8534/What's a little sparring between lovers

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What's a little sparring between lovers
Date of Scene: 03 November 2021
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: A few attacks, a few dodges, and a great deal of fun between the Beast and The Feline of the MOon
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Tara Tsabedze, Laxmi Mallick, Warren Worthington

Henry McCoy has posed:
A whirlwind of days rush by - parties, celebrations, dates and dinners. Henry had mentioned to Tara that he'd be interested in seeing her in her war form. He wanted to see how she changed, how she fought - and practice a bit with her if she were up to it. To that end, she'd been invited over to the manor, and after a lovely lunch, they'd moved out to the backyard.

The cold never bothered them anyway.

"So... up for some fun sparring?" He grinned over to her, stretching his legs as he looked out over the yard. "We could learn from one another, undoubtedly."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
So many events, all great fun, even more so that they were all with Hank. Lunch would never be refused, again because it was Henry. He could serve peanut butter and jelly, and she'd enjoy it because of the company.

After lunch and out to the backyard, she takes a deep breath of the brisk air. The cold didn't bother her at all, the fur on her body though light, kept her warm.

"The grounds of this school are amazing," she offers first, then looks to him. "Sparring would be fun, though I wonder about your claws and my own. Neither are exactly... non-lethal." She smiles broadly. "How would you like to handle that?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
That has him thinking. "Well, mine are retractable..." A smile. "Perhaps light touch?" He wonders, giving her a nod. "I am most certainly not looking to harm you, regardless of how well you can heal or how quickly I mend." Henry explains.

"I am absurdly curious as to how you fight, and you mentioned shape-changing." He grins. "All this seems so interesting - especially as it is magically charged, as opposed to something genetic."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara removes her long jacket, laying it over the back of a chair as she walks to a more open area. Looking up at the sun in the sky, a very slight hiss is heard before she looks back to Hank.

"I can maintain safety with the claws by using open hand strikes," she offers. "And my strength is lesser in the day light hours, so there should not be a risk of wounding you." She continues until she has found a spot in the shade, away from the sunlight. Closing her eyes a moment, she concentrates on the shifting. Normally it would be almost instantaneous, but the sun was in the sky and that required full focus of her mind and body.

A silvery white light begins to surround her body, just like it does her hands when she heals, but this time it is her entire body and it gets brighter, difficult to look directly at. It is when the light reaches that point of blinding that her body changes with in the light, growing in height, head changing, arms and legs. The only things that remains the same are her hair and her eyes.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast watches - rapt with attention. "Fascinating." He whispers, shielding his eyes as the brightness overwhelms him. A few blinks later and he peers over the changes. "That is wonderful." He grins to her, nodding. He steps closer, looking over her new form. "You're so much taller." A laugh. "I feel short."

A finger traces along her arm, feeling the muscle there. "Can you speak in this form, or are there limitations? Is it only for fighting?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Leaning over, Tara licks the side of Hank's face before whispering, "I can speak in any form." Her voice is deeper, the accent a little stronger, but she is still perfectly understandable. She stands back up and let's him caress over her arm, watching him with a grin while her tail flicks.

"This is for fighting," she then says. "The warriors of my tribe may all assume a form similar to this, to fight our enemies and defend against them."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The grin that spreads over his face is wider at the lick and whisper. "Noted." A smirk. "I wasn't certain - I've seen those who could change shape but it limits their ability to communicate." He circles around her before coming to rest in front of her. "So... no claws? Light touch?" He suggests, eyes on hers.

"Then swimming or soaking in the shower after, to work out the aches?" Cause, there are always aches after sparring. Friendly or not, it tends to get competative - people tend to push themselves.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Slowly Tara walks around him once, then moves to put just a touch of distance between them. Starting the sparring on top of each other would just end up with the both of them slugging it out, no finesse, just open handed strikes.

"No claws," she confirms with a soft purring sound. "As for light touch... that is acceptable, though you should not feel you need to pull your punches, as it were."

