8804/Covering All the Bases
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Covering All the Bases | |
Date of Scene: | 13 November 2021 |
Location: | Wade Wilson's Quarters |
Synopsis: | Domino comes to Wade's room and they discuss what's been going on in their respective lives. Wade's is decidedly more upbeat that Domino's. Decidedly. But maybe he can help turn *her* luck around for a change. |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Neena Thurman
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade could be found in his room on the Asteroid most days and this day (was it daytime, space makes things complicated) was no different. From the outside there is little indication to the status within the quarters other than it was occupied with a green light above the door.
However, as one approaches the door a sort of soft vibration or heavy thrumming in the air becomes noticeable. Yes, the walls of Asteroid M are soundproof, but even high tech soundproofing can't seem to compensate for an assault of soundwaves. Or at least the assault that Deadpool is putting them against at the moment.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It's only been a couple of days since Neena came up to the asteroid, but she and Wade really do need to talk. For one thing, it's been a while since they last talked, and for another thing, well... he has a /girlfriend/ now, apparently? So she comes to his quarters and presses the buzzer on the door, frowning at the noise. What is he listening to this time?
- Wade Wilson has posed:
There is a pause and the muffled thrumming of the bass drops beyond vibrations reach and the door slides open. Coming from a rather large stereo with a docking port for a cellphone is some piece in the genre of EDM's bastard child, Dubstep. The amount of ludicrous bass drops in the music gives little question as to how the thrumming was being achieved.
Wade is seated on his couch, lounging in his suit, as he often is. Though the mask is absent, leaving his face free to the climate controlled air of the station, as are the boots, opting for a pair of bubblegum pink crocs over his black socks. "Oh! Dommie. Hi! What's up?" he says, sitting forward a bit. He might've been expecting someone else to come by, but by his smile he's not upset at the surprise.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Socks with sandals, Wade? /Really/?" Neena comes in far enough to let the door shut behind her and then looks around the room. It's... very Wade. Almost comfortingly so. She's never been entirely sure /why/ she likes the guy, but she does, and Wade wouldn't be Wade if he wasn't his particular brand of /weird/.
She doesn't have many weapons on her, just a knife strapped to her thigh, and she's wearing the mostly-black suit, the one with the white torso and cyan harness clasped at her waist in place of a belt, black gloves, heeled boots that make her almost able to look Wade in the eye. She folds her arms across her chest and raises an eyebrow at him. "Expecting someone else?" Heavy words, there. Weighted a bit.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Not anyone in particular" Wade responds with the same smile. "Just not you..." he rises and moves to turn down the dubstep more, letting the only audible part of it come as a low ruumble against the eardrum. "What brings you by?" he asks.
He lifts a foot and shakes one of the crocs. "Socks and crocs, Dom. It's more modern and besides, they're comfortable and let my feet breath a little. The boots are great but after a while they can get a bit stifling. You know my skin is sensitive."
It really was, just after enough time his body adjusted and the discomfort is the norm now. If the pain ever left he'd probably be more worried than relieved.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena rolls her eyes at Wade. "It's the /socks/ I'm protesting, not the crocs. How... /Canadian/ of you." She grins at him for a moment, then asks, "Can I sit down?"
Then she just... goes ahead and does so, moving a unicorn plushie from a chair, tossing it at him, and then plopping into the chair. She leans back and crosses her legs, peers over at Wade.
"So," she says in a level tone, "You've got a girlfriend." Might as well just... get it out there. She raises her eyebrows. "Is it serious?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade catches the plushie and holds it for a moment before setting it down next to him. "Depends on what you want to call serious?" he replies. "It's me Neena, so..." He rarely uses her real name so maybe it was pretty serious.
He takes up the plushie again. It gives him a measure of comfort. "I care about her a lot, and yeah, she's possessive and can tear apart entire buildings if she has a mind to, but..." he frowns and then shrugs. "I mean... she's all but flat out said that I can sleep with other people, she just needs to know them first and have some... veto power if it comes to it."
Did he think she was jealous? That seems to be what he's implying with the way he's directing the conversation.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena keeps her eyebrows raised as she listens. "Right... okay... so... what's her name? What's she like? Tear apart entire buildings, sounds like your type." She grins, briefly, but then it disappears just as fast. "What makes her so special that you'd let her have... 'veto power?'"
She doesn't sound upset, not about that anyway. Neena can be hard to read, though, particularly because she's often so carefree, but she'll act just as carefree when she actually /does/... care.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Her name is Sara. Sara Pezzini" Wade replies. "She's a cop and part of SHIELD to boot... but she doesn't pry in what I do and she wants plausible deniability on anything less than legal I might get into."
