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Date of Scene: 18 November 2021
Location: Guthrie/Carr Residence
Synopsis: Plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has actually got up early this morning, and from the kitchen the smell of bacon and eggs, as well as fresh (canned) biscuits. Sam has a bit of music playing not overly loud, but Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel is coming over the Alexa, which Sam has changed to respond to Computer. Yea Sam is a nerd.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra shifts her weight and stretches her arms and legs, assuming a starfish position in the bed. She gives a wry smile, and rolls out, pulling on pajama pants and a "DANCE DANCE DANCE" T-shirt, wandering out bare-foot to the kitchen as she yawns.

    "Good morning, love." Allegra gives a grin, coming around Sam's side and giving a kiss to his shoulder. "Busy day ahead?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head a bit, and says "Not overly today actually." He does kiss the top of Allegra's head when she kisses his shoulder. "I just woke up early, and was thinking about working on some of my cooking for the holidays, so thought I would start off with breakfast." He offers her with a smile. He will say "Computer volume 50%" turning the music down so they can talk but it is still softly there in the background. "Sleep well?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Nerd." Allegra breathes out, looking up at the blonde bomb, and she rolls her shoulders. "As well as I can next to blast-furnace. I'll be thankful when those frigid New York winters set in though. Brrr." she jokes, wandering towards the dining table, stretching her long fingers out a moment. First thing in the morning she's about half graceful. She slumps a bit into the chair, staring at the table below her.

    "No classes today, I think. It'll be nice to get some of my own work done."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and smiles "Nerd Lover." with a bit of gathering on the oven he will dish her and his food up, bringing it over setting hers in front of hers, and his for himself. He then fetches them each their morning beverages and says "So what you plan on working on today? Me cooking a few things aint going to get in the way is it?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Mm?" she asks, before a mug of tea arrives. ooh. Tea. And hot. Not sweet. Tea, the proper way. She'll have him trained yet.

    "No, no, I'll probably be down in the studio. I'm considering foing a reording of a few older carols and maybe releasing them digitally, see if I can gauge some interest in a studio picking me up that has bigger lawyers to contend with my father." she gives a half-smile.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and has OJ himself for breakfast. He nods a bit to this and says "Might have to have ya pipe your recordings up here where I can listen." He tells her. He will eat a bit of bacon and says "Speaking of the holidays, what do you want to do for them hon?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well, I suppose visiting my father is right out, so we'll be spending them with your family and all the chaos that comes with it, naturally." she gives a smile to him, and then a small shrug of her shoulders. "My mother will be with her family. I suppose if you wanted, we could try to see if my Abruzzo family wasn't busy, Christmas in Italy... I think there's enough room for everyone." she offers as a gentle joke.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says Take ma and the kids with us to Italy this yea, and bring Nona and Papa over to Kentucky next year?" He offers her with a smile "Ah am figuring Ah would make us some stuff for thanksgiving here, the school is planning a thing there, that Ah want to cook some for, but was not sure if you would want to go to that or not." He seems to be trying to support which ever way she wants to go.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra looks over at Sam, her dark eyes narrowing and eyebrows rising up as she holds her mug of tea in both hands.

    "I'm not going back to the school. Or to Hellfire. I'm just... not sure where I'm going to go to anymore. It's not like anyone actually knows too much about me and my powers. A handfull of heroic types... no one ever calls on me to burn things." she states with a shrug. "Maybe it's for the best."

    "Mmm, bringing your family to Italy. I'm certain the village will have a conniption, we'll have to dig out the big cart to bring them all up." she gives a bright smile. "I think Papa would like that, though."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "I figure they would love having the kids about and the kids would get a kick out of it as well." He offers her a smile, and says "Would you want to do something here, maybe invite a few friends? Your ok with Rahne, and Clarice, maybe Tabby and James." He looks over to her and says "If your not comfortable with it we don't have to."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "They're your friends, Sam. Thanksgiving isn't as big a holiday for me as it is for you all -- after all, British, those religious zelots that took out the Waupanog probably deserved the famine. No planning ahead." she states sternly, and then she gives a smile.

    "I know it was founded by Lincoln after the Civil War. Happy Turkey Day, Gobble Gobble, all that."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie reaches over to take her hand and says "Well hon, holidays are important to me yea, but you are as well, and Ah want you to feel comfortable with what ever we do as well. I can try to figure something British, or Italian, to add to the menu if you got a request hon."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The young woman gives a smile at Sam, and she shrugs her shoulders "To me, the holidays were always busy times with shows. Last year was really the first Christmas I've had off since I was... eeeiiight?" she ventures, her lips pursing a moment. "It'll be fun to be with your family, Sam." she gives a laugh.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins and nods his head a bi and says "With our family." He finishes his food, and stands leaning in to kiss her cheek, before taking dishes back to the sink.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra gives a smile, and finishing up her own breakfast, she brings her plate to the sink as well.

    "Hmm. A man that cooks and cleans. How'd I get so fortunate?" she jokes, giving Sam a hug before releasing him, and stretching ehr shoulders again.