9014/A Meeting in the Rec center
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A Meeting in the Rec center | |
Date of Scene: | 09 December 2021 |
Location: | Recreation Room |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Atrid, Samuel Guthrie
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen is at the pool table sinking every shot he makes at the moment. Two toned red and white hair braided hazel eyes focused on his next shot. Fishnet long sleeved black shirt spiked bracelets, big old boots and Tripp pants with chains hanging from them black eyeliner and nail polish on his fingers round off his look. Leather duster and fedora draped over a chair. This guy looks like he walked out of a 90's Hot Topic catalogue.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking into the room, he has a cart with a few boxes on it. He is heading over to the mini bar area, nodding over to the guy who is here in greeting as he passes him. It looks like he maybe restocking things. He is in a T-shirt says "My girl friend is a ballerina " and jeans with brown hoking boots on.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen looks to Sam and nods his head. "Sup." He says with his next shot sinking into the pocket. "I'm Atrid Torsen or CryoPyre. Whichever you prefer." He says with a shrug.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods over to the kid and says "Sam." He offers at first, getting the things behind the counter and unloading them as he continues "Sam Guthrie." He offers in explaining a but more "Cannonball if ya want to call me something in the field, but unless we are there Sam works ok."
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head. "OK Sam." He says simply as he lines up his next shot. "I ain't seen you around here before, new or have I just missed seeing you?" Atrid takes the shot sinking it again.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Missed me, Ah have a room here, but out in the city more often than here of late." He offers in explanation. "Ah have been a regular here for over 5 years." He offers in explanation
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head. "Shit its been like a year for me, less honestly I took off to sort some shit out on my own you know?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head and says "Got the past year or so I have been a bit absent, as I am taking some classes at the academy, and working and such.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head. "Not sure what I'm gonna do when I graduate, I'm not exactly the college sort and with this." He puts down the pool cue and ignites his right hand before encasing his left in ice. "Things get complicated."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and says "Having issues controlling it? That will come with practice and time, Ah used to have issues with turning while flying it took me awhile, but Ah got past it, and am pretty good as making tight turns these days.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head with a laugh. "No I can control it mostly. Its just well I don't know exactly how hot or cold I can get, and when I get real nervous or angry sometimes I still lose control."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Well, you should work on control a bit more then, but you also should not let your powers decide what you want to do, you can do what ever you want, and if you can use your powers in it, great, if not it is ok too.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shrugs as he runs his finger along his scars. "Yea they're the reason I'm here though so? Its rare I really lose I think everyone does once in a while yes?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "But with training and work it can be less and less." He offers with a smile "And often you can find new ways of using your powers as well." He squats down and changes out the rooms fountain drinks.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head. "Oh its contained not to just accidentally forming a layer of ice on my drinks or something."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and once he finishes he says "And learning things about your powers, can come into effect in other ways as well." He looks over and says "Even in some games."
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen chuckles. "I can make a good Ice Hockey rink." He laughs. "Or light fireplaces or cigarettes and or cigars."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "With work, if you can learn to be more subtle you should be able to make things slide better, just have to work on summoning and disappating the ice. Working something along the lines of curling."
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen blinks looking at Sam with confusion clear on his face. "I well, I'm not sure what you're talking about man but it sounds kinda cool." He laughs reaching down freezing one of the pool balls and tossing it to Sam. "Heads up!"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will carch the ball, and tosses it hand to hand a moment, and says "Thinking more along the lines of this." He motions him over to the counter setting the ball down on it.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen looks at Sam curiously heading to the bar. "You want me to freeze that too?" He asks holding out his left hand over the bar.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Not all of it, ok, can you freeze a strip down the ball about as wide as the ball from here to here?
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen concentrates and does freeze that strip, not perfectly its a bit wider, but pretty close. "You mean like that?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Ok, now rolls the ball down here." He rolls it on the bar, then again along the path "See how it moves quicker along the ice?
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods and chuckles. "Yes it was a lot faster, maybe I can make some loops for it too!"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Now, if you made the path only a few inches long and got rid of it as the ball passed you could make it move quicker without someone seeing the ice.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and nods his head. "I see like a neat sleight of hand parlor trick at parties and stuff." Atrid says thoughtfully.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "And if you can get that down, with practice you might be able to do the same, but with yourself instead of the bal.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head. "Using my ice for a means of rapid response and travel? Makes sense, I'm sure I can I just want to do with nothing around for me to crash into."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles softly and looks at the other man "Well advice from me you might crash a bit, I was the king of crash, pretty sure most will tell ya that about me."
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen laughs and nods. "I mean I can't say I've never crashed, believe me I have." He says smiling. "But mine tend to burn."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will kick in his pocker to have a field above around him, and he hovers about a foot off the floor. He then lets it go, and says "I can blast through the sky pretty quick with the field around me so am neigh invulnerable when blasting.
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head igniting his right hand again increasing the heat and going from orange to blue than finally whit.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Ah went through plenty of walls and trees around here, but as Ah said with practice, Ah have gotten much better. So what kind of things interest you?""
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen sits again. "Baseball, I'm a huge Mets fan, I love music, video games, Table Top Role playing games, reading, and well.." He blushes a bit. "Writing."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "I'm a bit of a role player and sci fi nut, have written a few things but nothing major." He admits "Seem a decent fellow, even if ya have crap taste in baseball" he jokes. "You should look into classes in writing if you enjoy it."
- Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head an looks at Sam. "Hey now The Mets are the best man, I bleed blue and orange." He chuckles and nods his head. "Yes Sci-fi and Fantasy those are my favorites I don't ever like anything I write enough to send it off for publishing and such. Maybe one day, Or I guess I could go to college for it."