8621/A dose of culture
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A dose of culture | |
Date of Scene: | 09 November 2021 |
Location: | American Museum of Natural History |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Sif, Vintridr, Caitlin Fairchild
- Sif has posed:
Midgard has a great deal to commend itself, particularly to a Maiden of war. Wars, skirmishes, riots and barfights; all rate rather highly in Sif's book. She's not one to remain idle for long, which of course is defined as : 'not in a fight'. There are those moments, however, when she IS idle. When she's between battles, and it's that time when everything she says and does may be suspect.
After all, she is almost single of purpose, even if she's not a 'one trick pony'.
Dressed in Midgard casual clothing, that is, jeans, high boots, a sweater as a nod to the fact that others are beginning to cover up for the coming chill, Sif finds herself in the middle of the great entry that is the Museum. It's been suggested to her (numerous times) that perhaps a trip to culture might help balance her views of Midgard that is today. There is no way, however, that she could or would do this alone. It's not that she can't be trusted, but rather, she's very aware that she hasn't spent a great deal of time back on this Realm, and a little context might be useful.
- Vintridr has posed:
When Sif announced to Vintridr where she intended to go, the Valkyrior hesitated only minutely before responding in the affirmative. It's highly unlikely that she'd be recognized, but at the same time -- why take unnecessary foolish risks? So to differentiate herself as much as possible from the 'urban ninja' getup she favoured during her visit, she's dressed almost provocatively exotic by her standards: Laced-leather pants and ditto vest over a white shirt that shows a bit more cleavage than is entirely appropriate for this weather, as well as some subtly understated jewelry.
"It's been a while since I've been here," she comments as they approach the museum entrance. "I'm told they've recently dedicated an entire wing to the presence of Viking culture in North America, but I haven't had time or opportunity to go see it for myself yet." Technically perfectly true - while Sif's senses aren't her brother's equal, her reputation that she can hear lies is not entirely unearned - but it's probably a miracle that the earth itself didn't shake at the gaping omissions.
... Besides, she is being honest - she really does want a better chance to see the rest of the exhibit at more leisure than she had time for during her last visit.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
For Caitlin the cold weather is a welcome relief. With her metabolism it's much more of a challenge to deal with the oppressive summer heat than the coastal chill of New York. And her Asgardian friends went to the effort, so it seemed only right that Caitlin be appropriately attired when she joins her.
Still, she's dressed for it; a navy blue peacoat jacket that surely had to be custom-fit to her, and a black wool skirt that would be immodest except for her grey leggings. An olive tam o'shanter hat helps keep some of her frizzy red hair under control, and the rest trails down between her shoulderblades in a tightly plaited ponytail.
"It's still weird to think of 'Viking History' in America," Caitlin muses. "I got coffee with Thor last week. And I'm going to an exhibition of artifacts that are dedicated to the gods. My ancestor's gods," she amends.
"I'm not ever gonna get used to that," she concludes with a wry tone.
- Sif has posed:
The understatement is, of course, heard. It's the style of lie of which she's most familiar, and uses herself on occasion. After all, truths are easier to track than lies! The fault lies in the one who hears and misunderstands rather than the one that speaks.
Thus, the words are greeted with a knowing smile and an inclination of her head in acknowledgment. Sif doesn't track the goings on of her sisters of the sword, but there is always the understanding that //something// transpires.
There's little doubt that that trio doesn't gain some sort of notice, even if it's from the general museum-goers, the children in classroom gangs seem to automatically give room around them as they pass, herded as they are by teachers and chaperones.
"I still work to reconcile the fact there are fewer followers, and those that we've come upon were sadly misguided." There's almost a 'tsk' in the tones, but in true Sif style, she moves on, and easily. "It has been suggested that I seek out culture to understand those here." Suggested, of course, equals 'told', or 'nagged'. It is to her benefit, however, that the 'understanding' part is accepted.
Sif takes a look around, keen eyes searching out a direction in which to go before she exhales in a chuff. Her tones do turn a touch more sympathetic when she answers Caitlin, "You will. Soon, it will be as natural as breathing." This obviously is a woman who is in tune with her 'Godhood'. "Perhaps we can work on our rituals. It may help you find your way."
