8034/Dinner At the Mansion with Hank

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Dinner At the Mansion with Hank
Date of Scene: 28 September 2021
Location: Hank's Room
Synopsis: Dinner and dancing, the perfect night... and morning.
Cast of Characters: Tara Tsabedze, Henry McCoy

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Making the promise, crossing her heart, Tara doubled up on ensuring Hank knew she would not reveal the location of the school, and thus his home. He likely didn't need as much reassurance as she offered, but she offered a lot all the same. She understood the importance of keeping the location secret, for the safety of the students and the teachers for that matter.

Since it was to be a casual dinner, Tara was dressed mostly simple. A pair of black leggings over her legs, with a loose fitting black tank top, with sparkles along the edges of the arm holes, tucked into the waist. Over it she wore an extremely colorful and loud, African print long jacket, almost a dress in how it fits her body. On her feet is sports a pair of sensible flat shoes that looks a lot like Mary Janes, but with thicker soles.

At the front door she wasn't sure if she should knock or walk in, so she tried knocking because it just seemed rude to go walking into mansion turned school.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He'd been advised that his guest was here - long before she knocked on the door. After her knock, Henry opened the door with a grin. "K'Tara, lovely to see you. That's a wonderful jacket!" He beams. He himself, has decided on a simple yet fashionable linen button-down shirt, cream in color. His dark gray slacks finished off the outfit, aside from the wide shoes. "Come in, come in." He motioned to the foyer. "Welcome to Xavier's."

"Dinner should be ready soon enough - I hope you enjoy what I've prepared." He beams. "Shall I show you to my abode?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Entering the main foyer, Tara's eyes scan the room for only a moment before settling back on Hank, the reason she was here. She might be interested in the history of the school, and why it was here, who built it, etc. but none of that mattered at this exact moment.

"Thank you," she offers regarding the jacket, giving him twirl in place so he can see the whole thing. "My mama wa mungu, uh... godmother! yes, that is the word. She made this for me a few years ago, and I have never had a chance to wear it."

Stepping over to him she takes his hand, lifting it to her cheek before returning it to where she found it. "I am quite certain I will enjoy anything you make, I have never been a picky eater," she says with a broad smile, then properly offer her hand to him to take. Apparently, the other is a form of greeting she refuses to stop using. "I am yours to guide."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a happy chuckle. "It's not so much about a picky eater, as it is my culinary skill." He winks to her, all but purring at the touch to her cheek. He understands! "Your mama wa mungu has exquisite taste. It is beautiful." He takes her offered han, leading her towards the staff wing. "I will see about getting you a tour of the estate and school another time, I promise."

He's proud to be walking with her, no hiding at all! Once they reach his room, he opens the door. "My haven away from the students." He grins. "Make yourself at home." He motions to the spacious room.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Although she glances around a bit as she's walking, most of Tara's attention remains on Hank. "A tour is only required if you want to give one sometime," she says softly. "I am here to see you, not the school. As for your culinary skill..." she leans a little closer to whisper quietly. "I eat raw meat and uncooked vegetables, so long as you do not burn it, it will be wonderful."

Reaching his room, she pauses as he does to open the door, then lets her eyes sweep over the room before she walks in. At first she says nothing, she is taking in the space that he calls home and in it, she can see him. The way the room feels, the items he has, even the bed all scream his distinguished, masculine energy.

"This is very nice," she finally says, after one full turn to look around the room and ending up looking at him again. "Comfortable and welcoming."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Of course, the place smells of him too, for those with sensitive nostrils! It is clearly his, no doubt about it. "I'd like to show you the place, yes. I think you would enjoy seeing it, as well as some of the students." Henry admits, letting her look over the room as she likes. "I took the liberties of looking up some Kenyan dishes. I've prepared Nyama na irio, I hope I did it right."

He even gets the pronounciation down, it's clear he's been studying. A smile at her assessment of his room. "Thank you, I try to make it comfy." A chuckle. "Helps me calm down when I am on edge. Can I get you a drink?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Both of Tara's brows shoot up. "You made Nyama na irio?!" That earns him a sudden hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I am certain you did just fine," she then offers as she steps back. "Each cook has their own touch, their own way of making things. No two make it the same, and that is the very nature of Kenyan cooking."

