982/How Many Rules Did We Break Today

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How Many Rules Did We Break Today
Date of Scene: 04 April 2020
Location: Pugsley Creek
Synopsis: What starts as a mostly innocent walk in the woods ends up taking a turn for the mischievous, and then ends up going to (a figurative) Hell, courtesy of a certain Queen of Limbo.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, James Proudstar, Illyana Rasputina

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Was it ten minutes? It might honestly have been more then that by the time Tabitha actually makes it outside to meet James. She did, in fact, change her shoes to something a lot more fitting for walking around. There are still sunglasses, and once more they are carefully perched on her nose, and she's got a backpack with her that looks to have seen a lot better days sometime in the past.

Once they are both outside she strikes off, in silence for a while. Once they reach the trees that surround the creek she comes to a stop, looking around to see if they are the only ones out there before she swings the backpack down off her shoulder, "Here we are."

James Proudstar has posed:
James has been content to walk in silence. He's comfortable with it, and it's probably not the first time he's ambled along silently with someone on these grounds. His own boots are well-worn, though he didn't pack anything in particular. There might have been a touch of curiosity at the backpack, but he didn't press the matter.

At Tabitha's declaration, he cants his head curiously.

"Are we?" His tone is just a little wry, but there's definitely a questioning look at the pause. "What d'you have in mind?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Nothing but a little fun." Tabby assures him as she crouches down, tugging the zipper open on the backpack before she starts to dig around in it. There seems to be more than just what she's looking for in there, judging by how long it takes her.

When she finds it she straightens up, pulling out a bottle of cheap wine with her when she does. She holds it up, "Here, you think you can open this up?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"Uh...sure." James takes the bottle, studying it a moment. He wouldn't really know cheap from expensive, where wine is concerned. Neither of them are technically old enough to drink, but it'd be a lie to claim he never has, and given all the crap going on...he doesn't feel like being judgy about it would do any good. Long as it isn't a regular thing, who cares this once, right? He takes the bottle, and rather easily uncorks it, keeping ahold for the moment while Tabitha does...whatever it is she's doing.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Right. Not a regular thing. Not at all.

The bag gets picked back up, only so that she can move over towards the tire swing set, taking one of the tires as her own, then she drops the backpack down on the ground next to her. Then she reaches forward, holding her hand out for the bottle from him, "So what have you really been up to since I left, Jimmy?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James hands over the bottle, taking a moment to think about the question. "Learning. Training. Running around with the rest of the squad. Fought some bad guys. Saw plenty of weird stuff. Grew up some." He frowns, "Then I went home, and it ain't Genosha...but it ain't much different. Someone came through and wiped out just about everybody. No idea who or why...someone could've gotten mixed up with the Cartels south of the border or something, I just...dunno. The Feds are looking into it but there's a real low level of give-a-shit when it comes to the Reservations, so I ain't thinking they're gonna find much of use."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The bottle is lifted up for a healthy swallow of the contents, then she lowers it as he begins to delve more into what back home was like. And what seems to have been happening there. There's a frown that tugs her mouth downwards at the corner, and she tucks her chin in so that her sunglasses slide down to the tip of her nose as she looks at him over them, "Everyone?"

Or, just about. But she didn't really catch that as much. "Are you back here to get help figuring it out?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"Some of that, and a whole lot more of not having anywhere else to go." James admits honestly enough. "This is the only family I've got left now. But yeah, thought maybe folks could help, and I believe they meant it when they said they would, but then Genosha happened and well..." He shrugs, "Seems kinda selfish to be pressing anybody about a few dozen then there's 16 million to worry about. So it's on pause for now. Maybe for the best anyhow...let the Feds do their thing, whether they take it serious or not. Trying to mess with it all now might put us on their radar."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Just because it's a few dozen compared to 16 million doesn't mean that it's not important, Jimmy. Seriously..." Tabby points out, taking another swig from the bottle before she holds it out towards him with a pointed look. "That's what family, does, too. So how do we get back, and...then we'll figure out what to do."

Because a great detective she is not.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy takes the offered bottle, allows himself a gulp. Could probably down the whole thing and barely get buzzed. Curse you, mutant metabolism!

"Didn't say it wasn't important. Just not the priority." He offers the bottle back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "I'm not gonna forget about it. When the time's right, I'll dig into it more, and bring friends. Kitty already pretty much agreed that she'd hack her way into the FBI and get the report when the Feds wrap it up. Figure that'll be a good place to start, and that's probably still a couple or three months away."

"And before you ask, yeah, I'm beyond pissed. But won't do any good to take it out on people here. So I'll settle for takin' it out on folks messing with Genosha...at least once we find out who it is. I can survive bein' wound up for a while if I have to. Not like it's the first time."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The bottle is accepted before a smirk flicks across Tabby's mouth before she takes another swallow from the wine, then she pushes the swing backwards by digging her toes into the ground. There's a contemplative look on her face, which might be entirely unrelated to the conversation that they are having, or entirely influenced by it.

Either way, she lazily pushes herself, the bottle of wine still held lightly in her hand, "You can't rely on the cops to do anything right. Regardless of if they are local or federal."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Heh, who do you think you're talking to? We practically learn that right alongside tying our shoes on the Res. At least any outside cops." Jimmy laughs, even if it's laced with a touch of bitterness. "Even if it's as basic as all gets out, it'll be a start. I gathered what info I could while I was there, but the trail was already cold, and whoever did it was definitely trying to cover their tracks."

Another shrug, "But once they've got time I'll poke at Logan and some of the others with experience in this kinda stuff. You know, Detective and investigation stuff. All I know is enough to know most of those TV shows are bullcrap."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Right. Others with experience in that kind of stuff." Tabitha replies with a nod, shielding her disappointment at not making the cut as one of those detective or investigative sort.

Then she takes a sip from the bottle before she offers it out towards him once again, "So what are you going to do until then?"

James Proudstar has posed:
Hey, he didn't say she couldn't come! But then again, he didn't make that clear, either. Ah, miscommunication, the root of so many of life's little problems.

He takes the bottle, and another swallow, "Help out where I can. Already lined up for a trip to Genosha. Mostly just watching people's backs while they try to figure out who pulled it off, and try to do what little we can for the recovery." He frowns, takes another sip, then hands the bottle back, "Not gonna lie, I know it's gonna be rough on me. But I'll get by."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"That whole....everyone you know thing being wiped off the planet? Yeah. Kind of rough." Tabitha can sympathize. Or maybe she can empathize? Either way, she feels for him in the loss of everyone back on the Rez.

The bottle is taken back and she takes another swallow from it before she then holds it back towards him. As soon as he takes it she starts to push herself a little harder in the swing, "I don't know what I'd do. Or should do...kind of at loose ends."

James Proudstar has posed:
"You should stay." James says simply, taking the bottle back, but setting it aside for just a moment, "At least until you've got your balance back. Even if it's just to lay low. This place is as safe as any other...safer than most." No place is TRULY safe, of course, but may as well be among friends, right? "And if you get a mind to start punching back...probably wouldn't take you long to get back into things."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The tips of her toes drag through the dirt beneath her and she lurches forward until she sways to a stop, then she lifts her feet upwards so that she can sway back to a more natural position. "Genosha was supposed to be safe, too."

There is a lift of her shoulders before she lifts a hand up, a small glow of yellow starting in the palm of her hand before she flicks a small seed sized bomb upwards to explode with a quiet pop. "I still hit back."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Yeah, I know." James says a bit glumly, "Just wouldn't be keen on losing touch right after you got back, y'know?" He chuckles at the "pop," "Yeah, I just meant in a maybe more-organized kinda way. I know rules and regs aren't your thing, but I think we both learned the hard way going off trying to do it all alone usually doesn't work out so good."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
She can do more organized!

Tabitha creates several of the tiny little bombs and scatters them across the ground, one then the next popping, each fractions of a seconds after the one before it. "That's organized."