He pauses and slips off the crocs, putting his feet under him on the couch. "I mean, it's... hard to put a finger on any one thing. She's hot. Brown hair, green eyes, just a bit shorter than I am." He raises a hand to his brow. "She gets me. She gets...." he gestures to his face. "All of it. The look, the shit in my head, the moral compass that likes to start spinning at times. She just gets it all and accepts it."
He smiles and looks out the window to the stars beyond. "She's the bearer of Witchblade. You've heard of it?" he asks, looking back at the abnormally pale skinned woman.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"You're dating a /cop/?" Neena shakes her head. "She must /really/ be something special if you're dating a /cop/. And a SHIELD agent to boot. Sure she's not a Nazi?" She grins at him, then adds, "Nah, yeah, I've heard of the Witchblade... don't know much about it beyond 'badass, don't cross her.'" She shrugs. "You know how word gets around." In merc circles, it does, at least.
She considers him for a long moment, swinging her leg a bit. Finally, she says, "She makes you happy, huh? Well, I can't argue with that." She looks at him sternly. "Maybe Sara can tell you who you can sleep with, but you /know/ anything 'serious' I'm gonna poke my nose into. Make sure that hopelessly romantic heart of yours doesn't get broken."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade nods. "Oh, of course... I'm sure she'd like to meet you too" Wade says with ethusiasm. "You're my best friend after all..." He pauses and frowns at the woman. "Speaking of... where *have* you been?" He shifts a bit.
"I mean, I know our work sends us to the far ends of places... but no contact for months? I had all but given up on you still being alive," he looks a bit pained at that. "But I knew you too well to think that you'd let something take you out without making enough of an exlosion to make the news and I hadn't seen anything that had your handiwork written on it." He smiles at the woman who was possibly the only mercenary he knew who is better than he is. "I'm happy you're not dead. But I was worried."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena hesitates for a moment, swinging her foot back and forth. She turns the chair, to peer at the action figures, each in turn, like she's debating what to say. Finally she turns back to look at Wade.
"I told you about my brother, right? Lazarus?" Ahh, yes, the mutant brother with the creepy empathy and mind control powers. The ultimate result of the government breeding program that created Domino herself.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Yeah, empath... the 'perfected product' from the group that pushed you to being..." Wade gestures up and down over the woman's form. "Well, you." He shifts a bit in place. Obviously this was going to be one of those important talks. "what happened?"
He watches her and his expression slides into one of passive calm, a rarity for the man but he was able to be himself mostly around Neena--she got him in a way that he wasn't sure many could until Sara found him.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"He disappeared, Wade. I left him at the church where I grew up, and he /disappeared/." Neena actually has to stop, holding back tears. "I... I /think/ it was probably my mother, but... I don't /know/. I went looking, everywhere... no sign of him, of my mother, no /body/... at least if there was a body then I'd /know/..."
Wow, since when does Domino /cry/? Well, no, she does sometimes. But it's rare, and yet here she is, wiping tears away from her face angrily.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade is to his feet immediately as the waterworks start coming. "Whoa... hey... hey... Dom. It's okay..." he says, kneeling before her on the ground and putting a hand on her knee. He's one of the few who can get this close inside her personal bubble without getting a gun to the head so he doesn't hesitate to let her know he's there.
"It's okay. We'll... we can go find him. I mean... here we got the resources of the Brotherhood to scan all sorts of things... he can't just up an vanish." He smiles at her. "And besides... you've got me and I'm the be--the second best person at finding shit that nobody wants found, right?" he asks.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena swallows, and nods. "I'm... I'm gonna tell Mystique, once I'm ready. Once I know her a little better. You know my opinions about the Brotherhood's methods... but I'm starting to think maybe... God, Wade, they had him locked up as a /weapon/ when he was /five/. And now either my crazy mother has him or someone else does and who /knows/ what they're doing to him..."
She sniffles, and wipes at her face. "He's all I've got, you know? Well. And you, I guess. Even if you don't tell me the /important/ shit, you big goof." She reaches out to rub her hand on his head like she's ruffling his hair.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade nods and chuckles. "What me getting a serious relationship isn't *that* important, right?" he grins. "Just a footnote like me becoming a mutant. Or my first kill back in the Special Forces. Or my birth, right?" He rises a bit closer and looks her in the eyes, studying the uniformity of the dark spot around her left eye.
"Mystique is good people... hard, but good people" he says. "You tell her a mutant child is in trouble she'll move mountains to see that he is safe. Literally if she has to." He takes her hands and lifts them up in his own. "And I'll be there to help and you know I can move them when I'm motivated to. You're my best friend Neena, that's motivation enough."