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Date of Scene: 12 December 2021
Location: The Rossi Building
Synopsis: Cassandra Cain takes up Ballet at the FyreMuse Studio under Miss Alexis Carr and her assistant, Sam Guthrie!
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Alexis Carr, Samuel Guthrie

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra has been having a rough week. Nothing to report, nothing to deal with that's anything worthwhile, no reports on her collapsed underground lair. The new room is lame, she barely sleeps in it. She's out and about, walking, hands stuffed deep in the pockets of her hoodie, and ignoring the constant babble people do.

Then she sees something odd. Some girl doing a twirl. She pauses, the body language drawing her attention more than others. The younglings don't seem to have a lot else to say, though they are full of energy. Slightly tired out, like they just had a workout. But there are clues, if you know how to spot them.

Her eyes look around. Detective work from the best in the world has taught her to spot these things, and though the sign literally says Dance and Performance Art, she can't read it. So it takes her spotting someone in a window, moving with a dancer's gait, to draw her in.

A knock on the door would announce her presence. Not much else, she is a quiet one, rather.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis didn't mind being called 'Miss Carr' during lessons. Caradenza was a bit difficult, and Allegra was also more difficult than Alexis. Some of the younglings leaving have obvious, physical mutations. One has long ears. One has a tail. ONe has bright blue skin, and she, wearing form-fitting yoga pants and ballet slippers, a mug in her hands as she bits her students and their parents farewell, and had turned to take her hair out of its bun, setting the mug on the stairway before she hears a knock.

    She goes to open the door, thinking one of her students had forgotten something, taking a quick look along the benches where everyone stores their shoes.

    Mara forgot her boots again, and Alexis just *knows* there'll be another brand new pair of slippers to sew ribbon to next week.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is wearing jeans, t-shirt, but in his sock feet, boots beside the door. The young man makes sure too respect Alexis' dance floor. He is carrying a few boxes of things towards the windows. Sam looks over, and says "So lights and garland just barely visible from the outside? Of you want more holiday spirit showing?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The young woman in black pants and a hoodie that's at the door seems to be asian in features, likely around twenty years of age, and clearly not one of the moms of the students in question. She has eyes that look Alexis over as the door opens, a decision being made, and then a beaming smile being offered that crinkles her eyes slightly. Not a word is spoken to intrude on what Sam is saying, but she's got a head-tilt so that's nice.

The young lady waves a hand, raising it to her own shoulder level, and wiggles her fingers. Then she glances into the large studio and looks around a bit, just with her eyes. She doesn't walk in, not yet.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... no, no Sam, I think we should have as much holiday spirit as possible..." Alexis replies, looking owlishly up at Cassandra. She raises her eyebrows, and then looks the other girl up and down a moment.

    She wiggles her fingers back in a gesture mirroring the quiet girl, and puts on a curious expression.

    "Hello, can I help you miss?" she asks, her British accent perfect in that crisp BBC British.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the two his lady and the new lady. This is Alexis' thing, he will let her handle it. He will set the box down near the window opening it up, and pulling out brand new strings of light still in their original boxes. "Ok, lets see lets get these out where I can put them back in the box afterwards." It seems Sam has done the light detangeling and like most people plans on trying to not have to do it the next year. Mind you that never happens, but he is trying. He will pull out some temp tape next to start putting the stuff up.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Being on her best behaviour, Cassandra gives the nice lady a metaphorical bone. She raises one finger, then touches her own lips with it. She makes a small twirl-motion at her own lips, then opens and closes her mouth while shaking her head.

Then, having conveyed her limitations as well as she can, she spreads her hands in a classic 'it is what it is' shrug, and then points to one of the place's posters. Then to herself, then she makes little fists and grins excitedly, bouncing slightly on her toes. She looks so hopeful!

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... you want to dance." Alexis replies, her eyebrows rising up, and she gives a small smile, and she takes a breath, letting it out, and she offers her hand.

    "I'm Alexis. This is my boyfriend, Sam, and come on upstairs to the studio proper." she states, motioning up the stairs as she goes to retrieve her mug.

    "Sam, I'll be taking on an additional lesson today, love." she smiles, pressing a kiss to the taller blond bloke's head from the stairs -- because she can reach it, she's taller! Mwa ha haha!

