805/The Girl in the Tower

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The Girl in the Tower
Date of Scene: 27 March 2020
Location: The Caradenza Residence, NYC
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Samuel Guthrie

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Sam hasn't heard from Alexis in about twenty four hours. No texts. No calls. No Alexis Carr playing violin or guitar on the streets.

    It's like she up and disappeared, turning to vapour like Illyana's psychic vampire.

    How worried does that make The Human Cannonball?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie would come by the apartment, to check on her. He does not fly to her building not at first at least. A nearby building and binocs "Geeze creepy much Sam?" He asks himself, but when ya keeping a secret relationship from the girls father what you to do.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The curtains are drawn. There are little signs of life -- there's a plant on the balcony that's still alive, but it looks quiet.

    A little too quiet.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will head over to land on the other building. He sets up the rope he has set up to bring her up before. "Sam your probably over reacting." He will tell himself but there is just something making him worried a bit and soon he is lowering hismelf down towards her window

Alexis Carr has posed:
    He might be overreacting. After all, it might just be she was whipped from the fight. Might be she's having one of those 'artist moments'... the light in the bedroom was on, at least. And who'd lock their balconies on the 54th floor? Who are they afraid of?


Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will step onto the balcony. He moves closer listening, coming in on her and her dad arguing, or him in there just talking would be a bad thing. The young man is trying to be cautious

Alexis Carr has posed:
    There doesn't seem to be too much noise in the home at the moment. There's some warbling music from a record player somewhere in the house.

    Eroll Flynn, the Pirate Parrot, now has an eyepatch over his missing eye. The second-hand toy sits on a neatly made bed. There is a music stand, and a shelf full of sleeves of music, a poster of a singer who looks something like Allegra dated back to the 70's.

    The closet is full of designer clothes and carefully wrapped gowns, one door hanging open, with a heart magnet on a mirror. From that magnet hangs the necklace she received from Sam on her birthday.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie steps into the bedroom. He is quiet "Yea creepy first time in her room Sam." He will look around not seeing signs of a struggle or anything does reasurre him some. He will move to listen to any doors, hall or bathroom that might be there.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    No obvious signs of a struggle -- but they're rich. They might even have staff and maids that clean up after them.

    There is a door out of the room, and a door to the bathroom, which is open and show a very classy black and white bathroom with a ridiculously big claw-foot bath-tub. Sam would be easily able to fit in there, and even sink down to his shoulders.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie does picture him and Alexis in it together for a moment, but only a moment, he starts to examine the room closer, looking for signs of what might have happened. He will even look under Erool's eye patch.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Nothing under the eyepatch, nothing about -- but a door opens and closes, and there are voices in the hall. It's very muffled, indistinct -- looks like the room was built to be able to keeo outside sound out. Nice and quiet.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will move to the door, and try to listen, even if he has to cracking the door ever so slightly to let sound come. While no spy training Sam has been trained in some sneaking at least.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The door cracks open, and Sam would be able to see Filipe standing at the end of the hall, speaking to someone. "No, no I don't expect she'll be back to collect it. Do you think we could donate it as a write-off?" he laughs, "To the Geonoshan Survivor Fund. OH, I'm sure that'll make those damn rags /talk/." he states in a giddy form, and then strides back towards Allegra's room, where Sam is listening.

    ""And Allegra should pick anything she would like to keep, of course, it was her mother's jewelery." he states, and goes to a door very near where Sam is standing.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will wait to see if he is coming her door and if it seems he is then Sam will do the whole slide under the bed to hide and listen. He does not think they suspect anyone here so he is hoping to find more.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    And it's there that Filipe pauses, looking at that slightly open door. His eyes narrow, and he steps into the room. He's still wearing shoes, their shining black leather visible from Sam's vantage point as he begins to step around the room, pausing every once in a while. And he's apparently looking at the bed, where the lizard is sitting.

    <What an ugly toy. I did not buy that for her.> he remarks softly in Italian, and then steps over to the closet.

    ".... Winston. Fetch my daughter please. I would like to have a word with her." he calls out, and remains in the room!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie frowns a bit hearing the man stay but is glad to hear the girl is here and safe at least. He keeps silent under the bed waiting and watching to see what happens, and what he can learn

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It takes a few minutes, and the man is steaming, pacing the room between the closet and the head of the bed, fuming. The heels of his fine shoes striking the carpeted floor ever harder before the door opens and Allegra, wearing pointe shoes, slips in.

    "Dad, what could be so important that it's pulled me from practice? -- are Nona and Papa all right? Nothing's happened to Granma Millie, has it?" she asks, her voice worried.

    And then the angry Italian starts up. It's fast-paced, but the gist is accusaions -- dating an American boy when there are more worthy. Denial. Accusation with proof -- the lizard is thrown at the wall and thumps loudly.

    Allegra backs away a little. She defends that she is Eighteen. Her work pays the rent on the apartment. He should be crareful of his blood pressure.

