8524/Happy Harbor: That's Not Right
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Happy Harbor: That's Not Right | |
Date of Scene: | 04 January 2022 |
Location: | Dormitories - Happy Harbor High School |
Synopsis: | There's something weird happening in one of the girls dorms. It's TOTALLY a Werewolf! |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Morgan Finn, Irie West, Madison Evans, Keli Quintela
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The dorms at night can be a bit of a liminal place. Like time doesn't exist or there's not a sure fire way of telling the time. With all of the graduates having moved out it is a bit more empty and leaving a bit of an echo as one makes their way down the halls. For the last fifteen minutes there has been the sound of something scratching at one of the new students dorm doors and it's not stopped. It echoes down the hall and gets louder as one gets closer.
It's a horrible thing to be greeted by when heading up to go to sleep for the evening...and that is what people are greeted with.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
The door to room 16A opens and Morgan pokes his head out. He's wearing athletic shorts from the HH football team and a Seattle Seahawks long-sleeved T-shirt. The past couple of days have been...challenging for Morgan. He was late arriving after winter break due to a medical emergency. All is well now, but he's tired. He looks around the hallways with a yawn trying to find the source of the irritating sound disturbing the sanctity of the dorms at this hour.
- Irie West has posed:
Time is a funny thing when you're having fun. It goes by so quickly, and the time Irie and Maddie spent with Dyani must have gotten away from them because before they knew it it was after hours and they had to leave.
"Bye Diani!" Irie says giving her friend a wave in parting. "That was fun," she says to Madison as they walk down the hallway. "When we get outside I can give you a piggyback ride back home. We'll be there lickity split so your mom won't worry."
She pauses when she hears that odd scratching noise. "Wait. Do you hear that? Does somebody own a cat in the dorms? I thought pets were forbidden."
- Madison Evans has posed:
"OH. EM. GEE, she is going to kiiiiiill me!" Maddie is already saying - walking backwards to wave to Dyani, and then durning back to Irie with a grateful look on her features. "Really? You're the best! I mean, with the news out of Manhattan about the evacuation and everything - she's like super on edge - I'm surprised she hasn't called in the National Guard or something already!"
It takes her a moment to even notice that something has Irie's attention, and she pauses, looking around the hall. "Wait - what? Hear what?"
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli has been fiddling with her gauntlet /again/ because ever since the GIRL Expo last month she's wanting to be sure she's got some bits of the power gain right. But when she takes her headphones off to get up for a moment she hears it. Scratching. That's... weird.
She goes to poke her head out of her door and eyes the people in the hall already. Maybe it was just them...?
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Scritch. Scritch. Scritch...
The sound is coming from Chasha and Advika's dorm door. Neither of the girls had pets and non service animals were not allowed without express permission. Maybe they brought something in? Maybe it's just one of the girls playing some sort of weird prank? It's hard to figure out really. There is no light that shines from underneath the door, giving the impression that no one is in or they are fast asleep.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
The fledgeling demigod peers around the hallways blearily. Not only is some weird noise going on, but the hallway is uncharacteristically filled with people at this hour. Morgan pads barefoot out into the hall. "Hey," he says, rubbing one eye with the palm of one hand. "You guys hear some kind of weird noi..." He stops talking for a moment. "Right there! That sound. What d'you think it is?"
- Irie West has posed:
"A cat, maybe?" Irie tentatively offers. "Sounds like a cat." Her face lights up then, "Or maybe they're secretly werewolves! Wouldn't that be neat!" She walks up to the door and knocks on it, "Chasha? Advika? Are you two secretly werewolves in there?"
- Madison Evans has posed:
"It's clearly the souls of the damned, clawing their ways free of the earth in which they were entombed, many ancient millenia ago below the school. A long forgotten burial ground upon which the school was unwittingly founded, and which has transfered it terrible curse upon us all!" Madison declares melodramatically.
"...that or a cat, yeah," she agrees cheerfully. "But my money's on the first one."
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli stares at Irie and Madison both. "...Ayyy, it's too late to be messing around. Let's go see what's up."
