9827/On the ground
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On the ground | |
Date of Scene: | 25 January 2022 |
Location: | Old Gotham - Founders Island |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, Slade Wilson, Vintridr
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Road trip!
Gotham. Not the get-away that comes to the fore when one thinks 'road trip', particularly in regards to those from Starling City. From the frying pan into the fire? Isn't there enough going on in their home city that would keep them home, rather than starting out on something else?
Of course there is, but that doesn't stop anyone. Right?
With a white panel van borrowed from some fellow geek anarchists, Felicity is actually driving the thing up the highway. A little white-knuckled, anyway, thanks to little snow cells on the way, but does manage NOT to get into any fiery car crashes on the Turnpike, or the Parkway. Calling that a victory.
Felicity follows a little GPS, her own personal way-stations are programmed into her system. Once in the city itself, her driving acumen goes down by.. a little. One way streets lead to more one way streets, which lead to paths. Grumbles lead to more grumbles, and stopping at a stop light, those hands go from white knuckle to hitting the steering wheel with annoyance. "Oh, come on. I am so ready just to park this thing and go on foot. Wouldn't be all that strange, seeing a burning van in the middle of Gothan?"
There's a pause as she regains herself, and she quick smiles, adding, "Hypothetically, of course."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"You know..." Thea is sitting shotgun, dressed in the black and red leathers that is her suit even if the hood is down and her face in sight, short hair somewhat a mess. "A *white* van in Gotham? It's going to stick out like a sore thumb.." she points out, "It's like we are telling everyone we are cops. But well, at least it will camouflage well with all the snow." a small grimace coming to her features. Another difference from Starling. Winter in Gotham meant lots and lots of snow.
As Felicity starts getting impatient it makes Thea let out a soft laugh, "I thought you would be glad that weren't going on foot just yet. I mean, you were about to stay back in base if I hadn't dragged you out.." well, 'dragged' may be too strong a word. She didn't have to literally do so at least!
Casting a look back at Vin she tells her, "We will be setting up some cameras around Gotham. Looking over those escapees from Blackgate." she explains, then another look to Felicity. "Which speaking of, what all do *we* know about that affair?" she questions.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson was in the back.
He was dressed decently well wearing simple tactical-style clothing. He noticeably has a sword with him. Never know what they might run into, though he compacts the sword into a small holster container (the grip) and he puts it onto his belt. He has a few guns on him if needed, just because forewarned is forearmed. But, it didn't take much for Slade to be convinced onto this road trip.
"Going on foot would take longer. Gives us a chance to rest our laurels before we launch into investigation." Slade is calm and collected. Almost -too- calm and collected. "While we are drawing some minor attention, it's not uncommon. People foolish enough to tour Gotham are often the kind to come in with particularly loud outfits and sometimes, even cars. I wouldn't worry about it. Most criminals in gotham are smart to only come out at night."
A wisdom that has severely faded over the years with the presence of the Dark Knight, a foe Slade has encountered on a few occasions now.
Curiously, Slade offers no comment on the situatio nat Blackgate - the reason they are here in the first place.
- Vintridr has posed:
"A great deal of rumor; very little fact," Vin replies from her place in the back seat. For this trip she appears to have chosen to forego her more iconic armour, opting instead for a downright nondescript set of dark grey jogging pants, a ditto hoodie and fingerless gloves. "From the news reports, a riot erupted inside, and at the height of the confusion several explosions blew a hole through the outer walls. Most likely the riot was staged and had outside support; but from who and to what purpose..."
She shrugs. "Gotham's reputation for successfully keeping prisoners contained is spotty at the best of times - too many of its villains are both clever, ruthless, and organized."
Her eyes flick up toward the rear view mirror, meeting Thea's gaze. "Someone with access to a great deal of ordnance planned this. Presumably they had a reason. Walk cautiously, Young Queen."
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Maybe we should have gone with the offer of spray painting a tag on the side? I mean, it's not washed, it doesn't have questionable plates." Felicity pauses before, "I thought black was 'cop'?" The sound of the question really makes it seem as if it is a real inquiry. She honestly doesn't know.. and glancing back and forth from Thea to the road, back and forth, she exhales in a sigh. "I have black spray paint. We'll tag it later."
