7822/A visit to the Sam and Allegra's

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A visit to the Sam and Allegra's
Date of Scene: 14 September 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Samuel Guthrie, Rahne Sinclair, Clarice Ferguson

Alexis Carr has posed:
    THE ROSSI BUILDING: On the edge of Chinatown and Little Italy, there is an old brick building that used to house some apartments, an office, and a liquor store. Now-a-days it's under new ownerhip. It's been cleaned up, and the downstairs now houses POW! Comics. Two heavy wooden doors to the right of the comics shop have different labels -- one is labeled for a dance studio and arts practice room, and the other has 'CARADENZA/GUTHERIE' on the label.

    Inside the dance studio, the new owner was trying out the floor, the short woman clad in yoga pants and a crop-top T-shirt, currently bent over half-way backwards at a newly installed barre, watching herself in the mirror as piano scales play from her phone. There are boxes strewn about with a few music stands and some loose music leaves. Vintage opera posters hang on the walls.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has invited Rahne and the others New Mutants when they get the time to come by and check out his and Allegra's new place. Given them the address and drop him a line when they want to come over. Since most of them know his schedule have a decent idea when he will be home. He is standing in the dance hall as well, wearing a t-shirt and sweat pants as he expects to be drafted into some exercises. "So, you plan on teaching just ballet here hon or all dances?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Clarice tries not to scare the normies, really she does. She portals nearby, right at the door. Google Earth is a godsend when planning things like that. But a couple of stoners at the comic shop entrance get one Hell of a wakeup call. As two ladies step out of a portal, and a knocking at the door to the studio interrupts the session.

"Sam?" The voice might be Rahne, or it might be someone el..
"Sam? D'ye want us tae stay out 'en th' cold forevaur and aday? We can wait, ah mean, thaur be no reason tae.."

It's Rahne. Nobody else has that accent. Wow.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Avon calling!" Clarice adds 'helpfully' on the heels of Rahne's statement, one of her arms entwined almost possessively with Rahne's, as she glances around. Yes, Google Earth gives you a good sense of a place, but it isn't quite the same as seeing it with your own eyes, so she studies the neighborhood curiously - fixing the two stoners with a long, fixed stare, before turning to study some of the other nearby shops.
    "Not a bad neighborhood," she remarks. "Better then Bushwick." Despite the Brotherhood's efforts to revitalize the local economy...

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well, I figure start with a few ballet classes, see where it could lead, maybe progress to modern, or perhaps jazz--" she pauses a moment, the security alarm going out and then a wee Scots voice complaining about being out in the cold.

    "Friends of yours?" Allegra inquires to Sam, and reaches over to her phone to hit the enter button.

    Downstairs, the deadbolt unlocks, and the two ladies are allowed into a small vestibule with a coat rack and little bench to place boots.

    "Shoes off at the bottom, please!" she calls out. Her voice carries well through the studio.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Well the first one is Rahne Sinclair, she was one of the first New Mutants, and the one who actually campaigned to let me join up after the whole misunderstanding at first. The other sounds like Clarice, she was the one who helped find Rahne when she was hurt, and is part of the brother hood, and the neighborhood watch over in Bushwick." He tells her "I told the guys if they were in the area stop by and see our place."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Shoes off! Shoes off! Rahne manages this task, all without complaining, but she manages to do it so that her shoes are placed backwards on the shoe rack. This is going to come back to bite her, I'm sure, but she doesn't notice it for the moment and the trap is laid for the future. Foreshadowing...

"Ah brought Clary," she calls up the stairs, but given that that fact is obvious, she's possibly just being polite. "D'ye want tae..." she starts to ask Clarice something, but loses what exactly she was asking. "Ah, boggle et. C'mon, 'm sure th' place be lovely."

She leads Clarice up, by the hand, and brightens up when she sees Sam's face. Then, his girlfriend? "Ahoy!" Wait, that's not a Scot phrase.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice grumbles good-naturedly while removing her boots, tucking them into place on the rack, and allowing the wolfgirl to take her by the hand and lead her up the stairs.
    "Can we interest you in our latest line of fashionable beauty and hygene products for the savy militant mutant?" she calls brightly as she steps into the dance studio, glancing curiously at the barre, with its large mirror, and the beautiful polished wooden floor.
    "Not a bad looking place," she remarks - despite the boxes strewn about.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The first thing they might notice about Allegra is that she's short, but built well. Girl's got a set of gams on her that show the power in them, and she gives a small smile to Rahne and Clarice as they walk in.

    "Good afternoon." she gives a smile, reaching for a towel to wipe her hands, and she offers a handshake to Rahne. She has a very, very proper British accent.