     ... but she is shorter than Cass.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and nods "I will be up as soon as I get the basics here. You wanting the studio windows to get the snow treatment for the whole winter wonderland look?" He does does give her a hug with the kiss and kisses her on the side of the chin, like she does him most often. He looks over to cass and nods his head "She is a great teacher miss, sure you will enjoy yourself."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
the interaction betwen the two tells Cass everything she needs to know about them. She shifts her stance to one side, staying out of the way for a moment. Then when invited, she walks into the studio and has a look around.

As stated earlier, she doesn't seem to be a chatty type. She looks Sam over and decides that he's a decent enough type, getting some kind of background stuff that she'll figure out later. Of course she looks at the tools available, and gets this little girlish grin when she sees the classic ballet bar setup.

She pauses, removing her shoes, and apparently is barefoot under those. She has a very balanced posture, which is likely a good sign.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It is a good sign. Alexis goes to a closet to the side, and looks with a critical eye to Cass's feet, and then she reaches into the closet and pulls out a pair of black ballet slippers, finely made canvas with a tan leather 'toe pad' on the front, cotton insole. A good quality ballet shoe, and she gives a smile to Cassandra.

    "Here," she states softly "try these ones on for size while I bring up the warm-up music -- do you have something I can call you?" she questions.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will be a bit. He is putting the lights and garland up to where he likes it. Stepping back taking a pic and sending it to Alexis to get her ok before He will use the staple gun to put the stuff up sturdy enough, so if anyone pulls on it, it won't come crashing down on them. He sits on the steps waiting to see if it is what she likes.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra doesn't make words in response to Alexis' question. She peers after Sam's building efforts for a moment, then looks back. She sees the shoes, then blinks and makes a soft exclamation, her smile returning after that soft deductive moment. It doesn't feel as if she really heard what Alexis said, and almost as if she didn't really know she was being spoken to. Perhaps her issue is partly hearing? Nothing that was said to her when she was looking away was noted.

Taking the shoes, she immediately plunks herself down on the floor, and folds her legs so she can begin to try and figure out the laces. She looks up to Alexis, grateful joy evident on her face, but she has no more talent at lacing these babies than anyone else. She does, however, have really flexible hips!

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis's phone, tucked into the waistband of her pants, gives a buzz. Sam receives the 'Thumbs up' and 'Looks good, love!' from Alexis as she watches Cassandra a moment, and then she sits down on the floor as well. Alexis is entirely warmed up, a world-class ballet dancer, and she pulls off her own faded pink ballet slipper. She holds it in her hand a moment, and she turns it around. She then slips her foot in, lifting the elastic straps that would hold it in place, and checks to make sure the shoe is snug.

    She then looks over to Cass, and motions to her foot.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will make sure the stuff is secure, and then gathers the rest of the stuff he has to head on upstairs. He comes in with a the box of stuff heading over to the window. He will look over "Ok if I start work on these windows while your doing the class?" He asks, not wanting to interrupt, but once he started he does want to get it done.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
No issues with learning how to tie shoes, apparently. The silent student not only follows Alexis' direction, she does it without complaint. To be fair, that would be difficult given her issues, but as Cassandra is checking her shoe for snugness she's also glancing up, repeatedly. THen she extends her feet, flexing them to try out the new gear.

She glances up quickly when Sam appears, hyper-alert for movement. All signs of a non-aural learner. She appears to be deaf. Someday she'll surprise them all! Mua!

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis does not suspect Cass is deaf. Deaf people wouldn't register the way Sam comes up stairs, but she gives a nod, and then she walks over to the mirror.

    "Mon ami, please start Ballet Warm Up Routine une."

    And piano music begins playing from a speaker overhead. Alexis removes her sweatshirt, showing a numble of burn scars on her back -- a few accidents while learning. Usually was covered, but with kids who had physical issues, she's learned that sharing her own increases THEIR confidence.

    And there wasn't a thing that Alexis wouldn't give for her students.

    She takes up a blue marker from a bag, and writes on the mirror, face height: A L E X I S with a curved arrow pointing to her reflection.