This is Felicity. Being all street.
"I was absolutely going to stay back in the safety of my.. room." The last word is given a little lamely, and she takes that opportunity to push her glasses back up. "But no.. 'road trip', she says.." She's looking into the rearview mirror, checking her sides as she moves through the intersection again, "Did I happen to mention how much I hate the 'outside'? There's no heat. Or air conditioning."
A hand rises from the steering wheel, ready to point in the air to underscore Slade's words, though it quickly turns to push on the center of the steering while-
"You stupid..!!"
What is it about gaining attention?
"Vin's right," Felicity turns down another side street, and this time, performs a K-turn and sets its nose facing the street, even if it's a half-block away. "I did manage to pull some data off the prison systems. There's always a way in, and I've got the blocks marked, who was in them, and am playing a game of Six Degrees of Separation in terms of contacts. Someone has to know.. though, I did get some interesting feedback from the FAA."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Well, hopefully we won't be calling too much attention. People are mostly on edge with what happened and --" Cue Felicity HOOONKING at another car, making Thea grimace and sit more upright. At least she doesn't take the little comfort handle on the top of the side window that many do when there's a maniac on the wheel. She still trusts Felicity's driving! (For now). "Lots of air conditioning if we roll down the windows." she smiling faintly over at her friend.
"But don't worry, this will go fine. There's four of us two, strength in numbers is a thing." See, this why there's a TEAM ARROW.
"What we will need to worry is finding any of those escapees. Any notable names that escaped, Felicity?" She asks before looking over the rear view mirror. First to Slade, examining him and that calm and collected posture, then to Vin, "To create chaos, do you think?" she frowns a touch. "Or divert attention.."
A pause as she looks back to Fel again, "What did you get from the FAA?"
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Before Slade can speak, Felicity is HOOOONKing at another car before she turns down the street, drawing Slade's attention only in some mild alarm, as if he was worried that something would be coming to hit them or endanger Felicity and Thea's life. He doesn't know Vintrindr too much, alas, though he is aware she is important to the pair of ladies he had already mentioned.
"The great outdoors does wonders for the personality and the perspective." Slade suggests to Felicity, though he hums a little bit at something Vintridr says. "The heroes here do their best. Though you're right, this wasn't a small operation. Too clean." Slade suggests to the group, totally assisting them.
Even if he knows -exactly- how it happened.
But he won't give up that information. His face hides his emotions perfectly, his microexpressions as well. He is in control. Or at least he believes he is. Though he looks at Thea when she looks at him, his eye is calm. It reveals very little, only that he is here to help.
Is he genuinely going to help them rat him out?
He doesn't answer anything about the notable names that got out.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Either's possible," Vintridr replies. "Or to recruit; take it as given that whatever their plan is will require a great deal of manpower."
She nods at Slade. "Much too clean -- my understanding is that most of Gotham's villains have a near pathological need to sign their works. No giant question marks, no lethal laughing gas, no horrific visions or ridiculous hats -- whoever did this was not in the mood to 'play', so to speak."
She holds Slade's gaze a moment longer, then goes back to studying her equipment.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Not letting the outside in," is declared firmly as she pushes the shift lever into Park. "It would take some convincing for me to go camping." A stomp on the parking brake, and they're here. With a *click*, the safety belt is off, and pushed to the side. "Right. We're here and close to the first spot I need."
To underscore the fact that she's not planning on leaving the van, she reaches below the seat to push it backwards. Twisting around to look at the others, her lips are pressed into a thin line. "Lots of no-names on the street. Or, unaccounted for. Petty crime went up in the last 24 hours, of //course//," the words are drawn out as she continues, "But the big names? Killer Croc and Bane." She shakes her head, "Don't know, doesn't make any sense to me. At all." Felicity smiles quickly, tightly, "Still working on that one."