    "A pleasure to meet you two -- any friend of Sam's is a friend of mine."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and will offer Rahne a hug in greeting just cause they are family even if not blood "Rahne, Clarice, this is Allegra Caradenza, the best thing to happened to me in a long long while." He explains and offers Clarice a hand shake in. "Allegra is going to be teaching ballet, and other dances up here."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Of COURSE Rahne hugs Sam. She does it like coming home to a brother, and she introduces Clarice easily. Taking Allegra's hand, she indicates Clarice with, "Dis be m' girlfriend, Clary. She dinnae know th' first thing, but ah convinced her tae tag along."

She pauses, then tilts her head. "Ah know ye," she says to Allegra. "Did ye nae dance for that anti-mutant benefit thing?" She says it, and it could be a bad thing, but this is a girl who would forgive Satan if she had a shot.

She just wants to know.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The moment that name is spoken - Caradenza - subtle tension enters Clarice's form, and she goes from shaking Sam's hand with a smile, to studying the woman. "A pleasure to meet you," she says in the most neutral voice the can muster.
    Until Rahne just out and //says// it. Clarice doesn't bother to hide the sigh. She was going to observe - but sure. Let's tackle things head-on. "Can't say I'm a huge fan of ProHUMANA's work," she remarks in a dry tone.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Yes." Allegra replies quietly, and she looks ashamed a bit, rubbing the back of her head. "I was a performer for ProHUMANA. My father runs it, still. But..." she looks to Sam, uncomfortable for a moment, and then back to the two women.

    "I sort of jumped out a sixty-story window and trusted Sam to catch me when I left, for what it's worth. These days..." she motions around.

    "I'm hoping to train musicians to send to my maternal grandmother's school in the UK. Which, I will add, has *always* been welcoming to student regardless of personal circumstance." she states. A

    And she anxiously rubs the back of her neck.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to them, and says "She does not agree with her dad. Once she realized what it was he was doing, and that she was dating a mutant, well he disowned her." He rubs Allegra's back, and steps closer to her. "Allegra, knows Ah am Cannonball." He tells them to explain how in the know she is. "Her dad is the only one in the family who is the true jerk."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Hey. Hey," Rahne says softly, still close, still her. She looks at Clarice, checking if she's alright, then at Sam. Same reason. Then, Allegra. "Thaur be enou blame tae go around. Y'ken?" It's not much, but she isn't upset. For once in her life, she's okay. "Ah be from th' UK m'sel."

Then a pause, and she adds to herself, "Which might not be th' best reference either now tha' ah think on et.."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice continues to study Allegra and Sam for a few moments longer - before finally giving a nod of her head, and letting her posture relax. "Well. If Sam vouches for you - then I'm sure it'd be alright. Besides which... I think Rahne can smell lies," she adds. Which, honestly, is the most reassuring factor for her. Sam could potentially be duped. But not, she suspects, the wolf's nose.
    "Don't worry. I try not to judge people for their //past// mistakes."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra takes a breath.She stretches her hands out a moment, and she looks between everyone, and then holds up her hand.

    "I understand, truly, I do. Even at the end I would go through Bushwick and busque and turn in the money. I funneled my own money into Bushwick for various small projects as I could." she comments softly, and she frowns.

    "It is difficult to unlearn what you were taught to be afraid of." she states quietly, and then she looks to Rahne with a small smile.

    "My grandpa was Scots." she gives a small smile, "But my grandmother was very much proper British."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Ah got a chance to go visit her family on a trip we took. Could of the trips we had taken to see Moria and the guys based in England had me a lot more comfortable there than Ah would have been if not. But to be honest Ah was a lot more comfortable around her Dad's parents a bit more life style Ah am used to. " He admits "She is a really good person." He says hugging her again with one arm "Even if she has me working on the ballet again with her.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne reaches for Allegra's hand, then says, "Well, we cannee all be perfect." Joke. Has to be a joke. She squeezes, then offers the short woman one of her REAL hugs. The type she saves for family. Which, apparently, includes Allegra.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It was hard to mistake Clarice for anything other than a mutant - with her magenta-hued skin, and hair, her pointed ears, and her electrically green, pupil-less eyes. If the woman could tolerate the presence of someone like Clarice - then she seems to be unlearning well enough.
    "I was taught some interesting things growing up, as well. So I get how hard it can be to //un//learn things," she agrees - letting Rahne do the hugging.
    She wasn't all that touchy-feely with people she didn't know well.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra gets hugged. She flails momentarily, and then she laughs. "Nah, we can't all be perfect." Allegra replies, and she hugs againt the wolf girl.

    "But like I said, any friend of Sam's is a friend of mine,"