Another broad smile is offered as she runs her hand along the back of the comfortable looking chair. "I was intending to bring you some wine, but when I spoke to the woman at the store, she had no idea what I was trying to describe," she looks back to him. "Then I also thought of what it might look like bringing wine to a school. I realize the teachers have their own space for their own things, but... it did not feel right to bring it. So I perhaps owe you wine. In regards to a drink, surprise me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin, his foot scuffing at the kiss and hug. "I thought it would be good to try some of the food from your homeland." Henry admits, with a chuckle. "We've got wine here, and spirits, just not kept in the common areas." The man explains. "But I will take you up on the offer of wine for next time." A nod.

He moves over to the bookshelf, a few bottles and crystal glasses there. "Are you fine with spirits? I have a nice bourbon." He offers over.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara nods, walking around the chair as she runs her hand along it again then sits herself down.

Spirits are fine," she replies verbally. "I have a difficult time actually being effected by alcohol, but I love the various flavors."

Instead of looking around the room more, she is watching him, that same smile on her face. "Next time, you and I will visit my tribe and you can have some authentic, cooked by my people, Kenyan meals."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A couple of glasses of bourbon are poured. "I too have the problem, or blessing, of being largely unaffected by casual drinks." He chuckles, bringing one over. The vintage of the bourbon is top notch, by the aroma. "I don't generally try to press those limits, though." A shrug and a grin as he sits in the chair across from hers. "I would very much like to visit your home and tribe."

His glass is raised. "To travels, friendships and food." He winks, chuckling just a bit. "I could likely arrange a quick transport over there, depending on our timing needs."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Accepting the glass, Tara enjoys the aroma of it even before the glass is in her hand, then she lifts it to her nose for a truly good sniff. It's lovely, just plain intoxicating in the aroma alone. Then she lifts the glass to his toast, and taps it lightly against his before taking a small sip.

"Oh that is /divine/ Hank!" she offers after the sip, even licking her lips. "You seem to have a knack for picking out spirits and wines."

Another small sip, because the flavor is just too wonderful to gulp down, and she offers him a mischievous smile. "You do not need to arrange transportation, all you need is to decide when you would like to go, and we will be there in the blink of an eye. At night here is better of course," she says, wiggling her brows a little. "And I can have you back any time you want back, in the blink of an eye."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He waits for her to taste, before sipping his own. A chuckle. "I do try to find the proper drinks and food, K'Tara." Henry admits, proudly. "I don't like doing things in a shabby fashion." A wink. "It should pair well with the Nyama na irio. I used some bison steaks with it, to give a touch of American flare to it. I really enjoy bison, leaner meat."

He cants his head, enjoying another small sip. "Can you teleport? Or is it a portal of sorts? Like traveling to the moon?" He wonders, eyes on hers with a fascinated smile on his face.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
For now the two sips hold her as she watches his face, primarily his eyes. She can't stop smiling, for reasons she can't put her finger on really.

"I have a direct link to the 'moon'," even she does air quotes with that. "I can go there any time, and take anyone I wish with me. It is how I get home quickly and return quickly. It is also how I can move around the globe to fast. Anywhere I have been at least one, I can step out of the moon too."

Now she takes another small sip, very small, just letting the flavor touch her tongue really. "I have never had bison, are those buffalo or is that something different?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast gives a bit of a whistle. "A handy skill, K'Tara." He grins. "So long as your Goddess does not see transporting me to your home as a frivilous thing..." Priorities, after all. No need to upset any deities! "I would be very interested in experiencing such things, or seeing the moon." He says, softly.

"Bison are often referred to as buffalo, but no. Distantly related, but not the same." He sips again. "They arefound in many national parks, and in the Henry Mountains in Utah. There are some that are bred in farms for the meat."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara hmms softly, she learned something new about American animals. "Now I will need to go see each of these animals, from a distance," she says slowly. "I do not seek to scare them."

Resting the glass on her leg instead of the arm of the chair, she offers him another broad smile. "The Moon Goddess gave me these gifts for use in aiding others, Hank," she explains. "In this case, I am aiding you in seeing a new place, meeting my people, and learning a little more about how my magics work."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Yellowstone is breathtaking. I highly advise a visit. And yes, don't spook them. They are massive creatures." He grins. "Majestic to see, though. Nature has a way of humbling even those of us with gifts." Another sip. A chime and the doctor stands up. "Food is ready - feel free to look about the room? I'll grab the serving tray and be right back?" He suggests, setting his glass down.

