7964/The Verdant is almost done!
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The Verdant is almost done! | |
Date of Scene: | 24 September 2021 |
Location: | Verdant - Abandoned Warehouse |
Synopsis: | Thea invites Sif and Vin to come visit the Verdant and test a few drinks before the Verdant is inaugurated. Sif bounces a little (Not the basketball game). |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Sif, Vintridr
- Thea Queen has posed:
The time has come at last. The Verdant is near completion, most of the renewal of the former warehouse having been made and now what's left to do? To bring her friends to take a look before it's opening night of course!
As such Thea has sent a couple of invites over to the Asgardian Embassy (So formal), inviting both Vinnie and Sif to come over for a drink or three at the Verdant. A pre-celebration to the actual opening! Not that she will drink but .., it's the thought that counts!
The appointed hour for the meet is closing in now, half-hour after the last workers left the place and that leaves Thea sitting down behind the bar. Or well, she is sort of slouching. Tired and exhausted after the hard day's work. Delegating is hard! But she was putting her back to it as well, making sure all was done and ready.
Upon her expression is a smile though. For once in her life she being close to getting a project to the end.
- Sif has posed:
The door opens and Sif, in her 'incognito' red and white jeans outfit, that in no way stands out in public the way she's poured into them.
Yeah, Instagram's going to have another round of "Asgardian window-shops for cheese" or "Asgardian crosses the street and nearly runs down a cab" pictures.
"Thea Queen? Are you within?"
She knows the answer already. She can see well in the gloom, and she can hear the exhausted breathing. But it's polite to ask.
"It is the Lady Sif," Captain Obvious adds.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin, on the other hand, has quite a bit of experience blending into Midgard's culture, to the point where the only time people are likely to realize she might not actually be human is when she's standing next to a fellow Asgardian and the similarities stand out.
She'd been before, of course, but at that point the place was still in various stages of construction and she's looking forward to seeing the end result. "Thank you for your invitation, young Queen. I look forward to seeing what you've done with the place..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
With the door opening up, then the voice, it means Thea perks up from her seat. Here they are! "I am inside!" she calls out. Does she know about Sif's sharper senses? Maybe! But it's only polite to reply. She slides out from her seat and lets out a wince, speaking up while Sif is still en-route. "Is it normal being 25 years old and my body creaking all over? Ufff, I feel like an old woman.." clearly she put her back into it too much today!
Thea is already looking under the counter, procuring a small bottle she had hidden under there and places it up, "So, I want you to help me see how good this mead is. It's expensive as heck but ..., if it's good I was hoping to have some more exquisite drinks here. And nothing like a mead expert to check it!" is she calling Sif a drunkard?!
Another mug is brought up to the table and Thea starts expertly pouring another one for Vin. She does seem to know what she's doing! A long time spent on bars does that to you. "And welcome as well, Vinnie. Try it up."
She gestures to the surrounding place. It looks pretty much finished up, perhaps just a few little things to take care of, like a cleaning up here or there, a nick on a wall. Those small things. But other than that it's pretty much done with it's neon seats, metal bars in the middle of the place and the large warehouse windows in the background.
- Sif has posed:
Mead expert in action. Sif holds the mead up to light to see inside the mug. She passes it under her nose and waves a waft of its bouquet as she takes a breath in. She swishes it around to test its texture. Then, finally, she raises it to her lips and takes a small sip, quickly swishing it around before swallowing it.
"A blodmet," she says approvingly. "One of the finer styles the mortals made in ... I want to say it was the Danes, Vintridr? Does my memory fail?"
The sip is replaced with a large gulp and a satisfied sigh.
"It is a worthy mead. Weak, naturally, but this is because you lack the enchantments we have in Asgard. It's flavour ... I would not be ashamed to offer a keg in my home to close friends."
The rest of the mug is emptied.
"I look forward to what else you may have found."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin smiles at Thea's lament. "Unlikely, even for those of Midgard," she replies. "It's more probable that your muscles simply take extreme exception to the work you've made them do the past few days. This is why stretches, rest and cooling-down are such an important part of a proper exercise regimen."
tShe takes her own mug with the care of a wine snob and takes a careful sip, breathing slowly to separate out the flavours. "They call it Denmark, these days," she replies to Sif. "Citrus and flower scent... Hops and... Hibiscus?" She nods and smiles. "Brewed in the old style. I'm pleased to see it wasn't lost."