Felicity struggles to stand up in the confines of her little spot to crawl/struggle gracelessly over to the back where she has a bunch of miss-matched-looking tech stowed on the sides of the cargo area. A quick smile is given to Slade, genuine and warm before she starts to work on the connectors like, well, a pro.
"Numerous flight logs logged mention a cargo plane. Checked the FAA logs and there wasn't anything officially filed in terms of a flight plans. I was able to track it back to a somewhat logical area, which, well.. encompasses a few thousand miles."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Does this mean you are actually open to camping?" See? Thea is an optimist (at least now she is). You give her an opening like that? She will take it the best way! Of course that she is also teasing her friend. As she often does. Even if she knows she has to get Felicity out more!
But now they are here and Thea takes out her seatbelt as well. Hood comes up, as does the mask over her face. Anonymity is good in Gotham.
She winces at the names presented. Killer Croc and Bane. "Certainly no pushovers." she lets out a sigh. "I think Vin's got the right to it though. It was too nice, too perfect. Too .., professional."
Would she ever suspect Slade? Perhaps. But would she tattle tell on him? Most likely not!
"I am glad to have you both with us though." She says to Vin and Slade. "I will make sure to let Green Arrow know that you were interested in backing us up." a faint smile from under her mask before she begins to open the side of the van.
"So we are going to set some cameras to try and cover that area?" she asks, finishing to slide a sword over her a back sheath along with a collapsed bow.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin looks thoughtful. "The Man-eater is dangerous enough, but from what I've read of him, he is..." she hesitates, hunting for a word. "... Straightforward. He would certainly take advantage of a riot and explosion to break out if the opportunity presented itself, but I do not see him as the type to plan something this complex -- or convince enough people to aid him in carrying it out."
"... The Breaker, on the other hand..." She frowns. "It would certainly match his style, both in careful planning and brutal efficiency. But with him, carnage and mayhem isn't the end goal - just a beneficial side effect to whatever he is truly planning. Probably involving somehow defeating the Batman both in battle and in spirit."
As Thea puts her hood up, she pulls a scarf out of her hoodie's pockets and ties it across the lower half of her face, then pulls her own hood up. Instant budget urban ninja.
She waits for Thea to open the door, then slips outside and scans her surroundings, breathing deeply to taste the air and the wind. This is hostile ground, and treated as such.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
"Felicity is probably not too much into camping."
Slade isn't saying that to be rude, but rather he is simply aware that she likes being around technology. One doesn't get that good at it without being in it's presence often after all. Has Felicity ever been camping? Who knows. But, when they finally arrive, Slade stands up and starts to move. Though he has that moment with Felicity, looking at her and giving her a genuine, warm smile.
Then it's to work.
"Hnnh. Means it was an unscheduled arrival and takeoff." Thea gets a small glance, nodding. "Hm. We'll have to check where there cells were, see if anything comes up." Slade mentions, though he smirks a bit. "I'd appreciate that." Watching Oliver squirm that Slade was involved in this at all would be humorous.
And potentially violent.
"Camera arrows, Thea. It'd help give us a good vantage point." He could do it with a sniper or long-range rifle, but he doesn't have those. Thea's better at bows and arrows than him anyway. He looks at Vin, and he simply puts on a baseball cap to cover his head.
"With Bane, it has never been about the money or the gain. It was always about sending a message."
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity looks up from her organizing to treat Thea to a proper eye-roll. "No." How's that for an easy answer? Looking back at Slade, she nods quickly, that bright smile still leveled at him before she's back to her own task at hand. Even before everyone is out of the truck, she's got everything in place, plugged in and turned on. Logging on is that last bit, which she is doing without any effort.
She makes it look so very easy.
Monitors are up and online, tracking, access to street cameras, access to corner cameras that work.. the day to day of Gotham is alive in this little white panel van.
"Me too." Felicity looks like she's beginning to enjoy herself, even with her coat on. "Feeling like a team day. Go us." Her voice drops, and she adds, "This is supposed to be easy. Plant my cameras and leave. If you see anything, tag it, I'll crosscheck it and we'll be able to clear. Okay?" Please?