    She offers the marker to Cass, a gentle expression on her face. She gives a smile over to Sam a moment. "Go ahead, were you going to do 'Sledding' or 'all the snowflakes?' If Snowflakes, I'm going to have to break out Nutcracker."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0uwSGfcY5w&t=1210s <warm up music>

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will set stuff down and steps back looking at the window pondering a moment. He then starts pulling things out to start working on the decore. He does watch the two in the window a bit but tries to not show it to much not wanting to make the new girl uncomfortable. He starts with one of those spray cans of fake snow. "I aint sure yet, start with the base and see where it goes. Maybe sledding on one and a snowing scene on this one, with a village or something."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The music starts to move, and Cass smiles. She seems content with this, the actual lesson starting, it's starting! She isn't sure how one starts, but she rises up onto her toes in anticipation. It hurts, but it's hardly the first time.

THen, bah. The lady is writing. She takes a breath, then accepts the writing tool with clear distaste. She uses it to rub herself between the eyes a moment, then shakes her head. She can't do that, or won't do that.

But she does pause a moment, reaching into her back pocket. And pulls out a piece of plastic. A credit card, black, with 'Wayne FOundation' on it. Also a name: Cassandra Cain.

She offers this to Alexis, hoping it'll do.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis looks at the credit card, and seems to understand. She looks to the card, and flips it over a moment. Her dark eyes settle on Cassandra a moment, and then look back to the card. Cassandra Cain. "A lovely name." she comments gently, and hands the card back, and plucks out another marker. She goes up on point on her toes, and above Cassandra's reflection she writes in a bright, happy blue C A S S A N D R A with a little flower next to it, with an arrow pointing in an elegant curve down.

    And then the marker goes away, and Alexis leans forward, stretching on the bar, and motions for Cassandra to follow her.

    "Give us a stretch, just to make sure we're warmed up."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will look over and now he knows the name of the new student or at least her first name. He seems to be in thought. "Ah'm tempted to put it on the outside, but I don't know how well it would hold up." He says and then starts. He actually does a Plie` over near the window and starts spraying the base layer.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra does look up when Sam looks in. But she's here for lessons, and walks up behind Alexis with a particularly hopeful expression. Not a smile anymore, just herself. She lifts her leg, then places it forward. Then...then.

Holy crap. She bends so easily, she seems to be able to go right over her own head. No warming up. Just...go.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis of course recognizes the name, and insignia of the Wayne company, and let's face it, she was Old Money of Europe.

    Which is why she didn't put anything else on Cassandra's reflection. She wanted to see what the girl could do -- and then Sam plie's, and Alexis gives a small smile.

    She gives a nod, and then she takes a step back.

    "Let's take a look at your first position -" she states, bringing her feet in, her heels touching, her hands coming down, palm up, graceful as she stands, giving a nod to Cass.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
With Cassandra apparently warmed up already, she follows directions. She doesn't know the words, or the positions. She's athletic, picks up direction quickly, and seems to be seriously passionate about this. But once things actually begin she calms. She's a student that never needs to be told twice, unless she wasn't watching. The mirror is a godsend for that, because her eyes are rapt.

And this, is no normal person. That much would be evident quickly. She knows NOTHING about dance, but she keeps picking up what she's taught like she did it in another lifetime...

It's too bad that she can't explain!

Alexis Carr has posed:
    And she's a very apt student. Alexis explains the positions, not at all sure that Cass is understanding what she's explaining, but she's friendly-voiced, and she moves with a gentleness that belies the strength and control she has in her scarred body.

    She arches her feet just so, she looks for Cass to follow. She moves her arms up, making them seem seamless, and gives gentle correction -- politely, without touching her, motioning with her arms and nodding when Cassandra does it correctly -- rarity it was that she needed any correction, even with Alexis's critical eye. It seems like she's already had lessons. Maybe not in the 'so stiff English' style, but Cassandra gets all the approving nods as she continues.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The lesson is new...and it's not. Cassandra has watched ballet, and to her that's the same as doing. But there's no way she could explain that either! She isn't perfect, nobody could ever be perfect on their first try! For all her obvious athelticism, she's making some of the same msitakes that others do.

Or she seems to be doing them, but not quite right. She's making mistakes when expected, but -exactly- when expected. It's like she's doing them to make Alexis happy..