    "And this? What is *THIS*? Some cheap profession of love? Who is he? A bag boy? AN artist you met on the street? Some love-sick musician? don't you know, daughter mine, that you are *at risk* when you fall into these things?!" There's a ripping sound -- and the chain on the necklace is torn, the chain and treble clef charm thrown to the floor near Sam.

    "You do not know the world like I do daughter mine! Thee men will say anything to you to get to you. They will make you do as they tell you to, and what will happen? You will be barefoot and pregnant, wide-hipped with your little spawn playing in the *dirt*!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grips his hand in a fist. He wants nothing more than to come out from under that bed, and come to her defense. He watches the feet fighting every urge in him, waiting listening. He loves her, and she has decided to keep it a secret he tries his best to support her decision.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "You sneak around. You lie to me. What is next? What else are you hiding from me?" Filipe snarls, and in an instant the bed blankets are pulled back, and Allegra, clad in a leotard with a scarf around her beltline and little left to the imagination looks down and sees Sam under the bed. Her eyes go wide in shock.

    And Filipe leans down, looking at Sam and he growls out.

    "THE WAITER?!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will move to climb out from under the bed, and everything he has done, he has done humans can do, least mostly. He will climb to his feet, and says "And he was worried about her, and came to check on her." He did consider faking as a burgler, but not what he thinks is best.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Sam is not known for his good ideas.

    And Allegra is in such shock that she's rendered speechless, giving Sam an absolutely incredulous look.

    "So. Now you are hiding boys in your room? Should I call Dr. Barrington?" he snarls, and then points at Sam. "You." he states, and the short Italian stomps up to Sam, and jabs his finger into his chest.

    "How the hell did you get past my security, mm? Bribery? Did you drug them?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will look to the man and speaks in slow Italian, each word taking time, and a good bit accented. "Love will find a way, and your men knew nothing of this. You wish to be angry you can direct it all, at me."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    <And his Italian is awful besides. What backwater down did he pawn in?> Filipe asks, and Allegra looks appaled!


    Filipe looks Sam up and down, and his eyes narrow.

    "You will leave thise building, and I never want to see your face again. I do not want you to contact my daughter again, is that clear? You have nothing you can offer her." he states, "Remove yourself before I have you removed, young man."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie stands his ground, and simply says "No." He stares looking into the man's eyes something she may never seen another do except Powergirl, but Sam is not attacking no he is defending. "Ah have love foe her, freedom, hope. Ah will fight for her, Ah will bleed for her, there is only one person who can remove me from her life, and that is her." He struggles through that but then switches to English "You can think me lesser than you, and Ah do so want to say what Ah truely feel about you, but ah will not, not here not in front of her. Your her Pa, and as much of jackass as Ah think you are, she does not need to hear this.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "What could you possibly say that you do not think she has heard before, mm?" Filipe challenges. "Winston, please call security. I would like this man removed from the premesis." he states to the butler, who looks prescisely as shocked as Allegra did that Sam was here, and he raises his hand to his ear, and whispers "Security to the lady's bedroom, please."

    Allegra herself looks pale, and backs away slightly from the group, split between her family and her lover.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the man and looks to Allegra, and back to Filipe. "Well I could go with the fact I trust her, and will do what she wants. As for about you? Maybe the fact that She is the one paying the bills, she is the one with talent, she is the one who should be making the decisions in her life. You are just a stage father, who is past his prime, and uses his daughter to live his dream, stay relavent, and keep him in the life he likes.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "How /dare/ you make such a wild accusation! All of Pro-Humana works to keep humans like you and me safe from the mutant menace. Including Allegra! The money is put to good use, and we live in this apartment!" he crows as two burly guys in looser fitting suits show up to try and get Sam to get out.

    "Alright, Blondey, you're down now. Nice and easy."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Mild shock at this whole ridiculous moment is what crosses Allegra's face, and she just brings her hands to her face.

    The air gets a couple degrees warmer.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie moves to take a stance that the two goons might realize could mean a lot of trouble. He feels the tempature, rise, and he wants to god does he want to force it, but he does not. He will stand down and says "I am going, not going to hurt you." said to the goons, and the way he says it sounds as if he believes he could. "If she wants to see me, I will see her." He reaches a hand towards her for hope of a moments touch "I love you. All of you."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... it was /you/. YOU were making the canles flicker at the gala! MUTANT! /FREAK!/!" and Filipe in fact tugs Allegra further from Sam.

    Right church, wrong pew.

    He registered the temperature change as well, and he calls out to the goons "GET HIM OUT! NOW!"