A stroke of his hand to her shoulder. "I will be back very quickly." That said, he heads out of the room.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
He offered, and so it is that Tara sets the glass on a coaster, on the end table and goes to poke her nose in every thing she can without actually touching anything. The desk, the bed, the wardrobe and even into the bathroom just to look. When he does come back into the room, he will find her looking over the choice of books on the shelves and looking at the mementos with a smile.

Henry McCoy has posed:
With him, he has a rather proper serving trolley. He wheels it into the room, the various dishes covered with cloiches. "Dinner is served." Henry beams, looking over to her near the shelves. "Ah, yes. My college years." He chuckles, nodding to the football memorabilia. "Remnants of a bygone age, alas." He smirks.

The trolley is parked by the table, with the man removing the covers. The aroma of the dinner fills the air, fresh and hot. He sets the dishes out, along with all the silverware and plating. "Please, enjoy."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
It was all so interesting, but the food was here and more importantly Hank was back.

"Perhaps you can teach me this football," she points to the picture. "And you and I can play? Do you need more people than two, it would seem so from this picture."

She inches closer to the food, sniffing at the aroma and seeming to just melt. "That smells like home," she admits, before moving to sit by a plate. "You made it all yourself?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Once she was seated, he seated himself. "I'd love to. It takes a team of eleven on each side, for a proper game. More for subtitutions and injuries. Perhaps we could attend a game or watch one on television." He smiles. "But I'll gladly teach you the rules, and plays." A nod.

As she looks over the food and scents it, he grins. "I did. I did quite a bit of research in the best ways to prepare it all. It smells wonderful, if I do say so myself."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara is not one of those ginger, bird like eaters. He has seen how she just dives in, and there is no hesitation this time either. She takes the utensils and digs right in, trying each thing at the same time, then by themselves. Another sip of the bourbon before she looks back to Hank and nods. "This... is... perfect," she announces. "Change nothing about it, ever."

Now that she's said that, she will address the other aspect of the conversation. "I have seen a bit of the football at Happy Harbor, but fail to understand the rules, so would love to do know them. I do not know if I could play, but I would love to try. I did not see any females on the team, is that also usual?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Not one to be shy about food either, Henry digs in as well. He savors the taste, enjoying the new flavors and textures. "This is a fantastic dish. I will mark it as a success." He beams, looking proud of himself. He truly looks pleased, more so, that she is enjoying the food as well. Job well done.

"The rules tend to become more complex as time goes on, much like anything else. And there were very few women interested in playing, back in the day. I'd love to see more women training for it - though I imagine they would need to have female leagues and male leagues. I suspect the females would turn out more exciting games for their speed and agility."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara hmmms softly, tilting her head slightly as she looks at him.

"So you believe that in sports, men and woman should not compete?" She asks, then takes another bite of the food. She has to devour, it's just that good.

"I have seem woman sports, it is not the same as man sports. Not merely because of the different sexes, but they seem to played entirely different.... except Basketball. Tall and throwing a ball is always the same."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He thinks on that. "I think for safety sake, at least in football. It is a contact sport, specifically." He mentions. "There are exceptions, especially among the gifted such as ourselves." He smirks. "But among normal people, the difference in mass would be problematic." A tap to his fork. "Make no mistake, women are just as athletic and competative as men." The man assures.

"I think society is realizing this - but ... old habits are hard to break. No matter how bad they are. It stems from human nature, alas. Just as we try to get mutants to be seen as normal people, women have faced these challenges for the span of time."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
This requires another sip of bourbon, because Hank has just hit on something Tara has been dealing with since leaving her tribe.

"The struggle for woman is real," she says slowly. "I have seen it, all over the world. To this day, women are paid less for the same jobs as men. People keep saying 'old habits' and 'it takes time for change', but I have seen the truth. So long as men have the power, women will never be equals. Here and there, change occurs, but not enough."

Realizing at that moment she was preaching, she shoves more food in her mouth and looks sheepish. He knew all that, of course he did, he is an intelligent, kind, giving man, he knows it all as well as she does.

"Forgive me," she says one she's swallowed. "Some things still... urk me."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He listens, nodding. "It bothers me too. I do not condone it, but it is something that is real in the world. Knowing many women who are far more powerful than most can imagine, I am at a loss as to why people treat women in such a manner." A frown. "No need to apologize, K'Tara."