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "All right, you've gotten yourself some very interesting skills, ma petite soeur -- but it feels... like you want to be corrected." Alexis considers a moment, and she calls out "Alexa, please play Vivaldi, Winter, movement three, Allegro, lento." she calls out, and then she motions to Cass, stepping away from the floor as the music plays.

    Ithappens to be one of Alexis's favorite pieces for violin. Makes sense she also loves it for dance.


Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie as finished up one window, and takes a moment, to turn and watch the two ladies. It may have been a few years since Sam took lessons himself, but he has been around for Alexis' classes and probably even suited up if she needed someone to help show boys do ballet as well. He leans against the wall for a moment.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
It's not ballet so much as play, then. Cassandra steps out to dance, glancing at both Alexis and Sam and hoping. She jumps, and lands in horrible position. She turns and lifts her leg high and it's not ballet at all, but she clearly wanted it to be! She misses the timing, the song not resonating with her at all. She seems to be nearly incapable of keeping time to music.

That's the bad. She has so much joy in the dance though, even if it does look like she's playfighting and trying to mimic someone else. She goes up on her toes and raises her hands over her head, but doesn't seem to know what she's -supposed- to do next. But it's fun!

It's obvious now that she's dancing. She's seen someone else dance and is trying to mimic them, and she's a startlingly natural athlete of some sort, but she has No, Freaking, Clue what it's all supposed to look like or mean.

Yet at the same time, she seems to love it.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit watching her. Sam has seen folks who did not want to do ballet dance, has seen some who love it, and all in between, while the girl may need lessons, the heart can be seen, and when she finishes he claps and says "May need to work on technique, but you have the enthusiasm. And as long as you have that and the drive, you can work on the rest."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis tells Alexa to pause the Allegro, but she's giving a smile, and she goes to one of the other rooms, and she comes out with a wooden tower, small, roughly triangular shape.

    She sets this on the floor, leaning over a moment, and she sets it to a steady one-two beat. The metronome happily continues, ticking like a quickened clock. Alexis rubs her chin a moment, looking at Cassandra with a smile, and then she begins to almost trot in place to the 'ticks' of the metronome. One, two, one, two, going back and forth from foot to foot gracefully, and she motions for Cass to follow.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The absolutely beaming smile that Cass gives Sam is so open, so warm. It's how she talks, and it's such a sadness when it goes away to allow her to focus again. When Alexis brings in the thingie with the ticking thingie she frowns, just the slightest bit, then watches.

She tracks with her eyes first. Then she tracks with her feet. She isn't getting her entire body involved yet, but the basic exercise she picks up over a minute of attempts. Then she adjusts her feet a little, making them a bit closer. Then she fixes her back, her posture starting to improve. She's watching so intensely. Apparently this is easier without the music, for now.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie gives the girl a thumbs up when she smiles, and then he turns back to the window for a moment, as they work with the metronome. It maybe noticed though after a bit, even he is moving in time with it, tape , step, tape, step. Putting the lights up first to see if he likes how they look.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis gives a bright smile, and she sing-songs 'Ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta,' with every movement of her feet, changing the pitch as she goes. Ta ta ta ta-"A-B-C-D-E-F-G," she pauses a tick "H-I-J-K-Turn-" and she gently reaches out to turn Cassandra around for the LMNOP, as she herself turns. First Coreography lesson. "Q R S" pause, foot up for a tic "T U V," foot up "Double-U-X" pause, foot up in the air "Y and Z" -- and then she begins again with the alphabet, now that she's given some informal direction.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Hey, I know this song, her eyes say. She seems to focus down a bit, having a better frame of reference here. She glances up, then waves quickly at Sam, beckoning at him. But then she's turned, and has to bite her lower lip to keep track of what she's meant to be doing. Without actively seeing Alexis she's failing to match quite right. The mirror helps, she keeps looking up. Lifts her foot a moment late, but manages it. This isn't hard. It is, however, a new pattern to learn. A, B, C, D..

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and watches them for a moment, but will come over to so it "Now remember you want to follow her moves not mine, she is the better dancer, and in most ballets the steps I would dance would be different than the ones you would." But he has notices the girl seems to do best by watching so giving her two to watch may help.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis repeats it. There's "Good! Tre' bon! Watch your foot." that come as she grabs quick breaths. Go through the leters. Foot up when she pauses and there is no letter. Turn on the ELEMENOPEE. Q R S pause T U V pause W X, pause, Y and Z.

