9057/Hangin' Out at the Coffee Bean!
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Hangin' Out at the Coffee Bean! | |
Date of Scene: | 12 December 2021 |
Location: | The Coffee Bean |
Synopsis: | Miles and Morgan chill over some coffee, and then THE Clark Kent arrives for a bit. Miles had to run, then Clark has to go...um...deal with the some stuff, leaving poor Morgan all by himself. Oh well. Maybe that cute girl behind the counter is getting ready for her break... |
Cast of Characters: | Morgan Finn, Miles Morales, Clark Kent
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan only just arrived at the Bean. He's up at a counter waiting in a calm, relaxed state to give his order. He is kind of somewhere else at the moment, just starting off at nothing and nobody, lost in thought. A dreamer, this one. Then a girl behind the counter who is stocking empty cups lets out a little yell as a tower of cardboard to-go cups tips over. They hit the counter and cups fly up everywhere.
Morgan is pretty athletic, though not supernaturally so. He springs into action and starts grabbing at cups in the air. He manages to catch five of the six cups that bounced off the counter. Not bad. The girl behind the counter blushes and apologizes. Morgan, ever the people person, gives her a broad charming smile -- the smile of a demigod who just really doesn't know how that is perceived by humans -- and hands her the cups. "I missed...I missed one," he says, still grinning, eyes glittering with life.
- Miles Morales has posed:
The door opens again, and a new patron enters. A somewhat lanky African American boy in casual clothes, a pack slung over his shoulder. Definetly not the biggest guy around. He has buds in his ears and seems to be listening ot something or other. He makes his way towards the counter, looking over the other customers there as he goes. He arrives just in time to see Morgan's dexterity with the coffee cups, and he grins briefly before clapping. Tugging the buds out of his ears he says, "Impressive! I probably would have missed more than that." He settles into line behind the Olympian, eyeing him curiously. Something a little different about this guy! He's not quite sure what though. He lightly bounces on his heels while he waits for his turn to order. "Kinda chilly today, huh?"
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Falling into a conversation with a stranger is easysauce for this kid. He just likes people. Period. "Oh man, no joke," he says to Miles like he was talking to an old friend. "Give me sunny days and beach weather any time." He gives a chin-flick nod to Miles. "What'cha listening to?"
Oh, and he's next to order. "Mocha latte extra shot with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle," he says to the girl at the counter. He gives her an extra warm smile. She giggles a little as she goes to prepare his drink. Morgan turns back to Miles.
- Miles Morales has posed:
In response, Miles slips his phone out of his pocket and holds it up so the other boy can see the song and artist listed. The writer definetly isn't being lazy there. "Yeah. That wind chill is no joke." He seems pretty comfortable just chatting up somebody else himself. He listens to the dirnk order and nods, "Sounds good. I might give that a try. The name is Miles, by the way." He offers a hand to the redheaded teen. "You come here a lot?"
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan instantly reaches out and takes Miles' hand in a firm, athletic, warm grip. Physical contact with the empath-healer often brings a little...energy out from the touch. Some find it pleasant. "Hey, Miles. I'm Morgan." The teen nods approvingly as he reads the song and artist from Miles' phone. "Cool taste, man."
His drink is ready. He pays. In cash. And some very crinkled dollar bills and /several/ coins were involved. Kid doesn't seem to have much money, and he doesn't seem to care at all. He takes his drink and licks some of the whipped cream off. "Oh my god I love this stuff," he says as sugar start coursing through his body. Rather than leave or go find a seat, he moves aside so Miles can order and hangs out there. "The extra shot is the money, though. Caffeine is life." Morgan laughs good-naturedly.
- Miles Morales has posed:
Miles smiles again, shaking back. Wow, that is some handshake. "Thanks. What do you listen to?" He steps up to the counter after the young demigod gets his drink, and places his order. "I'll have what HE'S having." He pauses. "But seriously though, I'll have what he's having. Thanks." He turns to the boy. "Yeah. It can really help on a rough day. That vibration helps warm you up, too." He takes out his own money while he's waiting, carefully counting. He doesn't seem to be exactly wealthy either. It's rough being a young superhero that doesn't have wealth-based superpowers.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan tugs a battered, four-models-out-of-date iPhone from his pocket and taps open the music app. He thumbs through his most recent playlist. "Lessee..." He starts, taking a big sip of the sugar-caffeine overload. "Harry Nilsson, My Chemical Romance, Chance the Rapper, Avicii, Daughtry, Green Day." He breaks into a mildly embarrassed laugh as he slides the phone away. "I think I'm a musical mutt."
