of panic starting to set in.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"For them it's magic..." Faati replies with a small shrug at Abcde's talk about sleight of hand. "Does it make it any less?" the man continues talking now, somewhat oblivious to the magical forces in the air. In fact he seems to .., barely notice Abcde's panicky reaction to where they are going. What *is* going on here exactly? But Abcde may know. The glamor felt in the air. Heavy magic from both enchantment but also illusionary kinds.
The others? Their sharpened senses, along with the magic in their veins allows them to feel there is something different the more they continue following the truck. It drives towards an encampment some ways out of the city, at least one hour out (which will mean some good Cardi O for Sif, along with lots of Cardi B for Thea). The truck moves further into the encampment, disappearing from sight behind a few tents. Around there are various cultists standing. Some with machine guns, some in patrol. This is clearly a spot where they are gathered. But worst than such it's what's further ahead...
They are clearly digging something in the desert, the tip of a pyramid seen further ahead, the rest most likely still buried under sand. And again those ominous feelings of rage and darkness, only amplified further from Starling. The bubbles in Abcde's vial threaten to burst out such is the strength. But they are in the right place. For the better or for the worst.