Then she starts to push lightly off the ground again, an amused smirk tugging at her lips, "You just got me back, huh?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James chuckles, "Don't let it go to your head, but some of us actually like having you around." The big Apache grins and moves over to give Tabby a little nudge, "Not too many folks here come from the same kinda places we do. Doesn't mean they're bad people, but some of the stuff they do..." He shakes his head, "Been here years and I still sometimes can't believe how much some folks take for granted."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Wow." Tabby replies, pushing her sunglasses back into place again as she looks upwards at him, mouthing the word once more and drawing the word out. "I thought you /liked/ me, Jimmy." She lifts a hand up, clutching at the front of her shirt like she's got a broken heart by this. Whatever else he says is drowned and forgotten under a flood of dramatics.

James Proudstar has posed:
James does look amused at the theatrics, shaking his head a bit and chuckling, "Relax Tabby, I like you just fine. Wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't." He chuckles, "So what else you bring in that pack of yours, anyway?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Just fine? You're killin' me!" Tabby, slaps a hand over her face, sobbing for a second before she drops her hand, "Oh, lots of things in there." She replies, letting her eyes shift towards the backpack before she gets to her feet, moving to grab it so that she can tug it open, starting to dig around in there, "I've got...you want an apple? I think there might be one in here somewhere."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Sure, an apple would be fine." James replies, picking up the wine bottle and taking another sip. "Unless you've got it poisoned 'cause I didn't profess my undying love or something." Yep, he got jokes now. "Feelin' like I probably shoulda brought something now. Guess I'll have to do better next time."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
An apple gets dug up, and it's a nice apple, for one that has been floating around inside a bag. She then holds it out towards him on the palm of her hand, "A nice little apple, my pretty?"

It is her very, very best wicked witch voice. Probably not poisoned. But then again, who likes having their hopes and dreams dashed like this?

James Proudstar has posed:
"Guess I deserve it if it is." James replies, taking the apple in exchange for the bottle. He takes a bite, munches it, and then clutches at his throat, making his own silly face and flopping flat on his back, motionless. Doesn't drop the apple though.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The exchange seems to be a fair one, and Tabitha takes the bottle back to start taking a sip. Which is violently ended when he 'dies' of poisoned apple. The mouth full of wine is choked on as sudden laughter hits her, and she slaps her empty hand over her mouth in a valient attempt to not spray it everywhere.

What monster would offer declarations of true love to her if she did that?!

As soon as she's managed to stop laughing, swallowing and choking, she gasps, "Oh mah god."

James Proudstar has posed:
James doesn't move for several moments, and at first all he does is (not-so) sneakily take another bite of the apple. But a few seconds after that he pushes himself up on his elbows, grinning, "Glad I can get a laugh out of you, at least. Seems like we both needed one."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Did we?" Tabby wonders as she gives her hand a shake, then wipes it off on her side before she drops herself down onto the ground as well, setting the bottle in next to her. There's a very faint lift of her shoulders, trying to brush off the very idea that they both needed a laugh. But he's probably right, even if she won't admit it. "So tell me the best thing that's happened."

James Proudstar has posed:
"I dunno about best, but the craziest has definitely been a whole bunch of people from the future...well, A future, anyway, showing up just a few weeks back. And get this...they're pretty much all descended from Scott and Jean. Except Hope. She'll tell you she's adopted. She's the only one I've really met so far, but seems all right. Tough girl." James sits up more fully, putting a big arm across Tabby's shoulders and giving her a little squeeze, "Doug finally got a girlfriend. That might be crazier."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"What?" It's hard to tell which bit of news is greeted with more shock and disbelief. Doug getting a girlfriend finally, or people from the future that are all related to Jean and Scott. She shakes her head a bit in a moment of wonder before she leans into the squeeze, "So did you guys have to pay her to go out with him? Mind wash her? Is she just like...full of spikes and gold teeth?"

Then she pauses before wondering, "So does that mean Jean and Scott are dating?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"No money's changed hands. And funny enough, she DOES have spikes. Sometimes. Believe me, once you meet her you'll probably never understand but..." He shrugs, "Seems to work for 'em so far, so good on 'em."

"Yeah, that's the weird part. Near as I can tell Scott and Jean definitely aren't dating. In fact I think Jean's been dating other girls. Though that mighta happened -after- all the future kids showed up. Probably spooked 'em. Sure would me, I think."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"So no money. She's got spikes, but DOESN'T have gold teeth." What difference that makes is anyones guess. "And it works? I bet she's being paid by someone, you just haven't seen it yet. Like that really old movie, where he pays the hot chick to be his girlfriend, and he gets all hot and turns into this MAJOR asshole."

Tabitha has seen this movie! It clearly left an impression on her on the best way to make money and become hot. The pair are sitting on the ground near the swings down by the creek, seeming to be having a deep conversation about all things monetary. And relationship wise. Just other people's. "Alright, so if she keeps dating girls, does that mean the kids wink out of existence?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Parts of the area around Pugsley Creek has been altered. Well, not the creek proper, which is a sludgy rill of cold water feeding into the lake and high on the banks with the spring melt responsible. The ziplines and ropes shot through the canopy surrounding the waterway speaks to an obstacle course in the making, albeit a rather recent one. As it happens, speaking of the devil means she might show up, and that's something to do with the course in the trees. She slips out of the gloaming like a sprite, bare-footed for once, chalked soles and palms evidence for free-running somewhere. Or possibly hunting in the most interesting kind of ways. Illyana doesn't tote that giant sword with her, only a water bottle currently quenching whatever thirst she has.

Laughter is a fine way of being called up, anyway. Her pale golden hair flows around her shoulders, not bunched up for once. Spikes. No gold teeth. Definitely not with her Russian background, good way to end up dead during a pogrom and the wealth going into someone else's pockets.

James Proudstar has posed:
"So far they haven't. Doctor McCoy talked about branching timestreams and stuff and well...you know how he gets. Stuff was mostly above my head but it basically boils down to: They're not necessarily from OUR future, and in fact them being here may have already made their futures impossible for us. Or something like that." James comments as to potentially disappearing children, adding in a bit of deadpan, "Oh, and Logan has two girls. Clones or...something. Gabby's great, but Laura, the older one is...well, you know how intense I was when I first got here? She's like that, only way, way more."

James then glances over his shoulder as scent and sound alert him to their new arrival, "Hey! Illyana." He looks somewhere between bemused and mildly wary, "Do you seriously show up every time you get mentioned?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Lacking things like super senses, it's not until James calls out that they have a guest that she notices. In the meantime there is a lot of stunned silence at the sheer amount of people's spawn of whatever kind being around.

Mind-boggling, really. The arrival, and Illyana being called to her attention, causes her to twist around some, her brows lifting upwards over her sunglasses, "I'd hate being summoned every time someone mentioned me. That'd ruin my fun."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Do I?" The Socratic method was probably something practiced and polished with expertise by on eof the greatest of daemonologists in the presence of an impressionable young child. She answers with appropriate ease, a candleflame in the dark sylvan shadows that cling to her a little longer. Their fanfare isn't enough to prevent Illyana from leaving the safety of the woods, her cropped t-shirt and black patchwork leather pants with oddly aggressive stitching better suited to a thief in the night, not an average mutant teen. "Talking about summer?" A season, maybe, a family, maybe. Her hearing isn't so acute as James'. She has to make do.

Depending when Tabby was last at the school -- if it's 2017ish or before -- then the little sister of Piotr Rasputin was approximately six or seven last time she was seen. A cheery, ebullient little girl with wavy golden hair and shy smiles has become... that. Sharp features and self-possession that no teenager just approaching university years ought to have. Nope.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Yeah, I was filling her in on the folks from the future that have been popping up lately. And how most of 'em seem to be related to Scott and Jean." He rises to his feet, squaring himself with Illyana instead of talking over his shoulder, "And I may have mentioned Doug was seeing somebody."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
In fact, it's about 2018 that Tabitha bailed from the school, so it takes a whole lot of dot connecting before her brain actually connects this Illyana with little Illyana. In fact, she doesn't quite seem to be making that connection for now. It'll just be time before that realization hits, and her head explodes.

