8419/Visit from daughter
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Visit from daughter | |
Date of Scene: | 25 October 2021 |
Location: | Garage / Stables |
Synopsis: | Rien checks in with Logan, they catch a little and he gets her number in his new phone. |
Cast of Characters: | Logan Howlett, Rien D'Arqueness
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The weekend. It was the only time really that Logan had when he wasn't following kids around the school, though he still maintained his night time patrols. With Halloween coming up, the pile of pumpkins remained sitting there taunting him, each one almost screaming to be carved into evenly spaced slices... he doesn't do holidays. The only reason they were still on one piece... the kids.
The hood of his truck is up, tools laid out along the sides, but he was presently sitting perched on the front edge smoking a cigar and drinking a beer. Weekends also equaled beer, and if a student happened along, he was outside and away from them, so he could easily send them on their way.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
There's a silent flash of light outside the open doors of the garage, followed by footsteps approaching. Rien steps into the doorway, looking around the garage and smiling when she sees Logan sitting on his truck. She steps inside and heads in his direction calling out, "Well, you seem to have settled in comfortably. It's been a while since we've spoken, I thought I would check in, see how you were doing." She moves to sit next to him, continuing "I'm glad you found a place you can be comfortable."
She pulls a cigarette case from a pouch on her belt and takes out a hand rolled cigarette, lighting it with a snap of her fingers after she replaces the case in it's pouch. After a pull at the cigarette, she blows a cloud of herbal smoke towards the ceiling and then looks over at him. "So, anything new and exciting going on with you? Other than being here, that is."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The flash makes Logan turn, but the scene that strikes him is obvious and known, so he relaxes again, taking a sip of of his beer. He waits for Rien to make her way into the garage, listening to her foot steps until he can see her, then looks her over as she sits beside him. This was the daughter from another reality, he remembered her, which was a good thing all things considered. So many things get forgotten.
"Mostly comfortable," he states blandly. "The kids caught my attention. There's a lot of em here now, more then before, and many come from some really messed up backgrounds. Decided to stick around a bit, see if I could offer a 'it gets better' speech that was believable. Not much else happening, though I'm teaching wood and auto shop for a change."
Another puff from the cigar is taken as he looks her over, checking for signs of wear and tear, but she was one of the daughters that got the healing factor. "You look good," he then states with a little more warmth to his tone. "Keeping busy?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
She nods, "Unfortunately, yes. There seems to be no end of trouble anywhere you look. Sometimes I find it quite astounding that the world hasn't ended by now. We seem to keep barely pulling it back from the edge of disaster. I've gotten connected to a group of magic users in the area. It's nice not to always be working alone, after all."
Another puff of smoke drifts towards the ceiling before she glances back at the truck, "So, class project or is it your own vehicle? It would seems to fit you, honestly."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan snorts softly with a nod, "Bout time you got some back up. You know you can call me any time for assistance, but that magic stuffs so far over my head..." he hops down from the hood to walk to the cooler and pulls out a bottle of beer, which he offers to her as he continues speaking.
"This here is my truck alright," he kicks the bumper lightly. "And it's almost as old as me. I should of traded it in for something newer a while back, but I got the Harley for going fast, this is my home on wheels."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Taking the offered bottle, she twists the cap off and takes a drink. "Not exactly my favorite, I'll admit, but it can be nice on a warm day. And it does travel better than wine, at any rate." She takes another sip, then chuckles. "I'm not surprised you ended up staying here. As much as you try to hide it from the world, you're a good deal softer than you let most people see."
With a grin and wink, she adds "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your shameful secret. You'll be able to continue playing the hard as nails loner. I wouldn't want to ruin the front you've spent so much time perfecting."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gives her a look that is between 'how could you' and 'shit she knows', but then a smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah well, I prefer to be alone for other people's safety," he states, then chuckles. "Seems no one else gets that. Got people trying to be friendly to me. Hell, even the Queen of Genosha is trying to be friendly, more than friendly."
Another puff is taken before he sighs and just nods, "Yeah, alright... ya got me kid. I may go off to be alone to protect others, but a part of me had never really likes it... but you said you'll keep it under your hat."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
She nods in reply, saying, "You act like you're the only one that has enemies come after them. Now, granted you have had a good deal of bad luck on that front, but should I remind you of that little trip to hell? You're hardly the only one with terrible things following them." She shrugs, "At least here you have a group of people powerful enough to deal with whatever comes your way. I'd say this is probably about the best place you could possibly settle into."
Another sip of the beer is followed by another drag on the cigarette. "But should you run across any magic issues, feel free to give me a call. As I said, I've hooked up with a group of mages in the area, so I'm sure we can help out if needed."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
A puff from the cigar and Logan let's the smoke drift away as he considers that. Rien was actually the second person to apply that logic, that there were people here who could help. At least his enemies were aliens that tried to destroy the school from orbit, so he had that going for him. They were just apparently ninjas, mercenaries and soldiers, which even the kids at this school could handle in their sleep.
"So far ain't come across anything magic, but if I do, I got your number..." he nods, then pulls his phone out. "... or not... shit, this is the new one." He offers it over for her to put her number into.
"Old phone fell in the lake," he explains, then takes a drink from his beer. He wasn't going to say which lake or that it was when someone was trying to kill him, that could pretty much be assumed. "You may be right though, about the school and the people here."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Taking the phone, she punches her number into the memory and hands it back to him. "There, now you can reach me if you need to." With a chuckle she reminds him, "And not just for magic. My claws and healing work as well as yours do, so don't feel bad about calling me if you do run into some non-magic trouble that you could use a hand with. Better than running off to face it alone again. After all, family watches out for one another, non?"
She finishes off the beer, tossing the bottle towards a nearby garbage can, scoring a clean basket. "I'll let you get back to your truck, I was just touching base now that I'm spending more time in the area." She stands up, giving him a moment to reply before waving and vanishing from the garage in one of those flashes of light that seem to mark her comings and goings.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan finishes off his beer as well. "There's a party coming up here, some Halloween thing, feel free to costume up and come by," he offers first, then offers a nod. "If a fight comes up, I'll call ya." And then she poofs.
Walking over to the garbage can, he grabs the bottle out with a chuckle and puts both his and hers in the recycling... such a good dad.