She likewise finishes the mug and sets it down. "An excellent find indeed. This could grace Asgard's tables and feel no shame."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Damn you and your logic, Vinnie..." Thea replies in a good-natured manner to her Asgardian friend, leaning forward on the counter while the two go about trying out the mead, she holding her chin up with both her hands. A brow arches at Sif's motions. "You are certainly a connoisseur..." then to Vin, "I was almost expecting a pinky up, you know?" she teases the duo. "And good, if you two approve then I might get a supply going. Maybe even get an ..., Asgardian night going from time to time." a chuckle before she shakes her head slowly.
"And woah, already done with that mug?" A laugh, "I was expecting it to last a bit more." though of course that she pours some more to Sif's mug, "I have a few other exotic drinks, but not sure if that's something your palate would enjoy." she explains, "Have you heard of plum wine?"
A knock is heard on the door outside.
- Sif has posed:
"I had not, no," Sif admits. "I was unaware that plums could be fermented. Perhaps Asgard's winemakers have things they could learn from mortal ones."
That's a pretty strong statement!
"If it does not put you out, I would enjoy trying it to see if it is to my t..."
The offer is cut off by the knocking at the door. "Rest, weary Thea Queen. I shall respond to the door."
Decisive Sif is already on her way to answer.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin looks up at the knocking. "Were you expecting other company?" she asks Thea, only slightly more quietly than normal as Sif moves to answer. "I thought the official opening wasn't for a few hours yet..."
Not that the Valkyrior is seriously expecting an ambush or attack, but habits born of centuries are hard to break.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Days. Days!" Certainly not a few hours till inauguration! Good grief! But then Thea actually answers Vin, "No, wasn't really expecting anyone.." she lifts her shoulders in a small shrug. "Maybe a worker that forgot something. It happens sometimes.." in any case she doesn't seem too worried. And already she is wandering over to fetch the requested liquor.
"You will drive me to bankrupcy, Sif! But all for my friends.." A small bottle of plum wine liquor is produced and placed on the table while she waits..
When the door opens up there are a couple of blokes on the other side, and not the type that look the 'nice' kind. Give it to the crooked teeth, or the bruised knuckles that tell these guys make a living out of beating people. Or even the bulges under the jackets that surely aren't a sign of them being happy to see Sif, but more like carrying guns!
One of them looks surprised when Sif opens the door. As for the other? He speaks up. "Ya ain't the owna. We are here ta talk with the owna." The other then says to Sif, "I mean I wouldn't mind ownin' a piece of that a--" the other smacking that one over the head, "Fucks sake, can't bring you anywhere." over their shoulder Sif will note that on the car they most likely came in there's two more guys sitting in. But intently looking at what's going on.
- Sif has posed:
"I do apologize, gentlemen, but the owner is weary after an extended bout of difficult work. I'm afraid your sojourn was in vain and you will have to return at a later date."
Sif smiles a bright, bland, professional smile of dismissal as she starts to close the door, turning her head in Thea's direction to shrug the 'I have no idea who this is' shrug.
She pauses.
"If you would leave your cards," she continues, remembering the business card ettiquette thing, "I'll be sure that the owner is in receipt of them."
She waits, door half-closed, hand out for the business cards.
- Vintridr has posed:
The door is entirely to far from the bar for a human to overhear the conversation -- but Vin is not human, and Valkyrior-trained Asgardian ears are more than enough to hear what's being said. Oh dear.
"Sounds like the local muscle," she murmurs, her voice low, carrying only barely enough to let Sif overhear. "Either here to negotiate protection money, or settle a score. It's unlikely they're here to start anything unless we start it first; just enough muscle to intimidate regular humans.
She snorts softly. "Lady Sif could likely throw the entire bunch into the nearest river, car and all, without so much as breaking a sweat, but their leader will simply send more men at a time when we're not here. How do you wish us to proceed, Young Queen?"
The last is added at least as much for Sif's benefit as it is a question for Thea -- a reminder that they are guests and the brief entertainment of showing a bunch of Midgard thugs what true strength is has to be weighed against the consequences for the one who lives here and has sunk a significant portion of her personal fortune into this place.
- Thea Queen has posed:
What?! Closing the door on their faces? That won't fly. As Sif is goes to start closing the door one of them slides a foot in, getting closer. "Look here. I don't know who that sojourn is, but we are here to talk with the owner. Capisce? And we aren't playing around.." now the tone has gotten serious! Even if they also show their ignorance.
Thea listens to what Vin says, a frown coming to her features. "Those again..? Really, they can't take no for an answer it seems.." she starts stepping around the counter to join Vin, "We'd better go there and make sure they are properly greeted." somehow it doesn't seem she will be inviting them in for drinks and cookies considering her tone.