He reaches over to pat her hand, briefly. "We all have battles, internal and external. Personal and larger in scope. I just hope I can help."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Turning her hand over after a couple of pats, Tara holds his hand a moment.

"I knew you understood, that is why I apologized," she offers with a smile, letting his hand go if he wants it back. "I just get up on my soap box and rant sometimes. It was the same in my tribe for the longest time, but eventually they came to realize the value if equality... either that or the Goddess Herself smacked them down, I am not sure which."

She takes a few more bites of her food, intending to get to the point where she can lick the plate, and if he has problems with that, oh well.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He's not shy about holding her hand this evening. "We all have our passionate fights, honest. I suspect we share a good number of them." A wink to the woman. Then he releases her hand, letting her get to the task of finishing her plate. He cleans his as well, though mostly dipping bread in to the sauces left on his platter.

"I am so glad it turned out well. I was a bit nervous that I might ruin a dish from your home." A chuckle.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara ends up using bread to soak up the last of the sauce as well. "It turned out wonderful, Hank," she reassures him, taking the last bite with the last of the sauce on it.

"I am pretty certain there are a number of things we agree on, fights we both agree need to be fought, just as I am sure we have our differences, things we disagree on," she takes another sip of the bourbon. "That is what makes things interesting, and lively, the similarities and difference."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Dabbing at the corners of his mouth with his napkin, Henry looks pleased and sated! "Quite. Something about male, female. Tail, no tail. Black, blue." He teases her, eyes mirthful. "So, dinner is finished - shall we find something else to occupy us this evening? Lovely conversation? Dance?" He wonders.

The napkin is put on his plate. "Unless you need to be back to Happy Harbor, of course. I wouldn't want you up late, with your job." He beams.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara uses her napkin to wipe her lips and finger tips, then carefully folds it and places it on the table.

"I do not need to be back until morning," she offers, before standing up to stretch out her too long legs. "I only know one kind of dancing, which is not done with a partner, but I am willing to learn if you would like to teach."

Collecting the glass of bourbon she takes another sip, "A few other choices are a walk around the ground, listening to music, seeing if that fire place actually works, talking more about any topic, or all of the above."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry gets to his feet as well, stretching out his shorter legs. Stocky! He grins to her, nodding. "The fireplace does work, yes. I've never needed to ignite it, with the warmth my fur provides. It'd be good to share with a friend, I imagine." The man considers, looking to the clean fireplace.

"And dancing is always a pleasure, even in teaching others. It really depends on the mood or the music that is playing. I am up for whatever strikes your fancy tonight."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Watching him move, not seeming to mind that he's stocky or shorter than her, Tara's eyes sparkle as she looks him over.

"It would roast us both out of the room," she admits, regarding the fire place, then slowly walks around the chairs one time to move up beside him. She didn't need to take the long way, but it offered him a chance to watch her if he wanted, and really that's what she was looking for... to see if he was watching her body or not.

"Pick some music," she says as she steps up to him, running one hand down his arm lightly. "Then you can show me how to dance."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He was watching, of course. His eyes follow her as she takes her path, smiling as she winds up next to him. At the touch to his arm, he purrs. "I've got all sorts of music. Classical? Ballroom?" He smiles, turning to face her. "Slow dance?" He suggests, offering her his hand.

With the other, he reaches over to collect up the remote for the stereo. A careful press of the button, and the system comes on - soft classical music fills the room. "If you'll permit me?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Taking the offered hand, Tara's eyes sparkle as the music starts and there is a slight hint of a purr from her chest. Apparently, he choose right. "I /love/ classical music," she purrs, stepping closer to him still.

"You are permitted to whatever it is you are asking," she then adds, not certain at all what he was seeking, but she assumes it's to touch her so he can show her how to dance. Such a gentleman.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He takes up the classic dance position, a hand at her hip, the other linked with hers. "Like this." He smiles, eyes on hers. He steps closer, closing the gap between them. "Step on the beat, it's a four count. One back, one to the left, then forward, then right. It's a box step." He explains.

"Whomever is leading, the steps are reversed." He grins. "Generally, the man leads - though we can try both?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
A twinkle springs to Tara's eyes as his hand goes to her hip and he steps in closer, which is also when she lays her hand on his shoulder. She's seen the stance, just never done it.

"I do not think I will be leading the dance until I am much more comfortable with it," she offers, trying to figure her feet out. One back, one left, then forward and right. If he was leading, it would merely mean moving with him and ensuring she moves the correct feet into the correct places.