For now she just nods in agreement with James when he mentions Jean and Scott again, then she gets to her feet as well so that she doesn't have to break her neck looking up at them both, "You're the one seeing Doug?" She tugs her sunglasses down a moment, peering at Illyana, "What's he paying you to date him?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana may be aware of the shock she sets off, but she doesn't dwell much on it. Time flew for her. Maybe no one else, still. "Hello." This counts for manners, the additive of a wave. Her palms are stained white from the chalk, fairer even than she is. "Scott and Jean's relatives are a school by themselves. Where is their wing?" She glances back at the hulk of Xavier's in the distance, grey and upright and elegant, stylings of a more ancient, noble time and shades of Oxford all over. Her hands clap together. "Did you," she deadpans to James with absolutely zero idea of how she opines about that.

"Piotr found out." That much is divulged. Gossip is currency, might as well put it out there. Looking back at Tabitha, she smirks; it's a thing of beauty, eloquence, and flat icy cold of a Russian bent marking exactly her origins and no yielding fear at all. Nervousness isn't in her dictionary. "What do you think I am worth, mm?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"Did he? Haven't smelled any blood today so I'm guessing it went all right." James replies to Illyana's revelation of her elder brother finding out about his sister's dating life. "I guess if you ever need someone to try to rein him in, you know where to find me." He does glance back towards the school and grin a bit, "I haven't heard that we're building any additions yet, but it might only be a matter of time if they keep showing up."

As to Illyana's question, James is damn sure keeping his own counsel on that. Thankfully it wasn't directed at him.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"East wing." Who even lives in the east wing? She probably should know this, right? Tabitha is just being her usual helpful self in declaring what wing belongs to what people.

The mention of Piotr does seem to connect those dots, and behind the dark lenses of her sunglasses her eyes narrow as she tries to fully understand what she's hearing. Then she shrugs, "It's not what I think you're worth that matters, it's what you think you're worth."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Counting on it," Illyana announces, sizing up the tall Apache and saluting with that upnod. "Thought to go to Genosha. Take off steam. Save face for him." The corner of her mouth lifts higher than the other, giving the smirk an ironic cast. It begs the question where the shadows of her family happen to be, probably lurking on the far side of the school from one another, lest they interact and cause trouble.

"A good answer." Tabitha gets that barbed little smirk again, pretty and harrowing, before it vanishes. "It works." Her fingers uncurl again, and she gestures. "How are you? Out here." Small talk really isn't her forte. Someone please throw her a life preserver.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Doing all right. Just catching up some with Tabby while we walked around the grounds a bit." James hasn't given any thought to the open, half-full wine bottle pretty much at his feet at this point, but it's pretty much in plain sight. He does, however, put together the timeline in his head and "ohs" a moment, "Yeah, sorry...forgot to mention that Piotr's little sister grew up. Way up." He doesn't offer any more detail on that. While dating life is fair game in gossip, traumatic personal details are right out. Or at least not his story to tell.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
As a product of traumatic personal details, Tabitha isn't prying in someone elses. Except when it is volunteered by that person, like when James volunteered things before. That's fair game. So she doesn't ask about how it is that Illyana grew up, or is now dating Doug.

"Lot's of things to catch up on. Like the fact everyone had weirdly reproduced in magical and strange ways." Or just time travel and science.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The bottle on the ground suggests the value of liquor, and a recognition in Illyana's eyes for whatever prospective vintage it might be. Nothing quite like giving a hint of a smirk and nothing more. "C'est moi." It's probably the only French she knows other than some choice rejoinders, but the blonde sketches out a surprisingly elegant bow with the fanfare and flourish worthy of the stage, alarmingly so. What a mercurial creature is she, dubiously rendered in mirthful shadow and deadly wit. Sinking just so, she holds the position for a beat and straightens. "I am still too short. One day, maybe I will grow up." Temporarily. She can match James inch for inch on the other side, when the mood suits. Not that anyone really wants to encounter /her/.

"Maybe we meet our future children. How disturbing," she murmurs. Because really, a future Illyana offspring? Riiiight. World ending. Universe ending, in fact. Apple of Moira's eye problems.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Whoof, yeah. Look, I've barely even dated, don't think I'm ready to be dad joke guy." Does this expose, perhaps, a minor degree of hypocrisy in James ribbing one Douglas Ramsey about the length of time it took before he found a steady girlfriend? Perhaps...perhaps. "Can't even imagine how weird it's gotta be for Scott and Jean. They're probably taking it better than I would."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
That poor forgotten bottle on the ground is the cheap stuff. Thankfully, cheap wine has come a long, long way since the days of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, guys. But still, it's probably barely over five bucks with tax, and there is a good chance it was just slipped in a bag and walked out of a store considering Tabby is within range of it.

"You've dated?" Tabitha turns her attention on James at that, a hand lifting up to cover her mouth before she flings herself towards a tire swing, faux sobbing, "And it wasn't ME?!" Which lasts all of two seconds before she just resumes her earlier seat on the swing, arms draping over the top of the tire, "I'm not sure, as odd as life is sometimes...that there is a single thing in this world that would prepare us for your dad jokes, Jimmy. Or for meeting future children with someone you're not even with, or don't even like the parts of."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Hey, Two Buck Chuck is still quality! Put it in a fancier bottle with a vintage label, people would toast it and proclaim the fine mouthfeel and the aftertaste buried in currants, gooseberries, and a touch of charming caramel dissolving through the tannin-heavy sensation. Illyana, however, doesn't make any particular move to suggest she would whip it in hand and saunter off.

"One way to fix that," deadpans the Demon Queen. The golden fall of her hair over her brow and off her shoulder makes it almost comically innocent. Tabby stalking off to sob her way into the annals of history earns a pointed look back at James, taking in this drama. "I could summon up a candlelit table for two. Millefeuille layering of Wagyu beef served with mushrooms? Perhaps blue lobster with juniper, over spatzle and winter vegetable fritters and a ceviche of red mullet with bergamot? Da, with Fontainebleau cheese and Viognier jelly on the side, and a marshmallow seasoned by apricot, chocolate, and sea salt to finish?"

Jimmy? Run. Run as fast and hard as you can.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy's eyebrows lift in amusement at the resumption of theatrics, and he repeats, "Barely. Besides, I probably don't do so well with long-distance relationships." He holds up his hands and wiggles his fingers, "Don't matter if it's a keyboard or a phone, typing is a pain."

His expression turns mildly befuddled as Illyana rattles off a gourmet meal the likes of which are probably found at the Hellfire Club (not to be confused with the entirely different kind of Hellfire place that Illyana rules). "Uh...appreciate the offer, but I think we'll be all right. Not sure I know what half that stuff is, actually." He got "beef, mushrooms, lobster, vegetable, cheese, jelly, and some kind of marshmallow thing for dessert" which really doesn't sound all that bad but even so.

"Pretty sure when either of us get around to dating we can manage the old-fashioned way." A beat, "You know, awkward and kinda trying and failing to make it seem like I've got a clue what I'm doing?" Another beat, "Oh man, she's probably not calling back, is she?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The litany of foods that Illyana could put on display gets an impressed look from Tabitha, and it's probably a very good bet that she understands no more of what some of that is then James does himself. Maybe. "Isn't that the fancy Japanese beef that they talk about on those cooking shoes all the time?"

One hand lifts up and she catches the bridge of her classes to tug them down her nose as she watches Illyana, then she glances at James with a quick shake of her head, hissing at him, "Hush...don't ruin this. She'll feed us..."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Probably three star Michelin in fact. The Hellfire Club simply -wishes-. Berto might be able to credit whether or not Illyana has become a cadet member of his family and jetted off to Tokyo or London or Milan with the family credit card, though. Who better a thief than one who can disappear without a trace? She clasps her hands together and smirks with the knowing radiance of a teenager up to zero good. "Pity you were too late." Those wide eyes carry pure innocence, soaking up the blue of the sky and the shadows under the forest, proving Piotr's sister is pure as driven snow in Novaya Zemlya. Never mind they dropped the Tsar Bomba there, the greatest megaton load ever.