One of the men attempts to push on the door so as to have it open. "Out of our way." he says to Sif with a frown. Of course that he may just come across an impenetrable wall!
- Sif has posed:
The door, being commercial exit grade framing, held as it is by an Asgardian who brooks no nonsense, is, in fact, a wall. Having heard what Sif and Vintridr both said behind her, the pleasantness leaves her face.
"I'm afraid, gentlemen," she says, voice as cold as the ice her eyes are now, "that I appear to have miscommunicated."
Faster than the human eye can follow, her hand practically teleports itself to the shoulder of the nearest of the pair.
"The owner is not available."
Her hand squeezes into the shoulder, fingertips sensing that just-shy-of-breaking point of the collarbone. The fact that the excrutiating pain point happens before that is of no concern to her.
"Please leave a message or your cards and I will be sure both are delivered."
The inexorable grip also pushes down. Down with the force of a woman who weighs much more than she looks and has far more muscular strength than seems possible.
"Or please return at your earliest convenience ..." The face remains cold. The smile that now occupies Sif's face is ghastly. "... or perhaps you can send your descendants in future generations."
Her eyes flick down. Then back up. That ghastly smile remains. "Should I permit you to have any."
The little extra squeeze she gives for emphasis to illustrate what the threat actually is brings the collarbone to near-cracking.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Wow lady, watch out for my personal spaaaa--" a beat as the man's shoulder starts getting squeezed, "---owwwwww..!" the man almsot crumbles under that pain that shoots through the shoulder, staggering. The other man's eyebrows shoot up, almost out of his head at what he sees, "Oh shit!"
A moment passes in which the man considers his fate. To go and attack. To back off. Some kind of wisdom seems to hit the man and he backs off, hands up. "Hey, I want no beef with you.." lots of wisdom. The other held by Sif's implacable hand just mutely nods and then whimpers. Mercy it seems to beg!
As Thea and Vin make their way to the door Thea doesn't show up, instead staying a bit to the side, arms crossed and watching. The two men back off if Sif releases them and will run off to their car to drive away! Nope, not staying around!
The car hisses down the street as the driver steps on it, soon enough it disappearing from sight.
"You know, Lady Sif. I think you should come and do some bouncing at the club." A glance to Vin, "If Vin actually accepts to become a barista here."
- Sif has posed:
"Bouncing?" Sif asks, curious, after releasing her prey and letting it depart with the other, its arm hanging uselessly for a while until the ravaged nerves and tendons can get some semblance of functionality back. "I'm not sure that I would enjoy that. The sport does not appeal very much to me as a spectator. I fail to understand why the participants don't simply throw the ball into the baskets from whence they stand instead of risking it all with motion."
That's basketball, Sif. Not bouncing.
Sif's eyebrow raises as she regards Vin. "Are you considering switching your place of employment to Thea Queen's operations?" she asks. "That sounds like a good plan, but you seemed to enjoy the previous position."
- Vintridr has posed:
"I did, but ever since Asgardian nobility started visiting regularly for chats, people have been asking awkward questions I don't intend to answer," Vin replies nonchalantly, watching the car speed off. "I've managed to live a mostly peaceful life on Midgard by knowing when to leave before questions become too awkward and insistent."
She shrugs. "It was probably going to be time to leave in a few more years at best; society moves quicker these days."
She looks back at Thea once the car is out of sight. "They may choose to return in greater numbers, or cause trouble when we're not around," she points out. "Do you have a plan to deal with them?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
"It's not sports.." Thea mutters over at Sif. She should had been more specific! "Bouncing as in doing security at the place from time to time. You know, like you did now." she then raising her shoulders in a small shrug, "Something mundane to get you more used to our world, Lady Sif." is that an hint at something? That Sif isn't too aware on how Midgard works?! Well, yes. "And imagine how fun it would be.." a mischievous little grin on Thea's expression.
A nod is then given at Vin, "We had talked a bit before. She is keen to the change, and I need a good barista. So why not? We just need to go through the interview and all that.." a chuckle. "To formalize things!"
"And yea, I do have a plan for them. They had been here a few months back. Think they are Gotham based but have some kind of pull here in the Glades. Though I built this place specifically here for a reason too, it's the worst area in Starling. And it's time for it to stop being that.."
"But enough about bad guys and work.." She moves to wrap her arms around each of the Asgardian's shoulders (an hard task considering the difference in height) and starts bringing them back to the bar, "I have got a few more wines for you to taste. Plum wine next." A beat and a wink, "I will accompany you guys with my juice."