Pushing up on her glasses again, she takes a deep breath and exhales, putting herself and her head back into the game. "I gave you coordinates for the cameras and the directions for facing." Trying to make it as easy as possible. "As for Bane, in my copious free time, I'll see if I can't monitor for any mention of his name." After all, Felicity does know how to get into the Dark Web, that dark and mostly untapped basement of the internet. A place where 99% of the world's population has no idea it even exists, much less how to get there. Or how to navigate it.
In a word?
- Thea Queen has posed:
Would Thea *ever* think of giving her brother a little heart race for mentioning Slade helping them out? Certainly not her! Sweet, innocent Thea. If only it wasn't for the little smirk on her expression. Little sisters wouldn't be little sisters without being a source of trouble to their brothers, would they? Or maybe it's her way of calling for attention...
Regardless she smiles faintly, starting to stock up on a few of those camera arrows from the van. Easier than climbing! "We will make sure not to disappoint. Be ready to turn into Big Brother with all the cameras around.." Orson Welles much?
She takes a moment to check on the locations mentioned, a cross reference to the position they are in and then she nods. "Alright, got it." and with the earpiece in place she tests it before telling them. "Let's get moving. Eyes open, ears sharp."
To Slade she asks. "What kind of message do you think he'd be trying to send here? That no prison can hold him?" Thea questions.
Yet as Thea takes stock of Vin's budget urban ninja she grins. "We should get you a suit sometime."
- Vintridr has posed:
"That no one can keep him from acting as he chooses, perhaps?" Vin suggests. "I've encountered such as the Breaker before; if he wishes to wrest Gotham from the Bat's authority, he will want to make his claim explicitly, and dare any and all to challenge him. It's not in their nature to move like a thief in the night; he will smash his way in and take what he wishes."
She starts moving in the indicated direction, senses alert.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade is out of the vehicle and he seems to roll his shoulders a little bit. An eye scans the area, as if looking for any dangers leftover. Hell, Slade is practically betting money on Thea telling Oliver the first chance she gets. Though he ponders Thea's words to him about the message he thinks Bane was trying to send.
"That he has friends."
Which could potentially be a much louder message than him breaking out of prison. Clearly, he made friends with more than a few of the inmates, and even had friends helping him on this operation. Little did they know...
"Heroes and suits." Slade comments with a bit of a smirk, knowing he has his own battle suit.
Vin's words bring a look from Slade. "Indeed. What the people should fear is that he can. And if no one stops him, he will." He states then with a frown. But he keeps moving, putting his hands in his pockets. It felt strange being part of a team.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"I'm Big Brother's cuter and smarter Little Sister," comes back easily. "I mean, really. I am just being lazy. I don't want to pull satellite images down when cameras here work just as well, if not a little better. I don't have to adjust for drift." Felicity smiles, or rather, it's wider to a grin, "You do like the outdoors, right?"
Settling in, Felicity is tuning in, keeping an eye on traffic. Every few seconds, there is a square that attaches itself to a person walking, and in the next millisecond, there is an identifier that first floats under the box, then slides onto the side. This repeats.. and repeats.
"I'll save them for the ocean search later." Oh, she hasn't forgotten about those few thousand miles of territory, nope.
Now, Felicity doesn't know much about 'bad guys', she really doesn't. She's not in the Hero forums, talking about his baddie or that henchman. She's more.. white collar, which is why she's almost NEVER out on the street, as it were. Not unless it was REALLY necessary, and then some. She shakes her head, adding, "I don't even know who that is," is murmured before she does a quick and complete com check. Subtle, nothing overarching. Here, in her domain, she is the consummate professional.
"Well, with friends like that?"
Settling in now, she's got her trackers up and running, and watching the screens. So much better than a stakeout.
"We can go closest to furthest, or.. whatever. You guys are, well.. I trust you all on this one." With any luck, it'll be a short, sweet drop and go. "Not to add any pressure or anything, but I had plans to watch a movie tonight." Yup. Consummate professional.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade seems to smirk a little bit at Felicity's chatter, humming. "I can still take you out to the movie later, Felicity." Slade suggests to her with a bit of a smile, wondering if she'd get nervous and awkward. Slade hasn't broken his promises yet, after all. Granted, he's been wise in only promising what he's been capable of delivering. Uniquely, his eye is on the doors and the cells. He keeps watch for the group itself.