"I apologize a head of time if I step on your foot, I am most certainly likely to do so at least twice."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man pauses, looking down. A quick step of his feet and he is able to step out of those shoes. "You should be fine, K'Tara. I think I can take a couple of footsteps." He winks to her, letting her get comfortable. "I can lead first, then we can sort out what feels best or right for you." He assures.

"Ready? We'll start on the next round of the beat. You just move as I mentioned - back, left, forward than right." He nods to her.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
In his arms Tara is relaxed, she's already resolved that she will step on his feet at least once, but the truth is... she is grace personified. On the next round of the beat, she moves with him, never once coming close to his feet, seeming to just read the movements from his body as he is making them.

"You like dancing," she says as a statement, not a question. "I can feel it in your body."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Truly didn't expect her to trod on him - he just wanted out of those binding shoes! He grins as she moves so smoothly, so naturally. His eyes never leave hers, not concerned about her footwork at all. "You take to this, very well." Henry chuckles. "I should have guessed - balance is a trait I am sure we both share." Maybe it's the tail!

At her comment, he grins. "I do. I love music - singing, dancing... I cannot perform with an instrument though." He smiles, moving with her naturally - little improvisations added, certain she will be able to keep up. "I love moving like this - where it's artful, and not a necessity or something that will bring violence."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara steps in closer still, almost pressing herself against him as they move. Watching his eyes, she can't stop grinning, something between joy and mischief the entire time she is moving.

"The rhythm of your soul," she says quietly. "You say that the beast lurks inside you, and yet there is so much more in there with him. I can see it in your eyes, the way you move, the relaxed state of your body." She runs her hand over his shoulder, not petting him, stroking him, continuing to keep up with his movements.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's no shying away from the man, Henry nodding to her. The look on his face has his grin widening, seeing that she's enjoying herself. The two dance and spin, keeping in time with the music as they move.

"Perhaps. I don't dispute that I have more to me than the beast - but it feels at time as if it is tearing away at that other part of me." A slight shrug, the man almost leaning into the touch - the closeness. "And I tend to relax around those I like, K'Tara." He smiles.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Canting her head slightly, Tara looks very deeply into Hank's eyes, then leans in an presses a light kiss against his lips before just moving back to where she was and continuing to dance.

"Then we shall have to find ways to silence the beast and let the best parts of you scream out to the world."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There is tension as she nears, nervousness, fear? Hard to say. He holds his breath at the kiss, restarting once the gentle gesture is complete. He's definitely blushing, based on his body posture and heat. Even so, he continues the dance as well. His eyes keep on hers, trying to read her expressions - cats and their poker faces.

"I am all for trying that method... I would not deny my animal side, but... I don't want it consuming me either." He chuckles, moving with her to the music. "And... that was lovely." He says, smiling. "I was not expecting that."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
A playful smile dances across Tara's face as she says, "Is that not the best way to approach something wonderful? That unexpected moment and then it is there? The other choice of course was you freaking out and jumping out a window, also an acceptable reaction."

Again her hand caresses over his shoulder, "You deny nothing, accept everything as a part of you, and learn to work with who you are. There are times that I must hunt, I cannot deny that part of me any more than the part of me that needs to help people."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"True, I suppose that is the best way - to take the leap." He thinks a moment, grinning to her. "Was it wonderful for you? I notice you didn't go leaping out of a window yourself." Henry chuckles. "Perhaps it was too quick?" A slow lean in, the man kissing her this time - a bit longer, but just as gentle.

"Thank you for helping me, for helping me understand. Logic can work wonders, but when emotions start getting involved, I often tend to feel a bit lost."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Welcoming the kiss, she wraps the arm from his shoulder slightly around him, leaning her body more against his, savoring the moment. When he leans back, her hand returns to his shoulder and that smile she has been wearing grows bigger.

"I have no intentions of jumping out any windows," she says softly, moving her hand from his shoulder to caress his cheek. "If I do any jumping, it is with the hope that you will catch me. The second," she wiggles her brows. "Far more wonderful that the first."

"Emotions can muddle the thinking, sometimes they can guide is in the wrong directions, and often we either have to accept them for what they are, or find ways around them. Logic does not go well with emotion, as emotions are not logical at all." Putting her hand back on his shoulders. "Sometimes though, you simply have to ride the emotion through the end just to know where it goes."