Once she is a short distance away she stops, almost dropping to all for but really it is a crouch, her tail flicking to maintain her balance as she watches him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
His brow arches. "K'Tara, I can lift ten tons... I am not wanting to hit anyone with that force, unless they deserve it." He says, following her as she circles, stepping back as well. "Perhaps throws, but..." A laugh, the man's face slowly becoming a bit more serious as he too, crouches.

"Say when." Henry grins - just as he leaps towards her!

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The language of the body is louder than words. Tara hears him speaking of course, bantering, chatting, but her eyes are listening to the words of his body. Being in touch with every aspect of the animal inside of her, that is a part of her, she can see the tensing of his muscles before he leaps. This is more than enough warning for her to just not be there, a leap to the side, a roll and back up onto her feet where he just was... a /huge/ grin on her face.

"You have tells," she offers quietly, ears wiggling.

Henry McCoy has posed:
That earns a laugh from Henry, the man rolling to his feet easily even as she leaps away. "I do. And we all do." He assures, stretching out a bit in place - cat-like. He meant to miss, yep. At least that's what he'd have any onlookers believe. Toes wiggle in the turf.

"It's just a matter of knowing your opponent, or noticing the common signs, yes?" He suggests, moving in a languid circle around.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
As he moves in the circle, Tara turns only slightly so she can keep her eyes on him in some way. The grin remains on her face, as if this is all some kind of entertaining game.

"Tell me Hank," she begins. "What does your instinct tell you? As you circle me, what are you thinking? Logic or nature?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
He keeps pacing about her, circling. "I would say at the moment, logic. Nature... instinct is for... more strenuous and life-threatening situations." Henry murmurs, grinning a touch himself. He watches her body move, watches the interplay of her muscles as she matches his movement.

"And how about you? Do instincts take over immediately? Even in fun?" He wonders, sincerely curious. "How do you keep it in check if it is play? Or does your mind simply recognize the more playful aspect?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    With her classes finished for the day, Laxmi had decided to go for a jog through some of the better maintained paths through the forest. As a result, the young woman is //not// dressed in lehenga for once - but instead has put on a pair of sneakers, along with some workout clothes, designed to wick away sweat, and keep the body comfortable and cool. She carries a small, reuseable water bottle in one hand - strapped loosely to one wrist - and as she approaches the school, and the backyard, she lets her jog slow to a walk, breathing a little heavily from the exertion. Once at a walk, she flicks a button to open the top of the bottle, drinking some of the water before pouring a little over it into her thick, dark hair as she approaches Hank and Tara curiously.
    "Namaste!" she greets the pair cheerfully.

Warren Worthington has posed:
The yard is bathed in shadow for a moment as something moves in front of the sun, then once again. For those that look up, the backlit silhouette of a man with the wings of an angel is embossed on the sun as Warren descends from the heavens. As his features become more apparent the lower he comes, it isn't just the wings that give him his moniker. The longish flowing blonde hair tied neatly back into a ponytail, the piercing blue eyes that survey the group, and the Adonis like physique of the man also play their part.

He is dressed in casual clothes. An old vintage tee, slacks, and a pair of tennis shoes (designer no doubt). "Henry, I thought I spotted you from up there. How's it going, old friend." Laxmi and Tara get a nod of greeting and a smile, "Sorry to intrude."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The shadow over head changes the came that Tara and Hank had been playing, she leaps back into the trees in one fluid motion. She has no idea who the winged person is, nor what his intent is, but instinct takes control and she is in the trees observing as he lands. Hank could see the shift in her body, the expression in her eyes, the change from game to hunting in a matter of seconds, even as she jumped back into the trees.

Even as the bird-man speaks, her golden eyes are watching his every move from the shadows. She isn't hiding, she merely put distance between herself and him so she could determine if he needed to be attacked or not.

"Instinct," she says to Hank in her deep tone, her East African accent more pronounced. "It is always how I act and react, even in play... after all, I am a cat."