"Where d'you go to school?" Morgan asks Miles. "I'm up at Happy Harbor." He pronounces 'Happy Harbor' in a dopey, mocking tone. "But I stay here for winter break."
- Miles Morales has posed:
Eventually the drink comes, and Miles passes over the money with a smile and takes it, sipping it before sighing. "Mm. Yeah. That really hits the spot. Me? I go to Brentwood Academy." Unless he's graduated at this point, which is something the writer should probably make sure of. "And hey, music doesn't care. As long as you enjoy it anything is good." He starts towards one of the tables that are free, seeming to assume that Morgan will follow him. Slipping off his pack, he drops it down beside his chair then settles in. "So you have family in the area then?"
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan definitely follows Miles to the table, flopping down on a seat. He tugs off his winter jacket and lets it flop backward over the back of the chair. "I live at the Themysciran Embassy. I don't have any family left so they take care of me over there." He shrugs one shoulder to show how big a man he is able to handle it, but it's not hard to see through that facade. He glances down at his coffee for a moment. But he quickly shakes it off and break into a warm and honest smile. "The food there is way better than on campus," he offers in the way of deflection.
- Miles Morales has posed:
That makes Miles blink in surprise a few times. "Themysciran? Like... the place where Wonder Woman is from?" Of course he knows who Wonder Woman is. She's Wonder Woman. He leans over the table, reaching out a slightly big hand and resting it on his shoulder. "It's okay, man. You're young. It's okay to feel rough about things." He settles back in his seat, and taks a swallow of his coffee. "School food is always like that, yeah. This place charges crazy prices, but you can't help it now and then."
- Morgan Finn has posed:
The touch from a stranger is not something Morgan seems at all squeamish about. He offers Miles a warm, grateful smile. "Yeah, Diana Prince is my guardian," Morgan replies, using her regular name. Diana doesn't use a secret identity so no covers were blown in the making of this scene. When Miles mentions the price his eyes open a little bit wide and he laughs, looking down at the coffee. "Yeah. Six bucks for a coffee is nuts. But oh man, so delicious!"
- Miles Morales has posed:
"Wow. That's impressive. You're a lucky guy, having a person like that looking out for you." Miles smiles a little, then nods at the mention of the price. "It really is. But it really is!" He sips the overpriced coffee in question, shifting around in his seat. He seems to have a lot of energy even before the caffeine. Seems like he has a bit of trouble sitting still. The two recently total strangers seem to be chatting comfortable at a table to the side. Couple of teeangers just shooting the breeze. "Sooo. She ever get attacked by supervillains around you?"
- Morgan Finn has posed:
A flash smile blooms over Morgan's face and he laughs. "No. Thankfully." He takes a drink of his boutique coffee. "The closest I've seen to her in action that isn't on the news is during combat training. She's trying to teach /me/ how to fight." He laughs, shaking his head. "It's not going very well. I am not good at fighting, I guess." It's not easy for one who heals by taking the pain of others into his own body -- one who has /literally/ felt the pain of others -- to learn to harm another.
Again a chin-flick in Miles' direction. "What's Brentwood like anyway?"
- Clark Kent has posed:
New York.
Not Clark Kent's usual beat, but he's following a few leads. One of which is 'breakfast', as his usual morning bite got interrupted by some kind of bizarre train man, 'Ignition' or something. It almost felt like a trap, but Clark's learned not to take even his most bizarre foes lightly.
New York prices on the other hand. Clark quietly walks into the coffee shop, frowning a bit at just how much a cup costs these days. He almost does a double take at Morgan, Diana's latest protege, but he's half worried the godling might give away the game if Clark does acknowledge him.
"I don't even know what half of these mean." Clark says to himself, squinting at the menu. "This one is just like three emojis and a seven dollar markup."
- Miles Morales has posed:
Miles nods at that. "Oh, huh. So you're like... not a normal person?" He then winces and ads, "That doesn't sound right. You're metahuman? And not everybody needs to fight, Morgan. Takes all kinds, right? I guess you don't always get a choice though..." He sighs a little. He glances over at the door when it opens. Hmm. Vaguely dorky looking guy in glasses. Pretty tall though. He looks back to Morgan. "So have you met the rest of the Justice League?" He's met a small number of other superheroes outside the Spider-Fam. But not that man. And he supposes none of them were what you'd call 'Big Names'. The ones who can move entire cities if they want to. Also Batman.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan can't help but overhear the newcomers comment. "Oh dude, don't get the three emojis! They're way overpriced." His tone indicates playfulness, and not even the slightest trace of mocking or cruelty.