And without another word, she walks right over next to Irie, and raps on the door herself. "If you've got a cat in there we'd better help you get it out before any teachers find out!"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The group heads down towards the the source of the sound and if that is a cat that is scratching it is a BIG DAMN CAT. The scratch sound seems to be coming lower towards the door, like whatever is making that sound is right on the other side. When Keli raps on the door and speaks, it stops.
But it starts back up a few moments later. The same tempo and everything. Neither girl inside seems to be stirring...which might be weird.
- Madison Evans has posed:
"Telling you - it's armies of the undead," Madison replies in a voice with exagerated creep factor. Hell - she even waggles her fingers in a way she means to be 'creepy' - but she immediately breaks into a broad grin.
Approaching the door herself - she gives a knock, in a 'Shave and a Hair Cut' pattern - pausing to listen for a returning knock.
"Intelligence test," she says solemnly. "To see what kind of undead ghouly we're dealing with here."
- Irie West has posed:
Irie nods sagely. "Of course. It's the logical thing to do."
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli eyes Madison and rolls her eyes, reaches out to put a hand on the door handle... then stops. Waits. Maybe... it /will/ respond to Madison's knock?
She lowers her hand and steps back a little, eyeing the door like she's preparing to fight whatever comes through.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The knock does not get a response. It does quiet the scratching for a few before it goes back to it. Though there is the sound of something shuffling on the other door now and approaching the door. The scratching stops as the door opens and a bleary eyed Chasha looks out to them as she flips on the light, "Is...is there a problem?" she asks as she opens the door wide. Nothing behind it and the other bed is empty.
- Madison Evans has posed:
"...oh," Madison says as Chasha opens the door. Her mouth opens, then closes (isn't it rude to ask someone about armies of undead being in their room?) but then opens again. "Did I wake you? I mean - didn't mean to. Only there was scratching at the door, and I said it was an army of undead on account of the school being built on an ancient burial ground and getting cursed, but like, maybe it was just a cat? So we had a bet! ... sorta.
"So, umm. ...any undead hoardes in your room?"
Does Madison actually sound ...hopeful as she asks that question?
- Keli Quintela has posed:
"We didn't actually have a bet," Keli says firmly. She peers over at the empty bed and then at Chasha. "Too big to be a cat, though." She puts her hands on her hips and frowns. "What's going on? Look, I built a /whole/ science project for the GIRL Expo in my room, I know there's a /lot/ of stuff you could do in here and not get caught if you're quiet."
- Irie West has posed:
"/My/ bet was one of you was a werewolf," Irie replies with her hands on her hips. "So it's either that or hordes of undead. C'mon. Spill. Which is it? If it's werewolves we understand. Full moon out and everything. We could even take you for walksies!"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Chasha looks at the group of girls on the other side of her door like they have all gone CRAZY. She steps back to let them in, showing that if there was something going on that she'd have had to be the fastest moving thing to put it up. The girl looks to the back of the door and there's a blink, "Those aren't from a cat..." she points to the door.
On the back of the door there are long jagged scratches that have brought chunks of wood out and they don't look at all friendly. "I think I might see if we can bunk in another room for the night..." she whispers to them. "Werewolves? Why would either of those things be in our dorm room?" she looks terrified like she's having a bad dream. and then she's moving to grab her pillow and sweater to get the hell out of the weirdness!
- Irie West has posed:
Irie crouches down to take a look at the huge gouges in the door. "Hmmm," she says thoughtfully stroking her chin. She looks about her and asks, "Where's Advika? Maybe /she's/ the werewolf and jumped out the window as soon as you opened the door?"
- Madison Evans has posed:
"You know - if it is a werewolf I might be able to Jedi Mind Trick it!" Madison exclaims brightly. "A wolf's the only thing it's worked on so far." She studies the scratches on the inside of the door with a frown as she adds, "Man. This does totally seem like a horror movie set-up, right? What're the rules of surviving horror movies? Other than being 'don't split up' 'don't be the black guy' and 'don't be the blonde cheerleader'?"