Totally not radioactive! She presses her palms together and nods slowly to Tabitha. "Just that. They massage the cows with alcohol. Beer." Her teeth sink into her lower lip to still that devilish smile struck with a match that's probably capable of burning underwater. "Is that the old-fashioned way? To blunder? I thought everyone now had the swiping app they decided with. Yes, no, yes, no, nyet, nyet, very nyet."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Well, old-fashioned for me, I guess." Jimmy chuckles, "Think trying to start something without anything more than "swipe left" seems like it's a setup for a lot of bad first dates. You want something that's gonna work, you gotta put the work in, right?" Jimmy shrugs, rubbing at the back of his neck a little self-consciously. Feeling a little under the microscope here? Perhaps. But he was gossiping, so it's probably karma or something. "Besides, out here the only folks that're gonna come up are likely folks you can walk a few doors down and knock if you want to ask 'em out, right?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"That's not the point though, Jimmy-baby. It's all about catfishing." Tabitha points out with a look that might just be innocent, if it wasn't mostly blocked by those sunglasses.

But the mention of it has her pushing those sunglasses up on the top of her head before she reaches into her back pocket to tug out her phone. A moment later she's flicking that app open and going through a few steps before she lifts it up, aiming it at James. She slides a glance towards Illyana, wiggling her brows a moment before she calls, "Hey James, look at me real quick..."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Cat-fishing is completely lost on Illyana. She raises her brows but says nothing at all about the term, though the raised camera in Tabitha's hands /does/ warrant a sharp swivel. "Or hide. She wants your photo for that site." Her stillness doesn't precipitate any immediate threat, but that's rather like saying a tiger pretending to eye up bamboo as a comfy bed isn't fully capable of spinning around and savaging a passing ungulate of some kind with a pay. "Let him take your photo first, da? You can show him how to do it."

Or he can throw the phone into the creek. Helpful wingwoman, she's buying everyone time.

James Proudstar has posed:
Is Illyana's warning too late? Maybe, maybe not, as James does glance in Tabitha's direction, though the bemused expression might seem to indicate he has an inkling of what she's up to. "You plannin' on screening my matches or cat-fishing other people on that profile?" James queries. "Cause if it's that other one, don't expect a lotta help when somebody takes it bad."

He does offer a bit of a dismissive gesture to Illyana, albeit accompanied by an expression that conveys a certain volume of gratitude. Jimmy doesn't mind being the target of a joke now and again, as long as it's not hurtful. It's not like Tabby was subtle about it, but then again subtle is rarely Tabby's thing.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Subtle is not Tabby's thing. Unless subtle comes in the form of an explosion, literally.

Illyana's leap to James' defense and 'ratting' her out causes her to look over, looking like she might just say something for a moment. But then she laughs, shaking her head before she hits the button that clicks the photo, then she tucks the phone into her pocket again. "I'm very willing to screen your matches. Not sure you'd like the results, but we can sit down and work out something sometime." She lifts a hand, giving him a bit of a salute by way of promise before she glances back at Illyana, amusement still lurking, "He can take my picture any time he wants."

A hand raises, and she flips a strand of hair from her face before she strikes a pose. While sitting in a tire swing. Mostly it looks like she's just going to fall on her head in the dirt instead.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Tabby and subtlety go together like peanut butter and napalm. Illyana, on the other hand, can look totally innocent about the whole matchmaking in progress and have no idea whatsoever about what they're up to. That posing is totally over her head, though. "You look ready to sneeze. Are you sick?"

Mischief in motion is best when it doesn't actually wrap her up in the shenanigans, because she is now officially exempt from such things. It's hard to say whether that is amusing or not to her.

James Proudstar has posed:
James obligingly digs out his phone (He does have one despite it not always being the most convenient device for inconveniently oversized folks. Kitty even fiddled with the settings so typing isn't THAT much of a pain beyond needing to sometimes scroll around the keyboard a bit since it won't all fit on one screen. One quick shot and Tabby has another one for her portfolio. Or James has one to catfish with. Not that he is ever likely to do such a thing, unless it's catching actual catfish, but he doubts they're signed up for any apps.

Even if at this point that would be one of the less weird things to hear about happening in this crazy mixed-up world they've found themselves.

"I think she'll probably be OK. Or at least no different from usual."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"What?" Tabitha straightens up quickly when the picture taking is done, just so that she can provide a stunned look towards Illyana when she asks if she's sick. "Me?"

After a moment she laughs, reaching up to slide her sunglasses back down over her eyes, giving Illyana a smile, "Illy. Baby. Darling. Sweetie. Dougie, huh?" She wonders, glancing over at James after a moment, pointing at him. Because in the end, she's always okay.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana weathers this onslaught of golden Tabbiness, because Tabby is just that. Larger than life, on fire, sizzling hot like a steak on a girl, be it Wagyu or the cheap cut fished out of the cooler. The little girl who occasionally would hide behind Piotr or pounce Kitty in hopes of meeting up with Lockheed is long, long gone, buried in a grave in the desolate dust and bitter, cutting glass-deserts of a distant land. In her place, the young woman she was never meant to be. Still, austerity and coldness only get so far. Great way to have a horrible experience at the school. If /James/ can be nice...

No need to set a new benchmark in unapproachable. "Ramsey," she states with the emphasis of careless ease. "Why such a surprise?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"Probably not as much a surprise as we make out. Doug's a good guy. One of the nicest you'll ever find. Smart...tries to be funny. Just usually seems like a lot of folks kind of overlook "nice" as a selling point in someone they want to date. And Doug well..." James shrugs, "He was always the nerdy guy. If he wasn't here he likely would've been getting stuffed into lockers by Store-Brand-Me in some normal school. He's grown out of it...some...but he wasn't exactly Casanova these past few years, you know?"

Jimmy chuckles, "But I've only got so much room to talk, I guess."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"You don't know what happened in Genosha," asides the blonde Russian, shaking her head just a little. Then again, 'happened in Genosha' seems to apply to like a third of the student body by this point.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Right. Dougie. Nice. Nerdy. Not that bad looking." Tabitha replies with a nod, starting to idly push her toes against the ground so that the tire swings a little, "I wouldn't say I'm shocked anyone would ever want to date Dougie. I'm more shocked about..."

What is she shocked out never makes it out when Illyana mentions Genosha, instead the smile on her face melts some, "Some of us do."

James Proudstar has posed:
"He told me some. Not a lot of details, though." James notes to Illyana, lifting the proper hand and clenching and unclenching a fist with it, indicating Doug's present state of appendage. "But I didn't exactly pry. He wants to talk more about it, I'm not hard to find most days, but I know he's got Sam and Berto and Kitty and a whole bunch of other people probably higher on that list than me." It's not overlaid with a defensive tone, more a sort of resigned matter-of-factitude. "We've all got our...stuff to work out. He seems to be handling it better than most, but that doesn't mean it isn't weighing on him. Even mentioned having therapy and stuff." Hey Jimmy, maybe that's something you should look into? He's usually fairly self-aware but this might be a bit of a blind spot. "Anyway, not trying to knock the guy, and in the long run the only thing that really matters is if you two are into it. We're just the peanut gallery."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I honestly thought Dougie didn't make it out of everything." For once she sounds serious, not at all like she's being dramatic or cracking a joke only she gets. "So."

Right. So. Tabby lingers for an all of two seconds, then abruptly, painfully, and (not)shockingly shifts topics like a meth head on a stolen bike running from the cops across county lines. "You think it's warm enough to go skinny dipping?"

James Proudstar has posed:
Given a naturally reddish tinge to his skin, it's sometimes hard to tell if Jimmy's blushing (he totally is, at least some), but the eyebrows do definitely lift considerably at the notion. Near-black eyes glance towards the water and chuckles, "I mean...-I'd- probably be OK but I'm not sure how hypothermia would look on you. Probably another few weeks before it'd be safe."

Of course, that's not ruling out the possibility at a later date...But come on, collective miles of secluded private waterfront? There's no way it would be the first time such shenanigans have happened around this school, and that's not even counting some folks that showed up with little or no nudity taboo.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Barefooted, chalked soles and palms, Illyana really looks like she might wander up into the trees at any point and start scrambling through the wilderness adventure setup they have going on up there for the moment. She runs her fingers through her hair, leaving pale white streaks, though fewer than before. She doesn't quite accept the resignation. "We have many to talk to." A tip of her head follows. "How many get it? You accept my loss. My brother?" A shake of her head tosses that blunt cut back and forth. "Never. He sees failure and guilt. So we do not talk. Piotr wants to take on shoulders what is not his fault or his burden."