Even as Warren speaks to Hank, she doesn't move yet back to the sparring range with Hank. She hasn't decided yet what she should be thinking about him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The voice is clearly known to Hank, the man keeping his eyes on Tara as she bounds back to the trees. There's admiration in her mobility and skill. "Hello Warren." He offers, waving to the other man, even as his eyes remained focused on his sparring partner. No blows have been struck, but intel and understanding is being gained. "How are you doing?" A smile.

"May I introduce my sparring partner, K'Tara?" He introduces. "She's from Happy Harbor."

"This is a good friend of mine, K'Tara. This is Warren." He smiles, nodding to the woman in the tree.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi approached the pair, just as K'Tara leaps away - a little surprise showing on her features. "Wasn't that...?" She doesn't finish the question as Hank offers the introduction. So she was right, then. "Is she alright?" she asks with a hint of concern. It was a bit impressive how large a figure could melt into the shadow's of a thick tree's canopy.
    Looking away from the trees, though, she returns her attention to Hank and Warren, offering both a friendly smile. "Namaste, I'm Laxmi," she offers simply. "Laxmi Mallick. I'ver been brought on at the school to teach the Performing Arts."

Warren Worthington has posed:
The Angel doesn't react to Tara's suspicious nature other than to offer her a polite smile and wave as Hank introduces her. Warren has been around enough 'feral' types to know not to rush things. "Well enough, Hank. I was just out for a flight and spotted you down here, figured I would spend a moment to say hello...so...hello!"

He chuckles, walking over to give his furry blue friend a clasp on the shoulder (and maybe distracting him long enough for Tara to get a shot at him).

Laxmi gets another smile, and a slight bow. "A pleasure to meet you," Warren says as he offers his hand out, "Warren Worthington."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The conversation, the body language, it was all casual, comfortable and Tara nods to herself once. Slipping out of the shadows, she offers the bird-man a nod with a broad grin that exposes her elongated canines.

"A pleasure to meet you Warren Worthington," she offers the man, but doesn't get too close. She no longer feels the need to tear this throat out, but she also doesn't know how he will react to her... she is so far from human at the moment after all. "You may call me Tara if you wish."

Although she appears to be focused entirely on Warren, she is still watching Hank. There was no time out called, they were technically still sparring, though she isn't going to take an attack with Warren so close.

Henry McCoy has posed:
While in a true battle, he would have leapt at the opening, figuratively and literally - Henry isn't about that at the moment. "Ah, yes, Laxmi is one of our new educators here too." He says, sheepishly. "I thought you two might have met. Forgive my manners." A wink to both.

"Hope to see you about more often, Warren. You're always a welcome sight." A chuckle.

Looking to Laxmi, the Beast nods. "It's K'Tara. She and I were practicing... or rather, had just started." A chuckle. "I had asked to see her change, and we had discussed prior some sparring."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It's quite alright, Hank," Laxmi answers - offering the man a friendly smile. "I still haven't had a chance to meet everyone associated with the school. Are you a former alumnus, Mister Worthington?" she asks with polite curiosity - her gaze shifting to Tara for a moment, as the woman rejoins them, then back towards Warren. She's curious about Tara's altered appearance, but for the moment it seems more important to be polite to the new comer, as she stands with hands folded in front of her, an arm's length from the two men. She seems to be catching her breath quickly after her jog, at least.
    "I've never seen Tara in any other form," she adds, flashing the other woman a broad smile. "It's fascinating to see - you strike quite an intimidating figure like this."

Warren Worthington has posed:
After greeting everyone, Warren smiles with a nod to Hank, "Yeah, I have been absent as of late and really need to rectify that. Maybe I should try coming by once a week to teach a class or something. Something to get me out of that office more than I do anyway...but I digress. You were busy, and I interrupted. I'll leave you all to it, and will catch up with you some other time."

Warren doesn't wait for the protest that is surly to come, he just beats his powerful wings and takes off up into the air with a wave goodbye.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Forced to resist instinct, Tara watches the wings for a moment, her tail flicking wildly before she turns her eyes back to Hank and just quite randomly pounces at him. She's making sure to keep her claws out of the mix, attempting to use the flat of her hands and her body weight to tackle him. Honestly she doesn't expect to actually get him, but she's hoping the disappearing friend is enough of a distraction.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There was a wave to Warren as he departed, and a grin to Laxmi. "She is striking, isn't she?" He says, just as he turns into the pounce. Keen hearing and scent help a lot - as well as situational awareness! Henry catches the taller feline woman, rolling with her as they tumble.