To his tablemate: "No, I've haven't met anyone else in the Justice League yet. I've been down there a few times but they're never around. I mean, I imagine they must be pretty busy with stuff." Then the teen touches his chest and a look of impishness crosses his features. "And I am deeply offended that you would imply I'm not normal." Chocolate-brown eyes glitter with life and energy and goodwill.
- Miles Morales has posed:
Miles nods at that. "Yeah. I bet they are. Out savin the world, and galaxy, and universe and stuff." He glances over towards Clark and adds with a smile, "He's right you know. The emojis are overpriced. And the raspberry face really tastes more like the slanting frown face. Totally misleading." He drains down the rest of his coffee and sighs. "This was cool. It was nice meeting you, Morgan. But I should probably head out. Things to do, you know." He pulls out his smartphone again. "Want my number before I go?"
- Clark Kent has posed:
Clark would normally be a little embarrassed at a pair of teenagers picking up on his grousing, but he's a desperate man. He needs to pick up on Nucleon's trail before he and Warp meet back up and do something awful, not to mention tracking their employer. Sure, admitting you're from out of town to a New Yorker is about the same strategy as bleeding into the ocean to befriend a shark, but what other option does Clark have?
"Oh, you heard me, I'm sorry." Clark says, his Gregory Peck looks lifting into a professional looking smile. "Clark Kent. I'm afraid it's been long enough since I've been in New York that they've reencrypted literally everything for sale in this part of town, and the jet lag's still getting to me."
"Not to be forward, but would you two recommend anything?" Clark holds out a friendly hand to shake.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan reaches up from his sitting position and shakes Clark's hand. His grip is athletic and warm and it is accompanied by a odd glint of energy that comes courtesy of his empathic-healing powers. Some find it pleasant. "Hi, I'm Morgan." He gestures with a flick of his head in Miles' direction. "This is Miles." His head shake sets a cascade of bangs loose over Morgan's eyes. He absently bats them aside. "You like black and bitter kinda stuff or sweat and creamy kinda stuff? Maybe we can make a recommendation."
- Miles Morales has posed:
Miles smiles over at Clark. "Nice to meet you Clark, I'm Miles like he said. I'll let Morgan help you there." He takes the hand after Morgan. His grip is firm, but doesn't feel as nice as the Olympians. He nods to Morgan, "Yeah. Good question. I'll let you sort that out with Clark here. Take care guys." He picks up his bag and slings it over his shoulder, then heads for the door.
- Clark Kent has posed:
Shakes all around! This is how the world should be. Ha, Clark thinks, raspberry frowny face.
"Sweet, no cream." Clark admits, giving Miles a curt nod as the young man leaves. Normally he'd worry about that sort of thing but this is an emergency. Clark's used to Diana so Morgan's divine handshake doesn't mess with him too much. "Maybe a little hazelnut if I'm feeling fancy."
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn stands up and grabs his jacket off the back of the seat. "Sweet, no cream, and hazelnut?" Morgan repeats, moving toward the counter. "Well all the specialty drinks involve some kind of cream or milk or soy milk or almond milk, so that limits your options. I mean, you could get a hazelnut coffee with some brown sugar to sweeten it up. Or some honey."
- Clark Kent has posed:
"Brown sugar in coffee?" Clark Kent's faced down alien tyrants, magic imps, mad scientists, and monsters from the center of the earth. This throws him for a loop. "How would. How would that even work. I mean I suppose it'd be sweet, but."
"Maybe I'm just being old." Clark considers seriously, frowning like Atlas discovering the idea of a wedge. "Is it any good? The molasses doesn't taste weird?" It's New York, this could be a clever trick.
- Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan Finn quirks up a half grin and turns to the girl at the counter. "My friend, Mr. Kent, would like a large hazelnut coffee with brown sugar." The teen turn back to Clark. "If you are /the/ Clark Kent then show some faith," he says with a light laugh. "Haven't you been all over the world reporting on some of the most dangerous stories there are? A little brown sugar shouldn't spook ya."
- Clark Kent has posed:
"You've got a point." THE Clark Kent, hah. Clark smiles a little because Clark Kent would be a bit bashful at being recognized by a younger person, even if Superman's used to it. "Down the hatch."
One quick order later, and Clark's looking dubiously at his coffee. He takes a sip, frowns, and is almost disappointed at how normal it is. If you're going to be uptight about something, it might as well be worthwhile.
And then there's a 'boom'. It's not loud enough for anyone to panic; people are already pretending it's the subway acting up. Morgan's divine ears may hear it more accurately, and Superman's certainly do.
"Thanks for the tip, son." Clark stands up straighter, downing the cup in one swig and leaving a twenty in the tip jar. "I'll see you around sometime." That DOESN'T sound like Clark Kent.
And then he's gone.