- Keli Quintela has posed:
"...Where /is/ Advika? Hey, Chasha!" Keli calls to the girl trying to leave. "Where's Advika?"
She sighs and goes to check and see if the window's been opened. Maybe Advika left that way/
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There's voices behind them that herald dreamy heartthrob of the school, Taiyo coming down the hall and Advika seems to be hanging off his arm as they come down the hallway. Well, that's where she was. She looks into the dorm room and quirks an eyebrow, "Ummm...everything okay?" she asks. Taiyo is giving a look over things as well, "I'm going to head out, you ladies have a good night." he gives a smile to the group before he heads back down the hall to his dorm.
- Irie West has posed:
"'Don't have sex,'" informs Irie. "That's the important one. 'Don't do drugs,' is a big one, too." She brightens up when Maddie mentions her Jedi mind trick. "That's right! You did! A perfect countermeasure for a werewolf."
She looks over her shoulder once Advika and Taiyo (dreamy sigh) shows up. "Oh, hi, Advika! We're trying to figure out if Chasha is a werewolf. You didn't happen to notice a lot of hair in the shower or anything like that, did you?"
- Madison Evans has posed:
"Why would I- ugh. Just, //ew//, Irie!" Madison counters.
...and, dude. Irie's five-but-not-really-five! That makes it even weider. Even if she doesn't usually even think about the weird nature of her friend's age.
...focus on the werewolf, Maddie. "I mean. She doesn't //look// like a werewolf," she remarks. "...this is seriously weird. Ooo! Does anyone have like... a super sensitive sense of smell who could like... smell the scratches?"
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli peers at the window, which is closed, and peers over at Advika just arriving. Looks between Advika and Taiyo and rolls her eyes. For some reason she just doesn't see the dreaminess, but then she... doesn't seem to generally.
"So you're both okay and there was scratching and all these gouges and /we/ heard it, but it didn't wake Chasha up. The window's closed so nothing came in." She turns around and looks at the room.
"...Okay, who wants to check under the beds, and who wants to check in the closet?" She's debating grabbing her gauntlet. This is getting weird.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Advika, Chasha and Taiyo all look at little weirded out. Advika gives a look around the room and then sees the door, the look of shock that comes across her face is genuine, "What the heck." she frowns as she looks over the door. "I've heard scratching before, but just thought it was someone playing a prank. Chasha sleeps through a lot of things. I don't know how." she shakes her head. Chasha gives a soft harumph and then starts looking under the beds and not finding anything.
"I think you guys should bunk in with a few of the other girls for the night and we'll see if maybe something got in and just couldn't get out tomorrow...maybe one of those raccoons or something." Taiyo states.
Chasha and Advika nod to that and the girls start gathering pillows for sleeping somewhere else.
- Irie West has posed:
While Chasha is looking under the bed, Irie goes over to the closet and throws it open, ready for something to jump out. "AHA!" she yells in anticipation of a werewolf hiding in there.
Seeming a bit disappointed she shakes her head and turns to the girls. "Yeah. Probably best if you slept somewhere else tonight." Something, then, occurs to her. "Oh heck! I'm supposed to get Maddie home!" She turns to her friend and holds out her hand to drag her outside, "C'mon! Let's get going!"
- Madison Evans has posed:
"Maybe it's like a ghost?" Madison remarks - suggesting a new theory. "Or it could be-" The thought goes unfinished as a phone in her back pockets made a brief sound and her expression goes to 'oh,' just as Irie's throwing the closet door open. "...that's my mom. Irie, she's gonna kiiiiiill me!" She reaches out, promptly taking the offered hand. She needs to get home! Before she's grounded //for life//.
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli throws her hands in the air. "Ayyyy, look, come sleep in my room, you two. Ay, ay, these American chicas, always freaking out over /something/." She rolls her eyes, but it's mostly fond. Mostly.
One more look around the room. "Whatever's doing the scratching... hush and let us sleep!!"
And then, whether Advika and Chasha come with her or not, she'll head back to her room.