He's ready to put someone down at a moment's notice.
But, they are on a timetable. That's understandable. Keep it short and sweet, even as he glances at Thea, who is hopefully firing off those camera arrows soon.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Furthest to closest, I think," Vin recommends. "Clear our path, then make our way back here gradually."
The look she gives Thea is a bit harder to interpret with a scarf covering her mouth, but the twinkle in her eye hints at a smile underneath. "I approve of your tailor, but red doesn't really suit me," she replies. "I don't suppose she could manage something in dark blue?"
Even as she talks lightly, her eyes never stop scanning the surroundings.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
Nervous and awkward? Her? Really?
There's that moment of silence on the radio, and Felicity is sure that Slade can easily imagine her fumbling for the words, the right words before they're blurted out over the radio. Heck, she's sure that Thea could as well. When Vintridr gets to know the introverted geek, she too will understand what that pause on the radio is all about. Just a matter of time.
Slade is flirting. Being all handsome.. and.. and.. "I was really looking forward to the popcorn." There's a pause again before, "Not just that, obviously, but.." Beat. "Well, and.. we could always just find something in Netflix if it's too late?" NetFlix and chill, apparently, has become something of a euphemism that perhaps she hasn't quite discovered yet for.. 'finding something better to do alone than watch movies'.
Sitting back in her seat once more, blue eyes behind thick lenses looks up at the facial recognition patterning going on upon the monitors. Every once in awhile, there's a *ping* and on yet another monitor, a rap sheet from one of the various agencies comes springing up. One is a little close, even if it appears that there may not be something of a collision course.
"Hey," sounds from earpieces again. "Remember that Six Degrees of Separation thing that I'd mentioned before? There's a Carl Atwood that is running parallel to your position, his brother in law's cousin was part of the jailbreak. And, he's got something of a list of stuff to his name too. Going to keep an eye on him, see if I can't kind of herd him into another direction.."
Exactly how? Felicity doesn't always tell her secrets.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Just nothing like that other friend of ours was dressing..." A reminder of the 'hero costume' that Sif one time came up with. Ugh, she will never look at red and white together in the same manner again. She lets out an involuntary shiver at the memory. "But dark blue, mmmm..." she narrows her eyes at Vin, framing her with her fingers joined together as if she was taking a pic with them. "Yes, I can see it. We insert a little green too because you really don't want to go mono color." Thea knows fashion. She *is* fashion. Heck, she wrote Starling's book of being fashionable.
"We will make this happen." She promises her friend, then looks towards Felicity and Slade. "Felicity, you can't open with Netflix... people will get the wrong idea." she says in admonishment. Of course that while Felicity is in the van she takes her stare to look at Slade. It's an hard look. A narrowed look. A 'what the f are you doing' look.
A few arrows go up. Immaculate shooting too. They get stuck in all those right angles and positions that she believes will be best, the camera on the rear end of the arrow starting to show images. "Alright, I have set up camera One and Two. Let me know if they appear." she says on comms.
"Alright, let us know what you find on that Carl Atwood." She says.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Her prowess and courage are unquestioned by friend and foe, but one thing she has never been is subtle," Vin agrees, then chuckles. "She's rarely had need for it. We all have our talents, and to play to one's strengths is wisdom, would you not agree?" she asks, giving Slade a glance before turning her attention outward again.
She glances at Felicity when she mentions the man. "I could go check out what he's up to," she offers. "What sort of 'stuff' does he have that may be relevant?"
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Felicity would like popcorn.
"Can do." Slade suggests with a bit of a smile into the coms as he keeps moving, though the idea of Netflix in chill makes Slade actually chuckle a little bit, as if to suggest that he's amused and potentially for some Netflix and Chilling. Though Thea's right, it's probably not too wise to open up with that, no matter how funny and amusing it is.