Legs come up, almost bunny kicking in a cat-fashion to her midsection. No break from the grapple from him - keeping her close is likely his goal. She's got longer limbs, he's relying on his close fighting skills.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Gracious!" Laxmi lets out with a laugh at Tara's sudden spring. It's fast - and she's quite certain could be rather deadly. She takes a step back as the pair tumble to the ground, watching their 'play' with a curious gaze. She wouldn't stand a chance against either of them - she's entirely confident in that - but she trusts the pair not to do each other any serious harm. "Yes, 'striking' seems to be quite literally the word for it," she agrees.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Just to demonstrate what would normally happen in a situation like this, Tara starts biting playfully at the side of Hank's neck. If she were being more serious, obviously the bites would actually break skin, muscle and probably bone, but since she is just playing, she noms lightly while rolling along with him. Longer limbs allow her to literally wrap her arms and legs around him as they roll along, until when the come to a stop.

The move she uses is not one something of her size should be able to do, a dexterous twist and turn in an attempt to break free of the hold he has, and should that fail... she has another ace up her sleeve.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He's not letting go - not so easily. The noms and bites have him angling his head to better protect his neck. The play kicks, if serious, would be doing serious injury to her gut area - claws and such. Still he rolls with her, using his strength to keep ahold of her.

"She's good at this!" He calls back, unused to biting as a tactic for him to use. He almost does lose a grip - though he quickly remedies. She winds up atop of him in the wrestling.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It certainly looks like it!" Laxmi calls back. "It's not everyone who can give an Avenger a run for their money."
    She watches the pair tumbling across the lawn - though part of her feels as if she should look away, and give them both some privacy - especially given the way Tara's face is buried against Hank's neck.
    In fact - there's a bit more color rising to Laxmi's dusky-hued cheeks.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
With the failure of the first tactic, Tara resorts to a secondary tactic. A bright flash of silvery white light blinds Hank and Laxmi, and in that moment Hank can /feel/ Tara's form change again. From the large warrior form to a panther in seconds, allowing her to escape his hold and dart away to rub on Laxmi's legs while purring.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Well, that's not expected. He tries to keep hold, but the shift slips Tara out of his grasp. "My stars and garters!" He laughs, rolling to his feet as he watches the panther bound away to rub against Laxmi's legs. Henry rolls to his feet, looking over at the pair.

"I would say that was cheating, were there cheating in combat." He smirks.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I- oh!" Laxmi exclaims, going from shielding her eyes to staring down at the large feline rubbing against her legs. "Well... hello, Tara." This feels rather... familiar. But still, she does reach down to briefly run her fingers over the woman's fur. "Remarkable," she murmurs quietly. "I can't see I've ever seen anything quite like that. Well - I suppose the nearest thing is the young lady who's also a wolf."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
One trip around Laxmi's legs purring and Tara sits, looking over to Hank and chuffing, which is the same as laughing to a cat.

"There is no cheating in combat," the panther says, her voice the same as her normal form but the accent remains thicker. "You use all your talents and skills, though I suppose it is cheating when you do not know it can happen."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"The element of surprise is one to use, indeed." Henry grins, moving over towards the others - though not in a hurried or aggressive manner. No need to get Laxmi tangled up in the sparring. A grin to Laxmi, and a nod. "At least you saw the change happen this time, yes?"

"Hopefully it is not distressing?" He asks of Laxmi, curious as to the touch from the panther-Tara.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Distressing is not the word I would use," Laxmi says hastily. "Unexpected, certainly. It's just a level of... familiarity I'm unaccustomed to, even with my closest friends," she admits. "But not distressing."
    "It's always fascinating to see what gifts others possess - whether they're given by magic, or mutant powers, or any other means."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Unfortunately, this form is the animal with a human mind as a side effect, enough to keep her from being completely animalistic. In her mind as she became the panther, the need to rub on something and that something ended up being Laxmi's legs. Perhaps when she is more herself... less herself... more human... she'll be in the right mind to apologize.