    "SAM!" Allegra calls out as she dragged back and away from him, and she reaches out fingers outstretched.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will react now, that she wants him. He does not try to hurt the men, no, a punch to the solar plexus. He will kick the second mans feet out from under him. Both moves planned to do no lasting harm. He will step to Alegra to take her hand.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The men go down! The goons were not expecting the blond redneck to deliver some sharp blows all at once, one bending over, the other swept off his feet. Allegra grabs at Sam's hand with one hand, trying to pull away with her father, who was grasping on the other.

    "Allegra, no! He'll hurt you!" Filipe calls out, frantic!

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie holds her hand and says "Ah will never hurt her, I would bleed before I see her bruised." He will step closer to Allegra, and looks to her father "I am sorry someone hurt you in your past." He says playing a hunch

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Allegra. Step. Away. From the mutant." Filipe states, and he whispers "Please. We are family, mi bella -- don't run away with a man you hardly know, to who-know-where..." he states "Think of your mother, your grandparents! If not for me, than them!"

    And Allegra almost falters She lets her hand slack against Sam's -- she steps towards her father, letting Sam's hand go. "How good are you at catch, Sam?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her a brow raises a moment, but he says "I will never let you fall." He tells her looking into her eyes watching her close.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    She gives a nod, and whispers "Go." taking a step closer to her father, to where her pack and gig bag were hanging by her bed.

    Filipe looks like he just won the war, and gives the brightest smile to Sam. "Now, make yourself scarce." he growls, "Or I'll let my team open fire!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will walk over to the patio, not the bedroom door. He looks to the group, and says "I will always love you Alexis." He says believing she has made her choice. He hits the railing and then like a diver over the the edge of a boat, he falls backwards letting himself fall a moment to give her the distraction she may need.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "What the --" one of the goons yelps as Sam takes a backwards dive off the 54th floor! Surely suicide! Lovesick FOOL!
    "My god -- did he--" Filipe states, looking peturbed. His PR firm was not going to be pleased with this development.

    And that's when Allegra grabs her backpack, her gig bag and Errol, and even in tights, a leotard and her pointes shoes makes an *elegant* as hell leap from her window, closing her eyes and trusting Sam.

    Her father's voice was lost in the wind.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie waits till he sees her go over the ledge, and then he kicks in his blastfield, and seems Sam does know a thin or two about catching people. He will move to catch her very easily in her arms, and they will jet pass her window, Sam does slow ever so slightly making sure her father knows she is safe, and then off they go into the night.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Thiswasaterribleideeeaaaaa--" Allegra whispers as she goes sailing down into the space between buildings. People watch from their windows before Sam lights up his blast shield, and catches her. She clings to him, and she's whispering in Italian -- utterly praying for forgiveness for not respecting her father -- and just clings to Sam, her arms wrapped around him, tears in her eyes.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie holds her tight, keeping her safe from the world, and all that can hurt her. He heads towards where he parked not to far away but enough not to have been noticed. He lands with her, and pulls her close not letting her loose at least not at first as he lands.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis holds to Sam, curling her fingers against his arms, her face buried into his chest, breathing out in a quiet whisper.

    "You need to hide. He's going to spin this and try to hurt you."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie holds her close, and says "He can't hurt me hon, Ah aint got nothing for him to hurt, plus he does not know who I am. I am here for you hon, lets go get a hotel room for the night and we will make plans hon." He leads her to the passanger seat.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The teenager breathes out, her eyes closing a moment before she leans down and takes off those pointe shoes, and walks, bare-foot, to the car.

    "... but seriously, what were you doing under my bed?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "I was worried about you, had not heard from you for a few days, and with everything that was going on, I wanted to make sure you were ok. Heard your dad coming, and did not know what had happened to you yet."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "So... you broke into my room and snooped around instead of like... ringing the doorbell like a normal person?" Alexis gives a wry smile, and leans against Sam's shoulder.

    "... no more weird shenanigans for a little while, yeah? You've got me now."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head bit, and says "You think I would have got to come up and check on you if I had rung the bell?" He drives with his arm around her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Errol would have let you up." She jokes, "... could always say you were delivering a pizza."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Maybe I should have, but I wanted to make sure you were safe hon. "Ah want you to meet some people, so Ah can take you someplace safe ok?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well... I have no place to be. Except I'm severely under-dresed." the young woman muses, and she sighs. I"aaand I'm going to have to borrow a phone to call my mother."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and will pull over and hands her, his phone and reaches under the seat and pulls a box out and offers her a coat that should hang pretty low on her. his costume coat. "We can get ya some stuff on the way, but the person Ah am going to take you to is a telepath. She won't mess with your mind, but will ask you some questions and use it to make sure your telling the truth. Where am taking you mutant haters would want to drop a cruise missle on.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis takes the phone, and turns to Sam, looking at him absolutely incredulously.

    "Samuel Guthrie, where are you taking me?" she asks, feeling a tight pit in her stomach.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her, and says "A school, where they teach mutants to use their powers, one that taught me, and Illyana, Doug, and Roberto. Thats the other waiter who was with me by the way "Roberto Da costa.'