Though honestly, even as Thea fires off her arrows. "Let me know if you spot anything." Though Thea giving Slade that look is met with a 'Relax, I know what I'm doing' kind of look. But Slade keeps walking, though he hums.
"Carl Atwood." He repeats the name, as if to commit it to memory. But if he's moving parralel, Slade's going to try to be in perfect 'boot to the head' position.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Dark blue would look amazing," Felicity seconds. "Not that I'm an expert. That's Thea." After all, the youngest Queen is part of 'that' vaunted world of the elite. Invitations to Fashion House openings, with a capital F, access to high quality couture, Thea's got it all. And she wears it so well.
"Wait, what?" Felicity cants her head, a push on her glasses brings them back up to her a comfortable spot on the bridge of her nose, "What do you mean I can't open with Netflix? What's wrong with that?" It's movie watching! "Thank you, Slade." See? Someone understands! Of course, she's not there and isn't catching the LOOKS between Thea and Slade at the moment.
As the announcements come, Felicity changes tracks, strikes keys, and the cameras go live. She can get a glimpse of the 'crew', and she smiles, adding, "They're good. I have a little subroutine that allows them to cross, giving me full coverage. Got you in view until you turn that corner." Another blind spot, but that's okay. More cameras will be forthcoming.
Her tones sound a touch distant, after moments of silence from her particular mic, "Carjacking. Nice guy. Aw, he should have gotten murder. Instead, looking like a plead down to manslaughter on an ex-girlfriend. Oh.. whose car it was he stole. Great." Felicity's voice lowers, and she's all business. The crime scene photos flicker on a monitor and are gone again; sober realities of how horrible people can be to each other. "He's still walking parallel, east bound, two blocks north of you. I don't think he'll be crossing your path this run." But..
"Thea, if you think about it later, he'd be a good one to tag and visit later." The kind of visit that usually leaves the interrogated with an arrow in the leg, and information in hand.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"No subtlety..." In that Thea agrees with Vin. Still, she does miss her friend. Yet conversations about that will be for later. It won't be Thea revealing that the urban ninja with them is an asgardian after all!
Still, Thea continues her work of setting up those arrows in place, even if Slade's look has her rolling her eyes. 'You know nothing, Slade Wilson', if one goes by famous series sayings. Hey, maybe that's a good Netflix and Chill suggestion! Game of Thrones. Not that she will suggest it. Nope. "Three and four up." she even gives the camera a little wave before continuing.
"Yes, lets tag that guy. Is he in a car?" she asks, a look to the others and then a gesture. "Let's go find this Atwood guy and set a tracker on him." she suggests, starting to diverge from the beaten path to go through an alleyway to the street parallel to the one they are on. "I was a bad man, doing bad things like carjacking but then I took an arrow to the knee.." she hums. No mirth there on her tone. Oh no, she is all about due justice to such trash of society.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Do we want to announce our presence in Gotham?" Vin asks, already moving to cover Thea's changed course. "You mentioned that you wanted to avoid detection for now, after all..."
- Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade replies to Felicity on the coms. Though Slade starts to move upwards and forwards, humming as she speaks on this...honestly, piece of shit guy. To Slade, the world won't miss this Atwood guy. Further, he can cover his steps. "I'll intercept him." Slade suggests as he starts to get moving. Though Thea's words does make him smirk a little bit. An arrow to the knee that is just as painful to remove as it is to put in is...
Well, a wonderful conversation starter.
Loosens the lips quickly, like the hardest liquor.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Please hold," Felicity returns to the requests for positioning. There is a three second moment of radio silence before, "Oh, no. On foot. I was just looking for him." She looks through her screens, pulling up the next couple of traffic cameras. "He's, still headed east bound, though he's slowing down a little, moving from .. huh." She sounds puzzled, and a little curious. "Nope, he's making a left on Clover St., going north."