She slinks a little closer towards the pair, still moving with relative ease. Serious Tabby is serious, grim James is grim, and Yana is inscrutible again. Such is the way of the world. "Jump in and find out. It might not be that cold." A glance to Jimmy and Tabby. "Last one in buys dinner." And she's off at a full run. Easier with no shoes on, really.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Everything looks good on me, Jimmy." No. No it does not. Especially things like hypothermia, burning hair or other not so great things. And then the color seafoam green. No one looks good in that color.

There's a considering look shot in the direction of the water, then she looks back at Illyana, rolling around a few ideas before she lets her attention turn upwards. "I think what we should do is get a few of us together and do it, I bet that it'd be warm enough. Illy and Dougie can come, and Sam and Berto and Kitty and whoever else might be fun to drag along."

Only Illy pushes up the timetable and the planning, and at least no one can say that Tabitha isn't willing to make things work. Of course, she doesn't so much as get out of the tire as she falls out, then she's scrambling to her feet to start for the water. It's not fast, it's not graceful. But she's not going in with all her clothes on, so she's probably going to end up last in this group.

James Proudstar has posed:
James can only nod to Illyana's somewhat-lament of Piotr's sense of guilt over Illyana's misfortunes. Sometimes folks just don't get it unless they've seen their own variation on it. But then the mood shifts abruptly yet again, courtesy of Illyana's race for the water.

James blinks, and there's a moment of expression that speaks of wondering if people have lost their marbles completely. Ah, but the Demon-Queen of Limbo has layered another thing upon these proceedings: A challenge. And while James may have matured a great deal in the past few years, there's still plenty of the hot-blooded, proud Apache warrior underlying the grim.

Tabitha's got a bit of a head-start, and he's not sure what Illyana has up her sleeve, but regardless, while he could easily tear off what he's wearing and be in the water in a flash, that might make for an awkward return to the Mansion. Plus, clothes cost money and even with the School taking care of such needs he's reluctant to destroy or discard anything that can be reused or repaired. Old habits, ingrained in childhood. Either way, he'll be damned if he lets a little embarrassment get in the way of doing his level-best to not be the last one into the water, so he starts stripping down, likely mildly comical in his haste. What with hopping on one foot while boots and socks are removed in turn and such.

Besides, this-way he'll be on hand if either of them start freezing to death, though somehow he suspects that'll be way less of a problem with Illyana.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Clothes cost money, yes. One of these days James is going to realize he has an honest-to-spirits, dyed-in-the-flesh sorceress roaming around him like a wayward planet. One for whom weaving things like clothes is second nature considering her attire shifts itself around all the live-long day. You know, ask. Or accept one day a demon is going to be standing there under a pile of clothes. Chances were fair to partly cloudy she learned how to sew back in Siberia. Not a hotbed of sartorial culture there, y'know?

Somehow this is a bit of a damn unfair dash considering how much /faster/ James is than everyone else, but then again no one said powers weren't the free-for-all. The Demon Queen of Limbo sprints straight for the water of the lake, having zero considerations for being cold, being bare-skinned, or being eaten by the resident lake kraken. Do they have a lake kraken? A froctopus? A bad-tempered Humboldt squid, at least? Either way, she's going to be finding out.

"Do or die, Tabby!" Not even looking back, the blonde presumably is going to deal with the clothing issue once /in/ the water, which makes zero sense unless considering the fact her layers were already intended for working out so they have a great deal less of them and more give. Splashy, splashy, splashy! No screaming oh gods it's cold, newp!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Some people were wearing regular clothes. Like shoes. And jeans. And a jacket. Which does make things a little slower for Tabitha, but this isn't her first rodeo and she's got a bit of an idea of how to remove more then one piece at a time.

But some people who are immune to things like cold water, or gifted with super speed, well. Joke is on Tabby, right?

Soon as she reaches the water she goes splashing into it, and unlike Illyana she does plenty of whooping in cold, and chattering already as soon as she gets knee high in the water.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy actually manages a graceful dive into the water, familiar enough with this particular swimming hole that he apparently feels safe risking it. He's beneath the surface for a few seconds before he comes back up shaking his head and mopping the rather frigid water from his face with both hands, but yay for semi-invulnerability, as while there's certainly an awareness that it's chilly, it's not enough to cause any real discomfort, or certainly any harm. "You're better off just jumping in!" James calls out to Tabby, who decided to do things the hard way, though technically her toes might have touched water before James managed to discard all his clothing and make the leap.

Was this a bad idea? Well technically that remains to be seen. Besides, some bad ideas make good stories.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
With one victorious wave after smashing into the black surface of the no longer still lake, Illyana goes under. She uses an effective double-kick method to get herself away from shore and prying hands, stronger in her legs than she looks. Nothing at all compared to the juggernauts of the X-team, but still! She has to be able to leap terrifying distances, after all, at least to match things. The hasty swimming is going to be bracing when she finally comes up for air, stealing a gasp of breath and flinging something back towards shore that's black and sodden completely.

That would be her t-shirt, and whether it even makes it there is another matter altogether. It might be a dark flag of victory bobbing towards shore, leading poor Piotr to assume the lake kraken got her. "It isn't that bad!" She would say that with a shark circling her.

"Right, Jimmy?"

Get two votes for 'jump!'

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Jumping? JUMPING? Ugh. Tabitha knows that they are both probably right about that, but she doesn't seem to be inclined to throw herself into the water. Instead she's doing that tip-toe walk where she's holding her breath and going slow. Like this is somehow going to work.

It doesn't work. Who is shocked? No one. But she manages to get about hip deep before she stops and thinks about how much more right they are. And then she grabs her nose and just pitches forward.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy laughs as Tabby finally gives in to peer pressure, clapping a bit before resuming treading water, though where he's at is only about a foot over his head. They're such bad examples. Regardless, he drifts a little closer to shore, but only by a bit. While it's not "let's recreate some scenes from Titanic" cold, it's probably not a temperature most folks are likely to want to linger at unless they're mildly masochistic or just ridiculously stubborn.


Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Look, there are no penguins on vacation. Everyone is -perfectly- safe. No icebergs right ahead, unless they start considering the dangers of ramming speed with people or logs involved. Illyana bobs her way backward from shore, kicking steadily while facing Tabby and leaving the whole of the school imposing on the lawn well, well behind her.

"You could use the swing again," she offers helpfully at a higher volume, just in case anyone needs to be sure about this course of action. Clearly whatever would make her teeth chatter is being repressed or ignored. Masochistic? Not at all. Testing herself constantly? Of course. "Is there treasure at the bottom of the lake? We need a course."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Masochistic? Probably not. Stubborn? Yes. Yes. Yes. Etc. Tabitha resurfaces from the water, hands reaching up to fix her sunglasses, which she weirdly forgot to take off. Then she starts to swim further out from the shore, starting to look a little more blue around the edges, but no dangerously so.

Her name isn't Jack.

"I'm good." Tabitha assures Illyana as she starts to swim further out. She starts to paddle out after the Hell-Queen blonde before she twists around to call to James, "Come on, scardy cat."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Guess it depends on what you call treasure, but I can check!" Jimmy dives under the water once more, disappearing into inky depths for the better part of a minute. When he surfaces, it's a few meters ahead of where Tabby now floats.

"Well, so far, I got...one old sneaker." He lifts the hand holding the remnants of a leather shoe, looking like it's been in the water for several years at least. Evidence of past such misadventures? Perhaps. He lobs it over onto the shore before lifting the other, hand, revealing a wriggling silver fish of decent size, "And a trout." He grins, before dipping that hand beneath the water to release the poor fish.

He cocks his head in the direction the creek flows towards the lake, "If we're living dangerously, the lake is that way."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Unfortunate that some people have such ease about diving under the water. In the minute while James is gone, Illyana looks at Tabitha and gestures. "Now is your chance." She might be fomenting ideas, her distant gaze focused far, far away from the lake and the surrounding trees. She ducks under the water several times in quick order to soak her hair and keep the cool water wrapped around her. Then, well, James is back with a -fish-. "Did you tickle that trout?"

No, it's not a joke. It's a legit way of hunting, right? Fishing? Is there a difference and does it require a license? Who knows.

