9436/Dining over Discussion
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Dining over Discussion | |
Date of Scene: | 03 January 2022 |
Location: | Dining Hall |
Synopsis: | Emma and Michael talk about the coming Angel-pocalypte and different perspectives; soldier vs hero. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Michael Erickson
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently sitting over at one of the tables over by one of the roaring fireplaces. She has a variety of file folders left on one of the tables, and a small laptop also on it which she would occasionally maneuver her attention over to. The laptop was rapidly screening over news reports outlying the evacuation protocols for Manhattan. The secure laptop hooked up to the school's secure internal network would be not directly paid attention to while Emma would look over folds, that if noted out of the corner of one's eye would be Frost Industries documents.
- Michael Erickson has posed:
And then there's Michael, who enters dressed in sweater vest and shirt and tie, his suit jacket gone...somewhere. The alien heads into the kitchen, where there's a moment of rattling and beeps - and then returns, carrying on a tray a tray of meatloaf and gravy. Half a meatloaf, from teh sight of it, enormous amount of the stuff, and a bottle of sofa to go with it. Off to the tables...where he pauses, seeing Emma there being a Business Lady.
"Miss Frost," he offers, giving the woman a nod as he stands near her place at the table. "Hello."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Michael from the things she was working with, "Mister Erickson." She would reply after a moment in response to his acknowledgement. "I wonder, do you have any particular thoughts on our presuming.. Shall we call them different planar beings that seem to be making their way to this planet?"
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"Call them whatever you like," he says with a shrug, taking a seat at the table near her and laying out the cutlery. "I'm going to kill as many as I possibly can for the insult of coming here."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Michael, "Of course. I don't presume to know about the mythos of the Shi'Ar, but I'm wondering if you have any sort of comparisons in experiences or mythology."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
He makes a soft grunting noise, starting to cut up the gravy-covered meatloaf. "Our gods are ridiculous," he says. "Gods in general are. They should all be killed, with few exceptions. Or at least sealed away." Michael eyes her. "They're coming to end our existence. Mercy really isn't something we get to confer, you know."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Michael, "I'm well aware of that perspective. I'm asking for if you have any particular thoughts on how to handle them. I'm presuming that perspectives from those not merely of Earth will be useful in contemplating tactics."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
He pops a bite into his mouth, chewing and swallowing in thought. "Unfortunately," says Erickson, "I'm not /that/ sure of what they can shrug off. They're likely to be divided into classes, as per religious texts, so some will possibly be killed by conventional weapons, and others more powerful forces. I know that entropic energy, or energy from Null Space, is inimical to them all, however."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Michael, "Interesting, thank you. This particular field is far from my knowledge base or I would presume most members of the faculty here, and research is of limited value. This close to a cactysm I'm assuming anyone withknowledge doesn't have the time to fully brief us on the matter."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"We're doing our best, in any case," the alien soldier replies with a shrug. "We will either succeed or we will all vanish." Just like that, no fear, no trepidation. "I swear to you that I will do my absolute best to help delay these ools before the mystics can resolve it."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "It's appreciated. For now, the best we can do is help assist with teh evacuation process and to secure the area. I trust the judgement of those who know better for how we can best aid this."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"Aye." He runs ahand through his hair, yawning. "I've been flying city buses full of people back and forth over the Hudson for the last thirty hours. Even I need to take a breath and some food every now and again." He waves a morsel on the end of his fork at her. "Even if it's just a snack." Because a half a school-sized meatloaf is a snack, apparently. "Would I wouldn't do for chateaubriand, though."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Speak to the kitchens. Even if there's none on hand and it comes from off planet, my not konwing your palette.. I'm sure that someone has the appropraite contacts to bring some here."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
He laughs faintly. "I can't get /too/ worried about it," Michael says with a shake of his head. "I'll be scavenging in the city for the next little while, I expect. Well, I've had to eat rats before. Shouldn't be much of an issue." Even better! "Perhaps when we're done, you and I might dine in the city. A celebration of victory, as it were."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "That might be some time. So no reason to not put the reques tin now so hopefully over however long this existential crisis lasts that it can be here by then. No time to waste, particularly if you have to call in some favors with contacts off planet."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"No, no," he says with a chuckle, slicing another morsel from the loaf. "I shouldn't go about spoiling myself before an extended campaign. I'm probably going to end up eating rats out there, I'll get wistful." A wink, then, as Michael pops the gravy-soaked morsel into his mouth. "Mmm. Reminds me of my military days, though. Fighting on the galactic frontier, living rough, that sort of thing. I'm afraid I'm one of those boys from a good family whose social niceties are ruined by going into the Army."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Social niceties have little place in a combat zone beyond what is required for discipline and morale. Efficiency begets function after all. One is campaigning and stuck inc ircumstances where they might have little to no control over things. No sense wasting time, energy, and the disruptions it would cause to do such." Emma is being quite reasoanble.
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"Quite the case," he replies with a chuckle. "But it would be nice if I remember what fork to use sometimes." He waves his fork at her very lightly. "Tell me, Miss Frost. What planets have you been to?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Oh.. Dealing with some affairs. Seeing what resources Frost Enterprise has that might be useful with the evacuation. We have a series of delivery and logistics services I'm seeing if they can be contributed in a timely manner to be of aid."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"Well, yes," he says, waving the fork again. "But /which/ planets have you been to?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Just Earth if one is going to there physically. But astrally I have been to others."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"Ahhhhh." He chuckles. "The Astral. I know very little about such things, I'm afraid. I was never part of a External Operations Unit."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "The astral plane, no matter what realm, has the same rules almost no matter the circumstances. Those rules are the ones ith the power, teh skill.. But most of all the will enforce their version of reality upon it."
- Michael Erickson has posed:
Michael squints at her around a mouthful of meatloaf. "Let me rephrase," he says after swallowing. "I haven't a single idea what you're talking about. I've only heard the term, and an apparent method of travelling psychically. That's all."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "Very well. Then you wouldn't have a frame of reference for it and my explanations likely would be more confusing and not help wtih visualizatoin." NOt a put down at all. A statement of what her usual experience when trying to describe it finds
- Michael Erickson has posed:
"I"m afraid I'm not a telepath, no." He grins a tad as he goes to take another bite. "My people don't have that many superbeings - it's one of the reasons this world was so interesting to them. Mind you, we have plenty of superbeings in the Empire of various species, but they're still nowhere near as concentrated as they are on Earth."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Interesting." Something intriguing in passing, "It makes one wonder wht exactly the dynamic is on this planet that makes it distinct from all the other inhabited worlds that are known if ti's so unique to a species as so well galactically traveled as your's."