Glancing at her companions now, she seems to decide on a path and takes those first decisive steps. "I am prepared to see what it is they believe of us."
- Vintridr has posed:
"Historians' consensus is that Erik the Red and Leif Ericson first crossed the Atlantic almost five hundred years before Christopher Columbus made the same journey," Vintridr replies to Caitlin. "When one travels far from home, it is a near universal thing to want to bring as much of your culture with you as you can, to remind you where you came from and who you are."
There's a hint of wistfulness in her voice as she says that, but then she grins mischievously before continuing sotto voce. "Of course, all that was a bit before my time - I wasn't even born yet, and by the time I graduated they were already abandoning most of their smaller settlements."
... Another thing to get used to for Caitlin: People who look like they're in their late twenties casually discussing events from centuries ago they've personally witnessed.
To Sif, she replies, "Much was exaggerated; some was downplayed. Stories grow and change in the telling, and storytellers tend to focus on the things they deemed important or noteworthy... And as you've already seen, sometimes those who consider themselves followers have... distorted ideas of what traits should count as virtues."
She smiles, suddenly, with mischief in her eyes worthy of the Lie-smith themselves. "... Perhaps you should offer to speak to them, telling them of history as you witnessed it."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Rituals? In the academic sense, sure," Caitlin chuckles. "Just don't let it get back around to my parish priest. He's been pretty chill about the whole Themyscira situation, but if he gets word I'm participating in pagan rituals, I'll get an earful from him on Sunday."
She keeps a pace up behind Sif and Vintridr, happy to let the two of them go ahead of her with a polite deference. And for the first time in a long time, she doesn't have to shorter her stride to let someone keep up with her. The three women probably make for quite a sight, though, coasting through the crowds like tall ships on a scale most humans aren't prepared to encounter.
- Sif has posed:
"I seem to recall a change in location from the prayers that were sent up. They were no less," Sif pauses, looking for the words before continuing, "grateful in our assistance than their forebearers." Does a lady give up her age? Absolutely not, but therein lies the hint. It's no secret that Sif grew up side by side with the Princes, and wears the centuries to millennium well.
There's a smile that takes on a few aspects of a smirk as they navigate the sea of people and groups. Absolutely there are stares at the women, but none so long as to cause any hair to rise on the back of the Sword Maiden's neck. "Alas, Prince Loki has been victim of such a game of stories. Tales of the drunken told at feasts to be retold at feasts by the drunk, it means there is little hope coming out on the other side unscathed." Thus is a touch of spoken sympathy for the beleagured Prince. Sympathy, not pity. "Thor, I think, has fared better." She, however, won't speak about herself...
The suggestion of tale telling, however, causes Sif to pause in her step and face her Warrior sister in arms. "I could consider it, perhaps." Hmmmmm...
Turning to continue, and moving across the marble floors, the sound seems to echo in the high, vaulted ceilings. "It would be nothing more than a word asking for strength, for guidance, for wisdom. I can easily tell you to whom you should send your requests. A flame, a burnt offering, perhaps a glass spilled to the ground. No more." What's a little praying to living, breathing Asgardians to a priest? "Surely there is room for such things in religions?"
- Vintridr has posed:
"I've found that most of Midgard's religions would be extremely surprised and upset if their respective deities came to Midgard in response to their prayers," Vin points out. "... And the ones who wouldn't be would be among the worst to have their prayers answered. Intervention in response to prayer would... Probably be unwise, in this day and age."
She thinks a moment. "Counsel and advice, on the other hand... Perhaps. There is precedent for that, both simply for the relief inherent in unburdening one's self of concerns and receiving sage advice."
She smiles again. "Some things to ponder, perhaps. But for today, let us see how we're remembered."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"For I am the LORD thy God; thou shalt have no other gods before me," Caitlin recites. "It's from the Bible," she clarifies. "Granted I'm... walking a bit of a thin line sometimes," comes the admission. "I've asked Athena for wisdom and guidance. But that's when I come up with bupkis on my own. Y'know? On some level, maybe the Theoi-- the goddesses-- are meant to be the ones to help me."
"Anyway, nuff about that," Caitlin says, moving off the topic. "Is there anything in here y'all recognize? Maybe we'll find some ancient runic carving that says 'Sif was Here', but like, from 1000 AD," she quips, and ventures a grin.