"Let's go, then." She needs little reason to hasten her way out into the wider body of water, chanting through her chattering teeth. It's not magic, but a song of Russian caviar. Really!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Chance for what?" Inquiring minds want to know. Even if there's not any real chance to answer those kinds of questions.

The shoe is greeted with a smirk, but the trout gets a small bit of applause from her. Hooray for...tickling trout? She has opinions on that, and adds, "I think that is for catfish, isn't it?" Tabby doesn't really know anything about catching fish. Instead she just follows out towards the lake, trying to continue ignoring that she's freezing.

James Proudstar has posed:
Well, movement is the best medicine for being chilly in the water. "No tickling involved. I just asked it nicely." James replies to Illyana's question. He occasionally dips beneath the water as they float along because well...muscle is dense and he's got a lot of it, so he doesn't float as easily as some others might, though at least he's not sinking like he's got an adamantium-laced skeleton or anything. He can kick to the surface readily enough, but there's a little more motion involved in treading water for him than most.

Perhaps mercifully given his hearing, the water distorted the sounds above, so he can't quite make out what was being said, only that something was, and he doesn't seem concerned about it for the moment.

"Hold on...lemme swim ahead and see if anybody's hanging out onshore."

Because the creek does spill into the lake within site of the Campgrounds, and the boathouse and such is not much further up ahead. So he dips beneath the water again, disappearing for an even longer stretch this time, by virtue of being able to hold his breath for ages and see in the very dim light underwater, he's able to stealth-mode his way down the creek before popping his head up to have a look-see.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Whether or not James is serious requires additional exploration later, questions to be had when they are all on shore or basking by the fire of a burning sinful soul, complete with the necessary marshmallow toasted on a stick. Limbo has marshmallows. They probably have sticks. They certainly have the fire and the demons necessary to complete the awesome experience! Nonetheless, swimming with an actual kick now and then is more required to pull herself through short of manifesting said demon in the backyard to help move her along. The Demon Queen has little issue with calling on help, but not in range of everyone else under the age of 16. Scott would no doubt come out and yell. Then die of mortification at students in the lake. Then yell some more with his hand over his visor. Then die again when Jean asks what's going on and why he's not joining them.

"You are okay?" she asks, checking in on Tabitha, while having her own need to keep splashing around. "Hanging out on shore. Oh! To splash!" Illyana, /no/.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Uh huh." Is she? Is she REALLY? Probably not. But Tabby isn't going to back off if neither of them are going to back off and head for the shore. It'll be on everyone's elses heads if she dies from cold.

It won't be. And she won't die. Probably. When Illy thinks that they are going to splash people on the shore she laughs, "No..to make sure we don't flash anyone."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
More reason to explain to Scott it's all for the good of the school to practice necromancy, mkay? Illyana plies a pretty straight course through the lake, and following her wake is fairly easy. She has at least a reasonable gift for swimming. "Oh, the children." Or Piotr. This fact comes clearly. "Get closer. Your mouth, it is not the right colour." Her hand lifts from the water, wobbling left and right, skewing dewdrops to throw into the water again and cause more bobbing. "Need a fix?"

Because apparently having your weed and smoking it too, or something like that, is entirely the game here. Water runs down her cheekbones and her brow, scudding over dangerously pale features.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Right. Children. Or Piotr." Tabby would probably make that whole brother situation worse, but there's a good bet that she'd at least spare the actual innocent children any trauma. She's not the sort to scare the kids, unless it was a harmless joke of exploding candy or something. No harm there.

When Illy points out that her mouth isn't the right color she raises a wet hand and rubs at it, then she laughs, "What kind of fix are you suggesting?" Clearly, she's not guessing magic. But that doesn't stop her from moving closer.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Something then to stop the cold, da?" This from Illyana suggests a wave of her hand. "You are not Russian. The temperature bites too deep. James will get in trouble otherwise." Nope, probably not obvious what her intentions are, nor is she really going to explain herself too much. "Other way is fast race to the shore, and you dry off."

She doesn't seem to be much concerned about her own fairness, nor the way that her hair is plastered to her head in a pale coronet, slithering across her shoulders.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"No fast race to the shore and dry off." She is fine! Fine. She's not fine, but she's not going to run away just yet either way. She's going to stay there, and see what it is that Illyana is actually going to do to make up for the fact her mouth isn't the right color.

She pauses when closer, then glances off in the direction James went when it's pointed out he's going to get into trouble. "Get in trouble for what?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James surfaces once more, having conducted his reconnaissance, and been fairly well-assured that he was not spotted, mostly because he's fairly sure there's no one on the shore to spot him. There are a few at the School that could hide from him via various means, but most of them probably don't make a habit of camouflaging themselves on the lakeshore to just hang out waiting for random housemates to float by.

He hopes so, anyway.

"Looks like we're safe." This might beg the question of getting back to where their clothes are later, as swimming upstream is likely only something he's going to be managing without assistance, but that's not a worry that's yet fully formed in Jimmy's mind. You know, mostly because despite a relative degree of nonchalance he's still aware that they've broken at least two or three rules and he's not even gonna bother feeling bad about it. Even if he's gonna likely be tight-lipped, mostly because he doesn't want to have to deal with certain people (why does Julian Keller suddenly spring to mind?) badgering him for details. Or having to have a serious "talk" with a certain shiny Art Teacher who is likely to be a real pain (physical and metaphorical) to deal with if he's "motivated."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
After this, you never know. They might start lurking in bushes or being the bushes, depending on their powers. All it takes is a certain whisper going through the school like wildfire, so much excitement to be generated by doing things one should know. Combing her fingers through her wet hair, Illyana is going to no doubt make this a -whole- lot worse. Mostly by making it look fun, giving a spalsh of her foot playfully in James' direction.

"She is still /nine/," is not the conversation anyone is going to have with Piotr Rasputin, regardless of what that art teacher is thinking. Somewhere, he is certainly going to get a headache and barely know why. It is a dangerous thing, being a Rasputin.

Nothing to feel bad about here, then. The petite shrug from the blonde matches her dipping under the lake again just to keep herself wet and relatively damp. Water conducts and holds warmth better than air, all the while. Her eyes dance with amusement. "Fainting, coming out all wrinkles, blowing off school?" Not a problem for her. She holds up her hand and examines her fingers, flexing them while she rolls her wrist, probably testing out exactly how much flexibility she has left after her frosty swim.

Totally not channeling energy or anything. Not at all.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There is a distinct possibility that someone in this group is the sort to casually mention the entire incident just to see what kind of fallout there is from it. But not Tabby. Nope. Not her. It's probably that tree over there that is secretly watching the entire thing.

Talks with anyone about rules broken, and appropriateness is not going to be her job. She'll just vanish until it all blows over, and that'll be that.

Wrinkles are considered, and blowing off school. But what place her mind actually ends up in probably does have a lot to do with the effects of cold water on warm blooded creatures. And while Illy is totally not channeling energy, and Jimmy is totally not suffering from the cold, Tabby starts to laugh. Just laugh, no explanation.

James Proudstar has posed:
"You OK?" Jimmy cants his head with concern and curiosity alike when Tabitha starts laughing. So he swims a little closer and gets a look for himself. "Ooo-kay. Pretty sure you weren't wearing blue lipstick when we got in here, Tabby." That and the laughter is probably not the most encouraging sign, all things considered, "All right...come on. We probably need to get you back on shore, dried off, and warmed up." He looks to Illyana, "Unless you've got something for this?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Mrs. Not Chanting over there, flicking water this way and that, is totally oblivious to Jimmy swimming around them. Her pale lashes barely blink, and her legs beat a steady churn to hold her upright. Treading water takes time and energy, after all. It might apply to Tabitha, too.

"Move around a little bit. It will take care of itself." She tips her head a bit, wiping her face with the back of her hand and blinking away evidence marring her features. Watery evidence, anyway. No one the wiser.

"Russian remedy," she says. "Moving. We stay alive, we do not stop, da?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I put it on while you were swimming." Tabby lies smoothly about the blue tinge to her lips, "I'm bringing it back."

