9922/Thoughts and Gardens

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Thoughts and Gardens
Date of Scene: 31 January 2022
Location: American Museum of Natural History
Synopsis: Emma hires Quiet to find some Kryptonian cloners and deal with them. Permanently
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Stefani Houston

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has invited Quiet to meet her over in the museum of Natural History in Central Park. It's quiet - either Emam's found a place all to hereslf or she's just nudged people away from it. So she's just taken a seat while awaiting her companion to come and meet her. Emma has a small envelope over in front of her and is simply waiting for her conversation associate to arrive. She's said merely that it's something minor and not pressing to arrive for, and not something to come immediately on.

Stefani Houston has posed:
An invitation from an employer on an 'off-day', she was curious enough. Besides, things had been relatively profitable for Quiet. Wrapped in what looked to be simple workout wear, shorts and a tank that might make her look like a jogger...

But well, she needed to 'breathe', right?

A nod to Emma, she moves her way to the offered table.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Quiet as she would arrive and gesture, "Hello. I thought you might enjoy something silent." She would reply over and hold her hands out in greeting, then going to pass over the envelope to be taken if the girl would go to sit with her. they were out in the sun where it was nice and bright.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A quirk of her lips in humor at that little pun, the woman takes the offered hand, then the envelope in turn. A little shift to stretch out, there was a nod of thanks from the sniper.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile at Quiet. "I had something that I wished to get your services for. I have.. Little to go on for it unfortunately." She would take a breath, "And it is a long term investigatory thing, not necessarily an attack. One that I do not have the resources to pursue nor a great deal of intelligence. So the choice of taking the job is completely your own if you wish to hear of it."

Stefani Houston has posed:
A raise of her brow, but Quiet nods her head. Bare fingers turn the envelope over, testing it lightly and feeling its weight. Odds are that with her senses she wouldn't have to open it.

Lowering the envelope to her lap there's a nod of her head, indication for the other woman to go ahead.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a breath, "I came upon a.. Child who had been cloned to an adult. Cloned from some extremely powerful beings. She's in the body of an adult but has been alive for roughly two years. She's in a place of safety now but the ones who made her seem to be still operating. The Justice League knows of her existence.. And is probabl looking into those who made her. I want themd ealt with more permanently. They made a child to use as a weapon."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Investigate, locate, eliminate. All skills Quiet possessed and she was sure Emma knew as much. There was another nod, clear indication for Emma to continue speaking as the superhuman was clearly interested in the job so far, enough so that she didn't need to verbalize it if she wanted to.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to hand over an envelope, "I have little to go on, I'm sorry." The envelope has some photos and small files. What information breifly Emma can dig up of anyone with cloning technology that could handle Kryptonians. Non-descript.. S ketches of faces that had been pulled from memories.

"I want them wiped off the face of the planet. I don't care for theatrics. Deal with them as efficiently as you can. They made a child to use her as a weapon."

Emma would go on, "Fifty thousand a week for investigation. If you get useful leads, a hundred thousand for solid information. If you can find and eliminate them.. Five million."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Pricey, but the money could go fast quickly between investigations and the possibility of having to face a Kryptonian clone. Kryptonite wasn't cheap and often it was gathered up by one particular billionaire, so she'd have to consider alternative options.

Her hand lifts, a thumb raised in the most basic of affirmative acceptance. After all, she couldn't know if Emma was simply reading her mind to judge her answers.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Quiet, "If you face circumstances you feel you cannot deal with, merely reconoittir or confirm it's existence ro location an those involved. I can in turn have them dealt with separately or give you appropriate backup. And all expenses you have will be covered. Keep me informed." Emma would dip her head to Quiet.

"If you need me for anything or have any information to pass along.. You know how to contact me."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet nods, her form lifting as she folds the envelope carefully and then tucks it into her bra, pockets being in short supply. She bows her head once more, a farewell from the silent woman before she turns and saunters away, a little lift of her hand over her shoulder given as a wave in farewell.