    There are now three deadly adults dancing to the alphabet song in the the Fyremuse dance studio, and Alexis is just enjoying how ridiculous they all look. This next round she ads arm movements. Left up. Right Up. Left down. Right down -- when they get to the spin, one arm is curled in front, the other up.

    Nevermind that it's the mutant Cannonball, a deadly Orphan from Gotham, and a mutant who has somehow managed to not set herself on fire in at least three weeks. All trotting in place to the Alphabet song.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Ridiculous. That could never happen. And while it's not happening, Cassandra tracks the new movements that Alexis isn't doing and keeps her arms in place until she sees that they've dropped on her instructor. THIS is more like a new student, one that doesn't know the pattern yet and can't read your mind ahead of time.

Except she can, and is getting better at doing this so she's not giving away the super powers thing.

But it ends after a while, and Cass looks overjoyed. She turns, hugs Sam gently in a way that just looks like she's SO not hugging him for any other reason, and then grins and tries to take Alexis' hands with joy. This, silly as the song is, is apparently amazing.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will hug Cas back gently, and tells her "Your doing very good, I take it you like the class. He looks over to Alexis and says "I think you may have yourself a new student, who has some serious potential." He hmmms and once he is released He will scratch his chin a bit and says "Alexis hon, if she is taking classes, would it be ok for her to video it on her phone so she could watch it later?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis takes Cassandra's hands, and she gives a very gentle squeeze! "Very good!" she laughs, a little breathlessly because teaching twelve ten-year-olds and then dancing around to six minutes of the ABC's is enough to wind her. She very gently taps Cassandra's hands together "You are wonderful!" she states, her little body absolutely showing how delighted she is at her new student. She gives a quick 'one moment' hand motion, holding her finger up, and gently releases Cassandra's hands.

    She goes to her little desk, and pulls out stationary. She writes something in her incredibly neat and tidy English Private Academy handwriting, signs it, and grabs an envelope.

    "'To whom this will concern,'" she begins,

    "'I am the owner and teacher of FyreMuse Studios. Today, a most wonderful young lady by the name of Cassandra Cain stumbled upon my class, and has proven herself not only a talented but an utterly enthusiastic student in ballet. It would be a privilage and a great joy to see her continue lessons, even if privately. Please let me know if I can be of any service. Artfully, Miss Alexis Carr, FyreMuse, Little Italy." she reads out-loud, and then puts it into an envelope, and offers it to Cassandra.

    "And of course, she is welcome to record her own lessons, provided they're private ones. The same agreement I have for anyone who takes solo lessons."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra looks between the two, her eyes shining and her body glowing in the way of someone who's been working out. Not the highest level she's been at, but it's actually not bad and she thinks she can justify this, even to herself, as time well spent.

The words that Sam says get a look, but not what you'd normally expect for a response. Then she watches Alexis, and her brow furrows. She looks down at the paper as the lady is writing, her face showing disappointment. Then, looking at Alexis as she lifts the envelops, that look seems to become confusion. Then, perhaps, hope?

She takes the envelope, then nods hesitantly. And then she steps toward the door, still wearing the dancing shoes, and bows deeply to Alexis. Then to Sam, slightly less so.

And then she's out the door, running down the stairs, and so fast. So very fast. Aaaaaaand....

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Alexis and says "A bit of an odd bird but seems an ok kid." He says and notices her shoes are here and she went with the ballet shoes "Want me to catch her, or you got an idea where to take them?" He asks since he knows Alexis seen the card. "Ah can probably catch her but might scare the begebus out of her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, no, let her go. As long as her feet are warm enough in the slippers, that's all that matters. I'll order an extra pair for her to store in the closet." she states, and she reaches for the slipper box and Cassie's shoes.

    It takes but a couple of minutes, but in the 'student cubbies' where her students might hang their coats or ballet bags and stash their boots or shoes, there is now a bright happy blue CASSANDRA C. Her forgotten shoes are tucked inside, along with a couple of candies, and Alexis adds Cassandra's name to her list for Christmas gifts.