From WHERE? No where. But the suggestion of moving around has her starting to swim around, because that does help. Doesn't it? She swims in a little circle, then she decides that things have to get more excting, and distract from her near frozen experience. So she starts to swim out wide before trying to come up behind James, can he hear her? Uh, duh. Yeah. She's not subtle. He has super hearing. Plus, Illy will probably rat her out again as she swims up and tries to dunk him from behind.

Safer to try and dunk the big guy then the Demon-Queen, right?

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
It ought to be said that spell is insidious, leaking into the veins, tossing back the cold. Not an instant fix, because that is too obvious, but swimming around -does- restore life and vitality to the veins. Cold is hardly a thought, in a little bit.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Sure..." James comments to Tabby. Does he let her dunk him? Probably. Because yes, he can hear her coming. And yes, he could probably avoid it. But where's the fun in being a spoilsport like that? It's not like it's hurting anyone.

Besides, all told, he's perhaps surprisingly easy to dunk. So once again he's back underwater. He doesn't try to take Tabby with him, at least not yet. But he doesn't reappear, either. Did the kraken get him?

Or is the Apache Shark preparing...REVENGE?!?

Tabitha Smith has posed:
James is such a good sport about things, because he probably could have lifted her and tossed her without even needing to touch the ground to do it. She KNOWS that he's being a good sport. Plus that it might mean she's going to regret all her life's choices today sooner or later.

Until then she just looks smug about winning this round. A hand sweeps her hair back from her face before she starts to move from her attack position, "You're right, Illy. Moving around does help."

James Proudstar has posed:
James swims off closer to the shore, probably a few dozen yards away from where Tabby now floats, where his feet can find purchase. Why? Because he needs that leverage for his next feat. Standing in water just about chest deep, he spreads his arms wide, directs an evil grin in Tabby's direction, and then brings his arms together, using a great deal of his immense strength to create a little mini-tsunami that swells and crests -just- in time to come crashing down over her.

Well, if anyone WAS watching the lake they might've noticed that, but Jimmy seems to no longer be too worried about it.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
This little bit of revenge was unexpected. Dunking, sure. She expected that. Splashing even, that she expected as well. But a small tsunami? Nope. No, she was not expecting that at all.

When the small wave hits it sends her under the water, and because Tabby is just that sort, she stays under the water. Is she going to make James think he drowned her with his revenge? Of course she is! Also, while she stays under the water she's swimming in that direction, or at least she hopes that she is swimming in the right direction.

James Proudstar has posed:
Ruh-Roh. Is she drowned? Well...maybe. But James is going to give her a few seconds before he goes checking. Because he has some inkling of how Tabby's mind works, and faux-drowning as revenge is well within that wheelhouse.

However, he doesn't dunk his head back under the water just yet, which may be his undoing, since his hearing is beyond-human but it ain't sonar, and his vision does low-light very well, but not in daylight, so he'd have to be under the water to see her, at least until she gets much closer.

James Proudstar has posed:
You know, assuming she's actually swimming in the right direction.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Is she heading in the right direction? Of course. She at least had some idea of which direction the shore was, although she's not the world's fastest swimmer, or capable of endlessly holding her breath. So it's a good bet that she's going to have to get there and do whatever it is that she has planned.

Which apparently is slam into his knees. Tabitha isn't moving fast enough to do much beyond bump, like a fly buzzing around his face. Only, his knees. Under water.

James Proudstar has posed:
OK. Knees are OK. You know, right on the border of La Zona Peligrosa, but still within bounds that won't cause him to turn as red as Jean's hair or Scott's glasses. Jimmy crouches just a bit and reaches beneath the water to tap his "assailant" on the shoulder with a finger, though. You know, because she probably needs to breathe.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Knees are just below the No Man's Land, but he crouches and she has to stand up. Any bets on how long it'll take him to realize she has to pass through that territory when she stands up. Tabby can stand up....wait, no. She's not as tall as he is, so basically she just surfaces with a gasp as she sucks in air, her sunglasses lost somewhere in the water now, "Jimmy-baby!"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana Rasputina is still watching all of this from afar, delighted and appraising in kind. She dives under the water to go claim the sunglasses, though what she most definitely intends is hard to say. Sploosh!

James Proudstar has posed:
Yep, -there's- that realization. Maybe not QUITE Phoenix-Force Scarlet, but definitely a noticeably redder shade than usual. Turned up another half notch when he fairly instinctively reaches out to help keep Tabitha above water, which results in something closer to catching her in a bridal-carry, though she's still beneath the water but for head and shoulders. No, he thankfully doesn't grab anything inappropriate, but it's still a fair bit of contact that suddenly makes him much more acutely aware of certain facts he'd thus far been pretty successful at keeping mostly out of his mind, for politeness' sake and the sake of Piotr Rasputin not suddenly developing telepathic powers as a secondary mutation and turning the grounds into a warzone.

"Uh...hey Tabby. Yeah, that's me." Yep, that's an entirely sheepish expression on his face, there.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The rescue of her sunglasses will win Illyana all kinds of bonus points, if and when Tabby realizes that is what she's doing. If, in fact, that really is what she's up to. If it was Tabby, there would be a good chance that she'd do something entirely different, but who knows, Illyana might be nicer than her afterall.

Suddenly finding herself picked up is unexpected, but it seems to delight her to no end because she might just be able to guess at what he realized. Or she's just generally amused by everything. Not that Tabby fights her princess carry that is happening, in fact, she just makes it all worse by fluttering her eye-lashes at him, "It sure is."

Then, because sometimes she is merciful, she starts to look around for the other disappearing blonde, "You don't think she's left us here all alone do you?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Of course those sunglasses are important. They are part of the look; Yana knows this. She has to spare them being a diving target for students or catfish, if the lake has either through the summer. Feet kicking get her to the muddy bottom, and having to feel around while silt and splashing increase the turbidity of the sediment load takes time. And then, then she's up.

Up in time to smirk like the succubus her alter-ego could be, if not putting succubi to absolute shame in some departments. You know, the whole queen thing. The dip above the water is surely easy to spot for some with enhanced hearing, though that's all relative. She isn't rushing to announce herself or interpose her presence and get revenge for other comments. She can popcorn with the best of them, and her poker face?

It's so good telepathy can't break through it.

James Proudstar has posed:
Even someone with enhanced hearing has to be paying attention for it to work. "Huh?"

Jimmy glances around but doesn't immediately see Illyana, mainly for the fact that this is between-moments and she hasn't actually surfaced just yet, "I dunno..." Yeah, real eloquent there, Jimbo. Why don't you break out a "heap big" somewhere for full effect? "I mean, she kinda comes and goes, but yeah, I don't think she'd leave us out here."

Is Jimmy still holding on? Check, Jimmy still holding on. Probably trapped in that whole cycle of "would it be awkward to let go now and oh crap now it's gonna be awkward no matter what I do isn't it? Maybe just....let her leave on her own! Yeah, that's the ticket. But of course I'm not actually saying any of this out loud."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Which means that this is all the better, because Tabby's clearly not going anywhere on her own. She's not having to tread water and keep herself from drowning, no efforts being made, no energy expending. Plus, he's clearly warmer in the water then she is. It's all stacked against him at this point, he'll be standing there holding her forever.

As for the missing Illyana, she can't hear her surfacing. And she doesn't spot her either in her looking, "I bet she did. You know she's got it in her head that we're supposed to be swiping right."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana Rasputina is ideally saying nothing, but the delighted amusement is like seeing the Doctor cornered by the Master, and no way is she interrupting. Nope. The demons have taught her how to spectate.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Swiping right?" James blinks a few moments, seemingly uncomprehending, but comprehension does come, and there's a laugh. The warm kind, not the cutting kind.

"Oh right. Yeah, well...I can think of a lot worse things. Don't think I'd be much inclined to swipe the other way on you."

There's a pause, and then a bit of a sour expression, "I really hope that didn't sound as dumb out loud as it just did in my head. People really do this swiping thing?"

Oh Jimmy, perhaps being sheltered away from the world in this mildly idyllic haven has left you a bit mercifully out of touch.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Right. Not left. Tabby lifts her hands out of the water, and then holds an imaginary phone before she demonstrates her form.

In swiping right. Because if she demonstrated any other form there might be fainting innocents. And we're not meaning any kids wandering past.