She does a check on the cameras, though, and her words drawl slowly, "Okay, three is up.. and four is also online. Very nice. Good coverage." She looks at her equipment around her, as old and stodgy as it is, it's working perfectly for her. "Now, want me to come get you or..." Beat. "Nope. You're actually doing something that I suggested. Why am I surprised about that?" Her tones hold that bit of wry humor that she is so known for. "Next time, warn me when you're actually going to do something I mention? I want to write it down and give it to Green Arrow. Sort of like that list of .. stuff on the door that Luther did. Just to show him how amazing I actually am."
Slade's chiming in about interception brings a nod, but of course, no one can actually //hear// that over the coms. "There's something strange about him," Felicity begins, slowly. "Just.. be careful."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Yea, you do have a point.." Thea says to Vin, lips twisting to the side some. Might be good that some discretion is advised. But then Slade is being all helpful about going in to deal with it. That has the Red Arrow cast a look at her mentor, thoughtful but there is no comment besides a brief dip of her head.
"We can continue putting up the cameras and-" See? She even was willing to have Slade do it all on his own for his reasons. But that's all until Felicity speaks of something odd about the target. "Well, maybe we can offer cover." she suggests.
Which isn't really much of a suggestion because she doesn't wait for confirmation, reaching out for an arrow and shooting it up to a roof. It's a grapnel line arrow! She starts going up to follow through the roof. "Come on, Vin. We will provide aerial cover." she says.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin watches Thea grapple up for a moment, then glances from one set of walls to the other before dashing to the left, pushing off at the last minute, landing in a crouch against the wall a good third of the way up, pushing off again and bouncing her way up to the roof with significantly less noise than someone moving that fast ought to make, reaching the rooftop shortly after Thea does. A quick nod to the Red arrow as she summons her own bow, moving into position to cover Slade from one of the roof corners.
- Slade Wilson has posed:
"There's something strange about everyone. But I'll try."
The Green Arrow slip makes Slade narrow his eyes a little bit. Forgot there were affiliations present. Slade remembers Oliver - vividly - even helped him kickstart his journey, helped form him into the bow-using badass that he is. Too bad that here's some bad blood there left still, though for Thea's sake alone Slade would probably leave him alive if they came to blows.
Anyway, Slade continues moving. "Only if you want to." Slade tells Thea, but he's not quite slowing down for her. Very military. Catch up to him if you want to chat. He moves quick, as if intending to so much as drag this man out of a vehicle if he's driving. The super soldier is not slowing down. Though both Thea and Vintridr are remarkable archers, they could probably hit a target beyond the normal range.
- Felicity Smoak has posed:
"This might be a little easier for you," Felicity murmurs as she throws the traffic feeds onto their cellphones. She doesn't have a tracker, no, but she does have potential routes mapped, and she can key in the cameras as they pick up the man's progress. It's all sight tracking. "Green flight jacket, jeans, boots." The rest of his demographic- age, height, weight and the like are also sent via cellphone from her 'borrowed' FBI file.
"Carjacking, murdered his girl- He .. jacked his girlfriend's car. And killed her while she was still in it." Those were the crimescene pics she'd looked at that was part of the jacket.
"I'm betting on meth," Felicity says finally. "Gotta be."
- Thea Queen has posed:
"Everyone could use someone watching their back from time to time, Slade?" Oh yes, Thea knows how much Slade likes the solo plays. But not while Thea is around he won't! So she keeps up at a run, going from rooftop to rooftop to follow up. She goes quiet for now, only her breathing heard from time to time while she parkours. Up a small wall, jumping over an obstacle. Jumping from one roof to the other. It's Gotham, it's like the place was made for vigilantes to be up on rooftops in pursuit of thugs.
Eventually she does start to reach the spot where Slade is, even if she is high up. "We are above you now." She offers through comms, breath a touch ragged. She casts a look at the coordinates Felicity sent and nods sharply. "Should be close, can anyone spot him?"
She frowns. No eagle eyes for her, even if she is a good archer!
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr keeps up with Thea at an effortless pace that would probably seem insulting if one didn't know what she was, giving the young woman enough space to move as she wills, but staying close enough to intervene should a handhold prove less reliable than it seemed.
Once they reach their destination she crouches at the edge of the roof to minimize her profile while she scans the street both for Slade and their prey...