As Hank comes over however, she stands and moves to rub on his legs. Apparently for the moment spar time is over as the feline needs to do some serious rubbing on things, marking things, marking Hank and Laxmi, she can't help it, instinct.

"Furry," she purrs as she presses against Hank's legs one more time. "Pet me." And now demanding.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A hand reaches down to scritch between the panther's ears, then her shoulders. "Fair. I just didn't want to break any customs." He smiles to Laxmi, nodding to her. After that, Henry kneels to earnestly pet and scritch at the panther.

"She is beautiful in all forms. Truly, I am lucky." The man chuckles, bumping his forehead to the panther.

"So how has your day been, Laxmi? Any plans for the evening?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It's alright - I'm touched by your concern," Laxmi reassures him with a smile - seeming to recover from her embarrassment of moments before, even as she glances away as the pair but heads together. "My day's gone well. It's always gratifying to see the skill of the students grow as they practice," and the strains of someone practicing a stringed instrument can be heard faintly coming from the open windows of one of the dorm rooms. "Though - no particular plans for the evening. Perhaps I'll work on a new song?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The purr is loud enough that people in the mansion might actually hear it. Once he starts petting in earnest, Tara holds still to accept and purr even more. She looks toward Laxmi, right ear twitching slightly before bumping her head against Hank's.

"I am the lucky one," she purrs out. "A man who can tolerate the various forms of who and what I am."

Hank gets licked along the side of his face again before she sits herself down and looks to Laxmi. Both of the pierced feline ears start twitching at the sound of the stringed instrument being practiced. "They are correct," she says, ears still twitching. "It does in fact sound like someone is torturing a cat."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A gentle poke to Tara's side. "They are learning. Practice is what makes us better." He reminds, playfully. Henry smirks, looking to Laxmi as Tara gets all the pets and scritches. "Have you eaten? We could all go out for dinner? If Mootant Milkshakes is among places you can eat?" He asks of the other teacher.

He does look up to the sounds of the strings, smirking. "They will get there."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Yes, well, you should have heard him a month ago!" Laxmi remarks, letting out a quiet laugh. "Trust me - this is progress, and I'm just glad he's determined to improve."
    Looking between the pair she adds, "I wouldn't mind going out - and I can and have certainly enjoyed Mootant Milkshakes. I'm fairly certain they've yet to put any meat products in any of the milkshakes."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara lifts her nose toward the sound, ears turning again in the air. "Practice makes perfect," she repeats, then stands up and shakes herself, getting the fur all in the right place. "I wish him the best of luck," she then adds before looking at Hank.

"Milkshakes, yes that is favorable," then she licks him again.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"I think I did, Laxmi. Sharp ears, and all." Henry winks, getting to his feet. As Tara shakes off, she gets one more scritch at the ears. "Shall we go then? You might want to change to your bipedal form, K'Tara." He suggests, stretching a bit.

"No meat shakes, thank goodness. I've seen too many episodes of Iron Chef and their odd flavors of ice cream. Ick." A chuckle.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I meant //Tara// should have, Hank," Laxmi counters with amusement. "I'm sure you've heard every step of his development. It's gotten much better."
    Looking towards K'Tara she remarks, "Well - if she wished to stay like this, I suppose she could sprawl across the backseat of whatever car was take, though I don't see how she could possibly wear a seatbelt like that." There is something amusing about a panther in the back seat, though.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara pads around in a circle for a moment, then darts to the shrubbery and back, just stretching her legs in the form she rarely gets to be in any more. Once she's darted around just a little more, that same bright flash of silvery white light blinds anyone looking and her form changes on more time, back to her usual appearance.

"That was almost one too many in the daytime," she breaths, taking a moment before walking over to Hank. "I am ready when the both of you are."