"It sounded dumb." Tabby, full of assurances here. "But that's okay sometimes. Sometimes you want for people to say the dumb, but very sweet things. It gets that awwwww reaction." She gives him an ok symbol to add to the words. "But yeah, going to be honest though. Pretty sure they aren't looking for long term relationships when they do it. Not that I'd know." Nope.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"If Kitty floats by and you are not already making out, she will be deeply disappointed." Swipe, swipe, run. Illyana flicks open Tabby's sunglasses, mostly wet, and perches them on her nose. A finger slips them by the bridge a little higher, making her look too cool for this questionable situation in the middle of an overglorified pond while wearing zip else.

She doesn't even so much as smirk, nor is there any kind of fainting or Jean levels of red hair, red face problems. "I may step out and steal your clothes while I am at it."

She swims toward the shore, little by little, flashing a victory sign with two fingers.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Oh...that makes the swiping thing make a little more sense." Jimmy actually seems to be mulling that over a touch, "Long as everyone knows where they sta-" He doesn't quite get to finish the statement when Illyana interjects.

Blinkblinkblink. Hey, James' eyes are almost dark enough to affect the deer in the headlights look fairly effectively.

Though in this case it seems to be a case of mulling after whether he's going after Illyana, or going "Challenge accepted!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Just put them back in my room!" Evidently there is no mulling this over for Tabby. She has declared 'Challenge accepted!'

Although there is some small indication that she's fully prepared to get dumped into the water if James decides that he can't allow the theft of his clothes to happen. The warning about disappointed Kitty's also goes unremarked upon, because there is zero that can actually be responded to in that without it going badly.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana Rasputina bounces ahead through the water like she's being chased by the ghosts of the sainted Romanov family, delving into the water with the stolen and rescued sunglasses on. Her route through all of this is direct as a beeline, James in not yet pursuit.

The soft pinnacles of laughter are mostly inaudible. But this is how people have fun.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Y'know...we could chase her, but she can teleport. Or teleport us." James observes, watching Illyana's retreat. "Kinda surprised she hasn't already dropped us off somewhere already." Should he tempt fate so? Who knows where that "somewhere" might be? In either case, attention goes back to Tabby, "So I guess we're beat...have to get her back later, I suppose." It's not spoken with resignation so much as amusement and perhaps a bit of anticipation of a more pleasant distraction. Clothes? Knowing Illyana they'll show back up freshly pressed and cleaned. If ever so faintly smelling of sulfur and brimstone.

And nope, still hasn't dropped her. Seems like it'd be kinda rude at this point.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"She can teleport?" Tabby looks mildly surprised, then suspicious. Did she know that? Maybe she did, it's just been a little while, and no one can fault her for a terrible memory, can they?

He might not tempt fate, not really. But Tabby does sometimes, and she lifts her hands to cup them around her mouth so that she can call after the retreating Illyana, "I'm going to get you my pretty! And your little dog, too!"

One is not supposed to warn the victims of revenge. Usually. But this is far too amusing, and she then drops her hands before smiling at James, "Looks like we are. I've a few options on how to get back at her, if you want to discuss strategy."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Discuss strategy, huh?" Jimmy half-grins at that, "I mean, I'm OK with that, but it seems like we were discussing something else just a few second ago?" He notes, managing not to blush -too- much this time. Improvement! "Unless you'd rather not, of course. Not sure how this whole swiping thing works, after all."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"So what happens is....you swipe right, and then the person you swipe on gets an alert letting them know that someone winked or liked, or whatever adorable terminology they are using." Tabby indicates with hand movements again, helpfully. "They can then ignore you if they want, or respond. You then chat in the app, or exchange numbers and can chat that way. After that, you arrange a place to meet. A bar, or a party or something."

Or around here just go down the hall to someone's room and break other rooms. "So that's how the swiping thing works. Usually you have a drink." They did that part. "Some fun." Did that. "Then hook up."

Education a la Tabby Style.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Yes, indeed the girl monikered Magik can teleport. New Mutant party bus, now accepting zero riders except herself. She has on Tabby's sunglasses, so potentially the issue of teleporting requires a greater degree of care that it normally would if she weren't looking so -cool-. Yeah. That's how it goes, dip-diving beneath the water and reappearing like some sort of fast-moving seal. Albeit the leopard kind that live in Antarctica and argue with killer whales about their breakfast.

A victim of revenge indeed, as she closes in on the shore and the shallows or the creek are her only choices. She has to come *up*, after all, and decide if she wants to be the risk of a moon or something else.

Swiping things, however, is an education unto itself and that sense of timing is as precise as it needs to be.

James Proudstar has posed:
"Ahh...OK, I think I get it now." James nods, almost sagely. "So if I'm following along, we're at the part where I need to figure out a way to get us back to the Mansion without anybody seeing us." He does double-check to make sure Tabby's not turning blue again, but well...hey, he -is- pretty warm, whaddya know? "Gonna be tricky but I think I can manage. Least my window's unlatched."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
All evil plots that teleporters might have are blessedly unknown by Tabby. Although, maybe even if she did know she would just quietly appreciate the fact that Illyana is clever like that.

"Yeah. That sounds roughly the part where we're at." Tabby agrees after the moment, and she is not looking blue around the mouth again, possibly due to whatever magic Illy did. Possibly because he's still carrying her and he's not at all cold. "Where is your room, and then we can make a run for it."

Even she knows better than to saunter to the mansion and expect to make it to their destination.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Now, let it be said the sister of Piotr Rasputin does have a wicked streak to her. She truly does. (See also who she dates, and that she would dare to take down an alien by asking them about human standards of beauty like Eris herself.) She faces a crossroads when she steps out of from the water because she cannot possibly keep swimming without beaching herself in the slick muck at the edge of the forest meeting Breakstone Lake.

Go left, get to her feet and do no harm. Possibly let them freeze out here, her two friends clinging to one another like burrs.

Go straight, conjure up a towel, and trot away to shimmy back into her own clothes.

But as her reflection has those most awesome sunglasses accentuating the occasional act of Tabby-esque whimsy, the third choice tugs her sideways and unfortunately it's not within her three-fifths corrupted soul to resist it wholly. Tagged claws sink in as she sets foot to mud and emerges from the lake in all her glory, water streaming down bare flanks and striking fair skin, black leather wrapping around her hips to her midthigh. Side benefit of calling on the mutant birthright linking her to the hellish dimension anchored between all places and anyspace. Blue-white light burning like embers under the pair -- and her -- are the sole warning at the speed of thought before the double-paired gateways snap open, forked between the sultry climate of Limbo with its Phoenix-by-way-of-Namibia aridity explicitly selected. Anyone cold... not cold.

Just one promise.

They're going tumbling through the school foyer as a hungry-looking bronze monstrosity with black, shadowy wings gathering ragged shadow to come and greet visitors. It takes wing toward the portal, that colossal maw opening to reveal many a barbed rocky tooth and a gullet glowing like a foundry. They might just hear an angry voice from Illyana striking boots-down on a dune, midway between popping in and out of existence, "Zmei gorynynch, those are my guests. /No/." Cue dragon head-snap back her way.

James Proudstar has posed:
James nods to Tabby, "Window's on the west side of the Mansion." He looks like he's about ready to put this hasty plan of action into motion when he turns about towards the mansion, just in time to see Illyana emerge from the water, and the lightshow start to begin. Both around Illyana and beneath his feet.

"Fuck." He says with all the resignation that the palest of Cavills could muster. Thus this little misadventure suddenly earns it's PG-13 rating, and somewhere Wade Wilson nods sagely.

But even the infamous Merc-With-A-Mouth would be forced to bow to Illyana with the greatest ofrrespect for the next move, which sees them momentarily deposited in the foyer of the X-Mansion, just long enough for a rather sizeable smattering of students, teachers, and guests to get the Full Monty, before they drop away again, this time landing in James' room in the Mansion.

James stands there, blinking for a moment, then glances to Tabby before very carefully setting her down. He silently walks over to the door and locks it, then moves over to get a pair of towels from the bathroom, handing one over to her. After a few seconds he speaks.

"So I know this is sudden and all, but I guess we're gonna grow old and die together in this room, because I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be able to leave again."